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This work aimed to evaluate the capability of modelled vs in situ soil moisture observations in the northwest of Spain for a period of four years (2010–2013) in order to validate the SMOS L2 product. Comparisons were performed for a set of representative stations of the Soil Moisture Measurement Stations network of the University of Salamanca (REMEDHUS) at both point and area scales. The SMOS series showed good correlation with the modelled series, better than that obtained with the in situ observations (0.77 vs 0.68 average correlation coefficients). However, some underestimation or overestimation of the SMOS series, related to the soil characteristics, was observed with respect to both the in situ and the modelled series. The SMOS data normalization produced a notable improvement in the results, highlighting the capability of the modelled data to validate the SMOS soil moisture series. This research provides a solid foundation for the future validation of SMOS at large scales, overcoming the spatial representativeness issues arising from the use of in situ point measurements.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor N. Verhoest  相似文献   

Cosmic‐ray soil moisture sensors have the advantage of a large measurement footprint (approximately 700 m in diameter) and are able to operate continuously to provide area‐averaged near‐surface (top 10–20 cm) volumetric soil moisture content at the field scale. This paper presents the application of this technique at four sites in southern England over almost 3 years. Results show the soil moisture response to contrasting climatic conditions during 2011–2014 and are the first such field‐scale measurements made in the UK. These four sites are prototype stations for a UK COsmic‐ray Soil Moisture Observing System, and particular consideration is given to sensor operating conditions in the UK. Comparison of these soil water content observations with the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator 10‐cm soil moisture layer shows that these data can be used to test and diagnose model performance and indicate the potential for assimilation of these data into hydro‐meteorological models. The application of these large‐area soil water content measurements to evaluate remotely sensed soil moisture products is also demonstrated. Numerous applications and the future development of a national COsmic‐ray Soil Moisture Observing System network are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Satellite‐based soil moisture data accuracies are of important concerns by hydrologists because they could significantly influence hydrological modelling uncertainty. Without proper quantification of their uncertainties, it is difficult to optimize the hydrological modelling system and make robust decisions. Currently, the satellite soil moisture data uncertainty has been limited to summary statistics with the validations mainly from the in situ measurements. This study attempts to build the first error distribution model with additional higher‐order uncertainty modelling for satellite soil moisture observations. The methodology is demonstrated by a case study using the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite soil moisture observations. The validation is based on soil moisture estimates from hydrological modelling, which is more relevant to the intended data use than the in situ measurements. Four probability distributions have been explored to find suitable error distribution curves using the statistical tests and bootstrapping resampling technique. General extreme value is identified as the most suitable one among all the curves. The error distribution model is still in its infant stage, which ignores spatial and temporal correlations, and nonstationarity. Further improvements should be carried out by the hydrological community by expanding the methodology to a wide range of satellite soil moisture data using different hydrological models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is widely recognized as a fundamental variable governing the mass and energy fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere. In this study, the soil moisture modelling at sub‐daily timescale is addressed by using an accurate representation of the infiltration component. For that, the semi‐analytical infiltration model proposed by Corradini et al. (1997) has been incorporated into a soil water balance model to simulate the evolution in time of surface and profile soil moisture. The performances of this new soil moisture model [soil water balance module‐semi‐analytical (SWBM‐SA)] are compared with those of a precedent version [SWBM‐Green–Ampt (GA)] where the GA approach was employed. Their capability to reproduce in situ soil moisture observations at three sites in Italy, Spain and France is analysed. Hourly observations of quality‐checked rainfall, temperature and soil moisture data for a 2‐year period are used for testing the modelling approaches. Specifically, different configurations for the calibration and validation of the models are adopted by varying a single parameter, that is, the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Results indicate that both SWBMs are able to reproduce satisfactorily the hourly soil moisture temporal pattern for the three sites with root mean square errors lower than 0.024 m3/m3 both