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分别基于微波辐射计温湿度廓线资料的气块法、位温法和比湿法,地面气象资料的罗氏法及气溶胶激光雷达数据的梯度法,计算得出广州地区大气边界层高度,对比分析5种边界层高度结果及其与气象条件、空气质量之间的关系,结合典型大气污染过程分析边界层高度对PM2.5、O3浓度的影响。结果显示:(1)利用位温法、气块法、罗氏法、比湿法和梯度法计算得出广州地区平均边界层高度分别为2 207 m、1 239 m、901 m、717 m和660 m,位温法显著高估了广州地区的边界层高度;(2)利用气块法得出的混合层高度日变化能够较好地表征白天大气边界层演变特征,利用气块法和比湿法得出的白天混合层高度与近地面O3浓度有显著的正相关关系,相关系数在0.5以上,在O3污染防治中,应同时考虑边界层内垂直输送的影响;(3)利用梯度法得出的边界层高度在污染天气时与PM2.5浓度的相关性较好,能较好地表现出大气污染情况,在PM2.5污染天气过程分析中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

The planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) was calculated using the radiosonde sounding data, including 120 L-band operational sites and 8 GPS sites in China. The diurnal and seasonal variations of PBLH were analyzed using radiosonde sounding (OBS-PBLH) and ERA data (ERA-PBLH). Based on comparison and error analyses, we discussed the main error sources in these data. The frequency distributions of PBLH variations under different regimes (the convective boundary layer, the neutral residual layer, and the stable boundary layer) can be well fitted by a Gamma distribution and the shape parameter k and scale parameter s values were obtained for different regions of China. The variation characteristics of PBLH were found in summer under these three regimes for different regions. The relationships between PBLH and PM2.5 concentration generally follow a power law under very low or no precipitation conditions in the region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in summer. The results usually deviated from this power distribution only under strong precipitation or high relative humidity conditions because of the effects of hygroscopic growth of aerosols or wet deposition. The OBS-PBLH provided a reasonable spatial distribution relative to ERA-PBLH. This indicates that OBS-PBLH has the potential for identifying the variation of PM2.5 concentration.  相似文献   

兰州市冬季大气边界层结构特征的观测和数值模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
安兴琴  吕世华 《气象科学》2007,27(4):374-380
本文利用甘肃省政府和中国科学院的科技合作项目"兰州市大气污染及对策研究"所获得的系留气球探空资料,并且结合数值模拟方法,对兰州市冬季大气边界层温度场特征进行了对比分析,结果表明:在没有特殊天气过程的典型冬季代表性时段,山谷城市兰州逆温边界层结构无论白天或夜间都存在,而且经常出现多层逆温和白天的脱地逆温情况,只有当冷空气过境时,逆温现象才减弱或消失;与观测结果相比较可以看出,数值模拟结果基本上反应了温度场的主要特征。  相似文献   

大气边界层湍流的混沌特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

大气边界层湍流标量场的概率分布及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全利红  胡非  程雪玲 《气象学报》2007,65(1):105-112
利用2004年11月在白洋淀地区和2005年1月在中国科学院大气物理研究所北京325 m气象塔的47 m高度由超声风温仪和水汽二氧化碳分析仪观测的湍流脉动资料,分析了大气边界层不同下垫面湍流标量场(温度、水汽和二氧化碳)的概率分布及其特征.标量场的概率分布通常不同于高斯分布,而且还会产生偏斜,可以用指数分布描述.因此,标量的偏斜度通常不为0,陡峭度也往往比3大.非0偏斜度的出现可能是由湍流时间序列中的相干结构和间歇性部分造成的.其中,相干结构的存在使概率分布偏斜,但是,它们对偏斜度的贡献相对较小,而与概率分布的长尾现象有关的间歇性则会使偏斜度大大增加.温度、水汽和二氧化碳的平均偏斜度和陡峭度反应了标量场与稳定度、下垫面、天气条件、源汇等因素之间的关系.在不同下垫面,温度和感热通量的偏斜度随稳定度变化比较一致;水汽通量的偏斜度在稳定和不稳定条件下都为正,而水汽本身在不稳定条件下可能出现负的偏斜度;二氧化碳和二氧化碳通量的偏斜度受下垫面影响很大,在不同下垫面,偏斜度与稳定度之间的关系并不一致;而3个标量的陡峭度随稳定度的变化不显著,它们与相应的偏斜度之间存在平方关系.  相似文献   

利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

辐射雾的大气边界层特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用ADAS对一次连续5天辐射雾进行探测,获得了辐射雾生消过程中的温度、湿度、风场等要素的垂直分布。通过对这些资料的详尽分析,讨论了辐射雾在不同发展阶段的边界层特征。结果表明:逆温层对雾的形成和维持起着重要的作用,而雾又对大气边界层中的温、湿、风结构产生重要影响。  相似文献   

论边界层中的大气扩散PDF模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐大海  朱蓉  李宗恺 《气象学报》1997,55(6):670-680
基于大气扩散K理论,用作为风速脉动均方差和拉氏时间尺度函数的湍流交换系数,得到了直接利用风速脉动几率密度而不用扩散参数的大气扩散PDF模式。分别研究了对流边界层上升气流区与下降区垂直速度的统计特征,求得双正态PDF模式。在给定CBL自身参数如对流特征速度w*,顶高hi和源高度上的平均风速时,该模式计算出的无量纲浓度分布与室内外测试结果一致。  相似文献   

