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The Datuanshan deposit is one of the largest and most representative stratabound copper deposits in the Tongling area,the largest ore district in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt.The location of the orebodies is controlled by the interlayer-slipping faults between the Triassic and Permian strata,and all the orebodies are distributed in stratiform shape around the Mesozoic quartz monzodiorite dikes.Based on field evidence and petrographic observations,four mineralization stages in the Datuanshan deposit have been identified:the skarn,early quartz-sulfide,late quartzsulfide and carbonate stages.Chalcopytite is the main copper mineral and mainly formed at the late quartz-sulfide stage.Fluid inclusions at different stages were studied for petrography,microthermometry,laser Raman spectrometry and stable isotopes.Four types of fluid inclusions,including three-phase fluid inclusions(type 1),liquid-rich fluid inclusions(type 2),vapour-rich fluid inclusions(type 3) and pure vapour fluid inclusions(type 4),were observed.The minerals from the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages contain all fluid inclusion types,but only type 2 fluid inclusions were observed at the carbonate stage.Petrographic observations suggest that most of the inclusions studied in this paper are likely primary.The coexistence of different types of fluid inclusions with contrasting homogenization characteristics(to the liquid and vapour phase,respectively) and similar homogenization temperatures(the modes are 440-480℃,380-400℃ and 280-320℃ for the skarn,early and late quartz-sulfide stages,respectively) in the first three stages,strongly suggests that three episodes of fluid boiling occurred during these stages,which is supported by the hydrogen isotope data.Laser Raman spectra identified CH_4 at the skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages.Combined with other geological features,the early ore-forming fluids were inferred to be under a relatively reduced environment.The CO_2 component has been identified at the late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages,indicating that the late ore-forming fluids were under a relatively oxidized environment,probably as a result of inflow of and mixing with meteoric water.In addition,microthermometric results of fluid inclusions and H-O isotope data mdicate that the ore forming fluids were dominated by magmatic water in the early stages(skarn and early quartz-sulfide stages) and mixed with meteoric water in the late stages(late quartz-sulfide and carbonate stages).The evidence listed above suggests that the chalcopyrite deposition in the Datuanshan deposit probably resulted from the combination of multiepisode fluid boiling and mixing of magmatic and meteoric water.  相似文献   

The western Hunan-eastern Guizhou Zn-Pb metallogenic belt is one of the important Zn-Pb mineralization regions in China.The Dadongla deposit,located in the northeast of Guizhou Province,is one of the typical Zn-Pb deposits in the region and has estimated resources more than 12 million metric tons(Mt) with an average grade of 4.11 wt% Zn+Pb.Its orebodies are hosted in the lower Cambrian Aoxi Formation dolomite,occurring as bedded,para-bedded in shape,and in conformity with the wall rock.The ore m...  相似文献   

The Tongling ore district is one of the most economically important ore areas in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. It contains hundreds of polymetallic copper–gold deposits and occurrences. Those deposits are mainly clustered(from west to east) within the Tongguanshan, Shizishan, Xinqiao, Fenghuangshan, and Shatanjiao orefields. Until recently, the majority of these deposits were thought to be skarn-or porphyry–skarn-type deposits; however there have been recent discoveries of numerous vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb-Zn deposits that do not fall into either of these categories. This indicates that there is some uncertainty over this classification. Here, we present the results of several systematic geological studies of representative deposits in the Tongling ore district. From investigation of the ore-controlling structures, lithology of the host rock, mineral assemblages, and the characteristics of the mineralization and alteration within these deposits, three genetic types of deposits(skarn-, porphyry-, and vein-type deposits) have been identified. The spatial and temporal relationships between the orebodies and Yanshanian intrusions combined with the sources of the ore-forming fluids and metals, as well as the geodynamic setting of this ore district, indicate that all three deposit types are genetically related each other and constitute a magmatic–hydrothermal system. This study outlines a model that relates the polymetallic copper–gold porphyry-, skarn-, and vein-type deposits within the Tongling ore district. This model provides a theoretical basis to guide exploration for deep-seated and concealed porphyry-type Cu(–Mo, –Au) deposits as well as shallow vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb–Zn deposits in this area and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Tongshankou Cu-Mo deposit, located in southeast Hubei province, is a typical skarn–porphyry type ore deposit closely related to the Tongshankou granodiorite porphyry, characterized by a high Sr/Y ratio.Detailed in situ analyses of the trace elements and U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes in zircons from the Tongshankou granodiorite porphyry were performed.Scarcely any inherited zircons were observed, and the analyzed zircons yielded highly concordant results with a weighted mean 206Pb/238 U age of 143.5 ± 0.45 Ma(n=20, mean square weighted deviation was 0.75), which was interpreted to represent the crystallization age of the Tongshankou granodiorite porphyry.The chondrite-normalized rare-earth element pattern was characterized by a slope that steeply rises from the light-group rare-earth elements(LREE) to the heavy-group rare-earth elements(HREE) with a positive Ce-anomaly and inconspicuous Eu-anomaly, which was coincident with the pattern of the zircons from the Chuquicamata West porphyry, Chile.The analyzed zircons also had relatively low 176Hf/177 Hf ratios of 0.282526–0.282604.Assuming t=143 Ma, the corresponding calculated initial Hf isotope compositions(εHf(t)) ranged from-5.6 to-2.9.The results of the in situ analysis of trace elements and U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes in zircons from the Tongshankou granodiorite porphyry suggest that a deep-seated process involving a thickened-crust/enriched-mantle interaction may play an important role in the generation of high Sr/Y-ratio magma and potentially in the generation of porphyry Cu-Mo systems.  相似文献   

Laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry(LA–ICP–MS) was used to determine the trace element concentrations of magnetite from the Heifengshan, Shuangfengshan, and Shaquanzi Fe(–Cu) deposits in the Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt. The magnetite from these deposits typically contains detectable Mg, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn and Ga. The trace element contents in magnetite generally vary less than one order of magnitude. The subtle variations of trace element concentrations within a magnetite grain and between the magnetite grains in the same sample probably indicate local inhomogeneity of ore–forming fluids. The variations of Co in magnetite between samples are probably due to the mineral proportion of magnetite and pyrite. Factor analysis has discriminated three types of magnetite: Ni–Mn–V–Ti(Factor 1), Mg–Al–Zn(Factor 2), and Ga– Co(Factor 3) magnetite. Magnetite from the Heifengshan and Shuangfengshan Fe deposits has similar normalized trace element spider patterns and cannot be discriminated according to these factors. However, magnetite from the Shaquanzi Fe–Cu deposit has affinity to Factor 2 with lower Mg and Al but higher Zn concentrations, indicating that the ore–forming fluids responsible for the Fe–Cu deposit are different from those for Fe deposits. Chemical composition of magnetite indicates that magnetite from these Fe(–Cu) deposits was formed by hydrothermal processes rather than magmatic differentiation. The formation of these Fe(–Cu) deposits may be related to felsic magmatism.  相似文献   

