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面向空心村综合整治的农村土地资源配置探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
如何通过空心村综合整治实现农村土地资源的合理配置,是构建城乡发展一体化新格局所要面对和解决的重大问题。本文通过梳理空心村整治和农村土地资源配置的概念内涵,明晰了新型城镇化、乡村重构、空心村整治和农村土地资源配置之间的内在关联;根据不同空心村整治类型例证了农村土地资源配置模式,并提出面向空心村整治的农村土地资源配置的市场化及制度保障措施。结果表明:空心村整治的实质是实现以农村土地要素为载体的要素有序流动及其优化配置,乡村重构和空心村整治互为理论依据和推动途径,空心村整治和新型城镇化互为重要内容和研究背景,新型城镇化和乡村重构则互为政策推力和实现方法;对应于空心村综合整治途径,将农村土地资源配置分为城乡一体型、中心社区型和就地改良型3种模式;当前需要发挥市场对农村土地资源配置的决定性作用,重点改革土地征收制度、土地承包经营权流转制度、宅基地流转制度和农村土地退出制度,完善户籍制度、社会保障制度和税费制度,从而有效提升农村土地利用效率。  相似文献   

安徽省旅游政策变迁及其空间 n.响应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩卢敏  陆林  杨兴柱 《地理科学》2016,36(3):431-438
借助于经济学供给需求分析视角,构建旅游政策变迁及其空间响应的理论框架,根据新制度经济学路径依赖理论和利益集团理论,探寻旅游政策变迁的路径和动因,揭示旅游政策变迁和旅游空间结构发展演化的内在联系。并以安徽省为例,根据改革开放之后安徽省旅游业发展的不同阶段,将旅游政策变迁划分为形成期、密集期和协调融合期3个时期,其空间响应状态分别为点状格局、单一板块格局和多板块空间格局。分析得出,在中国经济体制转轨的背景下,旅游发展由政府主导型向市场主导型转变,旅游政策在不同时期通过其作用机制引导、激励利益主体投资建设旅游节点、交通设施等行为,推动旅游空间格局由点状格局向板块格局发展演化,旅游政策的空间响应强度取决于政府对信息的掌握程度和政策对利益主体的激励程度。  相似文献   

This paper reviews how state policy and regulatory instruments, including protected area alienations and concessions, have altered or denied the access to land and natural livelihood resources of the indigenous Basarwa and minority subsistence-oriented communities in the Okavango Delta (OD) in Botswana. Drawing on field research and guided by a sustainable rural livelihoods framework, the paper provides an overview of key institutional interventions – in particular the setting up of the Moremi Game Reserve, Wildlife Conservation Policy, Tourism Policy, Agricultural Development Policy and the erection of veterinary fences – that have served to privilege a foreign-owned and dominated commercialized wildlife and nature tourism sector and the export-oriented beef industry in the OD. The officially sanctioned barriers to customary and usufructory rights and access, and the non-recognition of historically embedded traditional land uses have decimated already marginalized resource-based subsistence livelihoods, and precipitated intergroup conflicts over preferential rights and access to resources and opportunities, notably wildlife, non-timber veld products, agriculture and community-based tourism schemes. Such outcomes, moreover, will have consequences for the longer-term sustainability of the OD both as a socioeconomic resource base and as a natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

李达  张绍文 《热带地理》2022,42(1):113-122
为解决乡村振兴中乡镇政府如何选择正确产业和如何制定合理产业政策2个重要问题,运用新结构经济学“增长甄别与因势利导框架”分析并提出乡镇“有为政府”产业政策演化的逻辑框架:1)选择产业,依据“两步六轨法”选择具备相似资源禀赋、约束条件的产业。2)政策制定,针对筛选出的产业制定合理的政策内容、选择适当的政策工具,以支持产业发展。以该逻辑框架为依据分析了云南省西双版纳州勐罕镇的产业现状、目标乡镇比较优势产业,发现勐罕镇领先型产业为菠萝种植业,应通过引进菠萝深度加工企业,建设营销网络、运输网络,提供市场信息支持产业发展;转进型产业为传统种植业和特色养殖业,应通过建立冷链物流等基础设施、培训农户种养能力,提高农户市场参与度;“弯道超车型”产业为酒类制造和傣药生产等,应通过联合农户开发制造技术体系,协助注册品牌商标,建设生产和成品制造基地等促进产业发展,从而完成了逻辑框架的实践检验。总体上,因势利导逻辑框架既结合实际又着眼未来,为乡镇政府的产业政策决策提供了理论指导和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

