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《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):1242-1262
Basal peridotites above the metamorphic sole outcropped around Wadi Sarami in the central Oman ophiolite give us an excellent opportunity to understand the spatial extent of the mantle heterogeneity and to examine peridotites−slab interactions. We recognized two types of basal lherzolites (Types I and II) that change upward to harzburgites. Their pyroxene and spinel compositions display severely variations at small scales over < 0.5 km, and encompass the entire abyssal peridotite trend; clinopyroxenes (Cpxs) show wide ranges of Al2O3, Na2O, Cr2O3 and TiO2 contents. Primary spinels show a large variation of Cr# [= Cr/(Cr + Al)] from 0.04 to 0.53, indicating various degrees of partial melting. Trace-element compositions of peridotites and their pyroxenes also show a large chemical heterogeneity in the base of the Oman mantle section. This heterogeneity mainly resulted from variations of partial-melting degrees due to the change of a mantle thermal regime and a distance from the spreading ridge or the mantle diapir. It was overlapped with subsolidus modification during cooling and fluid metasomatism prior and/or during emplacement. The studied peridotites are enriched in Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr and LREE due to fluid influx during detachment and emplacement stages. Chondrite (CI)-normalized REE patterns for pyroxenes are convex upward with strong LREE depletion due to their residual origin, similar to abyssal peridotites from a normal ridge segment. The Cpxs are enriched in fluid mobile elements (e.g., B, Li, Cs, Pb, Rb) and depleted in HFSE (Ta, Nb, Th, Zr) + LREE, suggesting no effect of melt refertilization. Their HREE contents, combined with spinel compositions, suggest two melting series with 1–5% melting for type II lherzolites, 3– < 10% melting for type I lherzolites and ~ 15% for harzburgites. Hornblendes are enriched in fluid-mobile elements relative to HFSE + U inherited from their precursor Cpx. The clinopyroxenite lens crosscuts the basal lherzolites, forming small-scale (< 5 cm) mineralogical and chemical heterogeneities. It was possibly formed from fractional crystallization of interstitial incremental melt that formed during decompression melting of a normal MORB mantle source. The studied peridotites possibly represent a chemical heterogeneity common to the mantle at an oceanic spreading center.  相似文献   


The Neo-Tethys-related Chaldoran ophiolite peridotites in NW Iran are remnants of mantle lithosphere, exhumed tectonically during the Late Cretaceous. Harzburgite is the predominant peridotite type, associated with oceanic lower crust cumulate gabbros occasionally. The ophiolite rocks are unconformably overlain by Late Cretaceous-Paleocene sediments. New whole-rock geochemistry of the variably serpentinized harzburgites shows a depleted nature, exemplified by low Al2O3, CaO, TiO2, V and Y and high Ni, Cr and Mg and also low rare earth element (REE) contents. The harzburgites present LREE enrichment. Positive correlations between some LREEs and high field strength elements (HFSE) suggest enrichment of LREEs by melt re-fertilization processes. Cr-spinels have Cr number of [Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.53–0.67], showing medium to high degree of partial melting (F = ~17-20%). Both whole-rock and mineral chemistry data show a supra-subduction zone setting and progressive depletion along with increase in spinel Cr# (MOR to fore arc). The cumulate gabbros have high MgO and SiO2, low TiO2 and Ti/V < 10 and also low chondrite normalized Dy (<8.5). The gabbro samples show enriched LREEs and LILEs and depleted HREEs and HFSEs with respect to MORBs.

Subduction initiation (SI) model in a fore-arc/proto-fore-arc environment is suggested for the upper mantle evolution of the Chaldoran ophiolite. The rocks have experienced depletion in a second melting process at the later stages of SI and compositions were probably modified by extraction of island arc tholeiitic (IAT) and possibly boninitic (BON) melts. The chemostratigraphic progression for ‘subduction initiation rule (SIR)’ is likely traceable in Chaldoran mafic-ultramafic sequence, which corresponds to the most Neo-Tethyan ophiolites and is similar to MOR to supra-subduction zone (SSZ) evolution of most Iranian ‘Inner’ and ‘Outer Zagros’ ophiolitic peridotites.  相似文献   

