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Previous studies have used models of three-dimensional (3D) Boussinesq convection in a rotating spherical shell to explain the zonal flows on the gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. In this paper we demonstrate that this approach can also generate flow patterns similar to those observed on the ice giants, Uranus and Neptune. The equatorial jets of Uranus and Neptune are often assumed to result from baroclinic cloud layer processes and have been simulated with shallow layer models. Here we show that vigorous, 3D convection in a spherical shell can produce the retrograde (westward) equatorial flows that occur on the ice giants as well as the prograde (eastward) equatorial flows of the gas giants. In our models, the direction of the equatorial jet depends on the ratio of buoyancy to Coriolis forces in the system. In cases where Coriolis forces dominate buoyancy, cylindrical Reynolds stresses drive prograde equatorial jets. However, as buoyancy forces approach and exceed Coriolis forces, the cylindrical nature of the flow is lost and 3D mixing homogenizes the fluid's angular momentum; the equatorial jet reverses direction, while strong prograde jets form in the polar regions. Although the results suggest that conditions involving strong atmospheric mixing are responsible for generating the zonal flows on the ice giants, our present models require roughly 100 and 10 times the internal heat fluxes observed on Uranus and Neptune, respectively.  相似文献   

Both Uranus and Neptune are thought to have strong zonal winds with velocities of several 100 m s−1. These wind velocities, however, assume solid-body rotation periods based on Voyager 2 measurements of periodic variations in the planets’ radio signals and of fits to the planets’ magnetic fields; 17.24 h and 16.11 h for Uranus and Neptune, respectively. The realization that the radio period of Saturn does not represent the planet’s deep interior rotation and the complexity of the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune raise the possibility that the Voyager 2 radio and magnetic periods might not represent the deep interior rotation periods of the ice giants. Moreover, if there is deep differential rotation within Uranus and Neptune no single solid-body rotation period could characterize the bulk rotation of the planets. We use wind and shape data to investigate the rotation of Uranus and Neptune. The shapes (flattening) of the ice giants are not measured, but only inferred from atmospheric wind speeds and radio occultation measurements at a single latitude. The inferred oblateness values of Uranus and Neptune do not correspond to bodies rotating with the Voyager rotation periods. Minimization of wind velocities or dynamic heights of the 1 bar isosurfaces, constrained by the single occultation radii and gravitational coefficients of the planets, leads to solid-body rotation periods of ∼16.58 h for Uranus and ∼17.46 h for Neptune. Uranus might be rotating faster and Neptune slower than Voyager rotation speeds. We derive shapes for the planets based on these rotation rates. Wind velocities with respect to these rotation periods are essentially identical on Uranus and Neptune and wind speeds are slower than previously thought. Alternatively, if we interpret wind measurements in terms of differential rotation on cylinders there are essentially no residual atmospheric winds.  相似文献   

