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S.G. Gibbard  I. de Pater 《Icarus》2005,174(1):253-262
We present the first Earth-based images of several of the individual faint rings of Uranus, as observed with the adaptive optics system on the W.M. Keck II telescope on four consecutive days in October 2003. We derive reflectivities based on multiple measurements of 8 minor moons of Uranus as well as Ariel and Miranda in filters centered at wavelengths of 1.25(J), 1.63(H), and 2.1(Kp) μm. These observations have a phase angle of 1.84°-1.96°. We find that the small satellites are somewhat less bright than in observations made by the HST at smaller phase angles, confirming an opposition surge effect. We calculate albedoes for the ring groups and for each ring separately. We find that the ε ring particles, as well as the particles in the three other ring groups, have albedoes near 0.043 at these phase angles. The equivalent depths of some of the individual rings are different than predicted based upon ring widths from occultation measurements (assuming a constant particle ring brightness); in particular the γ ring is fainter and the η ring brighter than expected. Our results indicate that q, the ratio of ε ring intensity at apoapse vs. periapse, is close to 3.2±0.16. This agrees well with a model that has a filling factor for the ε ring of 0.06 (Karkoschka, 2001, Icarus 151, 78-83). We also determine values of the north to south brightness ratio for the individual rings and find that in most cases they are close to unity.  相似文献   

We present observations of the uranian ring system at a wavelength of 2.2 μm, taken between 2003 and 2008 with NIRC2 on the W.M. Keck telescope in Hawaii, and on 15–17 August 2007 with NaCo on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Of particular interest are the data taken around the time of the uranian ring plane crossing with Earth on 16 August 2007, and with the Sun (equinox) on 7 December 2007. We model the data at the different viewing aspects with a Monte Carlo model to determine: (1) the normal optical depth τ0, the location, and the radial extent of the main rings, and (2) the parameter 0 (A is the particle geometric albedo), the location, and the radial plus vertical extent of the dusty rings. Our main conclusions are: (i) The brightness of the ? ring is significantly enhanced at small phase and ring inclination angles; we suggest this extreme opposition effect to probably be dominated by a reduction in interparticle shadowing. (ii) A broad sheet of dust particles extends inwards from the λ ring almost to the planet itself. This dust sheet has a vertical extent of ∼140 km, and 0 = 2.2 × 10−6. (iii) The dusty rings between ring 4 and the α ring and between the α and β rings are vertically extended with a thickness of ∼300 km. (iv) The ζ ring extends from ∼41,350 km almost all the way inwards to the planet. The main ζ ring, centered at ∼39,500 km from the planet, is characterized by 0 = 3.7 × 10−6; this parameter decreases closer to the planet. The ζ ring has a full vertical extent of order 800–900 km, with a pronounced density enhancement in the mid-plane. (v) The ηc ring is optically thin and less than several tens of km in the vertical direction. This ring may be composed of macroscopic material, surrounded by clumps of dust.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama   《Icarus》2007,192(2):576-581
A model for computing the brightness of a satellite in the shadow of a planet is described, which takes into account the Sun–planet–satellite–sensor geometry, the satellite bi-directional reflectance function, and the refraction of sunlight in the planetary atmosphere. Synthetic light curves for eclipse ingress or egress of the five large satellites of Uranus are generated. The model luminosities can be fitted to photometric observations in order to calculate a precise distance between the centers of the satellite and the planet. Alternately, when the satellite ephemeris is accurately known the atmospheric state of the planet can be studied.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of four new uranian irregular satellites in our deep, mR∼25.4, optical search around that planet. The orbital properties of these satellites are diverse. There is some grouping of inclinations and one of the satellites appears to be inside the Kozai resonant zone of Uranus. Further, we find that the differential size distribution of satellites is rather shallow compared to objects in the asteroid and Kuiper belts, going as ∼r−2.4. We also report a strong coupling between semi-major axis and orbital eccentricity. We comment on the apparent paradox between the inclination grouping, shallow size distribution, and orbital correlation as they relate to the likelihood of a collisional origin for the uranian irregulars. The currently observed irregulars appear to be consistent with a disruptive formation process and a collisional origin for Uranus' obliquity.  相似文献   