The paper presents pioneering data on the composition, texture, and crystal structure of molybdenite from various types of molybdenum mineralization at the Bystrinsky Cu–Au–Fe porphyry–skarn deposit in the eastern Transbaikal region, Russia. The data were obtained using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Molybdenite found at the deposit in skarn, sulfide-poor quartz veins, and quartz–feldspar alteration markedly differs in the concentrations of trace elements determined by their species in the mineral, as well as in its structural features. Molybdenite-2H from skarn associated with phyllosilicates occurs as ultrafine crystals with uniform shape and texture; no dislocations or inclusions were found but amorphous silica was. The molybdenite composition is highly contrasting in the content and distribution of both structure-related (Re, W, and Se) and other (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Cd, Sb, Te, Ag, Pd, Au, Hg, Pb, and Bi) metals. In the sulfide-poor quartz veins, highly structurally heterogeneous (2H + 3R) molybdenite microcrystals with abundant defects (dislocations and volumetrically distributed inclusions) are associated with illite, goethite, and barite. Some single crystals are unique three-phase (2H + 3R polytypes + amorphous MoS2). The mineral has a low concentration of all trace elements, which are uniformly distributed. However, individual domains with uniquely high Pd, Te, Ni, Hg, and W concentrations caused by mineral inclusions are found in some grains. Molybdenite from quartz–feldspar alteration is characterized by low concentrations of all trace elements except for Re and Se, which enrich some domains of the grains. Our data indicate that the compositional and structural heterogeneity of molybdenite from the Bystrinsky deposit are its crucial features, which obviously correlate with the types of Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Shijuligou deposit was separated by an arcuate ductile shear zone cross the center of the deposit region, resulting in the difference between the southern and northern ore bodies. The lead (Pb) isotopic data of ores of the Shijuligou copper deposit have averages of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb in 17.634, 15.444, and 37.312, respectively. It has been shown that ore-forming metals originated from intrusive and extrusive rocks in the upper part of ophiolites. The sulfur isotopic data of pyrite and chalcopyrite in the northern part change from +7.61‰ to +8.09‰ and +4.95‰ to +8.88‰ in the southern part. Isotopes of δ18O in the Shijuligou copper deposit are between +11.1‰ and +18.6‰, with the calculated δ18OH2O at +0.65‰. It is suggested that the mineralized fluid is a mixture of magma fluid, meteorological water, and seawater through circulating and leaching metals from the volcanic rocks. The zircon uranium-lead (U–Pb) dating of gabbro is 457.9±1.2 Ma, and the lower crossing age of the discordant and concordia curves of pyroxene spilite of zircon is 454±15 Ma. It is indicated that the Shijuligou deposit formed in a new ocean crust (ophiolite) of the back-arc basin in the late Ordovician. Mineralization should occur in the intermittence period after strong volcanic activity, and the age should be the late Ordovician. Moreover, the mineralization of ophiolite-hosted massive sulfide deposits in the ancient orogenic belt of the late Ordovician in the northern Qilian Mountains was controlled by the primary fault/fracture, with the forming of a metallogenic hydrothermal system by a mixture of volcanic magma fluid and seawater, which circularly leached the metallogenic metals from the volcanic rocks, resulting in their accumulation. The ore bodies were transformed with morphology and metallogenic elements. Jasperoid is an important sign for prospecting such deposits. There were many island arcs in the continent of China. This study provides evidence for understanding and exploration of ophiolite-hosted massive sulfide deposits in western China, especially in the area of northern Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

The Erlihe Pb–Zn deposit is an important mine of the Pb–Zn metallogenic zone in the South Qinling Orogen. It has been considered a sedimentary exhalative deposit in previous investigations because the ore body occurs concordantly at the transitional location of an upright fold. Re and Os isotopic analyses for paragenetic pyrites with sphalerite and galena from the ore body have been used to determine the timing of mineralization and to trace the source of metallogenic materials. The Re–Os isotopic data of four pyrite samples construct an isochron, yielding a weighted average age of 226±17 Ma (mean square weighted deviation=1.7), which is considered the main mineralization age. A dioritic porphyrite vein sample, showing weaker mineralization, was also dated using the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic method to constrain the youngest metallogenic age of the ore deposit, because it distributes along a group of tensional joints cutting not only the upright fold in the deposit field, but also the main ore bodies. The dioritic porphyrite sample yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 221±3 Ma, which is slightly younger than the Re–Os isotopic isochron age of the pyrites, considered as the upper age limit of the mineralization, namely the ending age of the mineralization. The Os isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals distribute within a range between Os isotopic compositions of the crust and the mantle, indicating that the ore deposit can be derived from magma-related fluid, and the metallogenic materials are most likely derived from the mixing source of the crust and the mantle. The Erlihe Pb–Zn deposit and associated dioritic porphyrite vein, important records of Qinling tectonic–magmatism–mineralization activities, were formed during the Triassic collisional orogeny processes.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The first results of optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL), ultraviolet fluorescence (UV), electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA), and laser-ablation...  相似文献   

The carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn deposits in the Sanjiang metallogenic belt on the Tibetan Plateau are typical of MVT Pb–Zn deposits that form in thrust-fold belts. The Jiamoshan Pb–Zn deposit is located in the Changdu area in the middle part of the Sanjiang belt, and it represents a new style of MVT deposit that was controlled by karst structures in a thrust–fold system. Such a karst-controlled MVT Pb–Zn deposit in thrust settings has not previously been described in detail, and we therefore mapped t...  相似文献   

