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The distribution of a large number of clay slides in the Målselv valley, northern Norway, is analysed and put into context with the stratigraphic organization of the valley-fill sediments. About 32% of the landslides larger than 104 m3 occur close to the valley margins, where mud is either exposed or at shallow depth. About 57% of the landslides occur mid-valley, where relatively thin (< 15 m) coarse-grained deltaic sediments overlay fine-grained marine and glaciomarine sediments, and about 11% of the landslides occur in front of ice-contact deposits. The slide-prone areas are all characterized by the occurrence of heterogeneous sediments (interbedded clay, silt and sand), in addition to the presence of steep slopes eroded by rivers. The heterogeneous nature of the sediments probably enhanced groundwater drainage and leaching of salts from the clay, increasing sensitivity. Thus, the distribution and organization of the valley-fill sediments and groundwater drainage probably controlled the position of the slide scars and sliding planes. Since deglaciation of the valley (11,500 BP–present), isostatic rebound has enhanced fluvial incision and the creation of steep slopes due to a fall in relative sea level of up to 80 m.Arcuate-shaped, ‘bottleneck’ landslide scars ranging from c. 104 to 107 m3 in size is the dominant morphological signature of the slides, typical for quick clay slides or earth flows involving fluid mud. Their most common triggering mechanism is probably erosion at the toe slopes by the river Målselv or its tributaries. River erosion close to the valley margin, where glaciomarine and marine sediments are present, seems to give the most severe slides. The overall valley-fill organization controls the distribution of clay slides, which may apply to other fjord valleys having similar sediment distribution.  相似文献   

Groundwater dominance has important effects on the hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of river systems. Low suspended sediment concentrations and high water clarity are expected because significant inputs of sediment-free spring water dilute the suspended sediment generated by storms. However, in many Mediterranean rivers, groundwater dominance is characterised by seasonal alternations of influent and effluent discharge involving significant variability on the sediment transport regimes. Such areas are often subject to soil and water conservation practices over the centuries that have reduced the sediment contribution from agricultural fields and favour subsurface flow to rivers. Moreover, urbanisation during the twentieth century has changed the catchment hydrology and altered basic river processes due to its ‘flashy’ regime. In this context, we monitored suspended sediment fluxes during a two-year period in the Na Borges River, a lowland agricultural catchment (319 km2) on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) was lower when the base flow index (i.e., relative proportion of baseflow compared to stormflow, BFI) was higher. Therefore, strong seasonal contrasts explain the high SSC coefficient of variation, which is clearly related to dilution effects associated with different groundwater and surface water seasonal interactions. A lack of correlation in the Q-SSC rating curves shows that factors other than discharge control sediment transport. As a result, at the event scale, multiple regressions illustrate that groundwater and surface water interactions are involved in the sedimentary response of flood events. In the winter, the stability of baseflow driven by groundwater contributions and agricultural and urban spills causes hydraulic variables (i.e., maximum discharge) to exert the most important control on events, whereas in the summer, it is necessary to accumulate important volumes of rainfall, creating a minimum of wet conditions in the catchment to activate hydrological pathways and deliver sediment to the drainage network. The BFI is also related to sediment delivery processes, as the loads are higher with lower BFI, corroborating the fact that most sediment movement is caused by stormflow and its related factors. Overall, suspended sediment yields were very low (i.e., < 1 t km− 2 yr− 1) at all measuring sites. Such values are the consequence of the limited sediment delivery attributable to soil conservation practices, low surface runoff coefficients and specific geomorphic features of groundwater-dominated rivers, such as low drainage density, low gradient, steep valley walls and flat valley floors.  相似文献   

