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2012年河南新乡市宋墓考古发掘出土一批动物骨骼,根据种属鉴定和观测比较,该批动物骨骼材料属于家猫.家猫(骨骼)安置于墓主身旁,是墓主入葬时作为饲宠特意放置的.猫骨骼表面没有发现任何人类行为痕迹(切割、砍击等).全部猫骨骼属于同一个家猫个体.保存下来的骨骼材料包括左、右下颌骨;左上颌骨;肱骨、尺骨、桡骨、股骨、胫骨、跖骨等,总计42件家猫骨骼.在家猫动物考古研究中,新乡宋墓家猫是我国同一地点发现家猫骨骼标本数(可鉴定标本数:NISP)最多的地点.特别需要关注的是,在该具家猫骨骼上,首次发现我国家畜考古中"偏侧咀嚼"现象.其特征为:右下颌的P4、m1齿尖,使用磨耗程度远远大于左下颌相同齿位齿尖.磨耗差距最大的部位在m1后尖顶端,右侧比左侧齿尖因磨耗而偏低2.10 mm,右侧m1后尖顶端已磨耗为平面、裸露齿质点,而左侧m1齿尖仍保留有完好锐尖.新乡宋墓家猫在我国动物考古中,还是首次发现以宠物猫进行陪葬的考古学文化现象.我国此前发现的家猫骨骼,主要出土于文化层或灰坑里,可能是被人们丢弃或自然死亡后被埋藏起来的.甚至还有少量猫骨可能是古代人食猫风俗的遗存.而新乡宋墓中的宠物猫,是人们为培养生活伴侣或寄托生活情趣而畜养的,是人们主要为满足精神生活需求而饲养的动物.我国此前动物考古研究有关"宠物"的发现为空白.新乡宋墓出土我国考古中第一只可以确定为宠物的家猫,为今后开展动物考古中有关"宠物"研究开启了良好开端.墓中出土的宠物猫还有严重"偏侧咀嚼"现象,该发现对家畜动物考古材料的演化研究等具有重要意义.  相似文献   

B.  M.  西尼村 《第四纪研究》1959,2(1):1-7
已故的弗拉墓米尔·阿法钠榭耶推奇·奥勃兽契夫(B. A. 0брyчeв)院士是中央亚细亚地质研究奠基人之一,他并完成了到中亚的多次考察。  相似文献   

50年代初,考古学者在西晋周处(公元240~297)墓中发现铝质带饰,光谱分析含A1超过90%。当时冶金技术肯定不可能炼出金属铝。于是,对晋墓铝饰的物质来源问题便有种种猜测:铝钒土经雷电作用所还原;元素铝的天外陨落;掘墓时的人为混入;等等。苏联冶金学家别略耶夫一度猜测可能来自元素矿物自然铝,但他提不出任何自然铝存在的信息。  相似文献   

我国大气科学发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1954年初,中国科学院古脊椎动物研究所(当时为“研究室”),从交通部公路局一位在兰阿路工作的同志处,收到在现在阿壩藏族自治州境内发现的几件哺乳类化石。这些标本墓本上还是我国青藏高原境内第一次发砚的哺乳类化石,在地层和古生物学上是一项有价值的发现。  相似文献   

通过对西藏昌都热底垄石棺墓人骨年代的研究 ,认为热底垄石棺墓的年代应不早于卡若遗址 ,不晚于香贝石棺墓 ,人骨14 C年代应该在距今 4 0 0 0~ 2 4 0 0a之间。并论述了人骨测年的方法以及在野外采样的注意事项。在定年方法上 ,提出对同一样品采用不同的测定技术进行交叉验证 ,以提高数据的可信度研究方法。  相似文献   


方云  邓长青  顾成权  莫涛 《现代地质》2002,16(2):220-223
介绍了四川安丙家族墓地遗址区的地质环境 ,指出本区主要的环境地质病害是墓室主梁断裂、墓壁变形开裂、墓室渗水、石雕和壁画风化以及斜坡失稳。  相似文献   

玆将吉林省通化孞鹚λ淖苷竞蛯G目蒲а芯克厦课迦辗⒈淼墓赜诮邓芰考巴寥篮渴挡馇榭龅墓?刊登如下:我局認为這是水文基层單位为地方服务的一种很好形式,对地方党政領导、农業部門及时了解情况指导农業生产有一定作用,希望各水文基层單位仿效推行。  相似文献   

