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Recent research suggests that those located closer to energy development are, on average, more supportive of this development. However, case studies in specific locations reveal additional nuance. In a case study of Bakken Shale residents, Junod et al. identified a “Goldilocks Zone” of unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) acceptance—an area on the periphery of development that is “just right” because residents feel close enough to receive economic benefits but far enough away to avoid negative impacts. We explore whether this Goldilocks Zone extends nationally by combining geocoded public opinion data (N?=?23,154) with UOGD locations. Using multilevel regression modeling, we find that respondents located within 115?km of newly active UOGD are more supportive of hydraulic fracturing while those located within 115–305?km are comparatively less supportive. While we do not uncover a national-level Goldilocks Zone, our work highlights innovative approaches for examining spatial relationships in energy development opinion.  相似文献   

This article coins a neologism, place spoofing, to describe the unique transformation of a place when it purposefully replicates another alien place, thereby enabling the residents to live in the vicarious environment of that imitated place. Place spoofing captures how a place disconnects from its indigenous culture and historical heritage during the transformation. This framing enables us to further reflect on the causes of this unique urban development. To deepen our understanding of place spoofing, we elaborate on its connotation, different spoofing strategies, and its goal of delivering an alien sense of place. We further analyze its market price and then discuss the perspective of place spoofing as a type of conspicuous commodity. To put the theoretical framework in context, the xenophilic copycat residential communities in Beijing are examined. Specifically, the copycat communities are sifted out from all available Beijing residential community transactions from an online real estate database. The distribution of copycat communities demonstrates the (re)production of place spoofing in the geographic layout of the city. The empirical results show that the copycat communities tend to have higher prices, implying that the residents pursue an alien sense of place and the symbolic meanings carried by its sentiment. This study also discusses how buyers, developers, and governments react to place spoofing. Overall, place spoofing provides a lens to frame this long-standing, but often neglected, urban development. This article lays the groundwork for geographers to explore the spoofing phenomenon by examining its underlying spatial characteristics, economic benefits, and social implications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Declining populations, aging inhabitants and infrastructure, limited economic opportunities, and under‐ or unappreciated natural environments characterize a number of rural communities in the western United States. Faced with the challenges of providing for their residents, some of these communities have chosen to permit undesirable land‐use activities, including the disposal of hazardous or nuclear waste. Central to the development of such sites is how a place is perceived and portrayed. Our purpose in this article is to examine how a dominant perception and portrayal of one such place—Tooele County, Utah—was created and used to facilitate the development of hazardous‐waste‐disposal sites. We use the geographical concept of “place” to illustrate how meanings and values are attached to a region in order to justify its becoming what it is and how such views persist.  相似文献   

孙九霞  周一 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2381-2394
文化地理学者对“地方”这一理论视角主观性意义的强调,使得“地方认同”等呈现人与地方情感联系的概念被重新审视。在当今中国申遗热的背景下,当地人的地方认同在各方力量对遗产归属与表述的争夺中重塑,如果将这种重塑放在多尺度的分析框架下,就可以发现地方认同不仅仅局限于某一特定封闭的地点,在本土、全国以及跨国空间中呈现不同的表述。开平碉楼与村落作为广东首个世界文化遗产,并且是中国唯一以华侨文化为主题的世界文化遗产,是研究遗产生产对地方认同变迁影响的典型案例。结合文献分析、观察法与访谈法等,阐述遗产旅游发展背景下当地居民的地方认同变迁,分析开平作为“碉乡”的具体内涵。研究发现:遗产申报和维护使碉楼被硬性确立为地方的象征,具有高度符号化的特点;“碉乡”形象在居民地方认同中的展开并不完整;“碉乡”在历史延续中存在着多重割裂;“碉乡”的空间边界既明确又封闭。  相似文献   