The glacial buzzsaw hypothesis suggests that efficient erosion limits topographic elevations in extensively glaciated orogens. Studies to date have largely focussed on regions where large glaciers (tens of kilometres long) have been active. In light of recent studies emphasising the importance of lateral glacial erosion in lowering peaks and ridgelines, we examine the effectiveness of small glaciers in limiting topography under both relatively slow and rapid rock uplift conditions. Four ranges in the northern Basin and Range, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, USA, were chosen for this analysis. Estimates of maximum Pleistocene slip rates along normal faults bounding the Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains (~ 0.14 mm y− 1), Lemhi Range (~ 0.3 mm y− 1) and Lost River Range (~ 0.3 mm y− 1) are an order of magnitude lower than those on the Teton Fault (~ 2 mm y− 1). We compare the distribution of glacial erosion (estimated from cirque floor elevations and last glacial maximum (LGM) equilibrium line altitude (ELA) reconstructions) and fault slip rate with three metrics of topography in each range: the along-strike maximum elevation swath profile, hypsometry, and slope-elevation profiles. In the slowly uplifting Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, and Lemhi and Lost River Ranges, trends in maximum elevation parallel ELAs, independent of variations in fault slip rate. Maximum elevations are offset ~ 500 m from LGM ELAs in the Lost River Range, Lemhi Range, and northern Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, and by ~ 350 m in the southern Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, where glacial extents were less. The offset between maximum topography and mean Quaternary ELAs, inferred from cirque floor elevations, is ~ 350 m in the Lost River and Lemhi Ranges, and 200–250 m in the Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains. Additionally, slope-elevation profiles are flattened and hypsometry profiles show a peak in surface areas close to the ELA in the Lemhi Range and Beaverhead–Bitterroot Mountains, suggesting that small glaciers efficiently limit topography. The situation in the Lost River Range is less clear as a glacial signature is not apparent in either slope-elevation profiles or the hypsometry. In the rapidly uplifting Teton Range, the distribution of ELAs appears superficially to correspond to maximum topography, hypsometry, and slope-elevations profiles, with regression lines on maximum elevations offset by ~ 700 and ~ 350 m from the LGM and mean Quaternary ELA respectively. However, Grand Teton and Mt. Moran represent high-elevation “Teflon Peaks” that appear impervious to glacial erosion, formed in the hard crystalline bedrock at the core of the range. Glacier size and drainage density, rock uplift rate, and bedrock lithology are all important considerations when assessing the ability of glaciers to limit mountain range topography. In the northern Basin and Range, it is only under exceptional circumstances in the Teton Range that small glaciers appear to be incapable of imposing a fully efficient glacial buzzsaw, emphasising that high peaks represent an important caveat to the glacial buzzsaw hypothesis.  相似文献   

Distinct rock fragment displacements occur on the ambas, or structurally determined stepped mountains of the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. This paper describes the rock fragment detachment from cliffs by rockfall, quantifies its annual rate, and identifies factors controlling rock fragment movement on the scree slopes. It further presents a conceptual model explaining rock fragment cover at the soil surface in these landscapes. In the May Zegzeg catchment (Dogu'a Tembien district, Tigray), rockfall from cliffs and rock fragment movement on debris slopes by runoff and livestock trampling were monitored over a 4-year period (1998–2001). Rockfall and rock fragment transport mainly induced by livestock trampling appear to be important geomorphic processes. Along a 1500-m long section of the Amba Aradam sandstone cliff, at least 80 t of rocks are detached yearly and fall over a mean vertical distance of 24 m resulting in a mean annual cliff retreat rate of 0.37 mm y− 1. Yearly unit rock fragment transport rates on scree slopes ranged between 23.1 and 37.9 kg m− 1 y− 1. This process is virtually stopped when exclosures are established. Corresponding mean rock fragment transport coefficients K are 32–69 kg m− 1 y− 1 on rangeland but only 3.9 kg m− 1 y− 1 in densely vegetated exclosures. A conceptual model indicates that besides rockfall from cliffs and argillipedoturbation, all factors and processes of rock fragment redistribution in the study area are of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

