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The geoid of Mars is dominated by its equilibrium figure and by the effect of the Tharsis rise. To investigate the rotational stability of Mars prior to the rise of Tharsis, we produced a residual non-hydrostatic geoid without Tharsis. First the hydrostatic component of the present-day flattening was removed. This procedure was performed using a 6% non-hydrostatic component of flattening, a value set by the spin axis precession rate of Mars. Then zonal spherical harmonics up to degree 6 centered on Tharsis were removed. Finally, the resultant residual geoid was evaluated for rotational stability by comparing polar and equatorial moments at 4050 trial pole positions. If the spin axis of ancient Mars was secularly stable, our analysis indicates that substantial polar wander has occurred with the rise of Tharsis. Stable spin axis positions on the non-hydrostatic residual figure of Mars are 15° to 90° from the present-day poles. This result is consistent with previously proposed paleopoles based on magnetic anomalies, geomorphology, and grazing impacts.  相似文献   

In order to find an explanation for the origin of the martian crustal dichotomy, a number of recent papers have examined the effect of layered viscosity on the evolution of a degree-1 mantle convection, e.g. Roberts and Zhong [Roberts, J.H., Zhong, S., 2006. J. Geophys. Res. 111. E06013] and Yoshida and Kageyama [Yoshida, M., Kageyama, A., 2006. J. Geophys. Res. 111, doi:10.1029/2005JB003905. B03412]. It was found that a mid-mantle viscosity jump, combined with highly temperature- and depth-dependent rheology, are effective in developing a degree-1 convection within a short timescale. Such a layered viscosity profile could be justified by martian mineralogy. However, the effect of a degree-1 convective planform on the crustal thickness distribution has not yet been demonstrated. It is not obvious whether a thinner crust, due to sublithospheric erosion and crustal thinning, or a thicker crust, due to enhanced crustal production, would form above the hemisphere of mantle upwelling. Also, the general shape of the dichotomy, which is not strictly hemispherical, has not yet been fully investigated. Here we propose a model of the crustal patterns produced by numerical simulations of martian mantle convection, using the finite-volume multigrid code StagYY [Tackley, P.J., 2008. Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 107, 7-18, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.08.005] A self-consistent treatment of melting, crustal formation and chemical differentiation has been added to models of three-dimensional thermal convection. This allows us to obtain global maps of the crustal thickness distribution as it evolves with time. The obtained results demonstrate that it is indeed possible to form a crustal dichotomy as a consequence of near degree-1 mantle convection early in Mars' history. We find that some of the observed patterns show intriguing first order similarities to the elliptical shape of the martian dichotomy. In all models, the region of thick crust is located over the region of mantle upwelling, which itself is a ridge-like structure spread over roughly one half of the planet, a planform we describe as “one-ridge convection.”  相似文献   

The origin of the ancient martian crustal dichotomy and the massive magmatic province of Tharsis remains an open problem. Here, we explore numerically a hypothesis for the origin of these two features involving both exogenic and endogenic processes. We propose a giant impact event during the late stage of planetary formation as the source of the southern highland crust. In a second stage, the extraction of excess heat by vigorous mantle convection on the impacted hemisphere leads to massive magmatism, forming a distinct Tharsis-like volcanic region. By coupling short-term and long-term numerical simulations, we are able to investigate both the early formation as well as the 4.5 Gyr evolution of the martian crust. We demonstrate numerically that this exogenic-endogenic hypothesis is in agreement with observational data from Mars.  相似文献   