拉昂错蛇绿岩位于西藏西南部雅鲁藏布缝合带(YZSZ)的西段,由地幔橄榄岩和侵入其中的基性岩墙组成.拉昂错地幔橄榄岩普遍发育碎斑结构及熔体注入和交代结构,尖晶石的Cr#值具有较广泛的变化(0.32~0.70),大多数样品富集LREE并伴随HFSE的明显增加,少数亏损LREE,前者部分熔融程度为15%~23%,后者为10%左右,这表明它们并不是地幔单阶段部分熔融的残余物,而是MORB型亏损橄榄岩在俯冲过程中再度部分熔融后熔体与残余地幔相互作用的产物,由于熔体不同程度的混合与交代,形成了各种再饱满程度不同的橄榄岩.对拉昂错地幔橄榄岩岩石学和地球化学特征的研究,为探讨YZSZ蛇绿岩带所代表的特提斯洋盆的形成和演化提供了新的证据.  相似文献   

采用Carius管结合MC-ICPMS法分析了内蒙古柯单山蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中Ir、Ru、 Pt 和Pd 的含量,与典型的地幔橄榄岩进行对比研究,发现柯单山地幔橄榄岩中Ir和Ru明显亏损,Pt和Pd强烈富集,具有极高的Pd/Ir值,PGEs地幔标准化配分模式具有较陡的正斜率,明显不同于通常观测到的代表部分熔融残留相中铂族元素配分模式(负斜率或平坦型)。柯单山地幔橄榄岩的Ir和Ru与MgO呈正相关关系,表明Ir和Ru的亏损可能与部分熔融过程中硫化物的消耗程度有关,而与PGEs在硫化物/硅酸盐间的能斯特分配系数没有直接关系; Pt、Pd的富集表明本区的地幔橄榄岩不仅仅是经历过部分熔融的残余,而与来自深海的橄榄岩和大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)中的方辉橄榄岩相似,因此推测,本区地幔橄榄岩在部分熔融后又经历了富Pd的熔/流体交代,而熔/流体的来源可能是在岩浆分异演化过程中"熔离"出来的硫化物。  相似文献   

Neyriz ophiolite in Abadeh Tashk area appears as four major separated massifs in an area with 125 km2, south of Iran. Peridotites including harzburgite, dunite, and lesser low-Cpx lherzolite are the major constituents of the ophiolite with very minor mafic rocks. Usual gabbros of ophiolite complexes are virtually absent from the study area. Mineral modality associated with bulk rock and mineral chemistry of the peridotites show a progression from fertile to ultra-refractory character, reflected by a progressive decrease in modal pyroxenes and in Al2O3, CaO, SiO2, Sc, Ta, V, and Ga values of the studied rocks by approaching chromite deposits. The Neyriz peridotites vary from low-Cpx lherzolite (MgO, 41.97–43.1 wt.%; Al2O3, 0.8–1.3 wt.%) with low content of Cr# spinel (36.7–37.6) and Fo olivine (90.79–91.5) to harzburgite (MgO, 44.31–45.25 wt.%;Al2O3, 0.29–0.45 wt.%; Cr# spinel, 58.2–73.45; Fo olivine, 91.23–91.56), and then to dunite (MgO, 45.9–49.2 wt.%; Al2O3, 0.18–0.48 wt.%) with higher content of Cr# spinel (74.34–79.36) and Fo olivine (91.75–94.68). Compared to modern oceanic settings, mineral and rock composition of low-Cpx lherzolite plot within the field of mid-ocean-ridge environment, whereas those of harzburgite and dunite fall in the field of fore-arc peridotites. As a result of the studies on minerals and whole rock chemistry along with rock interrelationships, we contend that the peridotites were subsequently affected by percolating hydrous boninitic melt from which the high-Cr–Mg, low-Ti chromitites were formed within mantle wedge above the supra-subduction zone in a fore-arc setting.  相似文献   


