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陈爽  陈新军 《海洋学报》2020,42(10):100-109
东北大西洋是世界上重要的捕捞海域,气候变化对该海域捕捞产生了重要的影响。本文基于联合国粮农组织所提供的1982-2016年东北大西洋渔获产量数据,对该海域渔获物组成、多样性、平均营养级及主成分变化特征进行时间序列上的分析,并结合东北大西洋海域气候、环境因子,应用广义可加模型探究渔获物组成与气候变化之间的关系。结果显示:渔获物多样性的变化总体上呈下降趋势,2002-2010年间处于较低水平;平均营养级在2002年之前呈平缓下降的趋势,2002年之后开始波动上升,相关性分析表明这两个指标与海域环境因子的变化较为相关。对渔获物组成进行主成分分析显示,第一主成份变化的方差解释率达到35.3%,且与海域气候、环境因素有较高的相关性,第一主成分变化能够较好地表征气候影响下渔获物组成变化的情况。广义可加模型分析结果显示,渔获物组成变化的影响因素按解释率由高到低分别为:海表温度、海平面高度、盐度、海冰和北大西洋涛动指数。该研究有助于认识气候变化对海洋渔业资源及其结构组成的影响。  相似文献   

鲁泉  苏雪  方舟  陈新军 《海洋学报》2021,43(8):118-127
渔业资源可持续利用是渔业经济可持续发展的基础。本文根据联合国粮农组织提供的1950?2018年东印度洋渔业生产统计数据,结合Fishbase提供的相关鱼种的营养级,探讨了69年间东印度洋渔获量平均营养级(MTL)以及营养级平衡指数的长期变化趋势,以此来判定其渔业资源可持续利用状况。研究认为,1950?2018年东印度洋渔获量呈现稳步增长趋势,其中云鲥(Tenualosa ilisha)、鲱鱼(Clupea pallasi)、印度鲭(Rastrelliger kanagurta)为重要渔获种类,其累计年产量占总产量的比重均在10%以上。MTL变动大致可分3个阶段:1950?1974年渔获MTL总体处在高位,其值范围为3.39~3.71,平均值为3.60±0.07,期间年渔获量呈现稳定的增长趋势,平均年增长率为6.4%;1975?1999年渔获MTL呈现波动,其值范围为3.21~3.51,平均值为3.35±0.08,期间年渔获量呈现稳定的小幅度增长趋势,平均年增长率为4.8%;2000?2018年渔获MTL年间波动较小,其值为3.31~3.43,平均值为3.38±0.03,期间年渔获量呈现缓慢稳定的增长趋势,平均年增长率为1.6%。3个阶段的平均营养级平衡指数分别为0.59±0.22、0.94±0.14、1.25±0.04,其值呈现稳定的增长趋势且年间变化幅度越来越小,说明其群落结构越来越趋稳定。渔业资源的开发利用程度增加,而MTL下降程度较小,营养级平衡指数呈现上升趋势,说明渔获量的增加能够弥补MTL的下降;且仅统计营养级大于3.25的种类时,1950?1974年、1975?1999年、2000?2018年3个阶段的MTL平均值分别为4.16±0.04、4.18±0.04、4.19±0.03,呈现小幅稳定增长的趋势,表明高营养级种群渔业资源未受到破坏。研究认为,东印度洋海洋生态系统稳定,高营养级种群渔业资源处于未充分开发状态。  相似文献   

西北太平洋沿海国海洋渔业资源可持续利用评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据联合国粮农组织FAO提供的1950—2010年西北太平洋各沿海国的渔获生产统计数据,结合Fishbase提供的相关鱼种营养级(TL)以及Sea Around Us Project Database提供的无脊椎动物营养级,探讨了61年来西北太平洋各沿海国渔获物平均营养级的变化情况,以此判定各沿海国海洋渔业资源可持续利用情况。结果表明:除朝鲜外,其他沿海国均出现"捕捞对象沿着海洋食物网向下移动"的现象;中国、日本、韩国、俄罗斯渔获物平均营养级降低的速度分别为0.26/10a、0.21/10a、0.24/10a、0.15/10a;由于各国采取的渔业管理措施不同,导致各国渔业资源出现不同的现状。渔获物平均营养级的变化情况能够反映捕捞活动下各海域海洋生态系统的变化情况,建议西北太平洋各沿海国建立起基于渔获物统计的海洋渔业资源可持续利用评价监测系统,以掌握各国海洋生态系统结构和功能是否健康,为建立基于生态系统的渔业管理提供基础。  相似文献   