The crustal dichotomy of Mars describes the topographic division between the young plains in the northern hemisphere and the old terrain in the southern hemisphere. The highland-lowland boundary separates the younger plains from the older, high-standing terrain and consists of three geologically-distinct regions: the Tharsis Province, the chaotic terrain, and the fretted terrain (which includes gradational boundary types)-all are characterised by tensional tectonics. This paper presents new geological evidence that shows the topographic division at the fretted terrain formed in the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period: the same time period in which the Tharsis Province and chaotic terrain formed, and fracturing of a southern-hemisphere-type surface beneath the northern plains occurred. These are inherent features of the crustal dichotomy, indicating it must have also formed during the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period. An analogy is made between the northern lowlands and sedimentary basins on Earth: both are basin like and are surrounded by provinces that have been subjected to pronounced tensional tectonics. This paper uses the White and McKenzie model (1989a) to propose that a lithospheric-stretching event on Mars, in the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period, produced the crustal dichotomy; the Tharsis Province formed by uplift (over a sub-surface hotspot) and gave rise to lithospheric stretching, and the northern lowlands formed by subsidence (over normal asthenospheric temperatures). Detachment faults, operating from the Tharsis Province and around northern lowlands, allowed structural equilibrium and large lithospheric extensions to be attained during this period: they also defined the geometry of the lowlands. The proposal is supported with calculations used to estimate the amount of subsidence that can be achieved in this way.  相似文献   

With the collection of six years of MGS tracking data and three years of Mars Odyssey tracking data, there has been a continual improvement in the JPL Mars gravity field determination. This includes the measurement of the seasonal changes in the gravity coefficients (e.g., , , , , , ) caused by the mass exchange between the polar ice caps and atmosphere. This paper describes the latest gravity field MGS95J to degree and order 95. The improvement comes from additional tracking data and the adoption of a more complete Mars orientation model with nutation, instead of the IAU 2000 model. Free wobble of the Mars' spin axis, i.e. polar motion, has been constrained to be less than 10 mas by looking at the temporal history of and . A strong annual signature is observed in , and this is a mixture of polar motion and ice mass redistribution. The Love number solution with a subset of Odyssey tracking data is consistent with the previous liquid outer core determination from MGS tracking data [Yoder et al., 2003. Science 300, 299-303], giving a combined solution of k2=0.152±0.009 using MGS and Odyssey tracking data. The solutions for the masses of the Mars' moons show consistency between MGS, Odyssey, and Viking data sets; Phobos GM=(7.16±0.005)×10−4 km3/s2 and Deimos GM=(0.98±0.07)×10−4 km3/s2. Average MGS orbit errors, determined from differences in the overlaps of orbit solutions, have been reduced to 10-cm in the radial direction and 1.5 m along the spacecraft velocity and normal to the orbit plane. Hence, the ranging to the MGS and Odyssey spacecraft has resulted in position measurements of the Mars system center-of-mass relative to the Earth to an accuracy of one meter, greatly reducing the Mars ephemeris errors by several orders of magnitude, and providing mass estimates for Asteroids 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, 4 Vesta, and 324 Bamberga.  相似文献   

Studies extending over three decades have concluded that the current orientation of the martian rotation pole is unstable. Specifically, the gravitational figure of the planet, after correction for a hydrostatic form, has been interpreted to indicate that the rotation pole should move easily between the present position and a site on the current equator, 90° from the location of the massive Tharsis volcanic province. We demonstrate, using general physical arguments supported by a fluid Love number analysis, that the so-called non-hydrostatic theory is an inaccurate framework for analyzing the rotational stability of planets, such as Mars, that are characterized by long-term elastic strength within the lithosphere. In this case, the appropriate correction to the gravitational figure is the equilibrium rotating form achieved when the elastic lithospheric shell (of some thickness LT) is accounted for. Moreover, the current rotation vector of Mars is shown to be stable when the correct non-equilibrium theory is adopted using values consistent with recent, independent estimates of LT. Finally, we compare observational constraints on the figure of Mars with non-equilibrium predictions based on a large suite of possible Tharsis-driven true polar wander (TPW) scenarios. We conclude, in contrast to recent comparisons of this type based on a non-hydrostatic theory, that the reorientation of the pole associated with the development of Tharsis was likely less than 15° and that the thickness of the elastic lithosphere at the time of Tharsis formation was at least ∼50 km. Larger Tharsis-driven TPW is possible if the present-day gravitational form of the planet at degree 2 has significant contributions from non-Tharsis loads; in this case, the most plausible source would be internal heterogeneities linked to convection.  相似文献   