in the calibration and validation periods. For all sites, the SWBM‐SA model outperforms the SWBM‐GA with an average reduction of the root mean square error of ~20%. Specifically, the higher improvement is observed for the French site for which in situ observations are measured at 30 cm depth, and this is attributed to the capability of the SA infiltration model to simulate the time evolution of the whole soil moisture profile. The reasonable models performance coupled with the need to calibrate only a single parameter makes them useful tools for soil moisture simulation in different regions worldwide, also in scarcely gauged areas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the soil moisture dynamics within two catchments (Stanley and Krui) in the Goulburn River in NSW during a 3‐year period (2005–2007) using the HYDRUS‐1D soil water model. Sensitivity analyses indicated that soil type, and leaf area index were the key parameters affecting model performance. The model was satisfactorily calibrated on the Stanley microcatchment sites with a single point rainfall record from this microcatchment for both surface 30 cm and full‐profile soil moisture measurements. Good correlations were obtained between observed and simulated soil water storage when calibrations for one site were applied to the other sites. We extended the predictions of soil moisture to a larger spatial scale using the calibrated soil and vegetation parameters to the sites in the Krui catchment where soil moisture measurement sites were up to 30 km distant from Stanley. Similarly good results show that it is possible to use a calibrated soil moisture model with measurements at a single site to extrapolate the soil moisture to other sites for a catchment with an area of up to 1000 km2 given similar soils and vegetation and local rainfall data. Site predictions were effectively improved by our simple data assimilation method using only a few sample data collected from the site. This article demonstrates the potential usefulness of continuous time, point‐scale soil moisture data (typical of that measured by permanently installed TDR probes) and simulations for predicting the soil wetness status over a catchment of significant size (up to 1000 km2). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate the soil moisture data derived from coarse‐resolution active microwave data (50 km) from the ERS scatterometer. The retrieval technique is based on a change detection method coupled with a data‐based modelling approach to account for seasonal vegetation dynamics. The technique is able to derive information about the soil moisture content corresponding to the degree of saturation of the topmost soil layer (∼5 cm). To estimate profile soil moisture contents down to 100 cm depth from the scatterometer data, a simple two‐layer water balance model is used, which generates a red noise‐like soil moisture spectrum. The retrieval technique had been successfully applied in the Ukraine in a previous study. In this paper, the performance of the model in a semi‐arid Mediterranean environment characterized by low annual precipitation (400 mm), hot dry summers and sandy soils is investigated. To this end, field measurements from the REMEDHUS soil moisture station network in the semi‐arid parts of the Duero Basin (Spain) were used. The results reveal a significant coefficient of determination (R2 = 0·75) for the averaged 0–100 cm soil moisture profile and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2·2 vol%. The spatial arrangement of the REMEDHUS soil moisture stations also allowed us to study the influence of the small‐scale variability of soil moisture within the ERS scatterometer footprint. The results show that the small‐scale variability in the study area is modest and can be explained in terms of texture fraction distribution in the soil profiles. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil moisture plays a key role in the hydrological cycle as it controls the flux of water between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere. This study is focused on a year‐round estimation of soil moisture in a forested mountain area using the bucket model approach. For this purpose, three different soil moisture models are utilised. The procedure is based on splitting the whole year into two complement periods (dormant and vegetation). Model parameters are allowed to vary between the two periods and also from year to year in the calibration procedure. Consequently, two sets of average model parameters corresponding to dormant and vegetation seasons are proposed. The process of splitting is strongly supported by the experimental data, and it enables us to variate saturated hydraulic conductivity and pore‐size characterisation. The use of the two different parameter sets significantly enhances the simulation of two (Teuling and Troch model and soil water balance model‐green–ampt [SWBM‐GA]) out of three models in the 6‐year period from 2009 to 2014. For these two models, the overall Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient increased from 0.64 to 0.79 and from 0.55 to 0.80. The third model (the Laio approach) proved to be insensitive to parameter changes due to its insufficient drainage prediction. The variability of the warm and cold parameter sets between particular years is more pronounced in the warm periods. The cold periods exhibited approximately similar character during all 6 years.  相似文献   

