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Resurfacing of Titan by ammonia-water cryomagma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper observed on Titan several large features interpreted as cryovolcanic during the October 26, 2004 pass at high northern latitudes [Lopes, R.M.C., and 43 colleagues, 2007. Icarus 186, 395-412]. To date, models of ammonia-water resurfacing have not been tied to specific events or evolutionary stages of Titan. We propose a model of cryovolcanism that involves cracking at the base of the ice shell and formation of ammonia-water pockets in the ice. As these ammonia-water pockets undergo partial freezing in the cold ice shell, the ammonia concentration in the pockets increases, decreasing the negative buoyancy of the ammonia-water mixture. If the ice shell is contaminated by silicates delivered in impacts, the liquid-solid density difference would be even less. While the liquid cannot easily become buoyant relative to the surrounding ice, these concentrated ammonia-water pockets are sufficiently close to the neutral buoyancy point that large-scale tectonic stress patterns (tides, non-synchronous rotation, satellite volume changes, solid state convection, or subsurface pressure gradients associated with topography) would enable the ammonia to erupt effusively onto the surface. Rather than suggesting steady-state volcanism over the history of the Solar System, we favor a scenario where the cryovolcanic features could have been associated with episodic (potentially late) geological activity.  相似文献   

We model the thermal evolution of a subsurface ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate inside Titan using a parameterized convection scheme. The cooling and crystallization of such an ocean depends on its heat flux balance, and is governed by the pressure-dependent melting temperatures at the top and bottom of the ocean. Using recent observations and previous experimental data, we present a nominal model which predicts the thickness of the ocean throughout the evolution of Titan; after 4.5 Ga we expect an aqueous ammonium sulfate ocean 56 km thick, overlain by a thick (176 km) heterogeneous crust of methane clathrate, ice I and ammonium sulfate. Underplating of the crust by ice I will give rise to compositional diapirs that are capable of rising through the crust and providing a mechanism for cryovolcanism at the surface. We have conducted a parameter space survey to account for possible variations in the nominal model, and find that for a wide range of plausible conditions, an ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate can survive to the present day, which is consistent with the recent observations of Titan's spin state from Cassini radar data [Lorenz, R.D., Stiles, B.W., Kirk, R.L., Allison, M.D., del Marmo, P.P., Iess, L., Lunine, J.I., Ostro, S.J., Hensley, S., 2008. Science 319, 1649-1651].  相似文献   

Possible sedimentary basins on Titan are potential sites for the formation of mud volcanoes. In order to constrain the appearance of such features in remotely sensed imagery being acquired by the Cassini spacecraft, we have modelled the formation of mud volcanoes on Titan for a series of plausible mud compositions, climatic conditions and geological settings, as well as addressing the full range of eruption variables; mud viscosity, conduit diameter and eruption duration. We find that for an acetylene mud source containing 20 wt% liquid methane in pore spaces, overlain by a sheet of water ice 500-m thick, a mud volcano can grow as high as 140 m. Assuming reasonable eruption parameters, such an edifice may develop into a pancake-like dome several kilometres in diameter. If observed and properly characterised, mud volcanoes would provide an important window on the subsurface distribution and dynamics of solids and liquids in sedimentary basins on Titan.  相似文献   

