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The Pb isotope composition of the upper mantle beneath Central Europe is heterogeneous due to the subduction of regionally contrasting material during the Variscan and Alpine orogenies.Late Variscan to Cenozoic mantlederived melts allow mapping this heterogeneity on a regional scale for the last ca.340 Myr.Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif(lamprophyres,volcanic rocks of basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series) concentrate mostly in the Eger Rift.Cretaceous ultramafic lamprophyres yielded the most radiogenic Pb isotope signatures reflecting a maximum contribution from metasomatised lithospheric mantle,whereas Tertiary alkaline lamprophyres originated from mantle with less radiogenic ~(206)Pb/~(204)b ratios suggesting a more substantial modification of lithospheric source by interaction with asthenosphericderived melts.Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the basanite/tephrite and trachyte/phonolite series define a linear mixing trend between these components,indicating dilution of the initial lithospheric mantle signature by upwelling asthenosphere during rifting.The Pb isotope composition of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of the Bohemian Massif follows the same Pb growth curve as Variscan orogenic lamprophyres and lamproites that formed during the collision between Laurussia,Gondwana,and associated terranes.This implies that the crustal Pb signature in the post-Variscan mantle is repeatedly sampled by younger anorogenic melts.Most Cenozoic mantle-derived rocks of Central Europe show similar Pb isotope ranges as the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

We determined the boron isotope and chemical compositions of tourmaline from the Hira Buddini gold deposit within the Archean Hutti-Maski greenstone belt in southern India to investigate the evolution of the hydrothermal system and to constrain its fluid sources. Tourmaline is a minor but widespread constituent in the inner and distal alteration zones of metabasaltic and metadacite host rocks associated with the hydrothermal gold mineralization. The Hira Buddini tourmaline belongs to the dravite–schorl series with variations in Al, Fe/(Fe+Mg), Ca, Ti, and Cr contents that can be related to their host lithology. The total range of δ11B values determined is extreme, from −13.3‰ to +9.0‰, but 95% of the values are between −4 and +9‰. The boron isotope compositions of metabasalt-hosted tourmaline show a bimodal distribution with peak δ11B values at about −2‰ and +6‰. The wide range and bimodal distribution of boron isotope ratios in tourmaline require an origin from at least two isotopically distinct fluid sources, which entered the hydrothermal system separately and were subsequently mixed. The estimated δ11B values of the hydrothermal fluids, based on the peak tourmaline compositions and a mineralization temperature of 550°C, are around +1 and +10‰. The isotopically lighter of the two fluids is consistent with boron released by metamorphic devolatilization reactions from the greenstone lithologies, whereas the 11B-rich fluid is attributed to degassing of I-type granitic magmas that intruded the greenstone sequence, providing heat and fluids to the hydrothermal system. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

郑贝琪  陈斌  孙杨 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):187-204



High-temperature, high-pressure eclogite and garnet pyroxenite occur as lenses in garnet peridotite bodies of the Gföhl nappe in the Bohemian Massif. The high-pressure assemblages formed in the mantle and are important for allowing investigations of mantle compositions and processes. Eclogite is distinguished from garnet pyroxenite on the basis of elemental composition, with mg number <80, Na2O > 0.75 wt.%, Cr2O3 < 0.15 wt.% and Ni < 400 ppm. Considerable scatter in two-element variation diagrams and the common modal layering of some eclogite bodies indicate the importance of crystal accumulation in eclogite and garnet pyroxenite petrogenesis. A wide range in isotopic composition of clinopyroxene separates [Nd, +5.4 to –6.0; (87Sr/86Sr)i, 0.70314–0.71445; 18OSMOW, 3.8–5.8%o] requires that subducted oceanic crust is a component in some melts from which eclogite and garnet pyroxenite crystallized. Variscan Sm-Nd ages were obtained for garnet-clinopyroxene pairs from Dobeovice eclogite (338 Ma), Úhrov eclogite (344 Ma) and Nové Dvory garnet pyroxenite (343 Ma). Gföhl eclogite and garnet pyroxenite formed by high-pressure crystal accumulation (±trapped melt) from transient melts in the lithosphere, and the source of such melts was subducted, hydrothermally altered oceanic crust, including subducted sediments. Much of the chemical variation in the eclogites can be explained by simple fractional crystallization, whereas variation in the pyroxenites indicates fractional crystallization accompanied by some assimilation of the peridotite host.  相似文献   

