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The series connection of multistage pumping module is the common concept of deepwater riserless mud recovery drilling system. In this system, the influence of the mass of pumping module on the vibration of mud recovery line cannot be ignored, and the lumped mass method has been utilized to discretize the mud recovery line. Based on the analysis of different boundary conditions, the paper establishes the axial forced vibration model of the mud recovery line considering the seawater damping, and the vibration model analysis provides the universal solution to the vibration model. An example of the two-stage pumping system has been used to analyze the dynamic response of mud recovery line under different excited frequencies. This paper has the important directive significance for the application of riserless mud recovery drilling technology in deepwater surface drilling.  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹秋苗土池越冬的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王桂忠  林琼武 《台湾海峡》1998,17(4):468-472
本文报道1993和1994年秋季作者培育的部分锯缘青蟹仔蟹苗土池越冬试验。结果表明人工培育的青蟹苗在闽南地区的自然条件下,可以在室外土池完全越科,成活率可达60-80%,水温是影响青蟹生命活动的主要因素;由于越冬期间青蟹营养积累不足,导致难以顺利地完成越冬后的第一次生长蜕壳,造成大量死亡,这是影响青蟹越冬存活率的主要因素之一;越科后期病死青蟹肝胰组织进行涂片处理,发现6只受检蟹中2只肝胰组织中有日  相似文献   

The worlds >1500 mud volcanoes are normally in a dormant stage due to the short duration of eruptions. Their dormant stage activity is often characterized by vigorous seepage of water, gas, and petroleum. However, the source of the fluids and the fluid–rock interactions within the mud volcano conduit remain poorly understood. In order to investigate this type of activity, we have combined satellite images with fieldwork and extensive sampling of water and gas at seeping gryphons, pools and salsa lakes at the Dashgil mud volcano in Azerbaijan. We find that caldera collapse faults and E–W oriented faults determine the location of the seeps. The seeping gas is dominated by methane (94.9–99.6%), with a δ13C (‰ V-PDB) in the −43.9 to −40.4‰ range, consistent throughout the 12 analysed seeps. Ethane and carbon dioxide occur in minor amounts. Seventeen samples of seeping water show a wide range in solute content and isotopic composition. Pools and salsa lakes have the highest salinities (up to 101,043 ppm Cl) and the lowest δ18O (‰ V-SMOW) values (1–4‰). The mud-rich gryphons have low salinities (<18,000 ppm Cl) and are enriched in 18O (δ18O = 4–6‰).  相似文献   

Earthquake triggering of mud volcanoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mud volcanoes sometimes erupt within days after nearby earthquakes. The number of such nearly coincident events is larger than would be expected by chance and the eruptions are thus assumed to be triggered by earthquakes. Here we compile observations of the response of mud volcanoes and other geologic systems (earthquakes, volcanoes, liquefaction, ground water, and geysers) to earthquakes. The compilation shows a clear magnitude–distance threshold for triggering, suggesting that these seemingly disparate phenomena may share similar underlying triggering mechanisms. The compilation also shows that pre-existing geysers and already-erupting volcanoes and mud volcanoes are much more sensitive to earthquakes than quiescent systems.  相似文献   

大弹涂鱼土池育苗技术研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在总面积为3 340 m2的4口土池(835 m2/口)进行大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pecti-nirostris(Linnaeus))育苗试验研究。共放养1龄和2龄亲鱼11 000尾,2004年5月16日~5月21日和5月31日~6月4日先后孵出两批仔鱼,每批次的孵化时间持续5~6 d,共孵出仔鱼330×104尾。采用泼洒泥浆、接种轮虫、施肥、调节池水盐度和遮阳控制水温等方法进行仔稚鱼培育,土池育苗取得了突破性进展。初孵仔鱼经过34~53 d的培育,共培育出幼鱼34.76×104尾,幼鱼平均全长23.1 mm,平均体质量100.0 mg,平均成活率10.5%。试验结果表明,大弹涂鱼亲鱼未经性激素注射能在土池洞穴内自然产卵孵化,采取合理的技术措施在土池中进行大弹涂鱼批量育苗是可行的。  相似文献   

Direct visual observation of the Wilmington Canyon axis by research submersible shows that the fill is a very poorly sorted mix of coarse fragments (pebbles, cobbles) dispersed in a muddy matrix. This facies resembles pebbly mudstone units not infrequently associated with ancient deep marine sequences. Earlier dredge, television and camera surveys reveal the widespread nature of slump deposits on the adjacent canyon walls; this type of failure is the major process in the canyon head in terms of sediment volume displaced. Surprisingly, however, only a thin fill occupies the V-shaped axial channel. It is proposed here that down-wall slumps are transformed to debris flow in the axis, and the latter serves as the canyon head flushing mechanism.  相似文献   

