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We present evidence of a submerged early Holocene landscape off the Blekinge coastline in the Baltic Sea, dating to the Yoldia Sea and Initial Littorina Sea Stages when the water level was lower than at present. 14C dated wood remains obtained by surveillance diving and new archaeological findings in combination with bathymetric analyses and interpolations between other sites across the Baltic Sea were used for refinement of the shoreline displacement history of the region. The new results reveal a Yoldia Sea lowstand level at 20 m b.s.l., a subsequent Ancylus Lake highstand at 3 m a.s.l., and then a period of relatively stable water level at about 4 m b.s.l. during the Initial Littorina Sea Stage, several metres lower than previously concluded. The refined shoreline displacement record was used for palaeo‐reconstructions of the study area during four key periods, the Yoldia Sea lowstand phase, the Ancylus Lake transgression phase, the Ancylus Lake highstand phase and the Initial Littorina Sea lowstand phase, using elevation data and map algebra functions. A flow accumulation algorithm was used for reconstruction of the now submerged prehistoric river network in order to identify areas of high archaeological potential. Our revised shoreline displacement record, and especially its lowstand period during the Initial Littorina Sea Stage around 9500–8500 cal. a BP, raises future demands not only for specific archaeological shallow‐water surveys down to 4 m b.s.l. in the area, but also for a renewed cultural heritage management strategy. The results of this study fill an important gap in the early Holocene part of the shoreline displacement history of Blekinge, contributing to its completion since the deglaciation, which is unique for the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Shoreline displacement data from the Trondheimsfjord area have been collected and a synthesis of the Late Weichselian and Holocene relative uplift is presented. The isobase direction is N 30–35°E during the whole period. The gradients of the shorelines are 1.7? m/km at 11,800 years B.P., 1.3 m/km at 10,000 years B.P., gradually decreasing towards the present with a value of 0.2 m/km at 5,000 years B.P. Some irregularities in the shoreline gradient curve in the Late Weichselian and Preboreal chronozones may be ascribed to crustal readjustments by faults. An interpolation of the 9,500 years B.P. shoreline to the Ångermanland and Baltic area shows a relative uplift at 11,800 years B.P. of 400–450 m in the central area of glaciation. The island of Hitra was probably deglaciated at about 12,000 years B.P. and Ørlandet/Bjugn somewhat later. The Younger Dryas ice marginal deposits at Tautra have been deposited early in this chronozone, and deposits proximal to this at Hoklingen and Levanger were probably deposited in the late part of the same chronozone.  相似文献   

The coastal zone of Norrbotten, northern Sweden, was gradually inundated by the Ancylus Lake following the retreating ice margin and forming a highest coastline approximately 210 m above the present sea level. The succeeding shore displacement is reconstructed based on lithological investigations and radiocarbon datings of identified isolation sequences from 12 cored lake basins. The highest lake basins, along with two basins above the highest shoreline, suggest ice-free conditions already at 10 500 cal. yr BP. This is at least 500 years earlier than previously thought and implies rapid ice-sheet break-up in the Gulf of Bothnia. The shore displacement (RSL) curve represents a forced regression of successively decreasing rate through the Holocene, from 9 m/100 yr to 0.8 m/100 yr. During the first 1000-1200 years, the isostatic uplift is exponentially declining, followed by a constant uplift rate from c. 9500 cal. yr BP to 5500-5000 cal. yr BP. The last 5000 years seem to be characterized by a low but constant rebound rate. The development of the Ancylus Lake stage of the Baltic may also be discerned in the Norrbotten RSL curve, suggesting that the chronology of the Ancylus Lake stages may have to be revised. The Littorina transgression is also reflected by the RSL curve shape. In addition, a series of early to mid-Holocene beach terraces were OSL-dated to allow for comparison with the 14C-dated shore displacement curve. Interpretations of these ages and their relation to former sea levels were clearly more problematic than the dating of the lake basin isolations.  相似文献   