Active microwave remote sensing observations of backscattering, such as C‐band vertically polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations from the second European remote sensing (ERS‐2) satellite, have the potential to measure moisture content in a near‐surface layer of soil. However, SAR backscattering observations are highly dependent on topography, soil texture, surface roughness and soil moisture, meaning that soil moisture inversion from single frequency and polarization SAR observations is difficult. In this paper, the potential for measuring near‐surface soil moisture with the ERS‐2 satellite is explored by comparing model estimates of backscattering with ERS‐2 SAR observations. This comparison was made for two ERS‐2 overpasses coincident with near‐surface soil moisture measurements in a 6 ha catchment using 15‐cm time domain reflectometry probes on a 20 m grid. In addition, 1‐cm soil moisture data were obtained from a calibrated soil moisture model. Using state‐of‐the‐art theoretical, semi‐empirical and empirical backscattering models, it was found that using measured soil moisture and roughness data there were root mean square (RMS) errors from 3·5 to 8·5 dB and r2 values from 0·00 to 0·25, depending on the backscattering model and degree of filtering. Using model soil moisture in place of measured soil moisture reduced RMS errors slightly (0·5 to 2 dB) but did not improve r2 values. Likewise, using the first day of ERS‐2 backscattering and soil moisture data to solve for RMS surface roughness reduced RMS errors in backscattering for the second day to between 0·9 and 2·8 dB, but did not improve r2 values. Moreover, RMS differences were as large as 3·7 dB and r2 values as low as 0·53 between the various backscattering models, even when using the same data as input. These results suggest that more research is required to improve the agreement between backscattering models, and that ERS‐2 SAR data may be useful for estimating fields‐scale average soil moisture but not variations at the hillslope scale. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sanghyun Kim 《水文研究》2012,26(22):3434-3447
The vertical and lateral profiles of temporal variations in soil moisture are important for understanding the hydrological process along hillside transects. In this study, relationships among measured soil moistures were explored to configure the hydrological contributions of different flowpaths. All the measured soil moistures included a common stochastic structure because rainfall, the hydrometeological driver, is the main factor that determines the soil moisture response feature, and the infiltration process through the topsoil at a shallow depth is also common in all measured soil moisture histories. Therefore, the relationships between the measured series are also affected by both rainfall and topsoil infiltration. The common stochastic structure of the soil moisture series was removed via a prewhitening procedure. A systematic analysis procedure is presented to delineate the exclusive causal relationships among multiple soil moisture measurements. A monitoring system based on multiplexed time domain reflectometry was used to obtain soil moisture time series along two transects on a steep hillslope during the rainy season. The application of the proposed method for monitoring points in two adjacent locations provided 8, 12, 14, and 13, 16, 22 causal relationships for vertical, lateral in parallel, and diagonal directions, respectively, along the two transects. The point‐based contributions of the internal flowpath can be evaluated as the correlation is normalized in the context of inflow and outflow. The hydrological processes in the soil layer, vertical flow, lateral flow, downslope recharge, and return flow were quantified, and the relative importance of each hydrological component was determined to improve our understanding of the hydrological processes along the two transects of the study area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In situ soil moisture data from the Bibeschbach experimental catchment in Luxembourg are used to evaluate relative surface soil moisture observed with the MetOp‐A Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT). Filtered and bias‐corrected surface soil wetness indices (SWIs) derived from coarse‐resolution (25 km) C‐band scatterometer observations are shown to be highly correlated (r = 0.86) with catchment‐averaged soil moisture measured in the field. The combination of ASCAT and ENVISAT Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) data sets yields high‐resolution (1 km) relative surface soil moisture that is equally well correlated with in situ measurements. It is concluded that for soil moisture monitoring applications at a catchment scale, the two soil moisture products are equivalent. The best correlation between the SWI derived from ASCAT and ASCAT‐ASAR with in situ soil moisture observations at ca. 5 cm depth is obtained with a characteristic time length parameter T equal to 288 h. These results suggest that satellite‐derived surface soil wetness may serve as proxy for soil storage that enables the monitoring of abrupt switches in river system dynamics to appear when an effective field capacity is exceeded and rapid subsurface stormflow is initiated. In catchments where soil moisture is the main controlling factor of rapid subsurface flow, MetOp ASCAT–derived SWI has the potential to monitor how a river system approaches a critical threshold. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relationships between gravimetric soil moisture content (w) and matric potential (ϕ), and between volumetric soil moisture content (θv) and pressure head (h) were approximated for the unsaturated zone on Long Island, New York. Soil samples were collected from two sites using a hand auger. The soil moisture content was determined using the filter‐paper (wf) and gravimetric (w) methods, respectively. The wf was then used in an empirical equation to estimate ϕm. Each set of ϕm and w was combined with a straight‐line empirical model to obtain a wm) relationship. Soil ϕm was converted to h, and w to the volumetric moisture content θv, in order to produce a θv(h) curve. Graphical and statistical comparison showed that the resulting θv(h) curves fell within one order of magnitude of similar curves generated by a more sophisticated non‐linear model developed previously. The simplicity and low cost of the filter‐paper approach described in this study recommends it for preliminary studies of hydraulic properties in the unsaturated zone. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the semi‐arid western United States, water availability plays a defining role in land use. Soil moisture, vegetation, and microtopography are key variables in the hydrologic function of these ecosystems. Previous research has not addressed the influence of site‐specific aspect, vegetation, or slope gradient on terracette soil moisture patterns in semi‐arid rangelands. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: (1) assess the influence of terracette site aspect, vegetation cover, and slope on soil moisture; (2) conceptualize conditions at the hillslope scale given terracette morphology; and (3) estimate the extent of terracettes at a regional scale. The Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model was used to simulate soil water dynamics of terracettes given variations in site conditions. These results were coupled with time‐of‐flight laser scans to quantify terracette bench and riser percent‐area, and statewide assessments of terracette extent using digital orthoimagery and a geographical information system (GIS). Modeling results indicated site aspect had minimal influence (±0.005 m3 m?3) on terracette soil moisture. Vegetation, represented as leaf area index (LAI), had the single‐most influential effect on terracette volumetric water content (θ v) demonstrated by an inverse relationship of LAI to mean terracette hillslope θ v; and slope increases of ≥15% on northern azimuths increased mean θ v which contrasted with southern azimuths for similar slope increases. Laser scanning results indicated bench width and riser length could be estimated from mean site slope (R 2 = 0.82 risers and R 2 = 0.93 benches). Aerial orthoimagery/GIS assessments estimated >159 000 ha of terracettes throughout the State of Idaho, with >41 000 ha (~26%) occurring on lands managed as grazing allotments. These findings provide an increased understanding of rangeland hydrologic processes as influenced by cattle density, vegetation, and terracettes which can aide land managers in their selection and application of best management practices on these lands. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kegang Wu 《水文研究》1998,12(1):135-146
A capacitance probe has been employed to measure the spatial and temporal change of soil moisture in a weathered soil profile with heterogeneous texture characteristics. Measurements were made to a depth of 2 m at intervals of 2 cm. The field work was carried out during a wetting-up period in a subtropical monsoonal environment in the Middle Hills of Nepal. Calibrations of the frequency readings against gravimetric and volumetric soil moisture are compared. It was found that the frequency reading correlates much better with the volumetric soil moisture. Although the soil is spatially heterogeneous in its particle size, porosity and bulk density, it was found that a single regression equation can be used to represent the relationship between the frequency reading of the capacitance probe and volumetric soil moisture. The results demonstrate that the capacitance probe enables the investigation of soil moisture variation temporally and spatially at high resolution and can measure a wide moisture range. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil moisture has a pronounced effect on earth surface processes. Global soil moisture is strongly driven by climate, whereas at finer scales, the role of non‐climatic drivers becomes more important. We provide insights into the significance of soil and land surface properties in landscape‐scale soil moisture variation by utilizing high‐resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and extensive field investigations. The data consist of 1200 study plots located in a high‐latitude landscape of mountain tundra in north‐western Finland. We measured the plots three times during growing season 2016 with a hand‐held time‐domain reflectometry sensor. To model soil moisture and its temporal variation, we used four statistical modelling methods: generalized linear models, generalized additive models, boosted regression trees, and random forests. The model fit of the soil moisture models