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In the present paper we have studied the eigenfrequencies of small adiabatic barotropic pseudo-radial and nonradial modes of oscillations of the white dwarf models of rotating stars in binary systems. In this work the methodology of Mohan and Saxena (in Astrophys. Space Sci. 113:155, 1985) has been used that utilizes the averaging technique of Kippenhahn and Thomas (in Proc. IAU Colloq., vol. 4, p. 20, 1970) and certain results on Roche equipotential as that given by Kopal (in Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academic Press, 1972). The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortion on the periods of oscillations of rotationally and/or tidally distorted white dwarf models of stars assuming it to be the primary component of the binary system and rotating uniformly. The results of present study show that the eigenfrequencies (both radial and nonradial modes) of the rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted white dwarf model of stars in binary systems tend to decrease under the influence of rotational distortions and rotational and tidal distortions, respectively. However, results are contrary for tidally distorted white dwarf model of stars.  相似文献   

Anharmonic oscillations of rotating stars have been studied by various authors in literature to explain the observed features of certain variable stars. However, there is no study available in literature that has discussed the combined effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic oscillations of stars. In this paper, we have created a model to determine the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the anharmonic radial oscillations associated with various polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. For this study we have used the theory of Rosseland to obtain the anharmonic pulsation equation for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rotation and tidal distortions on the shapes of the radial velocity curves for rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars. The results of the present study show that the rotational effects cause more deviations in the shapes of radial velocity curves of pulsating variable stars as compared to tidal effects.  相似文献   

In our previous work, we developed a model to study the effects of rotation and/or tidal distortions on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on the radial velocity curves of the polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.We considered the first three modes(fundamental and the next two higher modes) for the polytropic models of index 1.5 and 3.0 in that work.In the present paper, we are further extending our previous work to study the effect of the interaction of various modes on anharmonic radial oscillations and hence on radial velocity curves of the rotationally and/or tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.For this purpose, we have considered the following cases:(i) fundamental mode(ii) fundamental and the first mode,(iii) fundamental and the next two modes and finally(iv) fundamental and the next three higher modes of pulsation in our study.The objective of this paper is also to investigate whether the interaction of various modes affects the results of our previous study or not.The results of this study show that the interaction of the fundamental mode with higher modes appreciably changes the shape of the radial velocity curve of rotationally distorted and rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models of pulsating variable stars.  相似文献   

The equation governing small adiabatic radial oscillations for pulsating components in close binary stars modelled by tidally and rotationally distorted Roche geometry is solved numerically. With assumed initial conditions, solutions for systems with different mass ratios are presented. The changes in relative wave amplitude with various parameters are shown. The variation of the ratio of the pulsation frequencies of distorted to undistorted stars for given mass ratio of the binary systems is also investigated. Observational evidence is examined by using two data sets that show the modelled effects, by taking into account likely practical factors. The results show that the measured frequencies and amplitudes of surface waves can vary slightly for distorted stars in comparison to undistorted ones (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Kopal (Adv. Astron. Astrophys., 9, 1, 1972) introduced the concept of Roche equipotentials to analyse the effects of rotational and tidal distortions in case of stars in binary systems. In this approach a mathematical expression for the potential of a star in a binary system is obtained by approximating its inner structure with Roche model. This expression for the potential has been used in subsequent analysis by various authors to analyse the problems of structures and oscillations of synchronous and nonsynchronus binary stars as well as single rotating stars. Occasionally, doubts have been expressed regarding the validity of the use of this approach for analysing nonsynchronous binaries and rotationally and tidally distorted single stars. In this paper we have tried to clarify these doubts.  相似文献   

We propose suitable modifications in the concept of Roche equipotentials to account for the effect of mass distribution inside a star. The Kippenhahn and Thomas (1970) approach is used to incorporate the effects of rotational and tidal forces in the equations of stellar structure. The proposed method is applied to compute structures of certain rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is proposed for computing the eigenfrequencies of small adiabatic barotropic modes of oscillations of rotationally and tidally-distorted stars. The method utilizes Kippenhahn and Thomas approach and concepts of Roche equipotentials to incorporate up to second-order the effects of rotation and tidal distortion terms on the eigenfrequencies. The proposed method has also been used to compute the eigenfrequencies of certain barotropic modes of oscillation of some rotationally and tidally distorted models of 10M , and 2.5M Main-Sequence stars.  相似文献   

Clairaut's theory of tidally distorted self-gravitating configurations of arbitrary structure, previously developed by Kopal (1960, 1978) to quantities of second order in superficial distortion, has now been extended to terms of third order. Differential equations governing the form and exterior potential of tidally distorted stars have been set up as ordinary differential equations by Kopal's method.On leave from Department of Mathematics, University of Tabriz, Iran.  相似文献   

Stanley F. Dermott 《Icarus》1979,37(3):575-586
The shapes and gravitational moments of tidally and rotationally distorted satellites with nonuniform internal density distributions are calculated. Spacecraft determinations of the radii and (a) the gravitational moments of some satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, particularly Io, Ganymede and Titan or (b) the shapes of some others, particularly Mimas and Tethys, could provide unambiguo3s evidence of either internal differentiation or orbital evolution. The shapes of rotationally distorted asteroids are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Kopal's method of representing the inner structure of a rotationally and tidally-distorted star by a rotationally-and tidally-distorted Roche model has been used in conjunction with an averaging concept introduced by Kippenhahn and Thomas of representing the equipotential surfaces of a rotationally and tidally distorted stellar model by the equipotential surfaces of an equivalent spherical model to determine the combined effects of rotation and tidal distortion on the periods of small adiabatic oscillations of a stellar model.  相似文献   

