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五里湖富营养化过程中水生生物及生态环境的演变   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1996,8(Z1):37-45
五里湖是太湖西北部一个小型浅水湖湾,是无锡市的饮用水源和主要风景游览区。50年代时,该湖基本保持着原始状态,全湖以大型水生植物占优势。湖水清澈见底,水质为中营养水平,溶氧接近饱和,对外来的N、P污染冲击具有很强的缓冲能力。底泥的氧化程度较高,磷和有机物含量仅为0.023%和0.75%。浮游藻类受到了大型水生植物的强烈抑制,年均数量为26.7×10~4个/L,以硅藻和隐藻为主;从春季至秋季,随着大型水生植物的增长,浮游藻类数量大幅度减少。浮游动物多达190种,年均数量为5660ind./L。大型底栖动物较多,以日本沼虾和螺、蚌类为主。鱼类资源十分丰富,63种鱼中以凶猛性鱼类占优势,并有较多的底栖性鱼类。 自50年代以来,大约有1/2的湖面被围垦,沿岸带生态条件被破坏,失去了最适合于大型水生植物生长的浅水区。加之60年代后期在全湖放养草鱼,水生植被遭到彻底毁灭。外源污染加剧,引起了水质的严重富营养化。围垦和修建水闸隔断了五里湖与太湖间的通道,限制了两个水体间的水流交换,妨碍了污染物的稀释扩散,使得来自无锡市区的污水成了五里湖的主要补给水源,加速了富营养化的进程。五里湖水质已达重富营养水平,透明度小于0.5m,缺氧较为严重。营养物在底泥中大量积累,TP和TOC含量分别增高了4.17倍和1.87倍。在春末  相似文献   

The Table Rock Complex (TRC; Pliocene–Pleistocene), first documented and described by Heiken [Heiken, G.H., 1971. Tuff rings; examples from the Fort Rock-Christmas Lake valley basin, south-central Oregon. J. Geophy. Res. 76, 5615-5626.], is a large and well-exposed mafic phreatomagmatic complex in the Fort Rock–Christmas Lake Valley Basin, south-central Oregon. It spans an area of approximately 40 km2, and consists of a large tuff cone in the south (TRC1), and a large tuff ring in the northeast (TRC2). At least seven additional, smaller explosion craters were formed along the flanks of the complex in the time between the two main eruptions. The first period of activity, TRC1, initiated with a Surtseyan-style eruption through a 60–70 m deep lake. The TRC1 deposits are dominated by multiple, 1-2 m thick, fining upward sequences of massive to diffusely-stratified lapilli tuff with intermittent zones of reverse grading, followed by a finely-laminated cap of fine-grained sediment. The massive deposits are interpreted as the result of eruption-fed, subaqueous turbidity current deposits; whereas, the finely laminated cap likely resulted from fallout of suspended fine-grained material through a water column. Other common features are erosive channel scour-and-fill deposits, massive tuff breccias, and abundant soft sediment deformation due to rapid sediment loading. Subaerial TRC1 deposits are exposed only proximal to the edifice, and consist of cross-stratified base-surge deposits. The eruption built a large tuff cone above the lake surface ending with an effusive stage, which produced a lava lake in the crater (365 m above the lake floor). A significant repose period occurred between the TRC1 and TRC2 eruptions, evidenced by up to 50 cm of diatomitic lake sediments at the contact between the two tuff sequences. The TRC2 eruption was the last and most energetic in the complex. General edifice morphology and a high percentage of accidental material suggest eruption through saturated TRC1 deposits and/or playa lake sediments. TRC2 deposits are dominated by three-dimensional dune features with wavelengths 200–500 m perpendicular to the flow, and 20–200 m parallel to the direction of flow depending on distance from source. Large U-shaped channels (10–32 m deep), run-up features over obstacles tens of meters high, and a large (13 m) chute-and-pool feature are also identified. The TRC2 deposits are interpreted as the products of multiple, erosive, highly-inflated pyroclastic surges resulting from collapse of an unusually high eruption column relative to previously documented mafic phreatomagmatic eruptions.  相似文献   

