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In view of the situation of excavation of open coal mine for the underground water disaster,we should carry out simulation studies for the numerical value of the water lowering project and improve the accuracy and the level of the water lowering project.On the basis of the hydrological geological conditions of certain open mine digging,a more reasonable seepage numerical model was built according to MODFLOW.It was simulated in advance that the process of the confined water level descending with the time,and combining with the actual observations to test the correctness of the model.The calculation showed that the results coincided well with the results of actual measurement.Based on this,different water lowering numerical simulations were built for the open coal mine digging.It could be simulated and forecast that the changes of the groundwater level in drainage process within and outside the mine pit,and it was quantitatively assessed that the possible water lowering result of the opencast water drainage process,which provide an important basis for the actual water lowering project and the possible project disposal.  相似文献   

This new method can simulate the nonlinear random wavcs processes by computer if the higherorder moments of the probability distribution of the sea surface elevation reflecting the nonlinearity ofthe sea wave are given. Compared with other methods, this method has greater accuracy andflexibility, wider application and faster simulation. Statistical analysis of the sea surface elevationdistribution of the simulated wave process showed obviously the Gram-Charlier series can be used to depictthe distribution of the sea surface elevation.  相似文献   

Using the finite element method and Cole-Cole model for dual-frequency IP method to research numerical simulation, the authors introduced the fundamental principle of the dual-frequency IP method and the boundary value problem and variational equations, then replaced the complex resistivity of the model with the Cole-Cole model's parameters under ignoring the EM effect. Through solving the last linear equations, electric potentials of all the model's points were obtained. With changing model's parameters, the authors got different curves of the Fs and phases. According to the results of the simulation, the algorithm is proved to be correct and adaptable.  相似文献   

Tibet Plateau in mountain system is becoming one of the focuses of global technique research, because its crust is marvelous thick, which is twice of the normal thickness of mountain system in lithosphere, and its rapid raise from the Quaternary.By using a finite element analysis software ABAQUS,the numeric analysis has been carried out and presented in this paper for the lithosphere stress field.It is the first time to use the displacement loading in the simulation of Tibet Plateau. During the analysis,the deformed elements are used to simulate the structure band, and friction mechanism is used to model the fracture band. The boundary conditions are given according to the boundary displacements around the Plateau. The stress and displacement distributions are obtained for the geological evolution of the plateau, which are consistent with P axial orientations of the seismic origin mechanism and the measures principle stress orientations. The analysis is also given for the dynamic lithosphere evolution of the Mountain System in the Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

水封性是保证地下水封洞库安全运营的关键,目前研究地下水封洞库水封性的主要难点在于裂隙岩体含水层强烈的非均质性和各向异性。以某地下水封洞库工程为背景,通过实测裂隙几何参数分析裂隙发育特征,建立了研究区离散裂隙网络模型。之后对研究区进行网格化划分计算了各单元体渗透系数张量,基于对裂隙渗流基本规律的理解和假设建立了研究区高精度的非均质各向异性渗流模型,并对研究区渗透性特征进行分析。通过建立非均质各向异性渗流模型对水幕系统水封性能进行了探讨并与传统均质各向同性渗流模型进行对比分析,利用该模型可以弥补传统均质各向同性渗流模型的不足,更加准确地评价由于裂隙岩体非均质各向异性造成的储品泄漏风险。  相似文献   

According to earthquake data of Fushun earthquake administration,the seismic analysis and statistical methods are utilized in order to analyze earthquake frequency,b-value timing and energy creep trends in Laohutai coal mine. By using least squares linear regression method,the relational expression between frequency and magnitude of mine earthquake in Laohutai coal mine is given. And the possible largest magnitude mine earthquake inferred has also been calculated. And this paper also provides a theoretical ...  相似文献   

