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This paper aims to contribute to understanding the importance of four factors on the determination of sustainable yields: (i) aquifer properties; (ii) temporal distribution of recharge; (iii) temporal distribution of groundwater pumping; and (iv) spatial distribution of pumping wells. It is important to comprehend how the present‐day and future vulnerability of groundwater systems to pumping activities depend on these critical factors and what the risks are of considering sustainable yield as a fixed percentage of mean annual recharge (MAR). A numerical model of the Querença–Silves aquifer in Portugal is used to develop hypothetical scenarios with which these factors are studied. Results demonstrate the aquifer properties, particularly the storage coefficient, have an important role in determining the resilience of an aquifer and therefore to which degree it is dependent on the spatial and temporal distribution of abstraction and recharge, as well as the occurrence of extreme events. Sustainable yields are determined for the developed scenarios based on specific criteria rather than a fraction of MAR. Under simplified current recharge and abstraction conditions, the sustainable yield was determined at approximately 73% of MAR or 76 million m3. When considering a concentration of rainfall in time, as predicted by climate scenarios for the region, sustainable yield could drop to ca 70% of MAR. However, a more even distribution of pumping volumes throughout the year could increase this value. The location of the pumping wells is seen to affect the distribution of hydraulic heads in the aquifer, albeit without significant changes in sustainable yield. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Uranium (U) concentrations in groundwater in several parts of the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, have exceeded federal and state drinking water standards during the last 20 years. The San Joaquin Valley is located within the Central Valley of California and is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Increased irrigation and pumping associated with agricultural and urban development during the last 100 years have changed the chemistry and magnitude of groundwater recharge, and increased the rate of downward groundwater movement. Strong correlations between U and bicarbonate suggest that U is leached from shallow sediments by high bicarbonate water, consistent with findings of previous work in Modesto, California. Summer irrigation of crops in agricultural areas and, to lesser extent, of landscape plants and grasses in urban areas, has increased Pco2 concentrations in the soil zone and caused higher temperature and salinity of groundwater recharge. Coupled with groundwater pumping, this process, as evidenced by increasing bicarbonate concentrations in groundwater over the last 100 years, has caused shallow, young groundwater with high U concentrations to migrate to deeper parts of the groundwater system that are tapped by public-supply wells. Continued downward migration of U-affected groundwater and expansion of urban centers into agricultural areas will likely be associated with increased U concentrations in public-supply wells. The results from this study illustrate the potential long-term effects of groundwater development and irrigation-supported agriculture on water quality in arid and semiarid regions around the world.  相似文献   

We use particle tracking to determine contributing areas (CAs) to wells for transient flow models that simulate cyclic domestic pumping and extreme recharge events in a small synthetic watershed underlain by dipping sedimentary rocks. The CAs consist of strike-oriented bands at locations where the water table intersects high-hydraulic conductivity beds, and from which groundwater flows to the pumping well. Factors that affect the size and location of the CAs include topographic flow directions, rock dip direction, cross-bed fracture density, and position of the well relative to streams. For an effective fracture porosity (ne) of 10−4, the fastest advective travel times from CAs to wells are only a few hours. These results indicate that wells in this type of geologic setting can be highly vulnerable to contaminants or pathogens flushed into the subsurface during extreme recharge events. Increasing ne to 10−3 results in modestly smaller CAs and delayed well vulnerability due to slower travel times. CAs determined for steady-state models of the same setting, but with long-term average recharge and pumping rates, are smaller than CAs in the models with extreme recharge. Also, the earliest-arriving particles arrive at the wells later in the steady-state models than in the extreme-recharge models. The results highlight the importance of characterizing geologic structure, simulating plausible effective porosities, and simulating pumping and recharge transience when determining CAs in fractured rock aquifers to assess well vulnerability under extreme precipitation events.  相似文献   