Lake Koronia, a Ramsar site, is shallow, polymictic, hypertrophic and until recently was aerially the fourth largest lake in Greece. Although exceeding 5 m in the past, lake depth has declined progressively from 3.8 m in 1980 to < 1 m in 1997, reducing surface area and water volume by 50% and 80%, respectively. Specific conductivityincreased from 1300 μS cm−1 in 1977 to >6000 μS cm−1 in 1991. Increased phosphate concentrations from the late 1970's (8–45 μg L−1) to the late 1990's (100–1000 μg L−1) document that the previously eutrophic system with a limited littoral zone switched to hypertrophy dominated by massive cyanobacteria blooms. Oxygen saturation of the water column increased progressively from about 80% in 1983 to full saturation about 1993, after which it decreased progressively to only 20% saturation in 1997. In spite of cyanobacteria dominance, community metabolism of the lake switched from progressively increasing autotrophy to rapidly advancing heterotrophy associated with progressive water-level reduction leading to fish extirpation in the lake.  相似文献   

Ambae (also known as Aoba), is a 38 × 16 km2 lozenge-shaped island volcano with a coastal population of around 10 000. At the summit of the volcano is lake Voui — one of the largest active crater lakes worldwide, with 40 × 106 m3 of acidic water perched 1400 m a.s.l. After more than 300 years of dormancy, Ambae volcano reawakened with phreatic eruptions through Voui in 1995, and culminating in a series of surtseyan eruptions in 2005, followed by a rapid and spectacular colour change of the lake from light blue to red in 2006. Integrating lake water chemistry with new measurements of SO2 emissions from the volcano during the 2005–2006 eruptive period helps to explain the unusual and spectacular volcanic activity of Ambae — initially, a degassed magma approached the lake bed and triggered the surtseyan eruption. Depressurization of the conduit facilitated ascent of volatile-rich magma from the deeper plumbing system. The construction of a cone during eruption and the high degassing destabilised the equilibrium of lake stratification leading to a limnic event and subsequently the spectacular colour change.  相似文献   

The 1991 Pinatubo eruption left 5–6 km3 of debris on the volcano slopes, much of which has been mobilized into large lahars in the following rainy seasons. Also during the eruption, collapse, localized in part along preexisting faults, left a caldera 2.5 km in diameter that almost immediately began to accumulate a 1.6 × 108 m3 lake. By 2001, the water had risen to the fault-controlled Maraunot Notch, the lowest, northwestern portion of the caldera rim comprising the physiographic sill of the Caldera Lake. That year, a narrow artificial canal dug into an old volcanic breccia underlying the outlet channel failed to induce a deliberate lake breakout, but discharge from heavy rains in July 2002 rapidly deepened the notch by 23 m, releasing an estimated 6.5 × 107 m3 of lake water that bulked up into lahars with a volume well in excess of 1.6 × 108 m3. Lakes in other volcanoes have experienced multiple breakouts, providing practical motivation for this study. Fieldwork and high-resolution digital elevation models reveal andesites and ancient lacustrine deposits, strongly fractured and deformed along a segment of the Maraunot Fault, a prominent, steeply dipping, left-lateral fault zone that trends N35°–40°W within and parallel to the notch. Seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active. The fault zone appears to have previously been the erosional locus for a large channel, filled with avalanche or landslide deposits of an earlier eruption that were exhumed by the 2002 breakout floods. The deformed lacustrine sediments, with an uncalibrated 14C age of 14,760 ± 40 year BP from a single charcoal sample, attest to the existence of an earlier lake, possibly within the Tayawan Caldera, rim remnants of which survive as arcuate escarpments. That lake may well have experienced one or more ancient breakouts as well. The 2002 event greatly reduced the possibility of another such event by scouring away the erodible breccia, leaving less erodible fractured andesites and lacustrine rocks, and by enlarging the outlet channel and its discharge capacity. Several lines of evidence indicate, however, that future lahar-generating lake breakouts at the notch may keep populations of Botolan municipality downstream at risk: (1) a volume of 9.5 × 107 m3 of lake water remains perched 0.8 km above sea level; (2) seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active and movements of sufficient magnitude could enlarge the outlet and the discharge through it; (3) more likely, however, with or without earthquake activity, landslides from the steep to overhanging channel walls could block the channel again, and a major rainstorm could then cause a rise in lake level and sudden breakouts; (4) intrusion of a new dome into the bottom of the lake, possibly accompanied by phreatic explosions, could expel large volumes of lahar-generating water.  相似文献   