The Bir Umq ophiolite is one of the most important ophiolitic successions in the Arabian Shield, and represents an excellent case for the study of the tectonomagmatic evolution of the earliest Precambrian events in the juvenile part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). It is a dismembered ophiolite, which includes a serpentinized peridotite with small amounts of gabbro and mélange, and is overlain by the Sumayir formation. The mantle section of the Bir Umq ophiolite has been pervasively sheared and folded during its emplacement and is extensively serpentinized, carbonated and silicified, resulting in the common development of magnesite and listwaenite along the shear zones. Listwaenite occurs in the form of upstanding ridges due to its resistance to erosion. Antigorite is the main serpentine mineral, which, however, has low amounts of lizardite and chrysotile, indicating that the present serpentinites formed by prograde metamorphism. The ophiolitic rocks of Bir Umq have undergone regional metamorphism up to the greenschist to amphibolite facies. The presence of mesh and bastite textures indicates harzburgite and dunite protoliths. The serpentinized peridotite preserves rare relicts of primary minerals such as olivine, pyroxene and Cr-spinel. The serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high Mg# [molar Mg/(Mg+Fe2+); 0.90–0.93), low CaO, and Al2O3 contents similar to that of the environment of the suprasubduction zone. Additionally, they are characterized by the depletion of some compatible trace elements (e.g., Nb, Sr, Ta, Zr, Hf and REE), but show a wide variation in the Rb and Ba. Moreover, they are enriched in some elements that have affinities for Mg-rich minerals such as Ni, Cr, V, and Co. Fresh relics of olivine have high Fo (av. 0.91) and NiO (av. 0.42) contents, similar to those in the mantle olivine. The fresh Cr-spinel has high Cr# (0.68) and low TiO2 content (av. 0.11), similar to those in modern fore-arc peridotites. The composition of both orth- and clinopyroxenes confirms the fore-arc affinity of the studied ultramafics. The present study indicates that the protoliths of the serpentinized ultramafics of Bir Umq have high partial melt degrees, which is consistent with the characteristics of ultramafic rocks formed in a subarc environment (fore-arc) within a suprasubduction zone system.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(10-11):825-852
Serpentinites are an important component of the oceanic crust generated in slow to ultraslow spreading settings. In this context, the MOHO likely corresponds to a hydration boundary, which could match the 500 °C isotherm beneath the ridge axis. Textures from serpentinites sampled in ridge environments demonstrate that most of the serpentinization occurs under static conditions. The typical mineralogical association consists of lizardite ± chrysotile + magnetite ± tremolite ± talc. Despite the widespread occurrence of lizardite, considered as the low temperature serpentine variety, oxygen isotope fractionation suggests that serpentinization starts at high temperature, in the range of 300–500 °C. The fluid responsible for serpentinization is seawater, possibly evolved by interaction with the crust. Compared with fresh peridotites, serpentinites are strongly hydrated (10–15% H2O) and oxidized. Serpentinization, however, does not seem to be accompanied by massive leaching of major elements, implying that it requires a volume increase. It results in an increase in chlorine, boron, fluorine, and sulfur, but its effect on other trace elements remains poorly detailed. The presence of serpentinites in the oceanic crust affects its physical properties, in particular by lowering its density and seismic velocities, and modifying its magnetic and rheological properties. Serpentinization may activate hydrothermal cells and generate methane and hydrogen anomalies which can sustain microbial communities. Two types of hydrothermal field have been identified: the Rainbow type, with high temperature (360 °C) black smokers requiring magmatic heat; the low temperature (40–75 °C) Lost City type, by contrast, can be activated by serpenintization reactions. To cite this article: C. Mével, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in olivine and orthopyroxene of mantle peridotites from the Yushigou ophiolite can be divided into three types based on decrepitation temperature,shape and distribution.Type-1 fluid inclusions are characterized by oval or negative crystal shapes and small size(<5μm across).They occur in the cores and mantles of the host crystals,and decrepitated at>840℃.Type- 2 fluid inclusions have irregular or tabular shapes with relatively large size(10~100μm in length).They occur in irregular or circular healed micro-fractures in the host crystals,and decrepitated at 612~710℃.Type-3 fluid inclusions have size and shape,similar to type-2 fluid inclusions but occur in micro-fractures restricted to the margins of the host crystals,and decrepitated at much lower temperature from 190℃to 340℃.The three different types of fluid inclusions are interpreted to represent primary,metasomatic (pseudo-secondary)and secondary inclusions,respectively.Stepwise heating reveals three concentration peaks of volatiles at 200~400℃,400~800℃and 800~1200℃released from olivine and orthopyroxene in harzburgite and dunite from the Yushigou ophiolite, which are considered to correspond to the decrepitation of secondary,metasomatic and primary fluid inclusions at similar temperature ranges.CO2 is a major constituent in the volatiles released at three different temperature intervals.Trace amounts of H_2 and N_2 are present in the volatiles released at<800℃and trace amounts of H_2O and SO_2 are mainly present in the volatiles at 400~800℃.TheδD(-95.2‰,-306.3‰)of H_2O and theδ~(13)C(-15.5~-12.5‰)andδ~(18)O values(1.4~1.9‰)of CO_2 released at<800℃are lower than normal mantle values and suggest the mixing origin of crustal fluids( sedimentary organic)with ocean water,implying that Yushigou AOLM had undergone an intensive metasomatism by a fluid composed of CO_2.H_2O and SO_2,and followed by degassing. In contrast,the volatiles released at 800~1200℃are characterized by trace amounts of H_2 and CO in dunite and SO_2 in harzburgite, much lighterδ~(13)C(-29.1‰~-19.5‰),heavierδ~(13)O(8.8‰)of CO_2 and positive relationship between these isotopic ratios and the concentration of CO_2.Such features can be best explained by mixing of significant terrestrial crustal(organic)and minor mantle volatiles.We proposed that the Yishigou peridotites are more likely to have derived from a continental lithosphere instead of an oceanic lithosphere comprising the Yishigou gabbros and pillowed basalts.A supra-subduction tectonic setting is thus inferred for the Yushigou ophiolite.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd whole-rock and mineral data for the Kings River ophiolite define two isochrons of 485±21 Ma and 285±45 Ma age with Nd (483)= +10.7±0.5 and Nd (285)= +9.9±1.1, respectively. The 483 Ma isochron is defined by samples of the main igneous construct. Samples from crosscutting diabase dikes and flaser gabbro sheets within the peridotite unit yield the 285 Ma isochron. The 483 Ma data provide the first evidence of lower Paleozoic oceanic crust in the Sierran ophiolite belt. New U-Pb analyses of zircons from a plagiogranite lying on the 483 Ma Sm-Nd isochron yield upper and lower intercepts with the concordia of 430 –60 +200 and 183±15 Ma. Published zircon ages have underestimated the primary age of the ophiolite by 200–300 m.y. due to the effects of polymetamorphism. The 483 Ma samples have initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.7023–0.7030, 206Pb/204Pb=17.14–17.82, 207Pb/204Pb=15.37–15.52, 208Pb/204Pb=36.80–37.38. The 285 Ma samples have similar initial 87Sr/86Sr, but more radiogenic Pb. The range in Sr and Pb compositions is probably due to introduction of radiogenic Sr and Pb during multiple post-emplacement metamorphic events. The high Nd, low 87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb of the least disturbed samples are clearly diagnostic of a midocean ridge origin for the 483 Ma portion of the ophiolite. Igneous activity at 285 Ma is thought to have occurred in an arc or back-arc setting, or perhaps along a leaky transform. The initial Nd (483)=+10.7 is indistinguishable from that of the similar age Trinity Peridotite (Jacobsen et al. 1984). This value is the highest yet reported for the Mesozoic or Paleozoic depleted mantle and requires either a mantle source that was depleted 850 m.y. earlier than average or a source more highly depleted than average. Alternatively, if such values were more typical of the early Paleozoic mantle than is currently thought, then there has been little evolution of the depleted mantle over the last 500 m.y. This requires that the modern mantle has been refluxed by material with low Nd, such as continental crust.Division Contribution # 4302 (530)  相似文献   