根据中国渔业统计年鉴1956—2014年中国北方三省一市(河北省、辽宁省、山东省和天津市)的捕捞量统计资料,综合分析了黄、渤海海域38种主要渔获种类的平均营养级、渔获量及渔获组成的长期变化情况,并结合FIB指数(Fishing in Balance Index),深入探讨黄、渤海渔业状况的年间变化。研究表明,1956—2014年黄、渤海渔获物平均营养级在3.63~4.46的范围内波动,整体呈下降趋势。大致可分为4个阶段:(1)1956—1969年,平均营养级整体呈下降趋势,在1957年达到历史最高点4.46,1969年下降到3.83;(2)1970—1975年,整体呈上升趋势,在1975年上升到第三个高峰值4.32;(3)1976—1997年,整体呈下降趋势,平均营养级在波动中逐渐下降,1992年达到历史最低点3.63;(4)1998—2014年,整体有小幅度上升,最终稳定在3.83左右。FIB指数整体呈先下降后上升的趋势。1956—1968年,FIB指数经过一个振荡后逐渐下降到最低点-1.57;1969—2006年,FIB指数整体在波动中逐渐上升至最高点1.78;2007—2014年,FIB指数下降后趋于稳定。渔获量的长期变化显示,近几十年间黄、渤海高营养级和中低营养级种类的渔获量均呈上升趋势,但高营养级种类所占比例下降,中低营养级种类所占比例上升。与全球及其它海域相比,黄、渤海渔获物平均营养级的下降幅度和下降速率均高于全球平均水平和葡萄牙海域,但低于南澳大利亚和东海海域。  相似文献   

渔获物平均营养级(Mean trophic level of fishery landings,MTL)是目前评估人类捕捞活动影响的研究中使用最广泛的生物多样性指标之一。根据联合国粮农组织FAO提供的渔获生产统计数据,结合Fishbase提供的相关鱼种营养级数据,本文评估了1950-2010年太平洋、大西洋和印度洋各沿海国海洋渔业开发状态。研究发现,在全球三大洋75个主要捕捞国中,43个国家MTL呈显著下降趋势,发生了Pauly于1998年提出的“捕捞降低海洋食物网”现象;但是,仅16个国家MTL的下降是由于高营养级种类的衰退,而27个国家属于“捕捞沿着海洋食物网”的下降机制。此外,20个国家MTL呈恢复上升趋势,但是,该恢复上升趋势通常伴随着传统低营养级种类产量的大幅下降;在上述20个国家中,11个国家的低营养级鱼类产量呈显著下降趋势。需谨慎分析“捕捞降低海洋食物网”现象,掌握MTL的潜在变化机制。  相似文献   

利用来自ECMWF的ERA-40 wave reanalysis海浪资料,分析了近43年北大西洋海浪场与AO(北极涛动——Arctic Oscillation)的关系。研究发现如下主要特征:1、北大西洋海域的海表风场和(风浪、涌浪、混合浪)海浪场与AO有着密切的关系,且存在3.71年左右的共同周期和26年的长周期震荡;2、通过交叉谱分析发现,在波数k=7(周期T=3.71年)这一频率上,AO、海表风速、波高振动的凝聚是显著的。  相似文献   

东海区海洋捕捞渔获物的营养级变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据东海区主要海洋渔业公司1950~1995年分品种渔获物产量的统计数据,分析了东海区渔获物营养级的变化过程,用平均营养级指数来评估东海区海洋渔业资源的开发利用状况。结果表明,经过几十年的捕捞开发,东海区渔获物的平均营养级已从1965年的3.5下降到1990年的2.8,自1974年后海区的产量主要依靠捕捞低营养级品种如马面鲍等而获得。东海区海洋捕捞渔获物营养级结构已经发生了变化,1974年后捕捞主要在低营养级品种内进行。另外还描述了东海区带鱼等品种的种群内部结构小型化、低龄化现象。  相似文献   

