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Based on the new data of the Quaternary along the coast of Hainan Island, China, this paper puts forward that the Holocene in Hainan Island can be divided into four formations: Wanning formation (Q41), Sanya formation (Q42-1), Qiongshan formation (Q42-2) and Ledong formation (Q43). Spore-pollen analysis shows that there are 6 spore-pollen zones existed, reflecting two cycles of climatic fluctuation from warm-dry to hot-humid. The climax of hot-humid period occurred 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. Based on the 14C dating data of the 38 samples representing the positions of ancient sea level, a breakthrough curve representing the sea level change during the Holocone is obtained, in which , a sea level change caused by tectonic movement is subtracted. Two cycles of rise-drop of sea level with three periods of high sea level were found. The period with the highest sea level is some 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. According to the rise-drop rate of sea level, four periods of the sea level change can be distinguished in the  相似文献   

As for the formation of the submerged trough of Maxwell Bay and the external agent geomorphic-phenomena of Fildes Peninsula, we can use glaciated theory to explain them. Moreover, based on a large number of field investigation by foreign colleagues and the authors, we can consider that the last glaciated ice-stream which had a great effect on current periglacio-landform distribution, mainly flowed along the direction from northwest to southeast. The periglacio-geomorphic distribution of the peninsula has a deep brand of glaciated history. Three kinds of different profile assemblage features show that the periglacial landform have an internal relationship in genesis. They also show a difference between stoss and leeward slopes by glaciated effect.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of environmental variables on macroalgal communities, their temporal and spatial distributions were examined along the Yantai coast, China between April 2010 and March 2011. Macroalgae sampling was conducted monthly at four sites along the coast: Jiahe River estuary, Zhifu Island, Fisherman's Wharf, and Yangma Island. The species composition and abundance, and their relationship with environmental variables were assessed. Along the Yantai coast, 35 macroalgae species were identified, including 24 Rhodophyta spp., 7 Chlorophyta, and 4 Phaeophyta spp. Highest species numbers were recorded in the summer at all sampling sites, except in the Jiahe River estuary. Macroalgae biomass was the greatest in the summer. Year-round, the highest species number and dry biomass recorded at Fisherman's Wharf and Yangma Island was attributed to the substrate type. In summer, Ulva pertusa Kjellman was the dominant species identified along the Yantai coast, which indicates a risk ofmacroalgae blooms. Our results show that seawater temperature and nutrients appear to significantly affect the temporal and spatial patterns of macroalgal abundance along the Yantai coast. The effects of environmental variables on the macroalgae on the Yantai coast need further study.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected at two coastal suburban stations, Qingdao (China) in 1995-1996 and Liverpool (U.K.) in 1995, respectively. The samples were analyzed to determine the concentrations of trace metals (Cr, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, V, and Cd) as well as A1, Fe and Mn. Data were examined to understand the difference of trace metals in aerosols between coastal zones downwind the developing area (near the Yellow Sea) and developed region (near the Irish Sea). The results show that most elements at Qingdao have levels 4-5 times higher than those at Liverpool, particularly for the crust-dominated elements (e.g. Al, Fe and Mn). Moreover, the aerosol composition at Qingdao is higher in spring than in summer, underlying the influence of westerlies and local emissions in combination, whereas seasonal change of aerosol composition is not significant at Liverpool. The enrichment factors for the crustal source elements (EFcrust) at Liverpool are much higher than those at Qingdao. The contributions from the pollutant source (Rp) for some trace metals like Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd are 〉90% at Qingdao and Liverpool, suggesting overwhelming anthropogenic contributions to these metals. The contributions from crustal source (Re) for trace metals tend to increase with higher aerosol levels and Al concentration at Qingdao, indicating a good correlation between the crust-dominated component and the air mass. At Liverpool, the Rc values for trace metals are positively correlated with Al concentrations instead of with aerosol mass, suggesting that Al in aerosols represents the crustal component even though the aerosols come from different sources.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation carried out during June 2005 to May 2007 on bloom-forming phytoplankton species composition and abundance in the Parangipettai and Coleroon coastal waters(Southeast coast of India) are reported.Air and surface water temperatures(℃) varied from 25.1 to 30.1 and 24.5 to 28.5,respectively,in the former waters and from 25.5 to 31.2 and 25.0 to 29.3 in the latter waters.The respective salinities varied from 6.0 to 28.5 and 5.0 to 33.1 and the respective pH ranged between 7.0 and 8.3 and 7.2 and 8.3.Correspondingly,the dissolved oxygen content varied from 3.1 to 7.5 and 3.1 to 7.9 mgL-1 while the light extinction coefficient(LEC) values ranged between 3.1 and 10.1 and 1.8 and 11.0.The content ranges of inorganic nutrients,i.e.,nitrate,nitrite,phosphate and silicate(μmolL-1),in the Parangipettai and Coleroon coastal waters were:6.5-27.0;1.0-8.9;0.1-3.0 and 15.0-140 and 10.1-23.4;1.2-8.9;0.2-3.1 and 55-125 respectively.The chlorophyll a contents in both waters ranged from 2.0-7.5 μgL-1.Presently,124 phytoplankton species representing different classes were recorded in the Coleroon coast,viz,Bacillariophyceae(77);Dinophyceae(19);Cyanophyceae(15);Chlorophyceae(10) and Chrysophyceae(3),whereas 117 phytoplankton species were recorded in the Parangipettai coast,viz,Bacillariophyceae(66);Dinophyceae(22);Cyanophyceae(19);Chlorophyceae(7) and Chrysophyceae(3).The phytoplankton cell abundance in the Parangipettai and Coleroon coastal waters varied from 290 to 111662 and 140 to 132 757 cells L-1,respectively,with peak diversity(3.38 and 3.52 bits ind-1.) recorded in summer.The maximum abundance occurred in summer coinciding with the stable hydrographical conditions.The seasonal distribution and abundance of phytoplankton are discussed in relation to hydrographical parameters.Totally 31 and 24 species of phytoplankton were found to be bloom-forming in the Parangipettai and Coleroon coastal waters,respectively.Presently Trichodesmium bloom was also observed,which appeared at the 10 fathom level of the coastal water and quickly spread to the marine zone of the Vellar estuary and near the mouth region of the mangrove waters.The Parangipettai and Coleroon coastal waters are subject to long term fluctuations in physico-chemical conditions depending upon the seasonal tidal range and freshwater influx,resulting in a continuous exchange of organic,inorganic,plant and animal matters.  相似文献   