We have monitored initiation conditions for six debris flows between May 2004 and July 2006 in a 0.3 km2 drainage basin at Chalk Cliffs; a band of hydrothermally-altered quartz monzonite in central Colorado. Debris flows were initiated by water runoff from colluvium and bedrock that entrained sediment from rills and channels with slopes ranging from about 14° to 45°. The availability of channel material is essentially unlimited because of thick channel fill and refilling following debris flows by rock fall and dry ravel processes. Rainfall exceeding I = 6.61(D)− 0.77, where I is rainfall intensity (mm/h), and D is duration (h), was required for the initiation of debris flows in the drainage basin. The approximate minimum runoff discharge from the surface of bedrock required to initiate debris flows in the channels was 0.15 m3/s. Colluvium in the basin was unsaturated immediately prior to (antecedent) and during debris flows. Antecedent, volumetric moisture levels in colluvium at depths of 1 cm and 29 cm ranged from 4–9%, and 4–7%, respectively. During debris flows, peak moisture levels in colluvium at depths of 1 cm and 29 cm ranged from 10–20%, and 4–12%, respectively. Channel sediment at a depth of 45 cm was unsaturated before and during debris flows; antecedent moisture ranged from 20–22%, and peak moisture ranged from 24–38%. Although we have no measurements from shallow rill or channel sediment, we infer that it was unsaturated before debris flows, and saturated by surface-water runoff during debris flows.Our results allow us to make the following general statements with regard to debris flows generated by runoff in semi-arid to arid mountainous regions: 1) high antecedent moisture levels in hillslope and channel sediment are not required for the initiation of debris flows by runoff, 2) locations of entrainment of sediment by successive runoff events can vary within a basin as a function of variations in the thickness of existing channel fill and the rate of replenishment of channel fill by rock fall and dry ravel processes following debris flows, and 3) rainfall and simulated surface-water discharge thresholds can be useful in understanding and predicting debris flows generated by runoff and sediment entrainment.  相似文献   

Depth profiling of in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al was applied to estimate the rate of long-term denudation on actively uplifting hillcrests made of weakly consolidated sandstone in the Boso Peninsula, Japan. The nuclide concentration in the topmost meter of the hillcrest has reached an equilibrium value owing to surface denudation at 90 mm/kyr. This rate is much smaller than the regional uplift rate, and is consistent with the current isolated residual topography of the hillcrest. By considering the epoch of emergence of the sandstone hillcrests, we estimate the summit denudation rate of the adjacent mudstone hill formation to be 720 ± 110 mm/kyr.  相似文献   

The stiff clays beneath Holocene strata in the Yangtze Delta are interpreted as palaeosols, based on pedogenic features including illuvial argillans, voids, cracks, iron–manganese concretions and nodules, and carbonate materials. Variations in clay content with depth, the occurrence of foraminifera, and the environmental magnetism characteristics of the palaeosols suggest that their parent materials are floodplain deposits. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters of the sediments correlate well both with sedimentary dynamics and depositional processes in different sedimentary environments, and AMS analysis may be a useful tool for inferring sedimentary environments. Based on their considerable thickness (> 3.0 m), vertical changes of palaeosol maturity, and occurrence of ageing argillans throughout the palaeosols, the palaeosols are inferred to be compound ones (pedocomplexes) resulting from alternating deposition and pedogenesis on the palaeointerfluve of the Yangtze River. Phytoliths in the palaeosols indicate that climates turned generally from warm and wet to cold and dry with marked fluctuations during development of the palaeosols. This suggests that the palaeosols developed mainly during the marine regression prior to the last glacial maximum. The vertical distribution of manganese materials (e.g., concretions, nodules, speckles and mottles) in the palaeosols suggests that the groundwater tables were about 2.0–3.0 m beneath the upper boundary of the palaeosols during their development. Yellow–brown streaks and speckles are abundant from the middle to lower parts of the palaeosols, and layers with high CaCO3 content occur in the strata just beneath the palaeosols, but which lack caliche, suggesting that the groundwater table fluctuated markedly during their development. Voids and cracks filled with clays, and carbonate nodules (less than 0.1 mm in diameter) with thin iron–manganese rims are abundant in the palaeosols, indicating that wet and dry seasons were marked during the palaeosol development. It is suggested that the monsoonal influence was marked in the Yangtze Delta, with both winter and summer monsoons strongly developed during the development of the late Quaternary palaeosols.  相似文献   