大西洋海表温度异常与中国东北地区夏季降水的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
白人海 《海洋通报》2001,20(1):23-29
利用1950~1992年全球海温月平均(2°×2°)和NCAR/NCEP提供的1950~1997年全球500hPa月平均高度场(2.5°×2.5°)资料,分析了大西洋海表温度异常的特征及其与中国东北地区夏季降水的关系。结果指出北大西洋冬季海表温度经验正交展开的第二特征向量表明,海表温度的距平分布有南北差异的异常特征;其中心位置和中国东北地区夏季降水与冬季大西洋海表温度相关显著区中心基本重合北大西洋冬季海表温度出现南暖北冷异常时,同期北大西洋中高纬度地区的阻塞形势偏强,与之相对称的北太平洋北部的阻塞高压也偏强,对应来年夏季东亚西风环流指数偏低,造成东北区夏季降水偏多;反之亦然。  相似文献   

自1998年“捕捞降低海洋食物网”概念首次提出以来,渔获物平均营养级(Mean trophic level of fisheries landings,MTL)广泛用于评估捕捞活动对生态系统完整性的影响,并指导管理机构的政策制定。近年来研究表明,掌握MTL的潜在变化机制对于以MTL作为渔业可持续性指标至关重要。根据联合国粮农组织FAO提供的渔获统计数据,结合Fishbase提供的相关鱼种营养级,本文探讨了全球三大洋14个FAO渔区MTL的变化趋势,并进一步分析不同MTL变化趋势下高营养级鱼种和低营养级鱼种渔获量的变动情况。研究表明, MTL呈上升和回升状态均可能伴随着低营养级鱼种渔获量的下降。此外,通过观察营养级高于3.25鱼种的MTL以区分“捕捞降低海洋食物网”和“捕捞沿着海洋食物网”现象需考虑生态系统的群落结构和开发历程。利用渔获物平均营养级评价渔业可持续性必须综合考虑高营养级和低营养级鱼种,以及群落结构和开发历程的掩盖效应。  相似文献   

根据长山群岛 1965-2016 年渔业统计资料,分析长山群岛海域主要捕捞渔获物产量、平均营养级 (Mean trophic level, MTL)、渔业均衡指数 (Fishing in balance index,FiB) 年际变化,探讨其海洋渔业资源利用状况,并利用小波分析方法研究52年来渔获物 MTL 周期变化特征。研究表明: (1) 长山群岛捕捞产量、MTL 和 FiB 指数呈阶段性变化; (2) 长山群岛渔业资源开发经历初期开发、扩张捕捞、过度捕捞、资源破坏等四个阶段,渔业资源环境正在逐渐恶化;(3) 受人类捕捞活动影响,MTL 在 15~19 年和 24~34 年两种时间尺度下呈周期波动,30 年为第一主周期,17 年为第二主周期。长山群岛渔业资源破坏日益严重,未来几年平均营养级将呈下降趋势。为防止渔业资源进一步衰退,应加强捕捞活动管理力度,落实海洋渔业资源保护制度;完善预警机制,构建海洋渔业资源监测系统;同时应积极调整长山群岛渔业产业结构,提高资源产出效率.  相似文献   

北冰洋浮游生物空间分布及其季节变化的模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
低营养级浮游生物生态动力过程对环境变化的响应非常敏感。随着全球气候变化加剧,北冰洋正在经历快速的环境变化。厘清北冰洋低营养级浮游生物季节分布与变化特征是探究北冰洋生态系统对环境快速变化响应的前提,也是评估北极海区固碳能力的重要依据。基于此,本文构建了海洋–海冰–生物地球化学循环模型,并对北冰洋叶绿素浓度以及浮游生物结构的时空变化特征进行了模拟,结果表明:(1)北冰洋表层叶绿素浓度的峰值主要出现在5月,且太平洋一侧叶绿素浓度高于大西洋一侧;随着海水层化,表层受营养盐限制的海区呈现次表层叶绿素浓度最大值现象,且由陆架向海盆,次表层叶绿素浓度最大值层逐渐加深;9月,叶绿素浓度高值重回水体上层,太平洋一侧海区表层叶绿素浓度呈现较为明显的次峰值。(2)由于太平洋和大西洋入流营养盐浓度及结构的不同,北冰洋表层浮游生物群落结构存在明显空间差异。太平洋一侧,硅藻和中型浮游动物占优,硅藻在5月和9月出现生物量峰值,微型浮游植物在3月、5月和6月维持相对较高生物量;而大西洋一侧,在早春-春末夏初-夏秋经历了微型浮游植物-硅藻-微型浮游植物的演替,总体而言,微型浮游植物和微型浮游动物占优。此外,两侧海区浮游动物浓度峰值相较浮游植物滞后约半月。  相似文献   