The boron isotopic composition of zoned tourmaline in two metasediments from the island of Syros, determined by secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), reflects the sedimentary and metamorphic record of the rocks. Tourmaline from a silicate-bearing marble contains small (≤20 μm) detrital cores with highly variable δ 11B values (−10.7 to +3.6‰), pointing to a heterogeneous protolith derived from multiple sources. The sedimentary B isotopic record survived the entire metamorphic cycle with peak temperatures of ∼500°C. Prograde to peak metamorphic rims are homogeneous and similar among all analysed grains (δ 11B ≈ +0.9‰). The varying δ 11B values of detrital cores in the siliceous marble demonstrate that in situ B isotope analysis of tourmaline by SIMS is a potentially powerful tool for provenance studies not only in sediments but also in metasediments. A meta-tuffitic blueschist bears abundant tourmaline with dravitic cores of detrital or authigenic origin (δ 11B ≈ −3.3‰), and prograde to peak metamorphic overgrowth zones (−1.6‰). Fe-rich rims, formed during influx of B-bearing fluids under retrograde conditions, show strongly increasing δ 11B values (up to +7.7‰) towards the margins of the grains. The δ 11B values of metamorphic tourmaline from Syros, formed in mixed terrigenous–marine sediments, reflect the B signal blended from these two different sources, and was probably not altered by dehydration during subduction.  相似文献   

The Houxianyu borate deposit in northeastern China is one of the largest boron sources of China, hosted mainly in the Paleoproterozoic meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks (known as the Liaohe Group) that are characterized by high boron concentrations. The borate ore-body has intimate spatial relationship with the Mg-rich carbonates/silicates of the Group, with fine-grained gneisses (meta-felsic volcanic rocks) as main country rocks. The presence of abundant tourmalinites and tourmaline-rich quartz veins in the borate orebody provides an opportunity to study the origin of boron, the nature of ore-forming fluids, and possible mineralization mechanism. We report the chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmalines from the tourmaline-rich rocks in the borate deposit and from the tourmaline-bearing fine-grained gneisses.Tourmalines from the fine-grained gneisses are chemically homogeneous, showing relatively high Fe and Na and low Mg, with δ11B values in a narrow range from +1.22‰ to +2.63‰. Tourmalines from the tourmaline-rich rocks, however, commonly show compositional zoning, with an irregular detrital core and a euhedral overgrowth, and have significantly higher Mg, REE (and more pronounced positive Eu anomalies), V (229–1852 ppm) and Sr (208–1191 ppm) than those from the fine-grained gneisses. They show varied B isotope values ranging from +4.51‰ to +12.43‰, which plot intermediate between those of the terrigenous sediments and arc rocks with low boron isotope values (as represented by the δ11B = +1.22‰ to +2.63‰ of the fine-grained gneisses of this study) and those of marine carbonates and evaporates with high boron isotope values. In addition, the rim of the zoned tourmaline shows notably higher Mg, Ti, V, Sn, and Pb, and REE (particularly LREEs), but lower Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, Mn, and lower δ11B values than the core. These data suggest that (1) the sources of boron of the borate ore-body are mainly the Paleoproterozoic meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and (2) the ore-forming fluids should be the high temperature metamorphic fluids related to the amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the Paleoproterozoic foldbelt, which leach boron from the boron-rich meta-volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Liaohe Group, and the boron-rich metamorphic fluids subsequently interacted with the marine Mg-rich carbonates and evaporates, forming borate deposit, the tourmaline overgrowth in the rim and the tourmaline-rich rocks.  相似文献   

Controversy over the plate tectonic affinity and evolution of the Saxon granulites in a two‐ or multi‐plate setting during inter‐ or intracontinental collision makes the Saxon Granulite Massif a key area for the understanding of the Palaeozoic Variscan orogeny. The massif is a large dome structure in which tectonic slivers of metapelite and metaophiolite units occur along a shear zone separating a diapir‐like body of high‐P granulite below from low‐P metasedimentary rocks above. Each of the upper structural units records a different metamorphic evolution until its assembly with the exhuming granulite body. New age and petrologic data suggest that the metaophiolites developed from early Cambrian protoliths during high‐P amphibolite facies metamorphism in the mid‐ to late‐Devonian and thermal overprinting by the exhuming hot granulite body in the early Carboniferous. A correlation of new Ar–Ar biotite ages with published PTt data for the granulites implies that exhumation and cooling of the granulite body occurred at average rates of ~8 mm/year and ~80°C/Ma, with a drop in exhumation rate from ~20 to ~2.5 mm/year and a slight rise in cooling rate between early and late stages of exhumation. A time lag of c. 2 Ma between cooling through the closure temperatures for argon diffusion in hornblende and biotite indicates a cooling rate of 90°C/Ma when all units had assembled into the massif. A two‐plate model of the Variscan orogeny in which the above evolution is related to a short‐lived intra‐Gondwana subduction zone conflicts with the oceanic affinity of the metaophiolites and the timescale of c. 50 Ma for the metamorphism. Alternative models focusing on the internal Variscan belt assume distinctly different material paths through the lower or upper crust for strikingly similar granulite massifs. An earlier proposed model of bilateral subduction below the internal Variscan belt may solve this problem.  相似文献   

