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The Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian succession in central Spain is composed of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks deposited in a variety of coastal and marine shelf environments (alluvial plain–estuarine, lagoon, shoreface, offshore‐hemipelagic and carbonate ramp). Three depositional sequences (third order) are recognized: the Atienza, Patones and El Molar sequences. The Patones sequence contains five fourth‐order parasequence sets, while a single parasequence set is recognized in the Atienza and El Molar sequences. Systems tracts can be recognized both in the sequences and parasequence sets. The lowstand systems tracts (only recognized for Atienza and Patones sequences) are related to erosion and sequence boundary formation. Transgressive systems tracts are related to marine transgression and shoreface retreat. The highstand systems tracts are related to shoreface extension and progradation, and to carbonate production and ramp progradation. Sequences are bounded by erosion or emergence surfaces, whose locations are supported by mineralogical analyses and suggest source area reactivation probably due to a fall in relative sea‐level. Transgressive surfaces are subordinate erosion and/or omission surfaces with a landward facies shift, interpreted as parasequence set boundaries. The co‐existence of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments and environments occurred as facies mixing or as distinct facies belts along the basin. Mixed facies of coastal areas are composed of detrital quartz and clays derived from the hinterland, and dolomite probably derived from bioclastic material. Siliciclastic flux to coastal areas is highly variable, the maximum flux postdates relative sea‐level falls. Carbonate production in these areas may be constant, but the final content is a function of changing inputs in terrigenous sediments and carbonate content diminishes through a dilution effect. Carbonate ramps were detached from the coastal system and separated by a fringe of offshore, fine‐grained muds and silts as distinct facies belts. The growth of carbonate ramp deposits was related to the highstand systems tracts of the fourth‐order parasequence sets. During the growth of these ramps, some sediment starvation occurred basinwards. Progradation and retrogradation of the different belts occur simultaneously, suggesting a sea‐level control on sedimentation. In the study area, the co‐existence of carbonate and siliciclastic facies belts depended on the superimposition of different orders of relative sea‐level cycles, and occurred mainly when the second‐order, third‐order and fourth‐order cycles showed highstand conditions.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous sections in northern Sinai are composed of the Risan Aneiza (upper Barremian-middle Albian) and the Halal (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) formations. The facies reflect subtle paleobathymetry from inner to outer ramp facies. The inner ramp facies are peritidal, protected to open marine lagoons, shoals and rudist biostrome facies. The inner ramp facies grade northward into outer ramp deposits. The upper Barremian-lower Cenomanian succession is subdivided into nine depositional sequences correlated with those recognized in the neighbouring Tethyan areas. These sequences are subdivided into 19 medium-scale sequences based on the facies evolution, the recorded hardgrounds and flooding surfaces, interpreted as the result of eustatic sea level changes and local tectonic activities of the early Syrian Arc rifting stage. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set that constituted the transgressive systems tracts and an upper progradational parasequence set that formed the highstand systems tracts. Nine rudist levels are recorded in the upper Barremian through lower Cenomanian succession at Gabal Raghawi. At Gabal Yelleg two rudist levels are found in the Albian. The rudist levels are associated with the highstand systems tract deposits because of the suitability of the trophic conditions in the rudist-dominated ramp.