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A new investigation of the variations in the light curves and in the period of the eclipsing binary V471 Tau is presented. The collected observational data have been re-examined and, in addition to old information, it was found that (i) the decrease in the period of the system slows down and (ii) that the mean brightness of the system has been increasing and this is greater at the longer wavelength. For the last seven years the increase in the brightness is estimated to be 0.15 mag inB and 0.18 mag inV bands respectively. Therefore, we conclude that the colour of the system is about 0.03 mag redder in 1980 than in 1973.  相似文献   

Two-colour photometric observations of the white-dwarf and K-dwarf eclipsing binary V471 Tau were made during the last four years. The resulting light curves and thirteen timings of mid-eclipse are presented. During the observations two flares were obtained on September 23 and December23, 1992. Both events occurred just after the fourth contact. The increment in the brightness was measured as 0 . m 067. The energy liberated by the flare was computed to be 5.43 × 1032 erg s–1 in the JohnsonB band, which amounts 1.13 times that of the total radiation of the K-dwarf.  相似文献   

The white-dwarf red-dwarf eclipsing binary V471 Tauri has been observed photoelectrically, in blue and yellow lights, from 1985 to 1989. The behaviour of the mean brightness variation has been re-examined. The mean brightness has decreased from 1982 to 1985 and thereafter it started to increase again. The amount of the variation of the light of the system has reached to 0.19 mag in both colours since 1973. On the other hand, the new timings of mid-eclipse deviate considerably from those linear and light-time effect fittings. Neither the third-body hypothesis, nor any other mechanism can explain the orbital period change of the system.  相似文献   

The long-period eclipsing binary star V367 Cygni has been observed photoelectrically in two colours,B andV, in 1984, 1985, and 1986. These new light curves of the system have been discussed and compared for the light-variability with the earlier ones presented by Heiser (1962). Using some of the previously published photoelectric light curves and the present ones, several primary minima times have been derived to calculate the light elements. Any attempt to obtain a photometric solution of the binary is so complicated by the peculiar nature of the light curve caused by the presence of the circumstellar matter in the system. Despite this difficulty, however, some approaches are being carried out to solve the light curves which will be discussed shortly.  相似文献   

The white dwarf in the eclipsing binary system V471 Tau is viewed through the atmosphere of the active K star prior to ingress and after egress. In the far UV the surface brightness of the hot white dwarf far outshines the K star emission. We can use this to probe the structure of the extended K star atmosphere along one line of sight, in absorption, on spatial scales of the radius of the white dwarf (10,000 km). The time series of HST/STIS spectra which show a hot (>250,000 K) extended (>1 K star radius) atmosphere around the K star. We see discrete structures in the velocity‐resolved spectra, on spatial scales of less than 100,000 km. The mean velocity is that expected of gas in co‐rotation with the K star, but the discrete velocity structures have excursions of up to 70 km/s from the mean. The mean temperature seems to increase with height above the K star photosphere. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Photoelectric photometry of the unusual binary system, whose light curve shows peculiar light variations, has been done in the two colours. The observations obtained at the Ege University Observatory between 1973 and 1978 and at the Kottamia Observatory in November 1977 show a variable light curve. The observed variations in the light curve show a migrating wave towards a decreasing orbital phase similar to those observed in RS CVn-binaries. The migration period appears to be about 191 days. The times of minima indicate that there has been a decrease on the orbital period of the system. However, since there is not enough material on the observed times of minima, we cannot explain whether the decrease in the orbital period has been sudden or gradual. The radii of the components have been computed from the primary minimum alone. With the available spectroscopic data, the absolute dimensions of the components are also presented. It appears to be difficult to explain the evolution of the system without taking into consideration the mass loss. The proposed models for the evolution of the system and an explanation of the observed light variations are also presented.  相似文献   

The light curve and period variation of the eclipsing system V471 Tau is discussed. The migration period of 191 days obtained recently by Ibanolu agrees well with the new observations. The period decreases by about one second per century, which may correspond to a mass transfer of 1×10–7 solar mass. Furthermore, the O–C diagram shows a noticeable sine curve super-imposed on the parabolic variation. The period of the sine curve is about 3.1 years.  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the peculiar eclipsing variable ER Vul were obtained in blue and yellow light, in the 1981 and 1982 observing seasons. The light curves suffer to change in short time-intervals. The wave-like distortion superimposed on the light curves is clearly seen, but sometimes there is no indication about its existence. The migration period has been estimated roughtly about eight months. Moreover, small-amplitude light fluctuations in the light curves are noticeable. These variations seem to be occur randomly. When the IUE and optical observations are taken into consideration together it is strongly suggested that both of the components in the system ER Vul are too active.  相似文献   

The eclipsing variable RT Lac, which is classified as an RS CVn-type binary by Hall, was observed in two colours,B andV, during the summer seasons of 1978 and 1979. The observations made during two successive seasons indicate that, outside eclipses, the system has brightened by about 0.12 and 0.15 magnitudes on average inB andV, respectively. Moreover, RT Lac was even fainter when observed by Milone in 1965. While the total brightness of the system remained unchanged at mid-secondary, it increased at mid-primary and outside eclipses. This may be interpreted as indicating that the cooler component is responsible for the peculiar light variations.  相似文献   