贵州与印度的夏季风的异同分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
季风作了气象科学的一个重要课题,许多人都作了大量研究,中国和印度均处于季风区,印度季风和中国季风的研究已作了大量研究,揭露了不少事实,但中国季风的研究多指我国的东部,而贵州位于我国西南部,地处东亚季风和印度季风之间的过渡区,因此,对贵州省的论及较少,从气候的角度出发,把贵州和印度的季风的某些特征量,如降雨、风、环流等进行对比分析,在一定程度上反映了贵州和印度夏季风的主要异同。  相似文献   

The north-south trending Kullu valley between Rohtang in the north and Hansu in the south is a wide and open valley filled with Quaternary sediments along the main course of the Beas River. The valley in the middle is drained by the Beas River and numerous tributaries join it laterally. The tributary channels have deposited large alluvial fans at their mouths which form three distinct levels. The Beas River has deposited alluvial terraces, which are very distinct towards the lower reaches and form three to four levels. The upper slopes and high altitudinal areas are covered with periglacial and glacial deposits. The terrace, fan and hill slopes have provided an ideal geoenvironment for human activities including agriculture, horticulture, dense settlements and other civil establishments. The Kullu Valley is prone to various natural hazards, flash floods and cloudbursts that are very common in this valley due to its peculiar geomorphic condition, high relief of peripheral ridges and impact of monsoon winds. The studies carried out so far indicate that the losses caused by these phenomena both in terms of life and property are mainly due to unwise human interaction with the geoenvironment of the area. The paper gives an overview of the geoenvironmental status of the Kullu Valley and suggests the necessity of undertaking further detailed studies including resource mapping for balanced development of the area.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONGroundwaterwthAnneralimtionofmorethan5OgA(about5"Be')"iscalledunder-groundbrine.ltbelongstoevaporationoredepositinliquidstateandisantwortantrnaterialsourceforsaltonkingandthechewhcalindustry.QuatemarylittoralfadesundergroundbrinewasstoredinthelittoralsoneandhadtwobasictypesofgenesisenvironmentflittoralplaincoastenvironmentcharacterindbythecoastalongLaichouBay,andembayedcoastenvironmentcharaCterindbythecoastalzoneofQingdao.TheauthorresearchedthebrineintheLaizhoubaycoastareainthe…  相似文献   

