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《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1103-1112
Temperature inversions and the warmings over the winter poles in the Martian atmosphere occur due to the adiabatic heating associated with the downward branch of the Hadley circulation. We present results of simulations with a recently developed GCM which suggest that the warmings are the manifestations of the global meridional transport, and are strongly related to atmospheric eddies (planetary waves and tides). To date, sets of data required for the validation of the predicted warmings and the corresponding circulation patterns do not extend far enough into the middle atmosphere of Mars. This motivated our radiative and retrieval simulations to demonstrate that sub-millimeter observations can provide the required fields to validate and constrain the GCM results.  相似文献   

A general circulation model is used to evaluate changes to the circulation and dust transport in the martian atmosphere for a range of past orbital conditions. A dust transport scheme, including parameterized dust lifting, is incorporated within the model to enable passive or radiatively active dust transport. The focus is on changes which relate to surface features, as these may potentially be verified by observations. Obliquity variations have the largest impact, as they affect the latitudinal distribution of solar heating. At low obliquities permanent CO2 ice caps form at both poles, lowering mean surface pressures. At higher obliquities, solar insolation peaks at higher summer latitudes near solstice, producing a stronger, broader meridional circulation and a larger seasonal CO2 ice cap in winter. Near-surface winds associated with the main meridional circulation intensify and extend polewards, with changes in cap edge position also affecting the flow. Hence the model predicts significant changes in surface wind directions as well as magnitudes. Dust lifting by wind stress increases with obliquity as the meridional circulation and associated near-surface winds strengthen. If active dust transport is used, then lifting rates increase further in response to the larger atmospheric dust opacities (hence circulation) produced. Dust lifting by dust devils increases more gradually with obliquity, having a weaker link to the meridional circulation. The primary effect of varying eccentricity is to change the impact of varying the areocentric longitude of perihelion, l, which determines when the solar forcing is strongest. The atmospheric circulation is stronger when l aligns with solstice rather than equinox, and there is also a bias from the martian topography, resulting in the strongest circulations when perihelion is at northern winter solstice. Net dust accumulation depends on both lifting and deposition. Dust which has been well mixed within the atmosphere is deposited preferentially over high topography. For wind stress lifting, the combination produces peak net removal within western boundary currents and southern midlatitude bands, and net accumulation concentrated in Arabia and Tharsis. In active dust transport experiments, dust is also scoured from northern midlatitudes during winter, further confining peak accumulation to equatorial regions. As obliquity increases, polar accumulation rates increase for wind stress lifting and are largest for high eccentricities when perihelion occurs during northern winter. For dust devil lifting, polar accumulation rates increase (though less rapidly) with obliquity above o=25°, but increase with decreasing obliquity below this, thus polar dust accumulation at low obliquities may be increasingly due to dust lifted by dust devils. For all cases discussed, the pole receiving most dust shifts from north to south as obliquity is increased.  相似文献   

A dynamical mechanism for the Martian (atmospheric) polar warming observed by the Viking IRTM during the 1977 winter solstice dust storm (and a similar one possibly observed by Mariner 9 in 1971) is proposed, and investigated using a simplified nonlinear model. The model is of a type previously used to successfully simulate the essential aspects of terrestrial sudden stratospheric warmings. The dynamical mechanism is, in part, very similar fundamentally to that responsible for these warmings, involving planetary-scale waves. A number of numerical experiments have been conducted to assess the basic viability of such a mechanism for the martian polar warming and to examine its sensitivity to several factors. These experiments demonstrate that a planetary wave mechanism can produce a polar warming with the magnitude and suddenness of that observed. A planetary wave mechanism must primarily involve wavenumber 1, as wavenumber 2 is too strongly vertically trapped to produce a warming like that observed. The necessary wave forcing in the present model can be topographic (mechanical) or thermal (and nonstationary), and is relatively large but certainly plausible. The strong radiative damping in the Mars atmosphere acts to substantially inhibit a warming, through its effects on both the zonal flow and the wave. Dissipation plays a greater role relative to transience in a model Martian warming of the type studied here than in a sudden stratospheric warming. Increasing radiative damping during a warming due to higher temperatures and greater dust loading may play a role in yielding a relatively rapid cooling phase for the Mars warming event. The residual mean meridional circulation during a model warming entails strong poleward and downward flow into high northern latitudes, throughout a very deep region. This probably indicates similar transport of atmospheric dust, as well as water. Such transports are of considerable potential significance for both the dust and water cycles on Mars.  相似文献   

