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Observations of the Europa environment using the Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) show the presence of an extended atomic oxygen atmosphere in addition to the bound molecular oxygen atmosphere first detected by Hubble Space Telescope in 1994 [D.T. Hall, D.F. Strobel, P.D. Feldman, M.A. McGrath, H.A. Weaver, 1995, Detection of an oxygen atmosphere on Jupiter's moon Europa, Nature 373, 677-679]. The atomic oxygen measurement provides a direct constraint on the sputtering and loss of Europa's water ice surface and the interaction of Europa's atmosphere with Jupiter's magnetosphere. We derive a loss rate for O2 based on the emission rate of the OI 1356 Å multiplet. UVIS detected substantial variability in the oxygen emission from Europa's oxygen atmosphere that we attribute to the viewing geometry. B.H. Mauk, D.G. Mitchell, S.M. Krimigis, E.C. Roelof, C.P. Paranicas [2003, Energetic neutral atoms from a trans-Europa gas torus at Jupiter, Nature 421, 920-922] inferred the presence of a torus of neutral gas at Europa's orbit based on Cassini's energetic neutral atom (ENA) image of the Jupiter system acquired with the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI), with the most likely torus constituents being hydrogen and oxygen species sputtered from Europa. Cassini UVIS data rule out O and O2 as the possible torus species reported by Mauk et al. however, unless the torus density is so low that it is undetectable by UVIS (less than 8 atoms / cm3). The UVIS observations indicate the presence of atomic hydrogen and possibly other species, but a full analysis is deferred to a following paper. The hydrogen in the present observations shows a local-time asymmetry and complex spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Europa is bombarded by intense radiation that erodes the surface, launching molecules into a thin “atmosphere” representative of surface composition. In addition to atoms and molecules created in the mostly water ice surface such as H2O, O2, H2, the atmosphere is known to have species representative of trace surface materials. These trace species are carried off with the 10-104 H2O molecules ejected by each energetic heavy ion, a process we have simulated using molecular dynamics. Using the results of those simulations, we found that a neutral mass spectrometer orbiting ∼100 km above the surface could detect species with surface concentrations above ∼0.03%. We have also modeled the atmospheric spatial structure of the volatile species CO2 and SO2 under a variety of assumptions. Detections of these species with moderate time and space resolution would allow us to constrain surface composition, chemistry and to study space weathering processes.  相似文献   

Ground based observations of sodium escaping from Europa suggest the presence of an extended cloud of neutrals orbiting Jupiter. Using a Monte Carlo model we show that the large scale morphology differs from the sodium cloud at Io. At Europa, the trailing cloud is brighter and more extended than the leading cloud. We then use our results to consider the morphology of Europa's oxygen cloud.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional kinetic model calculation for the water group species (H2O, H2, O2, OH, O, H) in Europa's atmosphere is undertaken to determine its basic compositional structure, gas escape rates, and velocity distribution information to initialize neutral cloud model calculations for the most important gas tori. The dominant atmospheric species is O2 at low altitudes and H2 at higher altitudes with average day-night column densities of 4.5×1014 and 7.7×1013 cm−2, respectively. H2 forms the most important gas torus with an escape rate of ∼2×1027 s−1 followed by O with an escape rate of ∼5×1026 s−1, created primarily as exothermic O products from O2 dissociation by magnetospheric electrons. The circumplanetary distributions of H2 and O are highly peaked about the satellite location and asymmetrically distributed near Europa's orbit about Jupiter, have substantial forward clouds extending radially inward to Io's orbit, and have spatially integrated cloud populations of 4.2×1033 molecules for H2 and 4.0×1032 atoms for O that are larger than their corresponding populations in Europa's local atmosphere by a factor of ∼200 and ∼1000, respectively. The cloud population for H2 is a factor of ∼3 times larger than that for the combined cloud population of Io's O and S neutral clouds and provides the dominant neutral population beyond the so-called ramp region at 7.4-7.8 RJ in the plasma torus. The calculated brightness of Europa's O cloud on the sky plane is very dim at the sub-Rayleigh level. The H2 and O tori provide a new source of europagenic molecular and atomic pickup ions for the thermal plasma and introduce a neutral barrier in which new plasma sinks are created for the cooler iogenic plasma as it is transported radially outward and in which new sinks are created to alter the population and pitch angle distribution of the energetic plasma as it is transported radially inward. The europagenic instantaneous pickup ion rates are peaked at Europa's orbit, dominate the iogenic pickup ion rates beyond the ramp region, and introduce new secondary plasma source peaks in the solution of the plasma transport problem. The H2 torus is identified as the unknown Europa gas torus that creates both the observed loss of energetic H+ ions at Europa's orbit and the corresponding measured ENA production rate for H.  相似文献   

