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Resolution of Voyager 1 and 2 images of the mid-sized, icy saturnian satellites was generally not much better than 1 km per line pair, except for a few, isolated higher resolution images. Therefore, analyses of impact crater distributions were generally limited to diameters (D) of tens of kilometers. Even with the limitation, however, these analyses demonstrated that studying impact crater distributions could expand understanding of the geology of the saturnian satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System. Thus to gain further insight into Saturn’s mid-sized satellites and impact cratering in the outer Solar System, we have compiled cratering records of these satellites using higher resolution CassiniISS images. Images from Cassini of the satellites range in resolution from tens m/pixel to hundreds m/pixel. These high-resolution images provide a look at the impact cratering records of these satellites never seen before, expanding the observable craters down to diameters of hundreds of meters. The diameters and locations of all observable craters are recorded for regions of Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe. These impact crater data are then analyzed and compared using cumulative, differential and relative (R) size-frequency distributions. Results indicate that the heavily cratered terrains on Rhea and Iapetus have similar distributions implying one common impactor population bombarded these two satellites. The distributions for Mimas and Dione, however, are different from Rhea and Iapetus, but are similar to one another, possibly implying another impactor population common to those two satellites. The difference between these two populations is a relative increase of craters with diameters between 10 and 30 km and a relative deficiency of craters with diameters between 30 and 80 km for Mimas and Dione compared with Rhea and Iapetus. This may support the result from Voyager images of two distinct impactor populations. One population was suggested to have a greater number of large impactors, most likely heliocentric comets (Saturn Population I in the Voyager literature), and the other a relative deficiency of large impactors and a greater number of small impactors, most likely planetocentric debris (Saturn Population II). Meanwhile, Tethys’ impact crater size-frequency distribution, which has some similarity to the distributions of Mimas, Dione, Rhea, and Iapetus, may be transitional between the two populations. Furthermore, when the impact crater distributions from these older cratered terrains are compared to younger ones like Dione’s smooth plains, the distributions have some similarities and differences. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the size-frequency distribution of the impactor population(s) changed over time. Finally, we find that Phoebe has a unique impact crater distribution. Phoebe appears to be lacking craters in a narrow diameter range around 1 km. The explanation for this confined “dip” at D = 1 km is not yet clear, but may have something to do with the interaction of Saturn’s irregular satellites or the capture of Phoebe.  相似文献   

Previous analyses into flexural deformation on the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn have assumed static, elastic lithospheres. Viscous creep within the lithosphere, however, can cause evolution over time. Here, we apply a finite-element model that employs a time-dependent elastic–viscous-plastic rheology in order to investigate flexure on icy satellites. Factors that affect this time-dependent response are those that control creep rates; surface temperature, heat flow, and grain size. Our results show that surface temperature is by far the dominant factor. At higher surface temperatures (100–130 K), the evolution of the deformation is such that the thickness of a modeled elastic lithosphere could vary by up to an order of magnitude, depending on the time scale over which the deformation occurred. Because the flexure observed on icy satellites generally indicates transient high heat flow events, our results indicate that the duration of the heat pulse is an important factor. For the icy worlds of Jupiter and Saturn, static models of lithospheric flexure should be used with caution.  相似文献   

A general theory for the figures of satellites, which are synchronously rotating in the gravitational field of a planet, is developed to the first approximation. Love numbers, figure parameters, and gravitational moments for two- and three-layer models of the Galilean satellites, Titan, and Saturn's icy satellites are calculated. With the assumed accuracy for flyby measurements of gravitational moments it should be possible to determine the degree of differentiation of Ganymede. The differences between equatorial a and polar c semiaxes, as derived from the observational data, appear to be exaggerated for Io and Mimas (although better agreement between calculated and observed values of (a?c) could be obtained if this satellite had a larger mass). For Enceladus the observed value of (a?c) is in satisfactory agreement with calculations, based on different types of trial models. However, in order to discriminate between different Enceladus trial models, it is necessary to determine the figure parameters more precisely.  相似文献   