were R2 = 0.60 and root mean square error (RMSE) 8.04 VWC% on average, while the temporal variation models showed a lower fit of R2 = 0.25 and RMSE 13.11 CV%. The predictive performances for the former were R2 = 0.47 and RMSE 9.34 VWC%, and for the latter R2 = 0.01 and RMSE 15.29 CV%. Results were similar across the modelling methods, demonstrating a consistent pattern. Soil moisture and its temporal variation showed strong heterogeneity over short distances; therefore, soil moisture modelling benefits from high‐resolution predictors, such as LiDAR based variables. In the soil moisture models, the strongest predictor was SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) wetness index (SWI), based on a 1 m2 digital terrain model derived from LiDAR data, which outperformed soil predictors. Thus, our study supports the use of LiDAR based SWI in explaining fine‐scale soil moisture variation. In the temporal variation models, the strongest predictor was the field‐quantified organic layer depth variable. Our results show that spatial soil moisture predictions can be based on soil and land surface properties, yet the temporal models require further investigation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Using regionally downscaled and adjusted outputs of three global climate models (GCMs), meteorological drought analysis was accomplished across Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. To this end, standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) were projected under (representative concentration pathway) RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 greenhouse gas scenarios. In general, our results show that Ankara experienced six severe and two extreme drought events during the reference period, 1971–2000. However, the projections indicate fewer drought events for the near-future period of 2016–2040, with no potential extreme drought events. While the RCP4.5 scenario showed that dry spells will be dominant in the second half of the near-future period, the RCP8.5 scenario projected that dry spells will be evenly distributed during the entire near-future period.  相似文献   

The soil moisture in Shaanxi Province,a region with complex topography,is simulated using the distributed hydrological model Soil Water Assessment Tool(SWAT).Comparison and contrast of modeled and observed soil moisture show that the SWAT model can reasonably simulate the long-term trend in soil moisture and the spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture in the region.Comparisons to NCEP/NCAR and ERA40 reanalysis of soil moisture show that the trend of variability in soil moisture simulated by SWAT is more...  相似文献   

The antecedent soil moisture status of a catchment is an important factor in hydrological modelling. Traditional Hortonian infiltration models assume that the initial moisture content is constant across the whole catchment, despite the fact that even in small catchments antecedent soil moisture exhibits tremendous spatial heterogeneity. Spatial patterns of soil water distribution across three transects (two in a burnt area and one in an unburnt area) in a semi‐arid area were studied. At the transect scale, when the factors affecting soil moisture were limited to topographical position or local topography, spatial patterns showed time stability, but when other factors, such as vegetation, were taken into account, the spatial patterns became time unstable. At the point scale, and in the same areas, topographical position was the main factor controlling time stability. Scale dependence of time stability was studied and local topography and vegetation presence were observed to play an important role for the correlation between consecutive measures depending on the scale. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method for estimating daily mean transit time (DMTT) within a soil layer was proposed using field measurements of soil moisture. Vertical profiles of soil moisture time series were used for storage estimation. Water fluxes were evaluated through matrix and bypass flow. Variations in soil moisture and soil thickness were used to evaluate matrix flow. Exponential decay in depth of macropores was also used for bypass flow approximation. DMTT evaluation was compared to results obtained from a stable water isotope model using two years of data acquired on a steep granite hillslope in the Sulmachun watershed, South Korea. Various uncertainties in transit time evaluation such as model structure, non‐stationary assumption and data acquisition of existing approaches can be accounted for in the proposed methodology, and the flowpath contribution can be further configured in conjunction with hydrometric measurements. Probability density functions of isotope analyses were partially explained by transit time distributions that were based on soil moisture measurements. Supplementary sensitivity analyses for uncertainty configurations indicate that matrix flow is the primary process in determining transit time distribution while the impact of bypass flow is minor. The feasibility of a DMTT approach over isotope‐based methodologies highlights not only the strength of this proposed method, both in cost and time, but also its further application potential for existing soil moisture measurements. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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