The mantle section of Al'Ays ophiolite consists of heterogeneously depleted harzburgites, dunites and large-sized chromitite pods. Two chromitite-bearing sites (Site1 and Site2), about 10 km apart horizontally from one another, were examined for their upper mantle rocks. Cr-spinels from the two sites have different chemistry; Cr-rich in Site1 and Al-rich in Site2. The average Cr-ratio = (Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio) of Cr-spinels in harzburgites, dunites and chromitites is remarkably high 0.78, 0.77 and 0.87, respectively, in Site1, compared with those of Site2 which have intermediate ratio averages 0.5, 0.56 and 0.6, respectively. The platinum-group elements (PGE) in chromitites also show contrasting patterns from Site1 to Site2; having elevated IPGE (Os, Ir, Ru) and strongly depleted in PPGE (Rh, Pt, Pd) with steep negative slopes in the former, and gentle negative slopes in the latter. The oxygen fugacity (Δlog fO2) values deduced from harzburgites and dunites of Site1 show a wide variation under reducing conditions, mostly below the FMQ buffer. The Site2 harzburgites and dunites, on the other hand are mostly above the FMQ buffer. Two magmatic stages are suggested for the lithospheric evolution of Al'Ays ophiolite in response to a switch of tectonic setting. The first stage produced a peridotites–chromitites suite with Al-rich Cr-spinels, possibly beneath a mid-ocean ridge setting, or most likely in back-arc rift of a supra-subduction zone setting. The second stage involved higher degrees of partial melting, produced a peridotites–chromitites suite with Cr-rich Cr-spinels, possibly in a fore-arc setting. The coexistence of compositionally different mantle suites with different melting histories in a restricted area of an ophiolite complex may be attributable to a mechanically juxtaposed by mantle convection during recycling. The mantle harzburgites and dunites are apt to be compositionally modified during recycling process; being highly depleted (Site1 case) than their original composition (Site2 case).  相似文献   

