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In order to identify the origin of saline groundwater in the eastern part of Jeju volcanic island, Korea, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out for 18 observation wells located in east and southeast coastal regions. The total dissolved solid contents of groundwaters are highly variable (77–21,782 mg/l). Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, and strontium isotopic data clearly show that the saline water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. Strontium isotopic compositions and Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that the source of salinity is modern seawater intrusion. Hydrogeochemical characteristics based on bivariate diagrams of major and minor ions show that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater are mainly controlled by the salinization process followed by cation-exchange reactions. The highly permeable aquifers at the east coastal region are characterized by low hydraulic gradient and discharge rate and high hydraulic conductivity as compared with other regions. These properties enhance the salinization of groundwater observed in the study area. Based on the Cl, Br, and δ18O data, seawater was determined to have intruded inland some 2.5 km from the coastline. Considering the poor correlation of sampling depth and Cl concentrations observed, the position of seawater-freshwater interface is not uniformly distributed in the study area, due to heterogeneities of the basaltic aquifers.  相似文献   

1D resistivity sounding and 2D resistivity imaging surveys were integrated with geological and hydrochemical data to assess the aquifer vulnerability and saltwater intrusion in the north of Nile Delta, Egypt. In the present study, the El-Gharbyia main drain was considered as a case study to map the sand bodies within the upper silt and clay aquitard. Twenty Schlumberger soundings and six 2D dipole-dipole profiles were executed along one profile close to the western side of the main drain. In addition, 14 groundwater samples and 4 surface water samples from the main drain were chemically analyzed to obtain the major and trace elements concentrations.The results from the resistivity and hydrochemical data were used to assess the protection of the groundwater aquifer and the potential risk of groundwater pollution. The inverted resistivities and thicknesses of the layers above the aquifer layer were used to estimate the integrated electrical conductivity (IEC) that can be used for quantification of aquifer vulnerability. According to the aquifer vulnerability assessment of an underlying sand aquifer, the southern part of the area is characterized by high vulnerability zone with slightly fresh to brackish groundwater and resistivity values of 11-23 Ω.m below the clay cap. The resistivity sections exhibit some sand bodies within the clay cap that lead to increase the recharging of surface waste water (650 mg/l salinity) and flushing the upper part of underlying saltwater aquifer. The region in the north has saltwater with resistivity less than 6 Ω.m and local vulnerable zones within the clay cap. The inverted 2D dipole-dipole profiles in the vulnerable zones, in combination with drilling information have allowed the identification of subsoil structure around the main drain that is highly affected by waste water.  相似文献   

Differences in the impact of irrigation with freshwater versus wastewater on the underlying shallow groundwater quality were investigated in the Coastal Aquifer of Israel. Seven research boreholes were drilled to the top-most 3–5 m of the saturated zone (the water table region-WTR) in the agricultural fields. The unsaturated zone and the WTR below the irrigated fields consist mainly of clayey sands, while the main aquifer comprises mainly of calcareous sandstones and sands. We show that the salinity and composition of the groundwater at the WTR are highly variable over a distance of less than 1 km and are controlled by the irrigating water and the processes in the overlying unsaturated zone. Tritium data in this groundwater (4.6 tritium units (TU)) support that these water are modern recharge. The water at the WTR is more saline and has a different chemical composition relative to the overlying irrigation water. High SAR values (sodium adsorption ratio) in wastewater irrigation lead to absorption of Na+ onto the clay and release of Ca2+ into the recharging water, resulting in low Na/Cl (0.4 compared to 1.2 in the wastewater) and high Ca/Cl ratios. In contrast, in the freshwater-irrigated field the irrigation water pumped from the aquifer (Na/Cl=0.9; SAR=0.6) is modified into Na-rich groundwater (Na/Cl=2.0) due to reverse base-exchange reactions. The high NO3 concentration (>100 mg/l) in the WTR below both fields is derived from the agricultural activities. In the freshwater field, the source of NO3 is fertilizer leachates, whereas in the wastewater field, where less fertilizers are applied, nitrate is probably derived from nitrification of the NH4 in the wastewater. Some of the original inorganic nitrogen in the wastewater is consumed by the agricultural plants, resulting in a lower inorganic-N/Cl ratio in the WTR as compared to that in the wastewater. This study demonstrates the important role of the composition of irrigation water, combined with lithology and land use, in determining the quality of the water that recharge the aquifer below agricultural fields.  相似文献   