“行政区划本身也是一种重要资源”的理论创新与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王开泳  陈田  刘毅 《地理研究》2019,38(2):195-206
行政区划是国家治理体系和组织结构的基本形式,也是中央政府统治和管理全国各地的有效手段,是事关国家政治、经济和社会发展全局的重大战略问题。就“行政区划本身也是一种重要资源”的论断进行多视角的分析,提出“行政区划资源论”这一全新的理论解读。分别从空间、权力、行政和政策角度探讨行政区划的资源属性,并从行政资源的空间配置、生产要素的优化配置、权力资源的空间整合、空间资源的优化重组和政策资源的空间载体等多个角度剖析行政区划的资源效应,最后提出应当将“行政区划资源论”这一新论断积极应用至主体功能区规划、空间规划、空间治理体系建设等实践领域,完善目前行政区划设置和调整的思路与要求,建立健全与国家发展战略及综合配套改革相适应的行政区划体系和管理框架。  相似文献   

城市化进程中水土资源可持续利用分析   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
从城市化与水土资源利用相关性入手 ,分析了城市化进程中不同阶段水土资源利用的基本特点与问题。认为城市化是促进水土资源集约与可持续利用的有效途径 ,城市集聚经济与水土资源生态阈值的互动互馈机制 ,促使城市化进程中水土资源由粗放向集约利用方式转变。  相似文献   

Water Flows Toward Power: Socioecological Degradation of Lake Urmia,Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water is an invaluable resource, and equitable access to it is a fundamental human right. Disenfranchised groups often lose access to water resources because their interests are not well represented by decision makers. Excluding these groups from resource management policy often results in myopic decisions that contribute to further ecosystem damage. We describe the ecological degradation of Lake Urmia in Iran, which has recently experienced increased salinity and declining water quantity. The lake is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Ramsar site, and supports unique biodiversity in the region. The lake's decline is driven by the destruction of Zagros forests and the government's water policies, which diverted water to more politically connected agricultural land users, increasing social inequity and prompting more deforestation. The most straightforward restoration solution is to discontinue the diversions and allow critical inflows to recharge Lake Urmia, preserving the lake and wetlands for migratory birds, tourists, and local communities.  相似文献   

Conventional development theory and practice have often failed to recognise the centrality of women in sustainable resource management. A conceptual shift in environment and resource policies, planning and programmes is required to affirm that women are active participants rather than passive recipients of change. To address the need for enhanced women's participation in community-based forestry development, this paper focuses on the policy and programme elements important in the design and implementation of successful community forestry projects. Consequently, the intention of this paper is to increase the awareness of planners and decision-makers regarding methods of operationalising women's participation in community-based forestry. Building upon previous work from aid agencies and other researchers, a range of institutional, organisational, socio-cultural and project elements are identified. These elements provide a comprehensive framework of the policy and programme issues requiring consideration when promoting women's participation in successful community-based forestry activities.  相似文献   

Building on Hayter et al.'s (2003 ) characterisation of resource peripheries in terms of four institutional dimensions, this article conceptualises four, similar 'transformations' (political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental) intended to evolve this conceptual framework. The case of Chile is analysed in order to ground the analysis, emphasising the structural aspects of its historical experience as a resource periphery. It is clear that the country's condition as a resource periphery has been central to the transformations that have taken place since the early colonial period. In order to illustrate this, the article briefly explores the links between Latin American structuralist and emerging resource periphery accounts. As such, we discuss some of the policy options that might allow the country to move beyond resource periphery status – a goal which is necessary if uneven development in Chile is to be tackled. We conclude that if even and equitable development are goals of geographical analysis then structuralist-informed political-economic work of this nature warrants renewed emphasis.  相似文献   