The shore displacement during the Holocene in southeastern Ångermanland, Sweden, has been investigated by means of radiocarbon-dating of isolation intervals in sediment cores from a total of nine new basins. Results from earlier investigations have been used in complement. There is a forced regression in the area from c. 9300 BP ( c . 10500 cal. yr BP) until c . 8000 BP ( c . 9000 cal. yr BP), on average c . 8 m/100 years, after which there is a gradually slowing regression of c . 2.5–1.0 m/100 years up to the present time. The most rapid regression occurs during the later phase of the Ancylus Lake stage, 9500–9000 cal. yr BP. There is no evidence of halts in the regression. Crustal uplift in the area since deglaciation is c . 310 m. The deglaciation of southeastern Ångermanland took place c . 9300 BP ( c . 10500 cal. yr BP); this is c . 900 years earlier than the age given by clay varve dating. The shore displacement curve provides a means of estimating the difference between the clay varve time scale and calibrated radiocarbon dates, by comparison with varve-dated altitudes of alluvial deltas of the River Ångermanalven. From c. 2500 to c. 8000 cal. BP there is a deficit in clay varves of some 300 years; further back in time this discrepancy increases significantly. The main explanation for the discrepancy is most likely lacking varves in the time-span 8500–10200 cal. yr BP, located along the upper reaches of River Ångermanalven below the highest shore level.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(11-12):1476-1498
Palynological and sedimentological studies were performed at two Holocene profiles in erosion gullies (Ze’elim and Ein Feshkha) which dissect the retreating western shore of the Dead Sea. The aim of the project was to analyse possible links between climate, lithology, and vegetation development. The section in Ze’elim shows both lacustrine and fluvial sediments, whereas sedimentation at Ein Feshkha is predominantly lacustrine. The Ze’elim profile, previously used for paleo-lake reconstruction provides an opportunity to compare climate triggered lake levels as paleo-hydrological indicators and vegetation history by use of palynology. The vegetation development in Ze’elim and Ein Feshkha is influenced by both climate and human impact. The pollen record of Ze’elim begins in the Pottery Neolithic, the section of Ein Feshkha in the Late Bronze Age, both records end in the Middle Ages. The Ze’elim section is characterized by sedimentary hiati between the beginning of the Chalcolithic Period until the Middle Bronze Age and within the Late Bronze Age. Settlement periods during the Middle Bronze Age, Iron Age and Hellenistic–Roman–Byzantine Period are indicated by high values of anthropogenic indicators and/or Mediterranean trees. Collapses of agriculture, which can be related to climate effects, are evident during the Late Bronze Age, during the Iron Age and at the end of the Byzantine Period when the lake level curve indicates arid conditions. A comparison of the two pollen records, from different environments, illustrates a more prominent influence of Mediterranean vegetation and cultivated plants in the pollen diagram of Ein Feshkha. The southern Dead Sea region (at the desert fringe) is more vulnerable to regional climate change.  相似文献   

Integrated palaeoecological studies of two fiord sediment sequences in the province of Blekinge, SE Sweden, covering the time span 11,000–5000 cal BP, reveal the timing and the environment for the Ancylus Lake/Littorina Sea transition 9800–8500 cal BP. The first ingression of saline water into the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits occurred earlier than formerly assumed. New evidence, particularly mineral magnetic and palaeobotanical analyses, demonstrate that on the general trend of the eustatically caused Littorina transgression several minor fluctuations of the water level can be identified between 8500 and 5000 cal years BP. A distinct regression phase around 8100 cal BP is correlated with the Greenland ice-core cold event dated to 8200 ice-core years BP. This is described as a regional climatic catastrophe for the Baltic Sea region. The coastal stratigraphy is compared with the offshore stratigraphy earlier studied. A tentative shore displacement curve for Early and Middle Holocene is presented.  相似文献   

王宏  商志文  李建芬 《地质通报》2010,29(5):627-640
以渤海湾泥质海岸带为例,从形态和地层证据2个方面总结了全新世岸线变化与海洋作用对该地区海岸带发育的影响。中全新世以来千年级别的岸线变迁至少以6次停顿(形成贝壳堤和泥质岭地)和岸进的交替为特征。过去130年间10年级别的岸线变化分为4个阶段,显示了"小冰期"结束后随气温上升而发生的岸线自然蚀退是如何逐渐被人类活动(特别是2000年以来的围海造陆)所取代的。全新世海相沉积中发现的9个峰值期和晚全新世的7次风暴驱动事件,表明了研究区泥质海岸带增强的海洋影响。这些结果提供了一条经由地质背景认识现代泥质海岸带过程的途径。  相似文献   