ERNST  W. G. 《Journal of Petrology》1971,12(2):413-437
The complexly folded and faulted Diablo antiform representsa core of pervasively metamorphosed Late Mesozoic Franciscanrocks surrounded by roughly contemporaneous, less deformed,only feebly recrystallized Great Valley strata. The contactbetween the two lithologic series is nearly everywhere a high-anglethrust, the Ortigalita fault. Thin sections of 679 metaclastics from the 3000 km2 Franciscanarea of the Diablo Range have been studied. A very rough correlationseems to exist between the degree of textural reconstitutionand phase assemblage. Many feebly metamorphosed Franciscan rockscontain relict clastic biotite; chlorite, white mica, and minoramounts of pumpellyite appear to be newly generated from claysand detrital plagioclase which has been albitized. In more thoroughlyrecrystallized Franciscan rocks, lawsonite has grown by hydrationof the minor An component of plagioclase, but more commonlyby the inferred interaction of interstitial clays+calcium carbonate;some of these rocks carry metamorphic aragonite. Intensely recrystallizedFranciscan metagraywackes contain jadeitic pyroxene±glaucophane.The observed changes in mineral assemblages are thought to reflectprogressive pressure increment at nearly constant temperature. In the north-western portion of the Range, jadeitic metaclasticrocks are located along the faulted margin of the antiform.Elsewhere there appears to be no clear relationship betweensystematic Franciscan parageneses and the tectonic contact withrocks of the Great Valley sequence. Evidently Diablo Range metaclasticassemblages do not owe their present areal distribution to apostulated process involving tectonic overpressures accompanyingthrusting of the Great Valley strata over the Franciscan alongthe Ortigalita fault. Jadeitic pyroxenebearing metagraywackesalso appear to be unrelated to the emplacement of alpine-typeperidotites.  相似文献   