Lori M. Feaga  Melissa McGrath 《Icarus》2009,201(2):570-1189
An extensive set of HI Lyman-α images obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) from 1997-2001 has been analyzed to provide information about the spatial and temporal character of Io's SO2 atmosphere. An atmospheric distribution map derived from the observations reveals that the sunlit SO2 atmosphere is temporally stable on a global scale, with only small local changes. An anti-/sub-jovian asymmetry in the SO2 distribution is present in all 5 years of the observations. The average daytime atmosphere is densest on the anti-jovian hemisphere in the equatorial regions, with a maximum equatorial column density of 5.0×1016 cm−2 at 140° longitude. The SO2 atmosphere also has greater latitudinal extent on the anti-jovian hemisphere as compared to the sub-jovian. The atmospheric distribution appears to be best correlated with the location of hot spots and known volcanic plumes, although small number statistics for the plumes limits the correlation.  相似文献   

The chemistry and spectroscopy of proton-irradiated H2O + O2 ices have been investigated in relation to the production of oxidants in icy satellite surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), and the hydroperoxy (HO2) and hydrogen trioxide (HO3) radicals have all been observed, and their temperature and dose dependent production trends have been measured. We find that O2 aggregates form during the growth of H2O + O2 ice films, and the presence of these aggregates greatly affects the HO2 and H2O2 yields. In addition, we have found that the position of the spectral maximum of the ν3 vibration of O3 shifts with ice composition, giving an indication of the degree of dispersion of O3 molecules within the ice. We discuss the relevance of these measurements to icy satellite surfaces.  相似文献   

A 1-D collisional Monte Carlo model of Europa's atmosphere is described in which the sublimation and sputtering sources of H2O molecules and their molecular fragments are accounted for as well as the radiolytically produced O2. Dissociation and ionization of H2O and O2 by magnetospheric electron, solar UV-photon and photo-electron impact, and collisional ejection from the atmosphere by the low-energy plasma are taken into account. Reactions with the surface are discussed, but only adsorption and atomic oxygen recombination are included in this model. The size of the surface-bounded oxygen atmosphere of Europa is primarily determined by a balance between atmospheric sources from irradiation of the satellite's icy surface by the high-energy magnetospheric charged particles and atmospheric losses from collisional ejection by the low-energy plasma, photo- and electron-impact dissociation, and ionization and pick-up from the surface-bounded atmosphere. A range of sources rates for O2 to H2O are used with a larger oxygen-to-water ratio than suggested by laboratory measurements in order to account for differences in adsorption onto grains in the regolith. These calculations show that the atmospheric composition is determined by both the water and oxygen photochemistry in the near-surface region, escape of suprathermal oxygen and water into the jovian system, and the exchange of radiolytic water products with the porous regolith. For the electron impact ionization rates used, pick-up ionization is the dominant oxygen loss process, whereas photo-dissociation and atmospheric sputtering are the dominant sources of neutral oxygen for Europa's neutral torus. Including desorption and loss of water enhances the supply of oxygen species to the neutral torus, but hydrogen produced by radiolysis is the dominant source of neutrals for Europa's torus in these models.  相似文献   