Las Vegas Valley has had a long history of groundwater development and subsequent surface deformation. InSAR interferograms have revealed detailed and complex spatial patterns of subsidence in the Las Vegas Valley area that do not coincide with major pumping regions. This research represents the first effort to use high spatial and temporal resolution subsidence observations from InSAR and hydraulic head data to inversely calibrate transmissivities (T), elastic and inelastic skeletal storage coefficients (Ske and Skv) of the developed‐zone aquifer and conductance (CR) of the basin‐fill faults for the entire Las Vegas basin. The results indicate that the subsidence observations from InSAR are extremely beneficial for accurately quantifying hydraulic parameters, and the model calibration results are far more accurate than when using only groundwater levels as observations, and just a limited number of subsidence observations. The discrepancy between distributions of pumping and greatest levels of subsidence is found to be attributed to spatial variations in clay thickness. The Eglington fault separates thicker interbeds to the northwest from thinner interbeds to the southeast and the fault may act as a groundwater‐flow barrier and/or subsidence boundary, although the influence of the groundwater barrier to this area is found to be insignificant. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of optimization approaches regarding the design location of groundwater pumping facilities in heterogeneous porous media have elicited little discussion. However, the location of groundwater pumping facilities is an important factor because it affects water resource usage. This study applies two optimization approaches to estimate the best recharge zone and suitable locations of the pumping facilities in southwestern Taiwan for different hydrogeological scales. First, for the regional scale, this study employs numerical modelling, MODFLOW‐96, to simulate groundwater direction and the optimal recharge zone in the study area. Based on the model's calibration and verification results, this study preliminarily utilizes the simulated spatial direction of groundwater and compares the safe yield for each well group in order to determine the best recharge zone. Additionally, for the local scale, the micro‐hydrogeological characteristics are considered before determining the design locations of the pumping facilities. According to drawdown record data from six observation wells derived from pumping tests at the best recharge area, this study further utilizes the modified artificial neural network approach to improve the accuracy of the estimation parameters as well as to analyse the direction and anisotropy of the hydraulic conductivities of an equivalent homogeneous aquifer. The results suggested that the best locations for the pumping facilities are along the more permeable major direction. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study area is located on the western part of the alluvium‐filled gap between the Rajmahal hills on the west and the Garo hills on the east. Groundwater occurs under unconfined condition in a thick zone of saturation within the Quaternary alluvial sediments. Three hydrochemical facies with distinct characteristics have been identified which are dominated in general by alkaline earths and weak acids. The major‐ion chemistry of the area is controlled by weathering of silicate minerals, rainfall recharge, ion‐exchange processes and anthropogenic activities such as irrigation return flow and the application of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. A stoichiometric approach suggests that mineral dissolution and anthropogenic activities contribute 79% and 21% of the total cations dissolved in groundwater. Principal component analysis (PCA) of 42 groundwater samples using 13 chemical parameters indicates that the combined processes of recharge of groundwater from rainfall, sediment water interaction, groundwater flow, infiltration of irrigation return water (which is arsenic rich due to the use of arsenic‐bearing pesticides, wood preservatives, etc. and the pumping of arsenic‐rich groundwater for agriculture purpose), oxidation of natural or anthropogenic organic matter and the reductive dissolution of ferric iron and manganese oxides play a key role in the evolution of groundwater in the study area. Factor 2 scores, associated with the infiltration of irrigation return water and spatial distribution of arsenic concentration reveal that the groundwater of the municipal area will not be affected by arsenic in the future in spite of heavy groundwater abstraction. Another PCA with geologic, geomorphic, anthropogenic, geochemical and landuse factors indicates that arsenic concentration in groundwater increases with increasing area of mango orchards, sand lithofacies and nitrate and decreases with increasing distance of paleochannel from the monitored well and depth of bore wells. High loading on nitrate may be attributed to the use of fertilizer, pesticides, etc. in mango orchards and agricultural land. High loadings on log pCO2, mango orchards (with negative sign) and phosphate (with positive sign) indicate that mango orchards provide the organic waste material which is decomposed to form organic carbon. The organic carbon undergoes oxidative carbon degeneration by different oxidants and increases the concentration of CO2 in the aquifer. The reducing condition thus developed in the aquifer helps to dissolve the arsenic adsorbed on iron hydroxide or oxy‐hydroxide coated margins of sand, iron rich heavy mineral grain margins, clay minerals and Fe–Mn concretions present in the aquifer matrix. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This study evaluates an over-exploited aquifer (Balasor, India) and also explores the possibilities of sustainable management using several statistical approaches. First, bootstrap analysis indicates that groundwater pumping has resulted in the reduction of mean cultivated area as the average irrigation capacity per bore well dropped from 3.74 ha to 1.5 ha within a period of 10 years of operation. However, modelling the groundwater levels using the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) procedure showed no evidence of large-scale groundwater withdrawals. The derived models can be used for water table forecasting and also for infilling the missing observations. The empirical relationship among pumping test results indicated that well depth and aquifer thickness significantly influence the discharge from the aquifer. This discharge may have encouraged the resource-rich farmers to exploit the lower aquifer. Based on a contour plot, the zone of groundwater exploitation was estimated to vary from 25 to 60 m below the surface. Therefore, a uniform aquifer exploitation policy needs to be implemented to curb the vertical competition in exploiting the aquifer and to develop sustainable management of the groundwater.