We investigate the ability of modern general circulation models (GCMs) to simulate transport in the martian atmosphere using measurements of argon as a proxy for the transport processes. Argon provides the simplest measure of transport as it is a noble gas with no sinks or sources on seasonal timescales. Variations in argon result solely from ‘freeze distillation’, as the atmosphere condenses at the winter poles, and from atmospheric transport. Comparison of all previously published models when rescaled to a common definition of the argon enhancement factor (EF) suggest that models generally do a poor job in predicting the peak enhancement in southern winter over the winter pole – the time when the capability of the model transport approaches are most severely tested. Despite observed peak EF values of ~6, previously published model predictions peaked at EF values of only 2–3. We introduce a new GCM that provides a better treatment of mass conservation within the dynamical core, includes more sophisticated tracer transport approaches, and utilizes a cube–sphere grid structure thus avoiding the grid-point convergence problem at the pole that exists for most current Mars GCMs. We describe this model – the Ashima Research/Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mars General Circulation Model (Ashima/MIT Mars GCM) and use it to demonstrate the significant sensitivity of peak EF to the choices of transport approach for both tracers and heat. We obtain a peak EF of 4.75 which, while over 50% higher than any prior model, remains well short of the observed value. We show that the polar EF value in winter is primarily determined by the competition between two processes: (1) mean meridional import of lower-latitude air not enriched in argon and (2) the leakage of enriched argon out of the polar column by eddies in the lowest atmospheric levels. We suggest possibilities for improving GCM representation of the CO2 cycle and the general circulation that may further improve the simulation of the argon cycle. We conclude that current GCMs may be insufficient for detailed simulation of transport-sensitive problems like the water cycle and potentially also the dust cycle.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):1990-2009
This study aims at interpreting the zonal and meridional wind in Titan's troposphere measured by the Huygens probe by means of a general circulation model. The numerical simulation elucidates the relative importance of the seasonal variation in the Hadley circulation and Saturn's gravitational tide in affecting the actual wind profile. The observed reversal of the zonal wind at two altitudes in the lower troposphere can be reproduced with this model only if the near-surface temperature profile is asymmetric about the equator and substantial seasonal redistribution of angular momentum by the variable Hadley circulation takes place. The meridional wind near the surface is mainly caused by the meridional pressure gradient and is thus a manifestation of the Hadley circulation. Southward meridional wind in the PBL (planetary boundary layer) is consistent with the near-surface temperature at the equator being lower than at mid southern latitudes. Even small changes in the radiative heating profile in the troposphere can substantially affect the mean zonal and meridional wind including their direction. Saturn's gravitational tide is rather weak at the Huygens site due to the proximity to the equator, and does not clearly manifest itself in the instantaneous vertical profile of wind. Nevertheless, the simulated descent trajectory is more consistent with the observation if the tide is present. Because of a different force balance in Titan's atmosphere from terrestrial conditions, PBL-specific wind systems like on Earth are unlikely to exist on Titan.  相似文献   

Long-term spectroscopic observations of the O2 dayglow at 1.27 μm result in a map of the latitudinal and seasonal behavior of the dayglow intensity for the full martian year. The O2 dayglow is a sensitive tracer of Mars' photochemistry, and this map reflects variations of Mars' photochemistry at low and middle latitudes. It may be used to test photochemical models. Long-term observations of the CO mixing ratio have been also combined into the seasonal-latitudinal map. Seasonal and latitudinal variations of the mixing ratios of CO and the other incondensable gases (N2, Ar, O2, and H2) discovered in our previous work are caused by condensation and sublimation of CO2 to and from the polar regions. They reflect dynamics of the atmosphere and polar processes. The observed map may be used to test global circulation models of the martian atmosphere. The observed global abundances of CO are in reasonable agreement with the predicted variations with the 11-year solar cycle. Despite the perfect observing conditions, methane has not been detected using the IRTF/CSHELL with a 3σ upper limit of 14 ppb. This upper limit does not rule out the value of 10 ppb observed using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the Mars Express Planetary Fourier Spectrometer.  相似文献   

