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Cost surfaces are a crucial aspect of route optimization and least cost path (LCP) calculations and are used in awide range of disciplines including computer science, landscape ecology, and energy-infrastructure modeling. Linear features present akey weakness to traditional routing calculations along cost surfaces because they cannot identify whether moving from acell to its adjacent neighbors constitutes crossing alinear barrier (increased cost) or following acorridor (reduced cost). Following and avoiding linear features can drastically change predicted routes. We introduce an approach to address this adjacency issue using asearch kernel that identifies these critical barriers and corridors. We have built this approach into anew Java-based open-source software package– CostMAP (cost surface multi-layer aggregation program)– which calculates cost surfaces and cost networks using the search kernel. CostMAP allows users to input multiple GIS data layers and to set weights and rules for developing aweighted-cost network. We compare CostMAP performance with traditional cost surface approaches and show significant performance gains– both following corridors and avoiding barriers– by modeling the movement of alarge terrestrial animal– the Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii)– in amovement ecology framework and by modeling pipeline routing for carbon capture and storage (CCS).  相似文献   

This paper presents a hydrodynamic-based investigation of constructed wetland suitability for fish habitat. A constructed wetland adjacent to river is manoeuvred to imitate riparian fish habitat by means of computer modelling. Flow-velocity conditions, water depths and effects of macrophytes to resistance of flow in constructed wetland are modelled and steered towards creating a favourable ground for natural substrate spawning of native fish species. The model suggests combination of two zones, which are a macrophyte zone for typical functions of a wetland and an open water zone with gravel bed to support fish reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

The reliability of raster cellular automaton (CA) models for fine-scale land change simulations has been increasingly questioned, because regular pixels/grids cannot precisely represent irregular geographical entities and their interactions. Vector CA models can address these deficiencies due to the ability of the vector data structure to represent realistic urban entities. This study presents a new land parcel cellular automaton (LP-CA) model for simulating urban land changes. The innovation of this model is the use of ensemble learning method for automatic calibration. The proposed model is applied in Shenzhen, China. The experimental results indicate that bagging-Naïve Bayes yields the highest calibration accuracy among a set of selected classifiers. The assessment of neighborhood sensitivity suggests that the LP-CA model achieves the highest simulation accuracy with neighbor radius r = 2. The calibrated LP-CA is used to project future urban land use changes in Shenzhen, and the results are found to be consistent with those specified in the official city plan.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of a species is limited by factors such as climate, resources, disturbances and species interactions. Environmental niche models attempt to encapsulate these limits and represent them spatially but do not always incorporate disturbance factors. We constructed MaxEnt models derived from a remotely sensed vegetation classification with, and without, an agricultural modification variable. Including agricultural modification improved model performance and led to more sites with native vegetation and fewer sites with exotic or degraded native vegetation being predicted suitable for A. parapulchella. Analysis of a relatively well-surveyed sub-area indicated that including agricultural modification led to slightly higher omission rates but markedly fewer likely false positives. Expert assessment of the model based on mapped habitat also suggested that including agricultural modification improved predictions. We estimate that agricultural modification has led to the destruction or decline of approximately 30–35% of the most suitable habitat in the sub-area studied and approximately 20–25% of suitable habitat across the entire study area, located in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Environmental niche models for a range of species, particularly habitat specialists, are likely to benefit from incorporating agricultural modification. Our findings are therefore relevant to threatened species planning and management, particularly at finer spatial scales.  相似文献   

We can collect, store, and analyze a huge amount of information about human mobility and social interaction activities due to the emergence of information and communication technologies and location-enabled mobile devices under cyber physical system frameworks. The high spatial resolution of population data on a multi-temporal scale is required by transport planners, human geographers, social scientists, and emergency management teams. In this study, we build a space-time multiple regression model to estimate grid-based (500 m × 500 m) spatial resolution at multi-temporal scale (30-min intervals) population data based on the space-time relationship among geospatially enabled person trip (PT) survey data and incorporate both mobile call (MC) and geotagged Twitter (GT) data. Since using geospatially enabled PT survey data as dependent variables enables us to acquire actual population amounts, which strongly depend on MCs and social interaction activities. Although many grids have a strong correlation between PT and MC/GT, some show fewer correlation results, especially where the grids have factories, schools, and workshops in which fewer MCs are found but a large population is presented. Although GT data are sparser than MCs, people from amusement and tourist areas can be detected by GT data. The space-time multiple regression model can also estimate the different amounts of populations based on human travel behavior that changes over space and time. According to accuracy assessments, the night-time estimated results, especially between 00:00 and 06:30, strongly correlate with national census data except in places where the grids have railway and subway stations.  相似文献   


