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Reproducibility is a cornerstone of science and thus for geographic research as well. However, studies in other disciplines such as biology have shown that published work is rarely reproducible. To assess the state of reproducibility, specifically computational reproducibility (i.e. rerunning the analysis of a paper using the original code), in geographic research, we asked geoscientists about this topic using three methods: a survey (n = 146), interviews (n = 9), and a focus group (n = 5). We asked participants about their understanding of open reproducible research (ORR), how much it is practiced, and what obstacles hinder ORR. We found that participants had different understandings of ORR and that there are several obstacles for authors and readers (e.g. effort, lack of openness). Then, in order to complement the subjective feedback from the participants, we tried to reproduce the results of papers that use spatial statistics to address problems in the geosciences. We selected 41 open access papers from Copernicus and Journal of Statistical Software and executed the R code. In doing so, we identified several technical issues and specific issues with the reproduced figures depicting the results. Based on these findings, we propose guidelines for authors to overcome the issues around reproducibility in the computational geosciences.  相似文献   

The article argues that geographies of home add important perspectives for analysing property enactment on Norwegian smallholdings. Characteristics of smallholdings as homes are described, and it is demonstrated that ‘home matters’ in terms of how property owners’ senses of home affect how properties become enacted. In conformity with recent theories in legal geography, the article demonstrates that these socio-spatial relationships conflict with the dominant ownership model which permeates public policy initiatives. The ownership model assumes a single owner motivated by self-regarding behaviour and maximising economic benefits. The article, however, reveals a deep sense of home and place attachment relating to Norwegian smallholdings, and this influences how smallholdings as properties become enacted, and thus, how legal instruments aiming at affecting people's behaviour are responded to. The article draws upon empirical research conducted among current and former owners of smallholdings in four Norwegian local authority districts.  相似文献   

Spatial variance is an important characteristic of spatial random variables. It describes local deviations from average global conditions and is thus a proxy for spatial heterogeneity. Investigating instability in spatial variance is a useful way of detecting spatial boundaries, analysing the internal structure of spatial clusters and revealing simultaneously acting geographic phenomena. Recently, a corresponding test statistic called ‘Local Spatial Heteroscedasticity’ (LOSH) has been proposed. This test allows locally heterogeneous regions to be mapped and investigated by comparing them with the global average mean deviation in a data set. While this test is useful in stationary conditions, its value is limited in a global heterogeneous state. There is a risk that local structures might be overlooked and wrong inferences drawn. In this paper, we introduce a test that takes account of global spatial heterogeneity in assessing local spatial effects. The proposed measure, which we call ‘Local Spatial Dispersion’ (LSD), adapts LOSH to local conditions by omitting global information beyond the range of the local neighbourhood and by keeping the related inferential procedure at a local level. Thereby, the local neighbourhoods might be small and cause small-sample issues. In the view of this, we recommend an empirical Bayesian technique to increase the data that is available for resampling by employing empirical prior knowledge. The usefulness of this approach is demonstrated by applying it to a Light Detection and Ranging-derived data set with height differences and by making a comparison with LOSH. Our results show that LSD is uncorrelated with non-spatial variance as well as local spatial autocorrelation. It thus discloses patterns that would be missed by LOSH or indicators of spatial autocorrelation. Furthermore, the empirical outcomes suggest that interpreting LOSH and LSD together is of greater value than interpreting each of the measures individually. In the given example, local interactions can be statistically detected between variance and spatial patterns in the presence of global structuring, and thus reveal details that might otherwise be overlooked.  相似文献   

