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Kinetic experiments of gas generation for typical samples of marine gas precursors including low-maturity kerogen,residual kerogen and oil as well as dispersed liquid hydrocarbon(DLH)in source rocks were performed by closed system,and the evolution trends of molecular and isotopic compositions of natural gases from different precursors against the maturity(R0%)at laboratory conditions were analyzed.Several diagrams of gas origin were calibrated by using the experimental data.A diagram based on the ratio of normal and isomerous butane and pentane(i/nC4-i/nC5)was proposed and used to identify the origins of the typical marine natural gases in the Sichuan Basin and the Tarim Basin, China.And the maturities of natural gases were estimated by using the statistical relationships between the gaseous molecular carbon isotopic data and maturities(δ13C-R 0 %)with different origins.The results indicate that the molecular and isotopic compositions of simulated gases from different precursors are different from each other.For example,the dryness index of the oil-cracking gas is the lowest;the dryness indices of gases from DLH and kerogen in closed system are almost the same;and the dryness index of gases from residual kerogen is extremely high,indicating that the kerogen gases are very dry;the contents of non-hydrocarbon gases in kerogen-cracking gases are far higher than those in oil-cracking and DLH-cracking gases.The molecular carbon isotopes of oil-cracking gases are the lightest,those of kerogen in closed system and GLH-cracking gases are the second lightest,and those of cracking gases from residual kerogen are the heaviest.The calibration results indicate that the diagrams of ln(C1/C2)-ln(C2/C3)andδ13C2-δ13C3-ln(C2/C3)can discriminate primary and secondary cracking gases,but cannot be used to identify gas origin sources,while the diagram of i/nC4-i/nC5 can differentiate the gases from different precursors.The application results of these diagrams show that gas mixtures extensively exist in China,which involved the gases from multiple precursors and those from different maturity stages.For example,marine gases in the Sichuan Basin involve the mixture of oil-cracking gases and high-over-maturated kerogen gases,while those in the Tarim Basin involve not only the mixture of gases from multiple precursors,but also those from different maturity gases and post-reservoir alternations such as oxidized degradation and gas intrusion processes. 相似文献
Natural gases discovered up to now in Lishui Sag,the East China Sea Basin,differ greatly in gaseous compositions,of which hydrocarbon gases amount to 2%―94%while non-hydrocarbon gases are dominated by CO2.Their hydrocarbon gases,without exception,contain less than 90%of methane and over 10%of C2 heavier hydrocarbons,indicating a wet gas.Carbon isotopic analyses on these hydrocarbon gases showed thatδ13C 1 ,δ13C 2 andδ13C 3 are basically lighter than-44‰,-29‰and-26‰, respectively.The difference in carbon isotopic values between methane and ethane is great,suggesting a biogenic oil-type gas produced by the mixed organic matter at peak generation.δ13C CO2 values of nonhydrocarbon gases are all heavier than-10‰,indicating a typical abiogenic gas.The simulation experiment on hydrocarbon generation of organic matter in a closed gold-tube system showed that the proportion of methane in natural gases produced by terrigenous organic matter in the Lingfeng Formation marine deposit is obviously higher than that in natural gases derived from the aquatic and terrigenous mixed organic matter in the Yueguifeng Formation lacustrine deposit,consequently the proportion of heavier hydrocarbons of the former is remarkably lower than that of the latter.Moreover, δ13C 1 values of natural gases produced by terrigenous organic matter in the Lingfeng Formation marine deposit are about 5‰heavier than those of natural gases derived from the aquatic and terrigenous mixed organic matter in the Yueguifeng Formation lacustrine deposit whileδ13C 2 andδ13C 3 values of the former are over 9‰heavier than those of the latter.Currently the LS36-1 oil-gas pool is the only commercial oil-gas reservoir in Lishui Sag,where carbon isotopic compositions of various hydrocarbon components differ greatly from those of natural gases produced by the Lingfeng Formation organic matter but are very similar to those of natural gases derived from the Yueguifeng Formation organic matter,therefore,natural gases in the LS36-1 oil-gas pool are mainly derived from the Yueguifeng Formation lacustrine source rock rather than the Lingfeng Formation marine or Mingyuefeng Formation coal-measures source rocks. 相似文献
The supersaturation of neon in southeastern Pacific deep sea water is unexpectedly high, 6.6% on the average, while surface waters have values about a factor of two lower. A comparison of neon and argon concentrations indicates the presence of injected air in the deep water. The results from surface samples cannot be reconciled with air injection. 相似文献
Marianne Mareschal 《Surveys in Geophysics》1986,8(3):261-300
Traditional interpretation of regional induction studies relies on the assumption that the external inducing field is quasi-form. My review is devoted to as clear as possible a definition of the limitations of this assumption, which is not always justified. Therefore, I will first systematically describe the actual current systems responsible for induction at high, middle or low-latitudes, and then review the means presently available for taking their localised nature into consideration when interpretating surface electromagnetic data. Realistic source models will be presented for all latitudes.