Citation Panda, D. K. & Kumar, A. (2011) Evaluation of an over-used coastal aquifer (Orissa, India) using statistical approaches. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(3), 486–497.  相似文献   

Total dissolved gas pressure (PTDG) measurements are useful to measure accurate in situ dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater, but challenged by in-well degassing. Although in-well degassing has been widely observed, its cause(s) are not clear. We investigated the mechanism(s) by which gas-charged groundwater in a recently pumped well becomes degassed. Vertical PTDG and dissolved gas concentration profiles were monitored in the standing water column (SWC) of a groundwater well screened in a gas-charged aquifer for 7 days before and 15 days after pumping. Prior to pumping, PTDG values remained relatively constant and below calculated bubbling pressure (PBUB) at all depths. In contrast, significant increases in PTDG were observed at all depths after pumping was initiated, as fresh groundwater with elevated in situ PTDG values was pumped through the well screen. After pumping ceased, PTDG values decreased to below PBUB at all depths over the 15-day post-pumping period, indicating well degassing was active over this time frame. Vertical profiles of estimated dissolved gas concentrations before and after pumping provided insight into the mechanism(s) by which in-well degassing occurred in the SWC. During both monitoring periods, downward mixing of dominant atmospheric and/or tracer gases, and upwards mixing of dominant groundwater gases were observed in the SWC. The key mechanisms responsible for in-well degassing were (i) bubble exsolution when PTDG exceeded PBUB as gas-charged well water moves upwards in the SWC during recovery (i.e., hydraulic gradient driven convection), (ii) microadvection caused by the upward migration of bubbles under buoyancy, and (iii) long-term, thermally driven vertical convection.  相似文献   

South Florida's Miami‐Dade agricultural area is located between two protected natural areas, the Biscayne and Everglades National Parks, subject to the costliest environmental restoration project in history. Agriculture, an important economic activity in the region, competes for land and water resources with the restoration efforts and Miami's urban sprawl. The objective of this study, understanding water quality interactions between agricultural land use and the shallow regional aquifer, is critical to the reduction of agriculture's potentially negative impacts. A study was conducted in a 4‐ha square field containing 0·9 ha of corn surrounded by fallow land. The crop rows were oriented NW–SE along the dominant groundwater flow in the area. A network of 18 monitoring wells was distributed across the field. Shallow groundwater nitrate–nitrogen concentration [N‐NO3?] was analyzed on samples collected from the wells biweekly for 3 years. Detailed hydrological (water table elevation [WTE] at each well, groundwater flow direction [GwFD], rainfall) and crop (irrigation, fertilization, calendar) data were also recorded in situ. Flow direction is locally affected by seasonal regional drainage through canal management exercised by the local water authority. The data set was analyzed by dynamic factor analysis (DFA), a specialized time series statistical technique only recently applied in hydrology. In a first step, the observed nitrate variation was successfully described by five common trends representing the unexplained variability. By including the measured hydrological series as explanatory variables the trends were reduced to only three. The analysis yields a quantification of the effects of hydrological factors over local groundwater nitrate concentration. Furthermore, a spatial structure across the field, matching land use, was found in the five remaining common trends whereby the groundwater [N‐NO3?] in wells within the corn rows could be generally separated from those in fallow land NW and SE of the crop strip. Fertilization, masked by soil/water/plant‐delayed processes, had no discernible effect on groundwater nitrate levels. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper presents a methodology for the design and optimization of artificial recharge-pumping systems (ARPS). The objective of ARPS is to provide a maximum abstraction rate through artificial recharge, while meeting two operational constraints: (a) the influences of the system operation on groundwater levels should be no more than 25 mm in the vicinity of the system; and (b) the travel time of the infiltrated water from the recharge pond to the pumping wells should be more than 60 days. The combined use of a 3-dimensional generic groundwater simulation model with particle tracking analyses has identified the two best ARPS systems: the circular pond system and the island system. By coupling the simulation model with linear and mixed integer programming optimization, the optimal pumping scheme (number, locations and rates of the pumping wells) has been determined. An unsteady state model has been used to simulate the response of the operation of the two systems under natural seasonal variations. The implementation aspects of the two systems are compared.  相似文献   