M. Grott  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2008,193(2):503-515
Estimates of the martian elastic lithosphere thickness Te imply that Te increased from around 20 km in the Noachian to about 70 km in the Amazonian period. A phase of rapid lithospheric growth is observed during the Hesperian and we propose that this elastic thickness history is a consequence of the martian crustal rheology and its thermal evolution. A wet crustal rheology is found to generate a mechanically incompetent layer in the lower crust during the early evolution and the rapid growth of Te during the Hesperian results from the disappearance of this layer due to planetary cooling. The incompetent layer and the related rapid lithospheric growth are absent for a dry basaltic crustal rheology, which is therefore incompatible with the observations. Furthermore, we find that the observed elastic thickness evolution is best compatible with a wet mantle rheology, although a dry mantle cannot be ruled out. It therefore seems likely that rheologically significant amounts of water were retained in the Martian crust and mantle after planetary accretion.  相似文献   

With 2 years of tracking data collection from the MRO spacecraft, there is noticeable improvement in the high frequency portion of the spherical harmonic Mars gravity field. The new JPL Mars gravity fields, MRO110B and MRO110B2, show resolution near degree 90. Additional years of MGS and Mars Odyssey tracking data result in improvement for the seasonal gravity changes which compares well to global circulation models and Odyssey neutron data and Mars rotation and precession (). Once atmospheric dust is accounted for in the spacecraft solar pressure model, solutions for Mars solar tide are consistent between data sets and show slightly larger values (k2 = 0.164 ± 0.009, after correction for atmospheric tide) compared to previous results, further constraining core models. An additional 4 years of Mars range data improves the Mars ephemeris, determines 21 asteroid masses and bounds solar mass loss (dGMSun/dt < 1.6 × 10−13 GMSun year−1).  相似文献   

The Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera was used to obtain global maps of the martian surface with equatorial resolution of 7.5 km/pixel in two wavelength ranges: blue (400-450 nm) and red (575-625 nm). The maps used were acquired between March 15, 1999 (Ls=110°) and July 31, 2001 (Ls=205°), corresponding to approximately one and a quarter martian years. Using the global maps, cloud area (in km2) has been measured daily for water ice clouds topographically corresponding to Olympus Mons, Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, Alba Patera, the western Valles Marineris canyon system, and for other small surface features in the region. Seasonal trends in cloud activity have been established for the three Tharsis volcanoes, Olympus Mons, and Alba Patera. Olympus, Ascraeus, and Pavonis Mons show cloud activity from about Ls=0°-220° with a peak in cloud area near Ls=100°. One of our most interesting observational results is that Alba Patera shows a double peaked feature in the cloud area with peaks at Ls=60° and 140° and a minimum near Ls=100°. Arsia Mons shows nearly continuous cloud activity. The altitudes of several of these clouds have been determined from the locations of the visual cloud tops, and optical depths were measured for a number of them using the DISORT code of Stamnes et al. (1988, Appl. Opt. 27, 2502-2509). Several aspects of the observations (e.g., cloud heights, effects of increased dust on cloud activity) are similar to simulations in Richardson et al. (2002, J. Geophys. Res. 107, 5064). A search for short period variations in the cloud areas revealed only indirect evidence for the diurnal cloud variability in the afternoon hours; unambiguous evidence for other periodicities was not found.  相似文献   