The Hadley mechanism is adopted to describe the axisymmetric four day superrotation in the Venus atmosphere, with solar driven meridional winds redistributing energy and momentum, and eddy diffusion describing the actions of three dimensional transient eddies. We address the question how the eddy diffusion coefficients are related to the properties of the circulation. For the atmosphere of a slowly rotating planet such as Venus, we show that a form of the non-linear closure is suggested by the mixing length hypothesis, which constrains the magnitude of the eddy diffusion coefficients. Combining this constraint with the concept of the Rossby radius of deformation yields zonal velocities on the order of 100 m sec–1. A steady state, non-linear, one-layer spectral model is used for a parametric study to find a relationship between heat source, meridional circulation and eddy diffusion coefficients, which yields the large zonal velocities observed. This analysis leads to the following conclusions: (1) Proportional changes in the heat source and eddy diffusion coefficients do not significantly change the zonal velocities. (2) The meridional velocity is virtually constant for large eddy diffusion coefficients. (3) Below a threshold in the diffusion rate, the meridional velocity decreases, commensurate with the mixing length hypothesis. Eddy heat conduction becomes important and shares with the Hadley cell advection in balancing the solar heating. The zonal velocities then reach large values near 100 m sec–1. (4) For large eddy diffusion and small heating rates, the zonal velocities decrease with decreasing planetary rotation rates. However, under condition (3), the zonal velocities are independent of the planetary rotation rate. Ramifications are discussed for related parameterizations in GCMs, emphasizing that eddy diffusion coefficients are governed by solar forcing and cannot be chosen independently.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of Titan's atmospheric structure with emphasis on the stratosphere is simulated by a three-dimensional general circulation model. The model includes the transport of haze particles by the circulation. The likely pattern of meridional circulation is reconstructed by a comparison of simulated and observed haze and temperature distribution. The GCM produces a weak zonal circulation with a small latitudinal temperature gradient, in conflict with observation. The direct reason is found to be the excessive meridional circulation. Under uniformly distributed opacity sources, the model predicts a pair of symmetric Hadley cells near the equinox and a single global cell with the rising branch in the summer hemisphere below about z = 230 km and a thermally indirect cell above the direct cell near the solstice. The interhemispheric circulation transports haze particles from the summer to the winter hemisphere, causing a maximum haze opacity contrast near the solstice and a smaller contrast near the equinox, contrary to observation. On the other, if the GCM is run under modified cooling rate in order to account for the enhancement in nitrites and some hydrocarbons in the northern hemisphere near the vernal equinox, the meridional cell at the equinox becomes a single cell with rising motions in the autumn hemisphere. A more realistic haze opacity distribution can be reproduced at the equinox. However, a pure transport effect (without particle growth by microphysics, etc.) would not be able to cause the observed discontinuity of the global haze opacity distribution at any location. The stratospheric temperature asymmetry can be explained by a combination of asymmetric radiative heating rates and adiabatic heating due to vertical motion within the thermally indirect cell. A seasonal variation of haze particle number density is unlikely to be responsible for this asymmetry. It is likely that a thermally indirect cell covers the upper portion of the main haze layer. An artificial damping of the meridional circulation enables the formation of high-latitude jets in the upper stratosphere and weaker equatorial superrotation. The latitudinal temperature distribution in the stratosphere is better reproduced.  相似文献   