Chahardouly basin is located in the western part of Iran and is characterized by semi‐arid climatic conditions and scarcity in water resources. The main aquifer systems are developed within alluvial deposits. The availability of groundwater is rather erratic owing to the occurrence of hard rock formation and a saline zone in some parts of the area. The aquifer systems of the area show signs of depletion, which have taken place in recent years due to a decline in water levels. Groundwater samples collected from shallow and deep wells were analysed to examine the quality characteristics of groundwater. The major ion chemistry of groundwater is dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3?, while higher values of total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater are associated with high concentrations of all major ions. An increase in salinity is recorded in the down‐gradient part of the basin. The occurrence of saline groundwater, as witnessed by the high electrical conductivity (EC), may be attributed to the long residence time of water and the dissolution of minerals, as well as evaporation of rainfall and irrigation return flow. Based on SAR values and sodium content (%Na), salinity appears to be responsible for the poor groundwater quality, rendering most of the samples not suitable for irrigation use. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Large-scale agricultural activities cause deterioration of groundwater resources throughout the world. This study focuses on the irrigated agricultural district of Jinghuiqu in Shaanxi, China. The objectives are to identify the main sources and processes that control nitrate transport, and to assess the impact of long-term irrigation practices on nitrate leaching. The hydrogeochemistry of major solute constituents and stable isotope ratios of NO3 ? in groundwater were used to identify historical sources of contamination and transformation processes occurring in the shallow groundwater of the Jinghuiqu irrigation district. The N-NO3 ? concentrations in groundwater ranged from 0.0 to more than 100 mg L?1 in April 1990, and from 0.47 to 42.0 mg L?1 in December 2009. Our measurements of N-NO3 ? show that the main reasons for this dramatic decline in N-NO3 ? concentrations from 1990 to 2009 are denitrification, which controls nitrogen types, together with the sharp decline of the groundwater table. The isotope ratios in collected samples showed that the source of nitrate was mainly manure, a result that corresponds with historical data showing that manure was the main nitrate source before the 1980s, and that fertilizers became dominant thereafter. A numerical model was then used to evaluate future impacts of current irrigation practices on groundwater sources. The HYDRUS-1D model was employed first to evaluate the water movement and the N-NO3 ? solute transport for a single irrigation pulse experiment carried out under field conditions, and then in evaluating the long-term impact of irrigation on N-NO3 ? leaching. Simulations showed that, after introducing irrigation, the downward drainage fluxes of N-NO3 ?, and the N-NO3 ? and N-tot concentrations increased at all depths within the 2-m soil profile. This indicates that N concentrations below 1-m depth and in the groundwater could become even more elevated with increased future irrigation.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Liu, X.-H., Sun, S.-J., Ji, P., and ?im?nek, J., 2013. Evaluation of historical nitrate sources in groundwater and impact of current irrigation practices on groundwater quality. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–15.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate long-term groundwater level fluctuation in regular monitoring wells constructed by the Ministry of Water Resources in Barka, Sultanate of Oman. For this study, groundwater level data for 71 wells and rainfall data from six stations were collected from 1984 to 2003 and analysed. Based on long-term water level fluctuation, groundwater wells are classified into three groups. In group 1, water level shows a long-term cyclic trend without yearly fluctuation whereas in group 2 the water level declined continuously until 1995 followed by a constant water level. In group 3, water level decreases continuously throughout the study periods with rapid annual cyclic variation. Group 1 wells show high water-level fluctuations (5 to 10 m) and seem to be regulated by discharge (lateral flow) from this aquifer and recharge from