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian–Turonian carbonate-dominated lithofacies of Israel reflect a complex interplay between tectonics, sea-level change, and palaeoecology. Improved correlation based on revision of the bio- and chronostratigraphic framework has enabled the establishment of a sequence-stratigraphic model comprising five sequences delineated by four sequence boundaries, in the Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval. The Late Cenomanian–Turonian succession begins with prograding, highstand, carbonate-platform deposits of the first sequence. Interruption of progradation and drowning of this platform took place within the Late Cenomanian guerangeri Zone (=the vibrayeanus Zone in Israel), resulting in a drowning unconformity which is regarded as a Type 3 sequence boundary (labelled CeUp). The drowning is attributed in part to extinctions in the rudist-dominated biofacies (e.g., Caprinidae), which led to reduced carbonate production and enhanced the impact of the sea-level rise. Similar drowning of Tethyan platforms around the C/T boundary has been linked to the establishment of coastal upwelling and consequent eutrophication. Outer ramp hemipelagic facies (Derorim and the Lower Ora formations) replaced the platform carbonates, thickening substantially southwards in the Eshet-Zenifim Basin of southern Israel. Along the ancient continental slope (Mediterranean coastal plain) evidence of this drowning is obscured by submarine erosion, while in central and northern Israel the drowned section is represented by condensation or a hiatus, reflecting an elevated, sediment-starved sea-floor. A carbonate platform dominated by rudistid shoals (‘Meleke’ Member; Shivta Formation) was re-established in the Judean hills and northern Negev during the middle part of the Turonian coloradoense Zone (local zone T4). Later, during kallesi Zone times (T7), the platform facies prograded southwards towards the Eshet-Zenifim intra-shelf basin. The drowning succession and overlying resurrected carbonate platform are topped in central and southern Israel by a pronounced Type 1 sequence boundary (Tu1) between the kallesi (T7) and ornatissimum (T8) zones (Middle Turonian). In central Israel and northern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand deposits of the ‘Clastic Unit’ and by the transgressive and highstand inner to mid-ramp deposits of the Nezer and Upper Bina formations. In the southern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand and transgressive systems tracts of mixed carbonates, siliciclastics, and localized evaporites (Upper Ora Formation), and then by mid to inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation. The latter represents a very high rate of accumulation, indicating rapid, continued subsidence balanced by platform growth. The Tu2 sequence boundary of the Late Turonian is expressed in the southern Negev by a shift from inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation to outer ramp chalky limestones of the Zihor Formation, indicating localized drowning. The succeeding Co1 sequence boundary again indicates localized drowning of the prograding highstand deposits of the Zihor Formation (‘Transition Zone’) overlain by Lower Coniacian transgressive deposits of the upper part of the Zihor Formation. All of these third-order sequences are expressed in southern Israel, where the rate of subsidence was in balance with sea-level fluctuations. In contrast, the Judean Hills and eastern Galilee areas have a more incomplete succession, characterized by hiatuses and condensation, because of reduced subsidence. More distal areas of continuous deep-water deposition in western Galilee and the coastal plain failed to record the Middle Turonian lowstand, while a longer term, second-order sequence spanning the entire Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval, is present in the Carmel and Yirka Basin areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Relative sea‐level changes on the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic platform of Sinai are manifested in shifts of distinct facies belts (deep‐water facies, high‐energy subtidal, shallow subtidal, lagoon, shallow shoreface siliciclastics, supratidal) and are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy. Eight sedimentary sequences are recognized for the Upper Cenomanian to Santonian. Their correlation along a north–south transect reveals distinct changes in lithofacies and progradation/retrogradation patterns within the individual systems tracts. The number and stratigraphy of the sequence boundaries of Sinai correlate well with those from adjacent areas. Patterns of increased subsidence are documented for the Central Sinai Basin since the Late Cenomanian by increased thickness of the stratal packages (post‐CeSin 7 HST, post‐TuSin 1 LST and HST, post‐TuSin 2 LST) and are balanced by varying accumulation rates. Based on new sedimentological and biostratigraphic data, large‐scale palaeogeographic maps and cross‐sections show the: (1) temporal and spatial evolution of the Central Sinai Basin, e.g. its latest Cenomanian initial formation, Lower Turonian deep‐water facies, Middle Turonian to Coniacian synsedimentary subsidence; (2) drowning of the Cenomanian platform coinciding with the latest Cenomanian to Early Turonian relative sea‐level rise; (3) re‐establishment of the platform in Middle–Late Turonian times; and (4) a Coniacian basin and swell morphology.  相似文献   