The Brunovistulian terrane represents a microcontinent of enigmatic Proterozoic provenance that was located at the southern margin of Baltica in the early Paleozoic. During the Variscan orogeny, it represented the lower plate at the southern margin of Laurussia, involved in the collision with the Armorican terrane assemblage. In this respect, it resembles the Avalonian terrane in the west and the Istanbul Zone in the east. There is a growing evidence about the presence of a Devonian back-arc at the margin of the Brunovistulian terrane. The early Variscan phase was characterized by the formation of Devonian extensional basins with the within-plate volcanic activity and formation of narrow segments of oceanic crust. The oldest Viséan flysch of the Rheic/Rhenohercynian remnant basin (Protivanov, Andelska Hora and Horní Benesov formations) forms the highest allochthonous units and contains, together with slices of Silurian Bohemian facies, clastic micas from early Paleozoic crystalline rocks that are presumably derived from terranes of Armorican affinity although provenance from an active Brunovistulian margin cannot be fully excluded either. The development of the Moravo–Silesian late Paleozoic basin was terminated by coal-bearing paralic and limnic sediments. The progressive Carboniferous stacking of nappes and their impingement on the Laurussian foreland led to crustal thickening and shortening and a number of distinct deformational and folding events. The postorogenic extension led to the formation of the terminal Carboniferous-early Permian Boskovice Graben located in the eastern part of the Brunovistulian terrane, in front of the crystalline nappes. The highest, allochthonous westernmost flysch units, locally with the basal slices of the Devonian and Silurian rocks thrusted over the Silesicum in the NW part of the Brunovistulian terrane, may share a similar tectonic position with the Giessen–Harz nappes. The Silesicum represents the outermost margin of the Brunovistulian terrane with many features in common with the Northern Phyllite Zone at the Avalonia–Armorica interface in Germany.  相似文献   

Corona and inclusion textures of a metatroctolite at the contact between felsic granulite and migmatites of the Gföhl Unit from the Moldanubian Zone provide evidence of the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the rocks. Numerous diopside inclusions (1–10 μm, maximum 20 μm in size) in plagioclase of anorthite composition represent primary magmatic textures. Triple junctions between the plagioclase grains in the matrix are occupied by amphibole, probably pseudomorphs after clinopyroxene. The coronae consist of a core of orthopyroxene, with two or three zones (layers); the innermost is characterized by calcic amphibole with minor spinel and relicts of clinopyroxene, the next zone consists of symplectite of amphibole with spinel, sapphirine and accessory corundum, and the outermost is formed by garnet and amphibole with relicts of spinel. The orthopyroxene forms a monomineralic aggregate that may contain a cluster of serpentine in the core, suggesting its formation after olivine. Based on mineral textures and thermobarometric calculations, the troctolite crystallized in the middle to lower crust and the coronae were formed during three different metamorphic stages. The first stage relates to a subsolidus reaction between olivine and anorthite to form orthopyroxene. The second stage involving amphibole formation suggests the presence of a fluid that resulted in the replacement of igneous orthopyroxene and governed the reaction orthopyroxene + anorthite = amphibole + spinel. The last stage of corona formation with amphibole + spinel + sapphirine indicates granulite facies conditions. Garnet enclosing spinel, and its occurrence along the rim of the coronae in contact with anorthite, suggests that its formation occurred either during cooling or both cooling and compression but still at granulite facies conditions. The zircon U–Pb data indicate Variscan ages for both the troctolite crystallization (c. 360 Ma) and corona formation during granulite facies metamorphism (c. 340 Ma) in the Gföhl Unit. The intrusion of troctolite and other Variscan mafic and ultramafic rocks is interpreted as a potential heat source for amphibolite–granulite facies metamorphism that led to partial re‐equilibration of earlier high‐ to ultrahigh‐P metamorphic rocks in the Moldanubian Zone. These petrological and geochronological data constrain the formation of HP–UHP rocks and arc‐related plutonic complex to westward subduction of the Moldanubian plate during the Variscan orogeny. After exhumation to lower and/or middle crust, the HP–UHP rocks underwent heating due to intrusion of mafic and ultramafic magma that was generated by slab breakoff and mantle upwelling.  相似文献   

