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Summary. Polarization anomalies in seismic shear wavetrains, diagnostic of propagation through anisotropic media, have now been observed in dilatancy zones in seismic regions. Stress-induced dilatancy will open cracks with preferred orientations, which will be effectively anisotropic to short-period seismic waves. The polarization anomalies are due to the shear waves splitting, in propagation through anisotropic media, into components with different polarizations and different velocities. This writes characteristic signatures into the shear wavetrains. The paper examines ways in which the differential shear-wave anisotropy (the delay between the split shear-waves) varies with direction by plotting stereograms of the relative delays, and their polarizations, for possible dilatancy symmetry-systems. It seems likely, that if sufficient observations of these anomalies can be obtained at each stage of the dilatancy episode, it will be possible to estimate the symmetry directions of the dilatancy and the geometry of the stress-induced crack-system, as well as monitoring the progress of the dilatancy episode.  相似文献   

Polarization anomaly of Love waves caused by lateral heterogeneity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We calculate surface waves propagating in a laterally heterogeneous structure beneath the Kuril trench, where significant Love-wave polarization anomalies, called quasi-Love waves, are generated. Since 3-D wave propagation in the two-dimensionally heterogeneous structure can be assumed, we apply the 2.5-D finite difference method to the surface-wave calculations. The calculations show that a velocity contrast of 7 per cent at depths of less than 210 km beneath the Kuril trench cannot generate quasi-Love waves, and that an unlikely contrast of 20 per cent is required to generate clear quasi-Love waves. The possible cause of the quasi-Love waves inferred from previous studies on coupled free oscillations is a lateral variation in azimuthal anisotropy. The lateral variation in azimuthal anisotropy beneath the Kuril trench suggests a change in the mantle flow induced by the subducting slab.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasi-isotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing differential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a system of two complex coupled differential equations along the isotropic ray.
The interference of the qS waves is described by traveltime and polarization corrections of interacting isotropic S waves. For qP waves the approach leads to a correction of the traveltime of the P wave in the isotropic background medium.
Seismograms and particle-motion diagrams obtained from numerical computations are presented for models with different strengths of anisotropy.
The equivalence of the quasi-isotropic approximation and the quasi-shear-wave coupling theory is demonstrated. The quasi-isotropic approximation allows for a consideration of the limit from weak anisotropy to isotropy, especially in the case of qS waves, where the usual ray theory for anisotropic media fails.  相似文献   

Summary. Observations of surface waves crossing ocean basins indicate that, at least in some cases, a better interpretation of what was previously considered to be the simultaneous arrival of fundamental Love and second Rayleigh modes, with similar group velocities, is the coupled motion of the second-generalized mode surface wave propagating in an anisotropic upper-mantle. This mode displays the polarization anomalies expected from anisotropic alignments caused by syntectonic recrystallization of olivine in a zone of horizontal shear. The polarity of the pattern of anomalies, found in waves crossing the Pacific Basin, suggests that the lithosphere is dragging the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Summary. Analysis of NORSAR records and a number of Soviet microfilms reveals second-mode surface Caves propagating along paths covering a large part of Eurasia. These second modes in the 6–15-s period band are frequently disturbed by other surface-wave modes and by body-wave arrivals. However, in all cases, where the modes appear to be undisturbed and show normal dispersion, the Second Rayleigh modes have a slowly varying phase difference with the Second Love modes. This coupling has the particle motion of Inclined Rayleigh waves characteristic of surface-wave propagation in anisotropic media, where the anisotropy possesses a horizontal plane of symmetry. Numerical examination of surface wave propagating in Earth models, with an anisotropic layer in the upper mantle, demonstrate that comparatively small thicknesses of material with weak velocity anisotropy can produce large deviations in the polarizations of Inclined Rayleigh Second modes. In many structures, these inclinations are very sensitive to small changes in anisotropic orientation and to small changes in the surrounding isotropic structure. It is suggested that examination of second mode inclination anomalies of second mode surface waves may be a powerful technique for examining the detailed anisotropic structure of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Seismic body waves in anisotropic media: synthetic seismograms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. Synthetic seismograms and particle motion diagrams are computed for simple, layered Earth models containing an anisotropic layer. The presence of anisotropy couples the P, SV and SH wave motion so that P waves incident on the anisotropic layer from below produce P, SV and small-amplitude SH waves at the surface both the P velocity and the amplitudes of the converted phases vary with azimuth. Significant SH amplitudes may be generated even when the wavelength of the P wave is much greater than the thickness of the anisotropic layer. Incident SV or SH waves may each generate large amplitudes of both SV and SH motion. This strong coupling is largely independent of the degree of velocity anisotropy of the medium. The arrivals from short-period S waves exhibit S-wave splitting, but arrivals from longer period S waves superpose into a modified waveform. This strong coupling does not allow the arrival of separate phases with pure SV and SH polarization except along directions of symmetry where the motion decouples.  相似文献   