Well‐cuttings, wireline logs and limited core and outcrop data were used to generate a regional, three‐dimensional sequence framework for Upper Mississippian (Chesterian), Greenbrier Group carbonates in the Appalachian foreland basin, West Virginia, USA. The resulting maps were used to document the stratigraphic response of the basin to tectonics and to glacio‐eustasy during the transition into ice‐house conditions. The ramp facies include inner ramp red beds and aeolianites, lagoonal muddy carbonates, mid‐ramp ooid and skeletal grainstone shoal complexes, and outer ramp wackestone–mudstone, that grades downslope into laminated silty lime mudstone. The facies make up fourth‐order sequences, a few metres to over 90 m (300 ft) thick. The sequences are bounded along the ramp margin by lowstand sandstones and calcareous siltstones. On the ramp, sequence boundaries are overlain by thin transgressive siliciclastics and aeolianites, and only a few are calichified. Maximum flooding surfaces on the outer ramp lie beneath deeper water facies that overlie lowstand to transgressive siliciclastic or carbonate units. On the shallow ramp, maximum flooding surfaces overlie siliciclastic‐prone transgressive systems tracts, that are overlain by highstand carbonates with significant grainstone units interlayered with lagoonal lime mudstones. The fourth‐order sequences are the major mappable subsurface units; they are bundled into weak composite sequences which are bounded by red beds. In spite of differential subsidence rates across the foreland basin (1 to 3 cm/k.y. up to 25 cm/k.y.), eustatic sea‐level changes controlled regional sequence development. Thrust‐load induced differential subsidence of fault‐blocks, coupled with in‐plane stress, controlled the rapid basinward thickening of the depositional wedge, whose thickness and facies were influenced by subtle structures such as arches trending at high angles as well as parallel to the margin.  相似文献   

Cenomanian–Turonian strata of the south‐central Pyrenees in northern Spain contain three prograding carbonate sequences that record interactions among tectonics, sea level, environment and sediment fabric in controlling sequence development. Sequence UK‐1 (Lower to Upper Cenomanian) contains distinct lagoonal, back‐margin, margin, slope and basin facies, and was deposited on a broad, flat shelf adjacent to a deep basin. The lack of reef‐constructing organisms resulted in a gently dipping ramp morphology for the margin and slope. Sequence UK‐2 (Upper Cenomanian) contains similar shallow‐water facies belts, but syndepositional tectonic modification of the margin resulted in a steep slope and deposition of carbonate megabreccias. Sequence UK‐3 (Lower to Middle Turonian) records a shift from benthic to pelagic deposition, as the shallow platform was drowned in response to a eustatic sea‐level rise, coupled with increased organic productivity. Sequences UK‐1 to UK‐3 are subdivided into lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts based on stratal geometries and facies distribution patterns. The same lithologies (e.g. megabreccias) commonly occur in more than one systems tract, indicating that: (1) the depositional system responded to more than just sea‐level fluctuations; and (2) similar processes occurred during different times throughout sequence development. These sequences illustrate the complexity of carbonate platform dynamics that influence sequence architecture. Rift tectonics and flexural subsidence played a major role in controlling the location of the platform margin, maintaining a steep slope gradient through syndepositional faulting, enhancing slope instability and erosion, and influencing depositional processes, stratal relationships and lithofacies distribution on the slope. Sea‐level variations (eustatic and relative) strongly influenced the timing of sequence and parasequence boundary formation, controlled changes in accommodation and promoted platform drowning (in conjunction with other factors). Physico‐chemical and climatic conditions were responsible for reducing carbonate production rates and inducing platform drowning. Finally, a mud‐rich sediment fabric affected platform morphology, growth geometries (aggradation vs. progradation) and facies distribution patterns.  相似文献   