We present Strömgren b (472-nm) and y (551-nm) photometry of Neptune based on photoelectric measurements obtained at every apparition from 1972 to 2000. Neptune has brightened by 11% in b and 10% in y since 1980 with most of the increase occurring after 1990. By appending b data to published B magnitudes measured at Lowell from 1950 to 1966 and transformed to b, we show that Neptune is now brighter than at any time during the past half century. The nature of the year-to-year variations changed around 1990 when a steady rising trend overshadowed what appeared to be an inverse correlation with cyclic solar activity. By matching observations in b and y with near-infrared J (1.2-μm) and K (2.2-μm) photometry before, during, and after Neptune's 1976 infrared outburst, we show that the pattern of visible albedo variation parallels the infrared variation but with an amplitude 20-50 times smaller. A detailed comparison of photometry with ground-based and Voyager images at visible and red wavelengths during the 1989 Voyager encounter shows that small brightness variations occur when large discrete features rotate across Neptune's disk. This provides a rough association between visible features and photometric effects that we use to infer the state of Neptune's atmosphere for years when only photometry was available. A year-by-year analysis of variance of the photometry suggests that the 1976 and 1986-1989 infrared outbursts were isolated episodes of unusually vigorous atmospheric activity. Detrended magnitudes of Neptune are correlated with solar activity over the entire 29-year interval as well as 22-year subintervals, with solar UV now being favored as a causative mechanism rather than solar modulated galactic cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Neptune was observed by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) Long-Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) between 46 and 185 μm. At wavelengths between 50 and 110 μm the accuracy of these measurements is ?0.3 K. Observations of this planet made by the ISO Short-Wavelength Spectrometer between 28 and 44 μm were combined with the LWS data to determine a disk-averaged temperature profile and derive several physical quantities. The combined spectra are matched best by a He/(H2+He) mass ratio of 26.4+2.6−3.5%, reflecting a He molar fraction of 14.9+1.7−2.2%, assuming the molar fraction of CH4 to be 2% in the troposphere. This He abundance is consistent with one derived from analysis of joint Voyager-2 IRIS and radio occultation experiment data, a technique whose accuracy has recently been called into question. For a disk average, the para-H2 fraction is found to be no more than ∼1.5% different from its equilibrium value, and the N2 mixing ratio is probably less than 0.7%. The composite spectrum is best fit by invoking a CH4 ice condensate cloud. Using a Mie approximation to particle scattering and absorption, best-fit particle sizes lie between 15 and 40 μm. The composite spectra are relatively insensitive to the vertical distribution of the cloud, but the particle scale height must be greater than 5% of the gas scale height. The best models are consistent with an effective temperature for Neptune that is 59.5±0.6 K, a value slightly lower than derived by the Voyager IRIS experiment—possibly Neptune's mid- and far-infrared emission has changed during the seven years that lie between its encounter with Voyager 2 and the first spectra taken of this planet with ISO. The model spectra are also ostensibly lower than ground-based observations in the spectral range of 17-24 μm, but this discrepancy can be relieved by perturbing the temperature of the lower stratosphere where the LWS spectrum is not particularly sensitive, combined with the uncertainty in the absolute calibration of the ground-based measurements.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2010,207(1):373-393
Three-dimensional numerical simulations show that large-scale latent heating resulting from condensation of water vapor can produce multiple zonal jets similar to those on the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). For plausible water abundances (3-5 times solar on Jupiter/Saturn and 30 times solar on Uranus/Neptune), our simulations produce ∼20 zonal jets for Jupiter and Saturn and 3 zonal jets on Uranus and Neptune, similar to the number of jets observed on these planets. Moreover, these Jupiter/Saturn cases produce equatorial superrotation whereas the Uranus/Neptune cases produce equatorial subrotation, consistent with the observed equatorial-jet direction on these planets. Sensitivity tests show that water abundance, planetary rotation rate, and planetary radius are all controlling factors, with water playing the most important role; modest water abundances, large planetary radii, and fast rotation rates favor equatorial superrotation, whereas large water abundances favor equatorial subrotation regardless of the planetary radius and rotation rate. Given the larger radii, faster rotation rates, and probable lower water abundances of Jupiter and Saturn relative to Uranus and Neptune, our simulations therefore provide a possible mechanism for the existence of equatorial superrotation on Jupiter and Saturn and the lack of superrotation on Uranus and Neptune. Nevertheless, Saturn poses a possible difficulty, as our simulations were unable to explain the unusually high speed (∼) of that planet’s superrotating jet. The zonal jets in our simulations exhibit modest violations of the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria. Overall, our simulations, while idealized, support the idea that latent heating plays an important role in generating the jets on the giant planets.  相似文献   

Stephen R. Kane 《Icarus》2011,214(1):327-333
With more than 15 years since the first radial velocity discovery of a planet orbiting a Sun-like star, the time baseline for radial velocity surveys is now extending out beyond the orbit of Jupiter analogs. The sensitivity to exoplanet orbital periods beyond that of Saturn orbital radii however is still beyond our reach such that very few clues regarding the prevalence of ice giants orbiting solar analogs are available to us. Here we simulate the radial velocity, transit, and photometric phase amplitude signatures of the Solar System giant planets, in particular Uranus and Neptune, and assess their detectability. We scale these results for application to monitoring low-mass stars and compare the relative detection prospects with other potential methods, such as astrometry and imaging. These results quantitatively show how many of the existing techniques are suitable for the detection of ice giants beyond the snow line for late-type stars and the challenges that lie ahead for the detection true Uranus/Neptune analogs around solar-type stars.  相似文献   