According to earthquake data of Fushun earthquake administration,the seismic analysis and statistical methods are utilized in order to analyze earthquake frequency,"b"-value timing and energy creep trends in Laohutai coal mine. By using least squares linear regression method,the relational expression between frequency and magnitude of mine earthquake in Laohutai coal mine is given. And the possible largest magnitude mine earthquake inferred has also been calculated. And this paper also provides a theoretical basis for further study of mine earthquake activity.  相似文献   

An MOM2 based 3-dimentional prognostic baroclinic Z-ordinate model was established to study the circulation in eastern China seas, considering the topography, inflow and outflow on the open boundary, wind stress, temperature and salinity exchange on the sea surface. The results were consistent with observation and showed that the Kuroshio intrudes in large scale into the East China Sea continental shelf East China, during which its water is exchanged ceaselessly with outer sea water along Ryukyu Island. The Tsushima Warm Current is derived from several sources, a branch of the Kuroshio, part of the Taiwan Warm Current, and Yellow Sea mixed water coming from the west of Cheju Island. The water from the west of Cheju Island contributes approximately 13% of the Isushima Warm Current total transport through the Korea Strait. The circulation in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea is basically cyclonic circulation, and is comprised of coastal currents and the Yellow Sea Warm Current. Besides simulation of the real circulation, numerical experiments were conducted to study the dynamic mechanism. The numerical experiments indicated that wind directly drives the East China Sea and Yellow Sea Coastal Currents, and strengthens the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current. In the no wind case, the kinetic energy of the coastal current area and main YSWC area is only 1% of that of the wind case.Numerical experiments also showed that the Tsushima Warm Current is of great importance to the formation of the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current.  相似文献   

基于分层注水数学模型的油藏数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为模拟油田注水开发历史,提高分层动用状况及剩余油模拟结果的可靠程度,根据油田分层注水资料,分析水嘴的嘴损特性,建立考虑启动压差、水嘴直径等嘴损特性的分层注水数学模型,计算分层注水井各层段嘴前流压,实现嘴损方程与井—网格压力方程的耦合;考虑分层注水油藏数值模拟线性系统生成,实现井筒流动与井—油藏流动相耦合,提出分层注水油藏数值模拟方法,在PBRS(并行黑油模拟器)实现数值模拟功能.结果表明:模型能够反映分层注水开采开发效果,对缓解油田层间动用矛盾、改善注水开发效果具有指导意义.  相似文献   

The authors developed a 3-D numerical injection model on parallel TOUGH 2-FLAC3D based on the site-specific stratigraphic information in Ordos Basin to simulate the Shenhua CO2 geological storage ( CGS ) demonstration project injection process for three years and forecast CO2 migration and layers displacement after injection for seven years .The results suggested that CO2 migration did not stop after three years of consecutive injection, but migration rate was slowing down with time .As a result, displacement near injection well in-creased with injection and decreased slowly after injection .The maximum displacement of surface center oc-curred near the end of injection , which was only 1.24 cm.According to the displacement result , it is safe to continue injecting for this project .  相似文献   

滨湖煤矿16煤开采过程中,曾多次出现涌(突)水现象,影响了矿井的正常生产。全面分析16煤开采的充水条件,才能排查出水患威胁的各种原因,从而制订出合理有效的防治水措施,对保障滨湖煤矿16煤层的安全顺利开采具有重要意义,对滕县煤田其他煤矿16煤的开采也具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

The formulation and justification of a three-layer baroclinic ocean model developed to simulate thegeneral circulation of the ocean are described in this paper.Test of the model in simulating the annualmean circulation patterns in the North Pacific under the prescribed atmospheric forcing,which consists ofthe climatological surface wind stress and sea surface heat flux,and comparison of the results withobservations showed that the model basically simulated the large scale features of the annual meancirculation patterns in the North Pacific Ocean such as those of the intensified western boundary currentsand the North Equatorial Currents and Undercurrents.But due to the coarse resolution of the model,some details of these currents were poorly reproduced.The seasonal variations of the North Pacific Oceancirculation driven by the seasonal mean sea surface wind stress was calculated,the different aspects of theseresults were analyzed and the main current(the intensified western boundary currents)transports we  相似文献   