Three independent varve (annually laminated) chronologies, verified by paleomagnetic dating, were used in the present biostratigraphical study to investigate the history of the Baltic basin in central Finland. Diatom analyses of the studied sediment sequences show the transition from the Ancylus Lake taxa to small-lake diatoms at the isolation boundary. These three varved profiles provide the following data and information on early Holocene events in central Finland: (i) a shoreline displacement curve between the deglaciation at ca. 9000 BC and ca. 7000 BC, (ii) relative emergence of the land area between 116 and 96 m above the present day sea level, which proceeded at a rate of ca. 2.6 cm year−1, (iii) the calendar year age for the Lake Ancylus at ca. 8250–8200 BC, and (iv) the calendar year age for the Betula/Pinus pollen zone boundary (ca. 8100 BC) and Alnus arrival (ca. 7100 BC).  相似文献   

以渤海湾泥质海岸带为例,从形态和地层证据2个方面总结了全新世岸线变化与海洋作用对该地区海岸带发育的影响。中全新世以来千年级别的岸线变迁至少以6次停顿(形成贝壳堤和泥质岭地)和岸进的交替为特征。过去130年间10年级别的岸线变化分为4个阶段,显示了"小冰期"结束后随气温上升而发生的岸线自然蚀退是如何逐渐被人类活动(特别是2000年以来的围海造陆)所取代的。全新世海相沉积中发现的9个峰值期和晚全新世的7次风暴驱动事件,表明了研究区泥质海岸带增强的海洋影响。这些结果提供了一条经由地质背景认识现代泥质海岸带过程的途径。  相似文献   

This project has reconstructed the palaeogeographic and environmental evolution of Lake Chokrak on the Kerch Peninsula, Ukraine, during the mid‐ and late‐Holocene. This record has been evaluated in association with a regional archaeological data set to explore human–environment interactions over this period. The results show major changes in the palaeogeographic setting of Lake Chokrak since the 3rd millennium B.C., when the postglacial marine transgression had started to fill the study area. Microfaunal analyses reveal the long persistence of an open marine embayment that only became separated from the Sea of Azov when a sand barrier developed during the late 2nd millennium B.C. When colonizing the Black Sea region after the 8th century B.C., the Greek settlers erected a fortification with a small settlement on a promontory that was by then a peninsula‐like headland extending into the lake. The colonists abandoned their settlement at the end of the 1st millennium B.C. when the depth of the surrounding lake decreased from 1.5 m to less than 1 m. Today, Lake Chokrak dries up completely during summer. A detailed relative sea level (RSL) curve for the northern coast of Kerch has been established. Sea level reached its highest position at the present day. Since the 3rd millennium B.C., sea level continuously rose, without any of the previously postulated regression/transgression cycles. The RSL curve indicates differential subsidence rates within short distances in relatively stable areas, exceeding 40 cm per 1000 years. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A gastropod fauna comprising 17 species, each represented by a limited number of specimens, is described from a Late Cretaceous, late early Campanian rocky shore at Ivö Klack, southern Sweden. The gastropod fauna is associated with the most diverse ancient rocky shore fauna ever found. However, the low gastropod species diversity compared to the faunas of modern rocky shores is ascribed to taphonomic factors, notably dissolution of the aragonitic shells, but the predominance of epifaunal herbivores is indicative of a guild structure similar to that found on modern rocky shores. The presence of drill holes assigned to the ichnospecies Oichnus simplex suggests the former presence of muricid gastropods which have not been found as body fossils. A single drill hole is referred to Oichnus paraboloides and was probably made by a naticid gastropod. The infaunal mode of life of naticids makes preservation of such drill holes difficult, since the majority of infaunal prey such as burrowing bivalves has aragonitic shells which are not preserved. The relatively high number of species in comparison to many other Late Cretaceous rocky shore faunas, offers an opportunity to compare gastropod guild structure at Ivö Klack with modern counterparts, even though taphonomic processes such as mechanical destruction and aragonite dissolution have played an important role in the fossil gastropod assemblage.  相似文献   

