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Monitoring and evaluation of groundwater quality in drinking water protectorates is of particular interest if the uncontrolled entry of pollutants, for example by infiltrating river water, cannot be excluded. A fluorescence spectroscopic method is presented as possible alternative to the conventional expensive hydrochemical investigations. This method uses the information yielded by synchronous fluorescence spectra. After a Fourier transformation of the original spectra and a following discriminant analysis, the samples can be classified in different groups corresponding to the different types of groundwater. The method was tested in the drinking water protectorate of a waterworks of a German metropolis (Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt). We found a prediction rate of about 90% in the investigated case.  相似文献   

The water-soluble fractions of unleaded gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel were evaluated by U.S. EPA Methods 602, 610, and 625.
Several chemical indicator compounds useful in assessing petroleum contamination of ground water, including benzene, substituted benzenes, n-alkanes, and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, were identified. These were applied to the interpretation of data collected from monitoring wells at gasoline service stations that were undergoing ground water remediation. The chemical indicators are used to identify the likely type(s) of petroleum contamination. Certain hydrocarbons may be unique to specific fuel types.
Gas chromatograms of field sample extracts were compared with chromatograms of laboratory water-soluble fractions (WSFs) and neat fuels (unleaded gasoline, kerosene, and diesel). In some situations, field samples represented water-soluble fractions of the contaminating fuel. In others, a fuel-water agglomeration was indicated, with the chromatograms showing peaks that represented components of both the WSFs and the neat fuels.
The use of both gas chromatography pattern identification and chemical indicators appears to be a viable approach to assessing ground water contamination caused by petroleum products.  相似文献   

Methods for predicting aquifer sensitivity to contamination typically ignore geochemical factors that affect the occurrence of contaminants such as nitrate. Use of geochemical information offers a simple and accurate method for estimating aquifer sensitivity to nitrate contamination. We developed a classification method in which nitrate-sensitive aquifers have dissolved oxygen concentrations > 1.0 mg/L, Eh values >250 mV, and either reduced iron concentrations < 0.1 mg/L or total iron concentrations < 0.7 mg/L. We tested the method in four Minnesota aquifer systems having different geochemical and hydrologic conditions. A surficial sand aquifer in central Minnesota exhibited geochemical zonation, with a rapid shift from aerobic to anaerobic conditions 5 m below the water table. A fractured bedrock aquifer in east-central Minnesota remained aerobic to depths of 50 m, except in areas where anaerobic ground water discharged upward from an underlying aquifer. A bedrock aquifer in southeast Minnesota exhibited aerobic conditions when overlain by surficial deposits lacking shale, whereas anaerobic conditions occurred under deposits that contained shale. Surficial sand aquifers in northwest Minnesota contained high concentrations of sulfate and were anaerobic throughout their extent. Nitrate-nitrogen was detected at concentrations exceeding 1 mg/L in 135 of 149 samples classified as sensitive. Nitrate was not detected in any of the 109 samples classified as not sensitive. We observed differences between our estimates of sensitivity and existing sensitivity maps, which are based on methods that do not consider aquifer geochemistry. Because dissolved oxygen, reduced iron, and Eh are readily measured in the field, use of geochemistry provides a quick and accurate way of assessing aquifer sensitivity to nitrate contamination.  相似文献   

地磁仪器比测是保障地磁测量准确可靠的有效手段。本文介绍了用近零同步观测法进行DI磁力仪的比测原理、方法和实例。该方法不需对磁测数据进行通化处理。因而不会引入其他测量系统的误差,可以有效地确定小于0.2′的仪器差。  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional fluorescence spectra of water samples from an eucalyptus bleached kraft pulp mill and from a river, upstream and downstream of the discharge of the effluent, revealed the existence of a peak at δexc = 280 nm and δem = 340 nm Δδ = 60 nm), characteristic of effluentπs organic matter. Humic substances were isolated from the effluent by sequential adsorption onto resins XAD‐8 and XAD‐4 in series. Their synchronous fluorescence spectra with Δδ = 60 nm do also exhibit an intense signal at δexc = 280 nm (≈ 300 nm in the humic acid fraction). The peak is absent in the spectra of humic substances isolated from a non‐polluted site of the river, but it is clearly seen in the spectra of the humic substances from a site downstream of the discharge of the effluent. Synchronous fluorescence spectra (Δδ = 60 nm) of water samples from the river and its lagoon were recorded and revealed to be an easy and fast way of tracing the organic contamination from the effluent.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the underlying and adjacent soils near a chrome plating shop utilized field-portable X- ray fluorescence (XRF) as a screening tool. XRF permitted real-time acquisition of estimates for total metal content of soils. A trailer-mounted soil coring unit was used to recover soil samples for XRF analyses. This approach minimized the number of samples required for adequate characterization of the chromium distribution in the soils at the site and permitted immediate delineation of source'hot spots.'The nondestructive nature of the XRF analyses permitted correlation analysis using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques. Correlation between XRF and ICP was very good (r2= 0.95) but the XRF analyses underestimated the total chromium concentrations, probably because of inappropriate calibration samples.  相似文献   