Cassini-Huygens observations have shown that Titan and Enceladus are geologically active icy satellites. Mitri and Showman [Mitri, G., Showman, A.P., 2005. Icarus 177, 447-460] and McKinnon [McKinnon, W.B., 2006. Icarus 183, 435-450] investigated the dynamics of an ice shell overlying a pure liquid-water ocean and showed that transitions from a conductive state to a convective state have major implications for the surface tectonics. We extend this analysis to the case of ice shells overlying ammonia-water oceans. We explore the thermal state of Titan and Enceladus ice-I shells, and also we investigate the consequences of the ice-I shell conductive-convective switch for the geology. We show that thermal convection can occur, under a range of conditions, in the ice-I shells of Titan and Enceladus. Because the Rayleigh number Ra scales with δ3/ηb, where δ is the thickness of the ice shell and ηb is the viscosity at the base of the ice-I shell, and because ammonia in the liquid layer (if any) strongly depresses the melting temperature of the water ice, Ra equals its critical value for two ice-I shell thicknesses: for relatively thin ice shell with warm, low-viscosity base (Onset I) and for thick ice shell with cold, high-viscosity base (Onset II). At Onset I, for a range of heat fluxes, two equilibrium states—corresponding to a thin, conductive shell and a thick, convective shell—exist for a given heat flux. Switches between these states can cause large, rapid changes in the ice-shell thickness. For Enceladus, we demonstrate that an Onset I transition can produce tectonic stress of ∼500 bars and fractures of several tens of km depth. At Onset II, in contrast, we demonstrate that zero equilibrium states exist for a range of heat fluxes. For a mean heat flux within this range, the satellite experiences oscillations in surface heat flux and satellite volume with periods of ∼50-800 Myr even when the interior heat production is constant or monotonically declining in time; these oscillations in the thermal state of the ice-I shell would cause repeated episodes of extensional and compressional tectonism.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft has revealed landforms on the surface of Titan suggested to be viscous cryovolcanic flows and possibly eruptive domes. In order to relate those surface features to the processes and chemistries that produced them, it is necessary to construct flow models, which rely on characterization of the rheological properties of the eruptants. This paper describes our initial exploratory attempts to understand the rheological characteristics of cryogenic slurries, using a 40% methanol-water mixture, as a precursor to more detailed experiments. We have devised a new automated cryogenic rotational viscometer system to more fully characterize cryovolcanic slurry rheologies. A series of measurements were performed, varying first temperature, and then strain rate, which revealed development of yield stress-like behaviors, shear-rate dependence, and thixotropic behavior, even at relatively low crystal fractions, not previously reported. At fixed shear rate our data are fit well by the Andrade equation, with the activation energy modified by a solid volume fraction. At fixed temperature, depending on shearing history, a Cross model could describe our data over a wide shear rate range. A Bingham plastic model appears to be a good constitutive model for the data measured at high shear rates when the shear was global. The yield stress like behavior implies that levee formation on cryolava flows is more likely than would be inferred from the previous studies, and may provide a partial explanation for features interpreted as steep-sided volcanic constructs on Titan.  相似文献   

Cassini radar observations show that Titan's spin is slightly faster than synchronous spin. Angular momentum exchange between Titan's surface and the atmosphere over seasonal time scales corresponding to Saturn's orbital period of 29.5 year is the most likely cause of the observed non-synchronous rotation. We study the effect of Saturn's gravitational torque and torques between internal layers on the length-of-day (LOD) variations driven by the atmosphere. Because static tides deform Titan into an ellipsoid with the long axis approximately in the direction to Saturn, non-zero gravitational and pressure torques exist that can change the rotation rate of Titan. For the torque calculation, we estimate the flattening of Titan and its interior layers under the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The gravitational forcing by Saturn, due to misalignment of the long axis of Titan with the line joining the mass centers of Titan and Saturn, reduces the LOD variations with respect to those for a spherical Titan by an order of magnitude. Internal gravitational and pressure coupling between the ice shell and the interior beneath a putative ocean tends to reduce any differential rotation between shell and interior and reduces further the LOD variations by a few times. For the current estimate of the atmospheric torque, we obtain LOD variations of a hydrostatic Titan that are more than 100 times smaller than the observations indicate when Titan has no ocean as well as when a subsurface ocean exists. Moreover, Saturn's torque causes the rotation to be slower than synchronous in contrast to the Cassini observations. The calculated LOD variations could be increased if the atmospheric torque is larger than predicted and or if fast viscous relaxation of the ice shell could reduce the gravitational coupling, but it remains to be studied if a two order of magnitude increase is possible and if these effects can explain the phase difference of the predicted rotation variations. Alternatively, the large differences with the observations may suggest that non-hydrostatic effects in Titan are important. In particular, we show that the amplitude and phase of the calculated rotation variations are similar to the observed values if non-hydrostatic effects could strongly reduce the equatorial flattening of the ice shell above an internal ocean.  相似文献   