Abstract: The Fengshan porphyry-skarn copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) deposit is located in the south-eastern Hubei Province in east China. Cu–Mo mineralization is hosted in the Fengshan granodiorite porphyry stock that intruded the Triassic Daye Formation carbonate rocks in the early Cretaceous (~140 Ma), as well as the contact zone between granodiorite porphyry stock and carbonate rocks, forming the porphyry-type and skarn-type association. The Fengshan granodiorite stock and the immediate country rocks are strongly fractured and intensely altered by hydrothermal fluids. In addition to intense skarn alteration, the prominent alteration types are potassic, phyllic, and propylitic, whereas argillation is less common. Mineralization occurs as veins, stock works, and disseminations, and the main ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite, bornite, and magnetite. The contents of palladium, platinum and gold (Pd, Pt and Au) are determined in nine samples from fresh and mineralized granodiorite and different types of altered rocks. The results show that the Pd content is systematically higher than Pt, which is typical for porphyry ore deposits worldwide. The Pt content ranges from 0.037 to1.765 ppb, and the Pd content ranges between 0.165 and 17.979 ppb. Pd and Pt are more concentrated in porphyry mineralization than skarn mineralization, and have negative correlations with Au. The reconnaissance study presented here confirms the existence of Pd and Pt in the Fengshan porphyry-skarn Cu–Mo deposit. When compared with intracontinent and island arc geotectonic settings, the Pd, Pt, and Au contents in the Fengshan porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in the intracontinent is lower than the continental margin types and island are types. A combination of available data indicates that Pd and Pt were derived from oxidized alkaline magmas generated by the partial melting of an enriched mantle source.  相似文献   

The large Gacun silver–lead–zinc–copper deposit in Sichuan Province is one of the largest volcanogenic massive sulfide(VMS) deposits in China. The deposit consists of western and central ore bodies, which form a vein–stockwork mineralization system corresponding to hydrothermal channels, and eastern ore bodies, which form an exhalative chemical sedimentary system derived from a brine pool in a submarine basin. The Youre lead–zinc deposit, which is currently under exploration and lies adjacent to the southern part of the Gacun deposit, is characterized by intense silicification and vein–stockwork structures and consists of massive silicified rhyolitic volcanics, banded rhyolitic tuff, and phyllitic sericite tuff. From a comparison of their ore-bearing horizons, the Gacun and Youre deposits have a continuous and stable hanging wall(calcareous slate and overlying andesite) and foot wall(rhyolite–dacite breccia and agglomerate), and the lithologic sequence includes lower intermediate to felsic rocks and upper felsic rocks. Thus, the Youre deposit, which comprises relatively thinly layered low–grade ore, is regarded as forming a southward extension of the Gacun deposit. A further comparison of the structures of the ore-bearing belts between the two deposits suggests that the Youre ore bodies are similar to the western ore bodies of the Gacun deposit. Moreover, the characteristics of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes in the Youre deposit are also similar to those of the western ore bodies of the Gacun deposit. Genetic models of the deposits are proposed for the Gacun–Youre ore district, and massive concealed ore bodies may occcur in the Youre deposit at depths that are similar to those of the eastern ore bodies of the Gacun deposit.  相似文献   

The Weiquan Ag-polymetallic deposit is located on the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and in the western segment of the Aqishan-Yamansu arc belt in East Tianshan,northwestern China. Its orebodies, controlled by faults, occur in the lower Carboniferous volcanosedimentary rocks of the Yamansu Formation as irregular veins and lenses. Four stages of mineralization have been recognized on the basis of mineral assemblages, ore fabrics, and crosscutting relationships among the ore veins. Stage I is the skarn stage(garnet + pyroxene), Stage Ⅱ is the retrograde alteration stage(epidote + chlorite + magnetite ± hematite 士 actinolite ± quartz),Stage Ⅲ is the sulfide stage(Ag and Bi minerals + pyrite + chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite + quartz ± calcite ± tetrahedrite),and Stage IV is the carbonate stage(quartz + calcite ± pyrite). Skarnization,silicification, carbonatization,epidotization,chloritization, sericitization, and actinolitization are the principal types of hydrothermal alteration. LAICP-MS U-Pb dating yielded ages of 326.5±4.5 and 298.5±1.5 Ma for zircons from the tuff and diorite porphyry, respectively. Given that the tuff is wall rock and that the orebodies are cut by a late diorite porphyry dike, the ages of the tuff and the diorite porphyry provide lower and upper time limits on the age of ore formation. The δ~(13)C values of the calcite samples range from-2.5‰ to 2.3‰, the δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(VSMOW) values of the sulfide stage(Stage Ⅲ) vary from 1.1‰ to 5.2‰ and-111.7‰ to-66.1‰, respectively,and the δ~(13)C, δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(V-SMOW) values of calcite in one Stage IV sample are 1.5‰,-0.3‰, and-115.6‰, respectively. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids evolved gradually from magmatic to meteoric sources. The δ~(34)S_(V-CDT) values of the sulfides have a large range from-6.9‰ to 1.4‰, with an average of-2.2‰, indicating a magmatic source, possibly with sedimentary contributions. The ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of the sulfides are 17.9848-18.2785,15.5188-15.6536, and 37.8125-38.4650, respectively, and one whole-rock sample at Weiquan yields~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of 18.2060, 15.5674, and 38.0511,respectively. Lead isotopic systems suggest that the ore-forming materials of the Weiquan deposit were derived from a mixed source involving mantle and crustal components. Based on geological features, zircon U-Pb dating, and C-H-OS-Pb isotopic data, it can be concluded that the Weiquan polymetallic deposit is a skarn type that formed in a tectonic setting spanning a period from subduction to post-collision. The ore materials were sourced from magmatic ore-forming fluids that mixed with components derived from host rocks during their ascent, and a gradual mixing with meteoric water took place in the later stages.  相似文献   