Résumé Les méthodes géophysiques traditionnelles basées sur l'induction électromagnétique régionale utilisent toutes l'hypothèse de base suivant laquelle le champ externe inducteur est quasi-uniforme. Puisque cette hypothèse n'est pas toujours justifiable, ma revue a pour but de définir ses limites aussi clairement que possible. Pour ce faire, je décrirai d'abord systématiquement les véritables systèmes de courants responsables de l'induction à hautes, moyennes ou basses latitudes, pour passer ensuite aux méthodes permettant de prendre en considération leur étendue limitée lors de l'interprétation d'observations de surface. Des modèles réalistes de sources seront présentés pour toutes latitudes.相似文献
Midwater signatures of eight common types of marine seismic sources have been recorded and characteristics of importance for high-resolution reflection profiling have been analyzed. Analyzed characteristics include wavelet shape, peak frequency, bandwidth, repeatability and directivity. Digitization rates required to describe the signatures before any processing and after whitening deconvolution were determined.It was intended that most of the broad range of available source types be represented. Toward that end, both resonant and impulsive types were studied; the impulsive types being both electric-discharge and pneumatic. They included a conventional sonar transducer, a chirped sonar transducer, a boomer, a plasmagun, a multi tip sparker, a watergun, an airgun and three sizes of sleevegun.It was observed that the peak frequency of each conventional sonar is similar to its nominal value and that of the chirped sonar is about the midpoint of its nominal sweep bandwidth. The dominant frequencies of the electric-discharge impulsive sources are about an order of magnitude higher than those of the pneumatic impulsive sources. Among impulsive sources, the boomer has the highest peak frequency and the watergun has the broadest bandwidth. The sleevegun and airgun were found to be comparable, both having low frequencies, poor repeatability and weak directivity. The conventional sonar and the boomer are the most repeatable sources. The boomer shows the strongest directivity with the chip sonar and the watergun being the most nondirectional.Sample rates required to describe the unprocessed signatures vary from 2 to 88 times the peak frequency and from 1 to 4 times the bandwidth 40dB below peak power. The required rate depends largely on source type but can also be affected by energy level. Bandwidth seems to be a more stable indicator than peak frequency. Rates required to describe the results of applying whitening deconvolution to signatures were about 1.5–3 times higher than rates calculated for the unprocessed signatures. This leads to the conclusion that the digitization rate required in a specific situation can depend as much on the intended processing scheme as it does on source type. 相似文献
Keisuke Nagao Nobuo Takaoka Osamu Matsubayashi 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1981,53(2):175-188
Isotopic and elemental compositions of rare gases in various types of gas samples collected in the Japanese Islands were investigated. Excess3He was found in most samples. Many samples showed a regionally uniform high3He/4He ratio of about 7 times the atmospheric ratio. The He concentrations varied from 0.6 to 1800 ppm, and they were low in CO2-rich gases and high in N2-rich gases. Ne isotopic deviations from the atmospheric Ne were detected in most volcanic gases. The deviations and the elemental abundance patterns in volcanic gases can be explained by a mixing between two components, one is mass fractionated rare gases and the other is isotopically atmospheric and is enriched in heavy rare gas elements. Ar was a mixture of mass fractionated Ar, atmospheric Ar and radiogenic Ar, and the contribution of radiogenic40Ar was small in all samples. Except for He, elemental abundance patterns were progressively enriched in the heavier rare gases relative to the atmosphere. Several samples were highly enriched in Kr and Xe relative to the abundance pattern of dissolution equilibrium of atmospheric rare gases in water. The component which is highly enriched in heavy rare gases may be released from sedimentary materials in the crust. 相似文献
Material sources of escaped gases from Tianchi volcanic geothermal area, Changbai Mountains 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
On the basis of the chemical components and stable isotopic compositions of escaped gases from the Tianchi volcanic geothermal