Simple models for trace element fractionation during concurrent melting and melt migration in an upwelling steady-state mantle were developed. Based on petrologic considerations, we divided the mantle column into two regions: a single-lithology lower region that consists of partially molten garnet and spinel lherzolites and a double-lithology upper region where high-porosity dunite channels or melt-filled fractures are embedded in a porous lherzolite/harzburgite matrix. Analytical solutions for the case of a constant and uniform relative melting suction rate and a linearly variable relative melt suction rate were obtained. Key parameters and the first order characteristics of melting and melt migration in a 1-D steady-state mantle column were examined through forward calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. Melting in the upwelling single-lithology column is equivalent to non-modal batch melting, whereas melting and melt migration in the double-lithology region can be viewed as a nonlinear combination of batch melting and fractional melting, depending on the amount of melt extracted to the channel. The degree of melting (F), the degree of melting at the depth of melt-channel initiation (Fd) and the relative rate of melt suction (R) are important in controlling the extent of depletion of the incompatible trace element in the matrix. Spatially variable R affects the abundance of an incompatible trace element in the melt and residual solid the most in near fractional melting. There is a strong nonlinear trade off among the three parameters. Given Fd, it is possible to constrain F and R from incompatible trace element abundances in residual peridotite.To explore the dynamics of melt migration in the mantle, we used the two melting models developed in this study and published REE and Y abundances in diopside in abyssal peridotites from the Central Indian Ridge to infer their melting and melt migration history. Overall, the degrees of melting inferred from the trace element data are not sensitive to the value of Fd used in the inversion and ranges from 10% to 15%. The relative rate of melt suction depends slightly on the choice of Fd and ranges from 0.85 to 1.0 for Fd = 0.05 and 0.75 to 0.97 for Fd = 0. Further, the estimated R is inversely correlated with F, a robust feature independent of the choice of Fd. The upward decrease of R in an upwelling mantle column can be understood in terms of melt focusing in the lower part of the double-lithology region. And finally, given F and R, we found that the permeability and porosity of the lherzolite/harzburgite matrix also increase as a function of F in the melting column, with melt fractions ranging from 0.2% to 0.7% for a grain size of 5 mm.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1395-1412
The Neyriz ophiolite along the northeast flank of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in southern Iran is an excellent example of a Late Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-related ophiolite on the north side of the Neotethys. The ophiolite comprises a mantle sequence including lherzolite, harzburgite, diabasic dikes, and cumulate to mylonitic gabbro lenses, and a crustal sequence comprising a sheeted dike complex and pillow lavas associated with pelagic limestone and radiolarite. Mantle harzburgites contain less CaO and Al2O3, are depleted in rare earth elements, and contain spinels that are more Cr-rich than lherzolites. Mineral compositions of peridotites are similar to those of both abyssal and SSZ- peridotites. Neyriz gabbroic rocks show boninitic (SSZ-related) affinities, while crustal rocks are similar to early arc tholeiites. Mineral compositions of gabbroic rocks resemble those of SSZ-related cumulates such as high forsterite olivine, anorthite-rich plagioclase, and high-Mg# clinopyroxene. Initial εNd(t) values range from +7.9 to +9.3 for the Neyriz magmatic rocks. Samples with radiogenic Nd overlap with least radiogenic mid-ocean ridge basalts and with Semail and other Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolitic rocks. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.7033 to 0.7044, suggesting modification due to seafloor alteration. Most Neyriz magmatic rocks are characterized by less radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb (near the northern hemisphere reference line), suggesting less involvement of sediments in their mantle source. Our results for Neyriz ophiolite and the similarity to other Iranian Zagros ophiolites support a subduction initiation setting for its generation.  相似文献   

西藏普兰地幔橄榄岩中尖晶石内的钙长石包裹体及其成因   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
郭国林  徐向珍  李金阳 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3197-3206
西藏普兰超镁铁岩体之东南缘与玄武岩接触界线附近的地幔橄榄岩中除有粒状半自形的钙长石产出外,还在尖晶石中发现有呈蠕虫状、浑圆状的钙长石包裹体存在.研究发现两种产状的钙长石An值都大于95且均无环带构造,说明钙长石从高Ca/Al比值的熔体中结晶时具有结晶时间短、结晶速度快的特点,可能形成于地壳较浅部位.从化学成分来看,包裹体形态的钙长石具有较高的Cr2O3含量,其寄主矿物尖晶石的Cr#值低且TiO2含量比深海橄榄岩中的尖晶石低得多,推断钙长石包裹体与寄主矿物尖晶石是在液相条件下几乎同时结晶的产物.综合研究表明钙长石包裹体的成因可能是玄武岩熔体在地壳较浅部位侵入方辉橄榄岩时,高温的玄武质熔体提供热源,使得方辉橄榄岩中尖晶石内的Cpx+ Opx细粒矿物包裹体在高温环境下发生熔融,发生Opx+ Cpx+ Sp→Ol+ Pl的反应,由于这种情况下尖晶石有剩余,故新生成的橄榄石和钙长石矿物仍然包裹于尖晶石内,从而形成尖晶石内部呈蠕虫状的钙长石包裹体.  相似文献   