Future planetary exploration of Titan will require higher degrees of on-board automation, including autonomous determination of sites where the probability of significant scientific findings is the highest. In this paper, a novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) method for the identification and interpretation of sites that yield the highest potential of cryovolcanic activity is presented. We introduce the theory of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) as a tool for the analysis of remotely collected data in planetary exploration. A cognitive model embedded in a fuzzy logic framework is constructed via the synergistic interaction of planetary scientists and AI experts. As an application example, we show how FCM can be employed to solve the challenging problem of recognizing cryovolcanism from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Cassini data. The fuzzy cognitive map is constructed using what is currently known about cryovolcanism on Titan and relies on geological mapping performed by planetary scientists to interpret different locales as cryovolcanic in nature. The system is not conceived to replace the human scientific interpretation, but to enhance the scientists’ ability to deal with large amounts of data, and it is a first step in designing AI systems that will be able, in the future, to autonomously make decisions in situations where human analysis and interpretation is not readily available or could not be sufficiently timely. The proposed FCM is tested on Cassini radar data to show the effectiveness of the system in reaching conclusions put forward by human experts and published in the literature. Four tests are performed using the Ta SAR image (October 2004 fly-by). Two regions (i.e. Ganesa Macula and the lobate high backscattering region East of Ganesa) are interpreted by the designed FCM as exhibiting cryovolcanism in agreement with the initial interpretation of the regions by Stofan et al. (2006). Importantly, the proposed FCM is shown to be flexible and adaptive as new data and knowledge are acquired during the course of exploration. Subsequently, the FCM has been modified to include topographic information derived from SAR stereo data. With this additional information, the map concludes that Ganesa Macula is not a cryovolcanic region. In conclusion, the FCM methodology is shown to be a critical and powerful component of future autonomous robotic spacecraft (e.g., orbiter(s), balloon(s), surface/lake lander(s), rover(s)) that will be deployed for the exploration of Titan.  相似文献   

The Cassini Titan Radar Mapper obtained Synthetic Aperture Radar images of Titan's surface during four fly-bys during the mission's first year. These images show that Titan's surface is very complex geologically, showing evidence of major planetary geologic processes, including cryovolcanism. This paper discusses the variety of cryovolcanic features identified from SAR images, their possible origin, and their geologic context. The features which we identify as cryovolcanic in origin include a large (180 km diameter) volcanic construct (dome or shield), several extensive flows, and three calderas which appear to be the source of flows. The composition of the cryomagma on Titan is still unknown, but constraints on rheological properties can be estimated using flow thickness. Rheological properties of one flow were estimated and appear inconsistent with ammonia-water slurries, and possibly more consistent with ammonia-water-methanol slurries. The extent of cryovolcanism on Titan is still not known, as only a small fraction of the surface has been imaged at sufficient resolution. Energetic considerations suggest that cryovolcanism may have been a dominant process in the resurfacing of Titan.  相似文献   