迁居行为及其意愿反映了城市居民对美好生活的向往,揭示了城市居住环境是否能够满足居民的需要。论文从迁居意愿的视角,将地方依赖和社区认同引入迁居研究中,并采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法来分析城市居民的居住选择。运用Williams量表,在292份调查问卷和52份深度访谈的基础上,对北京中关村地区展开了调查研究。结果表明:中关村周边社区居民对就业和子女教育具有明显的地方依赖和较高的社区认同感。在292名被调查者中,共有115名居民有迁居意愿,占被调查者总数的39.4%。其中,在就业和子女教育地方依赖程度较低的调查人群中,这一比例分别上升至47.2%和54.2%。此外,有迁居意愿的居民大多社区认同感不高,在115名有迁居意愿的居民中,仅有4人对所在社区具有强烈认同感。论文从地方感的角度丰富了居住空间的研究内容,为理解当代城市居住空间的特点、提升城市空间建设质量提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper frames the unfolding impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as a process of lifeway disruption, analyzing the degree to which residents of spill affected communities were prevented from undertaking routine behaviors during the disaster. Special attention is paid to the influence of time, natural resource employment, and community sentiment. Drawing on data from the Louisiana Community Oil Spill Survey, the results show that people in the spill impacted region were prevented from engaging in routine behaviors, though this disruption has steadily decreased over time, suggesting a general trend toward recovery. Consistent with the renewable resource community concept, the results also show that those with ties to the fishing industry were more likely to be prevented from undertaking routine behaviors than were nonfishers. Finally, community sentiment is shown to ameliorate routine behavior disruption, thus, promoting resilience. Overall, these results challenge notions of monolithic paths to disaster recovery.  相似文献   

Nigeria is in the advanced development stages of extracting its oil sands resources to boost national revenue and economic prosperity, like other countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa including the Republic of Congo and Madagascar. Compared to resource‐rich developed countries like Canada and America, the consequences of oil sands extraction is likely to be disastrous in countries like Nigeria that have a poor reputation for managing resources (as is the case with the petroleum sector). Using a mixed‐method approach—focus group discussions, interviews and observations—this paper addresses environmental concerns about oil sands extraction in Nigeria. Overall, the communities perceived oil sands development negatively, because of fears of loss of communal lands, biodiversity, water availability and quality, and pollution. They were angry with the previous administrations over the lack of communication, and were deprived of socio‐economic opportunities and pollution from prolonged delays in oil sands extraction. The way forward is to form sustainable partnerships between the government, communities, industry and other stakeholders to achieve responsible oil sands development—environmentally friendly development that meets climate obligations, addresses cumulative impacts, and acts in the best interest of host communities and Nigerians.  相似文献   

广州城市居民地方依恋测度与机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴蓉  黄旭  刘晔  李志刚 《地理学报》2019,74(2):379-393
“地方依恋”问题涉及地理学、心理学、社会学、城市学等多个学科,已经成为中国快速城市化时期亟待解决的重要问题。伴随大城市内部空间的剧烈重构,城市居民对其居住空间的地方依恋也在不断变化,需要进行深入研究。本文选取广州23个典型社区,通过量表测度居民的地方依恋,并采用结构方程模型等计量方法,探索社区信任、社区满意度等要素对居民地方依恋的作用机理。同时,系统对比了居民对于不同空间尺度的地方依恋,如社区尺度和城市尺度,并对本地居民和外来移民两组人群的地方依恋及其差异进行了系统研究。研究发现:① 城市居民的社区依恋程度高于城市依恋程度;② 本地居民的社区依恋和城市依恋程度均明显高于外来移民;③ 城市居民的社区依恋同时受到社区信任和社区满意度的直接影响,但两者需通过社区依恋的中介效应间接影响居民的城市依恋;④ 社区信任与社区满意度对外来移民的社区依恋和城市依恋均具有显著作用,但对本地居民的城市依恋作用较弱。基于实证结果,本文认为,相同因素对于不同尺度的地方依恋作用机理存在差异,不同人群的地方依恋机理亦有不同,地方依恋同时具有尺度差异性和群体差异性。  相似文献   

