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The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

晚第四纪以来安宁河断裂的构造活动与演化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在进行1:5万地质填图过程中,通过对安宁河断裂区域内晚更新世 一新世地层岩性,岩极及组成的各级地貌特征并结合地层的对年龄测定较为实际的研究与划分了断裂的活动期,次,并据此进一步研究了断裂活动的性质,方式与演化简史。  相似文献   

罗云山山前断裂中段土门-贾朱村晚第四纪断错地貌特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗云山山前断裂位于山西临汾盆地西侧,控制着盆地的西界。通过对该断裂1∶ 5万地质填图、对河流冲沟阶地及山前断错地貌的调查,介绍了罗云山山前断裂中段土门-贾朱村晚第四纪断错地貌特征。罗云山山前发育D1、D2、D3 等3 级洪积扇,罗云山山前断裂上升盘冲沟发育T1 ~ T5 等5 级阶地。D1 洪积扇与T1、T2 阶地形成于全新世早中期;D2 洪积扇与T3 阶地形成于晚更新世中晚期;D3 洪积扇与T4、T5 阶地形成于中更新世中晚期。罗云山山前断裂中段不同部位断错地貌特征差异较大,D1 洪积扇的断错在席坊沟一带断距约2. 9m;在金殿镇峪口村南西山前断错约3m。D2 洪积扇的断错在土门镇南西堡子村约2. 5m;在杨家庄村西山前断错约4m;在景村西山前断错约6m;在襄陵镇浪泉沟南西侧山前断错约7. 7m。罗云山山前断裂中段山前断错地貌明显,其最新活动时代为全新世。其中,土门段最新活动时代为全新世早期,龙祠段最新活动时代为全新世中晚期。罗云山山前断裂中段晚更新世中晚期以来活动速率为0. 18~ 0. 54mm / a,由北向南活动呈增强趋势;全新世早中期以来活动速率为0. 4 ~ 0. 9mm / a,断裂活动主要集中于席坊沟-峪口一带。罗云山山前断裂中段从晚更新世中晚期到全新世活动速率有增大的趋势,这与该断裂上升盘冲沟阶地从晚更新世中晚期到全新世抬升速率有增大的趋势以及临汾盆地从晚更新世晚期到全新世沉降速率也有增大的趋势具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

安宁河断裂带晚第四纪活动的基本特征及强震危险性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过影像解译,结合野外地质调查,利用第四纪地貌填图、样品采集和差分GPS地貌面的测量等研究手段,对安宁河断裂带及其附近地区第四纪地貌特征与断层活动关系进行了研究,分析了安宁河断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征,探讨了该断裂上强震的危险性。结果表明,晚第四纪以来,安宁河断裂带有强烈左旋走滑和逆冲的双重运动特征,由此可将其划分为南、北两段,北段最后一次活动时间大约在公元15世纪,南段最后一次活动时间为1536年。安宁河断裂带北段的强震危险性大于南段,且未来地震的强度在7.5级左右。  相似文献   

本文通过野外地震地质考察和系统的年代学样品的采集与测试,对长岭-半边山断裂带的第四纪活动性进行了讨论。在探讨川东地区发震构造条件的基础上,笔者结合长岭-半边山断裂带的基本特征和年代学特征,认为该断裂具有发生最大潜在地震为5.0~6.0级的发震能力。  相似文献   

玛多—甘德断裂甘德段晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
玛多—甘德断裂是巴颜喀拉块体内部的一条活动断裂。 通过野外调查发现, 在玛多-甘德断裂的甘德段保留有一条较好的地震地表破裂带。 破裂带整体走向NW向, 长约为50 km。 野外获得的最大左旋水平位移7.6 m, 最大垂直位移4 m。 沿破裂带有大量地震活动的遗迹, 地表破裂类型十分丰富。 通过对各种地质地貌现象的调查与分析, 认为该破裂带形成时代较新。 断裂带在地貌上发育有线性排列的垭口、 断层三角面、 断层陡坎、 断层泉、 断错水系、 山脊扭错、 断塞塘、 鼓包等现象。 根据野外考察并结合现有资料分析, 该破裂带可能是该区域内历史上一次较为强烈地震的产物。 据此推断, 巴颜喀拉块体内部的玛多—甘德断裂晚第四纪以来可能有过强烈的活动并至今活跃。  相似文献   

运用云南地区1997~2002年的跨断层短水准短基线资料,研究了姚安Ms6.5、永胜Ms6.0级地震的形变前兆异常特点。以断层运动速率与基准值之比定义异常参数R值,定量分析了云南地区1998~2002年的形变异常及其与区域强震的关系,提出强震预测指标。结果表明,R值出现异常后的3~20个月内,区域内都有6级以上强震发生。  相似文献   