Temperate and tropical shallow lakes differ in several fundamental aspects with respect to management of eutrophication. High altitude tropical shallow lakes are a special case, showing similarities with temperate and tropical lakes. We studied the ecology of the eutrophic high-altitude tropical lake Yahuarcocha in the Ecuadorian Andes and evaluated the potential of biomanipulation to control eutrophication. With a toxin-producing Cylindrospermopsis bloom, low Secchi depth and low submerged macrophyte cover, Yahuarcocha is clearly in a turbid ecosystem state. Relatively low nutrient concentrations should theoretically allow for a shift to a clear water state through biomanipulation. Top-down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton, however, is complicated by the (1) absence of predatory fish, (2) fish community dominated by small poecelid species, (3) lack of a refuge for zooplankton from fish predation within the macrophytes, and (4) persistent, grazing resistant bloom of the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis. In these aspects, lake Yahuarcocha is more similar to tropical shallow lakes, probably because water temperature is high relative to the mean air temperature and because of the absence of a cold season. The fish and macrophyte communities consisted almost entirely of exotic species. The exotic fish species probably stabilized the turbid state in the lake.  相似文献   

A drastic change in lake water color from blue-green to brown was observed in the summit crater lake of Mt. Shinmoe-dake, Kirishima Volcano about 8 months after its 2008 eruption. The color change lasted for about 2 months (April–June 2009). The discoloration was attributed to a brownish color suspension that had formed in the lake water. X-ray fluorescence and Fourier transform infrared analyses of a sample of the suspension identified schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6(SO4)). A cultivation test of iron-oxidizing bacteria for the sampled lake water with lakebed sediment revealed that the crater lake hosts iron-oxidizing bacteria, which likely participated in schwertmannite formation. We suggest that pyrite (FeS2) provided an energy source for the iron-oxidizing bacteria since the mineral was identified in hydrothermally altered tephra ejected by the August 2008 eruption. From consideration of these and other factors, the brownish discoloration of the summit crater lake of Mt. Shinmoe-dake was inferred to have resulted from a combined volcanic–microbial process.  相似文献   

Lynch's Crater on the Atherton Tablelands in NE-Australia formed about 230,000 years ago during an explosive eruption, creating a maar more than 80 m deep. Since the eruption, the maar has been filled with lake sediments that are topped by peat material. A 64 m long core was recovered and an OSL dating project was undertaken to extend the chronology beyond 16 m depth, which according to 14C age control represents ~60 ka. The predominantly organic lake sediments contained abundant fine quartz of aeolian origin, and the Single Aliquot Regenerative Method (SAR) provided satisfactory equivalent dose (DE) estimates. However, the determination of the dose rate proved both critical and difficult. Extremely low radionuclide contents led to cosmic radiation being the dominant dose rate contribution for most samples. The OSL chronology presented in this paper thus relies on modelling the changing cover by sediments and lake water over the burial time.  相似文献   