This paper describes the main features of the Icelandic marine ecosystem and its response to climate variations during the 20th century. The physical oceanographic character and faunal composition in the southern and western parts of the Icelandic marine ecosystem are different from those in the northern and the eastern areas. The former areas are more or less continuously bathed by warm and saline Atlantic water while the latter are more variable and influenced by Atlantic, Arctic and even Polar water masses to different degrees. Mean annual primary production is higher in the Atlantic water than in the more variable waters north and east of Iceland, and higher closer to land than farther offshore. Similarly, zooplankton production is generally higher in the Atlantic water than in the waters north and east of Iceland. The main spawning grounds of most of the exploited fish stocks are in the Atlantic water south of the country while nursery grounds are off the north coast. In the recent years the total catch of fish and invertebrates has been in the range of 1.6–2.4 million ton. Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is the most important pelagic stock and cod (Gadus morhua) is by far the most important demersal fish stock. Whales are an important component of the Icelandic marine ecosystem, and Icelandic waters are an important habitat for some of the largest seabird populations in the Northeast Atlantic.In the waters to the north and east of Iceland, available information suggests the existence of a simple bottom-up controlled food chain from phytoplankton through Calanus, capelin and to cod. Less is known about the structure of the more complex southern part of the ecosystem. The Icelandic marine ecosystem is highly sensitive to climate variations as demonstrated by abundance and distribution changes of many species during the warm period in the 1930s, the cold period in the late 1960s and warming observed during the recent years. Some of these are highlighted in the paper.  相似文献   

Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Within the framework of the physical forcing, we describe and quantify the key ecosystem components and basic food web structure of the Barents Sea. Emphasis is given to the energy flow through the ecosystem from an end-to-end perspective, i.e. from bacteria, through phytoplankton and zooplankton to fish, mammals and birds. Primary production in the Barents is on average 93 g C m−2 y−1, but interannually highly variable (±19%), responding to climate variability and change (e.g. variations in Atlantic Water inflow, the position of the ice edge and low-pressure pathways). The traditional focus upon large phytoplankton cells in polar regions seems less adequate in the Barents, as the cell carbon in the pelagic is most often dominated by small cells that are entangled in an efficient microbial loop that appears to be well coupled to the grazing food web. Primary production in the ice-covered waters of the Barents is clearly dominated by planktonic algae and the supply of ice biota by local production or advection is small. The pelagic–benthic coupling is strong, in particular in the marginal ice zone. In total 80% of the harvestable production is channelled through the deep-water communities and benthos. 19% of the harvestable production is grazed by the dominating copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in Atlantic or Arctic Water, respectively. These two species, in addition to capelin (Mallotus villosus) and herring (Clupea harengus), are the keystone organisms in the Barents that create the basis for the rich assemblage of higher trophic level organisms, facilitating one of the worlds largest fisheries (capelin, cod, shrimps, seals and whales). Less than 1% of the harvestable production is channelled through the most dominating higher trophic levels such as cod, harp seals, minke whales and sea birds. Atlantic cod, seals, whales, birds and man compete for harvestable energy with similar shares. Climate variability and change, differences in recruitment, variable resource availability, harvesting restrictions and management schemes will influence the resource exploitation between these competitors, that basically depend upon the efficient energy transfer from primary production to highly successful, lipid-rich zooplankton and pelagic fishes.  相似文献   