基于航空口岸的台胞大陆 旅游流空间场效应分析   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
为克服缺乏研究分析所需的各源点(旅游目的地)间旅游流的流量、流向数据,本文基于网络分析原理的数据库分析技术,对航空口岸选择变化所引起的台胞大陆旅游流空间场效应进行模拟分析。研究发现,以广州-广州,上海-上海为入出境口岸的客流联系比较发育,其次是北京-北京、上海-广州(或广州-上海),而选择北京-上海(或上海-北京),北京-广州(或广州-北京)为入出境口岸的旅游流空间场发育较为薄弱。造成这种空间效应的主要原因是受到旅游资源区位供给、旅游者市场需求(如产品偏爱,旅游时间限制)、旅游交通(航空网络连接强度和紧密度)及旅行社营销等共同影响。研究结果为入境台胞区域旅游合作与发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

汪明峰  宁越敏 《地理研究》2006,25(2):193-203
过去十余年,中国的互联网得到飞速发展,新的基础设施空间架构也已经基本形成。本文在回顾有关通信网络与城市体系的文献基础上,尝试建立一种评价中国互联网城市可达性的方法,并对五大骨干网络的空间结构和节点可达性进行了分析。结果表明:中国互联网基础设施的空间格局整体上趋于均衡,节点可达性基本遵循原有的城市等级体系;北京、广州和上海三大国家交换中心和几大区域核心节点城市的可达性位列顶层;节点可达性的高低与城市地理区位存在紧密联系。  相似文献   

Landscape values are a type of place value and are identified and mapped using public participation GIS (PPGIS). PPGIS engages nonexperts to identify important spatial information for environmental or natural resource planning. In 1998, we used PPGIS to identify landscape values for the Chugach National Forest (Alaska) plan revision process. In 2012, we conducted a longitudinal study of the same national forest using Internet PPGIS to identify changes in landscape values. The empirical results indicate stability in landscape values both in importance and spatial distribution. However, the use of different PPGIS methods (paper map vs. Internet) in the longitudinal study also introduced challenges in interpreting and explaining the spatial results. We discuss trade-offs in conducting longitudinal PPGIS research using mixed methods. PPGIS appears well suited for public lands planning, and national forest planning in particular, but barriers to use, such as regulatory approval, remain formidable.  相似文献   

基于地名认知率的北京城市认知空间结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于对北京市居民空间认知的3500份调查问卷数据,采用了ARCGIS的空间插值和Geoda095i软件的空间自相关的数理统计方法,分析北京市居民的认知空间结构。研究得到四点结论:①认知地点的类型并不是影响认知率的因素。②居民对北京市的空间认知呈现出西高东低的“>”形格局,在西北—东南方向隆起动物园和北京火车站两个认知高峰,鞍部为低认知率的东方新天地和sogo崇光百货。③居民认知呈现明显的空间相关性和尺度依赖性。地名认知在较小的空间尺度上为高—高、低—低集聚的趋同性,在较大的空间尺度上表现为高-低集聚的趋异性,两者的转换尺度为城市居民日常生活空间的半径6 km左右。④北京城市的认知空间可细分为北海公园、中友百货、动物园和城乡贸易中心四个次级认知区域,次级认知区域为同质的高认知区,内部包含多个认知高峰。  相似文献   

Most forest fires in Korea are spatially concentrated in certain areas and are highly related to human activities. These site-specific characteristics of forest fires are analyzed by spatial regression analysis using the R-module generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), which can consider spatial autocorrelation. We examined the quantitative effect of topology, human accessibility, and forest cover without and with spatial autocorrelation. Under the assumption that slope, elevation, aspect, population density, distance from road, and forest cover are related to forest fire occurrence, the explanatory variables of each of these factors were prepared using a Geographic Information System-based process. First, we tried to test the influence of fixed effects on the occurrence of forest fires using a generalized linear model (GLM) with Poisson distribution. In addition, the overdispersion of the response data was also detected, and variogram analysis was performed using the standardized residuals of GLM. Second, GLMM was applied to consider the obvious residual autocorrelation structure. The fitted models were validated and compared using the multiple correlation and root mean square error (RMSE). Results showed that slope, elevation, aspect index, population density, and distance from road were significant factors capable of explaining the forest fire occurrence. Positive spatial autocorrelation was estimated up to a distance of 32 km. The kriging predictions based on GLMM were smoother than those of the GLM. Finally, a forest fire occurrence map was prepared using the results from both models. The fire risk decreases with increasing distance to areas with high population densities, and increasing elevation showed a suppressing effect on fire occurrence. Both variables are in accordance with the significance tests.  相似文献   