Photoelectric intermediate-band b and y photometry of Uranus and Neptune obtained at each apparition since 1972, combined with broadband B and V photometry from 1950 to 1966, provide a record of planetary variability covering 2/3 of Uranus' 84-year orbital period and 1/3 of Neptune's 165-year orbital period. Almost all of the data were obtained with a dedicated 21-inch photometric telescope at Lowell Observatory. The data are quite homogeneous, with yearly uncertainties typically smaller than 0.01 mag (1%). The lightcurve of Uranus is sinusoidal with peaks at the solstices. The b amplitude slightly exceeds the expected 0.025 mag purely geometrical variation caused by oblateness as the planetary aspect changes, seen from Earth. The y amplitude is several times larger, indicating a strong equator-to-pole albedo gradient. The lightcurve is asymmetrical with respect to southern solstice, evidence of a temporal albedo variation. Neptune's post-1972 lightcurve exhibits a generally rising trend since 1972 interpreted by Sromovsky et al. [Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Limaye, S.S., Baines, K.H., 2003. Icarus 163, 256-261] as a lagged sinusoidal seasonal variation. However, the 1950-1966 lightcurve segments are much fainter than expected, missing the proposed seasonal sinusoid by 0.1-0.2 mag. A major unknown component is therefore needed to explain Neptune's long-term variation. The apparent relationship between Neptune's brightness variation and the 11-year solar cycle seen in cycles 21-22 (1972-1996) has apparently now faded away. Further interpretation of the data in this paper will be found in a companion paper by Hammel and Lockwood [Hammel, H.B., Lockwood, G.W., 2005. Icarus. Submitted for publication].  相似文献   

We present observations of Uranus taken with the near-infrared camera NIRC2 on the 10-m W.M. Keck II telescope, the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) from July 2007 through November 2009. In this paper we focus on a bright southern feature, referred to as the “Berg.” In Sromovsky et al. (Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Hammel, H.B., Ahue, A.W., de Pater, I., Rages, K.A., Showalter, M.R., van Dam, M. [2009]. Icarus 203, 265-286), we reported that this feature, which oscillated between latitudes of −32° and −36° for several decades, suddenly started on a northward track in 2005. In this paper we show the complete record of observations of this feature’s track towards the equator, including its demise. After an initially slow linear drift, the feature’s drift rate accelerated at latitudes ∣θ∣ < 25°. By late 2009 the feature, very faint by then, was spotted at a latitude of −5° before disappearing from view. During its northward track, the feature’s morphology changed dramatically, and several small bright unresolved features were occasionally visible poleward of the main “streak.” These small features were sometimes visible at a wavelength of 2.2 μm, indicative that the clouds reached altitudes of ∼0.6 bar. The main part of the Berg, which is generally a long sometimes multipart streak, is estimated to be much deeper in the atmosphere, near 3.5 bars in 2004, but rising to 1.8-2.5 bars in 2007 after it began its northward drift. Through comparisons with Neptune’s Great Dark Spot and simulations of the latter, we discuss why the Berg may be tied to a vortex, an anticyclone deeper in the atmosphere that is visible only through orographic companion clouds.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2006,182(2):577-593
Near-IR absorption of methane in the 2000-9500 cm−1 spectral region plays a major role in outer planet atmospheres. However, the theoretical basis for modeling the observations of reflectivity and emission in these regions has had serious uncertainties at temperatures needed for interpreting observations of the colder outer planets. A lack of line parameter information, including ground-state energies and the absence of weak lines, limit the applicability of line-by-line calculations at low temperatures and for long path lengths, requiring the use of band models. However, prior band models have parameterized the temperature dependence in a way that cannot be accurately extrapolated to low temperatures. Here we use simulations to show how a new parameterization of temperature dependence can greatly improve band model accuracy and allow extension of band models to the much lower temperatures that are needed to interpret observations of Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Saturn. Use of this new parameterization by Irwin et al. [Irwin, P.G.J., Sromovsky, L.A., Strong, E.K., Sihra, K., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S.B., 2005b. Icarus. In press] has verified improved fits to laboratory observations of Strong et al. [Strong, K., Taylor, F.W., Calcutt, S.B., Remedios, J.J., Ballard, J., 1993. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 50, 363-429] and Sihra [1998. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford], which cover the temperature range from 100 to 340 K. Here we compare model predictions to 77 K laboratory observations and to Uranus spectra, which show much improved agreement between observed and modeled spectral features, allowing tighter constraints on pressure levels of Uranus cloud particles, implying that most scattering contributions arise from pressures near 2 bars and 6 bars rather than expected pressures near 1.25 and 3.1 bars. Between visible and near-IR wavelengths, both cloud layers exhibit strong decreases in reflectivity that are indicative of low opacity and submicron particle sizes.  相似文献   