Reuse of dredged marine sediments for land reclamation is a sustainable method for disposing the large quantities of dredged spoil, accumulating every year worldwide. However, due to their high water content and low permeability, dewatering and self-sedimentation of the material takes a long time to be completed. Therefore, different methods, such as prefabricated vertical drains and vacuum preloading, are used to improve the consolidation properties of the dredged mud at the port of Brisbane. Among these stabilization methods, vacuum preloading is determined as the most effective method to increase the consolidation of the dredged mud. However, clogging during vacuum consolidation is undesirable. Therefore, electrokinetic stabilization draws attention since it is an environmentally friendly and time efficient method to dewater and consolidate dredged mud significantly. The effectiveness of the electrokinetic stabilization depends on the properties of the soil and the electrode configurations. One-dimensional and two-dimensional electrode configurations are the most popular configurations. In this study, the effect of one-dimensional electrode configuration, which is installation of electrodes in arrays of anodes and cathodes on consolidation parameters of dredged mud, is investigated. Based on this study, the dredged mud sediments can be stabilized using one-dimensional electrokinetic stabilization which resulted in improving compression index and coefficient of volume compressibility and reduction of soil plasticity index.  相似文献   

日本枪乌贼的营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用国家标准营养分析方法及仪器分析方法测定了日本枪乌贼的营养成分。结果表明,日本枪乌贼中粗蛋白含量9.29%,粗脂肪含量1.43%,水分含量85.82%,灰分含量1.79%;18种氨基酸占总干重的55.09%,8种必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的44.46%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值0.80;多不饱和脂肪酸二十二碳六烯酸DHA、二十碳五烯酸EPA、二十碳四烯酸ARA及十八碳二烯酸LA之和占总脂肪酸含量的24.94%;富含无机元素镁,磷,钙,锌。日本枪乌贼蛋白质含量较高,必需氨基酸含量较丰富,粗脂肪含量较低,是营养价值较高的一种海产品。  相似文献   

Quality control in mud coring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consideration of factors influencing the interaction between a corer and sediment suggest the likelihood of significant and anisotropic straining of the particle framework during coring. Direct observations allow the coring process to be discretised, the relative motion of corer, core and sediment to be visualized and confirm that the development of differences between corer penetration and core length is not a continuous process. Records suggest the possibility of dislocation of the relative positions of porewater and particle framework, which may lead to the disequilibration of sorbed species.  相似文献   

北黄海西部的全新世泥质沉积   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
王桂芝  高抒  李凤业 《海洋学报》2003,25(4):125-134
细颗粒沉积物在海洋动力条件下被侵蚀、搬运、堆积过程及其对自然环境的影响是国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)关注的内容之一,陆架区细颗粒沉积物的输运、堆积、再悬浮过程与物质循环有着紧密的关系[1]。泥质沉积中记录了环境变迁的信息,通过对现代环境下的细颗粒沉积的研究,可以了解沉积物的形成环境及堆积过程,有助于恢复古代的沉积历史和沉积环境。  相似文献   

Mechanisms of mud extrusion on the Mediterranean Ridge Accretionary Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Drilling two mud domes on the Mediterranean Ridge during ODP Leg 160 has demonstrated that the eruption of mud breccia began at least 1.5 Ma ago. An evolution through extrusive building of a cone, followed by successive eruptions of clast-bearing mud debris flows and subsequent subsidence can be deduced for both domes. Results from permeability and shear strength tests, grain size analyses, sedimentary textures, and clast provenance provide clues concerning the mechanism of mud volcanism. The collision of Africa with Eurasia resulted in backthrusting of the evaporite-dominated accretionary wedge against a rigid backstop. This allowed egress of overpressured fluid-rich mud of presumed Messinian age from the décollement, although many of the clasts may have originated from the overlying accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Three generations of mud volcanoes on the Louisiana continental slope   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Three mud volcanoes were identified in a small area of the upper continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. One is actively accreting by small, intermittent eruptions of gas and fluid mud. Eruptions occur from a pool of gas- and oil-saturated muds that upwell and spill over the central crater edge and down the flanks of the coneshaped buildup. A second structure, a possible sand volcano, is in the last stages of activity, with only slight evidence of gas-saturated sediments. The third structure is a dormant mud volcano with furrowed sides and scattered authigenic carbonate plates and rubble but no venting of gas or fluids.  相似文献   

“Mud” includes a rheological criterion that implies it exhibits a particular consistency state, the lower boundary of which can be specified through the use of the Atterberg plastic limit, but the upper boundary remains undefined. A relationship between the water content of a hindered settling suspension when its structure changes from fluid-supported to body-supported and its Atterberg liquid limit appears capable of predicting the physical conditions at the moment when the suspension acquires a rheological character sufficient to define the upper surface of mud. This relationship appears consistent and predictable within various marine and estuarine environments.  相似文献   


