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Little Kickapoo Creek (LKC), a low‐gradient stream, mobilizes its streambed–fundamentally altering its near‐surface hyporheic zone–more frequently than do higher‐gradient mountain and karst streams. LKC streambed mobility was assessed through streambed surveys, sediment sampling, and theoretical calculations comparing basal shear stress (τb) with critical shear stress (τc). Baseflow τb is capable of entraining a d50 particle; bankfull flow could entrain a 51·2 mm particle. No particle that large occurs in the top 30 cm of the substrate, suggesting that the top 30 cm of the substrate is mobilized and redistributed during bankfull events. Bankfull events occur on average every 7·6 months; flows capable of entraining d50 and d85 particles occur on average every 0·85 and 2·1 months, respectively. Streambed surveys verify streambed mobility at conditions below bankfull. While higher gradient streams have higher potential energy than LKC, they achieve streambed‐mobilization thresholds less frequently. Heterogeneous sediment redistribution creates an environment where substrate hydraulic conductivity (K) varies over four orders of magnitude. The frequency and magnitude of the substrate entrainment has implications on hyporheic zone function in fluid, solute and thermal transport models, interpretations of hyporheic zone stability, and understanding of LKC's aquatic ecosystem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The flow magnitude and timing from hydroelectric dams in the Snake River Basin of the Pacific north‐western US is managed in part for the benefit of salmon. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of Hells Canyon Dam discharge operations on hydrologic exchange flows between the river and riverbed in Snake River fall Chinook salmon spawning areas. Interactions between river water and pore water within the upper 1 m of the riverbed were quantified through the use of self‐contained temperature and water level data loggers suspended inside of piezometers. The data were recorded at 20 min intervals over a period of 200 days when the mean daily discharge was 218–605 m3 s?1, with hourly stage changes as large as 1·9 m. Differences in head pressure between the river and riverbed were small, often within ± 2 cm. Measured temperature gradients in the riverbed indicated significant interactions between the surface and subsurface water. At the majority of sites, neither hydraulic nor temperature gradients were significantly affected by either short‐ or long‐term changes in discharge operations from Hells Canyon Dam. Only 2 of 14 study sites exhibited acute flux reversals between the river and riverbed resulting from short‐term, large magnitude changes in discharge. The findings suggest that local scale measurements may not be wholly explanatory of the hydrological exchange between the river and riverbed. The processes controlling surface water exchange at the study sites are likely to be bedform‐induced advective pumping, turbulence at the riverbed surface, and large‐scale hydraulic gradients along the longitudinal profile of the riverbed. By incorporating the knowledge of hydrological exchange processes into water management planning, regional agencies will be better prepared to manage the limited water resources among competing priorities that include salmon recovery, flood control, irrigation supply, hydropower production, and recreation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In watersheds impacted by nitrate from agricultural fertilizers, nitrification and denitrification may be decoupled as denitrification in the hyporheic zone is not limited to naturally produced nitrate. While most hyporheic research focuses on the 1–2 m of sediment beneath the stream bed, there are a limited number of studies that quantify nitrogen (N) cycling at larger hyporheic scales (10s of metres to kms). We conducted an investigation to quantify N cycling through a single meander of a low gradient, meandering stream, draining an agricultural watershed. Chemistry (major ions and N species) and hydrologic data were collected from the stream and groundwater beneath the meander. Evidence indicates that nearly all the shallow groundwater flowing beneath the meander originates as stream water on the upgradient side of the meander, and returns to the stream on the downgradient side. We quantified the flux of water beneath the meander using a numerical model. The flux of N into and out of the meander was quantified by multiplying the concentration of the important N species (nitrate, ammonium, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)) by the modelled water fluxes. The flux of N into the meander is dominated by nitrate, and the flux of N out of the meander is dominated by ammonium and DON. While stream nitrate varied seasonally, ammonium and DON beneath the meander were relatively constant throughout the year. When stream nitrate concentrations are high (>2 mg litre?1), flow beneath the meander is a net sink for N as more N from nitrate in stream water is consumed than is produced as ammonium and DON. When stream nitrate concentrations are low (<2 mg litre?1), the flux of N entering is less than exiting the meander. On an annual basis, the meander hyporheic flow serves as a net sink for N. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentrations in sediments and in surface and interstitial water from three gravel bars in a large river (Garonne River, southern France) were measured daily, downstream of a wastewater treatment plant for a city of 740 000 inhabitants (Toulouse). Measurements were made of vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) in water and of three extractable forms of phosphorus (water extractable, NaOH extractable and H2SO4 extractable) in hyporheic sediments from the gravel bars. Dissolved phosphorus was the major contributor to TP (74–79%) in both interstitial and surface waters on all sampling dates, and in most cases surface water P concentrations were significantly higher than interstitial concentrations. Hyporheic sediment TP concentrations ranged between 269 and 465 µg g?1 and were highest in fine sediment fractions. Acid‐extractable P, a non‐bioavailable form, represented at least 95% of sediment TP. A positive relationship was observed between VHG and TP in two of the gravel bars, with wells that were strongly downwelling having lower TP concentrations. These results suggest that in downwelling zones, hyporheic sediments can trap surface‐derived dissolved P, and that much of this P becomes stored in refractory particulate forms. Bioavailable P is mainly present in dissolved form and only occupies a small fraction of total P, with particulate P comprising the majority of total P. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Surface water–groundwater interaction in the hyporheic zone may enhance biogeochemical cycling in streams, and it has been hypothesized that streams exchanging more water with the hyporheic zone should have more rapid nitrate utilization. We used simultaneous conservative solute and nitrate addition tracer tests to measure transient storage (which includes hyporheic exchange and in‐stream storage) and the rate of nitrate uptake along three reaches within the Red Canyon Creek watershed, Wyoming. We calibrated a one‐dimensional transport model, incorporating transient storage (OTIS‐P), to the conservative solute breakthrough curves and used the results to determine the degree of transient storage in each reach. The nitrate uptake length was quantified from the exponential decrease in nitrate concentration with distance during the tracer tests. Nitrate uptake along the most downstream reach of Red Canyon Creek was rapid (turnover time K?1c = 32 min), compared with nitrate uptake reported in other studies (K?1c = 12 to 551 min), but other sites within the watershed showed little nitrate retention or loss. The uptake length Sw‐NO?3 for the most downstream reach was 500 m and the mass transfer coefficient Vf‐NO?3 was 6·3 m min?1. Results from 15 other nitrate‐addition tracer tests were used to create a regression model relating transient storage and measures of stream flow to nitrate uptake length. The model, which includes specific discharge and transient storage area, explains almost half the variability in nitrate uptake length (adjusted R2 = 0·44) and is most effective for comparing sites with very different stream characteristics. Although large differences in specific discharge and storage zone area explain inter‐site differences in nitrate uptake, other unmeasured variables, such as available organic carbon and microbial community composition, are likely important for predicting differences in nitrate uptake between sites with similar specific discharge rates and storage zone areas, such as when making intra‐site comparisons. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seepage rate and direction measured with a seepage metre modified for use in flowing water were greatly variable along a 300‐m reach of a shallow, gravel‐bed river and depended primarily on the local‐scale bed topography. The median value of seepage measured at 24 locations was 24 cm/day, but seepage measured at specific sites ranged from ?340 to +237 cm/day. Seepage also varied substantially over periods of hours to days and occasionally reversed direction in response to evolution of the sediment bed. Vertical hydraulic conductivity was related to seepage direction and was larger during upward seepage than during downward seepage; with differences ranging from 4 to 40% in areas of active sediment transport to more than an order of magnitude in areas where current was too slow to mobilize bed sediment. Seepage was poorly related to hydraulic gradient measured over vertical distances of 0·3 m and appeared to be opposite the hydraulic gradient at 18% of the locations where both parameters were measured. Results demonstrate the scale dependence of these measurements in coarse‐grained hyporheic settings and indicate that hydraulic gradients should be determined over a much shorter vertical increment if used to indicate exchange across the sediment–water interface. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the applicability of selected pharmaceutical compounds (e.g. sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen) as anthropogenic indicators for the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the hyporheic zone of an alluvial stream. Differences in transport behaviour and the resulting distribution of the pharmaceuticals in the riverine groundwater were evaluated. The investigated field site in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe is represented by low permeable sediments and confined aquifer conditions. Water samples from single‐screen and multilevel observation wells installed in the riverbank at the field site were taken and analysed for selected pharmaceuticals and major ions for a period of 6 months. Surface water and groundwater levels were recorded to detect effluent and influent aquifer conditions. Nearly all pharmaceuticals that were detected in the stream were also found in the riverine groundwater. However, concentrations were significantly lower in groundwater than in surface water. A classification into mobile and sorbing/degradable pharmaceuticals based on their transport relevant properties was made and verified by the field data. Gradients with depth for some of these pharmaceuticals were documented and a more detailed understanding of the system stream/riverbank was obtained. It was demonstrated that the selected pharmaceutical compounds can be used as anthropogenic indicators at the investigated field site. However, not all compounds seem to be suitable indicators as their transport behaviour is not fully understood. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the effects of invertebrates on the physical characteristics and microbial processes in hyporheic sediments. We investigated the impacts of an assemblage of three taxa (asellids, chironomid larvae, and tubificid worms) on sediment distribution, water fluxes, sediment organic carbon, biofilm (attached bacteria) characteristics, and O2, dissolved organic carbon NO3?, NO2?, and NH4+ concentrations in slow filtration sand–gravel columns. The results showed that invertebrates clearly modified the distribution of particles in the sediment column, probably because of the structures (tubes, macropores, and faecal pellets) produced by the three taxa in the sediment. Our assessment of water fluxes indicated that invertebrate activities led to an increase in the porosity of the sediment columns. In addition, aerobic (O2 consumption) and anaerobic (denitrification and fermentative decomposition of organic matter) microbial processes occurring in the sediment were stimulated in the presence of invertebrates. Finally, the present study demonstrates that invertebrates can act as ecosystem engineers in heterogeneous sediments that are under the influence of an advective flux of water. The solute residence time increased in columns containing the faunal assemblage. Micro‐organisms used more dissolved organic matter and nutrients in the presence of invertebrates because invertebrate activities increased the contact between the biofilm and water. We conclude that engineering by invertebrates in natural conditions modifies characteristics of the hyporheic zone and thereby enhances both the porosity of the sediment and the solute transport across the benthic interface. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A thin layer of fine‐grained sediment commonly is deposited at the sediment–water interface of streams and rivers during low‐flow conditions, and may hinder exchange at the sediment–water interface similar to that observed at many riverbank‐filtration (RBF) sites. Results from a numerical groundwater‐flow model indicate that a low‐permeability veneer reduces the contribution of river water to a pumping well in a riparian aquifer to various degrees, depending on simulated hydraulic gradients, hydrogeological properties, and pumping conditions. Seepage of river water is reduced by 5–10% when a 2‐cm thick, low‐permeability veneer is present on the bed surface. Increasing thickness of the low‐permeability layer to 0·1 m has little effect on distribution of seepage or percentage contribution from the river to the pumping well. A three‐orders‐of‐magnitude reduction in hydraulic conductivity of the veneer is required to reduce seepage from the river to the extent typically associated with clogging at RBF sites. This degree of reduction is much larger than field‐measured values that were on the order of a factor of 20–25. Over 90% of seepage occurs within 12 m of the shoreline closest to the pumping well for most simulations. Virtually no seepage occurs through the thalweg near the shoreline opposite the pumping well, although no low‐permeability sediment was simulated for the thalweg. These results are relevant to natural settings that favour formation of a substantial, low‐permeability sediment veneer, as well as central‐pivot irrigation systems, and municipal water supplies where river seepage is induced via pumping wells. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In variably confined carbonate platforms, impermeable confining units collect rainfall over large areas and deliver runoff to rivers or conduits in unconfined portions of platforms. Runoff can increase river stage or conduit heads in unconfined portions of platforms faster than local infiltration of rainfall can increase groundwater heads, causing hydraulic gradients between rivers, conduits and the aquifer to reverse. Gradient reversals cause flood waters to flow from rivers and conduits into the aquifer where they can dissolve limestone. Previous work on impacts of gradient reversals on dissolution has primarily emphasized individual caves and little research has been conducted at basin scales. To address this gap in knowledge, we used legacy data to assess how a gradient of aquifer confinement across the Suwannee River Basin, north‐central Florida affected locations, magnitudes and processes of dissolution during 2005–2007, a period with extreme ranges of discharge. During intense rain events, runoff from the confining unit increased river stage above groundwater heads in unconfined portions of the platform, hydraulically damming inputs of groundwater along a 200 km reach of river. Hydraulic damming allowed allogenic runoff with SICAL < ?4 to fill the entire river channel and flow into the aquifer via reversing springs. Storage of runoff in the aquifer decreased peak river discharges downstream and contributed to dissolution within the aquifer. Temporary storage of allogenic runoff in karst aquifers represents hyporheic exchange at a scale that is larger than found in streams flowing over non‐karst aquifers because conduits in karst aquifers extend the area available for exchange beyond river beds deep into aquifers. Post‐depositional porosity in variably confined carbonate platforms should thus be enhanced along rivers that originate on confining units. This distribution should be considered in models of porosity distribution used to manage water and hydrocarbon resources in carbonate rocks. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the hydrogeochemical factors leading to nitrate contamination of shallow groundwater in an agricultural area. Another purpose was to identify relationships between variations in organic matter levels (as estimated by the BOD and COD parameters) of groundwater that transports effluent from small‐scale livestock holdings. Major cations, anions, BOD and COD of organic matter and total coliforms were analysed. It was found that groundwaters beneath cultivated areas and areas carrying livestock had higher concentrations of calcium, nitrate and chloride than did freshwater. Above all, the nitrification process increased concentrations of nitrate. Nitrate levels were depressed in some places where the groundwater was low in dissolved oxygen. Groundwaters affected by livestock activities showed high concentrations of organic matter (BOD, COD) and high microbial concentrations (as indicated by total coliforms). The COD/BOD ratio increased in the downward direction. It was inferred that this was due to the faster loss of easily biodegradable organic matter compared with non‐biodegradable organic matter proceeding away from a discharge. Accordingly, it is possible to trace effluent in a small area back to a point source by monitoring the COD/BOD ratio of groundwater. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

South Florida's Miami‐Dade agricultural area is located between two protected natural areas, the Biscayne and Everglades National Parks, subject to the costliest environmental restoration project in history. Agriculture, an important economic activity in the region, competes for land and water resources with the restoration efforts and Miami's urban sprawl. The objective of this study, understanding water quality interactions between agricultural land use and the shallow regional aquifer, is critical to the reduction of agriculture's potentially negative impacts. A study was conducted in a 4‐ha square field containing 0·9 ha of corn surrounded by fallow land. The crop rows were oriented NW–SE along the dominant groundwater flow in the area. A network of 18 monitoring wells was distributed across the field. Shallow groundwater nitrate–nitrogen concentration [N‐NO3?] was analyzed on samples collected from the wells biweekly for 3 years. Detailed hydrological (water table elevation [WTE] at each well, groundwater flow direction [GwFD], rainfall) and crop (irrigation, fertilization, calendar) data were also recorded in situ. Flow direction is locally affected by seasonal regional drainage through canal management exercised by the local water authority. The data set was analyzed by dynamic factor analysis (DFA), a specialized time series statistical technique only recently applied in hydrology. In a first step, the observed nitrate variation was successfully described by five common trends representing the unexplained variability. By including the measured hydrological series as explanatory variables the trends were reduced to only three. The analysis yields a quantification of the effects of hydrological factors over local groundwater nitrate concentration. Furthermore, a spatial structure across the field, matching land use, was found in the five remaining common trends whereby the groundwater [N‐NO3?] in wells within the corn rows could be generally separated from those in fallow land NW and SE of the crop strip. Fertilization, masked by soil/water/plant‐delayed processes, had no discernible effect on groundwater nitrate levels. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying the effects of anthropogenic processes on groundwater in arid regions can be complicated by thick unsaturated zones with long transit times. Human activities can alter water and nutrient fluxes, but their impact on groundwater is not always clear. This study of basins in the Trans‐Pecos region of Texas links anthropogenic land use and vegetation change with alterations to unsaturated zone fluxes and regional increases in basin groundwater NO3? concentrations. Median increases in groundwater NO3? (by 0.7–0.9 mg‐N/l over periods ranging from 10 to 50+ years) occurred despite low precipitation (220–360 mm/year), high potential evapotranspiration (~1570 mm/year), and thick unsaturated zones (10–150+ m). Recent model simulations indicate net infiltration and groundwater recharge can occur beneath Trans‐Pecos basin floors, and may have increased due to irrigation and vegetation change. These processes were investigated further with chemical and isotopic data from groundwater and unsaturated zone cores. Some unsaturated zone solute profiles indicate flushing of natural salt accumulations has occurred. Results are consistent with human‐influenced flushing of naturally accumulated unsaturated zone nitrogen as an important source of NO3? to the groundwater. Regional mass balance calculations indicate the mass of natural unsaturated zone NO3? (122–910 kg‐N/ha) was sufficient to cause the observed groundwater NO3? increases, especially if augmented locally with the addition of fertilizer N. Groundwater NO3? trends can be explained by small volumes of high NO3? modern recharge mixed with larger volumes of older groundwater in wells. This study illustrates the importance of combining long‐term monitoring and targeted process studies to improve understanding of human impacts on recharge and nutrient cycling in arid regions, which are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and increasing human reliance on dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Duke U. Ophori 《水文研究》2004,18(9):1579-1593