基于水声学方法的太湖鱼类空间分布和资源量评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用BioSonics DT-X科学回声探测仪(208 kHz)在太湖2011年开捕前的8月对东部和北部湖区的鱼类进行了走航式水声学调查,并结合地理信息系统(GIS)模型对调查湖区的鱼类大小组成、空间分布和资源量进行了评估.结果表明,调查湖区的鱼类平均目标强度(目标鱼类对声波的反射能力)为-51.85±0.02 dB,平均体长在6 cm左右,体长范围为2.35~89.33 cm,不同区域间的鱼类目标强度差异性显著,表明不同区域间鱼类大小存在差异,其中鱼类的最小平均目标强度(-53.94±0.10 dB)出现在洞庭东西山之间,最大平均目标强度(-50.27±0.14 dB)出现在光福湾.调查湖区的鱼类密度在0.43~3.90 ind./m3之间,采用地理信息系统(GIS)对调查湖区进行建模得到鱼类密度均值为2.27±0.57 ind./m3,不同区域间鱼类密度差异性显著,鱼类密度在敞水区较高.基于建模的栅格化数据评估调查湖区鱼类资源量约为5.3×109ind.,其中目标强度在-45 dB(体长约13 cm)以下的鱼类占98.49%.本文对水声学方法在大型浅水湖泊中的应用进行了初步探索,水声学方法可在一定程度上突破传统鱼类资源调查方法在较大空间尺度上的局限性,但在调查时易受风浪、水生植物、船速的影响.  相似文献   

During the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, scientists relied heavily on a conceptual model of explosive eruptions triggered when lava-lake levels drop below the water table. Numerical modeling of multiphase groundwater flow and heat transport revealed that, contrary to expectations, liquid water inflow to the drained magma conduit would likely be delayed by months to years, owing to the inability of liquid water to transit a zone of very hot rock. The summit of Kīlauea subsequently experienced an ∼2-month period of consistent repeated collapses, and the crater now extends below the equilibrium position of the water table. Liquid water first emerged into the deepened crater in late July 2019. The timing of first appearance of liquid water (about 14 months postcollapse) and the rate of crater lake filling (currently ∼27 kg/s) were well-predicted by the numerical modeling done in late spring 2018, which forecast liquid inflow after 3 to 24 months at rates of 10 to 100 kg/s. A second-generation groundwater model, reflecting the current crater geometry, forecasts lake filling over the next several years. The successful 2018 to present forecasts with both models are based on unadjusted in situ permeability estimates (1 to 6 × 10−14 m2) and water-table elevations (600 to 800 m) from a nearby research drillhole and geophysical surveys. Important unknowns that affect the reliability of longer-term forecasts include the equilibrium water-table geometry, the rate of evaporation from the hot and growing crater lake (currently ∼29,000 m2 at 70-80 °C), and heterogenous permeability changes caused by the 2018 collapse.  相似文献   

Trophic cascade hypotheses predict that fish will affect the structure and biomass of pelagic plankton communities. In order to investigate trophic cascade effects from fish down to phytoplankton, whole-lake studies were performed in five hypertrophic (mean total phosphorus (TP) concentrations higher than 1000 mg m−3) shallow lakes located in the Pampa Plain. The main climatic characteristic of this region is the alternation between periods of drought and flood, with corresponding changes of lake depth and conductivity of lake water. All lakes were studied from April to December 2000. Samples were taken of their physical and chemical characteristics and biotic communities, focusing on the zooplankton community. Fish were manipulated in four lakes (Capurro, Longinotti, Vedia 1, Vedia 2), while the fifth (Lake Vedia 3) was left undisturbed as a reference system. High abundance of planktivorous minnows (Jenynsia multidentata and Cheirodon interruptus) dominated the fish community in the reference lake. In the manipulated lakes, fish stocks were largely reduced in late autumn (May). During winter, Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 were stocked with a visual planktivore, the pampean silverside (Odontesthes bonariensis, Atherinidae). Fish stocking was 24, 33 and 19 kg ha−1, respectively. In contrast, no fish were stocked in Lake Vedia 2. Following fish removal, large Daphnia appeared in these lakes and grazed intensively on the phytoplankton. In contrast, no Daphnia were found in the reference lake (Vedia 3). The stocking of O. bonariensis in lakes Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 led to a decrease in the percentage of large cladocerans and a rise in the phytoplankton biomass:TP ratio. Moreover, the lakes mentioned were stocked with different quantities of silversides over different periods of time. These differences were reflected temporarily in the plankton dynamics, affecting mainly larger sized zooplankton. Nevertheless, the presence of Daphnia was short lived in the lake where fish had been removed and no O. bonariensis were stocked. Competition for resources and recruitment of remaining fish probably caused a collapse in the zooplankton biomass. Our results support the idea that fish predation on zooplankton and its effect on phytoplankton is very intense in small pampean lakes. Fish removal was short lived, however. This could be because in small pampean lakes fish recolonization is favored, and minnows are highly prolific. Moreover, if manipulation of the trophic structure of lakes is undertaken in the pampean region, high nutrient loading from the watershed, climate and hydrology should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