We investigate the internal thermal evolution of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs), small (radii <1000 km), icy (mean densities ) bodies orbiting beyond Neptune, focusing on Pluto's moon Charon in particular. Our calculations are time-dependent and account for differentiation. We review evidence for ammonia hydrates in the ices of KBOs, and include their effects on the thermal evolution. A key finding is that the production of the first melt, at the melting point of ammonia dihydrate, ≈176 K, triggers differentiation of rock and ice. The resulting structure comprises a rocky core surrounded by liquids and ice, enclosed within a >100-km thick undifferentiated crust of rock and ice. This structure is especially conducive to the retention of subsurface liquid, and bodies the size of Charon or larger (radii >600 km) are predicted to retain some subsurface liquid to the present day. We discuss the possibility that this liquid can be brought to the surface rapidly via self-propagating cracks. We conclude that cryovolcanism is a viable process expected to affect the surfaces of large KBOs including Charon.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative analysis of CO thermal emissions discovered on the nightside of Titan by Baines et al. [2005. The atmospheres of Saturn and Titan in the near-infrared: First results of Cassini/VIMS. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 96, 119–147]. in Cassini/VIMS spectral imagery. We identify these emission features as the P and R branches of the 1-0 vibrational band of carbon monoxide (CO) near 4.65 μm. For CH3D, the prominent Q branch of the ν2 fundamental band of CH3D near 4.55 μm is apparent. CO2 emissions from the strong v3 vibrational band are virtually absent, indicating a CO2 abundance several orders of magnitude less than CO, in agreement with previous investigations. Analysis of CO emission spectra obtained over a variety of altitudes on Titan's nightside limb indicates that the stratospheric abundance of CO is 32±15 ppm, and together with other recent determinations, suggests a vertical distribution of CO nearly constant at this value from the surface throughout the troposphere to at least the stratopause near 300 km altitude. The corresponding total atmospheric content of CO in Titan is 2.9±1.5×1014 kg. Given the long lifetime of CO in the oxygen-poor Titan atmosphere (0.5–1.0 Gyr), we find a mean CO atmospheric production rate of 6±3×105 kg yr−1. Given the lack of primordial heavy noble gases observed by Huygens [Niemann et al., 2005. The abundances of constituents of Titan's atmosphere from the GCMS on the Huygens probe. Nature, 438, 779–784], the primary source of atmospheric CO is likely surface emissions. The implied CO/CH4 mixing ratio of near-surface material is 1.8±0.9×10−4, based on an average methane surface emission rate over the past 0.5 Gyr of 1.3×10−13 gm cm−2 s−1 as required to balance hydrocarbon haze production via methane photolysis [Wilson and Atreya, 2004. Current state of modeling the photochemistry of Titan's mutually dependent atmosphere and ionosphere. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E06002 Doi:10.1029/2003JE002181]. This low CO/CH4 ratio is much lower than expected for the sub-nebular formation region of Titan and supports the hypothesis [e.g., Atreya et al., 2005. Methane on Titan: photochemical-meteorological-hydrogeochemical cycle. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 735] that the conversion of primordial CO and other carbon-bearing materials into CH4-enriched clathrate-hydrates occurs within the deep interior of Titan via the release of hydrogen through the serpentinization process followed by Fischer–Tropsch catalysis. The time-averaged predicted emission rate of methane-rich surface materials is 0.02 km3 yr−1, a value significantly lower than the rate of silicate lava production for the Earth and Venus, but nonetheless indicative of significant active geological processes reshaping the surface of Titan.  相似文献   

We have conducted high-pressure experiments in the H2O-CH4 and H2O-CH4-NH3 systems in order to investigate the stability of methane clathrate hydrates, with an optical sapphire-anvil cell coupled to a Raman spectrometer for sample characterization. The results obtained confirm that three factors determine the stability of methane clathrate hydrates: (1) the bulk methane content of the samples; (2) the presence of additional gas compounds such as nitrogen; (3) the concentration of ammonia in the aqueous solution. We show that ammonia has a strong effect on the stability of methane clathrates. For example, a 10 wt.% NH3 solution decreases the dissociation temperature of methane clathrates by 14-25 K at pressures above 5 MPa. Then, we apply these new results to Titan’s conditions. Dissociation of methane clathrate hydrates and subsequent outgassing can only occur in Titan’s icy crust, in presence of locally large amounts of ammonia and in a warm context. We propose a model of cryomagma chamber within the crust that provides the required conditions for methane outgassing: emplacement of an ice plume triggers the melting (if solid) or heating (if liquid) of large ammonia-water pockets trapped at shallow depth, and the generated cryomagmas dissociate surrounding methane clathrate hydrates. We show that this model may allow for the outgassing of significant amounts of methane, which would be sufficient to maintain the presence of methane in Titan’s atmosphere for several tens of thousands of years after a large cryovolcanic event.  相似文献   

