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The intrinsic dissipation and scattering attenuation in southwestern (SW) Anatolia, which is a tectonically active region,
is studied using the coda waves. First the coda quality factor (Qc) assuming single scattering is estimated from the slope of the coda-wave amplitude decay. Then the Multiple Lapse Time Window
(MLTW) analysis is performed with a uniform earth model. Three non-overlapping temporal data windows are used to calculate
the scattered seismic energy densities against the source-receiver distances, which, in turn, are used to calculate separate
estimates of the intrinsic and scattering factors. In order to explore the frequency dependency, the observed seismograms
are band pass-filtered at the center frequencies of 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 12.0. The scattering attenuation (Qs−1) is found lower than the intrinsic attenuation (Qi−1) at all frequencies except at 0.75 Hz where the opposite is observed. Overall the intrinsic attenuation dominates over the
scattering attenuation in the SW Anatolia region. The integrated energy curves obtained for the first energy window (i.e.,
0–15 s) are somewhat irregular with distance while the second (i.e., 15–30 s) and third (i.e., 30–45 s) data windows exhibit
more regular change with distance at most frequencies. The seismic albedo B0 is determined as 0.61 at 0.75 Hz and 0.34 at 12.0 Hz while the total attenuation factor denoted by Le−1 changes in the range 0.034–0.017. For the source-station range 20–180 km considered the scattering attenuation is found strongly
frequency dependent given by the power law Qs−1 = 0.010*f−1.508. The same relations for Qi−1, Qt−1 (total), Qc−1 and
(expected) hold as Qi−1 = 0.0090*f−1.17, Qt−1 = 0.019*f−1.31, Qc−1 = 0.008*f−0.84 and
respectively. Compared to the other attenuation factors Qc−1 and
are less dependent on the frequency. 相似文献
影区地震速报定位的改进 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
影区地震的定位是成都遥测台网速报经常遇到的难点问题之一。本文分析了成都遥测台网记录中出现的影区地震的震相S、Lg特征,总结出识别它们的方法,并发现增用S波参加速报定位,常常可提高定位精度,达到规范要求。对于某些影区地震,可用ScS震相测定其深度。 相似文献
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - 相似文献
Based on digital seismograms recorded by 11 stations of the Xiaowan Reservoir-induced Earthquake Monitoring Network from May 21, 2005 to September 2006, we calculated the inelastic attenuation near Xiaowan reservoir using Atkinson method. We got the relation of Q value to frequency as Q(f) = 225.8 f^0332. Using the Moya method we got the site response of the 11 stations of Xiaowan Network and source parameters of 43 earthquakes. The source parameters were discussed briefly. 相似文献
Abraham I. Beltzer 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1988,128(1-2):147-156
Basic ideas of the causal approach to wave propagation in random media are first overviewed. This approach appeals from the outset to the linearity, causality, and passivity of the effective medium and is therefore particularly simple from the conceptual viewpoint. The energy analysis and the Kramers-Kronig relations play the major role in this method, which does not resort to ensemble averaging.Then the dispersion of plane wave propagation in randon media is evaluated by extending Wu's results on attenuation induced by scattering. These results are particularly suitable for seismic waves, for which the so-called mean-field approach may not provide adequate modeling. The presence of intrinsic losses is also incorporated. The analysis also includes the case of propagation of a small-amplitude discontinuity. 相似文献
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - 相似文献
In the estimate of dispersion with the help of wavelet analysis considerable emphasis has been put on the extraction of the group velocity using the modulus of the wavelet transform. In this paper we give an asymptotic expression of the full propagator in wavelet space that comprises the phase velocity as well. This operator establishes a relationship between the observed signals at two different stations during wave propagation in a dispersive and attenuating medium. Numerical and experimental examples are presented to show that the method accurately models seismic wave dispersion and attenuation. 相似文献
—Instantaneous frequency matching has been used to compute differential t* values for seismic reflection data from the Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution (GLIMPCE) experiment. The differential attenuation values were converted to apparent Q ?1 models by a fitting procedure that simultaneously solves for the interval Q ?1 values using non-negative least squares. The bootstrap method was then used to estimate the variance in the interval Q ?1 models. The shallow Q ?1 structure obtained from the seismic reflection data corresponds closely with an attenuation model derived using instantaneous frequency matching on seismic refraction data along the same transect. This suggests that the effects of wave propagation and scattering on the apparent attenuation are similar for the two data sets. The Q ?1 model from the reflection data was then compared with the structural interpretation of the reflectivity data. The highest interval Q ?1 values (>0.01) were found near the surface, corresponding to the sedimentary rock sequence of the upper Keweenawan. Low Q ?1 values (<0.0006) are found beneath the Midcontinent rift’s central basin. In addition to structural interpretation, seismic attenuation models derived in this way can be used to correct reflection data for dispersion, frequency and amplitude effects, and allow for improved imaging of the subsurface. 相似文献