We present spectrophotometry in the 27–41 μm spectral region for icy satellites of Saturn (Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Hyperion) and Jupiter (Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). The 3.6-μm reflectance peak characteristic of fine-grained water ice is observed prominently on the satellites of Saturn, faintly on the leading side of Europa, and not all on Ganymede, Callisto, or the dark side of Iapetus. The spectral reflectances of these icy satellites may be affected by their equilibrium surface temperatures and magnetospheric effects.  相似文献   

Mark J. Lupo  John S. Lewis 《Icarus》1979,40(2):157-170
Using published laboratory data for H2O ice, we have developed a modeling technique by which the bulk density, density and temperature profile, rotational moment of inertia, central pressure, and location of the rock-ice interface can all be obtained as a function of the radius, the heliocentric distance, and the silicate composition. Models of the interiors of Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Rhea, and Titan are given, consistent with present mass and radius data. The radius and mass of spheres of ice under self-gravitation for two different temperature classes are given (103 and 77°K). Measurements of mass, radius, and I/MR2 by spacecraft can be interpreted by this model to yield substantial information about the internal structure and the ice: rock ratio of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

Evidence of past cryovolcanism is widespread and extremely varied on the icy satellites. Some cryovolcanic landscapes, notably on Triton, are similar to many silicate volcanic terrains, including what appear to be volcanic rifts, calderas and solidified lava lakes, flow fields, breached cinder cones or stratovolcanoes, viscous lava domes, and sinuous rilles. Most other satellites have terrains that are different in the important respect that no obvious volcanoes are present. The preserved record of cryovolcanism generally is believed to have formed by eruptions of aqueous solutions and slurries. Even Triton's volcanic crust, which is covered by nitrogen-rich frost, is probably dominated by water ice. Nonpolar and weakly polar molecular liquids (mainly N2, CH4, CO, CO2, and Ar), may originate by decomposition of gas-clathrate hydrates and may have been erupted on some icy satellites, but without water these substances do not form rigid solids that are stable against sublimation or melting over geologic time. Triton's plumes, active at the time of Voyager 2's flyby, may consist of multicomponent nonpolar gas mixtures. The plumes may be volcanogenic fumaroles or geyserlike emissions powered by deep internal heating, and, thus, the plumes may be indicating an interior that is still cryomagmatically active; or Triton's plumes may be powered by solar heating of translucent ices very near the surface. The Uranian and Neptunian satellites Miranda, Ariel, and Triton have flow deposits that are hundreds to thousands of meters thick (implying highly viscous lavas); by contrast, the Jovian and Saturnian satellites generally have plains-forming deposits composed of relatively thin flows whose thicknesses have not been resolved in Voyager images (thus implying relatively low-viscosity lavas). One possible explanation for this inferred rheological distinction involves a difference in volatile composition of the Uranian and Neptunian satellites on one hand and of the Jovian and Saturnian satellites on the other hand. Perhaps the Jovian and Saturnian satellites tend to have relatively "clean" compositions with water ice as the main volatile (ammonia and water-soluble salts may also be present). The Uranian and Neptunian satellites may possess large amounts of a chemically unequilibrated comet-like volatile assemblage, including methanol, formaldehyde, and a host of other highly water- and ammonia-water-soluble constituents and gas clathrate hydrates. These two volatile mixtures would produce melts that differ enormously in viscosity The geomorphologic similarity in the products of volcanism on Earth and Triton may arise partly from a rheological similarity of the ammonia-water-methanol series of liquids and the silicate series ranging from basalt to dacite. An abundance of gas clathrate hydrates hypothesized to be contained by the satellites of Uranus and Neptune could contribute to evidence of explosive volcanism on those objects.  相似文献   

