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以Landsat 8为数据源,并结合地表发射率、大气透过率等参数遥感估算方法,提出了针对TIRS 10数据的单窗算法TIRS10_SC,并开展了研究区的地表温度反演3种单窗算法的对比研究。结果表明,TIRS10_SC算法紧密结合Landsat8 TIRS传感器的特性,通过遥感估算城区下垫面的地表发射率、大气透过率等特征,可以较为准确地估算出地表不同覆被类型的温度;裸土与水泥下垫面等相对均质的下垫面的温度反演效果稍好,TIRS10_SC算法和Q_SC算法其平均误差为0.60℃,JM_SC算法其平均误差为1.01℃;对于植被下垫面,TIRS10_SC算法和Q_SC算法其平均误差为1.48℃,JM_SC算法其平均误差为1.26℃,为了提升城区植被下垫面温度反演精度,应该进一步准确地量化其发射率特性。 相似文献
A Case Study on Forewarning of Yellow Rust Affected Areas on Wheat Crop Using Satellite Data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sujay Dutta Suresh Kumar Singh Mukesh Khullar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2014,42(2):335-342
Objective of this study was to identify stripe rust affected areas of wheat crop as well as evaluation of remote sensing (RS) derived indices. Moderately low temperature and high humidity favour the growth of yellow rust. Most affected areas of Punjab are the foothill districts such as Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur and Ropar. Occurrence of yellow rust is possible when maximum temperature for day is below 15 °C and Temperature difference of day’s maximum and minimum temperature is less than 5 °C during the early growth of wheat. Forecast of the infestation was done using 3 days forecast of weather data obtained from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model at 5 km resolution. Weather forecast used was obtained from Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival System (MOSDAC) site and post infestation, identification of specific locations were done using multi-date IRS AWiFS data. It is an attempt for early detection through 3 days advance forewarning of weather which will be handy tool for planners to expedite relief measures in case of epidemic with a more focused zones of infestation as well as for crop insurers to know the location and extent of damage affected areas. 相似文献
Zhangyu Dong Zongming Wang Dianwei Liu Kaishan Song Lin Li Mingming Jia Zhi Ding 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2014,42(3):569-576
Increasing interest in wetlands for environmental management requires an understanding of the location, spatial extent, and configuration of the resource. The National Wetlands Inventory is the most commonly used data source for this information. However, its accuracy is limited in some contexts, such as agricultural and forested wetlands. An large number of studies have mapped wetlands worldwide from the perspective of land use and land cover change. However, information on the actual wetland planting areas annually is limited, which greatly impacts ongoing research. In this case study of the West Songnen Plain, we developed a simple algorithm for the quick mapping of wetlands by utilizing their unique physical features, such as annual display of phenological land-cover change of exposed soils, shallow flooding water, and plants from multi-temporal Landsat images. Temporal variations of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) derived from Landsat images in 2010 for wetlands at different growth stages were analyzed. Results show that during the ante-tillering phase, the NDVI value (above zero) is lower than the LSWI value of paddies because of flooding of shallow water; during the reproductive and ripening phases, the NDVI value is higher than the LSWI value (above zero); and during the post-harvest wetland planting phase, the NDVI value is still higher than the LSWI value, but the LSWI value is negative. Wetland areas can be detected using one or two images in the optimum time window. The algorithm based on the difference of NDVI and LSWI values derived from Landsat images was used to extract the actual wetland planting area. Validated alongside statistical data, the algorithm showed high accuracy. Therefore, this algorithm highlights the unique features of wetlands and can help in mapping the actual wetland area annually on a regional scale. Results further indicate that the new method has a classification accuracy of 92 %. In comparison, two traditional methods based on Landsat-7/ETM registered accuracy rates of only 83 % and 87 % respectively. 相似文献