The system of Roche coordinates developed by Kopal to study the problems of stars in close binary systems has been used to study the problems of small oscillations of tidally distorted stars.  相似文献   

A study of the structure of tidally and rotationally distorted polytropes has been carried out using Monaghan and Roxburgh (1965) method for rapidly rotating polytropes, at the new interfacial points (Singh and Singh, 1982), ξf = 3.025, 3.470, and 4.950 for the polytropic models with the indicesn=1.5, 2.0, and 3.0, respectively. The structure has been studied for various mass ratios too.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a method for computing the equilibrium structures and various physical parameters of a primary component of the binary system assuming that the primary is more massive than the secondary and is rotating differentially according to the law of the w2 = b0 + b1 × s2 + b2 × s4, w being the angular velocity of rotation of a fluid element distant s from the axis of rotation and b0, b1, b2 suitably chosen numerical constants. This method utilizes the averaging approach of Kippenhahn and Thomas (1997) and the concept of Roche equipotentials in a manner earlier used by Mohan et al. (1997) to incorporate the effects of rotation and tidal distortions on the equilibrium structures of certain rotationally and tidally distorted stellar models. The use of the method has been illustrated by applying it to obtain the structures and some observable parameters of certain differentially rotating and tidally distorted binary systems whose primary component is assumed to be a white dwarf star.  相似文献   

The system of Roche coordinates developed by Kopal to study the problems of stars in close binary systems has been used to study the problems of small oscillations of rotationally distorted stars.  相似文献   

Kopal's method of Roche coordinates used by us in an earlier paper (Mohan and Singh, 1978) to study the problems of small oscillations of tidally-distorted stars has been extended further to take into account the effect of second-order terms in tidal distortion. Our results show that the effect of including terms of second order of smallness in tidal distortion in the metric coefficients of the Roche coordinates of tidally distorted stars is quite significant, especially in case of stars with extended envelopes and (or) larger values of the mass ratio of the companion star producing tidal distortion. Some of the models which were earlier found stable against small perturbations now become dynamically unstable with the inclusion of the terms of second order of smallness in tidal effects.At present on leave of absence with the department of Mathematics, College of Science, Baghdad, Iraq.  相似文献   

Optical interferometry provides us with a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of stellar structure and evolution. Through direct observation of rotationally distorted photospheres at sub-milliarcsecond scales, we are now able to characterize latitude dependencies of stellar radius, temperature structure, and even energy transport. These detailed new views of stars are leading to revised thinking in a broad array of associated topics, such as spectroscopy, stellar evolution, and exoplanet detection. As newly advanced techniques and instrumentation mature, this topic in astronomy is poised to greatly expand in depth and influence.  相似文献   

The effects of a sample of 1300 individual stellar encounters spanning a wide range of parameter values (mass, velocity and encounter distance) are investigated. Power law fits for the number of injected comets demonstrate the long range effect of massive stars, whereas light stars affect comets mainly along their tracks. Similarly, we show that the efficiency of a star to fill the phase space region of the Oort cloud where the Galactic tides are able to inject comets into the observable region - the so-called “tidally active zone” (TAZ) - is also strongly dependent on the stellar mass. Power laws similar to those for direct injection are obtained for the efficiency of stars to fill the TAZ. This filling of the tidally active zone is crucial for the long term flux of comets from the Oort cloud. Based on long-term Monte Carlo simulations using a constant Galactic tide and a constant flux of stellar encounters, but neglecting the detailed effects of planetary perturbations, we show that this flux essentially results from a two step mechanism: (i) the stellar injection of comets into the TAZ; and (ii) the tidal injection of TAZ comets into the loss cone. We find that single massive stars are able to induce “comet drizzles” - corresponding to an increase of the cometary flux of about 40% - which may last for more than 100 Myr by filling the TAZ to a higher degree than normal. It appears that the stars involved in this process are the same that cause comet showers.  相似文献   

Equations are given which determine the moment of inertia of a rotating relativistic fluid star to second order in the angular velocity with no other approximation being made. The equations also determine the moment of inertia of matter located between surfaces of constant density in a rotationally distorted star; for example, the moments of inertia of the crust and core of a rotationally distorted neutron star can be calculated in this way. The method is applied ton=3/2 relativistic polytropes and to neutron star models constructed from the Baym-Bethe-Pethick-Sutherland-Pandharipande equation of state. Supported in part by the National Science Foundation. Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow.  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolutionary behaviour of intermediate mass (2, 3, 4, 5, and 7M ) Population I stars, assuming two different rates of rotation at the threshold of stability.In the first part of the study, stars are assumed to start with a critical rotation (fast rotation model) and to progress to the point of rotational instability. The stars evolve by losing mass and become rotationally unstable before they reach the zero-age Main Sequence. It is argued that multiple star systems might be formed through the evolution of rapidly rotating stars. An expression for the rotational mass loss rate is derived as a function of the physical parameters of stars.In the second part of the study, stars are assumed to rotate at a rate below the critical value (slow rotation model). The evolution of slowly rotating stars is followed as far as zero-age Main Sequence on the theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and compared with that of normal stars. The evolutionary paths are found to be more or less similar to those of normal stars; but their positions on the Main Sequence are characterized by effective temperatures and luminosities lower than those of normal stars. The zero-age Main-Sequence times of these stars are longer than those of normal stars. The rotational rates obtained for the zero-age Main Sequence are in good agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

The possible existence of strong magnetic fields in stars is discussed and a method of constructing highly distorted models of magnetic, rotating stars developed. For stars with both poloidal and toroidal fields at the surface a force-free outer boundary condition is necessary. Non-linear solutions of the force-free equations must be used. The force-free equations and the structure equations for a white dwarf are solved simultaneously by a finite difference method.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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