Paleoseismological studies have shown that indi-vidual past large-magnitude earthquakes can be recog-nized in the geological record and the timing betweenevents can be measured through Quaternary datingtechniques[1—6]. Thus, through paleoseismological st-udies, it is possible to determine age of each prehis-toric event so that recurrence intervals of large earth-quakes may be evaluated which provides a means toexpand the limited view of earthquakes offered by thehistorical and instrumental re…  相似文献   

本在震源为双侧线状断层破裂模型的假定下,根据震源理论和波谱随空间坐标的展开式,得到了场地两点地震动Fourier谱的表达式Ab(f)=Aa(f)exp(a1δ0 a2δθ,中提出了将双侧破裂模型分解为两个单侧破裂模型计算双侧破裂模型a1和a2的数值方法,以一次地震(M=6)为例,分析了双侧破裂模型对地震动空间相关性的影响,计算了 a1和a2的实部和虚部以及孔径随震中距,方位角和频率变化的三维图像。  相似文献   

Earthquake surface rupture is the result of transformation from crustal elastic strain accumulation to permanent tectonic deformation. The surface rupture zone produced by the 2001 Kunlunshan earth- quake (Mw7.8) on the Kusaihu segment of the Kunlun fault extends over 426 km. It consists of three relatively independent surface rupture sections: the western strike-slip section, the middle transten- sional section and the eastern strike-slip section. Hence this implies that the Kunlunshan earthquake is composed of three earthquake rupturing events, i.e. the Mw=6.8, Mw=6.2 and Mw≤7.8 events, respec- tively. The Mw≤7.8 earthquake, along the eastern section, is the main shock of the Kunlunshan earth- quake, further decomposed into four rupturing subevents. Field measurements indicate that the width of a single surface break on different sections ranges from several meters to 15 m, with a maximum value of less than 30 m. The width of the surface rupture zone that consists of en echelon breaks de- pends on its geometric structures, especially the stepover width of the secondary surface rupture zones in en echelon, displaying a basic feature of deformation localization. Consistency between the Quaternary geologic slip rate, the GPS-monitored strain rate and the localization of the surface rup- tures of the 2001 Kunlunshan earthquake may indicate that the tectonic deformation between the Ba- yan Har block and Qilian-Qaidam block in the northern Tibetan Plateau is characterized by strike-slip faulting along the limited width of the Kunlun fault, while the blocks themselves on both sides of the Kunlun fault are characterized by block motion. The localization of earthquake surface rupture zone is of great significance to determine the width of the fault-surface-rupture hazard zone, along which direct destruction will be caused by co-seismic surface rupturing along a strike-slip fault, that should be considered before the major engineering project, residental buildings and life line construction.  相似文献   

通过对1900-2001年8月100多年来华北地区中强地震(M≥5.0)活动的研究,得出了一系列关于本地区中强地震活动的特征:地震活动主要发生在地表构造带的交汇部位、地震活动存在四个活动时段、地震活动存在明显迁移性;并对本地区未来的地震活动趋势进行了探讨,认为华北地区未来一段时间仍有发生M≥5.0级地震的可能。  相似文献   

In this paper, near-fault strong ground motions caused by a surface rupture fault (SRF) and a buried fault (BF) are numerically simulated and compared by using a time-space-decoupled, explicit finite element method combined with a multi-transmitting formula (MTF) of an artificial boundary. Prior to the comparison, verification of the explicit element method and the MTF is conducted. The comparison results show that the final dislocation of the SRF is larger than the BF for the same stress drop on the fault plane. The maximum final dislocation occurs on the fault upper line for the SRF; however, for the BF, the maximum final dislocation is located on the fault central part. Meanwhile, the PGA, PGV and PGD of long period ground motions (≤1 Hz) generated by the SRF are much higher than those of the BF in the near-fault region. The peak value of the velocity pulse generated by the SRF is also higher than the BF. Furthermore, it is found that in a very narrow region along the fault trace, ground motions caused by the SRF are much higher than by the BF. These results may explain why SRFs almost always cause heavy damage in near-fault regions compared to buried faults. Supported by: National Natural Science Foundation of China Under Grant No. 50408003; National Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology of China Under Grant No. 2006BAC13B01  相似文献   

ntroductionTransientSwavevelocityrupture(TSVR)meansthevelocityvoffaultruptureisbetweenSwavevelocityβandPwavevelocityα.Itse...  相似文献   

