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In 1998 an area near Helagsfjället in Härjedalen was investigated in an attempt to relocate palsas discovered by the botanist Harry Smith in 1910. Several small palsa-like features with ice cores were detected. The palsas were found on an almost flat peat bog at 950 m, 3 km NW of Helagsfjället. Five clearly elevated mounds and some indistinct ones with palsa-like features were traced. The five mounds were about 0.6 m high and had an area of about 2 × 3 m. One of the mounds was examined in more detail. At a depth of 0.3 m in the peat an ice body with a hard ice core was found. This location is the most southerly area known with occurrence of palsa-like forms in Sweden at the present time. In spite of a warmer climate towards the latter part of this century, palsa-like features have survived in this area. The mean annual temperature barely fits the criterion for palsa formation while the mean annual precipitation is too high as compared with the general assumptions. The palsa formation is probably dependent on strong winds thinning out the snowcover.  相似文献   

中国第二次北极科考航线海冰密集度和厚度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
单点海冰调查是构成线、面海冰资料的基础,这些资料对于大面积海冰遥感资料的对比研究是必要的。虽然由于海冰时空变化引起一定差异,大面积统计意义上的冰情条件具有正确性。依据2003年7-9月中国第2次北极科学考察期间,沿航线进行的船舶海冰调查资料,航空海冰调查资料和浮冰站海冰调查资料,以图表形式归纳总结了航线上的冰情、海冰密集度、厚度剖面和单点厚度值;给出海冰密集度和厚度的空间分布。  相似文献   

10 m and 2.3 m ice cores were obtained on Austre Brøggerbreen, Spitsbergen in Svalbard (78°53 ' N, 11°56 ' E, 450 m a.s.l.) in September 1994 and in March 1995, respectively. Stratigraphy, bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity, and major ions were obtained from the core samples.
The chemical effect of meltwater percolation through snow/ice is examined. Good correlation between Cl and Na+ was obtained. The ratio of Cl to Na+ was 1.14 which was nearly the same value as in bulk sea water. However, the variation of Cl/Na+ shows that higher ratio occured in the bubble-free ice. Furthermore the Cl ions remain in higher concentration than SO 4 2− or Na+ ions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this contribution is to explain the characteristics of a newly developed ice drill which is particularly geared to the needs of glaciologists. It is primarily designed for drilling holes for ablation stakes and for measuring water levels or temperatures in firn areas. Its distinguishing features are its light weight, making it easy to carry even over long distances, and the variety of tasks to which it can be adjusted. Furthermore, it is easy to operate even by one person.
Water is heated in a boiler by two gas flames to produce steam, which flows through an insulated hose to a nozzle. When the valve is opened the issuing steam condenses, and the heat released in the process melts the ice. The heater is constructed in such a way that it can easily be adapted to any form of gas supply locally available. It can be used for drilling in ice as well as in firn. The maximum drilling depth is 13 m in ice and 30 m in firn; hole diameters range from 25 to 45 mm. Mean drilling time is 16 min for 6 m, 35 min for 12 m in ice. The total weight is somewhat less than 16 kg, including all parts needed for drilling holes of 10 m in depth as well as the gas supply for one day. In recent years, devices of this type have been used successfully by scientists in various glaciated regions.  相似文献   

唐承财  肖小月  秦珊 《地理研究》2023,42(2):332-351
推动冰雪旅游高质量发展践行了“冰天雪地也是金山银山”发展理念,助推着体育强国、健康中国建设,满足了人民日益增长的美好生活需要。中国冰雪旅游历经三十多年的发展,已形成规模化、整体化发展格局;北京冬奥会的筹办更是给冰雪旅游带来重大发展契机,利好政策陆续出台,消费热情不断高涨。与此同时,冰雪旅游相关研究也持续涌现,取得了丰厚研究成果。文章以“内涵辨析-脉络梳理-体系构建”为逻辑主线,从冰雪旅游基础概念、发展脉络演进、研究内容、研究方法及区域等方面对中国冰雪旅游展开分析和评述。研究表明:冰雪旅游内涵丰富,学者们从资源、动机以及季候等视角展开了概念界定;冰雪旅游研究历经4个阶段,研究与实践联系日益紧密,产业发展受资源、政策、市场等因素驱动;研究内容已形成一定体系,与国家、产业发展战略的结合有待加强;以定性研究为主,缺乏定量、纵深研究;研究区域高度集中在东北、华北地区,且视角较为宏观。最后提出从理论构建及研究视角、研究内容、研究方法、区域等方面进行未来研究的创新。以期推动中国冰雪旅游研究的理论化和体系构建,引领和指导未来冰雪旅游领域研究,推进中国后冬奥时代冰雪旅游高质量发展。  相似文献   