We have measured group delays of the spectral components of high-frequency P-waves along two portions of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) in Turkey and in a region of southern Germany. Assuming that the observed dispersion is associated with attenuation in the crust and that it can be described by a continuous relaxation model, we obtained Q and the high-frequency relaxation times for those waves for each of the three regions. Individual P-wave Q values exhibit large scatter, but mean values in the NAFZ increase from about 25 to 60 over the distance range 5–90 km. Mean Q values are somewhat higher in the eastern portion of the NAFZ than in the western portion for measurements made at distances between 10 and 30 km. P-wave Q values in Germany range between about 50 and 300 over the hypocentral distance range 20–130 km. In that region we separated the effects of Q for basement rock (2–10 km depth) from that of the overlying sediment (0–2 km depth) using a least-squares method. Q varies between 100 and 500 in the upper 8–10 km of basement, with mean values for most of the distance range being about 250. Q in the overlying sediments ranges between 6 and 10. Because of large scatter in the Q determinations we investigated possible effects that variations of the source-time function of the earthquakes and truncation of the waveform may have on Q determinations. All of our studies indicate that measurement errors are relatively large and suggest that useful application of the method requires many observations, and that the method will be most useful in regions where the number of oscillations following the initial P pulse is minimized. Even though there is large scatter in our Q determinations, the mean values that we obtained in Turkey are consistent with those found in earlier studies. Our conclusions that Q is significantly higher in the basement rock of Germany than in the basement rock of Turkey and that Q is lower in western Turkey than in eastern Turkey are also consistent with results of Q studies using Lg coda. 相似文献
—Observed velocities and attenuation of fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves in the period range 7–82 sec were inverted for shear-wave velocity and shear-wave Q structure in the Middle East using a two-station method. Additional information on Q structure variation within each region was obtained by studying amplitude spectra of fundamental-mode and higher-mode Rayleigh waves. We obtained models for the Turkish and Iranian Plateaus (Region 1), areas surrounding and including the Black and Caspian Seas (Region 2), and the Arabian Peninsula (Region 3). The effect of continent-ocean boundaries and mixed paths in Region 2 may lead to unrealistic features in the models obtained there. At lower crustal and upper-mantle depths, shear velocities are similar in all three regions. Shear velocities vary significantly in the uppermost 10 km of the crust, being 3.21, 2.85, and 3.39 km/s for Regions 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Q models obtained from an inversion of interstation attenuation data show that crustal shear-wave Q is highest in Region 3 and lowest in Region 1. Q’s for the upper 10 km of the crust are 63, 71, and 201 for Regions 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Crustal Q’s at 30 km depth for the three regions are about 51, 71, and 134. The lower crustal Q values contrast sharply with results from stable continental regions where shear-wave Q may reach one thousand or more. These low values may indicate that fluids reside in faults, cracks, and permeable rock at lower crustal, as well as upper crustal depths due to convergence and intense deformation at all depths in the Middle Eastern crust. 相似文献
Introduction Located between Qingzang (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau that highly uplifts due to compression and North China plain that badly subsides due to crustal extension, the Ordos massif has both the basic attributes of stretching tectonic region of North China marginal basin and the features of marginal shear-compression zone of Qingzang Plateau. It has a length of about 600 km in the N-S direction and a width of about 400 km in the W-E direction. Its geological structure is very simple… 相似文献