The interior of giant planets can give valuable information on formation and evolution processes of planetary systems. However, the interior and evolution of Uranus and Neptune is still largely unknown. In this paper, we compare water-rich three-layer structure models of these planets with predictions of shell structures derived from magnetic field models. Uranus and Neptune have unusual non-dipolar magnetic fields contrary to that of the Earth. Extensive three-dimensional simulations of Stanley and Bloxham (Stanley, S., Bloxham, J. [2004]. Nature 428, 151-153) have indicated that such a magnetic field is generated in a rather thin shell of at most 0.3 planetary radii located below the H/He rich outer envelope and a conducting core that is fluid but stably stratified. Interior models rely on equation of state data for the planetary materials which have usually considerable uncertainties in the high-pressure domain. We present interior models for Uranus and Neptune that are based on ab initio equation of state data for hydrogen, helium, and water as the representative of all heavier elements or ices. Based on a detailed high-pressure phase diagram of water we can specify the region where superionic water should occur in the inner envelope. This superionic region correlates well with the location of the stably-stratified region as found in the dynamo models. Hence we suggest a significant impact of the phase diagram of water on the generation of the magnetic fields in Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

The core accretion theory of planet formation has at least two fundamental problems explaining the origins of Uranus and Neptune: (1) dynamical times in the trans-saturnian solar nebula are so long that core growth can take >15 Myr and (2) the onset of runaway gas accretion that begins when cores reach ∼10M necessitates a sudden gas accretion cutoff just as Uranus and Neptune’s cores reach critical mass. Both problems may be resolved by allowing the ice giants to migrate outward after their formation in solid-rich feeding zones with planetesimal surface densities well above the minimum-mass solar nebula. We present new simulations of the formation of Uranus and Neptune in the solid-rich disk of Dodson-Robinson et al. (Dodson-Robinson, S.E., Willacy, K., Bodenheimer, P., Turner, N.J., Beichman, C.A. [2009]. Icarus 200, 672-693) using the initial semimajor axis distribution of the Nice model (Gomes, R., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Morbidelli, A. [2005]. Nature 435, 466-469; Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R. [2005]. Nature 435, 462-465; Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F. [2005]. Nature 435, 459-461), with one ice giant forming at 12 AU and the other at 15 AU. The innermost ice giant reaches its present mass after 3.8-4.0 Myr and the outermost after 5.3-6 Myr, a considerable time decrease from previous one-dimensional simulations (e.g. Pollack, J.B., Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J., Podolak, M., Greenzweig, Y. [1996]. Icarus 124, 62-85). The core masses stay subcritical, eliminating the need for a sudden gas accretion cutoff.Our calculated carbon mass fractions of 22% are in excellent agreement with the ice giant interior models of Podolak et al. (Podolak, M., Weizman, A., Marley, M. [1995]. Planet. Space Sci. 43, 1517-1522) and Marley et al. (Marley, M.S., Gómez, P., Podolak, M. [1995]. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 23349-23354). Based on the requirement that the ice giant-forming planetesimals contain >10% mass fractions of methane ice, we can reject any Solar System formation model that initially places Uranus and Neptune inside of Saturn’s orbit. We also demonstrate that a large population of planetesimals must be present in both ice giant feeding zones throughout the lifetime of the gaseous nebula. This research marks a substantial step forward in connecting both the dynamical and chemical aspects of planet formation. Although we cannot say that the solid-rich solar nebula model of Dodson-Robinson et al. (Dodson-Robinson, S.E., Willacy, K., Bodenheimer, P., Turner, N.J., Beichman, C.A. [2009]. Icarus 200, 672-693) gives exactly the appropriate initial conditions for planet formation, rigorous chemical and dynamical tests have at least revealed it to be a viable model of the early Solar System.  相似文献   

The non-axisymmetric, non-dipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune are markedly different from the axially-dipolar dominated fields of the other planets in our Solar System with active dynamos. Stanley and Bloxham [Stanley, S., Bloxham, J., 2004. Nature 428, 151-153] used numerical modeling to demonstrate that Uranus' and Neptune's unusual fields could be the result of a different convective region geometry in these planets. They found that a numerical dynamo operating in a thin shell surrounding a stably-stratified fluid interior produces magnetic field morphologies similar to those of Uranus and Neptune. This geometry for the convective region was initially proposed by Hubbard et al. [Hubbard, W.B., Podolak, M., Stevenson, D.J., 1995. In: Cruickshank, D. (Ed.), Neptune and Triton. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 109-138] to explain both the magnetic field morphology as well as the low intrinsic heat flows from these planets. Here we examine the influence of varying the stable layer radius in numerical models and compare the results to thin shell models surrounding solid inner cores. We find that a limited range of stable-layer shell thicknesses exist in which Uranus/Neptune-like field morphologies result. This allows us to put constraints on the size of the convective layers in Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