The landscape evolution in Neogene intramontane basins is a result of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, and tectonic factors. When sedimentation ceases and a basin enters an erosional stage, estimating erosion rates across the entire basin can offer a good view of landscape evolution. In this work, the erosion rates in the Guadix–Baza basin have been calculated based on a volumetric estimate of sediment loss by river erosion since the Late Pleistocene. To do so, the distribution of a glacis surface at ca. 43 kyr, characterised by a calcrete layer that caps the basin infilling, has been reconstructed. To support this age, new radiometric data of the glacis are presented. The volume of sediment loss by water erosion has been calculated for the entire basin by comparing the reconstructed geomorphic surface and the present-day topography. The resulting erosion rates vary between 4.28 and 6.57 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1, and are the consequence of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, topographic, and tectonic factors. Individual erosion rates for the Guadix and Baza sub-basins (11.80 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 and 1.77 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 respectively) suggest different stages of drainage pattern evolution in the two sub-basins. We attribute the lower values obtained in the Baza sub-basin to the down-throw of this sub-basin caused by very recent activity along the Baza fault.  相似文献   

The role, function, and importance of large woody debris (LWD) in rivers depend strongly on environmental context and land use history. The coastal watersheds of central and northern Maine, northeastern U.S., are characterized by low gradients, moderate topography, and minimal influence of mass wasting processes, along with a history of intensive commercial timber harvest. In spite of the ecological importance of these rivers, which contain the last wild populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the U.S., we know little about LWD distribution, dynamics, and function in these systems. We conducted a cross-basin analysis in seven coastal Maine watersheds, documenting the size, frequency, volume, position, and orientation of LWD, as well as the association between LWD, pool formation, and sediment storage. In conjunction with these LWD surveys, we conducted extensive riparian vegetation surveys. We observed very low LWD frequencies and volumes across the 60 km of rivers surveyed. Frequency of LWD ≥ 20 cm diameter ranged from 15–50 pieces km− 1 and wood volumes were commonly < 10–20 m3 km− 1. Moreover, most of this wood was located in the immediate low-flow channel zone, was oriented parallel to flow, and failed to span the stream channel. As a result, pool formation associated with LWD is generally lacking and < 20% of the wood was associated with sediment storage. Low LWD volumes are consistent with the relatively young riparian stands we observed, with the large majority of trees < 20 cm DBH. These results strongly reflect the legacy of intensive timber harvest and land clearing and suggest that the frequency and distribution of LWD may be considerably less than presettlement and/or future desired conditions.  相似文献   

Lake Lisan, the lake that filled the Jordan graben during the Last Glacial, left behind a well developed sequence of erosional and depositional shore terraces in the south east of the current Dead Sea. These terraces record a series of stillstands that were caused by small transgressions within an overall trend of falling lake levels. The terraces were observed in places where they had not been identified previously. The morphology of the terraces was investigated in six cross-sections using differential GPS altimetry. The levels of the terraces range between − 370 and − 148 m a.s.l. The high stand of Lake Lisan at − 148 m correlates well with the high level of − 150 m reported by Bowman and Gross [Bowman, D., Gross, T., 1992. The highest stand of Lake Lisan: ~ 150 meters below MSL. Israel Journal of Earth-Science 41, 233–237.] along the western coast of Lake Lisan. The lake terraces are horizontal, elongated and tectonically undisturbed, and have a sub-horizontal foreshore (tread) with an average slope of 8.2° and steep backshore cliff (riser) with an average slope of 17.7°. The six cross-sections show a good altitudinal correlation between their terraces. Moreover, the terraces appear in undisturbed continuity on the aerial photos. These morphological characteristics demonstrate that the retreat of the lake was a result of substantial climatic changes, not of tectonic subsidence.In-situ stromatolites were found on most of the terraces, reflecting a shallow water environment and emphasizing that these terraces are recessional. Well-developed desert varnish and Tafoni observed on blocks sitting on the terrace surfaces imply a long period of exposure and a low rate of post lacustrine erosion. The formation of Lisan terraces is constrained mainly by coastal slope, water depth and underlying lithology. The morphological analysis of these terraces allows identification of two kinds of pseudo-terraces, which were formed as a result of tread or riser destruction.U/Th and OSL dating allowed the dating of three events within the lake level curve more precisely. The high level of − 148 m occurred at 30.5 ± 0.22 ka BP, consistent with the Heinrich Event 3 and Dansgaard–Oeschger stadial 5, the coldest period in the NGRIP Greenland Ice Core record. The next lower terrace at − 154 m was formed at 22.9 ka BP ± 0.29 and corresponds to the stadial 2C, the final phase of the Last High Glacial. The correlation between the Lisan high stands and climatic stadials suggests that Northern-Hemispheric cold periods led to periods with a more positive water balance in the Near East. At ~ 10 ± 0.8 ka BP Lake Lisan experienced a sharp drop to − 200 m followed by a transgression between 9.5 to 7 ka BP.  相似文献   