Deglaciation took place in eastern Jämtland and Ångermanland in central Sweden c . 10 500–10 200 cal. yr BP. In the present study, vegetation development and shore displacement during the earliest ice-free period are investigated by 14C dating of sediment from six isolated lake basins and by pollen analysis. A brief but distinct peak in Hippophaë occurs in all pollen diagrams coincident with basin isolation, followed by up to 500 years (varying locally) by an Alnus rise. The Alnus curve does not display a synchronous rise in the area. Its expansion below the highest shore level is time-transgressive and controlled mainly by the timing of basin isolation. The relationship between regional Alnus expansion and changes in hydrology and climate is discussed. The pollen diagrams show Pinus predominance with Corylus to the east (more coastal areas) and Betula predominance (though less pronounced) to the west during the period 10 200–9000 cal. yr BP. However, comparisons between sites suggest marked variability in the forest development. Shore displacement in easternmost Jämtland c . 10 300–9000 cal. yr BP is equal to or slightly more rapid than that of SE Ångermanland, contrary to the present pattern of isostatic recovery. A rapid shore level regression c . 10 300–10 000 cal. yr BP may be related to drainage of the Ancylus Lake.  相似文献   

In sections and cores from an area of the Baltic Ice Lake in Blekinge complete varve series of fine-grained glacial sediments have been found. It is possible to divide the series, from bottom to top, into four varve types. A core from Karlshamn in Blekinge shows most varves of the investigated localities, in all 355 varves. Antevs' (1915) local chronology has been used, as the most recent revision of the Swedish time scale has not yet been completed. The chronology in this investigation ranges from - 325 to + 315, or 640 years. The varve chronology and the velocity of the ice recession, c. 90 m/year in northeastern Skåne, shows good agreement with the work of Antevs, whose unpublished diagrams have been re-worked and used in this investigation.  相似文献   

Pollen data from a Levinson-Lessing Lake sediment core (74°28'N, 98°38'E) and Cape Sabler, Taymyr Lake permafrost sequences (74°33'N, 100°32'E) reveal substantial environmental changes on the northern Taymyr Peninsula during the last c. 32 000 [Formula: See Text]C years. The continuous records confirm that a scarce steppe-like vegetation with Poaceae, Artemisia and Cyperaceae dominated c. 32 000-10 300 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP, while tundra-like vegetation with Oxyria, Ranunculaceae and Caryophyllaceae grew in wetter areas. The coldest interval occurred c. 18 000 yr BP. Lateglacial pollen data show several warming events followed by a climate deterioration c. 10 500 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP, which may correspond with the Younger Dryas. The Late Pleistocene/Holocene transition, c. 10 300-10 000 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP, is characterized by a change from the herb-dominated vegetation to shrubby tundra with Betula sect. Nanae and Salix. Alnus fruticosa arrived locally c. 9000-8500 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP and disappeared c. 4000-3500 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP. Communities of Betula sect. Nanae, broadly distributed at c. 10 000-3500 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP, almost disappeared when vegetation became similar to the modern herb tundra after 3500-3000 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP. Quantitative climate reconstructions show Last Glacial Maximum summer temperature about 4°C below the present and Preboreal (c. 10 000 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP) temperature 2-4°C above the present. Maximum summer temperature occurred between 10 000 and 5500 [Formula: See Text]C yr BP; later summers were similar to present or slightly warmer.  相似文献   

Comprehensive analysis of the data of high-precision seismoacoustic profiling, drilling and sampling of deposits using seabed corers, biostratigraphic studies, and radiocarbon age data was performed for the first time for Mangyshlak sediments in several bottom sites of the North Caspian. It was found that the Mangyshlak sediments comprise numerous linearly stretched depressions of 5–10 m in depth (morphologically similar to modern substeppe ilmen areas in the Volga River delta), which are covered by the Novocaspian sedimentary cover, and river incisions (among them the largest Volga River valley). In addition, the Mangyshlak sediments comprise the deltaic alluvial fans of different sizes along the shelf zone of the North Caspian. Analysis of mollusks and biogenic remains indicates that accumulation of the Mangyshlak sediments occurred in freshwater and slightly salty water environments under various hydrodynamic and hydrochemical conditions. According to radiocarbon dating of organic matter, the Mangyshlak sediments formed during sea regression in the range of 10-8 ka (isotopic age) or 11.5-8.5 ka (calendar age). Several types of sediments are distinguished: clayey-carbonate sediments, enriched with organic matter up to the formation of sapropel and peat, accumulated at the lowest sea level; weakly calcareous silty-clayey silts, formed during the subsequent intense filling of paleodepressions with terrigenous material. The features of the mineral composition of sediments are as follows: polymineral composition of clayey material with a high proportion of hydromica and disordered mixed-layered formations, a high content of minerals of the epidote group, amphiboles, and other accessory minerals. All of this indicates a genetic relationship between the Mangyshlak sediments and the Volga terrigenous material.  相似文献   

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