During the last week of June 2001, a bright apparition of Neptune's South Polar Feature (SPF) at 70°S was observed to develop and decay in less than 30 hours, displaying contrast of ∼2.5 at 619 nm. Assuming that the same SPF was observed on two consecutive rotations of Neptune, the feature moved eastward at 3.2±1.8° hr−1 (130±80 m s−1). The SPF made no obvious appearances during eight other Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of Neptune between July 2000 and June 2001, although there was a faint feature at 70°S in one image in October 2000. A prominent SPF was present in near-IR Keck Telescope images in August 2000. Bright SPFs are seen on ∼10% of the HST images of Neptune obtained since 1994, and a fainter SPF is visible on another ∼10%. An SPF bright enough to be visible at HST resolution was present around half the time during the last week of Voyager's approach to Neptune in August 1989, with one prominent brightening, suggesting that the SPF is less visible now than in 1989.  相似文献   

S.G Gibbard  I de Pater  S Martin  C.E Max 《Icarus》2003,166(2):359-374
We report on observations of Neptune from the 10-meter W.M. Keck II Telescope on June 17-18 (UT) 2000 and August 2-3 (UT) 2002 using the adaptive optics (AO) system to obtain a spatial resolution of 0.06 arcseconds. With this spatial resolution we can obtain spectra of individual bright features on the disk of Neptune in a filter centered near 2 microns. The use of a gas-only, simple reflecting layer radiative transfer model allows us to estimate the best fit altitudes of 18 bright features seen on these 4 nights and to set a constraint on the fraction of hydrogen in ortho/para equilibrium. On these nights there were three main types of features observed: northern hemisphere features in the range from +30 to −45 degrees; southern hemisphere features in the range from −30 to −50 degrees; and small southern features at −70 degrees. We find that the altitudes of the northern features are in the range from 0.023-0.064 bar, which places them in Neptune's stratosphere. Southern features at −30 to −50 degrees are mainly at altitudes from 0.10 to 0.14 bars. The small features at −70 degrees are somewhat deeper in the upper troposphere, at 0.17 and 0.27 bars. This pattern of features located at higher altitudes in the northern hemisphere and lower altitudes in the south has also been noted by previous observers. The best fits for all the observed spectra give a value of 1.0 for the fraction of hydrogen in ortho/para equilibrium; the value of the helium fraction is less well constrained by the data at 0.24. We suggest that the southern mid-latitude features are methane haze circulated up from below, while the −70° features may be isolated areas of upwelling in a general area of subsidence. Northern bright features may be due to subsidence of stratospheric haze material rather than upwelling and condensation of methane gas. We suggest that convection efficiently transports methane ice clouds to the tropopause in the Southern mid latitudes and thus plays a key role in the stratospheric haze production cycle.  相似文献   

Erich Karkoschka 《Icarus》2011,215(1):439-448
The interior rotation and motions in giant planets have generally been probed only at radio wavelengths from spacecraft near the planet, except for Jupiter’s radio emission detectable from Earth. Here I suggest that Neptune’s interior can be indirectly probed at visible wavelength by tracking 10 features that are connected with a stationary latitudinal speed pattern of 7 m/s amplitude. All 10 features remained aligned at the same longitude throughout the Voyager observation period in 1989. Two of them, the South Polar Wave and South Polar Feature, have been observed from Earth for ∼20 years, but their extraordinary rotational stability was never recognized. They probably pinpoint Neptune’s rotational period (15.9663 ± 0.0002 h), one of the largest improvements in 346 years of measuring the giant planets’ rotations. The previous best estimate of Neptune’s rotational period (16.108 ± 0.006 h) was based on Voyager 2 radio data (Lecacheux, A., Zarka, P., Desch, M.D., Evans, D.R. [1993]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 2711-2714). The new result suggests an upward revision of the mass of Neptune’s core. This finding may also question the accepted value of Uranus’ rotational period. The first reliable wind measurements within 15° of Neptune’s South Pole, based on tracking four features in Voyager images, show a 300 m/s eastward jet peaking near 76° South, while the area within 4° of the South Pole seems to be rotationally locked to the interior. These new observations of the stationary features and winds could address the long-standing question about the depth of the atmospheric circulation and may allow some constraints on convection currents in Neptune’s interior.  相似文献   