为探讨数字经济对城市碳排放影响的空间效应,基于2011—2017年286个城市面板数据综合测度数字经济发展水平,运用空间杜宾模型及空间DID模型分析数字经济发展对城市碳排放的影响。主要得到以下结论:① 数字经济发展存在明显的空间异质性,发展格局从“多点式”零星分布向“组团式”聚集形态转变,但各城市发展层级差距仍未改善,长三角成为重要的数字经济高水平集聚区。② 数字经济发展显著改善了城市碳排放,通过引入“智慧城市”这一外生政策冲击进行检验,发现结论具有稳健性,而且这种效应存在明显的空间异质性,东部地区数字经济发展对碳排放的负向影响作用较强,位于城市群内部的区域受数字经济的影响更大。③ 数字经济发展对碳排放的作用在不同经济圈层内有所差异,空间外溢具有边界效应,在1100km处外溢达到峰值。④ 数字产业发展、数字创新能力以及数字普惠金融是数字经济影响城市碳排放效应发挥的重要因素。  相似文献   

基于空间差异的黑河中游土地多功能利用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒙吉军  王祺  李枫  郭力仁 《地理研究》2019,38(2):369-382
土地多功能利用是提高土地利用综合效率、协调用地矛盾的有效途径。选择人地关系较活跃的黑河中游为研究区,融合多源数据,采用集对分析、热点分析和空间自相关等方法,对2000-2014年土地多功能利用进行动态评价及空间关系揭示。结果表明:土地利用功能增加了近一倍,以社会功能和经济功能为主;各功能之间表现为协同或互斥关系:社会功能和经济功能、环境功能和文化功能之间均呈正相关关系,但社会功能和环境功能之间呈负相关关系;土地利用各功能均具有明显的空间聚集性特点,多功能利用集中在黑河水系形成的绿洲平原区、区县建成区和南部山区。研究结果对干旱区土地持续利用管理具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据福建省灾害性气象年鉴和福建省气候影响评价资料,建立以县域为单元的福建省台风灾害数据库(按登陆地点建立分库),运用Excel软件和Mapinfo技术,重建了1980~2005年不同登陆地点影响福建省的台风灾害时空格局。研究表明:不同登陆地点影响福建省的台风灾害年际变化总体都呈波动上升趋势,年内明显集中在7~9月份、群发性强;空间上分布差异较大,登陆福建沿海的台风灾害Tzc高值中心集中分布在闽中北沿海,登陆广东影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心集中分布在闽南沿海和闽西的龙岩、漳平和永定,登陆台湾影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心主要分布在厦门市和闽中北沿海地区,登陆浙江影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心主要分布在闽东北沿海和闽西北局部。  相似文献   

不同登陆地点影响福建的台风灾害时空特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据福建省灾害性气象年鉴和福建省气候影响评价资料,建立以县域为单元的福建省台风灾害数据库(按登陆地点建立分库),运用Excel软件和Mapinfo技术,重建了1980~2005年不同登陆地点影响福建省的台风灾害时空格局。研究表明:不同登陆地点影响福建省的台风灾害年际变化总体都呈波动上升趋势,年内明显集中在7—9月份、群发性强;空间上分布差异较大,登陆福建沿海的台风灾害Tzc高值中心集中分布在闽中北沿海,登陆广东影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心集中分布在闽南沿海和闽西的龙岩、漳平和永定,登陆台湾影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心主要分布在厦门市和闽中北沿海地区,登陆浙江影响福建的台风灾害Tzc高值中心主要分布在闽东北沿海和闽西北局部。  相似文献   