A majority of research on Spatial Multicriteria Analysis (SMCA) has been spatially implicit. Typically, SMCA uses conventional (aspatial) multicriteria methods for analysing and solving spatial problems. This paper examines emerging trends and research frontiers related to the paradigm shift from spatially implicit to spatially explicit multicriteria analysis. The emerging trend in SMCA has been spatially explicit conceptualizations of multicriteria problems focused on multicriteria analysis with geographically varying outcomes and local multicriteria analysis. The research frontiers align with conceptual and structural elements of SMCA and pertain to, among others, theoretical frameworks, problem structuring, model parameter derivation, decision problem contextualization, scale representation, treatment of uncertainties, and the very meaning of decision support. The paper also identifies research directions and challenges associated with developing spatially explicit multicriteria methods and integrating concepts and approaches from two distinct fields: GIS and multicriteria analysis.  相似文献   

Migratory and resident birds were censused, and their habitat use quantified, during three fall migration seasons in Georgia, USA. The suburban study site was a large cemetery with patches of lawn and shade trees, deciduous brush, mature hardwood forest, and an open pine grove. The frequency of use of different cover types, perch heights, and perch substrates was measured for five resident and four migrant species. All of the migrants used narrower subsets of the available habitats than most or all of the resident species. Three migrants also used habitats that were relatively unused by other species at the site. The frequency of use of different patches of vegetation was measured for seven residents and five migrants. Four of the migrants used narrow subsets of the available patches that were used relatively infrequently by other species at the site. Although three of the migrants heavily used a cover type (deciduous brush) that might be available at most stop-over sites, the red-eyed vireo heavily used ornamental magnolia trees which are probably unavailable at most sites. The narrow habitat and patch use of migrants might reflect reduced intraspecific competition because of the small numbers of each species using the site simultaneously. [Key words: bird ecology, foraging behavior, habitat, migrant birds, resident birds, Georgia.]  相似文献   

Planners who are involved in locational decision-making often use raster-based geographic information systems to quantify the value of land in terms of suitability or cost for a certain use. From a computational point of view, this process can be seen as a transformation of one or more sets of values associated with a grid of cells into another set of such values through a function reflecting one or more criteria. While it is generally anticipated that different transformations lead to different ‘best’ locations, little has been known on how such differences arise (or do not arise). The paper attempts to answer this question in the context of path planning through a series of computational experiments using a number of random landscape grids with a variety of spatial and nonspatial structures. In the experiments, we generated least-cost paths on a number of cost grids transformed from the landscape grids using a variety of transformation parameters and analyzed the locations and (weighted) lengths of those paths. Results show that the same pair of terminal cells may well be connected by different least-cost paths on different cost grids though derived from the same landscape grid and that the variation among those paths is affected by how given values are distributed in the landscape grid as well as by how derived values are distributed in the cost grids. Most significantly, the variation tends to be smaller when the landscape grid contains more distinct patches of cells potentially attracting or distracting cost-saving passage or when the cost grid contains a smaller number of low-cost cells.  相似文献   

Diverse native aquatic macrophytes serve a number of physical and biological functions in the aquatic environment and provide essential habitat for several fish species. In systems that lack submersed macrophytes, native macrophyte re-establishment can be used to revitalize the aquatic community. Planning re-establishment projects requires knowledge of the system along with the growth requirements of macrophytes. Prior studies have identified factors that are important for macrophyte colonization, persistence, and dispersal. However, deductive approaches to identify macrophyte habitat that is suitable for management application have not been developed. A potential solution to this problem is the incorporation of waterscape-wide variables into a Geographic Information System (GIS) and the use of spatial modeling techniques to identify suitable macrophyte habitat. This provides a scientifically based approach to macrophyte re-establishment planning to make efforts more efficient and to recognize potential coverage. The flexibility, scalability, and topological advantages of using a GIS to identify and visualize habitat allow integration with other spatial ecological variables to improve the management of aquatic resources from plants to fish, including invasive species mitigation. Using Little Bear Creek Reservoir, Alabama, as an example system, we illustrate a GIS modeling process that can be applied to any system where the identification of macrophyte habitat is relevant to aquatic resource management goals.  相似文献   