We have integrated the orbits of the 76 scattered disk objects (SDOs), discovered through the end of 2002, plus 399 clones for 5 Gyr to study their dynamical evolution and the probability of falling in one of the following end states: reaching Jupiter's influence zone, hyperbolic ejection, or transfer to the Oort cloud. We find that nearly 50% of the SDOs are transferred to the Oort cloud (i.e., they reach heliocentric distances greater than 20,000 AU in a barycentric elliptical orbit), from which about 60% have their perihelia beyond Neptune's orbit (31 AU<q<36 AU) at the moment of reaching the Oort cloud. This shows that Neptune acts as a dynamical barrier, scattering most of the bodies to near-parabolic orbits before they can approach or cross Neptune's orbit in non-resonant orbits (that may allow their transfer to the planetary region as Centaurs via close encounters with Neptune). Consequently, Neptune's dynamical barrier greatly favors insertion in the Oort cloud at the expense of the other end states mentioned above. We found that the current rate of SDOs with radii R>1 km incorporated into the Oort cloud is about 5 yr−1, which might be a non-negligible fraction of comet losses from the Oort cloud (probably around or even above 10%). Therefore, we conclude that the Oort cloud may have experienced and may be even experiencing a significant renovation of its population, and that the trans-neptunian belt—via the scattered disk—may be the main feeding source.  相似文献   

Photoelectric intermediate-band b and y photometry of Uranus and Neptune obtained at each apparition since 1972, combined with broadband B and V photometry from 1950 to 1966, provide a record of planetary variability covering 2/3 of Uranus' 84-year orbital period and 1/3 of Neptune's 165-year orbital period. Almost all of the data were obtained with a dedicated 21-inch photometric telescope at Lowell Observatory. The data are quite homogeneous, with yearly uncertainties typically smaller than 0.01 mag (1%). The lightcurve of Uranus is sinusoidal with peaks at the solstices. The b amplitude slightly exceeds the expected 0.025 mag purely geometrical variation caused by oblateness as the planetary aspect changes, seen from Earth. The y amplitude is several times larger, indicating a strong equator-to-pole albedo gradient. The lightcurve is asymmetrical with respect to southern solstice, evidence of a temporal albedo variation. Neptune's post-1972 lightcurve exhibits a generally rising trend since 1972 interpreted by Sromovsky et al. [Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Limaye, S.S., Baines, K.H., 2003. Icarus 163, 256-261] as a lagged sinusoidal seasonal variation. However, the 1950-1966 lightcurve segments are much fainter than expected, missing the proposed seasonal sinusoid by 0.1-0.2 mag. A major unknown component is therefore needed to explain Neptune's long-term variation. The apparent relationship between Neptune's brightness variation and the 11-year solar cycle seen in cycles 21-22 (1972-1996) has apparently now faded away. Further interpretation of the data in this paper will be found in a companion paper by Hammel and Lockwood [Hammel, H.B., Lockwood, G.W., 2005. Icarus. Submitted for publication].  相似文献   

The interaction of corotating iogenic plasma with the surface of Europa in light of recent ice sputtering, experimental results, and published Voyager data has been examined. It has been found that the residual atmosphere of Europa is made up of sputtered molecular oxygen and is exospheric from the surface outwards. It was also found that if sputtering, redistribution, and escape are considered and the sulfur dioxide/water mixing ratio is held constant over a UV observing depth, the observed sulfur dioxide density on the trailing hemisphere lends support to the hypothesis that liquid water from the interior of Europa is boiling out and being deposited as a frost layer on the surface at the rate of about 0.04 μm/year.  相似文献   

H.J Melosh  A.P Showman  R.D Lorenz 《Icarus》2004,168(2):498-502
A 100 km deep liquid water ocean probably underlies the icy exterior of Jupiter's satellite Europa. The long-term persistence of a liquid ocean beneath an ice shell presents a thermal conundrum: Is the temperature of the ocean equal to the freezing point of water at the bottom of the ice shell, or is it equal to the somewhat warmer temperature at which water attains its maximum density? We argue that most of the ocean is at the temperature of maximum density and that the bulk of the vigorously convecting ocean is separated from the bottom of the ice shell by a thin “stratosphere” of stably stratified water which is at the freezing point, and therefore buoyant. If Europa's subsurface water ocean is warm, it could explain the widespread geologic evidence for apparent melt-through events observed on its surface and may constrain the overall age of its surface.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama 《Icarus》2007,187(2):620-622
Neptune will eclipse its satellite Nereid (Neptune II) on 2007 April 27 from 00 to 06 h UT and on 2008 April 21 from 12 to 17 h UT, with uncertainties of about 3 h; and a third eclipse may occur on 2009 April 17. These events offer unique opportunities for astrometric and geophysical measurement.  相似文献   

