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国家自然科学基金重点项目"北极苔原和海冰地区边界层物理过程的观测研究",通过了国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部组织的专家组的质疑、答辩和验收.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金重点项目"北极苔原和海冰地区边界层物理过程的观测研究"在下列方面取得了较大进展:  相似文献   

该项目研究目标是充分利用我国在南北极地区进行的各种观测实验资料,对南北极地气相互作用过程特征,进行深入的综合分析研究,并为气候模式提供重要的边界层物理参数.该项目主要研究成果有:  相似文献   

朱永  黄土松 《气象科学》1995,15(4):166-182
鉴于水分循环和海冰过程是气候变化研究中两个比较薄弱的环节,而在以往的一些气候模式中往往简化甚至忽略了其中之一,给气候变化的研究带来了一定的不确定性。因此本文设计了一个包含详细水分循环海冰物理过程的二维气候模式,在模拟出极地海冰面积和季节循环基础上,详细研究了存在大气,海洋,海冰以及水份循环中的各种气候因素对海冰季节循环的影响,得到了一些比较有意义的结论:(1)当大气中感热潜热输送加强时,海冰面积减  相似文献   

胡隐樵  王介民 《高原气象》1989,8(2):133-138
我所建立不久,根据我国经济建设的需要,1962年以苏从先为首开始组建了“近地面层物理”学科组,是我国西北地区第一个大气边界层物理的研究实体。几经演变成为目前具有一定规模的“大气边界层物理”和“大气环境”研究室。我所先后按国家建设需要提出了一系列边界层研究课题。为了解决西北干旱地区农业提  相似文献   

南北极海冰的时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王召民  黄士松 《气象科学》1996,16(4):299-307
本文分析了南北极海冰多年平均覆盖资料,给出南北极海冰的年内变化特征,极地海冰最多最少月份的空间分布。计算了2月及9月海冰年际变化方差分布,并对2月及9月南北极海冰7个分区域覆盖面积作了EOF分解,为进行南北极海冰影响全球气候的数值试验提供了海冰变化的空间配置  相似文献   

简要介绍国内外关于北极海冰及其与气候变化的关系:北极海冰面积变化的时空分布特征,大气对北极海冰面积变化的影响,以及北极海冰面积异常与气候变化的关系。其中北极海冰面积异常与气候变化的关系研究主要是基于遥相关型、三大涛动、季风系统和冰-海-气耦合系统等几方面的研究。结果可供基层台站寻找影响当地区域气候变化的北极海冰“强信号”域。  相似文献   

北极海冰变化的时间和空间型   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
汪代维  杨修群 《气象学报》2002,60(2):129-138
利用 4 4a(195 1~ 1994年 )北极海冰密度逐月资料 ,分析提出了一种与北极冰自然季节变化相吻合的分季法 ,并根据这种分季法 ,使用EOF分解 ,揭示了北极各季海冰面积异常的特征空间型及其对应的时间变化尺度。结果表明 :(1)北极冰面积异常变化的关键区 ,冬季 (2~ 4月 )主要位于北大西洋一侧的格陵兰海、巴伦支海和戴维斯海峡以及北太平洋一侧的鄂霍次克海和白令海 ,夏季 (8~ 10月 )则主要限于从喀拉海、东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海到波佛特海的纬向带状区域内 ,格陵兰海和巴伦支海是北极海冰面积异常变化的最重要区域 ;(2 )春 (5~ 7月 )、秋 (11月~次年 1月 )季各主要海区海冰面积异常基本呈同相变化 ,夏季东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海、波佛特海一带海冰面积异常和喀拉海呈反相变化 ,而冬季巴伦支海、格陵兰海海冰面积异常和戴维斯海峡、拉布拉多海、白令海、鄂霍次克海的海冰变化呈反相变化 ;(3)北极冰总面积过去 4 4a来确实经历了一种趋势性的减少 ,并且叠加在这种趋势变化之上的是年代尺度变化 ,其中春季 (5~ 7月 )海冰面积异常变化对年平均北极冰总面积异常变化作出了主要贡献 ;(4)位于北太平洋一侧极冰面积异常型基本具有半年的持续性 ,而位于北大西洋一侧极冰面积异常型具有半年至一年的持续性  相似文献   




The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over Baltic Sea Ice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A new parametrization for the surface energy balance of urban areas is presented. It is shown that this new method can represent some of the important urban phenomena, such as an urban heat island and the occurrence of a near-neutral nocturnal boundary layer with associated positive turbulent heat fluxes, unlike the traditional method for representing urban areas within operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. The basis of the new parametrization is simple and can be applied easily within an operational NWP model. Also, it has no additional computational expense compared to the traditional scheme and is hence applicable for operational forecasting requirements. The results show that the errors for London within the Met Office operational mesoscale model have been significantly reduced since the new scheme was introduced. The bias and root-mean-square (rms) errors have been approximately halved, with the rms error now similar to the model as a whole. The results also show that a seasonal cycle still exists in the model errors, but it is suggested that this may be caused by anthropogenic heat sources that are neglected in the urban scheme.The British Crowns right to retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

利用宜昌2007年12月10-25日的加密观测资料,分析了两次低值系统经过宜昌时大气边界层的温湿风廓线结构及其日变化特征。结果表明:位温廓线具有明显的日变化特征,对流边界层在白天出现和发展,其高度可达600m,而稳定边界层在夜间出现和发展,其高度可达300m,降水会抑制对流边界层和稳定边界层的发展;湿度廓线结构及其日变化与对流边界层的发展有关,总体上湿度随高度减小,贴近地面的薄层湿度随高度减小较快,而混合层内湿度随高度变化较小,出现降水时,近地层的湿度有明显增加,大气边界层内湿度随高度快速平稳减小;风速廓线结构比较复杂,总体上风速随高度增大,在大气边界层低层有时会出现一个风速极大值,风速廓线没有明显的日变化特征,大气边界层内风向变化较大,但以偏东风为主。  相似文献   