This paper reviews work related to interbasin groundwater flow (naturally occurring groundwater flow beneath watershed topographic divides) into lowland rainforest watersheds at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Chemical mixing calculations (based on dissolved chloride) have shown that up to half the water in some streams and up to 84% of the water in some riparian seeps and wells is due to high-solute interbasin groundwater flow (IGF). The contribution is even greater for major ions; IGF accounts for well over 90% of the major ions at these sites. Proportions are highly variable both among watersheds and with elevation within the same watershed (there is greater influence of IGF at lower elevations). The large proportion of IGF found in water in some riparian wetlands suggests that IGF is largely responsible for maintaining these wetlands. δ18O data support the conclusions from the major ion data. Annual water and major ion budgets for two adjacent watersheds, one affected by IGF and the other not, showed that IGF accounted for two-thirds of the water input and 92–99% of the major ion input (depending on the major ion in question) to the former watershed. The large (in some cases, dominating) influence of IGF on watershed surface water quantity and quality has important implications for stream ecology and watershed management in this lowland rainforest. Because of its high phosphorus content, IGF increases a variety of ecological variables (algal growth rates, leaf decay rate, fungal biomass, invertebrate biomass, microbial respiration rates on leaves) in streams at La Selva. The significant rates of IGF at La Selva also suggest the importance of regional (as opposed to small-scale local) water resource planning that links lowland watersheds with regional groundwater. IGF is a relatively unexplored and potentially critical factor in the conservation of lowland rainforest.  相似文献   

A number of experimental studies have tackled the issue of solute transport parameter assessments either in the laboratory or in the field. But yet, the behavior of a plume in the field under density driven forces, is not well known due to possible development of instabilities. Some field tracer tests on the fate of plumes denser than native groundwater such as those encountered under waste disposal facilities, have pointed out the processes of sinking and splitting at the early stage of migration. The process of dispersion was widely investigated, but the range of dispersivity values obtained from either experimental tests, or numerical and theoretical calculations is still very large, even for the same type of aquifers. These discrepancies were considered to be essentially caused by soil heterogeneities and scale effects. In the meantime, studies on the influence of sinking and fingering have remained more scarce. The objective of the work is to analyze how transport parameters such as dispersivities can be affected by unstable conditions, which lead to plume sinking and fingering. A series of tracer tests were carried out to study under natural conditions, the transport of a dense chloride solution injected in a shallow two-layered aquifer. Two types of experiments were performed: in the first type, source injection was such that the plume could travel downward from one layer to the other of higher pore velocity, and in the second one, the migration took place only in the faster layer. The results suggest some new insights in the processes occurring at the early stages of a dense plume migration moving in a stratified aquifer under groundwater fluctuations, which can be summarized through the following points: (i) Above a stability criterion threshold, a fingering process and a multi modal plume transport take place, but local dispersivities can be cautiously derived, using breakthrough curves matching. (ii) When water table is subject to some cycling or rising, the plume can be significantly distorted in the transverse direction, leading to unusual values of the ratio between longitudinal and transverse dispersivities. (iii) Under stable conditions, for example in the case of straightforward injection in the faster aquifer layer, longitudinal dispersivity is greater than the transverse component as usually encountered, and the obtained transport parameters are closed to macro dispersivity values, which reach their asymptotic limit at very short distances. (iv) The classical scale effect about the varying dispersivity at short distances could be a process mainly due to the distance required for a plume stabilization.  相似文献   