Abstract The Erzgebirge Crystalline Complex (ECC) is a rare example where both‘crustal’eclogites and mantle-derived garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks (GBUs) occur in the same tectonic unit. Thus, the ECC represents a key complex for studying tectonic processes such as crustal thickening or incorporation of mantle-derived material into the continental crust. This study provides the first evidence that high-pressure metamorphism in the ECC is of Variscan age. Sm-Nd isochrons define ages of 333 ± 6 (Grt-WR), 337± 5 (Grt-WR), 360± 7 (Grt-Cpx-WR) (eclogites) and 353 ± 7 Ma (Grt-WR) (garnet-pyroxenite). 40Ar/39Ar spectra of phengite from two eclogite samples give plateau ages of 348 ± 2 and 355 ± 2 Ma. The overlap of ages from isotopic systems with blocking temperatures that differ by about 300 ° C indicates extremely fast tectonic uplift rates. Minimum cooling rates were about 50° C Myr-1. As a consequence, the closure temperature of the specific isotopic system is of minor importance, and the ages correspond to the time of high-pressure metamorphism. Despite textural equilibrium and metamorphic temperatures in excess of 800° C, clinopyroxene, garnet and whole rock do not define a three-point isochron in three of four samples. The metamorphic clinopyroxenes seem to have inherited their isotopic signature from magmatic precursors. Rapid tectonic burial and uplift within only a few million years might be the reason for the observed Sm-Nd disequilibrium. The εNd values of the eclogites (+4.4 to +6.9) suggest the protoliths were derived from a long-term depleted mantle, probably a MORB source, whereas the isotopically enriched garnet-pyroxenite (εNd–2.9) might represent subcontinental mantle material, emplaced into the crust prior to or during collision. The similarity of ages of the two different rock types suggests a shared metamorphic history.  相似文献   

Mid-Devonian high-pressure (HP) and high-temperature (HT) metamorphism represents an enigmatic early phase in the evolution of the Variscan Orogeny. Within the Bohemian Massif this metamorphism is recorded mostly in allochthonous complexes with uncertain relationship to the major tectonic units. In this regard, the Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC) is unique in its position at the base of its original upper plate (Teplá-Barrandian Zone). The MLC is composed of diverse, but predominantly mafic, magmatic-metamorphic rocks with late Ediacaran to mid-Devonian protolith ages. Mid-Devonian HP eclogite-facies metamorphism was swiftly followed by a HT granulite-facies overprint contemporaneous with the emplacement of magmatic rocks with apparent supra-subduction affinity. New Hf in zircon isotopic measurements combined with a review of whole-rock isotopic and geochemical data reveals that the magmatic protoliths of the MLC, as well as in the upper plate Teplá-Barrandian Zone, developed above a relatively unaltered Neoproterozoic lithospheric mantle. They remained coupled with this lithospheric mantle throughout a geological timeframe that encompasses separate Ediacaran and Cambrian age arc magmatism, protracted early Paleozoic rifting, and the earliest phases of the Variscan Orogeny. These results are presented in the context of reconstructing the original architecture of the Variscan terranes up to and including the mid-Devonian HP-HT event.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau is characterized by intense hydrothermal activity and abnormal enrichment of trace elements in geothermal waters. Hydrochemistry and B isotope samples from geothermal waters in Tibet were systematically measured to describe the fractionation mechanisms and provide constraints on potential B reservoirs. B concentrations range from 0.35 to 171.90 mg/L, and isotopic values vary between −16.57 ‰ and +0.52 ‰. Geothermal fields along the Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone and N–S rifts are observed with high B concentrations and temperatures. The similar hydrochemical compositions of high-B geothermal waters with magmatic fluid and consistent modeling of B isotopic compositions with present δ11B values imply that the B in high-B geothermal waters is mainly contributed by magmatic sources, probably through magma degassing. In contrast, geothermal fields in other regions of the Lhasa block have relatively low B concentrations and temperatures. After considering the small fractionation factor and representative indicators of Na/Ca, Cl/HCO3, Na + K and Si, the conformity between modeling results and the isotopic compositions of host rocks suggests that the B in low-temperature geothermal fields is mainly sourced from host rocks. According to simulated results, the B in some shallow geothermal waters not only originated from mixing of cold groundwater with deep thermal waters, but it was also contributed by equilibration with marine sedimentary rocks with an estimated proportion of 10%. It was anticipated that this study would provide useful insight into the sources and fractionation of B as well as further understanding of the relationships between B-rich salt lakes and geothermal activities in the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