Detailed mass balance measurements have been carried out on Storglaciären since 1945, adhering to a fixed system of measurements since the 1960s. Using a geographical information system approach, the effect of parameters such as density conversion model, systematic snow probing error and ablation gradient calculation on the mass balance of the glacier can be investigated. It is evident that the measure of total mass balance of Storglaciären is not sensitive to variations in these parameters. This means that reasonable estimates of the mass balance of a glacier can be made with very little information, given that measurements are distributed over the glacier surface. However, the uncertainty that may result from varying the parameters is c . 0.1 m water equivalent. Hence, reporting mass balance to centimetre or even millimetre resolution is questionable. When considering mass balance measurements as input for flow models, for example, i.e. requiring a distributed balance, the detail necessary in the measurements becomes significantly greater. At this level careful attention must be made to all parameters entering the mass balance calculation. From this it seems evident that any measurements at intermediate complexity do not increase the accuracy of the mass balance in relation to the extra work required and that the choice of method determines the scientific problems to which the data is applicable.  相似文献   

中国滑雪场空间分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
滑雪场是冰雪运动的空间载体和冰雪产业赖以发展的重要依托。研究滑雪场的空间分布特征及其影响因素,对冰雪产业发展具有重要意义。以中国770家滑雪场作为研究对象,运用最邻近指数、不均衡指数、核密度分析等方法对滑雪场的空间分布特征进行分析,在此基础上构建地理加权回归模型探究其空间分布的影响因素。研究发现:① 中国滑雪场主要分布在黑龙江、山东、新疆、河北等北方地区,在空间分布上属于聚类分布型,具有聚集性和不均衡性的分布特征;② 已形成以哈尔滨为中心的黑龙江高密度区和以北京为中心的京津冀高密度区,以及以长治为中心的晋冀豫次级高密度区;③ 地形、气温、经济、城市、交通因素对滑雪场影响的空间差异性显著,包括正负值差异和高低值差异;④ 自然因素和社会因素对滑雪场空间分布的影响程度呈现出一定的内部差异性,其中自然因素产生的空间差异性更大,社会因素对滑雪场空间分布的影响具有一致性,整体呈正相关,且主要作用于北方地区的滑雪场。  相似文献   

史久新 《极地研究》2018,30(3):287-302
本文介绍了近期南极冰架-海洋相互作用的研究进展。冰架底部融化速率大于前缘崩解通量,成为南极冰盖质量损失的首要途径。冰架下的海洋按照底部融化驱动因素的不同,可以分为由高密度陆架水驱动的冷冰腔和由变性绕极深层水驱动的暖冰腔。威德尔海的菲尔希纳-龙尼冰架和罗斯海的罗斯冰架属于冷冰腔,占南极冰架总面积的2/3,却只贡献了15%的净融化;东南太平洋扇区阿蒙森海和别林斯高晋海等若干属于暖冰腔的小型冰架,虽然只占南极冰架总面积的8%,却贡献了超过一半的冰架融水。以往看做冷冰腔的东南极托滕冰架和埃默里冰架,也相继发现有变性绕极深层水进入冰腔并造成底部融化。冰架对海洋有冷却和淡化的作用。冷冰腔输出的冰架水具有海洋中最低的温度,对南极陆架水性质乃至南极底层水的形成都有影响。冰架融化加剧,可能是近期观测到的南极底层水淡化的原因。  相似文献   

Pollen collected from snow samples on the Quelccaya Ice Cap in 2000 and 2001 reveals significant interannual variability in pollen assemblage, concentration, and provenance. Samples from 2000, a La Niña year, contain high pollen concentrations and resemble samples from the Andean forests (Yungas) to the east. Samples from 2001, an El Niño year, contain fewer pollen and resemble those from the Altiplano. We suggest that varying wind patterns under different El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) conditions may affect the processes of pollen transport over the Altiplano and on the ice cap, although confounding variables such as flowering phenology and sublimation should also be considered  相似文献   

通过利用2010年1月—2016年12月CALIOP(the Cloud-aerosol lidar with orthogonal polariz-ation)冰云和气溶胶3级月平均产品和MODIS(Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer)大气3级日平均产品研究气溶...  相似文献   