矿物光谱指数是利用比值的方法增强Fe和含OH矿物在可见光、短波红外区间的吸收特征,进而提取蚀变矿物信息的一种方法。由于斑岩型矿床的蚀变分带特征明显,西藏多龙矿集区中集中了斑岩型、浅成低温热液型等铜、金矿床,通过矿物光谱指数的计算提取相关蚀变信息,对该区域的下一步找矿具有指导意义。本文采用矿物光谱指数(5+7)/6、(6+9)/8等方法提取了镁、铝两类羟基及铝羟基类下的高岭石等蚀变信息,采用5/4、2/1的方法提取了二价铁、三价铁的蚀变信息。经过与OLI影像采用PCA方法及野外实地勘查采样,证实了利用本文方法所提取的蚀变信息有效。 相似文献
基于ASTER数据的蚀变矿物信息提取——以哈密黄山铜镍矿区为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在分析哈密黄山铜镍矿区典型地物波谱特征的基础上,设计了基于ASTER数据的蚀变信息提取流程,详细论述了对4组含不同离子或基团的常见蚀变矿物应用主成分分析(PCA)进行蚀变信息提取、采用光谱角制图法(spectral angle mapper,SAM)进行干扰异常筛选的“SAM去干扰异常主分量门限技术”.4组(9种)蚀变矿物包括:含Fe离子的矿物(针铁矿、赤铁矿)、含CO23-基团的矿物(方解石、白云石)、含Al - OH基团的矿物(白云母、蒙脱石、高岭石)以及含Mg - OH基团的矿物(绿泥石、绿帘石).蚀变矿物信息提取结果表明,“SAM去干扰异常主分量门限技术”方法可行,对ASTER数据的应用效果与实际情况比较吻合,充分证明ASTER在短波红外范围内具有很强的矿物刻画能力. 相似文献
Infestations of corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) create economic and environmental concerns in the Corn Belt region of the United States. To supplement the population control tactics of areawide pest management programs, we believe that a better understanding of the spatial relationships between biotic and abiotic or physical factors at the landscape scale is needed. Our research used several geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial analytical techniques to examine relationships between corn rootworm metapopulation dynamics, soil texture, and elevation. Within GIS, several spatially explicit procedures were used that include an interpolation technique, spatial autocorrelation analysis, and contingency analysis. Corn rootworm metapopulation distributions were found to be aggregated and related to soil texture and elevation. We review techniques and discuss our preferences for using particular spatially explicit procedures. The information derived from the spatial analyses demonstrates how GIS can be used in areawide pest management to provide inputs for spatially explicit models to predict future pest populations and formulate more well‐informed pest management decisions. The techniques described in this paper could easily be extended to study the spatial dynamics between other pest populations in agricultural landscapes. 相似文献
农牧交错地带地类复杂,混合像元现象严重,湿地信息的自动提取难度较大.针对该区湿地遥感信息提取的特点和难点,选取多伦县大仓乡地区的TM遥感数据,先采用NDVI阈值提取出水体,并利用水体形状特征(如面积s、周长p、形状指数k等)对水体类型进行提取;再尝试应用线性光谱混合模型( LSMM)提取去除水体后的湿地信息,并以SPO... 相似文献
Tim L. Webster 《国际地球制图》2013,28(4):11-19
Abstract In the summer of 2000, the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada was selected for a high‐resolution elevation survey utilizing LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging). Two different LIDAR systems were used to acquire data for the area. The vertical accuracy specification for the survey called for heights to be within an average of 15 cm of measured GPS heights and 95% of the data to be within 30 cm. Prior to the application of these data to geoscientific problems, extensive validation procedures were employed. High precision GPS and traditional surveys were conducted to collect height validation checkpoints. Two validation methods were developed in a GIS environment that involved comparing the checkpoints to the original LIDAR points and to an interpolated “bald earth” DEM. A systematic height error between flight lines for one of the LIDAR methods was detected that related to the calibration procedures used in the survey. This study highlights the differences between laser systems, calibration and deployment methodologies and emphasizes the necessity for independent validation data. 相似文献