the adjacent Jabal Akhdar mountainous region. Constant trend in water level after 1995 in group 2 wells illustrates the advancement of saline–fresh water interface to the inland due to heavy pumping which is justified by higher electrical conductivity and Cl/HCO3 ratio. In group 3 wells, the water level dropped continuously due to overabstraction by agricultural farms and human settlements. In addition, wells existing near the recharge dams express the influences of recharge dams and rainfall, and exhibit high water-level fluctuations during heavy rainfall periods. The long-term regional variation indicates that water level drops continuously in the coastal and central parts of the study region. Linear regression analysis revealed that the decline in water level is 0·3–0·4 m year−1 near the coastal and central parts of the study area and is almost constant in the remaining area. We conclude that the contribution of man-made activities on groundwater level is well compared with natural factors. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Irrigation return flow coefficients, i.e. the ratio between the quantity of water returned from the cultivated area to the groundwater system and the amount of abstraction, vary by more than 50% for rice cultivation using standing water irrigation to 0% in the case of drip irrigation technique. This component of the groundwater budget plays an important role, particularly in intensively irrigated areas. Thus, to avoid any inaccurate aquifer budgeting, modelling and consequently any erroneous watershed management, this component needs to be accurately assessed for a particular time‐step (e.g. weekly, seasonally) onto the studied area. The present paper proposes a cost‐effective and useful methodology for assessing irrigation return flow coefficients (Cf = irrigation return flow/pumping flow) based on (i) basic crops field survey and meteorological data and (ii) the use of a simple hydraulic model that combines both water balance technique and unsaturated/saturated flow theory. An attempt to estimate the uncertainty of irrigation return flow coefficient estimates based on the uncertainty introduced by the pumping and the natural spatial variability of the soil characteristics is also proposed. Results have been compared to real field conditions and allow us to (i) estimate the uncertainty and (ii) validate and demonstrate the robustness of the applied methodology. The proposed methodology allows relatively good estimates of the irrigation return flow coefficients at watershed and seasonal scale. The irrigation return flow coefficients are calculated as: 51 ± 8% in rainy season (Kharif) and 48 ± 4% in summer (Rabi) for rice; 26 ± 11% in rainy season and 24 ± 4% in summer for vegetables; 13 ± 8% in rainy season and 11 ± 3% in summer for flowers. These results were found to be consistent with the existing literature. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins is crucial to the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This study explores the temporal sampling issues and the role of flux measurements in the characterization of heterogeneity in groundwater basins using numerical experiments. The experiments involve a digital basin imitating the groundwater basin of the North China Plain (NCP), where the groundwater exploitation reduction program is ongoing. Using the experiments, we champion that the reduction program could collect groundwater level information induced by operational variations of existing pumping wells at different locations in the basin. Such a dataset could serve as a basin-scale hydraulic tomography (HT) to characterize the basin-scale heterogeneity cost-effectively. Both steady-state and transient-state inversion experiments demonstrate the advantage of HT surveys in characterizing basin-scale heterogeneity over conventional pumping tests at fixed well locations. Additionally, head data at the early, intermediate, and late time from well hydrographs should be selected for the HT analysis to maximize HT's power and save computational costs. When accurate geological zones are incorporated in prior information, flux measurements significantly improve parameter estimates based on conventional pumping tests. However, their effects are less noticeable for long-term HT surveys in such basin-scale aquifers without fissures or fractures. This basin-scale tomographic survey example serves a guide for field data collection and optimization of the analysis of future basin-scale HT.  相似文献   

