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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are thought to be the way by which the solar corona expels accumulated magnetic helicity which is injected into the corona via several methods. DeVore (2000) suggests that a significant quantity is injected by the action of differential rotation, however Démoulin et al. (2002b), based on the study of a simple bipolar active region, show that this may not be the case. This paper studies the magnetic helicity evolution in an active region (NOAA 8100) in which the main photospheric polarities rotate around each other during five Carrington rotations. As a result of this changing orientation of the bipole, the helicity injection by differential rotation is not a monotonic function of time. Instead, it experiences a maximum and even a change of sign. In this particular active region, both differential rotation and localized shearing motions are actually depleting the coronal helicity instead of building it. During this period of five solar rotations, a high number of CMEs (35 observed, 65 estimated) erupted from the active region and the helicity carried away has been calculated, assuming that each can be modeled by a twisted flux rope. It is found that the helicity injected by differential rotation (–7×1042 Mx2) into the active region cannot provide the amount of helicity ejected via CMEs, which is a factor 5 to 46 larger and of the opposite sign. Instead, it is proposed that the ejected helicity is provided by the twist in the sub-photospheric part of the magnetic flux tube forming the active region.  相似文献   

Starting from a dipole field and a given distribution of footpoint displace- ment of field lines on the photosphere,we find axisymmetric,force-free field solutions in spherical coordinates that have the same distribution of normal field on the photo- sphere and magnetic topology as the dipole field.A photospheric shear is introduced in the azimuthal direction in a region that strides across the equator and ends at latitude γ_s.The footpoint displacement has a sine distribution in latitude and a peak amplitude of (?)_m.The magnetic energy E,azimuthal flux F_(?),and magnetic helicity H_T in the solar corona are then calculated for each force-free field solution.It is found that for a given shear region range γ_s,all of the three quantities increase monotoni- cally with increasing (?)_m.In particular,both F_(?) and H_T have a linear dependence on (?)m.When (?)_m reaches a certain critical value (?)_(mc),the force-free field loses equilib- rium,leading to a partial opening of the field and the appearance of a current sheet in the equatorial plane.At this point,E,F_(?)and H_T reach their maximum values, E_c,F_((?)c) and H_(Tc).E_c increases,and F_((?)c) and H_(Tc)decrease with decreasing λ_s.It is found that E_c is always smaller than the open field energy,in agreement with the Aly conjecture.Of the three critical parameters,E_c has the weakest dependence on λ_s.Therefore,if one is interested in the transition of a magnetic configuration from a stable state to a dynamic one,the magnetic energy is probably the most appropriate marker of the transition.  相似文献   

1989年7月8日,在AR5572中,北京天文台怀柔太阳观测站观测到宁静日珥的缠绕运动。磁场观测表明,它与磁对消密切相关。  相似文献   

Green  L.M.  Démoulin  P.  Mandrini  C.H.  Van Driel-Gesztelyi  L. 《Solar physics》2003,215(2):307-325
In order to understand whether major flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can be related to changes in the longitudinal photospheric magnetic field, we study 4 young active regions during seven days of their disk passage. This time period precludes any biases which may be introduced in studies that look at the field evolution during the short-term flare or CME period only. Data from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) with a time cadence of 96 min are used. Corrections are made to the data to account for area foreshortening and angle between line of sight and field direction, and also the underestimation of the flux densities. We make a systematic study of the evolution of the longitudinal magnetic field, and analyze flare and CME occurrence in the magnetic evolution. We find that the majority of CMEs and flares occur during or after new flux emergence. The flux in all four active regions is observed to have deviations from polarity balance both on the long term (solar rotation) and on the short term (few hours). The long-term imbalance is not due to linkage outside the active region; it is primarily related to the east–west distance from central meridian, with the sign of polarity closer to the limb dominating. The sequence of short-term imbalances are not closely linked to CMEs and flares and no permanent imbalance remains after them. We propose that both kinds of imbalance are due to the presence of a horizontal field component (parallel to the photospheric surface) in the emerging flux.  相似文献   

We reconstruct mean magnitudes of the open solar magnetic field since 1915 using α magnetic synoptic charts of the Sun. The obtained series allows estimation of the interplanetary magnetic field. They also confirm the known conclusion about the secular increase of the solar open magnetic flux in the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