Sulfurous acid (H2SO3) has never been characterized or isolated on Earth. This is caused by the unfavorable conditions for H2SO3 within Earth's atmosphere due to the high temperatures, the high water content and the oxidizing environment. Kinetic investigations by means of transition state theory showed that the half-life of H2SO3 at 300 K is 1 day but at 100 K it is increased to 2.7 billion years. Natural conditions to form H2SO3 presumably require cryogenic SO2 or SO2/H2O mixtures and high energy proton irradiation at temperatures around 100 K. Such conditions can be found on the Jupiter moons Io and Europa. Therefore, we calculated IR-spectra of H2SO3 which we compared with Galileo's spectra of Io and Europa. From the available data we surmise that H2SO3 is present on Io and probably but to a smaller extent on Europa.  相似文献   

Janusz Eluszkiewicz 《Icarus》2004,170(1):234-236
The thickness of a porous regolith on Europa is estimated to be ∼1 km. Provided that this regolith contains as little as 1% by volume of cavities with sizes comparable to the radar wavelength, its presence poses an insurmountable obstacle in the search for Europa's ocean by means of a sounding radar.  相似文献   

Ran Qin  W. Roger Buck 《Icarus》2007,189(2):595-597
We show Lee, Pappalardo, and Makris' [2005. Icarus 177, 367-379] argument that surface cracks in Europa's icy shell penetrate 3-10 times deeper in the presence of subsurface ocean is not correct. We use numerical calculations to demonstrate that there is at most 50% increase in penetration depth for a crack opening in a shell of finite thickness compared to a half-space. We also propose a simple equation based on force balances to estimate the maximum thickness of an ice shell that can be opened under tensile stress. Our calculations show that a crack can only penetrate 330-m-thick ice shell under 200 kPa far-field tensile stress and half of that if the stress is 100 kPa. But the presence of water would allow crack penetrate ∼4.0 km into the ice shell with zero porosity.  相似文献   

M.L. Marconi 《Icarus》2007,190(1):155-174
A multispecies, 2-D axisymmetric, kinetic model that accounts for all kinetic regimes is applied to the neutral atmosphere of Ganymede. Using reasonable interpretations of the limited observations, it is found that Ganymede has a two-part atmosphere, with H2O being dominant between the subsolar point and a subsolar latitude of about 45 degrees, and O2 dominating elsewhere at the lower altitudes. H2 is dominant everywhere above a few hundred kilometers. Except for a small region near the subsolar point, the atmosphere is quasicollisional or collisionless. The resulting nonequilibrium is manifest in the atmospheric constituents having generally different temperatures and bulk velocities. Escape rates are similar to those of Europa, but a less visible torus is expected. The escape rates are also highly latitude and species dependent. The effect on the atmosphere by a fast ion plasma is investigated and found to primarily affect the O2 scale height above a few hundred kilometers. It is also found that Lyman α emission from collision of electrons with H2 may be significant near the surface.  相似文献   