Bredehoeft J 《Ground water》2011,49(4):468-475
An aquifer, in a stream/aquifer system, acts as a storage reservoir for groundwater. Groundwater pumping creates stream depletion that recharges the aquifer. As wells in the aquifer are moved away from the stream, the aquifer acts to filter out annual fluctuations in pumping; with distance the stream depletion tends to become equal to the total pumping averaged as an annual rate, with only a small fluctuation. This is true for both a single well and an ensemble of wells. A typical growing season in much of the western United States is 3 to 4 months. An ensemble of irrigation wells spread more or less uniformly across an aquifer several miles wide, pumping during the growing season, will deplete the stream by approximately one-third of the total amount of water pumped during the growing season. The remaining two-thirds of stream depletion occurs outside the growing season. Furthermore, it takes more than a decade of pumping for an ensemble of wells to reach a steady-state condition in which the impact on the stream is the same in succeeding years. After a decade or more of pumping, the depletion is nearly constant through the year, with only a small seasonal fluctuation: ±10%. Conversely, stream depletion following shutting down the pumping from an ensemble of wells takes more than a decade to fully recover from the prior pumping. Effectively managing a conjunctive groundwater and surface water system requires integrating the entire system into a single management institution with a long-term outlook.  相似文献   

Karst spring measurements assess biogeochemical processes occurring within groundwater contributing areas to springs (springsheds) but can only provide aggregated information. To better understand spatially distributed processes that comprise these aggregated measures, we investigated aquifer denitrification evidence in groundwater wells (n = 16) distributed throughout a springshed in the Upper Floridan aquifer in northern Florida. Aquifer geochemistry, nitrate isotopes, and dissolved gases were compared against similar measurements at the spring outlet to evaluate spatial heterogeneity of denitrification evidence in relation to land surface–aquifer connectivity. Sample locations spanned spatial variation in recharge processes (i.e., diffuse vs. focused recharge) and proximity to sources of denitrification reactants (e.g., wetlands). Although no distinct spatial pattern in denitrification was uncovered, excess dissolved N2 gas measurements were only above detection in the unconfined springshed, with some evidence of a wetland proximity effect. Measured oxidation–reduction potential and dissolved oxygen poorly predicted denitrification, indicating that measured denitrification may be occurring upgradient from sampled wells. Despite dramatic spatial chemical heterogeneity across wells, mean values for recharge nitrate concentrations (0.02 to 5.56 mg N L?1) and excess N2 from aquifer denitrification (below detection to 1.37 mg N L?1) corresponded reasonably with mean spring outlet measurements for initial nitrate (0.78 to 1.36 mg N L?1) and excess N2 (0.15 to 1.04 mg N L?1). Congruence between groundwater and spring measurements indicates that combining sampling at the spring outlet and across the springshed is useful for understanding spatial aquifer denitrification. However, this approach would be improved with a high‐density sampling network with transects of wells along distinct groundwater flow paths.  相似文献   

Gyoo‐Bum Kim 《水文研究》2010,24(24):3535-3546
A number of groundwater wells for agricultural activity, including rice farming and greenhouses, have been developed near streams over the past 20 years in South Korea. The result of a stream depletion calculation using an analytical solution of complimentary error function shows that groundwater pumping at 1949 wells drilled in the Gapcheon watershed can produce stream depletion. This amount is estimated at about 7% of annual baseflow and reaches as high as 18% of monthly baseflow during the maximum agricultural water consumption period in May. Agricultural wells have a larger effect on stream depletion than domestic wells because of their higher pumping rate. Stream depletion from agricultural wells located within 200 m from a stream represents 65% of the total depletion rate. Agricultural water policy for water use at nearby streams should be changed to reduce stream depletion and thereby maintain sustainable water development in South Korea. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The term capture, related to the source of water derived from wells, has been used in two distinct yet related contexts by the hydrologic community. The first is a water‐budget context, in which capture refers to decreases in the rates of groundwater outflow and (or) increases in the rates of recharge along head‐dependent boundaries of an aquifer in response to pumping. The second is a transport context, in which capture zone refers to the specific flowpaths that define the three‐dimensional, volumetric portion of a groundwater flow field that discharges to a well. A closely related issue that has become associated with the source of water to wells is streamflow depletion, which refers to the reduction in streamflow caused by pumping, and is a type of capture. Rates of capture and streamflow depletion are calculated by use of water‐budget analyses, most often with groundwater‐flow models. Transport models, particularly particle‐tracking methods, are used to determine capture zones to wells. In general, however, transport methods are not useful for quantifying actual or potential streamflow depletion or other types of capture along aquifer boundaries. To clarify the sometimes subtle differences among these terms, we describe the processes and relations among capture, capture zones, and streamflow depletion, and provide proposed terminology to distinguish among them.  相似文献   

Remediation of subsurface contamination requires an understanding of the contaminant (history, source location, plume extent and concentration, etc.), and, knowledge of the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) that governs groundwater flow and solute transport. Many methods exist for characterizing K heterogeneity, but most if not all methods require the collection of a large number of small‐scale data and its interpolation. In this study, we conduct a hydraulic tomography survey at a highly heterogeneous glaciofluvial deposit at the North Campus Research Site (NCRS) located at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada to sequentially interpret four pumping tests using the steady‐state form of the Sequential Successive Linear Estimator (SSLE) ( Yeh and Liu 2000 ). The resulting three‐dimensional (3D) K distribution (or K‐tomogram) is compared against: ( 1 ) K distributions obtained through the inverse modeling of individual pumping tests using SSLE, and ( 2 ) effective hydraulic conductivity (Keff) estimates obtained by automatically calibrating a groundwater flow model while treating the medium to be homogeneous. Such a Keff is often used for designing remediation operations, and thus is used as the basis for comparison with the K‐tomogram. Our results clearly show that hydraulic tomography is superior to the inversions of single pumping tests or Keff estimates. This is particularly significant for contaminated sites where an accurate representation of the flow field is critical for simulating contaminant transport and injection of chemical and biological agents used for active remediation of contaminant source zones and plumes.  相似文献   

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