We have independently investigated water masers associated with the star-forming region W3 IRS5 with the VLBA. Imai et al., found that the maser 3-D motions exhibit outflows, which likely originate from two of the hyper-compact HII regions in this source. Sarma et al., have detected the Zeeman effect in water masers toward W3 IRS5 and measured line-of-sight magnetic field strengths of between 14 and 42 mG. The directions of maser linear polarization are well aligned in the whole maser region and perpendicular to the estimated magnetic field. These polarimetric results are consistent with an hourglass model of the magnetic field in W3 IRS5. Imai et al., also have analyzed the microstructures found in the individual maser features (1AU), which exhibit the fractal fashion and express turbulence on very small scales. Together, we have demonstrated that observations of water masers enable us to comprehensively enhance our understanding of the early stages of the formation of massive stars in clusters.  相似文献   

In earlier works we introduced and tested a nonlinear force-free (NLFF) method designed to self-consistently calculate the coronal free magnetic energy and the relative magnetic helicity budgets of observed solar magnetic structures. In principle, the method requires only a single, photospheric or low-chromospheric, vector magnetogram of a quiet-Sun patch or an active region and performs calculations without three-dimensional magnetic and velocity-field information. In this work we strictly validate this method using three-dimensional coronal magnetic fields. Benchmarking employs both synthetic, three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations and nonlinear force-free field extrapolations of the active-region solar corona. Our time-efficient NLFF method provides budgets that differ from those of more demanding semi-analytical methods by a factor of approximately three, at most. This difference is expected to come from the physical concept and the construction of the method. Temporal correlations show more discrepancies that are, however, soundly improved for more complex, massive active regions, reaching correlation coefficients on the order of, or exceeding, 0.9. In conclusion, we argue that our NLFF method can be reliably used for a routine and fast calculation of the free magnetic energy and relative magnetic helicity budgets in targeted parts of the solar magnetized corona. As explained in this article and in previous works, this is an asset that can lead to valuable insight into the physics and triggering of solar eruptions.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of solar magnetic field evolution it is appropriate to evaluate the magnetic helicity based on observations and to compare it with numerical simulation results. We have developed a method for calculating the vector potential of a magnetic field given in a finite volume; the method requires the magnetic flux to be balanced on all the side boundaries of the considered volume. Our method uses a fast Laplace/Poisson solver to obtain the vector potentials for a given magnetic field and for the corresponding potential (current-free) field. This allows an efficient calculation of the relative magnetic helicity in a finite 3D volume. We tested our approach on a theoretical model (Low and Lou, Astrophys. J. 352, 343, 1990) and also applied our method to the magnetic field above active region NOAA 8210 obtained by a photospheric-data-driven MHD model. We found that the amount of accumulated relative magnetic helicity coincides well with the relative helicity inflow through the boundaries in the ideal and non-ideal cases. The temporal evolution of relative magnetic helicity is consistent with that of magnetic energy. The maximum value of normalized helicity, H m2=0.0298, is reached just before a drastic energy release by magnetic reconnection. This value is close to the corresponding value inferred from the formula that connects the magnetic flux and the accumulated magnetic helicity based on the observations of solar active regions.  相似文献   

从知道某些天体具有磁场起,人们就对其磁场的起源提出种种解释,例如有电池说,转子说,化石说,发电机说等等。但由于这些学说都分别与某些观测事实相抵触而未被公认,因此星球磁场的起源一直是未能解决的命题。余先河先生提出,星球的磁场起源可能与所受的引力有关,行星的磁场强度正比于其所受卫星的引力;正比于卫星与行星的引力连线转动的相对角速度。本文对这两方面的命题分别进行了相关分析,得到其相关系数分别为:r=0.8481和r=0.8425,它们都在a=0.01的信度水平上相关。结果表明余新河关于行星磁场起源的设想是有基础的。本文还对其统计结果和可能机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Spectro-polarimetric observations of active regions were carried out in the spectral lines of Sii 10827.1 Å and Hei 10830 Å to study the three-dimensional magnetic field structure and associated plasma flow properties. Comparison of Sii and Hei magnetograms with the potential field model shows that a large fraction of the magnetic field is consistent with the potential field structure, by assuming that the height difference between the origin of the two lines is about 1200 km. The slope of the scatter plot between Sii and Hei magnetograms is 0.5, 0.76 in an emerging flux and a larger active region, respectively. These values are lower than the scatter plot slopes obtained from Kitt Peak photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms, in which case the corresponding values are 0.83 and 0.9, respectively. Considering the height difference between these two sets of chromospheric magnetograms, this implies that the magnetic field spreads out faster near the transition region heights. Dopplergrams obtained by determining the centroid of the asymmetric line profiles show that, in case of emerging flux region, the chromospheric upflow regions are located in the magnetic neutral line areas.  相似文献   