We identify mechanisms controlling the distribution of methane convection and large-scale circulation in a simplified, axisymmetric model atmosphere of Titan forced by gray radiation and moist (methane) convection. The large-scale overturning circulation, or Hadley cell, is global in latitudinal extent and provides fundamental control of precipitation and tropospheric winds. The precipitating, large-scale updraft regularly oscillates in latitude with seasons. The distance of greatest poleward excursion of the Hadley cell updraft is set by the mass of the convective layer of the atmosphere; convection efficiently communicates seasonal warming of the surface through the cold and dense lower atmosphere, increasing the heat capacity of the system. The presence of deep, precipitating convection introduces three effects relative to the case with no methane latent heating: (1) convection is narrowed and enhanced in the large-scale updraft of the Hadley cell; (2) the latitudinal amplitude of Hadley cell updraft oscillations is decreased; and (3) a time lag is introduced. These effects are observable in the location and timing of convective methane clouds in Titan’s atmosphere as a function of season. A comparison of simulations over a range of convective regimes with available observations suggest methane thermodynamic-dynamic feedback is important in the Titan climate.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of neutron emissions from Mars in different spectral intervals measured by the HEND neutron detector for the entire Martian year are analyzed. Based on these data, the spatial variations of the neutron emissions from the planet are globally mapped as a function of season, and the dynamics of seasonal variation of neutron fluxes with different energies is analyzed in detail. No differences were found between seasonal regimes of neutron fluxes in different energy ranges in the southern hemisphere of Mars, while the regime of fast neutrons (with higher energies) during the northern winter strongly differs from that during the southern winter. In winter (L s = 270°–330°), the fast neutron fluxes are noticeably reduced in the northern hemisphere (along with the consecutive thickening of the seasonal cap of solid carbon dioxide). This provides evidence of a temporary increase in the water content in the effective layer of neutron generation. According to the obtained estimates, the observed reduction of the flux of fast neutrons in the effective layer corresponds to an increase in the water abundance of up to 5% in the seasonal polar cap (70°–90°N), about 3% at mid-latitudes, and from 1.5 to 2% at low latitudes. The freezing out of atmospheric water at the planetary surface (at middle and high latitudes) and the hydration of salt minerals composing the Martian soil are considered as the main processes responsible for the temporary increase in the water content in the soil and upper layer of the seasonal polar cap. The meridional atmospheric transport of water vapor from the summer southern to the winter northern hemisphere within the Hadley circulation cell is a basic process that delivers water to the subsurface soil layer and ensures the observed scale of the seasonal increase in water abundance. In the summer northern hemisphere, the similar Hadley circulation cell transports mainly dry air masses to the winter southern hemisphere. The point is that the water vapor becomes saturated at lower heights during aphelion, and the bulk of the atmospheric water mass is captured in the near-equatorial cloudy belt and, thus, is only weakly transferred to the southern hemisphere. This phenomenon, known as the Clancy effect, was suggested by Clancy et al. (1996) as a basic mechanism for the explanation of the interhemispheric asymmetry of water storage in permanent polar caps. The asymmetry of seasonal meridional circulation of the Martian atmosphere seems to be another factor determining the asymmetry of the seasonal water redistribution in the “atmosphere-regolith-seasonal polar caps” system, found in the peculiarities of the seasonal regime of the neutron emission of Mars.  相似文献   

We use five and one-half years of limb- and nadir-viewing temperature mapping observations by the Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) on the Cassini Saturn orbiter, taken between July 2004 and December 2009 (LS from 293° to 4°; northern mid-winter to just after northern spring equinox), to monitor temperature changes in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere of Titan. The largest changes are in the northern (winter) polar stratopause, which has declined in temperature by over 20 K between 2005 and 2009. Throughout the rest of the mid to upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, temperature changes are less than 5 K. In the southern hemisphere, temperatures in the middle stratosphere near 1 mbar increased by 1-2 K from 2004 through early 2007, then declined by 2-4 K throughout 2008 and 2009, with the changes being larger at more polar latitudes. Middle stratospheric temperatures at mid-northern latitudes show a small 1-2 K increase from 2005 through 2009. At north polar latitudes within the polar vortex, temperatures in the middle stratosphere show a ∼4 K increase during 2007, followed by a comparable decrease in temperatures in 2008 and into early 2009. The observed temperature changes in the north polar region are consistent with a weakening of the subsidence within the descending branch of the middle atmosphere meridional circulation.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Titan's stratosphere is discussed in this study, based on a comparison between observations by the CIRS instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft, and results of the 2-dimensional circulation model developed at the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace, available at http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/titanDbase [Rannou, P., Lebonnois, S., Hourdin, F., Luz, D., 2005. Adv. Space Res. 36, 2194-2198]. The comparison aims at both evaluating the model's capabilities and interpreting the observations concerning: (1) dynamical and thermal structure using temperature retrievals from Cassini/CIRS and the vertical profile of zonal wind at the Huygens landing site obtained by Huygens/DWE; and (2) vertical and latitudinal profiles of stratospheric gases deduced from Cassini/CIRS data. The modeled thermal structure is similar to that inferred from observations (Cassini/CIRS and Earth-based observations). However, the upper stratosphere (above 0.05 mbar) is systematically too hot in the 2D-CM, and therefore the stratopause region is not well represented. This bias may be related to the haze structure and to misrepresented radiative effects in this region, such as the cooling effect of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The 2D-CM produces a strong atmospheric superrotation, with zonal winds reaching 200 m s−1 at high winter latitudes between 200 and 300 km altitude (0.1-1 mbar). The modeled zonal winds are in good agreement with retrieved wind fields from occultation observations, Cassini/CIRS and Huygens/DWE. Changes to the thermal structure are coupled to changes in the meridional circulation and polar vortex extension, and therefore affect chemical distributions, especially in winter polar regions. When a higher altitude haze production source is used, the resulting modeled meridional circulation is weaker and the vertical and horizontal mixing due to the polar vortex is less extended in latitude. There is an overall good agreement between modeled chemical distributions and observations in equatorial regions. The difference in observed vertical gradients of C2H2 and HCN may be an indicator of the relative strength of circulation and chemical loss of HCN. The negative vertical gradient of ethylene in the low stratosphere at 15° S, cannot be modeled with simple 1-dimensional models, where a strong photochemical sink in the middle stratosphere would be necessary. It is explained here by dynamical advection from the winter pole towards the equator in the low stratosphere and by the fact that ethylene does not condense. Near the winter pole (80° N), some compounds (C4H2, C3H4) exhibit an (interior) minimum in the observed abundance vertical profiles, whereas 2D-CM profiles are well mixed all along the atmospheric column. This minimum can be a diagnostic of the strength of the meridional circulation, and of the spatial extension of the winter polar vortex where strong descending motions are present. In the summer hemisphere, observed stratospheric abundances are uniform in latitude, whereas the model maintains a residual enrichment over the summer pole from the spring cell due to a secondary meridional overturning between 1 and 50 mbar, at latitudes south of 40-50° S. The strength, as well as spatial and temporal extensions of this structure are a difficulty, that may be linked to possible misrepresentation of horizontally mixing processes, due to the restricted 2-dimensional nature of the model. This restriction should also be kept in mind as a possible source of other discrepancies.  相似文献   