The Averno 2 eruption (3,700 ± 50 a B.P.) was an explosive low-magnitude event characterized by magmatic and phreatomagmatic explosions, generating mainly fall and surge beds, respectively. It occurred in the Western sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Campanian Region, South Italy) at the intersection of two active fault systems, oriented NE and NW. The morphologically complex crater area, largely filled by the Averno lake, resulted from vent activation and migration along the NE-trending fault system. The eruption generated a complex sequence of pyroclastic deposits, including pumice fall deposits in the lower portion, and prevailing surge beds in the intermediate-upper portion. The pyroclastic sequence has been studied through stratigraphical, morphostructural and petrological investigations, and subdivided into three members named A through C. Member A was emplaced during the first phase of the eruption mainly by magmatic explosions which generated columns reaching a maximum height of 10 km. During this phase the eruption reached its climax with a mass discharge rate of 3.2 106 kg/s. Intense fracturing and fault activation favored entry of a significant amount of water into the system, which produced explosions driven by variably efficient water-magma interaction. These explosions generated wet to dry surge deposits that emplaced Member B and C, respectively. Isopachs and isopleths maps, as well as areal distribution of ballistic fragments and facies variation of surge deposits allow definition of four vents that opened along a NE oriented, 2 km long fissure. The total volume of magma extruded during the eruption has been estimated at about 0.07 km3 (DRE). The erupted products range in composition from initial, weakly peralkaline alkali-trachyte, to last-emplaced alkali-trachyte. Isotopic data and modeling suggest that mixing occurred during the Averno 2 eruption between a more evolved, less radiogenic stored magma, and a less evolved, more radiogenic magma that entered the shallow reservoir to trigger the eruption. The early phases of the eruption, during which the vent migrated from SW to the center of the present lake, were fed by the more evolved, uppermost magma, while the following phases extruded the less evolved, lowermost magma. Integration of the geological and petrological results suggests that the Averno 2 complex eruption was fed from a dyke-shaped shallow reservoir intruded into the NE-SW fault system bordering to the west the La Starza resurgent block, within the caldera floor.  相似文献   

The D/H and 18O/16O ratios of water in the active crater lake situated on the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan are about 20 and 6‰, respectively, higher than local meteoric water. The ratios show seasonal variations superimposed on a gradual change over nine years. The isotopic ratios started to increase in early 1990 and decrease in the spring of 1995. The seasonal variation which is high in winter and low in summer correlates with the temperature difference between lake water and ambient air. The large temperature difference in winter enhances the evaporation of lake water and produces the enriched isotopic ratios relative to the ratios in summer. The accumulation of snow and the decrease in the flux of meteoric water into the lake strengthens the winter-time isotopic enrichment. The enriched isotopic ratios of the lake water over a long time result from the addition of an end member with heavy isotopic ratios contained in a thermal fluid supplied to the lake. Considering the water balance in the lake, the isotopic ratios of the thermal fluid were found to be close to the lake water itself, suggesting the circulation of the lake water seeping through lake floor. Based on the correlation between Clconcentration and the isotopic ratios, the contribution by the heavy end member was estimated to be 25–36% relative to the enrichment by evaporation. The heavy end member could be a liquid phase evolved from a parental fluid, which is a mixture of local meteoric water and a magmatic fluid as found in high-temperature volcanic gases.  相似文献   