分三个阶段,即早期冰雷达系统(20世纪60至80年代)、第二代冰雷达系统(20世纪8O年代至2000年)和新冰雷达系统(2ooo年之后),综述了极地冰盖冰雷达探测技术的发展。最后,展望了冰雷达探测技术未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Feature tracking of orthorectified pairs of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer satellite images is used to calculate velocities for the Tasman Glacier, New Zealand (2002–2014) and the Khumbu Glacier, Nepal (2001–2008). Velocities in the middle and upper ablation zones of both glaciers show a long‐term decrease of ~10–20%, while the terminus of Khumbu Glacier has remained near stagnation throughout the study period. In contrast, there has been a recent acceleration of the lower terminus of Tasman Glacier, from ~5 m a–1 in 2002 to 40 m a–1 in 2014. Both of these glaciers have an extensive supraglacial debris cover across their lower ablation regions, with the Khumbu Glacier terminating on land and the Tasman Glacier terminating in a proglacial lake. The rapid recent increase in velocity of the terminus of Tasman Glacier is closely correlated with the increase in size of its proglacial lake. These results indicate the complex dynamic changes that mountain valley glaciers may undergo in response to long‐term negative mass balance.  相似文献   

东南极夏季中山站邻近固定冰DMS、DMSP分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国第30次南极科学考察期间,在中山站邻近固定冰区采集了两支海冰冰芯并首次分析其中的DMS、DMSP含量。结果表明,两支冰芯上层均含有较高浓度的DMSP+DMS,分别高达114.93及134.41 nmol·L-1。冰芯中DMS、DMSP+DMS浓度随深度的增加而递减。两支冰芯顶部DMSP+DMS高值的成因不同,冰芯1主要受藻类活动影响而产生DMSP+DMS高值,冰芯2主要是由于雪层及薄冰层阻碍,致使DMS在冰芯顶部聚集产生DMS高值。因为海冰底部较高生物量的海冰融化进入水体,所观测的剩余海冰底部Chl a、DMSP+DMS值均较低。在海冰的融化过程中,卤道内的卤水可发生垂向运输,致使冰芯中Chl a、DMSP+DMS的垂直分布有所不同。冰芯的Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量分别为6.79和10.20、51.83和88.41μmol·m-2,与前人研究结果比较,在海冰融化过程中,海冰中Chl a、DMSP+DMS总量变化的总趋势是递减的。  相似文献   

北海公园冰上运动是北京传统体育文化遗产的重要组成内容以及冬季休闲旅游的代表性符号,强化其气候变化影响与适应研究,对于应对全球变化的挑战、践行“大力发展冰雪经济”的指示具有重要意义。本文从多源文献中提取分析了其冰场多年启闭日期(间接指示冰层厚15 cm)的变化特征,并结合气温器测数据以及4种气候情景数据(SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5、SSP3-7.0和SSP5-8.5),利用留一交叉验证法探讨了不同温度指标和拟合方程的预测效果差异,进而对未来冰上运动季的变化、潜在影响与适应对策进行分析。结果表明:① 1989—2018年冰上运动季始日、末日和持续长度的均值分别为1月1日、2月5日和36 d,对应的趋势表现为不显著的推迟(1.00 d/10a)、提前(-0.77 d/10a)和延长(1.11 d/10a),时序变化可区分为1989—2000年、2001—2013年和2014—2018年3个阶段。② 冰上运动季始、末日分别对其日期前59 d的日最低温和前94 d的日最高温有较好响应,利用这两个指标和玻尔兹曼函数可更好预测冰上运动季变化。③ 2021—2099年冰上运动季始日、末日和持续长度的均值分别较1989—2018年晚1 d、早1 d和缩短2 d,3个指标变幅一致缩小,对应的0.14 d/10a、-0.21 d/10a和-0.34 d/10a的趋势均达到0.01的显著性水平。④ 未来79 a内冬季两大节庆中元旦冰上运动的适宜性要大于春节,其中春节的适宜性在4种气候情景下相差不大,而元旦的适宜性则在4种情景下有一定差别。⑤ 在相关预估结果上,BCC-CSM2-MR、CanESM-5和UKESM这3种区域气候模式并没有太大差异,而热岛效应影响尚待深入研究。⑥ 为了在气候变暖背景下促进体旅融合消费、保障冰上运动产业高质量发展,运营企业应采取强化游客安全保障、扩展旅游产品谱系、购买冰量保险等全方位主动适应措施,研究者应加强研究气候变化影响的复杂性、改进旅游流的预测效果,而管理部门应大力推动产业风险管理报告的编制,充分重视气候变化风险的动态评估。  相似文献   