D. Boutin  J. Arkani-Hamed 《Icarus》2006,181(1):13-25
We use the mapping-phase high-altitude magnetic measurements provided by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) between March 1999 and April 2003 to model nine relatively isolated magnetic anomalies of Mars. Each anomaly is modeled with an elliptical prism. Each component of the observed magnetic field is modeled independently using an elliptical prism in order to assess the reliability of the results and suppress non-crustal and nearby crustal source contaminations. The paleomagnetic pole positions are obtained from the magnetization vectors of the model source bodies. We clean the data by removing the bad tracks and then divide the entire data into two sets that are measured at different times. Applying covariance analysis in the Fourier domain to two maps of the same magnetic component that are derived from the two sets provides a means to extract the most common features of the maps. The quality of a model is evaluated and only good models are used in the final geophysical interpretation. Most poles that come from good models cluster in the Tharsis region, suggesting that Mars experienced polar motion since the magnetic source bodies were magnetized.  相似文献   

The paradigm of an ancient warm, wet, and dynamically active Mars, which transitioned into a cold, dry, and internally dead planet, has persisted up until recently despite published Viking-based geologic maps that indicate geologic and hydrologic activity extending into the Late Amazonian epoch. This paradigm is shifting to a water-enriched planet, which may still exhibit internal activity, based on a collection of geologic, hydrologic, topographic, chemical, and elemental evidences obtained by the Viking, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), Mars Odyssey (MO), Mars Exploration Rovers (MER), and Mars Express (MEx) missions. The evidence includes: (1) stratigraphically young rock materials such as pristine lava flows with few, if any, superposed impact craters; (2) tectonic features that cut stratigraphically young materials; (3) features with possible aqueous origin such as structurally controlled channels that dissect stratigraphically young materials and anastomosing-patterned slope streaks on hillslopes; (4) spatially varying elemental abundances for such elements as hydrogen (H) and chlorine (Cl) recorded in rock materials up to 0.33 m depth; and (5) regions of elevated atmospheric methane. This evidence is pronounced in parts of Tharsis, Elysium, and the region that straddles the two volcanic provinces, collectively referred to here as the Tharsis/Elysium corridor. Based in part on field investigations of Solfatara Crater, Italy, recommended as a suitable terrestrial analog, the Tharsis/Elysium corridor should be considered a prime target for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) investigations and future science-driven exploration to investigate whether Mars is internally and hydrologically active at the present time, and whether the persistence of this activity has resulted in biologic activity.  相似文献   

As the obliquity of Mars is strongly chaotic, it is not possible to give a solution for its evolution over more than a few million years. Using the most recent data for the rotational state of Mars, and a new numerical integration of the Solar System, we provide here a precise solution for the evolution of Mars' spin over 10 to 20 Myr. Over 250 Myr, we present a statistical study of its possible evolution, when considering the uncertainties in the present rotational state. Over much longer time span, reaching 5 Gyr, chaotic diffusion prevails, and we have performed an extensive statistical analysis of the orbital and rotational evolution of Mars, relying on Laskar's secular solution of the Solar System, based on more than 600 orbital and 200,000 obliquity solutions over 5 Gyr. The density functions of the eccentricity and obliquity are specified with simple analytical formulas. We found an averaged eccentricity of Mars over 5 Gyr of 0.0690 with standard deviation 0.0299, while the averaged value of the obliquity is 37.62° with a standard deviation of 13.82°, and a maximal value of 82.035°. We find that the probability for Mars' obliquity to have reached more than 60° in the past 1 Gyr is 63.0%, and 89.3% in 3 Gyr. Over 4 Gyr, the position of Mars' axis is given by a uniform distribution on a spherical cap limited by the obliquity 58.62°, with the addition of a random noise allowing a slow diffusion beyond this limit. We can also define a standard model of Mars' insolation parameters over 4 Gyr with the most probable values 0.068 for the eccentricity and 41.80° for the obliquity.  相似文献   