Out of the four waves in an anisotropic poroelastic medium, two are termed as quasi-transverse waves. The prefix 'quasi' refers to their polarizations being nearly, but not exactly, perpendicular to direction of propagation. In this composite medium, unlike perfectly elastic medium, the propagation of a longitudinal wave along a phase direction may not be accompanied by transverse waves. The existence of a transverse wave in anisotropic poroelastic media is ensured by the two equations restricting the choice of elastic coefficients of porous aggregate as well as fluid–solid coupling. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of transverse waves along the coordinate axes and in the coordinate planes for general anisotropy are discussed. The discussion is extended to the case of orthotropic materials and existence for few specific phase directions is also explored. The conditions for the transverse waves decided on the basis of their apparent polarizations, that is, particle motion being perpendicular to ray direction, are also discussed. For a particular numerical model, the existence of these apparent transverse waves is solved numerically for phase directions in coordinate planes. For general directions of phase propagation, the existence of these transverse waves is checked graphically for the chosen numerical model.  相似文献   

Summary. The polarizations of shear waves recorded by networks of digital three-component seismometers immediately above small earthquakes near the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey display shear-wave splitting on almost all shear-wave seismograms recorded within the shear-wave window. This splitting is incompatible with source radiation-patterns propagating through simple isotropic structures but is compatible with effective anisotropy of the internal structure of the rock along the ray paths. This paper interprets the phenomena in terms of widespread crack-induced anisotropy. Distributions of stress-induced cracks model many features of the observations, and synthetic polarization diagrams calculated for propagation through simulated cracked rock are similar to the observed patterns. This evidence for widespread crack-induced anisotropy lends strong support to the hypothesis of extensive-dilatancy anisotropy (EDA) suggested by laboratory experiments in subcritical crack-growth. The crucial evidence confirming some form of EDA would be observations of temporal changes in shear-wave splitting as the stress field alters the crack density and crack geometry. There is some weak evidence for such temporal changes at one site, but further analysis of suitable digital three-component seismometer networks in seismic areas is required to confirm EDA.  相似文献   

Summary. A formulation is derived for calculating the energy division among waves generated by plane waves incident on a boundary between generally anisotropic media. A comprehensive account is presented for P, SV and SH waves incident from an isotropic half-space on an orthorhombic olivine half-space, where the interface is parallel to a plane of elastic symmetry. For comparison, a less anisotropic medium having transverse isotropy with a horizontal axis of symmetry is also considered. The particle motion polarizations of waves in anisotropic medium differ greatly from the polarizations in isotropic media, and are an important diagnostic of the presence of anisotropy. Incident P and SV waves generate quasi- SH waves, and incident SH waves generate quasi- P and quasi- SV waves, often of considerable relative magnitude. The direction of energy transport diverges from the propagation direction.  相似文献   

Summary. The response of a stratified elastic medium can be conveniently characterized by the Green's tensor for the medium. For coupled seismic wave propagation ( P—SV or fully anisotropic), the Green's tensor may be constructed directly from two matrices of linearly independent displacement solutions. Rather simple forms for the Green's tensor can be found if each displacement matrix satisfies one of the boundary conditions on the seismic field. This approach relates directly to 'reflection matrix' representations of the seismic field.
For a stratified elastic half space the Green's tensor is used to give a spectral representation for coupled seismic waves. By means of a contour integration a general completeness relation is obtained for the 'body wave' and 'surface wave' parts of the seismic field. This relation is appropriate for SH and P–SV waves in an isotropic medium and also for full anisotropy.  相似文献   

The energy–flux vector and other energy-related quantities play an important role in various wave propagation problems. In acoustics and seismology, the main attention has been devoted to the time-averaged energy flux of time-harmonic wavefields propagating in non-dissipative, isotropic and anisotropic media. In this paper, we investigate the energy–flux vector and other energy-related quantities of wavefields propagating in inhomogeneous anisotropic viscoelastic media. These quantities satisfy energy-balance equations, which have, as we show, formally different forms for real-valued wavefields with arbitrary time dependence and for time-harmonic wavefields. In case of time-harmonic wavefields, we study both time-averaged and time-dependent constituents of the energy-related quantities. We show that the energy-balance equations for time-harmonic wavefields can be obtained in two different ways. First, using real-valued wavefields satisfying the real-valued equation of motion and stress–strain relation. Second, using complex-valued wavefields satisfying the complex-valued equation of motion and stress–strain relation. The former approach yields simple results only for particularly simple viscoelastic models, such as the Kelvin–Voigt model. The latter approach is considerably more general and can be applied to viscoelastic models of unrestricted anisotropy and viscoelasticity. Both approaches, when applied to the Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic model, yield the same expressions for the time-averaged and time-dependent constituents of all energy-related quantities and the same energy-balance equations. This indicates that the approach based on complex-valued representation of the wavefield may be used for time harmonic waves quite universally. This study also shows importance of joint consideration of time-averaged and time-dependent constituents of the energy-related quantities in some applications.  相似文献   