We sampled modern chironomids at multiple water depths in Lake Annecy, France, before reconstructing changes in chironomid assemblages at sub-decadal resolution in sediment cores spanning the last 150 years. The lake is a large, deep (zmax = 65 m), subalpine waterbody that has recently returned to an oligotrophic state. Comparison between the water-depth distributions of living chironomid larvae and subfossil head capsules (HC) along three surface-sediment transects indicated spatial differences in the influence of external forcings on HC deposition (e.g. tributary effects). The transect with the lowest littoral influence and the best-preserved, depth-specific chironomid community characteristics was used for paleolimnological reconstructions at various water depths. At the beginning of the twentieth century, oxygen-rich conditions prevailed in the lake, as inferred from M. contracta-type and Procladius sp. at deep-water sites (i.e. cores from 56 to 65 m) and Paracladius sp. and H. grimshawi-type in the core from 30 m depth. Over time, chironomid assemblages in cores from all three water depths converged toward the dominance of S. coracina-type, indicating enhanced hypoxia. The initial change in chironomid assemblages from the deep-water cores occurred in the 1930s, at the same time that an increase in lake trophic state is inferred from an increase in total organic carbon (TOC) concentration in the sediment. In the 1950s, an assemblage change in the core from 30 m water depth reflects the rapid expansion of the hypoxic layer into the shallower region of the lake. Lake Annecy recovered its oligotrophic state in the 1990s. Chironomid assemblages, however, still indicate hypoxic conditions, suggesting that modern chironomid assemblages in Lake Annecy are decoupled from the lake trophic state. Recent increases in both TOC and the hydrogen index indicate that changes in pelagic functioning have had a strong indirect influence on the composition of the chironomid assemblage. Finally, the dramatic decrease in HC accumulation rate over time suggests that hypoxic conditions are maintained through a feedback loop, wherein the accumulation of (un-consumed) organic matter and subsequent bacterial respiration prevent chironomid re-colonization. We recommend study of sediment cores from multiple water depths, as opposed to investigation of only a single core from the deepest part of the lake, to assess the details of past ecological changes in large deep lakes.  相似文献   

Potential fish habitat along the Drôme River, France, is a function of the distribution of large woody debris, boulders, undercut banks, gravel substrate, and pools. The distribution of these features is, in turn, a function of channel geomorphology, watershed and riparian forest characteristics. We conducted field work and analysed aerial photographs for 190 elementary segments of 500 m length along the Drôme River's 95 km course from the Alps westward to its confluence with the Rhône River near Loriol. The Drôme River does not follow the classic pattern of a monotone downstream decrease in gradient and change in channel characteristics. Although channel gradient, braided index and channel incision all decrease downstream, stream power is independent of longitudinal distance. These variables are largely controlled by geomorphic, human or hydrologic factors at the reach scale. Potential fish habitat richness decreases downstream, but individual habitat variables affecting habitat richness do not necessarily decrease downstream, many being controlled by local factors rather than by position along the continuum. Large woody debris is more abundant in braided reaches located directly downstream of confluences with main tributaries or downstream input sites. Boulders are most abundant downstream of failed bank protection works or in gorges. To improve fish habitat in the Drôme River, we recommend taking a long-term and large-scale perspective. Because structures placed in this unstable channel are likely to be washed downstream, we propose to emulate natural river dynamics and to permit large woody debris to enter the channel in unstable reaches via bank erosion, and that this debris not be removed (as is routinely done now) but permitted to migrate downstream through the system, creating fish habitat en route.  相似文献   

塞罕坝国家级自然保护区野生鱼类资源与保护对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2014年7—9月对塞罕坝自然保护区进行野生鱼类调查,结果发现塞罕坝有鱼类13种,隶属4目5科13属,鲤鱼目鲤科鱼类是最大的类群,优势种为拉氏鱥Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowski和北方须鳅Barbatula barbatula nuda(Bleeker)。在保护区各水系中,吐力根河是鱼类主要分布地,其次是泰丰湖。在鱼类生境分布中,仅分布在一种生境的鱼类有4种,占鱼类总种数的30.77%;分布在2种或3种生境的鱼类分别有3种,占鱼类总种数的38.46%;分布在4种生境的鱼类有1种,占鱼类总种数的7.69%,广布种2种,占鱼类总种数的15.38%。生境丧失和过度捕捞是造成鱼类下降的主要原因,针对鱼类资源保护中存在的问题,提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