Carbon abundances have been determined in mantle xenoliths from alkalic basalts and kimberlites and interpreted in terms of the nature and distribution of the C-rich phases. Anhydrous Cr-diopside Group I spinel lherzolites from basalts typically contain 15–50 ppm C, and amphibole-bearing ones have only marginally higher concentrations (40–100 ppm). Carbon abundances in Al-augite Group II pyroxenites are not significantly different from those of the Group I rocks. Although most LREE-depleted lherzolite xenoliths contain less C than enriched samples, there is no clear relationship between abundances of C and the incompatible trace elements.In the suite of deformed cumulate peridotite and dunite xenoliths of the 1801 Kaupulehu flow of the Hualalai volcano, Hawaii, C abundances are clearly related to texture, modal composition, and style of deformation. The most C-rich rocks are wehrlites in which the clinopyroxenes deformed more brittly and thus possess higher fluid inclusion and crack densities than the surrounding olivines.Regardless of their lithology, all xenoliths from kimberlites (including both peridotites and eclogites) are C-rich compared to those from basalts. Most of the C in these xenoliths exists as calcite or carbonaceous matter associated with serpentine veins and was thus probably contributed by the kimberlite host. Primary carbonates are extremely rare in all xenoliths, although occasionally they have been observed as daughter products in fluid inclusions.Although most C exists as inclusions of CO2-rich vapor, condensed carbonaceous matter also appears to occur in all rocks as discrete platy grains and as a film on natural surfaces such as grain boundaries and cracks.  相似文献   

Ron Harris 《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):143
Analysis of internal structures of the Brooks Range ophiolite at the three largest and well-exposed klippen reveals a NE–SW structural grain that may parallel the original axis of magmatism of a slow spreading marginal ocean basin. Sub-parallel directions of lattice fabrics in olivine of mantle peridotite and shape fabrics in pyroxene and plagioclase of layered gabbro indicate that asthenospheric and magmatic flow was closely coupled. These structures, including the petrologic moho, mostly dip steeply to the NW and SE, with slightly oblique flow lineations. Sedimentary and volcanic cover deposits also dip SE. The few exposures found of sheeted dike complexes generally strike parallel, but dip orthogonal to both the petrologic moho and cover deposits. These structural features are locally disturbed by syn- and post-magmatic normal faults emblematic of slow-spreading ridge processes. However, the consistent geometry of structures over a distance of 200 km demonstrates not only that the magmatic system was organized in a similar manner to an oceanic ridge, but that there was little to no rotation of individual klippe during tectonic emplacement.Ductile fabrics related to tectonic emplacement yield top-to-the NNW sense of shear indicators. The basal thrust and accompanying serpentinized shear zone is mostly flat-lying and truncates the steeply dipping ductile fabric of the ophiolite. This relationship and paleomagnetic data from the igneous sequence suggest that flow fabrics were most likely moderately inclined at the time the ophiolite formed. Similar relationships are found at diapiric centers along oceanic ridges and in other ophiolite bodies.  相似文献   

在班公湖怒江蛇绿岩带的西端日土出露两种不同的地幔橄榄岩:①角砾状方辉橄榄岩,由80%橄榄石(Fo=90.76~91.84,平均91.09)、15%斜方辉石(Mg#=90.97~91.41,平均91.16)、2%单斜辉石(Mg#=93.24~94.60,平均93.96)、3%棕色尖晶石(Cr#=0.20~0.25,平均0.23<0.60)和磁铁矿组成,以低MgO(41.41%~42.02%)、高Al2O3(1.63%~1.94%)、CaO(1.34%~1.60%)和Ti(133.04~134.52μg/g)为特征,亏损REE,ΣREE为球粒陨石的17%~22%,估算其为原始地幔岩经过10%~15%部分熔融的残留物;②块状方辉橄榄岩,由85%橄榄石、13%斜方辉石、2%红褐色尖晶石(Cr#=0.69~0.74,平均0.71>0.60)和磁铁矿组成,不含单斜辉石,相对于角砾状方辉橄榄岩,高MgO(42.96%~44.69%),低Al2O3(0.23%~0.61%)、CaO(0.08%~0.11%)和Ti(68.55~68.82μg/g),强烈亏损REE,ΣREE仅为球粒陨石的3%~5%,估算其为原始地幔橄榄岩经过30%~40%部分熔融的残留物。初步研究认为角砾状方辉橄榄岩是古大洋岩石圈在板块汇聚过程中构造侵位于缝合带中的残留物,是MOR型蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩;块状方辉橄榄岩是古大洋岩石圈在俯冲消减过程中再度发生熔融的残留物,是SSZ型蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩,这与本区发育MOR型蛇绿岩熔岩洋中脊拉斑玄武岩(P-MORB)和SSZ型蛇绿岩熔岩玻安岩(Boninite)是一致的。  相似文献   