Strain patterns within mantle rocks and surrounding coarse‐grained felsic granulites from the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex in the Variscan Bohemian Massif have been studied in order to assess their strain coupling. The studied rock association occurs within low‐strain domains surrounded by fine‐grained granulite and migmatite. The Doubrava peridotite contains closely spaced and steeply dipping layers of garnet clinopyroxenite, which are parallel to the NE–SW‐striking, high‐temperature foliation in nearby granulites, while the Úhrov peridotite lacks such layering. The Spa?ice eclogite is not associated with peridotite and shows upright folds of alternating coarse‐ and fine‐grained varieties bearing NE–SW‐striking axial planes. Electron back‐scattered diffraction measurements revealed full strain coupling between clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites in the S1 fabric that is superposed on the S0 fabric preserved in peridotites. The B‐type olivine lattice preferred orientation (LPO) characterizes the S0 fabric in peridotites and its reworking is strongly controlled by the presence of macroscopic clinopyroxenite layering. The S1 in clinopyroxenites and coarse‐grained granulites is associated with the LS‐type clinopyroxene LPO and prism <c> slip in quartz respectively. While the S1 fabric in these rock types is accompanied invariably by a sub‐vertical stretching lineation, the S1 fabric developed in reworked Úhrov peridotite is associated with strongly planar axial (010) type of olivine LPO. The peridotites with the S0 fabric are interpreted to be relicts of a fore‐arc mantle wedge hydrated to a various extent above the Saxothuringian subduction zone. The prograde metamorphism recorded in peridotites and eclogites occurred presumably during mantle wedge flow and was reaching UHP conditions. Strain coupling in the S1 fabric between clinopyroxenites and granulites at Doubrava and upright folding of eclogites at Spa?ice document a link between tectonic and magmatic processes during orogenic thickening, coeval with intrusions of the arc‐related calcalkaline suites of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (c. 360–345 Ma). Juxtaposition of peridotites and granulites could be explained by a rheological heterogeneity connected to the development of clinopyroxenite layering in the upper mantle and a previously published model of a lithospheric‐scale transpressional arc system. It invokes vertical shearing along NE–SW trending, sub‐vertical foliations in the upper mantle that could have led to an emplacement of mantle bodies into the granulitized, orogenic root in the sub‐arc region. Clearly, such a transpressional arc system could represent an important pathway for an emplacement of deep‐seated rocks in the orogenic lower crust.  相似文献   

Continental margin sediments of an exotic nature, which have been thrust over the Rhenohercynian zone of Central Germany, occur mainly in olistostromes of Lower Carboniferous age. A stratigraphy compiled from the exotic rocks reflects the wide spectrum of continental shelf and adjacent basinal facies that existed at least from the Early Ordovician to the Early Carboniferous. Facies and faunal relationships are comparable with those in the Palaeozoic of the western Mediterranean region, Saxothuringia (south-east Germany) and the Barrandian area (Czech Republic), which suggests deposition at the northern margin of the Gondwana Palaeozoic supercontinent. Among the exotic rocks, a Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous facies, referred to as Flinzkalk, contains sediments showing characteristics of contourites. They may have originated from reworked turbidites, formed under a current which flowed parallel to the North Gondwana margin, similar to the Gulf Stream flowing along eastern North America today.  相似文献   