area, the material sources of these gases are discussed, presenting that they are mainly derived from the residual mantle-derived
magma in the crust; Changbai geothermal area may be directly interlinked with the eruption canal in history; there is a stable
reservoir of the geothermal water and the deep-seated gases under the Changbai geothermal area, with water temperature of
the reservoir being about (166 ± 9)°C.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 相似文献
Strategy for mitigation of marine debris: Analysis of sources and composition of marine debris in northern Taiwan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Six sites (two sites for each of rocky shores, sandy beaches, and fishing ports) in northern Taiwan were selected to investigate the amount and density of marine debris in each of the four seasons and after spring and neap tides from 2012 to 2013. The results indicate that marine debris was higher on rocky shores than sandy beaches and fishing ports. There is no significant difference between season and tide. The dominant debris was plastic-type, followed by polystyrene. The majority of debris originated from recreational activities, followed from ocean/waterway activities. The results suggest that the following actions are needed: (1) continue and reinforce the plastic-limit policy; (2) increase the cleaning frequency at rocky shores; (3) promote marine environmental education, with a goal of debris-free coasts; (4) recycle fishing gear and to turn that gear into energy; and (5) coordinate between agencies to establish a mechanism to monitor debris. 相似文献
In order to suppress the airwave noise in marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) data, we propose a 3D deconvolution (3DD) interferometry method with a synthetic aperture source and obtain the relative anomaly coefficient (RAC) of the EM field reflection responses to show the degree for suppressing the airwave. We analyze the potential of the proposed method for suppressing the airwave, and compare the proposed method with traditional methods in their effectiveness. A method to select synthetic source length is derived and the effect of the water depth on RAC is examined via numerical simulations. The results suggest that 3DD interferometry method with a synthetic source can effectively suppress the airwave and enhance the potential of marine CSEM to hydrocarbon exploration. 相似文献
The risk from natural catastrophes is typically estimated using complex simulation models involving multiple stochastic components in a nested structure. This risk is principally assessed via the mean annual loss, and selected quantiles of the annual loss. Determining an appropriate simulation strategy is important in order to achieve satisfactory convergence of these statistics, without excessive computation time and data storage requirements. This necessitates an understanding of the relative contribution of each of the stochastic components to the total variance of the statistics. A simple framework using random effects models and analysis of variance is used to partition the variance of the annual loss, which permits calculation of the variance of the mean annual loss with varying numbers of samples of each of the components. An extension to quantiles is developed using the empirical distribution function in combination with bootstrapping. The methods are applied to a European flood model, where the primary stochastic component relates to the frequency and severity of flood events, and three secondary components relate to defence levels, exposure locations and building vulnerability. As expected, it is found that the uncertainty due to the secondary components increases as the size of the portfolio of exposures decreases, and is higher for industrial and commercial business, compared with residential for all statistics of interest. In addition, interesting insights are gained as to the impact of flood defences on convergence. 相似文献
含天然气水合物的海底沉积物的电学特性实验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
电阻率法是估算含水合物储层饱和度的常用方法之一.为了解海底沉积物中天然气水合物的电学特性,利用搭建的天然气水合物电阻率测量系统,以天然气水合物-南海沉积物-3.5%的盐水为研究体系,测量了天然气水合物在沉积物中形成过程中温度、压力、电阻率的变化.天然气水合物在水饱和的沉积物中由溶解气与水形成.实验中通过液压系统对沉积物压实以及采用较薄的样品来保证水合物在筒状的沉积物的均匀分布.当实验结束时,样品中水合物的饱和度达到39.8%时,样品的电阻率从水饱和时的2.024 Ωm增大到水合物饱和度为39.8%时的2.878 Ωm,增加到了1.4倍.电阻率法可以有效的识别含水合物的沉积物.实验测试结果表明,该实验装置工作稳定可靠,可为研究含天然气水合物的电学特性与饱和度的定量关系提供实验模拟技术支持. 相似文献