Titan is known to have a young surface. Here we present evidence from the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer that it is currently geologically active. We report that changes in the near-infrared reflectance of a 73,000 km2 area on Titan (latitude 26° S, longitude 78° W) occurred between July 2004 and March of 2006. The reflectance of the area increased by a factor of two between July 2004 and March-April 2005; it then returned to the July 2004 level by November 2005. By late December 2005 the reflectance had surged upward again, establishing a new maximum. Thereafter, it trended downward for the next three months. Detailed spectrophotometric analyses suggest these changes happen at or very near the surface. The spectral differences between the region and its surroundings rule out changes in the distribution of the ices of reasonably expected materials such as H2O, CO2, and CH4 as possible causes. Remarkably, the change is spectrally consistent with the deposition and removal of NH3 frost over a water ice substrate. NH3 has been proposed as a constituent of Titan's interior and has never been reported on the surface. The detection of NH3 frost on the surface might possibly be explained by episodic effusive events occur which bring juvenile ammonia from the interior to the surface. If so, its decomposition would feed nitrogen to the atmosphere now and in the future. The lateral extent of the region exceeds that of active areas on the Earth (Hawaii) or Io (Loki).  相似文献   

The surface of Titan has been revealed by Cassini observations in the infrared and radar wavelength ranges as well as locally by the Huygens lander instruments. Sand seas, recently discovered lakes, distinct landscapes and dendritic erosion patterns indicate dynamic surface processes. This study focus on erosional and depositional features that can be used to constrain the amount of liquids involved in the erosional process as well as on the compositional characteristics of depositional areas. Fluvial erosion channels on Titan as identified at the Huygens landing site and in RADAR and Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) observations have been compared to analogous channel widths on Earth yielding average discharges of up to 1600 m3/s for short recurrence intervals that are sufficient to move centimeter-sized sediment and significantly higher discharges for long intervals. With respect to the associated drainage areas, this roughly translates to 1-150 cm/day runoff production rates with 10 years recurrence intervals and by assuming precipitation this implies 0.6-60 mm/h rainfall rates. Thus the observed surface erosion fits with the methane convective storm models as well as with the rates needed to transport sediment. During Cassini's T20 fly-by, the VIMS observed an extremely eroded area at 30° W, 7° S with resolutions of up to 500 m/pixel that extends over thousands of square kilometers. The spectral characteristics of this area change systematically, reflecting continuous compositional and/or particle size variations indicative of transported sediment settling out while flow capacities cease. To account for the estimated runoff production and widespread alluvial deposits of fine-grained material, release of area-dependent large fluid volumes are required. Only frequent storms with heavy rainfall or cryovolcanic induced melting can explain these erosional features.  相似文献   

Fischer-Tropsch catalysis, which converts CO and H2 into CH4 on the surface of iron catalyst, has been proposed to produce the CH4 on Titan during its formation process in a circum-planetary subnebula. However, Fischer-Tropsch reaction rate under the conditions of subnebula have not been measured quantitatively yet. In this study, we conduct laboratory experiments to determine CH4 formation rate and also conduct theoretical calculation of clathrate formation to clarify the significance of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis in a subnebula. Our experimental result indicates that the range of conditions where Fischer-Tropsch catalysis proceeds efficiently is narrow (T∼500-600 K) in a subnebula because the catalysts are poisoned at temperatures above 600 K under the condition of subnebula (i.e., H2/CO = 1000). This suggests that an entire subnebula may not become rich in CH4 but rather that only limited region of a subnebula may enriched in CH4 (i.e., CH4-rich band formation). Our experimental result also suggests that both CO and CO2 are converted into CH4 within time significantly shorter than the lifetime of the solar nebula at the optimal temperatures around 550 K. The calculation result of clathration shows that CO2-rich satellitesimals are formed in the catalytically inactive outer region of subnebula. In the catalytically active inner region, CH4-rich satellitesimals are formed. The resulting CH4-rich satellitesimals formed in this region play an important role in the origin of CH4 on Titan. When our experimental data are applied to a high-pressure model for subnebula evolution, it would predict that there should be CO2 underneath the Iapetus subsurface and no thick CO2 ice layer on Titan's icy crust. Such surface and subsurface composition, which may be observed by Cassini-Huygens mission, would provide crucial information on the origin of icy satellites.  相似文献   