We report 12.6-cm-wavelength radar observations of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto made at the Arecibo Observatory in November 1977 and February 1979. When combined with previous observations, our results establish firmly the distinguishing radar properties of these satellites: (i) high geometric albedos, α; (ii) circular polarization ratios, μC, which anomalously exceed unity; (iii) linear polarization ratios, μL, which are approximately 0.5; and (iv) diffuse scattering which varies as cosnθ, where θ is angle of incidence and 1 ? n ? 2. We tabulate weighted-mean values of α, μC, μL, and n derived from observations between 1975 and 1979. The values of μC for Ganymede and Europa are nearly identical and significantly larger than that for Callisto. The values of n for Ganymede and Callisto are nearly identical and significantly smaller than that for Europa. Although significant albedo and/or polarization features are common in the radar spectra, the fractional rms fluctuation in disk-integrated properties is only ~10%. No time variation in the radar properties has been evident during 1976–1979.  相似文献   

Mark J. Lupo 《Icarus》1982,52(1):40-53
Using improved data for the masses and radii of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, models accounting for self-compression effects are presented for the interiors of Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Rhea, and Titan. For the differentiated models, two different possible scenarios for heat transport are treated, as well as two different compositions for the silicate component. Undifferentiated models are also treated. In each case, the models of Ganymede, Callisto, and Titan show noticeable similarities. It is found that estimates of the ice-rock ratio are dependent upon the assumptions made about the heat transport mechanisms, the rock composition, and on the distribution of rock and ice in the satellite's interior.  相似文献   

Oceans in the icy Galilean satellites of Jupiter?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tilman Spohn  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2003,161(2):456-467
Equilibrium models of heat transfer by heat conduction and thermal convection show that the three satellites of Jupiter—Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—may have internal oceans underneath ice shells tens of kilometers to more than a hundred kilometers thick. A wide range of rheology and heat transfer parameter values and present-day heat production rates have been considered. The rheology was cast in terms of a reference viscosity ν0 calculated at the melting temperature and the rate of change A of viscosity with inverse homologous temperature. The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity k of ice I has been taken into account by calculating the average conductivity along the temperature profile. Heating rates are based on a chondritic radiogenic heating rate of 4.5 pW kg−1 but have been varied around this value over a wide range. The phase diagrams of H2O (ice I) and H2O + 5 wt% NH3 ice have been considered. The ice I models are worst-case scenarios for the existence of a subsurface liquid water ocean because ice I has the highest possible melting temperature and the highest thermal conductivity of candidate ices and the assumption of equilibrium ignores the contribution to ice shell heating from deep interior cooling. In the context of ice I models, we find that Europa is the satellite most likely to have a subsurface liquid ocean. Even with radiogenic heating alone the ocean is tens of kilometers thick in the nominal model. If tidal heating is invoked, the ocean will be much thicker and the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thick. Ganymede and Callisto have frozen their oceans in the nominal ice I models, but since these models represent the worst-case scenario, it is conceivable that these satellites also have oceans at the present time. The most important factor working against the existence of subsurface oceans is contamination of the outer ice shell by rock. Rock increases the density and the pressure gradient and shifts the triple point of ice I to shallower depths where the temperature is likely to be lower then the triple point temperature. According to present knowledge of ice phase diagrams, ammonia produces one of the largest reductions of the melting temperature. If we assume a bulk concentration of 5 wt% ammonia we find that all the satellites have substantial oceans. For a model of Europa heated only by radiogenic decay, the ice shell will be a few tens of kilometers thinner than in the ice I case. The underlying rock mantle will limit the depth of the ocean to 80-100 km. For Ganymede and Callisto, the ice I shell on top of the H2O-NH3 ocean will be around 60- to 80-km thick and the oceans may be 200- to 350-km deep. Previous models have suggested that efficient convection in the ice will freeze any existing ocean. The present conclusions are different mainly because they are based on a parameterization of convective heat transport in fluids with strongly temperature dependent viscosity rather than a parameterization derived from constant-viscosity convection models. The present parameterization introduces a conductive stagnant lid at the expense of the thickness of the convecting sublayer, if the latter exists at all. The stagnant lid causes the temperature in the sublayer to be warmer than in a comparable constant-viscosity convecting layer. We have further modified the parameterization to account for the strong increase in homologous temperature, and therefore decrease in viscosity, with depth along an adiabat. This modification causes even thicker stagnant lids and further elevated temperatures in the well-mixed sublayer. It is the stagnant lid and the comparatively large temperature in the sublayer that frustrates ocean freezing.  相似文献   