In this paper, taking its turbulent exchange coefficient as a function of the Lagrangian timescale and standard variance of the turbulence in atmosphere, the atmospheric dispersion PDFmodels are obtained on the basis of atmospheric diffusion K-theory. In the model the statistics ofwind speed are directly used as its parameters instead of classic dispersion parameters. The bi-Gaussian PDF is derived in convective boundary layer (CBL), from the statistics of verticalvelocity in both of the downdraft and updraft regions that are investigated theoretically in the otherpart of this paper. Giving the driven parameters of the CBL (including the convective velocity scalew* and the mixing depth h_i) and the time-averaged wind speed at release level, the PDF model isable to simulate the distribution of concentration released at any levels in the CBL. The PDF'ssimulations are fairly consistent with the measurements in CONDORS experiment or the resultsbrought out by some numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Based on the geographical circumstance, climate and the boundary layer meteorology features of the Pearl River Delta, a boundary layer concept model of the Pearl River Delta was built. The concept model consists of four fundamental factors that affect the boundary layer meteorology of the Pearl River Delta and can convincingly explain the reason of the air quality change in the Pearl River Delta. The model can be used to the diffusion capability analysis, the air pollution potential forecasting or haze forecasting, etc.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲大气边界层概念模型的建立及其应用   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22  
根据珠江三角洲地理环境、气候背景和边界层气象观测特征的分析,建立了反映珠江三角洲大气边界层一般机理的珠江三角洲大气边界层概念模型,可解释珠江三角洲地区环境空气质量变化的原因。本概念模型有助于开展珠江三角洲地区大气扩散能力的分析与气流停滞区或灰霾天气的预测预报。  相似文献   

北京海淀地区大气边界层的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用北京大学的三维复杂地形中尺度数值模式,利用Landsat-TM卫星影像图得到的地表状况计算陆气之间的能量平衡过程,模拟了北京海淀地区大气边界层的风、温场结构以及污染物浓度分布,进而模拟了由于汽车尾气的排放而转化成的气溶胶的浓度分布.模拟表明城郊之间存在热岛效应,边界层风场受到热岛的热力作用以及地形的动力作用影响.污染物及气溶胶浓度也存在城乡差别,最大浓度出现在城区的下风方向.  相似文献   

It is convenient to use σ-coordinates to discuss the dynamic effect of orography and the flow inEkman boundary layer.In this paper,the theory of mixing length is generalized to the σ-coordinate system.Then the governing equations,describing the motion in the boundary layer over the mountain regions arederived.The features of flow in the boundary layer,especially the effects of Ekman pumping,are discussed indetails.It is pointed out that there are three factors affecting the vertical motion at the top of the boun-dary layer:(1)vorticity distribution in the boundary layer,which is directly related to the divergence andconvergence of air flow caused by friction,(2)the upslope or downslope motion of flow over the mountainslopes,and(3)the mutual effect of orography and friction induced by the ageostrophic component climbing up-ward or downward in the boundary layer over mountain regions.  相似文献   

利用现场低空探测所获得的实测资料,分析了沂蒙南部山区冬季大气边界层内的风、温场垂直分布特征以及随时间的演变特征。  相似文献   

The climatic effects of the atmospheric boundary aerosols are studied by the use of a three-dimensional climatemodel.Simulated results show that the climate states both at the surface and in the atmosphere change remarkably whenthe aerosols with different optical thicknesses and properties are introduced into the atmospheric boundary layer of themodel.The aerosols absorb and scatter the solar shortwave radiation,therefore,they reduce the solar energy reachingthe ground surface and decrease the surface and the soil temperatures.The temperature in the boundary layer increasesbecause of the supplementary absorption of radiation by the boundary aerosols.In the atmosphere,the temperatures atall isobaric surfaces rise up except for the 100 hPa level.The atmospheric temperatures below the 500 hPa level aredirectly influenced by the boundary aerosols,while the atmospheric temperatures above the 500 hPa level are influencedby the heating due to convective condensation and the changes in the vertical motion field.Cyclonic differential circula-tions appear over the desert areas at the low levels,and anticyclonic differential circulations exist at the upper levels inthe horizontal flow fields.The vertical motions change in correspondence with the differential circulations.The changesin precipitation are directly related to that of vertical motions.The mechanisms of climate effects of the boundaryaerosols are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

试探大气边界层湍流运动的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张强  胡隐樵 《高原气象》1996,15(2):243-249
对湍流运动的几个基本理论问题作了一定程度的探讨,并根据湍流动能方程分析了大气边界层湍流产生和发展的能量机制,以此为判据推导了滴运动的凡主范围和物理含意较为清楚的混合长表达式。  相似文献   

近地层湍流特征及其在扩散模拟中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
刘衡  蒋维楣 《高原气象》1998,17(4):390-396
利用1994年9月北京市郊325m气象观测塔在47m和120m两层高度上的湍流观测资料。计算分析了城郊粗糙下垫面上近地层湍流特下量,湍流尺度和不同层结下的湍谱,得出了近地层的一些湍流特性。  相似文献   

A Doppler sodar system controlled by microcomputer is described in this paper. The sodar was usedto detect the vertical distribution of wind and temperature stratification in the atmospheric boundary layer.The detecting results show that at night the vertical distribution of wind is very complicated, which can appearas a structure of two or three layers. In nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer sometimes there exists verythin layer in multi-layer inversion and it can be retained for a long time.  相似文献   

南京城郊,乡村大气边界层内温度特征初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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