An investigation of the Martian polar cap winds and their response to a variety of factors is carried out by a series of numerical experiments based on a zonally symmetric primitive equation model. These factors are the seasonal thermal forcing, mass exchange between polar caps and atmosphere, large-scale topography, and polar cap size. The thermal forcing sets up a circulation whose surface winds adjust to achieve angular momentum balance, with low-latitude easterlies and high-latitude westerlies. The maximum westerlies occur roughly where the horizontal temperature gradients are largest. This pattern changes when cap and atmosphere exchange mass. Corriolis forces acting on the net outflow or inflow produce easterlies at the surface during spring (outflow) and westerlies during winter (inflow). Topography appears to have a small effect, but cap size does play a role, the circulation intensity increasing with cap size. Peak surface winds occur when outflow or inflow is a maximum and are 20 m sec?1 during spring and 30 m sec?1 during winter for the northern hemisphere. The model results show that surface winds near the edge of a retreating polar cap are substantially enhanced, a result which is consistent with the Viking observations of local dust storm activity near the edge of the south polar cap during spring. The results also indicate that the surficial wind indicators near the south pole are formed during spring and those near the north pole during winter. The implication is that the high-latitude dune fields in the northern hemisphere are formed at a time when the terrain is being covered with frost. It is therefore suggested that the saltating particles are “snowflakes” which have formed by the mechanism proposed by Pollack etal. The model results for the winter simulation, which have formed by the mechanism transport by large-scale eddies, compare favorably with general circulation model (GCM) calculations. This suggests that the eddy transports may be less important than those associated with the net mass flow, and that 2-D climate modeling may be more succesful for Mars than Earth.  相似文献   

David P. Hinson  Huiqun Wang 《Icarus》2010,206(1):290-1294
We have investigated the near-surface meteorology in the northern hemisphere of Mars through detailed analysis of data obtained with Mars Global Surveyor in January-August 2005. The season in the northern hemisphere ranged from midsummer through winter solstice of Mars Year (MY) 27. We examined composite, wide-angle images from the Mars Orbiter Camera and compiled a catalog of the dust storms that occurred in this interval. As in previous martian years, activity in the northern hemisphere was dominated by regional “flushing” dust storms that sweep southward through the major topographic basins, most frequently in Acidalia Planitia. We also used atmospheric profiles retrieved from radio occultation experiments to characterize eddy activity near the surface at high northern latitudes. There are strong correlations between the two sets of observations, which allowed us to identify three factors that influence the timing and location of the regional dust storms: (1) transitions among baroclinic wave modes, which strongly modulate the intensity of meridional winds near the surface, (2) storms zones, which impose strong zonal variations on the amplitude of some baroclinic eddies, and (3) stationary waves, which further modulate the wind field near the surface. The flushing dust storms ceased abruptly in midautumn, possibly in response to source depletion, CO2 condensation, a shift in the period of the baroclinic eddies, and changes in the tidal wind field near the surface. Our results extend the meteorological record of the northern hemisphere, substantiate the findings of previous investigations, and further illuminate the climatic impact of baroclinic eddies.  相似文献   