Quantifying the extent to which geomorphic features can be used to extract tectonic signals is a key challenge in the Earth Sciences. Here we analyse the drainage patterns, geomorphic impact, and long profiles of bedrock rivers that drain across and around normal faults in a regionally significant oblique-extensional graben (Hatay Graben) in southern Turkey that has been mapped geologically, but for which there are poor constraints on the activity, slip rates and Plio–Pleistocene evolution of basin-bounding faults. We show that drainage in the Hatay Graben is strongly asymmetric, and by mapping the distribution of wind gaps, we are able to evaluate how the drainage network has evolved through time. By comparing the presence, size, and distribution of long profile convexities, we demonstrate that the northern margin of the graben is tectonically quiescent, whereas the southern margin is bounded by active faults. Our analysis suggests that rivers crossing these latter faults are undergoing a transient response to ongoing tectonic uplift, and this interpretation is supported by classic signals of transience such as gorge formation and hill slope rejuvenation within the convex reach. Additionally, we show that the height of long profile convexities varies systematically along the strike of the southern margin faults, and we argue that this effect is best explained if fault linkage has led to an increase in slip rate on the faults through time from  0.1 to 0.45 mm/yr. By measuring the average length of the original fault segments, we estimate the slip rate enhancement along the faults, and thus calculate the range of times for which fault acceleration could have occurred, given geological estimates of fault throw. These values are compared with the times and slip rates required to grow the documented long-profile convexities enabling us to quantify both the present-day slip rate on the fault (0.45 ± 0.05 mm/yr) and the timing of fault acceleration (1.4 ± 0.2 Ma). Our results have substantial implications for predicting earthquake hazard in this densely populated area (calculated potential Mw = 6.0–6.6), enable us to constrain the tectonic evolution of the graben through time, and more widely, demonstrate that geomorphic analysis can be used as an effective tool for estimating fault slip rates over time periods > 106 years, even in the absence of direct geodetic constraints.  相似文献   