Nitrogen and noble gases were measured in samples of a glass inclusion and the surrounding basaltic matrix from the antarctic shergottite EETA 79001. A nitrogen component trapped in the glass, but not present in the matrix, has a δ15N value at least as high as +190‰. Ratios of40Ar/14N and15N/14N in the glass are consistent with dilution of a martian atmospheric component (δ15N = 620 ± 160‰,40Ar/14N= 0.33 ± 0.03) by either terrestrial atmosphere adsorbed on the samples or by indigenous nitrogen from the minerals of the rock. Trapped noble gases in the glass reproduce, within error, the elemental and isotopic compositions measured in Mars' atmosphere by Viking, and are in general agreement with previous measurements except for much lower abundances of neutron-generated krypton and xenon isotopes. The most reasonable explanation at the present time for the noble gas pattern and the isotopically heavy nitrogen is that a sample of martian atmosphere has been trapped in the EETA 79001 glass, and that this meteorite, and thus the shergottites and probably the nakhlites and chassignites as well, originated on Mars.Nitrogen in the non-glassy matrix of EETA 79001 amounts to less than 0.5 ppm and has a spallation-corrected δ15N value in the range 0 to ?20‰; it may reflect indigenous nitrogen in the basalt or a mixture of indigenous and adsorbed terrestrial nitrogen. Spallogenic noble gases yield single-stage exposure ages between 400,000 and 900,000 years, depending on irradiation geometry. Trapped argon may have an unusually low36Ar/38Ar ratio. Trapped krypton, except for a small excess at80Kr, is smoothly mass-fractionated with respect to either terrestrial or chondritic Kr. The trapped xenon composition is consistent with addition of neutron-capture, radiogenic and fissiogenic isotopes to a base composition resembling terrestrial atmospheric Xe. The elemental84Kr/132Xe ratio of 25 is close to the terrestrial value and very different from the chondritic ratio. 相似文献
Marcio M. Lobão Jari N. Cardoso Marcio R. Mello Paul W. Brooks Claudio C. Lopes Rosangela S.C. Lopes 《Marine pollution bulletin》2010,60(12):2263-2274
The current work aimed to identify the source of an oil spill off the coast of Maranhão, Brazil, in September 2005 and effect a preliminary geochemical survey of this environment. A combination of bulk analytical parameters, such as carbon isotope (δ13C) and Ni/V ratios, and conventional fingerprinting methods (High Resolution Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry) were used. The use of bulk methods greatly speeded source identification for this relatively unaltered spill: identification of the likely source was possible at this stage. Subsequent fingerprinting of biomarker distributions supported source assignment, pointing to a non-Brazilian oil. Steranes proved the most useful biomarkers for sample correlation in this work. Distribution patterns of environmentally more resilient compound types, such as certain aromatic structures, proved inconclusive for correlation, probably in view of their presence in the background. 相似文献
The Earth's mantle contains a mixture of primordial noble gases, in particular solar-type helium and neon, and radiogenic rare gases from long-lived U, 232Th, 40K and short-lived 129I, 244Pu. Rocks derived from deep mantle plume magmatism like on Hawaii or Iceland contain a higher proportion of primordial nuclides than rocks from the shallow upper mantle, e.g. mid ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). This is widely regarded as the key evidence for survival of a less degassed and more “primitive” reservoir within the lower mantle. We present an evaluation of noble gas composition showing the shallow mantle to have about five times more radiogenic (relative to primordial) isotopes than Hawaii/Iceland-type plume reservoirs, no matter if short- or long-lived decay systems are considered. This fundamental property suggests that both MORB and plume-type noble gases are mixtures of: (1) a homogeneous radiogenic component present throughout most of the mantle and (2) a uniform primordial noble gas component with very minor radiogenic ingrowth. This conclusion depends crucially on the observed excess of radiogenic Xe in plume-derived rocks, and is only valid if this Xe excess is inherent to the plume sources.Possible sources of the primordial component of mantle plume reservoirs—and possibly also the MORB mantle—could be mantle reservoirs that remained relatively isolated over most of Earth's history (“blobs”, a deep abyssal layer, or the D” layer), but these need a considerable concentration of primordial gases to compensate U, Th, K decay over 4.5 Ga. Earth's core is evaluated as an alternative viable source feeding primordial nuclides into mantle reservoirs: even low metal-silicate partitioning coefficients allow sufficient primordial noble gases