The opaque mineralogy and the contents and isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinized peridotites from the MARK (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone) area were examined to understand the conditions of serpentinization and evaluate this process as a sink for seawater sulfur. The serpentinites contain a sulfur-rich secondary mineral assemblage and have high sulfur contents (up to 1 wt.%) and elevated δ34Ssulfide (3.7 to 12.7‰). Geochemical reaction modeling indicates that seawater-peridotite interaction at 300 to 400°C alone cannot account for both the high sulfur contents and high δ34Ssulfide. These require a multistage reaction with leaching of sulfide from subjacent gabbro during higher temperature (∼400°C) reactions with seawater and subsequent deposition of sulfide during serpentinization of peridotite at ∼300°C. Serpentinization produces highly reducing conditions and significant amounts of H2 and results in the partial reduction of seawater carbonate to methane. The latter is documented by formation of carbonate veins enriched in 13C (up to 4.5‰) at temperatures above 250°C. Although different processes produce variable sulfur isotope effects in other oceanic serpentinites, sulfur is consistently added to abyssal peridotites during serpentinization. Data for serpentinites drilled and dredged from oceanic crust and from ophiolites indicate that oceanic peridotites are a sink for up to 0.4 to 6.0 × 1012 g seawater S yr−1. This is comparable to sulfur exchange that occurs in hydrothermal systems in mafic oceanic crust at midocean ridges and on ridge flanks and amounts to 2 to 30% of the riverine sulfate source and sedimentary sulfide sink in the oceans. The high concentrations and modified isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinites could be important for mantle metasomatism during subduction of crust generated at slow spreading rates.  相似文献   

The layered cumulus rocks of the Marum ophiolite complex in northern Papua New Guinea range from highly magnesian dunite, wehrlite, and lherzolite through pyroxenite to norite-gabbro with minor anorthosite and ferronorite-gabbro near the top of the sequence. Most of the cumulates, particularly the gabbroic rocks, are characterised by recrystallised adcumulus textures and all intercumulus melt (mesostasis) has been expelled. Trends in the cumulate sequence from Mg-rich to more Fe-, Ca- and Al-rich compositions are consistent with the formation of the layered sequence by magmatic accumulation from mafic tholeiitic magmas with varying degrees of differentiation. The cumulates are characterised by extremely low levels of ‘incompatible’ elements (K, Ba, Rb, P, Zr, Nb, Hf, Y and REE) at all levels of differentiation. REE patterns are strongly depleted in LREE; HREE abundances range from ≦0.3 chondrites in peridotite to 3 x chondrites in the norite-gabbros. The Marum cumulates resemble low-Ti peridotites and gabbros found in other orthopyroxene-bearing ophiolite sequences. The parent magmas of the Marum cumulates are inferred to have been strongly depleted in ‘incompatible’ trace elements (~ 2,000 ppm Ti, ~20 ppm Zr, 6–9 x chondrites HREE with LaN/SmN~0.5). These abundances are lower than found in typical MORB and back-arc basin basalts or their picritic parents. The dissimilarity of trace element abundances of the inferred Marum parent magmas with MORB-type high-alumina olivine tholeiites supports the conclusion drawn previously from the petrology of the cumulates that the parent magmas to the Marum ophiolite were not of MORB composition but resembled the strongly depleted, Ni-rich magnesian olivine-poor tholeiites and quartz tholeiites of the Upper Pillow Lavas of the Troodos ophiolite. The Marum parent magmas are believed to have been formed by shallow melting of refractory peridotite, and are chemically and genetically distinct from the LREE-enriched high-Ti lavas (Tumu River basalts) which occur in faulted contact. The geochemical data do not permit unequivocal assignment of a tectonic environment for the formation of either the Tumu River basalts or the plutonic suite; their juxtaposition results from thrust emplacement.  相似文献   

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