The Tianjiazhen reach of the middle Yangtze is about 8 km long, and characterized by a narrow river width of 650 m and local water depth of > 90 m in deep inner troughs, of which about 60 m is below the mean sea level. The troughs in the channel of such a large river are associated with regional tectonics and local lithology. The channel configuration plays a critical role in modifying the height and duration of river floods and erosion of the riverbed. The formation of the troughs in the bed of the Yangtze is considered to be controlled by sets of NW–SE-oriented neotectonic fault zones, in which some segments consist of highly folded thick Triassic limestone crossed by the Yangtze River. Several limestone hills, currently located next to the river channel, serve as nodes that create large vortices in the river, thereby accelerating downcutting on the riverbed composed of limestone highly susceptible to physical corrosion and chemical dissolution. Hydrological records indicate that the nodal hills and channel configuration at Tianjiazhen do not impact on normal flow discharges but discharges > 50,000 m3s− 1 are slowed down for 2–3 days. Catastrophic floods are held up for even longer periods. These inevitably result in elevated flood stages upstream of prolonged duration, affecting large cities such as Wuhan and a very large number of people.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in Nellis Dunes Recreational Area (Clark County, Nevada, USA) to investigate emission of dust produced by off-road driving. Experiments were carried out with three types of vehicles: 4-wheelers (quads), dirt bikes (motorcycles) and dune buggies, on 17 soil types characteristic for a desert environment. Tests were done at various driving speeds, and emissions were measured for a large number of grain size fractions. This paper reports the results for two size fractions of emissions: PM10 (particles < 10 μm) and PM60 (particles < 60 μm). The latter was considered in this study to be sufficiently representative of the total suspendable fraction (TSP). Off-road driving was found to be a significant source of dust. However, the amounts varied greatly with the type of soil and the characteristics of the top layer. Models predicting emission of dust by off-road driving should thus consider a number of soil parameters and not just one key parameter. Vehicle type and driving speed are additional parameters that affect emission. In general, 4-wheelers produce more dust than dune buggies, and dune buggies, more than dirt bikes. Higher speeds also result in higher emissions. Dust emitted by off-road driving is less coarse than the parent sediment on the road surface. Off-road driving thus results in a progressive coarsening of the top layer. Exceptions to this are silty surfaces with no, or almost no, vegetation. For such surfaces no substantial differences were observed between the grain size distribution of road dust and emitted dust. Typical emission values for off-road driving on dry desert soils are: for sandy areas, 30–40 g km− 1 (PM10) and 150–250 g km− 1 (TSP); for silty areas, 100–200 g km− 1 (PM10) and 600–2000 g km− 1 (TSP); for drainages, 30–40 g km− 1 (PM10) and 100–400 g km− 1 (TSP); and for mixed terrain, 60–100 g km− 1 (PM10) and 300–800 g km− 1 (TSP). These values are for the types of vehicles tested in this study and do not refer to cars or trucks, which produce significantly more dust.  相似文献   

Dozens of references recognizing pediment landforms in widely varying lithologic, climatic, and tectonic settings suggest a ubiquity in pediment forming processes on mountain piedmonts worldwide. Previous modeling work illustrates the development of a unique range in arid/semiarid piedmont slope (< 0.2 or 11.3°) and regolith thickness (2–4 m) that defines pediments, despite varying the initial conditions and domain characteristics (initial regolith thickness, slope, distance from basin to crest, topographic perturbations, and boundary conditions) and process rates (fluvial sediment transport efficiency and weathering rates). This paper expands upon the sensitivity analysis through numerical simulation of pediment development in the presence of spatially varying rock type, various base level histories, various styles of sediment transport, and various rainfall rates to determine how pediment development might be restricted in certain environments. This work suggests that in landscapes characterized by soil and vegetation types that favor incisive fluvial sediment transport styles coupled with incisive base level conditions, pediment development will be disrupted by the roughening of sediment mantled surfaces, thereby creating spatial variability in topography, regolith thickness, and bedrock weathering rates. Base level incision rates that exceed the integrated sediment flux along a hillslope derived from upslope weathering and sediment transport on the order of 10− 3 m y− 1 restrict pediment development by fostering piedmont incision and/or wholesale removal (stripping) of regolith mantles prior to footslope pediment development. Simulations illustrate an insensitivity to alternating layers of sandstone and shale 3–15 m thick oriented in various geometric configurations (vertical, horizontal, and dip-slope) and generating different regolith hydrologic properties and exhibiting weathering rate variations up to 3-fold. Higher fluxes and residence times of subsurface groundwater in more humid environments, as well as dissolution-type weathering, lead to a thickening of regolith mantles on erosional piedmonts on the order of 101 m and an elimination of pediment morphology. An initial test of the model sensitivity analysis in arid/semiarid environments, for which field reconnaissance and detailed geomorphic mapping indicate the presence of pediments controlled by climatic conditions (soil hydrologic properties, vegetation characteristics, and bedrock weathering style) that are known and constant, supports our modeling results that pediments are more prevalent in hydrologically-open basins.  相似文献   