Large lakes enclosures were used to examine the influence of nutrient (P, N) enrichment and planktivorous fish (1 + yellow perch) predation on hypolimnetic oxygen depletion. Results were compared to similar data for lakes with high (Lake St. George) and low (Haynes Lake) abundances of planktivorous fish. In both the unfertilized and fertilized enclosures, fish predation on large cladocerans increased the biomasses of pico- and nanoplankton (0.2–20 µm), phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) and total phosphorus (TP), reduced sedimentation, water clarity, and hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations (AHO). Fertilized enclosures without fish had highest TP and sedimentation rates, but the AHO were low. The high planktivore lake had higher pico- and nanoplankton, higher chlorophyll a, reduced water clarity, and lower AHO than the low planktivore lake. Areal hypolimnetic oxygen depletion (AHOD) rates were strongly related with Secchi depth and plankton size-distribution (r 2 = 0.77, and 0.79, respectively), but not as strongly with TP, chlorophyll a, and sedimentation rates (r 2 = 0.25, 0.53, and 0.02, respectively). Such observations are useful in forming a generalized hypothesis that lakes with low planktivory and high water clarity have lower oxygen depletion because 1) plankton that are settling are larger and spend less time in the hypolimnetic water column before reaching the sediment, and therefore undergo less decomposition, and 2) the euphotic depth extends into the hypolimnion and production of oxygen can take place.  相似文献   

The 26.5 ka Oruanui eruption, from Taupo volcano in the central North Island of New Zealand, is the largest known ‘wet’ eruption, generating 430 km3 of fall deposits, 320 km3 of pyroclastic density–current (PDC) deposits (mostly ignimbrite) and 420 km3 of primary intracaldera material, equivalent to 530 km3 of magma. Erupted magma is >99% rhyolite and <1% relatively mafic compositions (52.3–63.3% SiO2). The latter vary in abundance at different stratigraphic levels from 0.1 to 4 wt%, defining three ‘spikes’ that are used to correlate fall and coeval PDC activity. The eruption is divided into 10 phases on the basis of nine mappable fall units and a tenth, poorly preserved but volumetrically dominant fall unit. Fall units 1–9 individually range from 0.8 to 85 km3 and unit 10, by subtraction, is 265 km3; all fall deposits are of wide (plinian) to extremely wide dispersal. Fall deposits show a wide range of depositional states, from dry to water saturated, reflecting varied pyroclast:water ratios. Multiple bedding and normal grading in the fall deposits show the first third of the eruption was very spasmodic; short-lived but intense bursts of activity were separated by time breaks from zero up to several weeks to months. PDC activity occurred throughout the eruption. Both dilute and concentrated currents are inferred to have been present from deposit characteristics, with the latter being volumetrically dominant (>90%). PDC deposits range from mm- to cm-thick ultra-thin veneers enclosed within fall material to >200 m-thick ignimbrite in proximal areas. The farthest travelled (90 km), most energetic PDCs (velocities >100 m s−1) occurred during phase 8, but the most voluminous PDC deposits were emplaced during phase 10. Grain size variations in the PDC deposits are complex, with changes seen vertically in thick, proximal accumulations being greater than those seen laterally from near-source to most-distal deposits. Modern Lake Taupo partly infills the caldera generated during this eruption; a 140 km2 structural collapse area is concealed beneath the lake, while the lake outline reflects coeval peripheral and volcano–tectonic collapse. Early eruption phases saw shifting vent positions; development of the caldera to its maximum extent (indicated by lithic lag breccias) occurred during phase 10. The Oruanui eruption shows many unusual features; its episodic nature, wide range of depositional conditions in fall deposits of very wide dispersal, and complex interplay of fall and PDC activity.  相似文献   