This report arises from an ongoing program to monitor Neptune’s largest moon Triton spectroscopically in the 0.8 to 2.4 μm range using IRTF/SpeX. Our objective is to search for changes on Triton’s surface as witnessed by changes in the infrared absorption bands of its surface ices N2,CH4,H2O, CO, and CO2. We have recorded infrared spectra of Triton on 53 nights over the ten apparitions from 2000 to 2009. The data generally confirm our previously reported diurnal spectral variations of the ice absorption bands (Grundy and Young, 2004). Nitrogen ice shows a large amplitude variation, with much stronger absorption on Triton’s Neptune-facing hemisphere. We present evidence for seasonal evolution of Triton’s N2 ice: the 2.15 μm absorption band appears to be diminishing, especially on the Neptune-facing hemisphere. Although it is mostly dissolved in N2 ice, Triton’s CH4 ice shows a very different longitudinal variation from the N2 ice, challenging assumptions of how the two ices behave. Unlike Triton’s CH4 ice, the CO ice does exhibit longitudinal variation very similar to the N2 ice, implying that CO and N2 condense and sublimate together, maintaining a consistent mixing ratio. Absorptions by H2O and CO2 ices show negligible variation as Triton rotates, implying very uniform and/or high latitude spatial distributions for those two non-volatile ices.  相似文献   

We present 0.8-2.4 μm spectral observations of uranian satellites, obtained at IRTF/SpeX on 17 nights during 2001-2005. The spectra reveal for the first time the presence of CO2 ice on the surfaces of Umbriel and Titania, by means of 3 narrow absorption bands near 2 μm. Several additional, weaker CO2 ice absorptions have also been detected. No CO2 absorption is seen in Oberon spectra, and the strengths of the CO2 ice bands decline with planetocentric distance from Ariel through Titania. We use the CO2 absorptions to map the longitudinal distribution of CO2 ice on Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, showing that it is most abundant on their trailing hemispheres. We also examine H2O ice absorptions in the spectra, finding deeper H2O bands on the leading hemispheres of Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, but the opposite pattern on Oberon. Potential mechanisms to produce the observed longitudinal and planetocentric distributions of the two ices are considered.  相似文献   

H.B. Hammel  G.W. Lockwood 《Icarus》2007,186(1):291-301
Long-term photometric measurements of Uranus and Neptune through 2005 show variations in brightness. For Uranus, much of the variation can be interpreted as seasonal, i.e., caused by viewing angle changes of an oblate planet. The photometry suggests that if seasonal variations on Uranus are north-south symmetric, then the northern pole should begin to brighten in 2006. However, seasonal “aspect” changes cannot explain all the variation; the Uranus observations require intrinsic atmospheric change. Furthermore, Uranus observations spanning many scale heights in the atmosphere may show similar change. For Neptune, variations in sub-solar latitude may explain the general shape of the long-term light curve, but significant deviations occur that have no explanation at present. Observations are needed over a longer temporal baseline than currently exists to fully characterize both atmospheres.  相似文献   