New global maps of the five inner midsize icy saturnian satellites, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea, have been constructed in three colors (UV, Green and near-IR) at resolutions of 1 km/pixel. The maps reveal prominent global patterns common to several of these satellites but also three major color features unique to specific satellites or satellite subgroups. The most common features among the group are first-order global asymmetries in color properties. This pattern, expressed on Tethys, Dione and Rhea, takes the form of a ∼1.4-1.8 times enhancement in redness (expressed as IR/UV ratio) of the surface at the center of the trailing hemisphere of motion, and a similar though significantly weaker IR/UV enhancement at the center of the leading hemisphere. The peak in redness on the trailing hemisphere also corresponds to a known decrease in albedo. These double hemispheric asymmetries are attributable to plasma and E-ring grain bombardment on the trailing and leading hemispheres, respectively, for the outer three satellites Tethys, Dione and Rhea, whereas as E-ring bombardment may be focused on the trailing hemisphere of Mimas due to its orbital location interior to Enceladus. The maps also reveal three major deviations from these basic global patterns. We observe the previously known dark bluish leading hemisphere equatorial band on Tethys but have also discovered a similar band on Mimas. Similar in shape, both features match the surface patterns expected for irradiation of the surface by incident MeV electrons that drift in a direction opposite to the plasma flow. The global asymmetry on Enceladus is offset ∼40° to the west compared to the other satellites. We do not consider Enceladus in detail here, but the global distribution of bluish material can be shown to match the deposition pattern predicted for plume fallback onto the surface (Kempf, S., Beckmann, U., Schmidt, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 446-457. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.09.016). E-ring deposition on Enceladus thus appears to mask or prevent the formation of the lenses and hemispheric asymmetries we see on the other satellites. Finally, we observe a chain of discrete bluish splotches along the equator of Rhea. Unlike the equatorial bands of Tethys and Mimas, these splotches form a very narrow great circle ?10-km wide (north-to-south) and appear to be related to surface disruption, exposing fresh, bluish ice on older crater rims. This feature is unique to Rhea and may have formed by impact onto its surface of orbiting material.  相似文献   

The sizes and shapes of six icy saturnian satellites have been measured from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) data, employing limb coordinates and stereogrammetric control points. Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea are well described by triaxial ellipsoids; Iapetus is best represented by an oblate spheroid. All satellites appear to have approached relaxed, equilibrium shapes at some point in their evolution, but all support at least 300 m of global-wavelength topography. The shape of Enceladus is most consistent with a homogeneous interior. If Enceladus is differentiated, its shape and apparent relaxation require either lateral inhomogeneities in an icy mantle and/or an irregularly shaped core. Iapetus supports a fossil bulge of over 30 km, and provides a benchmark for impact modification of shapes after global relaxation. Satellites such as Mimas that have smoother limbs than Iapetus, and are expected to have higher impact rates, must have relaxed after the shape of Iapetus was frozen.  相似文献   