G. P. Obi Reddy M. S. S. Nagaraju I. K. Ramteke Dipak Sarkar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2013,41(2):331-343
In the present study, landforms and soils have been characterized in Borgaon Manju watershed of basaltic terrain located in Akola district, Maharashtra, Central India. Terrain characterization using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data (90 m) and IRS-P6 LISS IV data in conjunction with adequate field surveys shows nine distinct landforms. Soil resource inventory shows fourteen soil series in the study area. Soils formed on gently sloping (3–8 %) subdued plateau are very shallow (23 cm), moderately well drained, moderate (15–40 %) surface stoniness, severely eroded, clayey and slightly alkaline in reaction, whereas, the soils formed on level to nearly level (0–1 %) slope in the main valley are very deep (>150 cm), well drained, very slight (<3 %) surface stoniness, moderately eroded with clayey surface and moderately alkaline in reaction. Soils in the watershed are grouped into Lithic Ustorthents, Vertic Haplustepts, Calcic Haplustepts, Typic Haplustepts, Typic Haplusterts and Sodic Calciusterts. The study demonstrates that the analysis of SRTM elevation data and IRS P6–IV data in Geographic Information System (GIS) with adequate field surveys helps in characterization of landforms and soils in analysis of landscape-soil relationship. 相似文献
为研究全国第二次土地调查以后高度城市化地区的土地利用变化及效益,本文以深圳市为例,利用其2009—2014年土地变更调查数据,从土地利用结构、土地利用程度、土地利用空间格局以及动态度等多个方面进行分析,并通过熵值法从社会、经济、生态和环境4个角度选取23个指标评估深圳市的土地利用效益及各效益的调度发展状况。研究结果表明:1)深圳市土地利用率已达93%,建设用地率达48.49%,土地综合利用程度逐年提高,土地利用空间格局趋向单一,各指数年变化率均逐渐降低;2)社会效益、经济效益和环境效益提高,生态效益降低,综合效益逐年提高;3)各分项效益子系统从基本协调上升到高度协调。深圳市的土地利用变化分析及效益评价,为深圳市的土地利用总体规划及可持续土地利用提供了一定的参考依据,并对其他高度城市化地区的土地利用具有借鉴价值。 相似文献
坡度是描述地形特征信息的一个重要指标,对于制订土地利用规划和防御地质灾害具有重要意义。本文基于山东省青岛市的ASTER GDEM数据,利用MATLAB进行矩阵运算,采用6种坡度提取算法分别获取坡度矩阵、最大值和中误差等统计指标,对比分析6种算法的提取精度。结果表明:简单差分算法出现极端和偏差情况的概率较高,可信度不高;三阶不带权差分和三阶反距离平方权差分算法比较稳定,偏差较小且精度较高,对沿海地区坡度提取具有借鉴意义。 相似文献
高分辨率遥感影像中的土地利用分类研究——以西南大学为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大学校园是城市用地中的一个特殊群体,作为公共设施用地的一个重要部分,在城市土地利用日益紧张的条件下,对其进行土地利用分类研究有着重要的意义.本研究以西南大学为例,将最大似然监督分类法和决策树分类法相结合对其进行分类研究.研究表明:1)最大似然监督分类法和决策树法相结合对西南大学土地利用进行分类,取得了较好的效果,总分类精度达到了91.51%,Kappa系数达到了0.8831;2)分析出西南大学建筑分布特点:①校园内部建筑物趋于密集布局,提高了土地利用效率;②校园建筑物高层化,提高了建筑容积率. 相似文献
滑坡是仅次于地震、发生最频繁、造成损失最严重的一种地质灾害,中国西部山区则是世界上滑坡灾害分布最密集的地区之一。广域范围内滑坡灾害隐患的早期识别是地质灾害防治工作中的一项关键任务,基于星载合成孔径雷达重复轨道观测的时间序列雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)技术在此领域具有巨大的应用潜力,但以永久散射体干涉测量为代表的传统时序InSAR方法在西部山区应用中往往受到植被覆盖等不利因素的影响,滑坡探测识别的可靠性较差。针对这一问题,以大渡河上游丹巴县为例,采用自主研发的相干散射体时序InSAR(coherent scatterer InSAR,CSI)方法,从历史存档的ALOS PALSAR和ENVISAT ASAR数据集中成功识别出了17处持续变形中的不稳定坡体,通过与外部观测数据比对和实地调查核实等手段验证了CSI方法探测结果的有效性和优势,并探讨了影响时序InSAR方法滑坡监测应用效果的主要因素及未来的优先研究方向。 相似文献
The pace of disaster recovery varies considerably from one place to another. Even when places suffer impacts from the same event, recovery studies often lack the spatial and temporal resolution to fully understand such local variability in the recovery process and patterns. This paper discusses the novel use of building permits and a spatial scan statistic to identify the spatial and temporal dimensions of recovery in coastal Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina. Our work identifies significant space-time clusters of recovery activity and indicates that the amount of damage experienced and the amount of pre-event housing strongly influence the timing and location of building permit clusters. This analytical method and the use of publicly available data are valuable for a better understanding of long-term recovery processes. 相似文献