张趁心 《河南地质》2014,(12):46-46
2012年3月,有群众反映,A村有人违法占地建家族墓地。经查,该建墓用地未经审批,且占用的土地是农用地及耕地,面积为316平方米。  相似文献   

刘俊新  谢强  文江泉  邱恩喜 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1295-1298
为了保持轨道的平顺性和稳定性,高速铁路要求路堤的工后沉降为0。红层属于C类填料,易崩解、软化,依据单轴压缩蠕变(粒径小于2 mm和压实度为95 %)试验结果,对红层填料的蠕变特性进行了分析,同时基于工程应用的目的,根据蠕变曲线对路堤的工后沉降进行了预测,论证了采用红层作为填料在一定的施工工艺下能满足路堤工后0沉降的要求。  相似文献   

软岩的主要特点是粘土矿物成分含量高、强度低、性能不稳定、易风化、易软化、且易崩解,路用性能较差,在铁路、公路中的应用受限制。国内对软岩填料的工程性质认识不足,其填筑的铁路或公路路基,经多年运行后,在交通循环荷载作用或自然条件侵蚀下产生严重的路基病害。试验研究运用强夯法对成型软岩路堤进行补强,加强路堤填筑密实度以改善其路用性,检测证明其强夯效果显著。  相似文献   

荆志东  刘俊新 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2116-2121
高速铁路要为列车的高速行驶提供一个高平顺性和稳定性的轨下基础,而路基作为轨道结构的基础,必须具有强度高、刚度大、稳定性和耐久性好的特性。由于红层泥岩属于软岩,工程稳定性差,以红层泥岩作为基床的填料,其刚度明显不足,所以为了弥补基床表层的不足,在其顶部添加一层水泥稳定级配碎石。为了验证这些措施的效果,以便指导工程设计和施工,通过足尺动态模型试验,模拟在实际荷载条件下基床的动态变形特性,结果表明,采用水泥稳定级配碎石作为基床表层填料,静态变形明显降低,能够大幅降低动荷载作用时的动变形,减少了基床结构的永久变形,增强了轨道结构的稳定性。  相似文献   

王江平 《探矿工程》2012,39(10):40-42
针对河南省嵩县大王沟钼矿强烈蚀变、软硬不均、涌水漏失的复杂地层绳索取心钻进的难题,采用以套管为主、泥浆为辅的护壁措施,对钻探设备及工器具、金刚石钻头参数的选型进行了探讨,提出了腐植酸钾泥浆护壁和惰性材料堵漏的配方和配置方法,以及减小起下钻压力激动和抽吸对孔壁的破坏作用的措施,取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

A brown fine-grained mineral aggregate in the form of plate and stuffing was found in the Hannuoba spinel-lherzolite. A series of measurements, including X-ray powder diffraction, infrared spectrometry, DTA and electron microprobe analysis, were made on this aggregate. The results show that the aggregate consists of the following minerals: hydrous magnesio-silicate minerals, metamorphic chrysotile, ringwoodite, spinel, rutile, forsterite etc. This is a high-pressure hydrous mineral aggregate never reported in lherzolite elsewhere. Based on the compositions and distribution features of the minerals, it is suggested that the fine-grained mineral aggregate was derived from phlogopite, which had been formed early in the upper mantle and was hydrolyzed during partial melting.  相似文献   

聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的三轴强度特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施利国  张孟喜  曹鹏 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2721-2728
加筋技术作为20世纪一项重大发明,广泛运用于挡土墙、堤坝、桥台、护坡等工程中。加筋技术的快速发展推动了加筋材料的快速演变,催生了土工织物、土工格栅、土工格室等一大批土工合成材料,但加筋材料有一弱点:即筋材与填料间容易出现潜在破坏面。过去填料使用的是黏土、砂土,其强度都比较稳定,时间对其强度的影响极小。对于灰土这一类材料,其强度受时间影响较大,是否适于作为加筋土填料需进行研究。选取聚丙烯纤维作为加筋材料,研究了聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土的强度与变形特性。试验中,将3种不同百分比(0.05%,0.15%和0.25%)的聚丙烯纤维分别掺入到灰土比为1:9,2:8,3:7的灰土试样中,配制试样。通过三轴试验研究了不同纤维加筋率、不同灰土比、不同龄期及不同围压对加筋灰土的影响。试验结果表明:与普通的灰土相比,聚丙烯纤维加筋灰土其峰值偏应力和抗剪强度均有不同幅度提高  相似文献   