E.M. Sieveka  R.E. Johnson 《Icarus》1982,51(3):528-548
The molecular transport of condensed gas species across the surfaces of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn is examined with the view of describing, in part, certain gross visual features associated with these bodies. Molecular redistribution induced by thermal sublimation and magnetospheric plasma-ion impact on satellites with negligible atmospheres is calculated by assuming that the molecules follow ballistic trajectories and by statistically selecting initial molecular velocities and points of origin. Erosion/deposition profiles so calculated are compared for a variety of satellite sizes and environments in order to understand the relative importance of sublimation and cold corotating plasma-ion- and fast plasma-ion-induced transport. The results are scaled to make them useful as new data is available for the icy satellites and their plasma environment. The erosion/deposition profiles are then used to discuss the appearance of a polar frost on Ganymede. A balance of magnetospheric-ion implantation and ion-induced molecular redistribution is used to discuss the observation of embedded SO2 and the darkening of the trailing side on Europa. Ion-induced molecular transport may also limit the deposition of SO2 frost in the polar regions of Io and may be a source of heavy particles in the Jovian and Saturnian magnetospheres.  相似文献   

Dale P. Cruikshank 《Icarus》1980,41(2):246-258
New JHK photometry and spectrometry (1.4–2.6 μm) are presented for Enceladus, Hyperion, Phoebe, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. From spectral signatures, mainly in the 2-μm region, water ice is verified on Enceladus and identified on Hyperion and the three Uranian satellites. The JHK photometry shows that Phoebe is different from all other satellites and asteroids observed thus far. The new photometry corroborates the earlier conclusion by Cruikshank et al. (1977) Astrophys. J217, 1006–1010] that the Uranian satellites, as a class, have overall surface reflectances different from other water-ice-covered satellites, and the reason for the difference remains unclear. The diameters and the masses of the Uranian satellites are reviewed in light of the probable high albedo representative of ice-covered surfaces and the new dynamical studies by Greenberg, 1975, Greenberg, 1976, Greenberg, 1978.  相似文献   

The Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) onboard the CASSINI spacecraft obtained new spectral data of the icy satellites of Saturn after its arrival at Saturn in June 2004. VIMS operates in a spectral range from 0.35 to 5.2 μm, generating image cubes in which each pixel represents a spectrum consisting of 352 contiguous wavebands.As an imaging spectrometer VIMS combines the characteristics of both a spectrometer and an imaging instrument. This makes it possible to analyze the spectrum of each pixel separately and to map the spectral characteristics spatially, which is important to study the relationships between spectral information and geological and geomorphologic surface features.The spatial analysis of the spectral data requires the determination of the exact geographic position of each pixel on the specific surface and that all 352 spectral elements of each pixel show the same region of the target. We developed a method to reproject each pixel geometrically and to convert the spectral data into map projected image cubes. This method can also be applied to mosaic different VIMS observations. Based on these mosaics, maps of the spectral properties for each Saturnian satellite can be derived and attributed to geographic positions as well as to geological and geomorphologic surface features. These map-projected mosaics are the basis for all further investigations.  相似文献   

Laurel E. Senft 《Icarus》2011,214(1):67-81
Impact craters on icy satellites display a wide range of morphologies, some of which have no counterpart on rocky bodies. Numerical simulation studies have struggled to reproduce the diversity of features, such as central pits and transitions in crater depth with increasing diameter, observed on the icy Galilean satellites. The transitions in crater depth (at diameters of about 26 and 150 km on Ganymede and Callisto) have been interpreted as reflecting subsurface structure. Using the CTH shock physics code, we model the formation of craters with diameters between 400 m and about 200 km on Ganymede using different subsurface temperature profiles. Our calculations include recent improvements in the model equation of state for H2O and quasi-static strength parameters for ice. We find that the shock-induced formation of dense high-pressure polymorphs (ices VI and VII) creates a gap in the crater excavation flow, which we call discontinuous excavation. For craters larger than about 20 km, discontinuous excavation concentrates a hot plug of material (>270 K and mostly on the melting curve) in the center of the crater floor. The size and occurrence of the hot plug are in good agreement with the observed characteristics of central pit craters, and we propose that a genetic link exists between them. We also derive depth versus diameter curves for different internal temperature profiles. In a 120 K isothermal crust, calculated craters larger than about 30 km diameter are deeper than observed and do not reproduce the transition at about 26 km diameter. Calculated crater depths are shallower and in good agreement with observations between about 30 and 150 km diameter using a warm thermal gradient representing a convective interior. Hence, the depth-to-diameter transition at about 26 km reflects thermal weakening of ice. Finally, simulation results generally support the hypothesis that the anomalous interior morphologies for craters larger than 100 km are related to the presence of a subsurface ocean.  相似文献   