The southern basin of Aqaba forms coastal aquifer and comprises an area of about 90 km2. Alluviums and Pleistocene deposits fill the basin bounded by Precambrian Granite Basement to the east and north. Hydrogeophysical investigations were carried out to investigate its groundwater potentials and characteristics. Direct modeling on Bouger and residual gravity revealed some local subsurface faults that form subbasins and sub-grabens in the body of the basin, each one of them is bounded by two to three faults. The spatial distribution of groundwater was found to be affected by the presence of the sub-basins and grabens. Geoelectrical layers have been vertically digitized and put in a four variable space-lattice, 2D slices of the different depths and 3D visualizations have been produced. The extents of seawater intrusion and zones of water qualities were delineated. The geoelectric inferred some local subsurface faults that were found in spatial correlation with those inferred from the gravity. A good combination was made between gravity and resistivity methods to confirm the 3D distribution of groundwater in the basin.  相似文献   


A case study is presented for the application of statistical and geostatistical methods to the problem of estimating groundwater quality variables. This methodology has been applied to the investigation of the detrital aquifer of the Bajo Andarax (Almería, Spain). The use of principal components analysis is proposed, as a first step, for identifying relevant types of groundwater and the processes that bring about a change in their quality. As a result of this application, three factors were obtained, which were used as three new variables (VI: sulphate influence; V2: thermal influence; and V3: marine influence). Analysis of their spatial distribution was performed through the calculation of experimental and theoretical variograms, which served as input for geostatistical modelling using ordinary block kriging. This analysis has allowed a probabilistic representation of the data to be obtained by mapping the three variables throughout the aquifer for each sampling point. In this way, one can evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of the principal physico-chemical processes associated with the three variables VI, V2 and V3 implicated in the groundwater quality of the detrital aquifer.  相似文献   

We conducted various field studies at the seawater intrusion monitoring wells located in the eastern part of Jeju Island, Korea, to observe the tidal effect on groundwater–seawater flow in the coastal aquifer. Studies included monitoring the fluctuations of groundwater and tide levels, electrical and temperature logging, and 2-D heat-pulse flowmeter tests. According to time-series analysis, tidal effects on groundwater level reached up to 3 km inland from the coastline. Water-level variation was more sensitive to tidal fluctuations near the coast, and more related to rainfall toward inland areas. Temporal and spatial variations in the shape and location of the freshwater–saltwater interface were analyzed using data from nine monitoring wells. The results indicated that the interface toe is located at a distance of 6–8 km from the coastline and its location was related to geological layers present. Long-term seasonal variations revealed no major changes in the interface; minor variations were due to moving boundary conditions induced by tidal fluctuations. Using the two-dimensional heat-pulse flowmeter, groundwater flow directions and velocities at four tidal stages were measured on three monitoring wells drilled into the multilayered aquifers. This direct measurement enabled us to relate the differences of flow velocities and directions with geology and tidal fluctuations. Combining the results of EC logging and flowmeter tests, we found a zone where freshwater and saltwater moved alternately in opposite directions, as influenced by the tidal fluctuations. Integrating various physical logging and flowmeter data with water-level fluctuations improved our understanding of the behavior of fresh and seawater flow in the coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

The Xiaolangdi Dam, completed in 2000, is second in scale in China to the Three Gorges Project. It has generated remarkable economic and social benefits but with profound impacts to the riverine and regional environments. This paper reports field monitoring of riparian groundwater in the Kouma section of the Yellow River to illustrate the interactions between dam‐regulated river flow and riparian groundwater. The results show that the hydrological condition in riparian zones downstream from the dam has changed from a typical wet–dry cycle to a condition of semi‐permanent dryness, resulting in degradation of the typical attributes and functions of the wetland ecosystem. Hydrological processes in the riparian zone have changed from a complex multiple flooding regime to a simple regime of dominant groundwater drainage towards the river, which only reverses temporarily during the water and sediment regulation period of the dam. Data on groundwater level and groundwater quality show that there are two key points, at ca 200 and 400 m from the river bank, which distinguish zones with different sensitivity to changes of river flow and indicate different interactions between river water and groundwater. The shallow groundwater quality also is negatively affected by the intensive agricultural development that has occurred since the dam was completed. Ecological restoration needs to be carried out to construct a protective natural riparian zone within ca 200 m from the river, this being an ecotone, which is key to the protection of both riparian groundwater and the river. The riparian zone from 200 to 400 m also should be treated as a transitional zone. In addition, ecologically sensitive agriculture and ecotourism organized by local communities would be beneficial in the area beyond 400 m. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