A simple model for estimating streamflow competence is used to assess the impact of water diversion on the retention of spawning gravels in Newhalem Creek, a small watershed in the Cascade Mountains. Surveyed stream cross sections and discharge estimates are employed to characterize the routine tractive force conditions of the streambed. A conservative estimation procedure results in tractive force values of 120–390 Nm?2for one-year, five-year, and 10-year recurrence interval events. Theoretical and empirical estimates of critical tractive force for particle sizes suggest a routine competence of 100–450 mm diameter for these flows. Substantial accumulations of bed material in the range of 1–100 mm diameter is desirable for anadromous fish spawning redds. As a result, Newhalem Creek is naturally poor habitat for spawning. Steep channel gradients and a “flashy” hydrograph conspire to routinely flush the main channel of spawning-size substrate. In this instance, the modest water diversion is immaterial to the maintenance of spawning habitat.  相似文献   

分布式时变增益流域水循环模拟   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
夏军  王纲胜  吕爱锋  谈戈 《地理学报》2003,58(5):789-796
针对分布式水文模拟的问题,结合河西走廊黑河流域实际资料条件,提出将水文循环空间数字化信息与水文系统理论相结合的分布式时变增益水循环模型 (DTVGM)。DTVGM将单元时变增益水文非线性模型(TVGM)拓广到由DEM划分的流域单元网格上建立非线性地表水产流模型,基于水量平衡方程和蓄泄方程建立土壤水产流模型,并应用运动波方法建立分级网格汇流模型。最后,以黑河干流山区流域为例应用DTVGM开展了实例研究,设计开发了模型系统。研究区域被划分为38 277个网格单元 (网格大小为500 m×500 m),在此基础上将流域划分为456级带状汇流区域。考虑到黑河干流山区的寒区特点,模型耦合了融雪径流模型。模拟结果表明,DTVGM既有分布式水文概念性模拟的特征,同时具有水文系统分析适应能力强的优点,能够在水文资料信息不完全或者有不确定性干扰条件获得比较好的分布式水文模拟效率,在黑河干流山区的应用能够较好地满足水资源管理的要求。  相似文献   

A two-stage change in lake level during the 8.2-ka event was identified in Lake Sarup, Denmark (55°N), using a multiproxy approach on precise radiocarbon wiggle-matched annually laminated sediments deposited 8740–8060 cal. yr BP. Changes in δ13C and δ18O indicated closed lake hydrology driven by precipitation. The isotopic, sedimentary and plant macrofossil records suggested that the lake level started to decrease around 8400 cal. yr BP, the decrease accelerating during 8350–8260 before an abrupt increase during 8260–8210. This pattern shows that the climate anomaly started ~150 years before the onset of the 8.2-ka cooling event registered in Greenland ice cores, but was synchronous with hydrologic change in the North American Lake Agassiz drainage. The lake level decrease was accompanied by a higher accumulation rate of inorganic matter and lower accumulation rates of cladoceran subfossils and algal pigments, possibly due to increased turbidity and reduced nutrient input during this drier period. Pigment analysis also showed added importance of diatoms and cryptophytes during this climate anomaly, while cyanobacteria became more important when the water level rose. Moreover, Nymphaeaceae trichosclereids were abundant during the period of algal enrichment. Cladoceran taxa associated with floating leaved plants or benthic habitats responded in a complex way to changes in water level, but the cladoceran assemblages generally reflected deep lake conditions throughout the period. The lake did not return to its pre-8.2-ka event status during the period of analysis, but remained more productive for centuries after the climatic anomaly as judged from the pigment accumulation and assemblage composition. The change to more eutrophic conditions may have been triggered by erosion of marginal deposits. Together, these data confirm the chronology of hydrologic changes and suggest, for the first time, that lake levels exhibited both a decline and an increase in rapid succession in response to the 8.2-ka event in southern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