to be incorporated into the early forming core, as the undifferentiated proto-Earth was initially gas-rich. Massive mantle degassing soon after core formation then provides the opposite concentration gradient that allows primordial noble gases reentering the mantle at the core-mantle boundary, probably via partial mantle melts. Another possible source of primordial noble gases in Earth's mantle are subducted sediments containing extraterrestrial dust with solar He and Ne, but this supply mechanism crucially depends on largely unconstrained parameters. The latter two scenarios do not require the preservation of a “primitive” mantle reservoir over 4.5 Ga, and can potentially better reconcile increasing geochemical evidence of recycled lithospheric components in mantle plumes and seismic evidence for whole mantle convection. 相似文献
M.A. VasilievP. Blum G. ChubarianR. Olsen C. BennightT. Cobine D. FacklerM. Hastedt D. HouptZ. Mateo Y.B. Vasilieva 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2011,75(3):455-463
A new high-efficiency and low-background system for the measurement of natural gamma radioactivity in marine sediment and rock cores retrieved from beneath the seabed was designed, built, and installed on the JOIDES Resolution research vessel. The system includes eight large NaI(Tl) detectors that measure adjacent intervals of the core simultaneously, maximizing counting times and minimizing statistical error for the limited measurement times available during drilling expeditions. Effect to background ratio is maximized with passive lead shielding, including both ordinary and low-activity lead. Large-area plastic scintillator active shielding filters background associated with the high-energy part of cosmic radiation. The new system has at least an order of magnitude higher statistical reliability and significantly enhances data quality compared to other offshore natural gamma radiation (NGR) systems designed to measure geological core samples. Reliable correlations and interpretations of cored intervals are possible at rates of a few counts per second. 相似文献
Linda J. Young Carol A. Gotway 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2007,21(5):589-600
A nationwide Environmental Public Health Tracking program is being created to monitor environmental impacts on human health.
This, and many other efforts to relate environmental and health outcomes, depend largely on the synthesis of existing data
sets; little new data are being generated for this purpose. More often than not, the data available for such synthesis have
been collected for different geographic or spatial units, and any set of these units may be different from the one of interest.
In this paper, we compare and contrast two approaches that can be used within a Geographic Information System to link spatial
data from different sources. The first approach works with centroids of areal units and is commonly used in environmental
health analyses. The second approach honors the spatial support (size, shape and orientation) of the data. Using traditional
regression models and a spatially-varying coefficient regression model, we show that different linkage methods can lead to
different inference. We describe key ideas pertaining to the support of spatial data that are often ignored in many analyses
of environmental health data and present a general analytical approach to change-of-support problems. 相似文献
Carlos Sainz Ismael Fuente Luis Quindós Jose Luis Gutierrez Jose Luis Arteche Luis Santiago Quindós 《Acta Geophysica》2010,58(5):957-962
People working with ionising radiation are receiving radiation coming from artificial and natural sources. In Spain, as in
many other countries, there is a serious control by the national authorities, Spanish Nuclear Safety Council, of the dose
the workers receive from artificial sources. However, until the publication of the European Basic Safety Standards Directive,
96/29/EURATOM, the old criteria referring to the “above natural background” were widely used. This directive was incorporated
to the Spanish legislation in July 2001 (BOE 178); in its Title VII it recommends to evaluate the dose coming from natural
sources and take it into account for establishing the safety criteria. It is noteworthy to assess the natural doses received
at homes and the dose received by workers of radioactive installations subject to regulations, and to compare the two results.
The social and economical implications of the results derived can be important in the practical application of the recommendations
included in the above-mentioned BOE 178 Directive. 相似文献