通过该矿12煤老空积水的疏放试验,选取相应的数学模型,计算了太原组12煤老空积水区的水文地质参数——渗透系数、充水系数;为滕北矿区类似条件下的老空积水疏放提供了理论依据。根据试验提出了利用集水廊道原理,扩大钻孔涌水量,节约工程费用,提高疏放效率的工程设计方法。  相似文献   

济宁何岗煤矿一采区3煤在风化氧化带内,对其开采的防水防砂基本技术思路是:施工水文观测孔,观测回采后对第四系下组含水层的影响程度,为提高开采上限打好基础;并控制采高,加强顶板管理,控制顶板在工作面斜长方向上的不均匀冒落,以确保安全开采。  相似文献   

Determination of water saturation is important for reservoir evaluation.When complex pore structures such as fracture and cavity are present in reservoir,Archie equation is no longer suitable.According to different models of pore structure division,the authors studied water saturation computation models.The results show that dual porosity system is divided into four models.The first model is based on dual laterolog,the second is Dual Porosity Ⅰ,the third is Dual Porosity Ⅱ,and the last one is based on the conductive pore.Besides,the triple porosity system is triple porosity model.Compute water saturation was using all the above five models in volcanic reservoir in Songnan gas field.The triple porosity system is the most suitable model for water saturation computation in complex pore structure volcanic reservoir.  相似文献   

Determination of water saturation is important for reservoir evaluation.When complex pore structures such as fracture and cavity are present in reservoir,Archie equation is no longer suitable.According...  相似文献   

井工煤矿对生态系统的影响和破坏主要为采空区导致地表变形、地面塌陷、地裂缝等地质灾害,地下水系统破坏和"三废"排放等。该文认为人们对矿区生产及闭坑后地下水污染对农业的危害未能引起足够的重视,急需强行关闭用作灌溉的污染水井,然后需要进行监测、封堵、治污等工作,逐渐提高矿区地下水质量;认为煤矿高岩温岩体作为地热能的主要赋存体,具有较好的热导率,通过水源热泵系统提取循环水中的热量,可以将采空区周边的地温能加以提取利用,让煤矿在生产及闭坑后均能产生地热能源;认为制约煤矿采空塌陷积水区治理的关键问题是解决充填积水区和井下采空区填充物问题,提出改造鲁南运河,将黄河泥沙输送到济宁及周边矿区;认为治理历史遗留矸石山的关键问题是爆破削坡过程中发生崩塌、滑坡、扬尘等灾害,可以利用高压水枪,配合破岩机和挖掘机联合作业来解决。  相似文献   

运用数值模拟建立青藏高原兹格塘错流域土壤、植被、气候等的空间和属性数据库;接着,借助分布式流域尺度水文模型(SWAT模型),对兹格塘错1956—2006年间的流量进行模拟实验;最后,反演50年来兹格塘错流域水文过程,测试流域温度、降水和蒸发组合的敏感因子对湖泊水量变化的效应,探讨50年来湖泊水量对气候变化的响应。模拟实验的边界条件设置为自然地形、土壤、植被覆盖,其中土壤资料包括有机质含量、粒径等理化参数。模拟结果表明:兹格塘错的年平均流量为6.3m3/s,流量高峰集中在8月至10月,并且由于融雪补给的关系,3月出现另一个流量高峰;模拟结果与遥感解译所得到的结果吻合较好。敏感实验表明:兹格塘错流域内温度、降水和蒸发组合的敏感因子实验具有高原特征,即高原湖泊的水文过程和湖泊流量变化有着较为敏感的响应关系;兹格塘错流量受降水的影响最大,随着降水的增加,流量有所增加;在温度升高的情况下,流域蒸发量增加速度大,兹格塘错流量增加的效应不明显,而在冷湿模式下,流域蒸发量降低,兹格塘错流量增加显著。  相似文献   

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