The preloading method has been widely applied in land reclamation as a green and economical approach to ground improvement. To improve the consolidation behavior, the addition of lime generally improves soil performance. In this article, a modified oedometer equipped with a tactile pressure sensor and a bender–extender element is employed. The effects of lime treatment on the geotechnical properties of dredged mud are investigated; these properties include the coefficient of the earth pressure at rest (K0), settlement, drainage behavior, and evolution of the elastic wave velocity. The results reveal that the addition of lime not only influences the specimen’s deformation behavior but also influences its shear strength during and after loading. Combined with the evolution of the elastic wave velocity, the microstructural evolution of the specimen could be described and explained. It is concluded that a compressional wave is more sensitive to the change in the specimen’s void ratio and saturation. For K0, initially (<25?kPa), the higher the lime content is, the greater the K0 fluctuation is. Afterwards, the higher the lime content is, the smaller the K0 fluctuation is, and finally K0 slowly approaches approximately 0.2.  相似文献   

对南海北部陆架琼东沿岸泥质区$20孔进行了岩性、粒度和常量元素分析,初步探讨了该泥质区常量元素地球化学特征.S20孔岩性较均一,主要为黏土质粉砂,研究区受相对单一而稳定的水动力条件控制.常量元素含量变化符合“元素的粒度控制律”,R型因子分析结果表明,第一因子P2O5,MnO,TiO2,A12O3,Fe2O3和K2O等的...  相似文献   

东沙群岛西南海区泥火山的地球物理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多道反射地震和CHIRP浅地层剖面显示在南海东沙群岛西南陆坡和白云凹陷东部陆坡之间的深水(600~1 000m)陆坡上矗立着一系列高出周围海底50~100m的丘形地质体,其内部地层发生褶皱,反射波呈现杂乱和空白,海底声波屏蔽严重。浅地层剖面还显示丘状构造带有气体羽状构造,从海底进入水体高达50m。海底沉积取样分析表明,这些海丘区的表层分布着生物成因的致密碳酸盐结核。可以推断东沙西南的丘形地质体就是泥火山带,并且可能是一个重要的水合物潜在区。东沙西南海区泥火山表现出构造挤压和带状分布的特点,不同于南海北部神狐和九龙甲烷礁已发现水合物区的非泥火山,也不同于全球其他典型被动大陆边缘的泥火山特征,其构造成因和水合物潜力有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

椒江河口浮泥的分布和调整   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
应用光学和声学泥沙剖面监测系统,进行1991、1994和1995年3个航次的椒江河口最大混浊带纵横剖面和时间剖面观测.在受控于潮流和径流对比条件的周期性调整基础上,椒江河口浮泥层还表现出非主流聚集趋向和洼地聚集趋向,促使最大混浊带保持对边界条件十分敏感的泥沙储库.  相似文献   

Mud volcanoes, mud cones, and mud ridges have been identified on the inner portion of the crestal area, and possibly on the inner escarpment, of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Four areas containing one or more mud diapirs have been investigated through bathymetric profiling, single channel seismic reflection profiling, heat flow measurements, and coring. A sequence of events is identified in the evolution of the mud diapirs: initially the expulsion on the seafloor of gasrich mud produces a seafloor depression outlined in the seismic record by downward dip of the host sediment reflectors towards the mud conduit; subsequent eruptions of fluid mud may create a flat topped mud volcano with step-like profile; finally, the intrusion of viscous mud produces a mud cone.The origin of the diapirs is deep within the Mediterranean Ridge. Although a minimum depth of about 400 m below the seafloor has been computed from the hydrostatic balance between the diapiric sediments and the host sediments, a maximum depth, suggested by geometric considerations, ranges between 5.3 and 7 km. The presence of thermogenic gas in the diapiric sediments suggests a better constrained origin depth of at least 2.2 km.The heat flow measured within the Olimpi mud diapir field and along a transect orthogonal to the diapiric field is low, ranging between 16 ± 5 and 41 ± 6 mW m–2. Due to the presence of gas, the thermal conductivity of the diapiric sediments is lower than that of the host hemipelagic oozes (0.6–0.9 and 1.0–1.15 W m–1 K–1 respectively).We consider the distribution of mud diapirs to be controlled by the presence of tectonic features such as reverse faults or thrusts (inner escarpment) that develop where the thickness of the Late Miocene evaporites appears to be minimum. An upward migration through time of the position of the décollement within the stratigraphic column from the Upper Oligocene (diapiric sediments) to the Upper Miocene (present position) is identified.  相似文献   

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