尹立杰  张捷  韩国圣  钟士恩  李倩 《地理研究》2012,31(10):1916-1926
社区居民是影响旅游目的地发展的核心要素。随着社区居民越来越被整合到乡村旅游的整体发展之中, 研究目的地居民的旅游影响感知将具有重要意义。地方感反映了人与地方的特殊情感联系, 对于深入理解居民旅游影响感知提供了全新的研究视角。本文以地方感作为理论切入点, 以发展期望作为中介变量, 构建了“地方感-发展期望-影响感知”理论模型, 并以安徽省天堂寨作为实证案例。结果表明, 地方感较强的居民对乡村旅游发展赋予更高的期望, 对旅游影响感知的能力更强。发展期望在地方感对居民旅游影响感知的影响机制中具有积极的中介作用。社区旅游发展的总体程度是影响居民感知和态度的重要因素。本研究为处于旅游生命周期发展阶段的旅游目的地的规划发展提供指导性建议。  相似文献   

杨勇  邹永广  孙琦 《热带地理》2022,42(1):29-42
运用质性研究方法,以泉州市晋江梧林侨乡为例,从地方意义叠写中的实体维度、社会关系、地方价值观3个层面考察侨乡地方意义叠写的建构特征,揭示了旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义的叠写过程以及由此带来的包括海外华侨在内不同主体的地方认同问题。研究发现:1)人地错位下的意义叠写主要通过想象和旅游系统等传导机制完成,使侨乡呈现出海外华侨“形式上不在场”,但“内容上处处在场”的特征,并且推动梧林向传统与现代杂糅的地方格局转变。2)地方意义的叠写具有关系属性,多元互动是其形成过程中的显著特征。地方意义本质上是人地关系的一种表现形式,当人地关系不再由传统的地缘关系或亲缘关系决定时,人与地方这一对弱纽带关系也并不能够通过地方意义加以巩固,表现为“侨—眷—乡”关系的异化。3)在地方价值观上,侨乡地方意义经历了从家尺度到国家与民族尺度的意义叠写,凸显了旅游背景下权力对地方意义的选择性表征,动态展演了不同主体的空间价值观取向之争和国家主流文化价值观对地方的引领。4)旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义叠写引发了海外华侨兼具工具性和选择性的“购物车”式认同以及本地居民的差异化认同,不同主体的认同结构充满张力、分异乃至冲突。  相似文献   

地方认同是衡量人地情感、理解人与地方认知关系的重要概念,能够反映人地互动的复杂动态关系。企业社区作为重要的城市居住空间,理解居民地方认同对于科学开展城市社区更新、街区振兴与可持续发展具有重要意义。以西安市西北第一印染厂社区为例,采用扎根理论方法,分析社会环境变迁和社区重构影响下,居民个人身份与地方认同的变化及作用机理。研究发现:1)企业社区居民个人身份认同是从单位人向社会人,以及未来作为留守老年群体的转变。2)延续传承的集体记忆维系居民积极式认同,社会交往生疏化和社区管理社会化加剧地方认同弱化,破败的建筑环境和落后的配套设施带来消极式认同。3)居民在生活、成长的企业社区环境和社会互动中构建了自身及对地方的认同,随着外部社会环境与内部居民个体特征而变化。外部社会环境的国企改革、住房改革使企业转轨、社区社会空间转变,加以居住时间差异、个体特征、心理因素与个人经历变化等内部因素,共同塑造居民的地方认同及其变化过程。  相似文献   