The study analyses the long-term biophysical and demographic changes in Dal lake, located in the heart of Srinagar city, Kashmir India, using a repository of historical, remote sensing, socio-economic and water quality data supported by the extensive field observations. The lake faces multiple pressures from the unplanned urbanization, high population growth, nutrient load from intensive agriculture and tourism. The data showed that the lake has shrunk from 31 km2 in 1859–24 km2 in 2013. Significant changes were observed in the land use and land cover (LULC) within the lake (1859–2013) and in the vicinity of the lake (1962–2013). Analysis of the demographic data indicates that the human population within the lake has shown more than double the national growth rate. Additionally, 7 important water quality parameters from 82 well distributed sites across the lake were analyzed and compared with the past data to determine the historical changes in the water quality from 1971 to 2014. The changes in the LULC and demography have adversely affected the pollution status of this pristine lake. Ortho-phosphate phosphorous concentration has increased from 16.75 μg L−1 in 1977–45.78 μg L−1 in 2014 and that of the nitrate-nitrogen from 365 μg L−1 to 557 μg L−1, indicating nutrient enrichment of the lake over the years. Built-up area within the lake has increased 40 times since 1859, which, together with the changes in the population and settlements, have led to the high discharge of untreated nutrient-rich sewage into the lake. Similarly the expansion of floating gardens within the lake and agriculture lands in the catchment has contributed to the increased nutrient load into the lake due to the increasing use of fertilizers. The information about the existing land cover, demography and water quality was integrated and analyzed in GIS environment to identify the trophic status of the lake. The analysis indicated that 32% of the lake falls under sever degradation, 48% under medium degradation while as 20% of the lake waters are relatively clean. It is believed that the results provide improved knowledge and insights about the lake health and causal factors of its degradation necessary for effectively restoring its ecological and hydrological functionality.  相似文献   

During the 1971–1972 eruption of Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent Island, a lava mass was extruded subaqueously in the crater lake. An investigation of the chemistry of the lake indicates that over 50,000 tons of dissolved solids were taken into solution during the eruption, in addition to 9000 tons of iron precipitated as ferric oxide in syngenetic metalliferous sediments on the crater floor. Leaching of hot disintegrating lava and volcanic glass is the principal source of cations dissolved in the lake (Na, Ca, Mg, Si and K), whereas chlorine and sulfur were introduced during injection of acid volcanic gases from the submerged lava mass. Concentrations of the common cations in the lake are not affected by mineral solubility, except in the case of Fe3+, but rather by the rate of leaching, evaporation, and water-rock reactions. Variations in Cl/Na, total Cl and acidity have aided in identification of distinct fumarolic phases during the eruption, which may correlate with observed increase in frequency of minor volcanic tremors in the crater. Accumulation of ferric oxide in sediments on the crater floor is thought to be due to leaching of ferrous iron at high temperature from the lava mass, followed by oxidation and precipitation of hematite in the cooler lake.  相似文献   