Three differential equations of the first order (26)—(28) which determine the trajectory are deduced. An approximate integration by means of elementary functions yields a set of formulas (in chapt. 13. Conclusions) that give a „window”︁ in the sky inside of which the radiation point of a high energy cosmic ray (monotonely bent in the magnetic field) must lie.  相似文献   

We observed the line-of-sight magnetic field in the chromosphereand photosphere of a large quiescent filament on the solar disk on September 6, 2001 using the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope in Huairou Solar Observing Station. The chromospheric and photospheric magnetograms together with Hβ filtergrams of the filament were examined. The filament was located on the neutral line of the large scale longitudinal magnetic field in the photosphere and the chromosphere. The lateral feet of the filament were found to be related to magnetic structures with opposite polarities. Two small lateral feet are linked to weak parasitic polarity. There is a negative magnetic structure in the photosphere under a break of the filament. At the location corresponding to the filament in the chromospheric magnetograms, the magnetic strength is found to be about 40-70 Gauss (measuring error about 39 Gauss). The magnetic signal indicates the amplitude and orientation of the internal magnetic field in the filament. We discuss several possible causes which may produce such a measured signal. A twisted magnetic configuration inside the filament is suggested .  相似文献   

利用云南天文台声光频谱议1991年6月观测到的来自6659活动区的米波射电爆发记录,及其光学活动、磁场速度场的资料,作了分析研究。得到了一些有意义的结果  相似文献   

我们在文[1]的启发下,计算了磁中性线附近异极性磁区相互入侵(或挤压)引起的等离子体动力学问题。气体初态取用流行的宁静太阳光球色球大气模型,即非等温的密度指数变化的重力分层大气。采用Lagrangian格式数值求解自洽的MHD方程,这可使入侵力学变得直观明显——磁场随流体而运动。我们的新结果是入侵流动在光球低层产生出强的水平磁场(即强的横向场),但光球高层和色球低层的磁结构却变化不大,有力地支持了文[13]提出的光球色球里可能出现磁流体力学间断面的概念。入侵确实在磁中性线附近建立了电流片,但这电流片主要在光球低层,其量级和观测一致。另外还显示垂直下降运动也可能导致异极磁区的入侵。尽管在MHD~1方程里包含了电阻耗散和热传导流,但计算证明它们对入侵力学影响不大,热传导的作用只是使气体温度分布逐渐趋于宁静太阳分布(尽管高度变了)。  相似文献   

A double discontinuity is a rarely observed compound structure composed of a slow shock layer and an adjoining rotational discontinuity layer in the downstream region. In this paper, we report the observations of a double discontinuity detected by Wind on May 15, 1997. This double discontinuity is found to be the front boundary of a magnetic cloud boundary layer. We strictly identify the shock layer and the rotational discontinuity layer by using the high-resolution plasma and magnetic field data from Wind. The observed jump conditions of the upstream and downstream region of the slow shock layer are in good agreement with the Rankine – Hugoniot relations. The flow speeds in the shock frame U n <V Acos θ Bn on both sides of the slow shock layer. In the upstream region, the slow Mach number M s1=U n1/V s1 is 1.95 (above unity), and in the downstream region, the slow Mach number M s2=U n2/V s2 is 0.31 (below unity). Here V A and V s represent the Alfvén speed and the local slow magnetosonic speed, respectively, and θ Bn is the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the shock normal. The magnetic cloud boundary layer observed by Wind was also detected by Geotail 48 min later when the spacecraft was located outside the bow shock of the magnetosphere. However, Geotail observations showed that its front boundary was no longer a double discontinuity and the rotational discontinuity layer disappeared, indicating that this double discontinuity was unstable when propagating from Wind to Geotail.  相似文献   

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