Ocean climate change is having profound biological effects in polar regions. Such change can also have far-reaching downstream effects in sub-polar regions. This study documents an environmental relationship between High Arctic sea ice changes and mortality events of marine birds in Low Arctic coastal regions. During April 2007 and March 2009, hundreds of beached seabird carcasses and moribund seabirds were found along the east and northeast coasts of Newfoundland, Canada. These seabird “wrecks” (i.e. dead birds on beaches) coincided with a period of strong, persistent onshore winds and heavily-accumulated sea ice that blocked bays and trapped seabirds near beaches. Ninety-two percent of wreck seabirds were Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia). Body condition and demographic patterns of wreck murres were compared to Thick-billed Murres shot in the Newfoundland murre hunt. Average body and pectoral masses of wreck carcasses were 34% and 40% lighter (respectively) than shot murres, indicating that wreck birds had starved. The acute nature of each wreck suggested that starvation and associated hypothermia occurred within 2–3 days. In 2007, first-winter murres (77%) dominated the wreck. In 2009, there were more adults (78%), mostly females (66%). These results suggest that spatial and temporal segregation in ages and sexes can play a role in differential survival when stochastic weather conditions affect discrete areas where these groups aggregate. In wreck years, southward movement of Arctic sea ice to Low Arctic latitudes was later and blocked bays longer than in most other years. These inshore conditions corresponded with recent climate-driven changes in High Arctic ice break-up and ice extent; coupled with local weather conditions, these ice conditions appeared to be the key environmental features that precipitated the ice-associated seabird wrecks in the Low Arctic region.  相似文献   

Stratification is perhaps the most important attribute of oceans with regards to climate and biology. Two simple aspects of the ocean's climate system appear to have a surprisingly important role in transforming waters that feed the global thermohaline circulation, dominating patterns of biogeochemical flux and establishing macroecological domains. First, largely because of meridional distillation (mainly due to the atmospheric transport of freshwater across the Isthmus of Panama) the North Pacific is fresher than the North Atlantic. Second, largely because of zonal distillation (e.g., warming and evaporation at low latitudes and poleward transport of latent heat and moisture by the atmosphere) the upper layers of subtropical seas are permanently stratified by temperature (NT2=dT/dz>0; here called alpha oceans), while the upper layers of high-latitude seas are permanently stratified by salinity (NS2=dS/dz>0; here called beta oceans). The physical basis for the boundary separating alpha and beta oceans is unclear, but may lie in the thermodynamical equations published by Fofonoff [1961. Energy transformations in the sea. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Report Series 109, 82pp]. Nevertheless, it is clear that the resulting thermohaline distributions establish a ‘downhill journey’ of low-salinity (and nutrient-rich) waters from the North Pacific to the Arctic and then into the North Atlantic. The Arctic Ocean—itself—acts a double estuary, whereby waters entering from the North Atlantic become either denser through cooling (negative estuary) or lighter by freshening (positive estuary) as they circulate within the basin and then return to the North Atlantic as a variety of components of the ocean's conveyor. Intermediate and deep waters generally form within cyclonic beta oceans in close proximity to alphas systems. Similar patterns of stratification, nutrients and biogeographical boundaries persist in the Southern Hemisphere. It is thus argued that this simple distinction—alpha versus beta oceans—provides a broad, conceptual framework for simple interpretation of key physical and biological processes and rates, including the impacts of climate variability.  相似文献   

巴伦支海-喀拉海是北冰洋最大的边缘海,能够对环境变化做出快速的响应和反馈,是全球气候变化最为敏感的区域之一,其古海洋环境演变及海冰变化研究是全球气候变化研究的重要组成部分。末次盛冰期以来,该区域的古海洋环境受到太阳辐射、海流强度、海平面变化、温盐环流和河流输入等因素影响发生了一系列不同尺度的波动。巴伦支海受到北大西洋暖水和极地冷水两大水团相互作用的影响,在水团交界处 (极锋) 由于不同水团性质的差异,导致其海水温度、盐度及海冰发生剧烈变化。而喀拉海则受到叶尼塞河和鄂毕河大量淡水输入影响,海流系统较巴伦支海相对复杂,沉积物主要来源于河流输入的陆源物质,并可以通过磁化率的分析明确区分两条河流的陆源物质。由于受到冷水和暖水的相互作用,巴伦支海-喀拉海海冰变化迅速,并且在全新世中晚期存在 0.4 ka 和 0.95 ka 的变化周期,但海冰变化的影响因素并不是单一的,而是气候系统内部各因子相互作用的结果。目前古海冰重建研究工作主要为定性研究,定量研究相对较少,所选用的重建指标也相对单一,另外存在年代框架差、分辨率低等不足。本文以巴伦支海和喀拉海为中心,总结了其快速气候突变事件、古温度盐度、海平面及海冰的变化,对影响因素进行了探讨,并通过分析末次盛冰期以来古海洋环境研究的不足,提出了相应的展望。  相似文献   