盐湖中的矿物沉积记录着丰富的环境气候变化信息,是古环境研究的重要对象.在无地表径流补给的盐湖中,其矿物组成及沉积特征与有地表径流补给的湖泊相比是否有一定的特殊性,是值得探讨的问题.采集巴丹吉林沙漠33个不同矿化度地下水补给型湖泊的表层沉积物和10个地表风积砂样品,通过X衍射的方法,分析样品的矿物组成.结果显示:湖泊表层沉积物主要为石英、长石、辉石、云母等碎屑矿物,部分湖泊含有少量的碳酸盐和氯化物盐类矿物.湖泊沉积物的矿物组成与湖水矿化度的关系较为密切,淡水湖仅分布碎屑矿物,微咸水湖含有碎屑矿物和碳酸盐类矿物,盐湖含有碎屑矿物、碳酸盐类矿物和氯化物.风积砂样品中主要为碎屑矿物,占总矿物含量的90%,对湖泊沉积物的矿物组成影响较大,但对湖泊沉积物中的盐类矿物没有贡献,表明湖泊表层沉积物中盐类矿物主要是自生作用形成的.虽然本地区湖泊边缘的沉积物中盐类矿物种类相对较少并且含量较低,但其盐类矿物组成与分布能够响应湖水矿化度的变化,其环境指示意义与有径流补给的盐湖相同,可以指示其湖水的盐度.因此,可以从巴丹吉林沙漠地下水补给型湖泊沉积的盐类矿物中提取相应的古环境信息,用于恢复古气候和古环境的研究.  相似文献   

Coastal aquifers are at threat of salinization in most parts of the world. This work investigated the seasonal hydrochemical evolution of coastal groundwater resources in Urmia plain, NW Iran. Two recently proposed methods have been used to comparison, recognize and understand the temporal and spatial evolution of saltwater intrusion in a coastal alluvial aquifer. The study takes into account that saltwater intrusion is a dynamic process, and that seasonal variations in the balance of the aquifer cause changes in groundwater chemistry. Pattern diagrams, which constitute the outcome of several hydrochemical processes, have traditionally been used to characterize vulnerability to sea/saltwater intrusion. However, the formats of such diagrams do not facilitate the geospatial analysis of groundwater quality, thus limiting the ability of spatio-temporal mapping and monitoring. This deficiency calls for methodologies which can translate information from some diagrams such Piper diagram into a format that can be mapped spatially. Distribution of groundwater chemistry types in Urmia plain based on modified Piper diagram using GQIPiper(mix) and GQIPiper(dom) indices that Mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Ca-HCO3 are the dominant water types in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. In this study, a groundwater quality index specific to seawater intrusion (GQISWI) was used to check its efficiency for the groundwater samples affected by Urmia hypersaline Lake, Iran. Analysis of the main processes, by means of the Hydrochemical Facies Evolution Diagram (HFE-Diagram), provides essential knowledge about the main hydrochemical processes. Subsequently, analysis of the spatial distribution of hydrochemical facies using heatmaps helps to identify the general state of the aquifer with respect to saltwater intrusion during different sampling periods. The HFE-D results appear to be very successful for differentiating variations through time in the salinization processes caused by saltwater intrusion into the aquifer, distinguishing the phase of saltwater intrusion from the phase of recovery, and their respective evolutions. Both GQI and HFE-D methods show that hydrochemical variations can be read in terms of the pattern of saltwater intrusion and groundwater quality status. But generally, in this case (i.e. saltwater and not seawater intrusion) the HFE-D method was presented better efficiency than GQI method (including GQIPiper and GQISWI).  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and factor analysis were conducted together to assess the distribution and the major geochemical processes in fluoride-contaminated shallow groundwater in the Yuncheng Basin.Spatially,fluoride concentration was low(<1.5 mg/L)in the southern piedmont plain,medium(<4 mg/L)in the central basin,and high(up to 14.1 mg/L)in Kaolao lowland areas in shallow aquifers.A three-factor principal component analysis model explained over 75.1%of the total variance.Sediment weathering leaching and evapotranspiration were recognized as the first primary hydrochemical processes response for the groundwater chemistry and explained the largest portion(42.1%)of the total variance.Factor two reflects the negative influence of human activities,with a positive loading of NO3^-and HCO3^-,and negative loading of well depth.Fluoride-bearing mineral dissolution and alkaline condition was ranked as the third factors responding for groundwater chemistry and explained 11.2%of the total variance.  相似文献   