The effect of the dense atmosphere of Titan on the tidal variations of the external gravitational potential of degree two is quantified. The atmospheric tides perturb the external gravitational potential of Titan in two ways. First, the atmosphere itself contributes directly to the external gravitational potential with a period of 15.945 days. Second, the variable loading of the atmosphere induces mass redistribution within Titan, which also changes the external gravitational potential. It is shown that the relative atmospheric contributions to the tides are most likely less than 2% and vanish almost completely for the most plausible models with a subsurface ocean. This suggest that atmospheric tidal perturbations will contribute only negligibly to Cassini measurements of Titan's gravitational field so that the tidal Love numbers derived from these observations can be directly interpreted in terms of the satellite's interior.  相似文献   

R.L. Hudson  M.H. Moore 《Icarus》2004,172(2):466-478
Motivated by detections of nitriles in Titan's atmosphere, cometary comae, and the interstellar medium, we report laboratory investigations of the low-temperature chemistry of acetonitrile, propionitrile, acrylonitrile, cyanoacetylene, and cyanogen (CH3CN, CH3CH2CN, CH2CHCN, HCCCN, and NCCN, respectively). A few experiments were also done on isobutyronitrile and trimethylacetonitrile ((CH3)2CHCN and (CH3)3CCN, respectively). Trends were sought, and found, in the photo- and radiation chemical products of these molecules at 12-25 K. In the absence of water, all of these molecules isomerized to isonitriles, and CH3CN, CH3CH2CN, and (CH3)2CHCN also formed ketenimines. In the presence of H2O, no isonitriles were detected but rather the cyanate ion (OCN) was seen in all cases. Although isonitriles, ketenimines, and OCN were the main focus of our work, we also describe cases of hydrogen loss, to make smaller nitriles, and hydrogen addition (reduction), to make larger nitriles. HCN formation also was seen in most experiments. The results are presented in terms of nitrile ice chemistry on Titan, in cometary ice, and in the interstellar medium. Possible connections to prebiotic chemistry are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

New estimates for Io eruption temperatures: Implications for the interior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initial interpretation of Galileo data from Jupiter's moon, Io, suggested eruption temperatures . Tidal heating models have difficulties explaining Io's prodigious heat flow if the mantle is , although we suggest that temperatures up to may be possible. In general, Io eruption temperatures have been overestimated because the incorrect thermal model has been applied. Much of the thermal emission from high-temperature hot spots comes from lava fountains but lava flow models were utilized. We apply a new lava fountain model to the highest reported eruption temperature, the SSI observation of the 1997 eruption at Pillan. This resets the lower temperature limit for the eruption from 1600 to . Additionally, viscous heating of the magma may have increased eruption temperature by as a result of the strong compressive stresses in the ionian lithosphere. While further work is needed, it appears that the discrepancy between observations and interior models is largely resolved.  相似文献   

N. Thomas  G. Portyankina 《Icarus》2011,212(1):66-85
The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been used to monitor the seasonal evolution of several regions at high southern latitudes on Mars and, in particular, the jet-like activity which may result from the process described by Kieffer (Kieffer, H.H. [2007]. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 112, E08005. doi:10.1029/2006JE002816) involving translucent CO2 ice. In this work, we concentrate on attempting to model the dusty CO2 gas jets using a computational fluid dynamics code. Models that included surface slopes of up to 20° (as an analogy to the jet activity seen in “Inca City”, 81°S, 296°E), wind (from 0 to 6 m s−1), variable vent cross-section and length, particles (including a particle size distribution) and mass loading (with dust to gas ratios exceeding 1) were investigated. The structure of the resulting gas jets, the particle distribution within the jets, the deposition patterns (including their dependence on particle size), and the appearance of jets when viewed from different orientations (including from a nadir-pointing camera) have been investigated for a range of input parameters. The results provide predictions for the size-dependency of altitudes of particles within a plume and the distribution of particle sizes in the deposition fans. Where slopes are a dominant influence, larger particles are expected to be seen furthest from the vent. Where wind is dominant, smaller particles should travel to larger distances. Models producing deposition patterns consistent in length (∼80 m) and form with fans observed by HiRISE on MRO have been demonstrated. The models also suggest that downward flow of gas produced by drag effects from particles falling from the jet under gravity could provide a mechanism for the production of bright haloes which are observed to surround dark fan deposits in MOC, HiRISE and CRISM.  相似文献   