P.G.J. Irwin  N.A. Teanby 《Icarus》2010,208(2):913-926
Long-slit spectroscopy observations of Uranus by the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope UIST instrument in 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been used to monitor the change in Uranus’ vertical and latitudinal cloud structure through the planet’s Northern Spring Equinox in December 2007.These spectra were analysed and presented by Irwin et al. (Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R. [2009]. Icarus 203, 287-302), but since publication, a new set of methane absorption data has become available (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2010]. Methane absorption coefficients for the jovian planets from laboratory, Huygens, and HST data. Icarus 205, 674-694.), which appears to be more reliable at the cold temperatures and high pressures of Uranus’ deep atmosphere. We have fitted k-coefficients to these new methane absorption data and we find that although the latitudinal variation and inter-annual changes reported by Irwin et al. (2009) stand, the new k-data place the main cloud deck at lower pressures (2-3 bars) than derived previously in the H-band of ∼3-4 bars and ∼3 bars compared with ∼6 bars in the J-band. Indeed, we find that using the new k-data it is possible to reproduce satisfactorily the entire observed centre-of-disc Uranus spectrum from 1 to 1.75 μm with a single cloud at 2-3 bars provided that we make the particles more back-scattering at wavelengths less than 1.2 μm by, for example, increasing the assumed single-scattering albedo from 0.75 (assumed in the J and H-bands) to near 1.0. In addition, we find that using a deep methane mole fraction of 4% in combination with the associated warm ‘F’ temperature profile of Lindal et al. (Lindal, G.F., Lyons, J.R., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Hinson, D.P. [1987]. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 14987-15001), the retrieved cloud deck using the new (Karkoschka and Tomasko, 2010) methane absorption data moves to between 1 and 2 bars.The same methane absorption data and retrieval algorithm were applied to observations of Neptune made during the same programme and we find that we can again fit the entire 1-1.75 μm centre-of-disc spectrum with a single cloud model, providing that we make the stratospheric haze particles (of much greater opacity than for Uranus) conservatively scattering (i.e. ω = 1) and we also make the deeper cloud particles, again at around the 2 bar level more reflective for wavelengths less than 1.2 μm. Hence, apart from the increased opacity of stratospheric hazes in Neptune’s atmosphere, the deeper cloud structure and cloud composition of Uranus and Neptune would appear to be very similar.  相似文献   

Overall SEDs based on ISO SWS observations show fair agreement with photospheric model predictions for red (super)giant stars. However, some details of molecular spectra cannot be explained by a photospheric origin. In particular, fine structure in the H2O 2.7 μm band can be clearly resolved by the SWS and is identified in an early M giant, whose photosphere will never produce H2O. This is definite evidence for H2O of non-photospheric origin in an early M giant. Also, the observed H2O and CO2 bands in a late M giant are too strong to be explained by a photospheric origin alone. Further, the H2O 2.7 μm band is found in four early M supergiants in the h + χ Persei clusters (three of which show UIRs) and is especially strong in the M4 supergiant S Per (which also shows a highly peculiar SED). Thus, against a belief that H2O is found only in the latest M giants such as Miras, the SWS has revealed the presence of H2O in a wider region of the HR diagram. The origin of this H2O is unknown but is probably in a non-photospheric extra envelope. Such a H2O envelope appears to be a general feature through early M (super)giants to cool supergiants such as S Per, where the envelope has finally developed to be optically thick. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the interior structure of Uranus and Neptune. Our approach is three-fold. First, a set of three-layer models for both Uranus and Neptune are constructed using a method similar to that used in the study of the terrestrial planets. The variations of the mass density (s) and flattening e(s) with fractional mean radius s for two representative models of Uranus and Neptune are calculated. The results are tabulated. A comparison of these models shows that these two planets are probably very similar to each other in their basic dynamical features. Such similarity is very seldom seen in our solar system. Secondly, we check the conformance between the theoretical results and observational data for the two planets. And thirdly, the 6th degree Stokes zonal parameters for Uranus and for Neptune are predicted, based on the interior models put forward in this paper.  相似文献   

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