The Qiman Tagh W-Sn belt lies in the westernmost section of the East Kunlun Orogen, NW China, and is associated with early Paleozoic monzogranites, tourmaline is present throughout this belt. In this paper we report chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline from wall rocks, monzogranites, and quartz veins within the belt, for studying the evolution of ore-forming fluids. Tourmaline crystals hosted in the monzogranite and wall rocks belong to the alkali group, while those hosted in quartz veins belong to both the alkali and X-site vacancy groups. Tourmaline in the walk rocks lies within the schorl-dravite series and becomes increasingly schorlitic in the monzogranite and quartz veins. Detrital tourmaline in the wall rocks is commonly both optically and chemically zoned,with cores being enriched in Mg compared with the rims. In the Al-Fe-Mg and Ca-Fe-Mg diagrams,tourmaline from the wall rocks plots in the fields of Al-saturated and Ca-poor metapelite, and extends into the field of Li-poor granites, while those from the monzogranite and quartz veins lie within the field of Li-poor granites. Compositional substitution is best represented by the MgFe_(-1), Al(NaR)_(-1), and AlO(Fe(OH))_(-1) exchange vectors. A wider range of δ~(11)B values from -11.1‰ to -7.1‰ is observed in the wall-rock tourmaline crystals, the B isotopic values combining with elemental diagrams indicate a source of metasediments without marine evaporates for the wall rocks in the Qiman Tagh belt. The δ~(11)B values of monzogranite-hosted tourmaline range from -10.7‰ and-9.2‰, corresponding to the continental crust sediments, and indicate a possible connection between the wall rocks and the monzogranite. The overlap in δ~(11)B values between wall rocks and monzogranite implies that a transfer of δ~(11)B values by anataxis with little isotopic fractionation between tourmaline and melts. Tourmaline crystals from quartz veins have δ~(11)B values between -11.0‰ and-9.6‰, combining with the elemental diagrams and geological features, thus indicating a common granite-derived source for the quartz veins and little B isotopic fractionation occurred. Tourmalinite in the wall rocks was formed by metasomatism by a granite-derived hydrothermal fluid, as confirmed by the compositional and geological features.Therefore, we propose a single B-rich sedimentary source in the Qiman Tagh belt, and little boron isotopic fractionation occurred during systematic fluid evolution from the wall rocks, through monzogranite, to quartz veins and tourmalinite.  相似文献   


A paleomagnetic study has been carried out on three sedimentary formations of the Permian Rodez basin in the southern France. Two of them yield paleomagnetic poles of Saxonian and Thuringian age showing counterclockwise rotation of moderate amplitude, during or after the Thuringian deposition. For the French Massif Central, contrary to its stable southern (Lodève basin) and eastern (Largentière basin) borders, on its southwestern border, in a large area including the Rodez, Saint-Affrique and perhaps Brive basins suffered rotations due to the extensional tectonics during the Late Variscan period. © 2002 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Tourmaline is widespread in metapelites and pegmatites from the Neoproterozoic Damara Belt, which form the basement and potential source rocks of the Cretaceous Erongo granite. This study traces the B-isotope variations in tourmalines from the basement, from the Erongo granite and from its hydrothermal stage. Tourmalines from the basement are alkali-deficient schorl-dravites, with B-isotope ratios typical for continental crust (δ11B average −8.4‰ ± 1.4, n = 11; one sample at −13‰, n = 2). Virtually all tourmaline in the Erongo granite occurs in distinctive tourmaline-quartz orbicules. This “main-stage” tourmaline is alkali-deficient schorl (20–30% X-site vacancy, Fe/(Fe + Mg) 0.8–1), with uniform B-isotope compositions (δ11B −8.7‰ ± 1.5, n = 49) that are indistinguishable from the basement average, suggesting that boron was derived from anatexis of the local basement rocks with no significant shift in isotopic composition. Secondary, hydrothermal tourmaline in the granite has a bimodal B-isotope distribution with one peak at about −9‰, like the main-stage tourmaline, and a second at −2‰. We propose that the tourmaline-rich orbicules formed late in the crystallization history from an immiscible Na–B–Fe-rich hydrous melt. The massive precipitation of orbicular tourmaline nearly exhausted the melt in boron and the shift of δ11B to −2‰ in secondary tourmaline can be explained by Rayleigh fractionation after about 90% B-depletion in the residual fluid. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Extensive Permo-Carboniferous volcanism has been documented from the Bohemian Massif. The late Carboniferous volcanic episode started at the Duckmantian–Bolsovian boundary and continued intermittently until Westphalian D to Stephanian B producing mainly felsic and more rarely mafic volcanics in the Central Bohemian and the Sudetic basins. During the early Permian volcanic episode, after the intra-Stephanian hiatus, additional large volumes of felsic and mafic volcanics were extruded in the Sudetic basins. The volcanics of both episodes range from entirely subalkaline (calc-alkaline to tholeiitic) of convergent plate margin-like type to transitional and alkaline of within-plate character. A possible common magma could not be identified among the Carboniferous and Permian primitive magmas, but a common geochemical signature (enrichment in Th, U, REE and depletion in Nb, Sr, P, Ti) in the volcanic series of both episodes was recognized. On the other hand, volcanics of both episodes differ in intensities of Nb, Sr and P depletion and also, in part, in their isotope signatures. High 87Sr/86Sr (0.707–0.710) and low εNd (−6.0 to −6.1) are characteristic of the Carboniferous mafic volcanics, whereas low 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.708) and higher εNd ranging from −2.7 to −3.4 are typical of the Permian volcanics. Felsic volcanics of both episodes vary substantially in 87Sr/86Sr (0.705–0.762) and εNd (−0.9 to −5.1). Different depths of magma source or heterogeneity of the Carboniferous and Permian mantle can be inferred from variation in some characteristic elements of the geochemical signature for volcanics in some basins. The Sr–Nd isotopic data with negative εNd values confirm a significant crustal component in the volcanic rocks that may have been inherited from the upper mantle source and/or from assimilation of older crust during magmatic underplating and ascending of primary basic magma. Two different types of primary magma development and formation of a bimodal volcanic series have been recognized: (i) creation of a unique magma by assimilation fractional crystallization processes within shallow-level reservoirs (type Intra-Sudetic Basin) and (ii) generation and mixing of independent mafic and felsic magmas, the latter by partial melting of upper crustal material in a high-level chamber (type Krkonoše Piedmont Basin). A similar origin for the Permo-Carboniferous volcanics of the Bohemian Massif is obvious, however, their geochemical peculiarities in individual basins indicate evolution in separate crustal magma chambers.  相似文献   