The Jinshachang lead–zinc deposit is mainly hosted in the Upper Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks of the Dengying Group and located in the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou(SYG) Pb–Zn–Ag multimetal mineralization area in China.Sulfides minerals including sphalerite,galena and pyrite postdate or coprecipitate with gangue mainly consisting of fluorite,quartz,and barite,making this deposit distinct from most lead–zinc deposits in the SYG.This deposit is controlled by tectonic structures,and most mineralization is located along or near faults zones.Emeishan basalts near the ore district might have contributed to the formation of orebodies.The δ34S values of sphalerite,galena,pyrite and barite were estimated to be 3.6‰–13.4‰,3.7‰–9.0‰,6.4‰ to 29.2‰ and 32.1‰–34.7‰,respectively.In view of the similar δ34S values of barite and sulfates being from the Cambrian strata,the sulfur of barite was likely derived from the Cambrian strata.The homogenization temperatures(T ≈ 134–383°C) of fluid inclusions were not suitable for reducing bacteria,therefore,the bacterial sulfate reduction could not have been an efficient path to generate reduced sulfur in this district.Although thermochemical sulfate reduction process had contributed to the production of reduced sulfur,it was not the main mechanism.Considering other aspects,it can be suggested that sulfur of sulfides should have been derived from magmatic activities.The δ34S values of sphalerite were found to be higher than those of coexisting galena.The equilibrium temperatures calculated by using the sulfur isotopic composition of mineral pairs matched well with the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions,suggesting that the sulfur isotopic composition in ore-forming fluids had reached a partial equilibrium.  相似文献   

The Tongyu copper deposit, located in the western part of the North Qinling Orogen, China, is one of several volcanic-hosted massive sulphide(VHMS) deposits with industrial value and is also a typical example of mineralization related to the subduction and metallogenesis during the Caledonian orogeny. We conducted systematic lead-sulphur isotope geochemical analyses of the Tongyu deposit to understand the possible ore-forming material sources and tectonic settings. Twenty-six sulphide samples yielded clustered δ~(34)S_(CDT) values of 1.13‰-3.36‰, average 2.22‰, and show a tower-type distribution,implying that the sulphur of the Tongyu copper deposit mainly originated from a mantle source. The Pb isotope compositions of sulphides(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 17.59225-18.56354, average 18.32020; ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.51770-15.69381, average 15.66217; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 37.99969-39.06953, average 38.52722) are close to the values of the volcanic host rocks(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb= 18.10678-18.26293, average 18.21158; ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb =15.63196-15.68188, average 15.65345; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb= 38.43676-38.56360, average 38.49171), thus consistent with the Pb in ores and volcanic host rocks having been derived from a common source that was island-arc Pb related to oceanic crust subduction. The northward subduction of the Palaeo-Qinling oceanic crust triggered dehydration of the slab, which generated a large amount of high-oxygen-fugacity aqueous hydrothermal fluid. The fluid rose into the mantle wedge, activated and extracted metallogenic material and promoted partial melting of the mantle wedge. The magma and ore-forming fluid welled up and precipitated, finally forming the Tongyu VHMS copper deposit.  相似文献   