P.G.J. Irwin  N.A. Teanby 《Icarus》2009,203(1):287-302
Long-slit spectroscopy observations of Uranus by the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope UIST instrument in 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been used to monitor the change in Uranus’ vertical and latitudinal cloud structure through the planet’s northern spring equinox in December 2007.The observed reflectance spectra in the Long J (1.17-1.31 μm) and H (1.45-1.65 μm) bands, obtained with the slit aligned along Uranus’ central meridian, have been fitted with an optimal estimation retrieval model to determine the vertical cloud profile from 0.1 to 6-8 bar over a wide range of latitudes. Context images in a number of spectral bands were used to discriminate general zonal cloud structural changes from passing discrete clouds. From 2006 to 2007 reflection from deep clouds at pressures between 2 and 6-8 bar increased at all latitudes, although there is some systematic uncertainty in the absolute pressure levels resulting from extrapolating the methane coefficients of Irwin et al. (Irwin, P.G.J., Sromovsky, L.A., Strong, E.K., Sihra, K., Teanby, N.A., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S.B., Remedios, J.J. [2006] Icarus, 181, 309-319) at pressures greater than 1 bar, as noted by Tomasko et al. and Karkoschka and Tomasko (Tomasko, M.G., Bezard, B., Doose, L., Engel, S., Karkoschka, E. [2008] Planet. Space Sci., 56, 624-647; Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009] Icarus). However, from 2007 to 2008 reflection from these clouds throughout the southern hemisphere and from both northern and southern mid-latitudes (30° N,S) diminished. As a result, the southern polar collar at 45°S has diminished in brightness relative to mid-latitudes, a similar collar at 45°N has become more prominent (e.g. Rages, K.A., Hammel, H.B., Sromovsky, L. [2007] Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 39, 425; Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Ahue, W.M., Hammel, H.B., de Pater, I., Rages, K.A., Showalter, M.R., van Dam, M.A. [2008] vol. 40 of AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, pp. 488-489; Sromovsky, L.A., Ahue, W.K.M., Fry, P.M., Hammel, H.B., de Pater, I., Rages, K.A., Showalter, M.R. [2009] Icarus), and the lowering reflectivity from mid-latitudes has left a noticeable brighter cloud zone at the equator (e.g. Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M. [2007] Icarus, 192, 527-557;Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009] Icarus). For such substantial cloud changes to have occurred in just two years suggests that the circulation of Uranus’ atmosphere is much more vigorous and/or efficient than is commonly thought. The composition of the main observed cloud decks between 2 and 6-8 bar is unclear, but the absence of the expected methane cloud at 1.2-1.3 bar (Lindal, G.F., Lyons, J.R., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Hinson, D.P. [1987] J. Geophys. Res., 92, 14987-15001) is striking (as previously noted by, among others, Sromovsky, L.A., Irwin, P.G.J., Fry, P.M. [2006] Icarus, 182, 577-593; Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M. [2007] Icarus, 192, 527-557; Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M. [2008] Icarus, 193, 252-266; Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009] Icarus) and suggests that cloud particles may be considerably different from pure condensates and may be linked with stratospheric haze particles drizzling down from above, or that tropospheric hazes are generated near the methane condensation level and then drizzle down to deep pressures as suggested by Karkoschka and Tomasko (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009] Icarus).The retrieved cloud structures were also tested for different assumptions of the deep methane mole fraction, which Karkoschka and Tomasko (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009] Icarus) find may vary from ∼1-2% in polar regions to perhaps as much as 4% equatorwards of 45°N,S. We found that such variations did not significantly affect our conclusions.  相似文献   

We present high quality images of the uranian ring system, obtained in August 2002, October 2003, and July 2004 at 2.2 μm with the adaptive optics camera NIRC2 on the Keck II telescope. Using these data, we report the first detection in backscattered light of a ring (which we refer to as the ζ ring) interior to Uranus' known rings. This ring consists of a generally uniform sheet of dust between 37,850 and 41,350 km with an equivalent width (in 2004; or ), and extends inward to 32,600 km at a gradually decreasing brightness. This ring might be related to the Voyager ring R/1986 U 2, although both its location and extent differ. This could be attributed to a difference in observing wavelength and/or solar phase angle, or perhaps to temporal variations in the ring. Through careful modeling of the I/F of the individual rings at each ansa, we reveal the presence of narrow (few 100 km wide) sheets of dust between the δ and ε rings, and between rings 4 and α. We derived a typical anisotropy factor g≈0.7 in the scattering behavior of these particles. The spatial distribution and relative intensity of these dust sheets is different than that seen in Voyager images taken in forward scattered light, due either to a difference in observing wavelength, and/or solar phase angle or to changes over time. We may have detected the λ ring in one scan at , but other scans provided upper limits below this value. A single detection, however, would be consistent with azimuthal asymmetries known to exist in this ring. We further demonstrate the presence of azimuthal asymmetries in all rings. We confirm the eccentricity of ∼0.001 in rings 4, 5, 6, which in 2004 are ∼70 km closer to Uranus in the north (near periapse; lower I/F) than in the south. We find a global optical depth of τ∼0.3 in the main rings, and of τ=0.25±0.05 in the ε ring.  相似文献   