V andB observations of V711 Tauri (HR 1099) for the year 1982–1983 are presented. The light curves made with the data of this season are compared with those of the previous observations of the 1981–1982 season. The single-peaked maximum light had shifted slightly and the peak amplitude had decreased to 0.04 mag. inV. No clear sign of colour,B–V, variation in comparison with the low temperature dark-spot is detected.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

The post-common envelope and pre-cataclysmic binary V471 Tau has been observed by the authors since 1973. At least a complete light curve in B and V bands and more than two eclipse timings were obtained in each year. All the available data published so far (including the authors') have been collected and analysed for the brightness and orbital period changes. The system brightened about 0.22 mag in both B and V bands more or less regularly up to 1997 and started to decrease afterwards. A search for periodicity of this variation yields a period longer than 85 yr. In addition to this long-period variation, a small amplitude of about 0.08 mag and short time-interval fluctuations on the mean brightness have been detected. The variations of the mean brightness have been discussed and plausible causes suggested. The changes of the apparent period have been attributed to a third body. Analysis of all the 'observed−calculated' (O−C) data yields a period of 32.4 yr, with a semi-amplitude of 151 s and an eccentricity of 0.30 for the third-body orbit. For orbital inclinations greater than 34° the mass of the third body would possibly match to a brown dwarf. One of the most interesting features in the light curve of V471 Tau is the decrement of the eclipse depth with time. The depth of the eclipse in the B band has been decreased from 0.082 to 0.057 mag over 34 yr. Subtracting the variation of the depth due to the brightening of the red dwarf star, the actual variation in depth, originated from from the white dwarf, was found to be about 0.012 mag. This change in the brightness of the compact object has been attributed to the mass accretion from its primary component via thermally driven wind and/or flare-like events.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations of the white-dwarf eclipsing binary V471 Tauri are reported. The behaviour of the H and K emission lines of Caii are investigated relative to the photoelectric observations, and the existence of a probable correlation between minimum emission line strength and the maximum wave position within the migrating wave is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric observations of the RS CVn binary system V711 Tau (HR 1099), convering the wavelength interval 3300–7100 Å, have been presented. A comparison of the standard spectral scans of V711 Tau with the spectral scans of the stars of known spectral types and luminosity classes taken from the Breger (1976) catalogue shows that, at all phases shown in the diagram, the spectral-luminosity type of the star is K0IV or K0III. The magnitude of the system fluctuates from 5 m .71 to 5 m .79 average being 5 m .75 approximately, the faintest being near 0 p .43 and the brightest near 0 p .78. The region around Balmer jump and near H region is apparently variable.  相似文献   

From photoelectric observations of V 337 Aql a new solution is carried out. Transit at primary eclipse in disagreement with the Wright-Dugan results is found. Both Russell-Merrill and Kitamura methods of light curve solution are used. The slight period variation and the distortions of the light curve would support the idea that a mass exchange could be in act.  相似文献   

I present pointed ROSAT PSPC observations of the pre-cataclysmic binary V471 Tauri. The hard X-ray emission (>0.4 keV) is not eclipsed by the K star, demonstrating conclusively that this component cannot be emitted by the white dwarf. Instead I show that its spectrum and luminosity are consistent with coronal emission from the tidally spun-up K star. The star is more active than other K stars in the Hyades, but equally active as K stars in the Pleiades with the same rotation periods, demonstrating that rotation — and not age — is the key parameter in determining the level of stellar activity.   The soft X-ray emission (<0.4 keV) is emitted predominately by the white dwarf and is modulated on its spin period. I find that the pulse profile is stable on time-scales of hours and years, supporting the idea that it is caused by the opacity of accreted material. The profile itself shows that the magnetic field configuration of the white dwarf is dipolar and that the magnetic axis passes through the centre of the star.   There is an absorption feature in the light curve of the white dwarf, which occurs at a time when our line of sight passes within a stellar radius of the K star. The column density and duration of this feature imply a volume and mass for the absorber that are similar to those of coronal mass ejections of the Sun.   Finally I suggest that the spin–orbit beat period detected in the optical by Clemens et al. may be the result of the interaction of the K-star wind with the magnetic field of the white dwarf.  相似文献   

The double-lined spectroscopic and eclipsing binary ER Vul was observed in blue and yellow light during the 1984 and 1985 observing seasons. In 1984 four and in 1985 three different light curves in each colour were obtained. The system sometimes is too active and sometimes too quite. The wave-like distortion has been obtained for each light curve and a period of migration has been estimated to be about 8–9 months. The light fluctuations, which are the main characteristics of ER Vul, seems to be related with the wave minimum, (e.g., spotted regions) of the component(s).  相似文献   

Photoelectric observations of the double-lined spectroscopic and eclipsing binary ER Vul were obtained inB andV colours of Johnson'sUBV system, between 1981 and 1986. The light curves show that the system is sometimes very active and sometimes very quiet and have changes in short time intervals. The were-like distortion, which is superimposed on the light curves, has been obtained. Moreover, small-amplitude light fluctuations in the light curves are noticeable.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Power spectrum analysis is applied to the light curve of RR Tauri. Periodicities are found at 80, 200 and 533 days with some variation in the peak positions and power for different decades. Factors involved in the classification of the variable are discussed.Receipt delayed by postal strike in Great Britain.  相似文献   

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