Crater's density distribution versus satellitographical longitude was searched for seven icy satellites: two of Jupiter (Ganymede and Callisto) and five of Saturn (Mimas, Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Iapetus). Craters were classified according to their size. Four bins of the craters' diameter were used. Density distributions were found in the longitudinal sectors of the near-equatorial stripes that circumscribe the satellites. The size distributions (R-plots) were done independently for each of the eight longitudinal sectors of the satellites. Searching for the leading/trailing (apex/antapex) and the near-side/far-side asymmetry was done. It was found that the crater density is longitudinally asymmetric for all seven satellites being studied. However, the apex–antapex asymmetry is much less pronounced than predicted by theory of Zahnle et al. (2003), for impacts on the satellites by ecliptic comets. We conclude that the impact craters observed on the considered satellites are mostly originated from planetocentric swarm of debris. In that case longitudinal asymmetry is not expected, as stated by Horedt and Neukum, 1984a, Horedt and Neukum, 1984b. However, cratering longitudinal asymmetry that we observe for Mimas perfectly agrees with calculations of Alvarellos et al. (2005). It is very likely that important part of craters on Mimas were formed due to impacts of ejecta originated from crater Herschel.  相似文献   

K. Aksnes  F.A. Franklin 《Icarus》1978,36(1):107-118
This paper attempts to present a critical assessment of the evidence bearing on the possible existence of a tenth (S10) and an eleventh (S11) satellite of Saturn. For S10 we have two candidates: Themis and Janus. An inspection of the original plates dispels any possibility favoring the presence of Themis. Definitive statements concerning the other two satellites are more difficult to make, but we show quantitatively that existing observations are unable to provide unique orbits—the usual criterion for existence. However, a considerably stronger case can be made for Janus than for S11. The safest conclusion seems to be that the region between ring A and Mimas may well contain one, two, or even many satellites that should be carefully looked for during the ring-plane passages in 1979/80.  相似文献   

S. Koutchmy  Ph.L. Lamy 《Icarus》1975,25(3):459-465
Good photographs of Saturn and its five inner satellites were obtained on January 2, 1974 with the 105 cm telescope at Pic du Midi Observatory with exposure times of 45 sec. The spread function is constant over the field, and isotropic. The true photometric profiles of the satellites are obtained after deriving a model for the stray light coming from the rings. The magnitudes, computed by integration, are in good agreement with published values except for Mimas, which is nearly one magnitude fainter then previously believed.  相似文献   

Imaging data are presented which indicate that small satellites exist in the Saturnian system in addition to those whose orbits had been firmly established by the time of the Voyager 2 encounter with Saturn. The noise characteristics of the Voyager camera system, the images themselves, and the best current interpretation of them are discussed. No two observations could be connected with motion of a single object. The orbital distance of the object with the most convincing image was found to lie midway between the orbital radii of Mimas and Enceladus if equatorial motion is assumed. However, if the object has an inclination comparable to Mimas's (∼11°.5°), its orbital distance could lie anywhere in the Mimas-Enceladus region. The object appeared to trail Mimas by ∼ 30° (or ∼ 180° out of phase with the “Mimas ghost”) but also trailed Enceladus by ∼ 65°, opening the possibility that the object could reside at the Enceladus L5 point. At this position it could be a source of E-ring material and the vertical excursions due to its inclined motion (equivalent to ∼ 1 arcsec as viewed from the Earth) could provide an explanation for the vertical extent and structure of the E ring.  相似文献   

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