Using data from the Scottish Highlands and northwest Iceland, the present study indicates that bedrock strength properties are an important control on the morphology of glacial valleys. Results indicate that on closely jointed metasedimentary bedrock of low rock mass strength, broad U‐shaped valleys are developed, whilst steeper sided, narrower cross‐profiles have been developed on igneous bedrock of high rock mass strength. Findings suggest it is the interplay of the mass strength of the subglacial bedrock and the dynamic properties of the eroding glacier that control valley morphological development. The implication is that realistic models of topographic development beneath ice sheets need to consider the rock mass strength properties of the eroded bedrock as well as the glaciological variables.  相似文献   

The successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics has brought historic opportunities for the development of ice and snow tourism in China. An index system for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was constructed from the target layer-factor layer-index layer approach in this paper. Taking tourists with ice and snow tourism experience as the research object, and integrating a questionnaire survey and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method, a total of 840 valid questionnaires were collected to assess the satisfaction of tourists in snow and ice tourism destinations, and the promotion model of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was put forward. This process led to three main results. (1) Ice and snow tourists in China are characterized as young and better-educated, with college students aged 19 to 25 as the main consumer group. More than 70% of ice and snow tourists are pretty satisfied with the current development of ice and snow destinations in China, and are willing to participate again. (2) Other than “ice and snow souvenirs”, tourists’ perceptions of importance are all higher than the level of perceived satisfaction, and the importance values of the 13 indicators including “Scenic spot security” and “Diversity of ice and snow entertainment and sports” are especially high, showing that tourists have high expectations and demands of the destinations. However, the perceived satisfaction level of tourists for all indexes is generally low, mostly at the general satisfaction level, indicating that ice and snow tourism destinations have only partially met the demands of ice and snow tourists, and there is still much room for improvement. (3) After IPA analysis, five suggestions for improving the satisfaction of tourists in ice and snow tourism destinations were put forward, including diversification of the tourism business model, construction of tourism facilities, a market diversified cultivation model, a humanized mode of tourism service and a refined management model. The results of this study will help to enrich the theory of ice and snow tourist satisfaction and promote the high-quality development of China's ice and snow tourism in the post-Winter Olympics era.  相似文献   

海冰范围的变化对气候变化、生态系统以及人类活动都会产生重大的影响,近年来极地海冰范围的变化受到广泛关注。对南极罗斯海与普里兹湾海域海冰范围进行时间序列分析,研究发现海冰范围季节性变化在罗斯海与普里兹湾海域差异较大,罗斯海地区表现出"快速缩小、迅速扩大"的特性,普里兹湾海域表现出"快速缩小、缓慢扩大"的特性。两地区的海冰范围在年际变化上都表现出扩大的趋势,2003—2014年罗斯海地区海冰变化趋势为(1.39±1.12)×104km2·a~(-1),普里兹湾海域海冰变化趋势为(0.61±0.26)×104km2·a~(-1)。罗斯海地区夏季的年际变化为减少趋势。  相似文献   

基于美国冰雪数据中心的月平均海冰运动和海冰密集度数据, 建立了1979—2015 年罗斯海海冰运动 速度时间变化序列, 揭示了海冰运动速度的年际和季节变化特征, 探讨了海冰运动速度和海冰范围之间可 能存在的联系, 最后对影响海冰运动速度变化的因素进行了分析。结果表明, 1979—2015 年罗斯海海冰运动 速度总体呈现加快趋势, 海冰运动速度增加趋势最快的季节为秋季, 其次是冬季、春季和夏季。冬季海冰平 均运动速度最大, 依次是秋季、春季和夏季。海冰运动速度与海冰范围在37 年间均呈现上升趋势, 海冰范 围变化滞后海冰运动速度1—2 个月, 两者呈显著正相关关系, 海冰运动速度的增加导致罗斯海海冰范围不 断扩张, 进而影响南极整体海冰分布。罗斯海海冰运动速度与风速之间存在显著正相关关系, 风场是影响海 冰运动速度的一个直接因素。除此之外, 海冰运动还受到包括气压场、洋流场以及海洋阻力系数等的影响。  相似文献   

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