The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) is a project of the intergovernmental Arctic Council, intended to synthesize knowledge of the effects of climate change on the Arctic. This paper is based on the primary output of the ACIA project, a 1042 page book entitled Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Our concern is with the effects of Arctic climate change on fisheries. To set the stage, however, we first discuss those chapters that logically precede the fisheries discussion, the chapters concerned with past and present climate change, climate modeling and marine systems. The conclusion notes that moderate climate warming will probably benefit most Arctic fisheries. The conclusion also considers the role of anthropogenic causation in climate change and its policy implications.  相似文献   


This paper reviews interactions involving stands of macroalgae on rocky reefs, and presents new data on changing sea surface temperatures (SSTs), as a contribution to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Leigh Marine Laboratory (LML) of the University of Auckland. The focus is on trophic interactions involving predators, sea urchins and large brown algae, particularly trophic cascades. Of the 369 publications arising from work at LML, 40 have been on key aspects of these trophic interactions. Quantitative investigations of the structure of kelp bed communities and mechanistic studies involving manipulative field-based experiments, essentially a bottom-up perspective based on habitats and key species, dominated the research through the 1980s. From the mid-1990s onwards, the focus was more on marine reserves and a hierarchical, top-down perspective of community structure, with a particular focus on the role of predatory fish, and marine reserves as a tool of management. I discuss these models of community structure of kelp beds within the wider context of the New Zealand nearshore zone, the varying biogeographic regimes around the coastline, diffuse stressors and the changing nearshore climate. I show there appears to have been a significant warming trend in SST in northeast and northwest New Zealand over the past 30 years. I conclude that a trophic effects model is unlikely to apply to much of the coastline of New Zealand, and that a model involving multiple effects, including bottom-up forces, environmental and climatic influences, species' demographics, and catchment-derived sedimentation is more appropriate for kelp communities over most of the country. New management models are needed to safeguard marine resources and the services they provide.  相似文献   

There is a growing need to incorporate biotic interactions, particularly those between predators and their prey, when predicting climate-driven shifts in marine fishes. Predators dependent on a narrow range of prey species should respond rapidly to shifts in the distribution of their prey, whereas those with broad trophic adaptability may respond to shifts in their prey by altering their diet. Small pelagic fishes are an extremely important component of the diet of many marine predators. However, their populations are expected to shift in distribution and fluctuate in abundance as the climate changes. We conducted a comparative study of the seasonal diet of adult Pomatomus saltatrix over two periods (June–December 2006 and 2012) and examined the available data on small pelagic fishes biomass in a global hotspot (the coastal region of southern Angola, southern Africa) to gain an understanding of the tropic adaptability of the species. Despite a drop (630 000 t to 353 000 t) in the abundance of their dominant prey (Sardinella aurita) in the region, it remained the most important prey item during both study periods (Period 1 = 99.3% RI, Period 2 = 85.3% RI, where %RI is a ranking index of relative importance). However, the diet during Period 2 was supplemented with prey typically associated with the nearshore zone. The seasonal data showed that P. saltatrix were capable not only of switching their diet from S. aurita to other prey items, but also of switching their trophic habitat from the pelagic to the nearshore zone. These findings suggest that P. saltatrix will not necessarily co-migrate if there is a climate-driven shift in the distribution of small pelagic fishes (their dominant prey). Accordingly, understanding the trophic adaptability of predators is critical for understanding their response to the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

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