The data-collection campaign for the 2008 International Polar Year–Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study saw the Canadian Coast Guard Ship (CCGS) Amundsen, a research icebreaker, overwinter in high-concentration unconsolidated sea ice in Amundsen Gulf. Environmental monitoring continued into the open-water season. During this period, the Amundsen registered five relatively deep mean sea-level pressure minima (less than 100?kPa). Three were selected for further analysis based on season and the nature of the underlying ocean or sea-ice surface: (1) a winter pressure minimum over unconsolidated sea ice, (2) a spring pressure minimum which likely contributed to the break-up of the sea-ice cover on Amundsen Gulf, and (3) a summer pressure minimum over open water. The characteristics of these pressure minima and the impact of their passage on the atmospheric boundary layer and on the sea-ice cover as they crossed Amundsen Gulf were examined. Several features were revealed by the analysis. (1) The winter and summer pressure minima were migratory cyclones accompanied by Arctic frontal waves with characteristics very similar to the polar frontal waves associated with the migratory cyclones found at more southerly latitudes, whereas the spring pressure minimum was attributed to an Arctic frontal trough of low pressure with the cyclonic centre remaining south of the Gulf. (2) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring disrupted the equilibrium that had been established during more settled periods between the atmospheric boundary layer and the mosaic surface (leads, polynyas, and sea ice); however, equilibrium was quickly re-established. (3) In summer, the thermal structure of the lower atmospheric boundary layer persisted through the passage of the frontal-wave cyclone over the open-water surface. (4) The passage of the frontal-wave cyclone in winter and the frontal trough of low pressure in spring modified the mesoscale sea-icescape.  相似文献   

南京冬季平流雾的生消机制及边界层结构观测分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用系留飞艇边界层要素探测系统等设备,对2006年12月24q7日发生在南京地区的雾日边界层结构进行了综合探测,深入研究了这次平流雾的生消机制及边界层结构。结果表明:此次雾属于比较典型的平流雾,生成和维持主要决定于暖湿气流和系统性下沉运动,消散主要是干冷空气南下造成的;雾项下降阶段出现了双层结构,中层逆温是逆温主层,属于下沉逆温及平流逆温,主逆温层强中心始终位于雾顶附近或处于雾顶之下;风速随高度呈现多峰分布,中层急流与强度较弱的中上层和上层急流合并后,又与下层急流出现了一强一弱的波动;在风速较小时,风场趋于均匀化;雾消散时,低层风场趋于线性化;雾主要的水汽来源是暖湿气流;比湿场与风场有较好的时空分布对应性,主逆温层强中心也是逆湿强中心,风场与温度场共同主导了比湿场的时空分布。  相似文献   

北极海冰的气候变化与20世纪90年代的突变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用英国Had ley气候研究中心1968~2000年的1°×1°的北半球逐月海冰密集度资料,使用EOF分解等统计方法,探讨北极海冰的气候变化趋势、海冰的突变、海冰的季节持续性和各季的特色。结果表明:(1)自1968年以来,北极海冰的减小是北半球海冰变化的总趋势;海冰的趋势变化在海冰的年际总变化中占有相当重要的地位,可达50%左右。冬春季主要减少区域在格陵兰海、巴伦支海和白令海;夏秋季海冰减少是唯一趋势,中心在北冰洋边缘的喀拉海、拉普捷夫海、东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海、波弗特海。(2)20世纪80年代中后期北极海冰已出现减小趋势,在20世纪90年代,海冰又出现范围和面积的突然减少,中心在格陵兰海和巴伦支海;即海冰减少是加速的,其变化程度已远远超过一般的自然变化。(3)海冰有很好的季节持续性,有很强的隔季相关,也有较好的隔年相关;各季节海冰分布型之间有很好的联系,表现为海冰分布型的总体变化趋势是一致的,在海冰的减少中也体现了分布型的特征。  相似文献   

Observations from the summer Arctic Ocean Experiment 2001 (AOE-2001) are analysed with a focus on the interactions between mesoscale and boundary-layer dynamics. Wavelet analyses of surface-pressure variations show daylong periods with different characteristics, some featuring episodes of pronounced high-frequency surface-pressure variability, here hypothesized to be caused by trapped gravity waves. These episodes are accompanied by enhanced boundary-layer turbulence and an enhanced spectral gap, but with only minor influence on the surface stress. During these episodes, mesoscale phenomena were often encountered and usually identified as front-like features in the boundary layer, with a peak in drizzle followed by changing temperature. These phenomena resemble synoptic fronts, though they are generally shallow, shorter-lasting, have no signs of frontal clouds, and do not imply a change in air mass. Based on this analysis, we hypothesize that the root cause of the episodes with high-frequency surface-pressure variance are shallow, mesoscale fronts moving across the pack ice. They may be formed due to local-to-regional horizontal contrasts, for example, between air with different lifetimes over the Arctic or with perturbations in the cloud field causing differential cooling of the boundary layer. Thermal contrasts sharpen as the air is transported with the mean flow. The propagating mesoscale fronts excite gravity waves, which affect the boundary-layer turbulence and also seem to favour entrainment of free tropospheric air into the boundary layer.  相似文献   

殷达中  刘万军  李佣佐 《气象》1997,23(9):8-11
应用1993年在辽东半岛西岸进行的现场观测试验资料,对该地出现海陆风及热内边界层进行了分析研究,得到了该地海陆风在各个月份出现的频率、海风起止时间、海风伸向内陆的距离等,同时还得到了热内边界层的高度随离海岸距离改变的规律。  相似文献   

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