The groundwater flow path plays an important role in maintaining hydrological and ecological quality and security, which are important in the comprehensive management and use of both groundwater and surface water. In this study, an integrated multi-tracer-constrained framework was used to determine the groundwater flow path. The results show that there are shallow and deep flow paths in riverbank filtration, controlled by the different permeabilities of riverbed sediments and aquifers at different depths. The contribution of river water to shallow groundwater is less than that to deep groundwater because of the low permeability of the riverbed sediment in the dense muddy layer in the shallow slope of the river valley. This contribution decreases with increasing distance from the Liao River. The shallow groundwater quality is better than the deep groundwater quality because of its longer residence time.  相似文献   

The Datong Basin is located to the north of the Fenwei Graben Basin, where ground fissures and subsidence are common geological hazards. The Datong Basin is also one of China's main energy bases and is known as “the hometown of coal”. In this study, the small baseline subset InSAR technique was used to process 40 scenes of Envisat ASAR images that cover this area. The magnitude and distribution of subsidence in the Datong Basin were obtained. Additionally, the relationships among the regional land subsidence, ground fissures and fault activity were addressed. The results reveal that Datong ground subsidence is affected by the groundwater exploitation and the nearby faults. The Datong ground fissures are controlled by regional fault activity (e.g., seismic activity) and its interaction with the ground subsidence. Meanwhile, the influence of surface precipitation on ground fissure activity was analyzed. The differential subsidence on both sides of the ground fissures was also studied.  相似文献   

The Grenchen aquifer system in the Swiss Plateau was extensively investigated in order to determine the extent of groundwater contamination and to assess the natural attenuation capacity. Environmental tracer data were applied to estimate groundwater travel times, mixing ratios, and evaluate groundwater origin. Recharge is basically possible in two distinct topographical areas, the immediate vicinity of the town of Grenchen and the elevated plateau of the first Jura Mountain ridge. Groundwater dating was performed with the 3H/3He dating method and supplemented by 85Kr measurements. Stable isotope data (δ18O, δ2H) and dissolved noble gas concentrations allow the determination of the recharge temperature, which is correlated to the recharge elevation. Noble gas temperatures (NGT) decrease in the direction of groundwater flow and range from 10 to 13 °C in the upstream area of the town to 7–9 °C in the downstream river plain. This trend could suggest the admixture of water from the underlying limestone aquifer recharged under cooler infiltration conditions, e.g. at higher recharge elevations. However, it is shown in this study that the difference in NGT does not require such a recharge. Rather, increasing air temperatures over the last 40 years and the urban heat island effect could possibly explain most of the observed temperature shift. Furthermore, it is concluded that the downstream river plain is hydrologically disconnected from the upstream town area. Consequently most water from the town area is drained by the creek Witibach and recharge in the river plain is higher than previously assumed.  相似文献   

湖泊蒸发量的准确估算对于水文学、气象学和湖泊学等研究有重要的意义.基于2013-2015年太湖水量收支资料、气象观测数据和稳定同位素观测资料,采用稳定同位素质量守恒模型、水量平衡法和Priestley-Taylor模型估算太湖蒸发量,分析太湖蒸发量的季节变化和年际变化特征,并以Priestley-Taylor模型结果为参考值,评价水量平衡法和同位素质量守恒方程的计算精度.结果表明:5-9月太湖蒸发量较高,冬季最低.2013-2015年太湖年总蒸发量分别为1069、894和935 mm,蒸发量的年际变化受到天气条件的影响.2013年12月2014年11月期间,用Priestley-Taylor模型计算的湖泊蒸发量为885 mm;同位素质量守恒模型的估算结果较一致,为893 mm;而水量平衡方程的估算结果明显偏高,为1247 mm.  相似文献   