M.H. Moore  R.L. Hudson 《Icarus》2007,189(2):409-423
Spectra of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto reveal surfaces dominated by frozen water, hydrated materials, and minor amounts of SO2, CO2, and H2O2. These icy moons undergo significant bombardment by jovian magnetospheric radiation (protons, electrons, and sulfur and oxygen ions) which alters their surface compositions. In order to understand radiation-induced changes on icy moons, we have measured the mid-infrared spectra of 0.8 MeV proton-irradiated SO2, H2S, and H2O-ice mixtures containing either SO2 or H2S. Samples with H2O/SO2 or H2O/H2S ratios in the 3-30 range have been irradiated at 86, 110, and 132 K, and the radiation half-lives of SO2 and H2S have been determined. New radiation products include the H2S2 molecule and HSO3, HSO4, and SO2−4 ions, all with spectral features that make them candidates for future laboratory work and, perhaps, astronomical observations. Spectra of both unirradiated and irradiated ices have been recorded as a function of temperature, to examine thermal stability and phase changes. The formation of hydrated sulfuric acid in irradiated ice mixtures has been observed, along with the thermal evolution of hydrates to form pure sulfuric acid. These laboratory studies provide fundamental information on likely processes affecting the outer icy shells of Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons such as acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6) are important tracers in Jupiter's atmosphere, constraining our models of the chemical and dynamical processes. However, our knowledge of the vertical and meridional variations of their abundances has remained sparse. During the flyby of the Cassini spacecraft in December 2000, the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument was used to map the spatial variation of emissions from 10 to 1400 cm−1 (1000-7 μm). In this paper we analyze a zonally averaged set of CIRS spectra taken at the highest (0.48 cm−1) resolution, firstly to infer atmospheric temperatures in the stratosphere at 0.5-20 mbar via the ν4 band of CH4, and in the troposphere at 150-400 mbar, via the H2 absorption at 600-800 cm−1. Stratospheric temperatures at 5 mbar are generally warmer in the north than the south by 7-8 K, while tropospheric temperatures show no such asymmetry. Both latitudinal temperature profiles however do show a pattern of maxima and minima which are largely anti-correlated between the two levels. We then use the derived temperature profiles to infer the vertical abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 by modeling tropospheric absorption (∼200 mbar) and stratospheric emission (∼5 mbar) in the C2H2ν5 and C2H6ν9 bands, and also emission of the acetylene (ν4+ν5)−ν4 hotband (∼0.1 mbar). Acetylene shows a distinct north-south asymmetry in the stratosphere, with 5 mbar abundances greatest close to 20° N and decreasing from there towards both poles by a factor of ∼4. At 200 mbar in contrast, acetylene is nearly flat at a level of ∼3×10−9. Additionally, the abundance gradient of C2H2 between 10 and 0.1 mbar is derived, based on interpolated temperatures at 0.1 mbar, and is found to be positive and uniform with latitude to within errors. Ethane at both 5 and 200 mbar shows increasing VMR towards polar regions of ∼1.75 towards 70° N and ∼2.0 towards 70° S. An explanation for the meridional trends is proposed in terms of a combination of photochemistry and dynamics. Poleward, the decreasing UV flux is predicted to decrease the abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 by factors of 2.7 and 3.5, respectively, at latitude 70°. However, the lifetime of C2H6 in the stratosphere (3×1010 s at 5 mbar) is much longer than the dynamical timescale for meridional mixing inferred from Comet SL-9 debris (5-50×108 s), and therefore the rising abundance towards high latitudes likely indicates that meridional mixing dominates over photochemical effects. For C2H2, the opposite occurs, with the relatively short photochemical lifetime (3×107 s), compared to meridional mixing times, ensuring that the expected photochemical trends are visible.  相似文献   

The mid-infrared spectra of mixed vapor deposited ices of CO2 and H2O were studied as a function of both deposition temperature and warming from 15 to 100 K. The spectra of ices deposited at 15 K show marked changes on warming beginning at 60 K. These changes are consistent with CO2 segregating within the ice matrix into pure CO2 domains. Ices deposited at 60 and 70 K show a greater degree of segregation, as high as 90% for 1:4 CO2:H2O ice mixtures deposited at 70 K. As the ice is warmed above 80 K, preferential sublimation of the segregated CO2 is observed. The kinetics of the segregation process is also examined. The segregation of the CO2 as the ice is warmed corresponds to temperatures at which the structure of the water ice matrix changes from the high density amorphous phase to the low density amorphous phase. We show how these microstructural changes in the ice have a profound effect on the photochemistry induced by ultraviolet irradiation. These experimental results provide a framework in which observations of CO2 on the icy bodies of the outer Solar System can be considered.  相似文献   