Sixteen samples of fulvic acids and XAD‐4 fractions of riverine, estuarine, coastal, and open ocean origin have been studied by emission and synchronous molecular fluorescence spectroscopy. Certain features of the molecular fluorescence are related to the nature, the content, and the origin of those aquatic humic substances (HS). Riverine HS appear several times richer in fluorophores than marine HS, which can be well observed by emission fluorescence spectroscopy. Synchronous‐scan spectra of fulvic acids and of XAD‐4 fractions from the aquatic environments studied, emphasized the quality differences of their fluorophores. These features are useful as tracers of humic substances related with their natural environment source or even with their anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Cone penctrometer test (CPT) based Raman spectroscopy was used to identify separate phase tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichlorocthylene (TCE) contamination in the subsurface at two locations during field tests conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Savannah River site. Clear characteristic Raman spectral peaks for PCE and TCE were observed at two sites and several depths during CPT deployment. Because of the uniqueness of a Raman spectrum for a given compound, these data are compelling evidence of the presence of the two compounds. The Raman spectral results correlated with high PCE and TCE concentrations in soil samples collected from the same subsurface zones, confirming that the method is a viable dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) characterization technique. The Raman spectroscopic identification of PCE and TCE in these tests represents the first time that DNAPLs have been unequivocally located in the subsurface by an in situ technique.
The detection limit of the Raman spectroscopy is related to the probability of contaminant droplets appearing on the optical window in the path of the probe light. Based on data from this fieldwork the Raman technique may require a threshold quantity of DNAPL to provide an adequate optical cross section for spectroscopic response. The low aqueous solubility of PCE and TCE and relatively weak optical intensity of the Raman signal precludes the detection of aqueous phase contaminants by this method, making it selective for DNAPL contaminants only.  相似文献   

对2001-01月至2001-11月期间,在煤炭总医院行CT增强扫描和MR扫描使用数控加压注射器发生造影剂外渗的情况进行了回顾性分析。虽然加压注射器由于压力大,注射速度快,容易导致造影剂外渗,但是通过标准的技术操作,静脉穿刺部位和注射针头口径的合理选择以及预注射等措施是可以避免的。  相似文献   

An in situ redox manipulation (ISRM) method for creating a permeable treatment zone in the subsurface has been developed at the laboratory bench and intermediate scales and deployed at the field scale for reduction/immobilization of chrornate contamination. At other sites, the same redox technology is currently being tested for dechlorination of TCE. The reduced zone is created by injected reagents that reduce iron naturally present in the aquifer sediments from Fe(III) to surface-bound and structural Fe(II) species. Standard ground water wells are used, allowing treatment of contaminants too deep below the ground surface for conventional treneh-and-fill technologies.
A proof-of-principle field experiment was conducted in September 1995 at a chromate (hexavalent chromium) contaminated ground water site on the Hartford Site in Washington. The test created a 15 m (˜50 feet) diameter cylindrical treatment zone. The three phases of the test consisted of (1) injection of 77, 000 L (20, 500 gallons) of buffered sodium dithionite solution in 17.1 hours, (2) reaction for 18.5 hours, and (3) withdrawal of 375, 000 L (99, 600 gallons) in 83 hours. The withdrawal phase recovered 87% to 90% of the reaction products. Analysis of post-experimental sediment cores indicated that 60% to 100% of the available reactive iron in the treated zone was reduced. The longevity of the reduced zone is estimated between seven and 12 years based on the post-experiment core samples. Three and half years after the field test, the treatment zone remains anoxic, and hexavalent chromium levels have been reduced from 0.060 mg/L to below detection limits (0.008 mg/L). Additionally, no significant permeability changes have been detected during any phase of the experiment.  相似文献   

在硬件配置不变的情况下,如何进一步提高CT系统空间分辨率是目前工业CT领域内的研究热点之一。本文改进了半像素错位算法,有效地提高了CT系统的空间分辨率,具有一定的理论意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Published data and the measurements of organic matter content of water performed in the Laboratory of Biophysics, Institute of Laser Physics, SD RAS, in cooperation with the Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy, Novosibirsk Technical University, with the use of laser fluorescence spectroscopy with fluorescence excitation at a wavelength of 266 nm (the fourth harmonics of a neodymium laser) are analyzed.  相似文献   

“区域-时间-长度算法”(region-time-lengthalgorithm,简称RTL算法)是一种检测地震活动水平相对变化的计算方法,利用该算法对冀鲁豫交界地区1980年以来的ML5.0以上地震进行了回顾性检验,发现震前都达到了VRTL异常指标,说明该地区ML5以上地震前,地震活动水平相对于背景活动水平都有明显变化。通过RTL算法对异常进行量化,对以后该区的5级以上地震活动情况具有一定的预报能力。  相似文献   

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