宋涛  刘卫东  高菠阳  刘志高  郑智 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1199-1209
政策移动性是国际政治地理学研究的经典理论。作为包容性全球化和“一带一路”倡议重要空间载体的海外园区,是检验政策移动性理论框架的新兴空间载体。本文以泰中罗勇工业园为例,以合作伙伴为切入点,检验政策移动性理论在海外园区的适用性,并强调海外园区的政策移动性是渐进发展的过程,关键角色的合作伙伴关系对于政策移动性起着重要作用。本文系统分析了泰中罗勇工业园的制度背景、主体合作伙伴,甄别出国家、地方政府、主导企业等关键角色的合作伙伴关系及其在税收、土地、人才等要素政策移动性过程中的机制。在此基础上,提出未来“一带一路”建设中海外园区可持续发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article uses research about non-timber forest products (NTFP) gathering in Seattle, Washington, USA to examine how people gain access to natural resources in urban environments. Our analysis focuses on gathering in three spaces: parks, yards, and public rights of way. We present a framework for conceptualizing access, and highlight cognitive mechanisms of access associated with foragers’ internal moral judgments about harvesting. Key findings are: (1) internal moral calculations about whether it is right or wrong to harvest a particular NTFP in a particular place are an important but previously unacknowledged mechanism governing resource access; and (2) these calculations may help prevent over-harvesting of NTFPs, which are common pool resources, in urban environments where social and environmental conditions lend themselves to a de facto situation of open access. Our findings suggest that voluntary codes of conduct may be the best way to manage NTFP access in cities.  相似文献   

Severe problems of fragmented policies and uncoordinated implementation undermine natural resource management in Australia. There have been promising signs of progress through activities such as the National Forest Policy, Council of Australian Government water reforms, National Land and Water Resources Audit, the Murray‐Darling Basin initiative and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality to integrate resource policies. There have also been some notable successes at State and local level. But fragmentation endures. This paper provides evidence of the enduring problem of fragmentation and presents a framework to analyse Australia's experience in natural resource management. The analysis reveals the multi‐dimensional character of the problems and identifies a diverse set of actions that need to be taken to improve integration in policy and implementation. Particular attention is given to the potential for regional programs to contribute to improved integration and NRM.  相似文献   

干旱区水资源费的构成与确定   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
干旱区水资源的稀缺性,使得确定缺水地区合理的水价体系,制定有效的水价政策,充分体现水资源的高"价值",成为合理利用水资源急需解决的问题。从分析水资源费的构成要素,并从边际机会成本的角度对水资源的价格进行了探讨,认为水资源的价格不是由其平均机会成本,而是由其边际机会成本决定的,水资源使用者所付的价格应等于社会负担的自然资源利用与耗竭的代价——边际机会成本。  相似文献   

水资源经济政策CGE 模型及在北京市的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水资源经济政策的研究对于解决突出的水问题具有重要意义,本文采用2002 年北京市投入产出表和有关 的水资源公报等数据,通过单列水行业和废污水行业建立了基于一般均衡理论的水资源经济CGE(Computable General Equilibrium)模型和相应的42×53 多部门水资源投入产出表,利用GEMPACK 软件包,对北京市水资源经济 政策进行了模拟和分析。模拟显示,当水价增加10%时,行业产出和销售量变化呈现不同的特点和变动趋势;当水 量增加10%时,造成行业产出的变化和销售量的变动也值得深虑。该成果可为制定和实施水资源政策提供决策参 考及模拟平台。  相似文献   

Rapid response to fire incidents is critical as delays in the departure and arrival at the scene can have significant consequences in terms of damage, injury and death. Research on the dynamics of residential fire incident response times has barely begun, a situation arguably underpinned by limited access to disaggregate command and control data. In this paper we draw on unit record data and employ quantile regression to examine the role that socio-demographic, infrastructure characteristics and temporal factors play on response times. Results reveal that response times are slower during the winter, in locales with larger numbers of children (aged 14 years and below) and low socioeconomic households, and in areas that have more complex street layouts. We conclude through emphasising the importance of these findings in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base to inform policy decisions from a resource allocation perspective through the spatial allocation of finite fire resources.  相似文献   