Chemistry on the icy surface of Europa is heavily influenced by the incident energetic particle flux from the jovian magnetosphere. The majority (>75%) of this energy is in the form of high energy electrons (extending to >10 MeV). We have simulated the electron irradiation environment of Europa with a vacuum system containing a high-energy electron gun for irradiation of ice samples formed on a gold mirror cooled with a cryostat. Pure water films of ∼2.6 μm thickness were grown at 100 K and then either cooled (to 80 K), warmed (to 120 K) or left at 100 K and subsequently irradiated with 10 keV electrons. The production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was monitored by observation of the 2850 cm−1 (3.5 μm) band. Equilibrium concentrations of H2O2, in units of percent by number H2O2 relative to water, were found to be 0.043% (80 K), 0.029% (100 K), and 0.0063% (120 K). These values are 33%, 22%, and 5%, respectively, that of the reported surface concentration on the leading hemisphere of Europa (Carlson, R.W., Anderson, M.S., Johnson, R.E., Smythe, W.D., Hendrix, A.R., Barth, C.A., et al. [1999]. Science 283(5410), 2062-2064) and less than the equilibrium concentrations formed by ion irradiation. In addition to the ice film temperature, the current of electrons was varied between different experiments to determine the production and destruction of H2O2 as a function of both electron flux and ice temperature. Variation in current was found to have little effect on the results other than accelerating arrival at radiolytic equilibrium.  相似文献   

We report here the first detection of mono-deuterated acetylene (acetylene-d1, C2HD) in Titan's atmosphere from the presence of two of its emission bands at 678 and 519 cm−1 as observed in CIRS spectral averages of nadir and limb observations taken between July 2004 and mid-2007. By using new laboratory spectra for this molecule, we were able to derive its abundance at different locations over Titan's disk. We find the C2HD value () to be roughly constant with latitude from the South to about 45° N and then to increase slightly in the North, as is the case for C2H2. Fitting the 678 cm−1ν5 band simultaneously with the nearby C2H2 729 cm−1ν5 band, allows us to infer a D/H ratio in acetylene on Titan with an average of the modal values of 2.09±0.45×10−4 from the nadir observations, the uncertainties being mainly due to the vertical profile used for the fit of the acetylene band. Although still subject to significant uncertainty, this D/H ratio appears to be significantly larger than the one derived in methane from the CH3D band (upper limit of 1.5×10−4; Bézard, B., Nixon, C.A., Kleiner, I., Jennings, D.E., 2007. Icarus, 191, 397-400; Coustenis, A., Achterberg, R., Conrath, B., Jennings, D., Marten, A., Gautier, D., Bjoraker, G., Nixon, C., Romani, P., Carlson, R., Flasar, M., Samuelson, R.E., Teanby, N., Irwin, P., Bézard, B., Orton, G., Kunde, V., Abbas, M., Courtin, R., Fouchet, Th., Hubert, A., Lellouch, E., Mondellini, J., Taylor, F.W., Vinatier, S., 2007. Icarus 189, 35-62). From the analysis of limb data we infer D/H values of (at 54° S), (at 15° S), (at 54° N) and (at 80° N), which average to a mean value of 1.63±0.27×10−4.  相似文献   

We present new 1.45-1.75 μm spectra of Europa's dark non-ice material with a spectral resolution (λ/δλ) of 1200, obtained by using adaptive optics on the Keck telescope to spatially separate the spectrum of the non-ice material from that of the surrounding ice-rich regions. Despite the great increase in spectral resolution over the previous best spectra of the non-ice material, taken with Galileo's near-infrared mapping spectrometer (NIMS) with λ/δλ=66, no new fine-scale spectral structure is revealed. The smoothness of the spectra is inconsistent with available laboratory spectra of crystalline hydrated salts at Europa temperatures, but is more consistent with various combinations of non-crystalline hydrated salts and/or hydrated sulfuric acid, as have been matched to the lower-resolution NIMS spectra.  相似文献   

Long-term spectroscopic observations of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm result in a map of the latitudinal and seasonal behavior of the dayglow intensity for the full martian year. The O2 dayglow is a sensitive tracer of Mars' photochemistry, and this map reflects variations of Mars' photochemistry at low and middle latitudes. It may be used to test photochemical models. Long-term observations of the CO mixing ratio have been also combined into the seasonal-latitudinal map. Seasonal and latitudinal variations of the mixing ratios of CO and the other incondensable gases (N2, Ar, O2, and H2) discovered in our previous work are caused by condensation and sublimation of CO2 to and from the polar regions. They reflect dynamics of the atmosphere and polar processes. The observed map may be used to test global circulation models of the martian atmosphere. The observed global abundances of CO are in reasonable agreement with the predicted variations with the 11-year solar cycle. Despite the perfect observing conditions, methane has not been detected using the IRTF/CSHELL with a 3σ upper limit of 14 ppb. This upper limit does not rule out the value of 10 ppb observed using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Mars Express Planetary Fourier Spectrometer.  相似文献   