Summary. The propagation of surface waves in a laterally varying medium can be described by representing the wavetrain as a superposition of modal contributions for a reference structure. As the guided waves propagate through a heterogeneous zone the modal coefficients needed to describe the wavetrain vary with position, leading to interconversions between modes and reflection into backward travelling modes. The evolution of the modal terms may be described by a set of first-order differential equations which allow for coupling to both forward and backward travelling waves; the coefficients in these equations depend on the differences between the actual structure and the reference structure. This system is established using the orthogonality properties of the modal eigenfunctions and is valid for SH -waves, P - SV -waves and full anisotropy.
The reflected and transmitted wavefields for a region of heterogeneity can be related to the incident wave by introducing reflection and transmission matrices which connect the modal coefficients in these fields to those in the incident wavetrain. By considering a sequence of models with increasing width of heterogeneity we are able to derive a set of Ricatti equations for the reflection and transmission matrices which may be solved by initial value techniques. This avoids an awkward two-point boundary value problem for a large number of coupled equations. The method is demonstrated for 1 Hz Lg - and Sn -waves in a multilayered model for which there are 19 coupled modes.
The method is applicable to three-dimensional heterogeneity, and we are able to show that the interconversion between Love and Rayleigh waves, in the presence of gradients in seismic properties transverse to the propagation path, leads to a net rate of increase of the transverse components of the seismogram at the expense of the other components.  相似文献   

Summary. Particle-motion plots of shear waves have been studied for the section FG of the FENNOLORA seismic experiment. Shear-wave splitting is observed on some records and the polarization of the first arriving shear waves show two peaks at about N35°W and N65°E. These results can be interpreted as being due to crack-induced anisotropy with the crack direction dominated by a (dominant) horizontal stress around N35°W. This is consistent with in situ stress measurements and focal mechanism studies in Scandinavia. the results show that seismic refraction experiments may be useful in providing evidence of crack-induced anisotropy in the stable continental crust.  相似文献   

Summary. Kelvin-Christoffel equations describing plane wave propagation in anisotropic media are generalized to account for the effects of nonlinear elasticity. The polarization and waveform of nonlinear distortions of a transient plane wave are investigated by means of perturbation theory. Detailed analysis for an anisotropic medium with hexagonal symmetry shows that for "pure" shear-waves the polarization vector of the nonlinear component is always perpendicular to that of the linear wave. In the case of a high-amplitude excitation (for instance, in the vicinity of large earthquakes) the influence of nonlinearity may cause distortions of shear-wave polarization, which contains the most reliable information on the presence and characteristics of anisotropy. The solutions presented in this paper make it possible to solve reflection-transmission problems in nonlinear-elastic anisotropic media.  相似文献   

The presence of anisotropy requires that tomographic methods be generalized to account for anisotropy. This generalization allows geological structure to be correctly imaged and allows the anisotropic parameters to be estimated. Use of isotropic inversion for imaging anisotropic structures gives systematic trends in the traveltime and polarization residuals. However, due to the limited directional coverage, the traveltimes along may not be sufficient to study the anisotropic properties of the structure. Polarizations can provide independent information on the structure. Traveltime and polarization inversion are applied to synthetic examples simulating VSP experiments. Transverse isotropy and 1-D structure are assumed. Plots of traveltime and polarization residuals are an important tool to detect the anomalies due to the presence of anisotropy. For receivers located in anisotropic layers, polarization residuals display consistent anomalies of several degrees. The synthetic examples show that even the simple 1-D problem is difficult, when using direct arrivals only. Large a posteriori errors in anisotropic parameters are obtained by traveltime inversion in layers where available incidence angles are less than 45°. Resolution of the tomographic image of VSP data is greatly improved by a combination of traveltime and polarization information. In order to obtain accurate inversion results, the measurement error of polarization data should be kept to within a few degrees.  相似文献   