Two‐dimensional regional groundwater flow was simulated based on a conceptual model of low‐permeability crystalline rocks of the Whiteshell Research Area (WRA) in south‐eastern Manitoba. The conceptual model consists of fracture zones that strike in different directions and dip at various angles in the background rock mass. The thickness and hydraulic properties of the fracture zones in the conceptual model were varied as were the fluid properties and the boundary conditions of the groundwater flow system. The effects of these variations on the groundwater flow pattern and on the convective travel time along pathways from a hypothetical disposal vault at 500 m depth to discharge locations at the ground surface were evaluated. The vault was located in the regional discharge area of the groundwater system. A homogeneous conceptual model of the WRA, having only freshwater flow, formed a groundwater flow pattern with a regional flow system. Local flow systems developed increasingly with the introduction of fracture zones 20 m and 3 m thick, and depth‐dependent fluid density. This indicates a reduction in groundwater residence time by fracture zones and fluid density. Flow pathways were analysed using both a stream‐function and a particle‐tracking technique. The pathways and their lengths from the location of the vault to the surface varied spatially according to the flow patterns. The minimum travel time along these pathways was less than 150 000 and greater than 4 000 000 years in models with and without fracture zones, respectively, indicating that the presence of fracture zones was the major controlling factor. A precise knowledge and refinement of conceptual model parameters is necessary during site selection for waste disposal purposes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater interacts with surface water features nearly in all types of landscapes. Understanding these interactions has practical consequences on the quantity and quality of water in either system, because the depletion or contamination of one of the systems will eventually affect the other one. Many studies have shown that the use of heat as natural tracer in conjunction with water level measurements is an effective method for estimating water flow (fluxes) between groundwater and surface water. A number of studies have explored the effects of spatial and temporal variability of groundwater–surface water flux exchanges using temperature and water level measurements; however, the effect of temporal resolution of water level and temperature data on estimating flux remains unexplored. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of temporal resolution of input data on temporal variation of groundwater–surface water flux exchanges. To this end, we calibrated a variably saturated two‐dimensional groundwater flow and heat transport model (VS2DH) at hourly and daily time scales using temperatures measured at multiple depths below the riverbed of the Zenne River, located at a well‐known Belgian brownfield site. Results of the study showed that the computed water flux through the streambed ranged between ?32 mm/day and +25 mm/day using the hourly model and from ?10 mm/day to ?37 mm/day using the daily model. The hourly model resulted in detecting reversal of flow direction inducing short‐term surface water flow into the streambed. However, such events were not captured if daily temperature and water level measurements were used as input. These findings have important implications for understanding contaminant mass flux and their attenuation in the mixing zone of groundwater and surface water. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream–subsurface exchange plays a significant role in the fate and transport of contaminants in streams. It has been modelled explicitly by considering fundamental processes such as hydraulic exchange, colloid filtration, and contaminant interactions with streambed sediments and colloids. The models have been successfully applied to simulate the transport of inorganic metals and nutrients. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted in a recirculating flume to investigate the exchange of a hydrophobic organic contaminant, p,p′‐dichloro‐diphenyl‐dichloroethane (DDE), between a stream and a quartz sand bed. A previously developed process‐based multiphase exchange model was modified by accounting for the p,p′‐DDE kinetic adsorption to and desorption from the bed sediments/colloids and was applied to interpret the experimental results. Model input parameters were obtained by conducting independent small‐scale batch experiments. Results indicate that the immobilization of p,p′‐DDE in the quartz sand bed can occur under representative natural stream conditions. The observed p,p′‐DDE exchange was successfully simulated by the process‐based model. The model sensitivity analysis results show that the exchange of p,p′‐DDE can be sensitive to either the sediment sorption/desorption parameters or colloidal parameters depending on the experimental conditions tested. For the experimental conditions employed here, the effect of colloids on contaminant transport is expected to be minimal, and the stream–subsurface exchange of p,p′‐DDE is dominated by the interaction of p,p′‐DDE with bed sediment. The work presented here contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of the complex transport process that hydrophobic organic contaminants undergo in natural streams and to the development of reliable, predictive models for the assessment of impacted streams. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A back‐propagation algorithm neural network (BPNN) was developed to synchronously simulate concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) in response to agricultural non‐point source pollution (AGNPS) for any month and location in the Changle River, southeast China. Monthly river flow, water temperature, flow travel time, rainfall and upstream TN, TP and DO concentrations were selected as initial inputs of the BPNN through coupling correlation analysis and quadratic polynomial stepwise regression analysis for the outputs, i.e. downstream TN, TP and DO concentrations. The input variables and number of hidden nodes of the BPNN were then optimized using a combination of growing and pruning methods. The final structure of the BPNN was determined from simulated data based on experimental data for both the training and validation phases. The predicted values obtained using a BPNN consisting of the seven initial input variables (described above), one hidden layer with four nodes and three output variables matched well with observed values. The model indicated that decreasing upstream input concentrations during the dry season and control of NPS along the reach during average and flood seasons may be an effective way to improve Changle River water quality. If the necessary water quality and hydrology data are available, the methodology developed here can easily be applied to other case studies. The BPNN model is an easy‐to‐use modelling tool for managers to obtain rapid preliminary identification of spatiotemporal water quality variations in response to natural and artificial modifications of an agricultural drainage river. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park is one of Spain's most representative groundwater‐dependent ecosystems. Under natural conditions, water inflows combined brackish surface water from River Gigüela with freshwater inputs from River Guadiana and the underlying aquifer. Since the mid‐1970s, aquifer overexploitation caused the desiccation of the wetlands and neighbouring springs. The National Park remained in precarious hydrological conditions for three decades, with the only exception of rapid floods due to extreme rainfall events and sporadic water transfers from other basins. In the late 2000s, a decrease in groundwater abstraction and an extraordinarily wet period reversed the trend. The aquifer experienced an unexpected recovery of groundwater levels (over 20 m in some areas), thus restoring groundwater discharge to springs and wetlands. The complex historical evolution of the water balance in this site has resulted in substantial changes in surface and groundwater quality. This becomes evident when comparing the pre‐1980 groundwater quality and the hydrochemical status in the wetland in two different periods, under “dry” and “wet” conditions. Although the system is close to full recovery from the groundwater‐level viewpoint, bouncing back in the major hydrochemical constituents has not yet been obtained. These still appear to evolve in response to the previous overexploitation state. Moreover, in some sectors, there are groundwater‐dependent ecosystems that remain different to those found in preoverexploitation times. The experience of Las Tablas de Damiel provides an observatory of long‐term changes in wetland water quality, demonstrating that the effects of aquifer overexploitation on aquatic ecosystems are more than a mere alteration of the water balance and that groundwater quality is the key to aquifer and aquatic ecosystem sustainability.  相似文献   

Brush removal is widely practiced as a tool for increasing groundwater recharge, but its efficacy depends greatly on the way in which the removed species interact with the hydrological system relative to the vegetation replacing it. We examined the effects of Ashe juniper removal in the recharge zone of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA, a karst aquifer. The study was conducted in an Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei)–live oak (Quercus fusiformis) woodland on a hill slope composed of rocky, shallow soils over fractured limestone bedrock. Ashe juniper is a native species that has been encroaching grasslands and savannas over the past century. In September 2008, a plot was cleared of 90% of its juniper trees. Tree transpiration, predawn water potentials and vegetation cover across the cleared plot and an adjacent reference site were measured from May 2009 to December 2011. Stand‐level tree transpiration from May 2009 to March 2010 was diminished by a severe summer drought in 2009, from which trees were slow to recover. Subsequently, tree transpiration was 5–10× higher in the woodland compared to the clearing. For all of 2011, also a drought year, tree transpiration in the woodland exceeded precipitation inputs, indicating a high capacity for water storage at the study site. However, site differences for oak trees were generally larger than for juniper trees. While juniper removal accounted for a 431 mm year?1 difference in tree transpiration between sites, vegetation cover in the clearing increased from 42% to 90% over two years, suggesting that understory growth was increasingly compensating for the loss of juniper transpiration. We conclude that the removal of a relatively shallow‐rooted tree, when replaced with herbaceous vegetation and low shrubs, has little effect on deep recharge. By contrast, successive years of precipitation extremes may be more effective increasing recharge by lowering the water transport capacity of trees in the aftermath of severe drought. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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