An integrated approach involving volcanology, geochemistry and numerical modelling has enabled the reconstruction of the volcanic history of the Fox kimberlite pipe. The observed deposits within the vent include a basal massive, poorly sorted, matrix supported, lithic fragment rich, eruption column collapse lapilli tuff. Extensive vent widening during the climactic magmatic phase of the eruption led to overloading of the eruption column with cold dense country rock lithic fragments, dense juvenile pyroclasts and olivine crystals, triggering column collapse. > 40% dilution of the kimberlite by granodiorite country rock lithic fragments is observed both in the physical componentry of the rocks and in the geochemical signature, where enrichment in Al2O3 and Na2O compared to average values for coherent kimberlite is seen. The wide, deep, open vent provided a trap for a significant proportion of the collapsing column material, preventing large scale run-away in the form of pyroclastic flow onto the ground surface, although minor flows probably also occurred. A massive to diffusely bedded, poorly sorted, matrix supported, accretionary-lapilli bearing, lithic fragment rich, lapilli tuff overlies the column collapse deposit providing evidence for a late phreatomagmatic eruption stage, caused by the explosive interaction of external water with residual magma. Correlation of pipe morphology and internal stratigraphy indicate that widening of the pipe occurred during this latter stage and a thick granodiorite cobble-boulder breccia was deposited. Ash- and accretionary lapilli-rich tephra, deposited on the crater rim during the late phreatomagmatic stage, was subsequently resedimented into the vent. Incompatible elements such as Nb are used as indicators of the proportion of the melt fraction, or kimberlite ash, retained or removed by eruptive processes. When compared to average coherent kimberlite the ash-rich deposits exhibit ~ 30% loss of fines whereas the column collapse deposit exhibits ~ 50% loss. This shows that despite the poorly sorted nature of the column collapse deposit significant elutriation has occurred during the eruption, indicating the existence of a high sustained eruption column. The deposits within Fox record a complex eruption sequence showing a transition from a probable violent sub-plinian style eruption, driven by instantaneous exsolution of magmatic volatiles, to a late phreatomagmatic eruption phase. Mass eruption rate and duration of the sub-plinian phase of the eruption have been determined based on the dimensions of milled country-rock boulders found within the intra-vent deposits. Calculations show a short lived eruption of one to eleven days for the sub-plinian magmatic phase, which is similar in duration to small volume basaltic eruptions. This is in general agreement with durations of kimberlite eruptions calculated using entirely different approaches and parameters, such as predictions of magma ascent rates in kimberlite dykes.  相似文献   

A hydrological–lithostratigraphical model was developed for assessment of transmission losses and groundwater recharge from runoff events in arid water courses where hydrological and meteorological records are incomplete. Water balance equations were established for reaches between hydrometric stations. Because rainfall and tributary flow data are scarce, lateral inflow, which is an essential component of the water balance equation, could not be estimated directly. The solution was obtained by developing a method which includes a hydrological–lithostratigraphical analogy. This is based on the following assumptions: (a) runoff resulting from a given rainfall event is related to the watershed surface lithology; (b) for a given event, the spatial distribution of runoff reflects the distribution of rainfall: and (c) transmission losses are uniquely related to the total inflow to the reach. The latter relationship, called the loss function, and the water balance equation comprise a model which simultaneously assesses lateral inflow and transmission losses for runoff events recorded at the terminal stations. The model was applied to three reaches of the arid Nahal Tsin in Israel. In this case study, the transmission losses were of the same order of magnitude as the flow at the major hydrometric stations. The losses were subdivided into channel moistening, which subsequently evaporates, and deep percolation, which recharges groundwater. For large runoff events, evaporation was substantially smaller than the losses. The mean annual recharge of groundwater from runoff events in the Tsin watershed was 4·1×106 m3, while the mean annual flow volume at the major stations ranged from 0·6 to 1·5×106 m3. Once in 100 years, the annual recharge may be seven times higher than the mean annual value, but the recharge during most years is very small. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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