A coarse-resolution, absolutely dated isotope record spanning the last 180 ka was constructed from aragonite-rich fecal pellets in a sediment core from Lake Urmia, Iran. The isotope record is not continuous as a consequence of detrital calcite that contaminates the pellets at certain depths. An isotopic correction was applied to samples > 50% aragonite, using the δ18O values of calcite-only pellets. Absolute dates were derived from U-Th analyses on pellets > 80% aragonite. The resultant δ18O record and sediment lithofacies confirm that the Penultimate Glacial was cold and dry, with pronounced interstadials at ca. 150 and >175 ka. Deglaciation began at ca. 130 ka, but climate was unstable and supported a probable no-analog vegetation assemblage. The onset of true interglacial conditions occurred at ca. 126 ka. Peak moisture conditions lasted for 5–6 ka before the climate became drier, with the loss of some tree taxa towards the end of the Last Interglacial. A period of greater moisture occurred between 116 and 108 ka, overlapping in timing with interstadial conditions recorded in the Soreq Cave speleothem record. In general, stadial to interstadial transitions (OIS 5d-5c, 5b-5a) are marked by decreasing δ18O values and rising lake levels. The nature of the OIS 5 to OIS 4 transition cannot be resolved in this study because of the loss of 5 m of core and imprecise dates. According to the present chronology, δ18O values, and inferred lake levels, arid conditions began at 60 ka and persisted until Termination I. Episodic increases in moisture, characterized by layers of aragonite-rich pellets, ostracodes, and the pollen of trees and/or aquatic plants, occurred during the Last Glacial. Deglaciation associated with the Late-glacial Interstadial began at 14 ka but was interrupted by a marked Younger Dryas event that resulted in renewed aridity. The Holocene began at approximately 10 ka. Despite large errors in the chronology, the overall timing and pattern of effective moisture matches the record from Soreq Cave, Israel, suggesting that the two regions were climatically in-phase.  相似文献   

潮河流域时变增益分布式水循环模型研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
在广泛了解有关分布式水文模型研究进展的基础上,结合中国实际资料条件和问题,提出了一种"水文循环机理-系统理论"相耦合的分布式水循环模型——时变增益分布式水循环模型(DTVGM),并建立了潮河流域分布式水文循环模型。实例研究表明,DTVGM的应用是比较成功的,基本上能够满足水资源管理的要求。  相似文献   

Cyprinid fish have pharyngeal teeth that mash ingested food. Here we show that roach (Rutilus rutilus L.), a common cyprinid in Swedish boreal lakes, often break the mandibles of ingested Chaoborus larvae into smaller fragments. The presence/absence of roach in historic fish communities could therefore possibly be determined from the proportion of fragmented Chaoborus mandibles in lake sediments, which we assessed using the following three approaches. (1) Roach that were fed Chaoborus larvae in laboratory aquaria evacuated a significantly higher fraction of fragmented prey mandibles than perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). (2) Surface sediments from lakes in an acidified region in southwestern Sweden showed significantly higher proportions of fragmented mandibles for lakes containing roach compared to lakes devoid of cyprinid fish. (3) A paleo-study in Lake Lysevatten, into which roach were introduced in the 1880s and were extirpated in the 1960s, showed significantly higher proportions of fragmented mandibles in sediment layers from the roach period. We conclude that mandible fragmentation was related to roach presence, and propose that the proportion of fragmented Chaoborus mandibles in lake sediments may provide important information when historical cyprinid alterations are of interest, as in paleo-studies on acidification, eutrophication, or fish introductions.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation provides important wildlife habitat in the southwestern United States, but limited distributions and spatial complexity often leads to inaccurate representation in maps used to guide conservation. We test the use of data conflation and aggregation on multiple vegetation/land-cover maps to improve the accuracy of habitat models for the threatened western yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis). We used species observations (n = 479) from a state-wide survey to develop habitat models from 1) three vegetation/land-cover maps produced at different geographic scales ranging from state to national, and 2) new aggregate maps defined by the spatial agreement of cover types, which were defined as high (agreement = all data sets), moderate (agreement ≥ 2), and low (no agreement required). Model accuracies, predicted habitat locations, and total area of predicted habitat varied considerably, illustrating the effects of input data quality on habitat predictions and resulting potential impacts on conservation planning. Habitat models based on aggregated and conflated data were more accurate and had higher model sensitivity than original vegetation/land-cover, but this accuracy came at the cost of reduced geographic extent of predicted habitat. Using the highest performing models, we assessed cuckoo habitat preference and distribution in Arizona and found that major watersheds containing high-probably habitat are fragmented by a wide swath of low-probability habitat. Focus on riparian restoration in these areas could provide more breeding habitat for the threatened cuckoo, offset potential future habitat losses in adjacent watershed, and increase regional connectivity for other threatened vertebrates that also use riparian corridors.  相似文献   

南四湖湖区内造田圩田、挖池养鱼等破坏湿地行为比较突出,导致该湖滨带出现水位变化幅度大、生境恶化、水体富营养化等问题。为改善湖滨带生态环境,在客观评估湖滨带生态环境本底和现状诊断的基础上,应用生态塘-人工生态岛技术在南四湖湖西湖滨带开展湿地修复,取得了显著的生态修复效果。  相似文献   

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