The I ingwu fault is in the eastern boundary of the southern section of Yinchuan graben. It hasa close relation to seismicity in the Lingwu-Wuzhong region.Few researches have been done.In this Paper,on the basis of tee data obtained from field investigation,the activity features inLate Quaternary have been discussed.The vertical displacement and its slip rate have been alsoestimated.The fault is 48km in length,being divided into 3 segments according to geologicaland topographical characteristics.The last rupture along its northern and middle segments wasoccurred in late of Late Pleistocene or early Holocene while that along the southern segmentwas occurred in midle Holocene.The vertical slip rate is estimated as 0.23~025mm/a sinceabout 66ka B.P.based on the vertical displacements of terracesⅠ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ and their ages.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带炉霍段的震后滑动与形变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
杜方  闻学泽  张培震 《地球物理学报》2010,53(10):2355-2366
1973年2月在鲜水河断裂带炉霍段发生了M7.6地震破裂.自那以来,先后在炉霍县虾拉沱布设了若干横跨该地震断层(1973年破裂带)的地壳形变观测系统,包括断层近场的短基线、短水准、蠕变仪、人工构筑物等,以及断层近-远场的GPS观测站.利用这些观测系统的长期观测资料,本文分析了鲜水河断裂带炉霍段的震后滑动/变形及其时、空变化特征,并建立起解释这些特征的动力学模式.研究表明:(1)1973年地震后的头5年,地震断层在虾拉沱场地表现为开放性质,近场的断层震后滑动以无震左旋蠕滑为主,速率达到10.27 mm/a,且伴有微量的拉张性蠕动作用;1979年以来,左旋蠕滑速率由5.3 mm/a逐渐减小到2.27 mm/a,减小的过程呈对数函数型,反映此阶段断层面已逐渐重新耦合、正朝闭锁的方向发展,并伴有部分应变积累.(2)1999年以来,地震断层两侧远场的相对左旋位移/变形速率为10 mm/a,远大于同时期断层近场(跨距40~144 m)的左旋蠕滑速率0.66~2.52 mm/a;远-近场位移/形变速率的显著变化发生在地震断层两侧各宽约30 km的范围,显示出这是与大地震应力应变积累—释放相关的断裂带宽度.(3)结合动力学背景与深部构造信息,本文对这里断层的震后位移/变形及其时、空变化的机理进行初步解释,要点是:震后约5年之后,由于逐渐增大的断层滑动/摩擦阻抗,上地壳脆性层中的断层面由震后初期的开放性质逐渐转向重新耦合、并朝闭锁的方向发展,但其两侧地块深部持续的延性相对运动拖拽着浅部脆性层发生相应的弹性位移/变形.(4)可估计再经历15~25年,研究断裂段将完全"闭锁",即进入积累下一次大地震应力应变的震间闭锁阶段.  相似文献   

大量研究表明,流体在断层弱化中起着非常重要的作用.在地壳浅部脆性域,自由水通过流体孔隙压力减小断层有效正压力,从而降低断层摩擦强度;在地壳深部,矿物中的微量结构水弱化岩石流变强度.另外,流体-岩石相互作用等化学过程,如长石水解反应,对断层强度的影响也非常显著.断层深部流体通过物理作用与化学作用影响着岩石的变形机制,从而影响断层力学性质与地震孕育和发生.断层内部流体孔隙压力周期性变化是断层带脆-塑性转化、裂缝张开与愈合等的直接体现,这种变化控制着断层强度与强震周期性发生现象.  相似文献   

2001年11月14日东昆仑断裂带库赛湖段发生8.1级大地震.事实上,库赛湖断裂分段大震的复发周期会受到其他分段运动行为的影响,尤其是临近的西大滩断裂分段.本文采用速度和状态依赖摩擦本构控制的一维弹簧滑块模型(BK模型)研究断裂分段滑动速度对强震复发周期的影响.以东昆仑活动断裂带库赛湖断裂分段和西大滩断裂分段作为实例进行研究,研究中将两断裂分段视为通过弹簧相连的滑块系统,其中模型参数的选择是以现有东昆仑活动断裂带库赛湖和西大滩分段的地质研究成果、历史地震和古地震资料直接给出,部分参数也采用了数值计算的方法.研究预测了两分段不同滑动速度对强震复发周期、断裂滑动速度及错动位移在未来0.5~0.6万年中随时间变化的影响.研究发现:在断裂分段之间的相互影响下,各断裂分段滑动速度与各段的强震发生周期没有规律性的关系;两断裂分段组成的系统中,某断裂分段滑动速度放慢(加快)会使该断裂分段未来强震发生的震级增大(减小),而对另外断裂分段的强震发生震级没有规律性影响;两断裂分段组成的系统中,某断裂分段滑动速度加快(放慢)会使另外的断裂分段在强震发生时错动的速度加快(放慢);同时,两断裂分段组成的系统中,某一断裂分段滑动速度上的变化对另一断裂分段强震复发周期的影响只有在较长时间跨度上才能体现.  相似文献   

Introduction The Global Position System (GPS) may provide information about the crust movement of high precision in a large area, which significantly improve the capability of monitoring crustal movement over the area. In the last decade, studies on the global plate movement, the large scale block motions, the high-resolution crust movement of related monitored regions and tectonic de-formation fields have become the hotspot of spatial geodesy (ZHU et al, 2003; Wang et al, 2001; HUANG et…  相似文献   

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