Bungonia Caves are the result of three distinct phases of speleogenesis. The first, Late Cretaceous phase is characterised by the development of horizontal passages close to the plateau surface. Caves developed in the lower limestone during this phase probably drained southward to risings in Becks Gully. The second, Palaeocene phase resulted in the development of dolines and large dynamic phreatic conduits. Caves extended to depths approximating the level of the Efflux and drainage from caves in the lower limestone was captured by the caves in the middle limestone, rising above the level of the Efflux. The second phase ended when the caves were filled with laminated clays, blocking underground drainage, and the surface was buried by quartz‐rich fluvial sediments prior to the Eocene. The third, and continuing phase, which began in the Late Tertiary, is characterised by the development of vadose shafts and by the removal of sediment deposited following the second phase.  相似文献   

Short-term changes in Eastern Mediterranean precipitation affecting flow regime were documented in Nahal Oren, a 35 km2 ephemeral stream in Mt. Carmel, a 500 m high mountain ridge located at the NW coast of Israel. The rainy winter of the Mediterranean type climate (Csa) in Mt. Carmel is characterized by average annual rainfall of 550 mm at the coastal plain to 750 mm at the highest elevation while the summer is hot and dry. Stream flow generates after accumulated rainfall of 120–150 mm while “large floods”, defined as flows with peak discharge of > 5 m3 s− 1 and/or > 150,000 m3 in volume, are generated in response to rainfall of over 100 mm. Hence, large floods in Nahal Oren stream occur not earlier than December. Precipitation and flow data were divided into two sub-periods: 1957–1969 and 1991–2003 and compared to each other. The results indicate a clear increase in the frequency of large floods, their magnitudes and volumes during the second period with no parallel change in the annual precipitation. Similarly, an increase in storm rainfall–runoff ratio from < 5% to > 15% and a decrease in the threshold rainfall for channel flow by 16–25% were documented. These short-term variations in flooding behavior are explained by the clear decrease in the length of the rainy season and by the resulting significant shortening in the duration of the dry-spells. The increase in the number of large rainfall events and the large floods in each hydrological year together with the increasing number of years with no floods indicate strengthening of their uncertainty of behavior.  相似文献   

Glacial lakes and glaciers are sensitive indicators of recent climate change. In the Poiqu River basin of southern Tibet, 60–100 km NW of Mt. Everest, Landsat imagery defines post-1986 changes in the size and distribution of both glacial lakes and glaciers. Total area of glaciers in the 229-km2 drainage area has decreased by 20%. The number of glacial lakes with areas in excess of 0.020 km2 has increased by 11%, and the total area of glacial lakes has increased by 47%. The areas of typical large glacial lakes of the area (Galongco, Gangxico, and Cirenmaco) have increased by 104, 118, and 156%, respectively, and these increases are confirmed by field investigations.Comparing the 1986 data, the area of glaciers in the basin headwaters has decreased by 46.18 km2 to a present total area of 183.12 km2, an annual rate of change of 3.30 km2/year. Trends indicate that the total area of glaciers will continue to decrease and that both the numbers and areas of glacial lakes will continue to increase. Accompanying these trends will be an increased risk of debris flows, formed by entrainment of sediment in glacial-outburst floods and in surges from both failure and avalanche- and landslide-induced overtopping of moraine dams. Based on both the local and world-wide history of catastrophes from flows of these origins, disaster mitigation must be planned and appropriate engineering countermeasures put in place as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Remnants of a high plateau have been identified on Nuussuaq and Disko, central West Greenland. We interpret the plateau as an erosion surface (the summit erosion surface) formed mainly by a fluvial system and graded close to its former base level and subsequently uplifted to its present elevation. It extends over 150 km east–west, being of low relative relief, broken along faults, tilted westwards in the west and eastwards in the east, and having a maximum elevation of ca. 2 km in central Nuussuaq and Disko. The summit erosion surface cuts across Precambrian basement rocks and Paleocene–Eocene lavas, constraining its age to being substantially younger than the last rift event in the Nuussuaq Basin, which took place during the late Maastrichtian and Danian. The geological record shows that the Nuussuaq Basin was subjected to subsidence of several kilometres during Paleocene–Eocene volcanism and was transgressed by the sea later during the Eocene. By comparing with results from apatite fission track analysis and vitrinite reflectance maturity data, it is suggested that formation of the erosion surface was probably triggered by an uplift and erosion event starting between 40 and 30 Ma. Surface formation was completed prior to an uplift event that started between 11 and 10 Ma and caused valley incision. This generation of valleys graded to the new base level and formed a lower erosion surface, at most 1 km below the summit erosion surface, thus indicating the magnitude of its uplift. Formation of this generation of valleys was interrupted by a third uplift event also with a magnitude of 1 km that lifted the landscape to near its present position. Correlation with the fission-track record suggests that this uplift event started between 7 and 2 Ma. Uplift must have been caused initially by tectonism. Isostatic compensation due to erosion and loading and unloading of ice sheets has added to the magnitude of uplift but have not significantly altered the configuration of the surface. It is concluded that the elevations of palaeosurfaces (surfaces not in accordance with present climate or tectonic conditions) on West Greenland's passive margin can be used to define the magnitude and lateral variations of Neogene uplift events. The striking similarity between the landforms in West Greenland and those on many other passive margins is also noted.  相似文献   