M. Grott  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2009,201(2):540-151
The martian elastic lithosphere thickness Te has recently been constrained by modeling the geodynamical response to loading at the martian polar caps and Te was found to exceed 300 km at the north pole today. Geological evidence suggests that Mars has been volcanically active in the recent past and we have reinvestigated the martian thermal evolution, identifying models which are consistent with Te>300 km and the observed recent magmatic activity. We find that although models satisfying both constraints can be constructed, special assumptions regarding the concentration and distribution of radioactive elements, the style of mantle convection and/or the mantle's volatile content need to be made. If a dry mantle rheology is assumed, strong plumes caused by, e.g., a strongly pressure dependent mantle viscosity or endothermic phase transitions near the core-mantle boundary are required to allow for decompression melting in the heads of mantle plumes. For a wet mantle, large mantle water contents of the order of 1000 ppm are required to allow for partial mantle melting. Also, for a moderate crustal enrichment of heat producing, elements the planet's bulk composition needs to be 25 and 50% sub-chondritic for dry and wet mantle rheologies, respectively. Even then, models resulting in a globally averaged elastic thicknesses of Te>300 km are difficult to reconcile with most elastic thickness estimates available for the Hesperian and Amazonian periods. It therefore seems likely that large elastic thicknesses in excess of 300 km are not representative for the bulk of the planet and that Te possibly shows a large degree of spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

R. Greve 《Icarus》2008,196(2):359-367
The martian polar caps feature large chasmata and smaller trough systems which have no counterpart in terrestrial ice sheets. Chasma Boreale cuts about 500 km into the western part of the north-polar cap, is up to 100 km wide and up to 2 km deep. One possible formation mechanism is by a temporary heat source under the ice due to tectono-thermal or volcanic activity, which melts the ice from below. It is demonstrated by model simulations that this process is feasible, a moderately increased heat flux of 0.5-1 W m−2, sustained over at least tens of thousands of years, producing a topographic depression which resembles the real chasma. Associated meltwater discharge rates are small (), but can exceed 10 km3 a−1 if a stronger heat flux of 10 W m−2 is assumed. Local ice-flow velocities during the process of chasma formation can exceed 1 m a−1 at the head and scarps of the chasma. However, if the thermal anomaly shuts down, glacial flow quickly decreases, so that the chasma can stay open for an indefinite amount of time without an ongoing, sustaining process under the climate conditions of the most recent millions of years.  相似文献   

Ralf Greve  Rupali A. Mahajan 《Icarus》2005,174(2):475-485
The evolution and dynamics of the north-polar cap (residual-ice-cap/layered-deposits complex) of Mars is simulated with a thermomechanical ice-sheet model. We consider a scenario with ice-free initial conditions at 5 Ma before present due to the large obliquities which prevailed prior to this time. The north-polar cap is then built up to its present shape, driven by a parameterized climate forcing (surface temperature, surface mass balance) based on the obliquity and eccentricity history. The effects of different ice rheologies and different dust contents are investigated. It is found that the build-up scenarios require an accumulation rate of approximately 0.15-0.2 mm a−1 at present. The topography evolution is essentially independent of the ice dynamics due to the slow ice flow. Owing to the uncertainties associated with the ice rheology and the dust content, flow velocities can only be predicted within a range of two orders of magnitude. Likely present values are of the order of 0.1-1 mm a−1, and a strong variation over the climatic cycles is found. For all cases, computed basal temperatures are far below pressure melting.  相似文献   

The surface heat flux of a planet is an important parameter to characterize its internal activity and to determine its thermal evolution. Here we report on a new method to constrain the surface heat flux of Mars during the Hesperian. For this, we explore the consequences for the martian surface heat flux from a recently presented new hypothesis for the formation of Aram Chaos (Zegers, T.E., Oosthoek, J.H.P., Rossi, A.P., Blom, J.K., Schumacher, S. [2010]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 297, 496-504. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.06.049.). In this hypothesis the chaotic terrain is thought to have formed by melting of a buried ice sheet. The slow sedimentation and burial of the ice sheet led to an increased thermal insulation of the ice and subsequently to a temperature increase high enough to trigger melting and the formation of the subsurface lake. As these processes highly depend on the thermal properties of the subsurface and especially on the surface heat flux, it is possible to constrain the latter by using numerical simulations. Based on the hypothesis for the formation of Aram Chaos, we conducted an extensive parameter study to determine the parameter settings leading to sufficient melting of the buried ice sheet. We find that the surface heat flux in the Aram Chaos region during the Hesperian was most likely between 20 and 45 mW m−2 with a possible maximum value of up to 60 mW m−2.  相似文献   