Forced resettlement, central to state-led development throughout the twentieth century, still paves the way for agroindustrial, hydroelectric, urban, and other forms of development in much of the global South today. In response to pressures from social movements challenging human displacement, states, firms, and multinational institutions increasingly seek the consent of impacted communities, often offering monetary compensation and resettlement, along with development assistance. Some states obtain consent by offering resettlements with urban infrastructures and public services. In Ecuador, the state has planned 200 urban-like resettlements called “Millennium Cities” for communities on the Amazonian oil and mining frontiers. Although resettlement in this context transforms human–environment relations and generates new social ills by isolating residents from food supplies and market networks, many communities do consent to resettlement. In this paper, I call attention to voluntary rural–urban resettlement in land grab governance and I explore why communities might consent to their own displacement. This paper suggests the need to account for the material and social conditions that structure consent.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of creativity and place as relevant to Cairns and Townsville in northeastern Australia. These two provincial cities are key to the economic and population growth of northern Australia and as such are the focus of renewed interest from all levels of government. While the creative industries sector in each location is significant, to date there has been no research specifically exploring the views of industry participants in terms of the creative strengths, impediments and opportunities across the region. Interviews with 38 creative industries participants were completed, revealing the significant benefits and challenges associated with being located in a remote tropical environment where the concept of place is strong. The interviews also reveal a number of potential growth strategies for the sector in each location that have the potential to inform policy and urban development approaches not only in the tropical north of Australia but also more broadly across the country. That is, the findings provide further evidence in support of the need for ongoing research into the particular contributions of regional and rural cities to the global creative economy.  相似文献   

杨兴柱  孙井东  陆林  王群 《地理学报》2018,73(2):276-294
作为新兴的重要发展力量,旅游正在不可逆转地改变着聚居空间演变进程。旅游地聚居空间特征及其社会效应是透视旅游地社会转型的重要维度之一,旅游地聚居现象已构成旅游地理学研究的重要命题。以千岛湖为案例,立足社区尺度,应用实地观察法、访谈法、问卷调查方法、GIS空间技术、统计分析法,探究千岛湖旅游地聚居空间发展过程;识别和划分居住社区类型,测算居住社区空间分异度,揭示旅游影响下典型聚居区分布格局;从居住满意度、社会交往和社会融合三个方面,构建聚居空间社会效应指标体系。研究发现:① 伴随着社会经济转型、旅游产业发展与城市更新的不断推进,千岛湖镇聚居空间发展经历了5个发展阶段。② 识别了76个基本空间单元,将76个居住小区划分为乡村社区、商住混合社区、老旧住房社区、一般商品房社区、高档商品房社区、高档别墅区、旅游度假社区7种类型。③ 城市居住空间分异现象存在于旅游地聚居空间。社会阶层越低的社区居住分异度越大,社会阶层较高的社区居住分异度越小。千岛湖镇聚居空间呈现圈层结构分布模式,从湖岸到中心城区,居住等级逐渐降低,乡村社区呈扇型镶嵌于主城区居住空间结构上,老旧住房社区和旅游度假社区分布于千岛湖镇外围。④ 旅游发展导致了聚居空间社会分异,引致旅游地传统社会关系的裂变分化,进一步影响聚居满意度、社会交往和社会融合。千岛湖镇旅游地社区居住总体处于较满意状态,且千岛湖镇社区居住满意度存在明显的空间差异,不同社区个体交友意愿存在差异,大部分居民能较好地适应本地生活。  相似文献   

This article critically engages with the recent diffusion of the orthodox development model in Oceania and highlights some evolving dilemmas. In particular, it explores the social, economic and ecological tensions arising from economic reforms that are exacerbating the fragility of already vulnerable nation-states and communities. In order to illustrate its arguments, a case study of the impacts of agro-export growth in Tonga is presented. Attention is drawn to the socially inequitable and ecologically unsustainable outcomes of rapid growth in this sector. In analyzing the political economy of the squash pumpkin sector, the authors point to the important role that culture plays in mediating and conditioning development outcomes. Reflecting on the Tongan case, it is argued that to better understand the implications of orthodox developmental reform in the region, research must seek to more explicitly incorporate distributional and ethical analysis.  相似文献   