Within a CyberGIS environment, the development of effective mechanisms to encode metadata for spatial analytical methods and to track the provenance of operations is a key requirement. Spatial weights are a fundamental element in a wide range of spatial analysis methods that deal with testing for and estimating models with spatial autocorrelation. They form the link between the data structure in a GIS and the spatial analysis methods. Over time, the number of formats for spatial weights implemented in software has proliferated, without any standard or easy interoperability. In this paper, we propose a flexible format that provides a way to ensure interoperability within a cyberinfrastructure environment. We illustrate the format with an application of a spatial weights web service, which is part of an evolving spatial analytical workbench. We describe an approach to embed provenance in spatial weights structures and illustrate the performance of the web service by means of a number of small experiments.  相似文献   

利用内蒙古地区2001~2010年42个站点实测降水数据作为“真值”,采用LOO(Leave-One-Out)交叉验证、多元逐步回归等方法,构建TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)降水数据与地形及气候等要素之间的多元回归关系,在此基础上,利用回归值+残差值的方法,获得空间分辨率为1 km×1 km的TRMM年降水数据,并对降尺度TRMM数据进行精度检验。研究表明: TRMM数据可用于区域年降水量估计,且与实测年降水量呈显著线性关系;通过建立不同年份、不同空间分辨率TRMM数据与其它遥感数据的多元统计模型,研究发现在中尺度下TRMM与观测年降水数据拟合效果较好,且在空间分辨率为0.50°×0.50°时的拟合效果最好;降尺度分析提高了TRMM数据对研究区降水时空特征的描述能力,确定性系数、标准误差和偏差均有明显改善,表明降尺度算法在将TRMM降水数据空间分辨率提高到1 km×1 km的同时,并能提高降水数据的精度。  相似文献   

高速铁路对中国城市空间相互作用强度的影响   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
王姣娥  焦敬娟  金凤君 《地理学报》2014,69(12):1833-1846
高速铁路作为一种新型的交通方式,其快速发展将会带来交通运输史上一次重大的飞跃,且其对区域空间结构、人口流动、经济联系和土地利用等的影响也越来越成为人们关注的焦点。在中国区域经济一体化进程不断加快的背景下,研究高速铁路对城市空间相互作用强度的影响,对加强区域间经济联系、促进区域经济发展和地域空间组织模式的重构具有重要意义。本文基于GIS网络分析工具,构建时间成本矩阵,研究中国333个地级行政单元和4个直辖市对外经济联系总量和城市对间经济联系强度的空间分布特征,构建无高铁、高铁现状和规划高铁三种情景,并对三种情景进行模拟与探讨。结果显示:① 城市空间相互作用呈现出明显的地带性和“廊道效应”,反映了高速交通在重塑区域空间结构中的作用;② 高速铁路建设提升了城市对外经济联系强度总量,且逐渐从追求“效率”转向“公平性”;③ 高速铁路建设缩小了全国城市对外经济联系总量的差异,但却扩大了城市对间经济联系强度的差异;④ 三大城市群成为城市对外经济总量绝对获益量最大的地区,而其毗邻的中小城市成为提升速率最大的城市。  相似文献   