We investigate the sensitivity of finite-frequency body-wave observables to mantle anisotropy based upon kernels calculated by combining adjoint methods and spectral-element modelling of seismic wave propagation. Anisotropy is described by 21 density-normalized elastic parameters naturally involved in asymptotic wave propagation in weakly anisotropic media. In a 1-D reference model, body-wave sensitivity to anisotropy is characterized by 'banana–doughnut' kernels which exhibit large, path-dependent variations and even sign changes. P -wave traveltimes appear much more sensitive to certain azimuthally anisotropic parameters than to the usual isotropic parameters, suggesting that isotropic P -wave tomography could be significantly biased by coherent anisotropic structures, such as slabs. Because of shear-wave splitting, the common cross-correlation traveltime anomaly is not an appropriate observable for S waves propagating in anisotropic media. We propose two new observables for shear waves. The first observable is a generalized cross-correlation traveltime anomaly, and the second a generalized 'splitting intensity'. Like P waves, S waves analysed based upon these observables are generally sensitive to a large number of the 21 anisotropic parameters and show significant path-dependent variations. The specific path-geometry of SKS waves results in favourable properties for imaging based upon the splitting intensity, because it is sensitive to a smaller number of anisotropic parameters, and the region which is sampled is mainly limited to the upper mantle beneath the receiver.  相似文献   

A new formulation for the propagation of surface waves in three-dimensionally varying media is developed in terms of modal interactions. A variety of assumptions can be made about the nature of the modal field: a single set of reference modes, a set of local modes for the structure beneath a point, or a set of local modes for a laterally varying reference structure. Each modal contribution is represented locally as a spectrum of plane waves propagating in different directions in the horizontal plane. The influence of 3-D structure is included by allowing coupling between different modal branches and propagation directions. For anisotropic models, with allowance for attenuation, the treatment leads to a set of coupled 2-D partial differential equations for the weight functions for different modal orders.
The representation of the guided wavefield requires the inclusion of a full set of modes, so that, even for isotropic models, both Love and Rayleigh modes appear as different polarization states of the modal spectrum. The coupling equations describe the interaction between the different polarizations induced by the presence of the 3-D structure.
The level of lateral variation within the 3-D model is not required to be small. Horizontal refraction or reflection of the surface wavefield can be included by allowing for transfer between modes travelling in different directions. Approximate forms of the coupled equation system can be employed when the level of heterogeneity is small, for example the coupling between the fundamental mode and higher modes can often be neglected, or forward propagation can be emphasized by restricting the interaction to a limited band of plane waves covering the expected direction of propagation.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper examines P -wave propagation in anisotropic solids, and demonstrates the effect of anisotropy on the polarizations of quasi P -waves. The deviation of the polarization of the quasi P -wave from the propagation vector may be significant, but is in almost the same direction as the deviation of the group-velocity vector. Since the group-velocity, or energy propagation, vector follows seismic ray paths, the apparent deviation is the difference of the polarization and group-velocity deviations and is small. Consequently, it may be easily overlooked, hidden by noise, or attributed to the effects of inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

Observations and origin of Rayleigh-wave amplitude anomalies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a report of observations of amplitude anomalies of fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves ( R 1) between periods of 17 and 100  s. The anomalies are with respect to amplitudes predicted by Rayleigh-wave excitation for a reference earth model and catalogued centroid earthquake source parameters, such as are used in large-scale waveform inversions. The observations indicate that the amplitude anomalies are consistent for nearby recordings of the same event, while there is no obvious relation between the observed anomalies and the paths travelled by the waves. This is in contrast to Rayleigh-wave phase anomalies, which are consistent for similar propagation paths, and hence form the input in many inversions for along-path structure. The observations in this paper show that a similar inversion of intermediate-period amplitude anomalies for along- and near-path structure is not warranted without eliminating source effects, since the amplitude anomalies are dominated by scattering off near-source earth structure and by possible uncertainties in the source parameters. Sensitivity kernels that take the coupling between the moment tensor and displacement field into account demonstrate that Rayleigh-wave amplitude sensitivity is largest near the source. This report argues that the interaction between source-radiated Rayleigh waves and near-source earth structure may not be ignored in amplitude inversion procedures.  相似文献   

We study properties of the energy-flux vector and other related energy quantities of homogeneous and inhomogeneous time-harmonic P and S plane waves, propagating in unbounded viscoelastic anisotropic media, both analytically and numerically. We propose an algorithm for the computation of the energy-flux vector, which can be used for media of unrestricted anisotropy and viscoelasticity, and for arbitrary homogeneous or inhomogeneous plane waves. Basic part of the algorithm is determination of the slowness vector of a homogeneous or inhomogeneous wave, which satisfies certain constraints following from the equation of motion. Approaches for determination of a slowness vector commonly used in viscoelastic isotropic media are usually difficult to use in viscoelastic anisotropic media. Sometimes they may even lead to non-physical solutions. To avoid these problems, we use the so-called mixed specification of the slowness vector, which requires, in a general case, solution of a complex-valued algebraic equation of the sixth degree. For simpler cases, as for SH waves propagating in symmetry planes, the algorithm yields simple analytic solutions. Once the slowness vector is known, determination of energy flux and of other energy quantities is easy. We present numerical examples illustrating the behaviour of the energy-flux vector and other energy quantities, for homogeneous and inhomogeneous plane P , SV and SH waves.  相似文献   

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