W.M Grundy  L.A Young  E.F Young 《Icarus》2003,162(1):222-229
New 0.8- to 2.4-μm spectral observations of the leading and trailing hemispheres of the uranian satellite Ariel were obtained at IRTF/SpeX during 2002 July 16 and 17 UT. The new spectra reveal contrasts between Ariel’s leading and trailing hemispheres, with the leading hemisphere presenting deeper H2O ice absorption bands. The observed dichotomy is comparable to leading-trailing spectral asymmetries observed among jovian and saturnian icy satellites. More remarkably, the trailing hemisphere spectrum exhibits three narrow CO2 ice absorption bands near 2 μm. This discovery of CO2 ice on one hemisphere of Ariel is its first reported detection in the uranian system.  相似文献   

We present the results of thermal-infrared observations of 20 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) obtained in the period March 2000-February 2002 with the 10-m Keck-I telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The measured fluxes have been fitted with thermal-model emission continua to determine sizes and albedos. This work increases the number of NEAs having measured albedos by 35%. The spread of albedos derived is very large (pv=0.02−0.55); the mean value is 0.25, which is much higher than that of observed main-belt asteroids. In most cases the albedos are in the ranges expected for the spectral types, although some exceptions are evident. Our results are consistent with a trend of increasing albedo with decreasing size for S-type asteroids with diameters below 20 km. A number of objects are found to have unexpectedly low apparent color temperatures, which may reflect unusual thermal properties. However, the results from our limited sample suggest that high thermal-inertia, regolith-free objects may be uncommon, even amongst NEAs with diameters of less than 1 km. We discuss the significance of our results in the light of information on these NEAs taken from the literature and the uncertainties inherent in applying thermal models to near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations of faint satellites nearby their planets with 1-2 m class telescopes usually do not allow for high quality astrometry and photometry, due to saturation by the primary or to poor S/N ratio on the satellite images, generally embedded on the scattered light of the planet. Earth-based observations of the Uranus satellites’ upcoming mutual events in 2007-2008 are no exception. In most cases, the event will take place at 4 arcs or less from the planet, with “planet minus satellite” brightness differences of 10 magnitudes. So as to make feasible the observations of these important phenomena, we have developed a prototype of a coronagraph of simple design making use of good quality commercial optical systems. Pilot tests made with this coronagraph with a telescope of show that it is possible to obtain S/N ratios of 50 or higher for 10 s exposures, for satellites as close as 2 Uranus radii from the planet center. We have also developed numerical algorithms which perform digital coronagraphy in the images, with the elimination of the influence of the planets’ scattered light. This procedure considerably improves the S/N ratio of the satellite images (with or without a coronagraph instrument) and shall be applied in the reduction of the observations of the Uranus events so as to achieve the highest possible photometric and astrometric quality.  相似文献   

Photometry and thermal lightcurves of six large asteroids (1-Ceres, 2-Pallas, 3-Juno, 12-Victoria, 85-Io and 511-Davida) have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-Channel Bolometer of the Heinrich-Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Only Ceres displayed a lightcurve with an amplitude (∼50%, peak to peak) that was significantly greater than the uncertainty in the observations. When thermal fluxes and brightness temperatures are corrected for heliocentric distance and albedo, there is a significant relation with the sub-solar latitude of the asteroid, or the local season of the asteroid. No such trend can be found between observations with solar phase angle. These results are evidence that most of the submillimeter thermal radiation is emitted from below the diurnal thermal wave. Comparing the observed trend with model output suggests that the submillimeter radiation from all the asteroids we observed is best modeled by surface material with low thermal inertia (<15 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with mid-infrared observations of large main-belt asteroids) and a refractive index closer to unity relative to densities inferred from radar experiments, implying a veneer of material over the asteroid surface with a density less than 1000 kg m−3. More data with better signal-to-noise and aspect coverage could improve these models and constrain physical properties of asteroid surface materials. This would also allow asteroids to be used as calibration sources with accurately known and stable, broadband fluxes at long wavelengths.  相似文献   