Javier Ruiz  Rosa Tejero 《Icarus》2006,180(2):308-313
Two independent sets of heat flow estimates provide constraints on the Hesperian-era surface and mantle heat flows, and the thickness of the heat-producing elements (HPE)-enriched upper crust, in the Solis Planum region of Mars. The calculations, which use the concentration of uppermost crust heat sources deduced from orbital gamma ray spectroscopy and soils geochemistry, are based on the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere and the minimum depth of faults underlying winkle ridges. We find that, for the majority of analyzed settings, the HPE-enriched crust is thinner than the whole crust thickness in this region (∼65 km). Thus, our results strongly support a differentiated martian crust.  相似文献   

C.C. Reese  C.P. Orth 《Icarus》2011,213(2):433-442
We show that a sufficiently energetic impact can generate a melt volume which, after isostatic adjustment and differentiation, forms a spherical cap of crust with underlying depleted mantle. Depending on impact energy and initial crustal thickness, a basin may be retained or impact induced crust may be topographically elevated. Retention of a martian lowland scale impact basin at impact energies ∼3 × 1028-3 × 1029 J requires an initial crustal thickness greater than 10 km. Formation of impact induced crust with size comparable to the martian highlands requires a larger impact energy, ∼1-3 × 1030 J, and initial crustal thickness <20 km. Furthermore, we show that the boundary of impact induced crust can be elliptical due to a spatially asymmetric impact melt volume caused by an oblique impact. We suggest the term “impact megadome” for topographically elevated, impact induced crust and propose that processes involved in megadome formation may play an important role in the origin of the martian crustal dichotomy.  相似文献   

A. Morschhauser  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2011,212(2):541-400
We have reinvestigated the coupled thermal and crustal evolution of Mars taking new laboratory data concerning the flow behavior of iron-rich olivine into account. The low mantle viscosities associated with the relatively higher iron content of the martian mantle as well as the observed high concentrations of heat producing elements in a crust with a reduced thermal conductivity were found to promote phases of crustal recycling in many models. As crustal recycling is incompatible with an early separation of geochemical reservoirs, models were required to show no episodes of crustal recycling. Furthermore, admissible models were required to reproduce the martian crust formation history, to allow for the formation of partial melt under present day mantle conditions and to reproduce the measured concentrations of potassium and thorium on the martian surface. Taking dehydration stiffening of the mantle viscosity by the extraction of water from the mantle into account, we found that admissible models have low initial upper mantle temperatures around 1650 K, preferably a primordial crustal thickness of 30 km, and an initially wet mantle rheology. The crust formation process on Mars would then be driven by the extraction of a primordial crust after core formation, cooling the mantle to temperatures close to the peridotite solidus. According to this scenario, the second stage of global crust formation took place over a more extended period of time, waning at around 3500 Myr b.p., and was driven by heat produced by the decay of radioactive elements. Present-day volcanism would then be driven by mantle plumes originating at the core-mantle boundary under regions of locally thickened, thermally insulating crust. Water extraction from the mantle was found to be relatively efficient and close to 40% of the total inventory was lost from the mantle in most models. Assuming an initial mantle water content of 100 ppm and that 10% of the extracted water is supplied to the surface, this amount is equivalent to a 14 m thick global surface layer, suggesting that volcanic outgassing of H2O could have significantly influenced the early martian climate and increased the planet’s habitability.  相似文献   

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