The relationship between geomorphological features and water geochemistry was studied for a group of mountainous rivers (from ~ 900 to ~ 2200 m a.s.l.) with similar geology and climate, in the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba (Argentina, 31° 30′, 32° 00′S, and 64° 30′, 65° 10′W). A multivariate approach was used to identify three morphological domains that describe the set of sampled rivers, namely “size” dominance, slope dominance, and drainage density dominance. The links between physicochemical and geomorphological variables show that “size” dominance is mostly related to major ions, conductivity, and pH, which tend to increase downstream. Slope dominance is associated with the total concentration of heavy metal (i.e., high heavy metal concentrations are associated with relatively flat areas with slightly acid to circumneutral pH, which promotes desorption). The drainage density dominance results in an association between well-drained catchments and low Cl concentration (i.e., preserving the chemical signature of atmospheric precipitation).  相似文献   

In the Solway Firth — Morecambe Bay region of Great Britain there is evidence for heightened hillslope instability during the late Holocene (after 3000 cal. BP). Little or no hillslope geomorphic activity has been identified occurring during the early Holocene, but there is abundant evidence for late Holocene hillslope erosion (gullying) and associated alluvial fan and valley floor deposition. Interpretation of the regional radiocarbon chronology available from organic matter buried beneath alluvial fan units suggests much of this geomorphic activity can be attributed to four phases of more extensive gullying identified after 2500–2200, 1300–1000, 1000–800 and 500 cal. BP. Both climate and human impact models can be evoked to explain the crossing of geomorphic thresholds: and palaeoecological data on climatic change (bog surface wetness) and human impact (pollen), together with archaeological and documentary evidence of landscape history, provide a context for addressing the causes of late Holocene geomorphic instability. High magnitude storm events are the primary agent responsible for gully incision, but neither such events nor cooler/wetter climatic episodes appear to have produced gully systems in the region before 3000 cal. BP. Increased gullying after 2500–2200 cal. BP coincides with population expansion during Iron Age and Romano-British times. The widespread and extensive gullying after 1300–1000 cal. BP and after 1000–800 cal. BP coincides with periods of population expansion and a growing rural economy identified during Norse times, 9–10th centuries AD, and during the Medieval Period, 12–13th centuries AD. These periods were separated by a downturn associated with the ‘harrying of the north’ AD 1069 to 1070. The gullying episode after 500 cal. BP also coincides with increased anthropogenic pressure on the uplands, with population growth and agricultural expansion after AD 1500 following 150 years of malaise caused by livestock and human (the Black Death) plagues, poor harvests and conflicts on the Scottish/English border. The increased susceptibility to erosion of gullies is a response to increased anthropogenic pressure on upland hillslopes during the late Holocene, and the role of this pressure appears crucial in priming hillslopes before subsequent major storm events. In particular, the cycles of expansion and contraction in both population and agriculture appear to have affected the susceptibility of the upland landscape to erosion, and the hillslope gullying record in the region, therefore, contributes to understanding of the timing and spatial pattern of human exploitation of the upland landscape.  相似文献   

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