M.J. Klein 《Icarus》2006,184(1):170-180
We present a self-consistent, 36-year record of the disk-averaged radio brightness of Uranus at wavelengths near 3.5 cm. It covers nearly half a uranian year, and includes both equatorial and polar viewing geometries (corresponding to equinox and solstice, respectively). We find large (greater than 30 K) changes over this time span. In agreement with analyses made of more limited microwave data sets, our observations suggest the changes are not caused by geometric effects alone, and that temporal variations may exist in the deep uranian troposphere down to pressures of tens of bars. Our data also support an earlier suggestion that a rapid, planetary-scale change may have occurred in late 1993 and early 1994. The seasonal record presented here will be useful for constraining dynamical models of the deep atmosphere, and for interpreting observations made during Uranus' 2007 equinox passage. As part of a multi-wavelength observing campaign for this event, the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) project will continue to make frequent, single-dish observations near 3.5 cm.  相似文献   

Apostolos A. Christou 《Icarus》2005,178(1):171-178
The upcoming crossing of the Sun and the Earth through the equatorial plane of the planet Uranus presents an opportunity to observe mutual eclipses and occultations of the uranian satellites. We present predictions for 321 such events from 2006 to 2010. 230 of these events are “nominal” i.e. they are predicted to occur based on the currently available ephemeris while a further 91 “grazing” events are allowable given the positional uncertainties of the satellites. Taking into account the statistical frequency of events that occur too close to the planet, during solar conjunction or are too “shallow” to observe, we conclude that about 150 events should be detectable from different longitudes around the world. We argue that a worldwide campaign of photometric observations of these events will yield, as in the case of the jovian and saturnian systems, high-precision astrometric information on the satellites toward improving their ephemerides as well as the system constants (satellite masses, uranian zonal harmonics, etc.). In addition, mathematical inversion of the lightcurves should permit, subject to the photometric quality and number of observed events, mapping of albedo variegations over the satellite hemispheres that were in darkness during the Voyager 2 encounter with the uranian system in 1985/1986.  相似文献   

S Marchi  C Barbieri  T.C Owen 《Icarus》2004,168(2):367-373
We have obtained new observations of Triton with the ESO New Technology Telescope (La Silla, Chile) in October 2002. Using the high quality of NTT instrumentation, we were able to cover the entire 0.4-2.5 μm spectral range in a single night. We applied this procedure for two nights, well selected along the orbit of Triton, in order to cover essentially the trailing side one night, and the leading one the other night, obtaining the first face-resolved 0.4-2.4 μm spectra of Triton. We discuss here the spectra and the differences between the two faces, and the implications of these new results for a better understanding of the surface composition of Triton. In particular we found possible clues for the presence of rocky materials on Triton's surface.  相似文献   

Conor Laver  Imke de Pater 《Icarus》2009,201(1):172-181
We present ground based observations of Io taken with a high spatial resolution imaging spectrometer on 1 and 2 June 2006. We mapped the 1.98 and 2.12 μm absorptions of SO2 frost, across Io's surface. We analyze these data with surface reflectance modeling using the Hapke method to determine the general frost distribution. This analysis also determined a lower limit of 700 μm on the grain size for the areas of strongest absorption. We incorporate our findings of a predominantly equatorial distribution of SO2 frost, with the maps of Carlson et al. [Carlson, R.W., Smythe, W.D., Lopes-Gautier, R.M.C., Davies, A.G., Kamp, L.W., Mosher, J.A., Soderblom, L.A., Leader, F.E., Mehlman, R., Clark, R.N., Fanale, F.P., 1997. Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 2479-2482], McEwen [McEwen, A.S., 1988. Icarus 73, 385-426] and Douté et al. [Douté, S., Schmitt, B., Lopes-Gautier, R., Carlson, R., Soderblom, L., Shirley, J., and The Galileo NIMS Team, 2001. Icarus 149, 107-132] to produce a self consistent explanation of the global distribution of SO2. We propose that the differences between the above maps is attributable, in part, to the different bands that were studied by the investigators.  相似文献   

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