We present simulations of the interannual variability of martian global dust storms (GDSs) with a simplified low-order model (LOM) of the general circulation. The simplified model allows one to conduct computationally fast long-term simulations of the martian climate system. The LOM is constructed by Galerkin projection of a 2D (zonally averaged) general circulation model (GCM) onto a truncated set of basis functions. The resulting LOM consists of 12 coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations describing atmospheric dynamics and dust transport within the Hadley cell. The forcing of the model is described by simplified physics based on Newtonian cooling and Rayleigh friction. The atmosphere and surface are coupled: atmospheric heating depends on the dustiness of the atmosphere, and the surface dust source depends on the strength of the atmospheric winds. Parameters of the model are tuned to fit the output of the NASA AMES GCM and the fit is generally very good.Interannual variability of GDSs is possible in the LOM, but only when stochastic forcing is added to the model. The stochastic forcing could be provided by transient weather systems or some surface process such as redistribution of the sand particles in storm generating zones on the surface. The results are sensitive to the value of the saltation threshold, which hints at a possible feedback between saltation threshold and dust storm activity. According to this hypothesis, erodable material builds up as a result of a local process, whose effect is to lower the saltation threshold until a GDS occurs. The saltation threshold adjusts its value so that dust storms are barely able to occur.  相似文献   

Philip B. James 《Icarus》1985,64(2):249-264
The Martian CO2 cycle, which includes the seasonal condensation and subsequent sublimation of up to 30% of the planet's atmosphere, produces meridional winds due to the consequent mass flux of CO2. These winds currently display strong seasonal and hemispheric asymmetries due to the large asymmetries in the distribution of insolation on Mars. It is proposed that asymmetric meridional advection of water vapor on the planet due to these CO2 condensation winds is capable of explaining the observed dessication of Mars' south polar region at the current time. A simple model for water vapor transport is used to verify this hypothesis and to speculate on the effects of changes in orbital parameters on the seasonal water cycle.  相似文献   

Dry convective instabilities in Mars’s middle atmosphere are detected and mapped using temperature retrievals from Mars Climate Sounder observations spanning 1.5 martian years. The instabilities are moderately frequent in the winter extratropics. The frequency and strength of middle atmospheric convective instability in the northern extratropics is significantly higher in MY 28 than in MY 29. This may have coupled with changes to the northern hemisphere mid-latitude and tropical middle atmospheric temperatures and contributed to the development of the 2007 global dust storm. We interpret these instabilities to be the result of gravity waves saturating within regions of low stability created by the thermal tides. Gravity wave saturation in the winter extratropics has been proposed to provide the momentum lacking in general circulation models to produce the strong dynamically-maintained temperature maximum at 1-2 Pa over the winter pole, so these observations could be a partial control on modeling experiments.  相似文献   

In order to study the behaviour of stratospheric minor constituents related to aeronomic processes and atmospheric transport in the meridional plane, a numerical two-dimensional model is established. The stratospheric dynamics is parametrized by mean motions and large scale eddy diffusion.This model is applied to the study of ozone in a nitrogen-hydrogen-oxygen atmosphere. The analysis of the various results indicates that the distribution of O3 is related to the existence of a countergradient flux which is responsible for the transfer of these molecules from the equatorial regions where they are produced to the polar regions where they accumulate during the winter season. The model also shows the combined action of nitrogen and hydrogen compounds on the ozone layer. The particular role of nitric acid on the stability of stratospheric ozone is discussed.  相似文献   

D. Luz  F. Hourdin  S. Lebonnois 《Icarus》2003,166(2):343-358
We present a 2D general circulation model of Titan's atmosphere, coupling axisymmetric dynamics with haze microphysics, a simplified photochemistry and eddy mixing. We develop a parameterization of latitudinal eddy mixing by barotropic waves based on a shallow-water, longitude-latitude model. The parameterization acts locally and in real time both on passive tracers and momentum. The mixing coefficient varies exponentially with a measure of the barotropic instability of the mean zonal flow. The coupled GCM approximately reproduces the Voyager temperature measurements and the latitudinal contrasts in the distributions of HCN and C2H2, as well as the main features of the zonal wind retrieved from the 1989 stellar occultation. Wind velocities are consistent with the observed reversal time of the North-South albedo asymmetry of 5 terrestrial years. Model results support the hypothesis of a non-uniform distribution of infrared opacity as the cause of the Voyager temperature asymmetry. Transport by the mean meridional circulation, combined with polar vortex isolation may be at the origin of the latitudinal contrasts of trace species, with eddy mixing remaining restricted to low latitudes most of the Titan year. We interpret the contrasts as a signature of non-axisymmetric motions.  相似文献   

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