Abundant organic inclusions are present in the Qinglong antimony deposit. However, the source rocks of these organic matters have not been reliably identified. Recently, a paleo–oil reservoir was found in the Qinglong antimony deposit. In view of similar components of gaseous hydrocarbon, we propose that the organic matters observed in inclusions in Qinglong antimony deposit would come from this paleo–oil reservoir. We used the Re–Os dating method to determine the age of the bitumen from this paleo–oil reservoir, and obtained an isochron age of 254.3±2.8 Ma. The age indicates that the oilgeneration from source rock occurred in the early Late Permian, earlier than the Sb mineralization age(~148±8.5 Ma) in the Qinglong antimony deposit area. After oil generation from Devonian source rock, first and secondary migration, the crude oil have probably entered into the fractures and pores of volcanic rocks and limestone and formed a paleo–oil reservoir in the western wing of Dachang anticline. As burial process deepened, the crude oil has turned into natural gas, migrates into the core of Dachang anticline and formed a paleo–gas reservoir. The hydrocarbons(including CH_4) in the reservoirs can serve as reducing agent to provide the sulfur required for Sb mineralization through thermal chemical reduction of sulfates. Therefore, the formation of oil–gas in the area is a prerequisite for the Sb mineralization in the Qinglong antimony deposit.  相似文献   

<正>Objective Thallium has been used as an indicator element in geochemical exploration of searching for hydrothermal gold deposits.However,the T1 minerals and mineralization are rare in nature.Lorandite TlAsS_2,a relatively uncommon mineral,has been dominantly discovered in some Carlin gold deposits,and minor SbHg,U and Pb-Zn-Ag deposits.It is of a hydrothermal origin and was typically formed at relatively low temperatures.The relationships between these deposits containing lorandite and intrusions remain a highly  相似文献   

The Zhuxi deposit is a recently discovered W–Cu deposit located in the Jiangnan porphyry–skarn W belt in South China. The deposit has a resource of 3.44 million tonnes of WO3, making it the largest on Earth,however its origin and the evolution of its magmatic–hydrothermal system remain unclear, largely because alteration–mineralization types in this giant deposit have been less well-studied, apart from a study of the calcic skarn orebodies. The different types of mineralization can be classified into magnesian skarn, calcic skarn, and scheelite–quartz–muscovite(SQM) vein types. Field investigations and mineralogical analyses show that the magnesian skarn hosted by dolomitic limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–pyralspite(pyrope, almandine, and spessartine) series, diopside, serpentine,and Mg-rich chlorite. The calcic skarn hosted by limestone is characterized by garnet of the grossular–andradite series, hedenbergite, wollastonite, epidote, and Fe-rich chlorite. The SQM veins host highgrade W–Cu mineralization and have overprinted the magnesian and calcic skarn orebodies. Scheelite is intergrown with hydrous silicates in the retrograde skarn, or occurs with quartz, chalcopyrite, sulfide minerals, fluorite, and muscovite in the SQM veins.Fluid inclusion investigations of the gangue and ore minerals revealed the evolution of the ore-forming fluids, which involved:(1) melt and coexisting high–moderate-salinity, high-temperature, high-pressure(>450 ℃and >1.68 kbar), methane-bearing aqueous fluids that were trapped in prograde skarn minerals;(2) moderate–low-salinity, moderate-temperature, moderate-pressure(~210–300 ℃and ~0.64 kbar),methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the retrograde skarn-type W orebodies;(3) low-salinity,moderate–low-temperature, moderate-pressure(~150–240 ℃and ~0.56 kbar), methane-rich aqueous fluids that formed the quartz–sulfide Cu(–W) orebodies in skarn;(4) moderate–low-salinity,moderate-temperature, low-pressure(~150–250 ℃and ~0.34 kbar) alkanes-dominated aqueous fluids in the SQM vein stage, which led to the formation of high-grade W–Cu orebodies. The S–Pb isotopic compositions of the sulfides suggest that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from magma generated by crustal anatexis, with minor addition of a mantle component. The H–O isotopic compositions of quartz and scheelite indicate that the ore-forming fluids originated mainly from magmatic water with later addition of meteoric water. The C–O isotopic compositions of calcite indicate that the ore-forming fluid was originally derived from granitic magma, and then mixed with reduced fluid exsolved from local carbonate strata. Depressurization and resultant fluid boiling were key to precipitation of W in the retrograde skarn stage. Mixing of residual fluid with meteoric water led to a decrease in fluid salinity and Cu(–W) mineralization in the quartz–sulfide stage in skarn. The high-grade W–Cu mineralization in the SQM veins formed by multiple mechanisms, including fracturing, and fluid immiscibility, boiling, and mixing.  相似文献   

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