At the dawn of the third millennium the problems associated with large-scale irrigation lie largely unresolved. The outcomes of government policies rarely correspond with expectations, leading to conflict and misunderstanding between federal governments, local agencies and farmers. This paper examines the mis-match of expectations between policy implementors and policy recipients in the implementation of one government policy (tertlary intervention) in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia. The findings illustrate that this policy is not achieving the productivity increase or water saving expectations for which it was designed. Instead, tertiary intervention has increased the capacity of the farmers to unofficially control the distribution and supply of the water resource and to engage in off-farm productive and non-productive activities. This results in: a significant over-supply of water; the inefficient use of this supply; and a reduction in yields without a reduction in incomes. Importantly, tertiary intervention has enabled the farmers to diversify their livelihood strategies whilst retaining access to the rice-farming culture. The findings presented in this paper serve to illustrate the significance of 'actor'expectations on policy outcomes and agrarian change.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):99-126
A framework for analyzing the structure of urban emergency shelter networks is proposed. The shelter and service network consists of clients, shelters, support services, and a political context shaped by state policies and community attitudes. The example of Metropolitan Toronto shows that, while it might be true that there is a need for more permanent housing, there also exists a real need for emergency shelters. A problem exists for certain groups who might seek temporary shelter in suburban areas because of the unequal spatial distribution of shelters and support services between the inner City of Toronto and suburban municipalities. The recent suburbanization of some shelters has been dominated by shelters for women and children. Patterns of repeat usage of the shelter network suggest that certain client groups might not have access to all the support services they need. The conclusions argue that urban shelter networks offer an opportunity for geographers to consider more closely the links between housing, policy, and political ideologies.  相似文献   

This paper provides an institutional analysis of the use of gender as an organizing principle for labor migration flows. Through a case study of the marketing and recruitment strategies of Philippine government and private institutions, I examine how gendered representations contribute to divergent patterns of male and female labor migrants from the Philippines. Representations, or controlling images, are used by institutions to provide explanations or justification of a policy. Findings indicate that the global marketing of workers is organized around specific gendered assumptions of male versus female occupations. Recruitment strategies are also influenced by gendered representations of occupations, locations, and workers. The use of gender by government and private institutions as an organizing device provides a gendered context in which migrants and their households must subsequently operate.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国能源管理体制,揭示了可能影响中国未来能源部门演变趋势的诸多主要特征。一方面,中国能源管理的嵌入式体制是植根于中国四千多年的悠久历史和发源于中国农田水利制度;另一方面,现有的体制环境分析表明:上述深深固化的价值观影响着政府架构和法律体系的运作,也为能源部门的决策和实施提供了指导框架。当今世界,无论中国国内还是国外所发生的各种事件共同决定了能源在国家政府的政策行动中地位高低,以此同时,政府也观察世界各国并寻找新的策略,应对能源领域中各种新的或旧的挑战。  相似文献   

随着粤港澳大湾区上升为国家战略,湾区治理成为学术界关注的重要议题。文章构建包括权力结构、法律结构和社会资本结构3个维度的湾区治理制度环境比较研究框架,运用文本/桌面分析法,系统总结了大湾区与旧金山和东京湾区的治理框架,比较分析了3个湾区治理的制度环境;研究认为,湾区治理的模式特征及其效果与由权力结构、法律结构和社会资本结构构成的制度环境密切相关;权力结构影响着治理的灵活弹性,粤港澳大湾区权力结构呈现非对称和碎片化特征,总体较为封闭集中,导致治理模式单一,始终以政府为主导;法律结构影响着治理的交易成本,粤港澳大湾区尚未形成统一高效的法律体系结构,导致治理过程中的交易成本较高;社会资本结构影响着治理的多元参与和湾区凝聚力,粤港澳大湾区正向社会资本相对薄弱,多元参与治理不足,湾区自下而上的凝聚力不强。最后建议大湾区治理宜从权力、法律和社会资本结构入手,探索三地各自优势下的制度空间灵活重构;在制度环境建设中,引导非政府主体稳定有序参与治理,以提升大湾区凝聚力;在保证中央和省政府的权威方针基础上,适时探索大湾区地方政府的放权自治。  相似文献   

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