Chemical reactions and volatile supply through hypervelocity impacts may have played a key role for the origin and evolution of both planetary and satellite atmospheres. In this study, we evaluate the role of impact-induced N2 production from reduced nitrogen-bearing solids proposed to be contained in Titan’s crust, ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), for the replenishment of N2 to the atmosphere in Titan’s history. To investigate the conversion of (NH4)2SO4 into N2 by hypervelocity impacts, we measured gases released from (NH4)2SO4 that was exposed to hypervelocity impacts created by a laser gun. The sensitivity and accuracy of the measurements were enhanced by using an isotope labeling technique for the target. We obtained the efficiency of N2 production from (NH4)2SO4 as a function of peak shock pressure ranging from ∼8 to ∼45 GPa. Our results indicate that the initial and complete shock pressures for N2 degassing from (NH4)2SO4 are ∼10 and ∼25 GPa, respectively. These results suggest that cometary impacts on Titan (i.e., impact velocity vi > ∼8 km/s) produce N2 efficiently; whereas satellitesimal impacts during the accretion (i.e., vi < 4 km/s) produce N2 only inefficiently. Even when using the proposed small amount of (NH4)2SO4 content in the crust (∼4 wt.%) (Fortes, A.D. et al., 2007. Icarus 188, 139-153), the total amount of N2 provided through cometary impacts over 4.5 Ga reaches ∼2-6 times the present atmospheric N2 (i.e., ∼7 × 1020-2 × 1021 [mol]) based on the measured production efficiency and results of a hydrodynamic simulation of cometary impacts onto Titan. This implies that cometary impacts onto Titan’s crust have the potential to account for a large part of the present N2 through the atmospheric replenishment after the accretion.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons in the upper atmosphere of Saturn are known, from Voyager, ground-based, and early Cassini results, to vary in emission intensity with latitude. Of particular interest is the marked increase in hydrocarbon line intensity near the south pole during southern summer, as the increased line intensity cannot be simply explained by the increased temperatures observed in that region since the variations between C2H2 and C2H6 emission in the south pole region are different. In order to measure the latitudinal variations of hydrocarbons in Saturn's southern hemisphere we have used 3 cm−1 resolution Cassini CIRS data from 2006 and combined this with measurements from the ground in October 2006 at NASA's IRTF using Celeste, an infrared high-resolution cryogenic grating spectrometer. These two data sets have been used to infer the molecular abundances of C2H2 and C2H6 across the southern hemisphere in the 1-10 mbar altitude region. We find that the latitudinal acetylene profile follows the yearly average mean daily insolation except at the southern pole where it peaks in abundance. Near the equator (5° S) the C2H2 abundance at the 1.2 mbar level is (1.6±0.19)×10−7 and it decreases by a factor of 2.7 from the equator toward the pole. However, at the pole (∼87° S) the C2H2 abundance jumps to (1.8±0.3)×10−7, approximately the equatorial value. The C2H6 abundance near the equator at the 2 mbar level is (0.7±0.1)×10−5 and stays approximately constant until mid-latitudes where it increases gradually toward the pole, attaining a value of (1.4±0.4)×10−5 there. The increase in ethane toward the pole with the corresponding decrease in acetylene is consistent with southern hemisphere meridional winds [Greathouse, T.K., Lacy, J.H., Bézard, B., Moses, J.I., Griffith, C.A., Richter, M.J., 2005. Icarus 177, 18-31]. The localized increase in acetylene at the pole provides evidence that there is dynamical transport of hydrocarbons from the equator to the southern pole.  相似文献   

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