The southern coast of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, is one of the areas in China most seriously impacted by seawater intrusion. Based on the sources of intruding waterbedies, seawater intrusion can be divided into two types: intrusion of saline water derived from modern seawater, and intrusion of subsurface brine and saline water derived from paleo-seawater in shallow Quaternary sediments. There are some distinct differences in their formation, mechanism and damage. The subsurface brine intrusion is a special type, which can cause very serious disaster. The coastal landform and the Quaternary hydrogeological environment are predominant factors in the classification of seawater intrusion types. Various coastal environments in different coastal sections result in three types of intrusion: seawater intrusion, saline groundwater intrusion, and mixed seawater and saline water intrusion, in the southern coast of Laizhou Bay, which can be divided into four areas: the sea-water intrusion area in the northern Laizhou City coast, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Baisha River-Jiaolai River mouth plain area, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Weihe River mouth plain area northern Changyi county coast, and the saline ground-water intrusion area in the northern Shouguang plains.  相似文献   

After nearly 20 years of construction,we have successfully solved a series of hydrologic sedimentaryand environment problems encountered during the construction of the big deep water harbour inLianyungang which can now accommodate ships of 50000 tonnage.With the economic development,the channel of 50000 tonnage will be built soon, and of 100000 tonnage is under planning. Theconstruction of the international container shipping hub at the harbour is being accelerated in anticipationof the opening of the second Eurasian land bridge.The future development of the harbour will givegreat impetus to the local economy of Lianyungang City and make it an international city.  相似文献   

Using statistically downscaled atmospheric forcing, we performed a numerical investigation to evaluate future climate's impact on storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. east coast. The focus is on the impact of climatic changes in wind pattern and surface pressure while neglecting sea level rise and other factors. We adapted the regional ocean model system(ROMS) to the study region with a mesh grid size of 7–10 km in horizontal and 18 vertical layers. The model was validated by a hindcast of the coastal sea levels in the winter of 2008. Model's robustness was confirmed by the good agreement between model-simulated and observed sea levels at 37 tidal gages. Two 10-year forecasts, one for the IPCC Pre-Industry(PI) and the other for the A1 FI scenario, were conducted. The differences in model-simulated surge heights under the two climate scenarios were analyzed. We identified three types of responses in extreme surge heights to future climate: a clear decrease in Middle Atlantic Bight, an increase in the western Gulf of Mexico, and non-significant response for the remaining area. Such spatial pattern is also consistent with previous projections of sea surface winds and ocean wave heights.  相似文献   

This paper deals with detailed analysis of the fiasco created by the Tehri High Dam in Uttarakhand, India, particularly in terms of resettlement and rehabilitation of the local inhabitants. Aspects pertaining to the environmental issues are also discussed. Currently, the river valleys in Uttarakhand state of India are the targets of increasing hydroelectric projects. Virtually all rivers are being exploited for generating environmental friendly power. Having being learned the hard lesson from Tehri Dam, it has been decided to opt for such schemes in which comparatively little submergence and tempering with the fragile eco-systems is involved.However, our observations suggest that even in such schemes if due care is not taken they may turn out to be a failure.  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheYellowSeahasaveragewaterdepthsbetween30and 90m (Liuetal.,1 987) .Liuindicatesthattworegressiveevents ,namedChengshantou (4 0 -75ka)andYellowSea (1 5 - 2 3ka) ,haveoccurredsincetheLatePleistocenebasedonthepeatbedsfoundincores (Liuetal.,…  相似文献   

To examine spatial variations of grain-size characteristics caused by both natural and human-induced processes along the Lianyungang muddy coast,China,129 samples were collected and measured using standard sieving and sedimentation techniques.Results show that sediment diameter tends to increase with increasing water depth from nearshore to offshore.Size-frequency distributions indicate a gradual mixing process of coarse and fine diameter material.Grain size trend analysis indicates that a man-made structure,the West Breakwater,along with Liandao Island itself,has resulted in severe siltation in Haizhou Bay and the Lianyungang port area,where sediment quality is also poor.Results demonstrate that grain size can be used as a natural tracer to infer how sediments respond to the effects caused by both natural and human-induced processes.  相似文献   

Introduction Dead wood is an important structural and functional component of a forest ecosystem(Fridman and Welheim 2000). Recent studies also indicate that dead wood is important for maintaining both plant and animal diversity in different forest ecosystems (Grove 2001) as it serve as an energy source (Bray and Gorham 1964) and habitat for an array of organisms. Dead wood can also help reduce erosion, increase soil organic matters (McFee and Stone 1966), and suitable conditions for seedli…  相似文献   