Given the heat that is reaching the surface from the interior of Enceladus, we ask whether liquid water is likely and at what depth it might occur. The heat may be carried by thermal conduction through the solid ice, by the vapor as it diffuses through a porous matrix, or by the vapor flowing upward through open cracks. The vapor carries latent heat, which it acquires when ice or liquid evaporates. As the vapor nears the surface it may condense onto the cold ice, or it may exit the vent without condensing, carrying its latent heat with it. The ice at the surface loses its heat by infrared radiation. An important physical principle, which has been overlooked so far, is that the partial pressure of the vapor in the pores and in the open cracks is nearly equal to the saturation vapor pressure of the ice around it. This severely limits the ability of ice to deliver the observed heat to the surface without melting at depth. Another principle is that viscosity limits the speed of the flow, both the diffusive flow in the matrix and the hydrodynamic flow in open cracks. We present hydrodynamic models that take these effects into account. We find that there is no simple answer to the question of whether the ice melts or not. Vapor diffusion in a porous matrix can deliver the heat to the surface without melting if the particle size is greater than ∼1 cm and the porosity is greater than ∼0.1, in other words, if the matrix is a rubble pile. Whether such an open matrix can exist under its own hydrostatic load is unclear. Flow in open cracks can deliver the heat without melting if the width of the crack is greater than ∼10 cm, but the heat source must be in contact with the crack. Frictional heating on the walls due to tidal stresses is one such possibility. The lifetime of the crack is a puzzle, since condensation on the walls in the upper few meters could seal the crack off in a year, and it takes many years for the heat source to warm the walls if the crack extends down to km depths. The 10:1 ratio of radiated heat to latent heat carried with the vapor is another puzzle. The models tend to give a lower ratio. The resolution might be that each tiger stripe has multiple cracks that share the heat, which tends to lower the ratio. The main conclusion is that melting depends on the size of the pores and the width of the cracks, and these are unknown at present.  相似文献   

We propose a new interpretation of the D/H ratio in CH4 observed in the atmosphere of Titan. Using a turbulent evolutionary model of the subnebula of Saturn (O. Mousis et al. 2002, Icarus156, 162-175), we show that in contrast to the current scenario, the deuterium enrichment with respect to the solar value observed in Titan cannot have occurred in the subnebula. Instead, we argue that values of the D/H ratio measured in Titan were obtained in the cooling solar nebula by isotopic thermal exchange of hydrogen with CH3D originating from interstellar methane D-enriched ices that vaporized in the nebula. The rate of the isotopic exchange decreased with temperature and became fully inhibited around 200 K. Methane was subsequently trapped in crystalline ices around 10 AU in the form of clathrate hydrates formed at 60 K, and incorporated into planetesimals that formed the core of Titan. The nitrogen-methane atmosphere was subsequently outgassed from the decomposition of the hydrates (Mousis et al. 2002). By use of a turbulent evolutionary model of the solar nebula (O. Mousis et al. 2000, Icarus148, 513-525), we have reconstructed the entire story of D/H in CH4, from its high value in the early solar nebula (acquired in the presolar cloud) down to the value measured in Titan's atmosphere today. Considering the two last determinations of the D/H ratio in Titan—D/H=(7.75±2.25)×10−5 obtained from ground-based observations (Orton 1992, In: Symposium on Titan, ESA SP-338, pp. 81-85), and D/H=(8.75+3.25−2.25)×10−5, obtained from ISO observations (Coustenis et al. 2002, submitted for publication)—we inferred an upper limit of the D/H ratio in methane in the early outer solar nebula of about 3×10−4. Our approach is consistent with the scenario advocated by several authors in which the atmospheric methane of Titan is continuously replenished from a reservoir of clathrate hydrates of CH4 at high pressures, located in the interior of Titan. If this scenario is correct, observations of the satellite to be performed by the radar, the imaging system, and other remote sensing instruments aboard the spacecraft of the Cassini-Huygens mission from 2004 to 2008 should reveal local disruptions of the surface and other signatures of the predicted outgassing.  相似文献   

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