张博胜  杨子生 《地理研究》2020,39(7):1592-1608
利用中国省级面板数据,运用空间计量模型,重点检验了2010—2017年间中国省域人口城镇化、土地城镇化和经济城镇化的农村减贫及其空间溢出效应。结果表明:①2010—2017年间中国省域农村贫困、人口城镇化和土地城镇化均表现出显著的空间集聚特征,而经济城镇化集聚现象呈现逐渐消减的态势。②人口城镇化对农村贫困主要表现为先缓解后加剧的“U”型特征,而经济城镇化则刚好与之相反,呈倒“U”型特点,土地城镇化对农村贫困的作用尚不明显,但主要表现出加剧农村贫困发生的潜在可能。③人口城镇化和经济城镇化对农村贫困产生了明显的空间溢出效应,同时,二者对农村贫困的空间溢出效应存在“门槛”现象。东部和中部地区的人口城镇化减贫直接效应门槛已基本突破,减贫潜力较弱,而大部分省份的人口城镇化减贫溢出效应门槛依然存在,益贫性的溢出效应仍然明显。相比之下,各省域经济城镇化减贫的直接效应和溢出效应门槛均已突破,整体上以益贫性为主。④城镇化发展过程中,应合理推进人口城镇化,加快完善相关制度改革。有效、有序地扩张城镇空间,优化城镇产业结构调整,壮大第三产业发展规模和强化其质量升级,增加城镇就业空间,提升城镇整体辐射带动效应。统筹协调区域人口、空间、资源等的分配与利用,充分发挥要素集聚带来的正向“外部性”作用,合力推进农村长效、稳定减贫,促进城乡协调与可持续发展。  相似文献   

Previous research exploring the impacts of long distance commuting (LDC) or, more generally, mining on host regions, struggles to explain the variability of these impacts over time and across space. This article argues that spatial effects should be accounted for explicitly in order to improve the predictive power of contemporary research. We study the extent of LDC in a region in a spatial model disaggregating Australia into 325 subregions. We find evidence that space is an important factor in explaining the extent of LDC in a region, which challenges the validity of studying LDC impacts on host regions in isolation. With regards to the determinants of the extent of LDC, we find that residential attractiveness of a region influences the extent of LDC in a region; the size of the pool of unemployed in a region does not.  相似文献   

青藏高原的特殊性长期约束着交通设施的建设与功能,科学评价其交通状况具有重要意义.论文以林芝市为例,考虑自然特征、多种交通方式及交通稳定性,构建综合交通优势度评价体系进行实证探讨.研究发现:①综合交通优势度以巴宜区、米林县、工布江达县得分较高,其中中心乡镇尤其明显,分别在内部交通功能、对外交通功能、区位优势度方面具有优势...  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to investigate uncertainties surrounding relationships between spatial autocorrelation (SA) and the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) with an extensive simulation experiment. Especially, this paper aims to explore how differently the MAUP behaves for the level of SA focusing on how the initial level of SA at the finest spatial scale makes a significant difference to the MAUP effects on the sample statistics such as means, variances, and Moran coefficients (MCs). The simulation experiment utilizes a random spatial aggregation (RSA) procedure and adopts Moran spatial eigenvectors to simulate different SA levels. The main findings are as follows. First, there are no substantive MAUP effects for means. However, the initial level of SA plays a role for the zoning effect, especially when extreme positive SA is present. Second, there is a clear and strong scale effect for the variances. However, the initial SA level plays a non-negligible role in how this scale effect deploys. Third, the initial SA level plays a crucial role in the nature and extent of the MAUP effects on MCs. A regression analysis confirms that the initial SA level makes a substantial difference to the variability of the MAUP effects.  相似文献   

中国国内旅游流空间场效应分析   总被引:62,自引:8,他引:62  
从空间场效应的角度采用因子分析法,利用1999-2003年中国国内旅游抽样调查资料,分析国内旅游流的产生、分配、集聚、扩散的基本特征以及旅游流空间网络的相关性。结果表明:(1)经济是旅游流产生的主要驱动力,旅游资源是旅游流空间分配的主要驱动力; 目前国内已形成4大旅游流产生地和5大旅游流集聚地;(2)旅游集聚场与扩散场的等级结构受市场原则作用,表现为K=3序列的空间模式;(3)旅游集聚场地域结构呈"U"型特征,而旅游扩散场呈"三级阶梯"状格局;(4)β、γ指数揭示旅游流空间网络相关性较差。今后加快长江、黄河流域旅游带以及南部沿海、北部沿海和东北旅游区等"二带三区"的旅游网络化建设,是我国推进区域旅游合作的主要方向和重点区域,是实现旅游流空间流向合理调整与流量结构优化的关键。  相似文献   

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