The temperature, humidity, and vertical distribution of ozone in the Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer(ABL) and their seasonal changes are analyzed, by using the high-resolution profile data obtained during the International Polar Year 2008 to 2009 at Zhongshan Station, to further the understanding of the structure and processes of the ABL. The results show that the fre- quency of the convective boundary layer in the warm season accounts for 84% of its annual occurrence frequency. The frequency of the stable boundary layer in the cold season accounts for 71% of its annual occurrence frequency. A neutral boundary layer ap- pears rarely. The average altitude of the convective boundary layer determined by the parcel method is 600 m; this is 200 to 300 m higher than that over inland Antarctica. The average altitude of the top of the boundary layer determined by the potential tempera- ture gradient and humidity gradient is 1 200 m in the warm season and 1 500 m in the cold season. The vertical structures of ozone and specific humidity in the ABL exhibit obvious seasonal changes. The specific humidity is very high with greater vertical gradi- ent in the warm season and very low with a lesser gradient in the cold season under 2 000 m. The atmospheric ozone in the ABL is consumed by photochemical processes in the warm season, which results in a slight difference in altitude. The sub-highest ozone center is located in the boundary layer, indicating that the ozone transferred from the stratosphere to the troposphere reaches the low boundary layer during October and November in Antarctica.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the current status of coral reefs along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. Among the three growth forms of Acroporid corals, the branching forms were found to dominate in the Farassan Islands(44.55%±11.10% cover) followed by tabular forms in the Doga Islands(ranging between 18%±6.47% and 18.30%±9.47% cover). Digitate forms were rarely found along the coast except at Maqna. Among the five growth forms of non-Acroporid corals, we observed maximum cover of branching forms in the Yanbu offshore area(58.89%±15.11% cover) followed by the Jeddah coast(24.76%±14.04% cover). The Millepora spp., a non-Scleractinian coral, was abundant at all the near-shore sites, such as Jeddah(10.70%±8.21%) and Al-Wajh(9.81%±6.69%). The live coral cover(including both Scleractinian and non-Scleractinian corals) of Saudi Red Sea coast was seen to be higher in the north and gradually decrease towards the south. Principal Component analysis showed that the contribution of Acroporid corals was greater in the southern region than in the northern and middle regions, but vice-versa in the case of non-Acroporid corals. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis categorized all the study sites into two major clusters with 60% similarity. Among them, one cluster-forming sites from Maqna to Masturah(Northern region) and the second one comprised the middle and southern regions(Jeddah to Farassan Islands), and one outlier Rabigh.  相似文献   

The present paper gives an insight into the distribution and use pattern of medicinal shrubs in Uttaranchal State. A total of 222 medicinal and aromatic shrub species have been appended based on secondary information. Euphorbiaceae, Rosaceae, Verbenaceae, and Fabaceae have the highest repre- sentatives of medicinal shrubs. Twenty one families had one species each in medicinal use. Verbenaceae and Euphorbiaceae in the sub-tropical region, Rosaceae in the temperate region, and Ericaceae and Rosaceae in the sub-alpine and alpine regions, respectively, had the highest representatives of medicinal shrubs. The distribution of medicinal shrubs was 42 % in sub-tropical, 29 % in warm temperate, 13 % in cool temperate, 9 % in sub-alpine and 7 % in the alpine region. Of the total species, 70 medicinal shrubs were native to the Himalayas and 22 native to Himalayan region including other Hima- layan countries. The most frequently used plant parts for various ailments were leaves (31 %) and roots (23 %). Most shrubs are being used for the diseases, viz. skin diseases, dysentery, cough, fever, wounds, and rheumatism. The present paper will help in the execution of strategies for promotion and cultivation of medicinal shrubs in Uttaranchal State.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTidalchannelsareimportantgeomorphologicunitsalongsiltcoasts.Theyhaveanevidentfunc tionfortidalflatbecausetheyareassociatedwithitsrapidbayheadwarderosionandlateralswing ing.Thetidalchannelsdevelopalongthecoastandplayanimportantroleinseaandlandinterac tion .Manyscientistsresearchedthetidalchannels (Bayliss Smith ,1 978;Shao ,1 988;Zhang ,1 995) .TheScientificandTechnicalCommitteeofShandongProvince (1 991 )investigatedthecoastoftheHuanghe (Yellow)RiverDeltaandresearchedtheti…  相似文献   

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