Several lakes in Chile are near important volcanic areas where eruption impacts can limit the quality of lacustrine sediments for reconstructing past environmental changes. In this study, we report changes in diatoms, pollen, and chironomids assemblages after a tephra deposition in Lake Galletué (Chilean Andes). A sediment core obtained from Lake Galletué (40 m water depth) was sliced in 1 cm intervals and subsamples were taken to analyze each proxy. 210Pb and 137Cs activities were measured to obtain the geochronology and mineralogical analyses were performed to determine the mineral composition of the tephra. Diatom species composition and productivity were modified when the lake received the tephra; Aulacoseira granulata decreased and was later replaced by Cyclotella af. glomerata. After the tephra input, Aulacoseira granulata abundance increased to pre-disturbance levels and Cyclotella af. glomerata decreased. These changes seem to suggest a momentary increase in lake nutrient levels after the tephra deposition. Chironomid assemblages also decreased in head capsules just after the tephra deposition, but the most important change was the replacement of Ablabesmyia by Parakiefferiella, probably due to the sedimentological changes produced by the input of coarse tephra grains. Furthermore, unlike other studies, chironomid assemblages in Lake Galletué did not show a decrease drastically in diversity within the tephra layer. The pollen analysis indicated that, prior to the volcanic event, the vegetal community was dominated by Nothofagus sp., Araucaria araucana, and Blechnum sp.-type. After the tephra deposition, the same taxa are dominant, indicating that the volcanic event seems not produce changes in the vegetation. Nevertheless, within the tephra layer it is possible to see an increase in Poaceae, which represent – due to the percolation process – the effect of eruption on the vegetation. According to our results, diatoms were the most sensitive proxy for describing the changes produced by tephra deposition into the aquatic ecosystem and, despite the noticeable changes in its sedimentological properties; the lake seems to have a high resilience capacity, allowing it to return to pre-tephra input conditions.  相似文献   

热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构对生态修复的响应   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
热带浅水湖泊后生浮游动物群落以轮虫和小型枝角类为主,往往缺乏大型浮游动物,其影响因子还存在争议,因此通过减少鱼类,提高大型后生浮游动物密度,从而增强对浮游植物的下行控制、修复热带富营养化湖泊的方法受到质疑.暨大南湖位于广州暨南大学校园内,是热带富营养化浅水湖泊,于2014年1—2月实施以鱼类去除和水生植被重建为主的生态系统修复工程,以期改善水质.通过对南湖修复前后水质、后生浮游动物以及修复后鱼类群落的调查分析,研究了后生浮游动物群落对修复的响应.结果表明:与修复前相比,总氮、总磷和叶绿素a浓度显著降低,透明度显著上升.枝角类丰度和生物量显著增加,修复后初期出现较高密度的大型枝角类蚤状溞(Daphnia pulex),桡足类丰度和生物量没有显著变化,轮虫丰度下降而生物量上升;后生浮游动物体长和生物多样性显著增加.随着鱼类密度的增加,蚤状溞丰度快速降低,后期鱼类减少后蚤状溞丰度又有所升高.因此,本研究显示鱼类是控制热带浅水湖泊大型浮游动物种群的主要因素,由于控制鱼类密度以维持较高大型浮游动物密度较为困难,因此单纯生物操纵在热带浅水湖泊修复中难以取得显著效果.  相似文献   

We present results from a numerical investigation of subaqueous eruptions involving superheated steam released through a lake mimicking the volcanic setting at Mt. Ruapehu. The simulations were conducted using an adaptive mesh, multi-material, hydrodynamics code with thermal conduction SAGE, (Simple Adaptive Grid Eulerian). Parameters investigated include eruption pressure, lake level and mass of superheated vapor. The simulations produced a spectrum of eruption styles from vapor cavities to radial jets that resulted in hazards that ranged from small-scale waves to high amplitude surges that reached and cascaded over the edge of the crater rim. There was an overall tendency for lake surface activity to increase (including wave amplitude) with increasing mass of superheated vapor and eruption pressure. Surface waves were induced by the formation and collapse of a gas cavity. The collapse of the cavity is considered to play a major role in the characteristic features observed during a subaqueous eruption. The additional mass of superheated vapor produced a larger cavity that displaced a larger area of the lake surface resulting in fast moving surges upon the collapse of the cavity. High lake levels (>90 m) appear to suppress the development of explosive jetting activity when eruption pressures are <10 MPa. At very large eruption pressures (>10 MPa), vertical jets and radial ejections of steam and water can occur in water depths >90 m. Less explosive eruption styles can produce hazardous events such as lahars by the outward movement of surface waves over the crater rim.  相似文献   

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