Because of late metamorphic and tectonic overprints, the reconstruction of prograde parts of PT paths is often difficult. In the SW Variscan French Massif Central, the Thiviers-Payzac Unit (TPU) is the uppermost allochthon emplaced above underlying units. The TPU experienced a Barrovian metamorphism coeval with a top-to-the-NW ductile shearing (D2 event) in Early Carboniferous times (ca. 360–350 Ma). The tectonic setting of the D2 event, compression or synconvergence extension, remains unclear. Using the THERMOCALC software and the model system MnNCKFMASH, the peak PT conditions are estimated from garnet rims and matrix minerals and the prograde evolution is deduced from garnet core compositions. The combination of these two approaches demonstrates that the TPU experienced pressure and temperature increases before reaching peak conditions at 6.6–9.0 +/− 1.2 kbar and 615–655 +/− 35 °C. This kind of PT path shows that the regional D2 event corresponds to crustal thickening.  相似文献   

The Orlica-Snieznik and Jeseník Mountains correspond to three main domes from west to east: the Snieznik, Keprnfk and Desna domes. They are composed of a basement of autochthonous gneisses, a thick series of blastomylonites and a supposed para-autochthonous or allochthonous metamorphic pre-Devonian to Devonian cover. Their broad direction is NNE-SSW. 40Ar-39Ar radiometric measurements allow three main groups of ages to be defined. (1) 300–310 Ma, represented in the Keprník and Desná domes. This age is interpretated following the constraints on the age of the metamorphism, which is linked with the extensional process occurring during the Westphalian. (2) 320–340 Ma, represented mainly in the Snieznik Dome, but not in the Keprnfk Massif. The nappe structure of Orlik-Vysoká hole, in the northern area of the Desna Dome, also exhibits this age, which is interpretated as reflecting the period of the major Variscan Barrowian metamorphism, which accompanied the compressional process. It is only represented in the zones where the extensional process was not strong enough to result in a complete overprinting. (3) 340–440 Ma, corresponding to a very strictly defined area in the eastern rim of the Desná Dome occupied by ultramylonites and mylonites. These ages, obtained on muscovites, result from an incomplete resetting of the minerals developed during the cooling of a granitic protolith and mylonitized during the extensional process. A laser probe analysis confirms the extreme inhomogeneity of the ages of the muscovites and their different resetting from one grain to another. The Late Alpine overprinting is more discrete, but can be deciphered through the low extraction temperatures with ages between 80 and 120 Ma. These ages can be compared with Alpine ages in the close Western Carpathians.  相似文献   

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