Increased criminal activity has been linked to rapid natural resource development, particularly in rural areas. These “boomtowns” often experience rapid population growth, resulting in “social disruption”. This research examines one component of social disruption, crime, in the context of unconventional energy development in Pennsylvania. We employ quantitative longitudinal methods to examine the association between county-level arrest rates for four types of minor crimes and unconventional natural gas well density in Pennsylvania from 2005 to 2014 controlling for demographic and socioeconomic variables. Results indicate that well density is positively associated with driving under the influence and disorderly conduct arrest rates, but is not associated with arrest rates for drug abuse violations or public drunkenness. Findings suggest the need to look beyond broad categories of criminal activity to particular types of crime related to energy development, and to what extent these indicate broader patterns of social disruption.  相似文献   

Louisiana's coastal residents have endured centuries of hurricanes and decades of oil spills. Locally based, inherent resilient practices have enabled them to persist in place. This paper documents the evolution of actions taken by Louisiana's coastal residents that constitute effective resilient activities in the aftermath of disruptive events. It compares the efforts that arose from coastal communities that were rooted in local environmental knowledge with generic external programs designed to enable hazard mitigation, emergency response, and recovery form damaging hurricanes and oil spills. Additionally, it will identify points of opportunity to fortify resilience by integrating inherent and formal resilience.  相似文献   

The water resources of Canada are today, and have always been, of major importance to the welfare of Canadians. Throughout most of Canada's history, these resources have been viewed within a supply–management framework and, frequently, exploited through the construction of 'megaprojects', often with little or no concern for issues such as environmental harm and social and community disruption. As in many parts of the world, those most affected by such large-scale water resource developments have been aboriginals (in Canada, 'First Nations' peoples). Although the issues of environmental, social and economic damage to First Nations as a result of water megaprojects have been investigated, little has been written about the impact of such projects – especially dam construction – on the loss of sense of place of deracinated peoples. This paper investigates one example of such loss of sense of place, that of the Cheslatta T'En forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in the 1950s so as to allow for the construction of a private hydroelectric dam by the Aluminum Company of Canada (Alcan).  相似文献   

中国社会保障与经济发展耦合的时空特征及驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李琼  赵阳  李松林  李湘玲 《地理研究》2020,39(6):1401-1417
利用耦合协调度模型、标准差椭圆、空间自相关等方法,研究2002—2017年中国社会保障与经济发展耦合协调的时空特征及驱动机制。结果表明:① 社会保障与经济发展之间相互适应、共同发展逐渐增强,但耦合协调度等级没有发生明显的跃迁,研究期内全国整体属于勉强耦合协调类范围,四大区域的耦合协调性呈东部地区>东北地区>中部地区>西部地区的态势。② 社会保障与经济发展的耦合协调度在东西和南北方向上收缩,向中部地区集聚的态势较明显;社会保障与经济发展的耦合协调整体上具有正的空间自相关性,局部空间自相关四种类型中,高高型集中分布在东部地区,低低型多在西部地区,高低型和低高型相对分散。③ 社会保障与经济发展的耦合协调在空间上的差异是内外部因素驱动的结果。内部驱动力中,城镇居民人均可支配收入、农村居民人均纯收入和人均GDP起到关键性作用;外部驱动力中,城镇化率和民营企业就业人数起了重要作用。  相似文献   

广场不仅是健身与娱乐空间,更是具有丰富的社会文化涵义的社会空间。从空间生产与地方认同的视角入手,基于3个广州广场舞社区的案例研究,揭示广场舞对不同群体(本地人和外地人)的不同社会意义以及广场舞对地方与身份认同的影响,研究发现:① 对本地人而言,广场舞具有再造社会主义集体生活与关系的功能,广场发挥了类似单位社区的作用;对外地移民而言,广场舞有助于重建因迁移而断裂的社会关系网络,广场具有类似乡村社区的功能;② 类单位社区和类乡村社区的构建,一定程度上增进了居民的身份认同和地方认同;③ 广场舞群体的身份认同和地方认同的强化,进一步为自治性社区能力建设提供了可能性。  相似文献   

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