伊利石:一种前景广阔的新型粘土矿物材料   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李晓敏  寇晓威 《世界地质》2000,19(4):346-349
伊利石是一种富钾、高铝的层状含水硅酸盐矿物,是近几年来才逐渐受到重视的新型粘土矿物材料。不同品种的伊利石可分别用作陶瓷制品的原材料,造纸用涂布粒等。经改性后的活性伊利石粉可作为橡塑制品的填充料。以优质伊利石为原料制取钾肥,同时还可获得4A沸石、净水剂等多种副产品。伊利石的深层次开发具有广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

In low-temperature aqueous solutions (< 100°C, pH 2–4.5), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) does not form through direct precipitation from solution. The pathway is exclusively via precursor iron sulphides and dissolved Cu salts. The reaction of dissolved Cu (II) salts with natural hexagonal pyrrhotite (Fe0.9S) is diffusion controlled. The initial stage has an apparent activation energy of 11.4 ± 1.8 kJ mol−1 and the rate (in units of mol dm−3s−1 cm−2) is independent of the solid reactant surface area. The reaction proceeds through a series of metastable Cu-Fe-sulphide intermediaries. These phases form a series of ephemeral layers penetrating into the pyrrhotite surface. The first phase formed has the stoichiometry Cu0.1Fe0.9S. No Fe is released into the solution during its formation and this, together with the extremely low apparent activation energy and the stoichiometry, suggest that it is formed by stuffing of electron holes in the pyrrhotite structure with Cu ions. The transformation from the hexagonal close-packed arrangement of the pyrrhotite structure to the essentially cubic packing in chalcopyrite proceeds through a series of intermediaries, approximating in composition to members of the cubanite group. The rate of formation of these phases is controlled by the coupled diffusion of Fe (II), Fe (III), Cu (I) and Cu (II) species through the surface reaction zone, although the process as a whole can be approximated by steady-state diffusion of total Cu into a semi-infinite medium. Experiments with metastable precursor iron monosulphide phases, including amorphous FeS and synthetic mackinawite indicate similar reaction pathways.

The results suggest that chalcopyrite formation in low-temperature natural systems may be significantly constrained by kinetic factors. Chalcopyrite is, at least, a diagenetic mineral since its formation requires the prior formation of iron sulphides. However, at ambient temperatures its formation is probably limited to very early diagenesis.  相似文献   

This study reports the first ethanol and acetaldehyde measurements in sediment porewaters collected at multiple freshwater locations. Ethanol concentrations ranged from 11 to 2535 nM and acetaldehyde concentrations ranged from 6 to 320 nM. A significant positive correlation (p < 0.001) was observed between ethanol concentrations and the percent organic carbon content of sediments (TOC). Porewater depth profiles at two sites within the same lake indicated potential diffusion of ethanol into sediments from the overlying water at a lower TOC site and upwards diffusion from sediment into the water column at a higher TOC site. Diffusion of water column ethanol into sediments was observed at individual sites from October to January, whereas the opposite was true from June to August indicating the seasonal variability of ethanol flux from sediments. Changes in ethanol concentrations during a long-term sediment incubation experiment showed an inverse relation with acetaldehyde concentrations. The lack of a quantitative conversion was likely due to other sources and sinks that control their abundance. Our study provided new information on the biogeochemistry of ethanol in freshwater sediments and shed light on the potential role of ethanol in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this paper is to contribute to the evaluation of rock cracking using ultrasonic wave propagation. The rock specimens (siltstone sampled from a coal mine at a depth of 820 meters in Belgium) are subjected to incremental creep. The study of the rock transfer function shows P-wave attenuation in the direction of loading as a function of stress and time during the test: this attenuation becomes more significant at the stage at which the rock dilates. It is obvious from the specimen dimensions that the signal is affected by reflection phenomena. So, we have modelled the output sigrals with a model containing reflections. The simulations obtained from the model and input signal are very conclusive and the model validation is satisfying.  相似文献   

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