We studied upper Albian to Turonian shallow-marine shelf deposits (Ajlun Group) of west central Jordan along a NNE-SSW running transect. The carbonate-dominated succession includes few siliciclastic intercalations, claystones and shales, and can be subdivided into five formations. The Naur, Fuheis and Hummar Formations of upper Albian to upper Cenomanian age represent shallow subtidal to supratidal platform environments. The uppermost Cenomanian to middle Turonian Shueib Formation includes deeper water deposits of the inner/mid-shelf and locally TOC-rich black shales. Shallow-marine platform environments once again dominate the Wadi As Sir Formation (middle-upper Turonian). A new multibiostratigraphic framework is based on ammonites (mainly of the middle Cenomanian rhotomagense Zone to the middle Turonian woollgari Zone) and calcareous nannofossils (biozones CC 9–CC 11), supplemented by benthic and planktonic foraminifers and ostracods. It forms the base of a sequence stratigraphic subdivision, containing eight sedimentary sequences (S1–S8), which are separated by four Cenomanian sequence boundaries (CeJo1–CeJo4) and three Turonian sequence boundaries (TuJo1–TuJo3). This scheme allows the correlation of the platform succession from distal to proximal shelf areas in contrast to previous correlations using lithologic units. Furthermore, comparisons between the platform successions and sequence patterns of west central Jordan and those from neighbouring areas allow to differentiate local, regional, and global controlling factors of platform development within the study area.  相似文献   

The location of the Late Cretaceous paleoshoreline in the Leonese Area (Iberian Trough, Spain) has been investigated by seismic analysis through isobath and isopach maps. The succession can be divided into two depositional sequences: DS-1 and DS-2. These sequences are composed of fluvial systems at the base, with paleocurrents that flowed eastward and north-eastward. The DS-1 sequence (Late Albian-Middle Turonian) shows intertidal to subtidal and offshore deposits at the top, while the DS-2 sequence (Late Turonian-Campanian) presents intertidal to subtidal, tidal flat and shallow marine and lacustrine deposits at its top. The stratigraphic cyclicity based on systems tracts shows that these two depositional sequences exhibit remarkable eustatic control. Both sequences start at the base with a significant sedimentary supply from fluvial systems, related to eustatic fall episodes, and conclude at the top with transgressive periods. The evolution of the basin reveals the history of base-level changes and associated shifts in depositional trends during successive stages. The deeper sectors of the DS-1 sequence are located towards the northeastern part of the study area while the proximal portion of the basin-margin is located to the southwest. The paleoshoreline is placed in a direction oriented at 120. The variations in thickness are elongated in orientations between 030 and 050 and are mainly related to paleovalleys and tributary fluvial networks that supply sediment through the shoreline. It is possible that these variations may be related to active synsedimentary faults. Depocenters move toward the northeast and east during the DS-2 sequence while the proximal portion of the basin-margin moves to the southwest. The paleoshoreline has an orientation of 155 direction and moves basinward. The isopach maps show a group of corridors oriented at 130?C140 and 165?C170, interpreted as result of accumulation of sandy bodies such as inter and subtidal bars. The fluvial systems are transversal to the paleoshoreline direction.  相似文献   

The sedimentary cycles of the Cenomanian to Maastrichtian were investigated in the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (BCB) in northern Spain (Provinces of Alava, Vizcaya and Burgos). The depositional area was a distally steepened carbonate ramp which extended from Catalonia northwestwards to the Basque country. The investigated sediments range from calciturbidites and pelagic marls to marl-limestone alternations deposited on a distal carbonate ramp. Shallow marine limestones, marls and intertidal clastics and carbonates were deposited on the proximal part of the carbonate ramp. The establishment of a regional sequence analysis is based on the investigation of seismic profiles, well logs and outcrop sections. Examples of outcrop sections are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy (unconformities of third- and second-order cycles, depositional geometries, systems tracts). The sequence stratigraphic interpretation of outcrop sections is based on facies analysis, interpretation of observed depositional geometries and correlation of unconformities and marine flooding surfaces through the basin. A biostratigraphic framework is established based on ammonites, inoceramids, planktonic and benthic foraminifera. As a result, a regional sequence stratigraphic cycle chart is presented and compared with published global cycle charts. The correlation of the regional cycle chart with published cycle charts is good. In the Cenomanian and Turonian, several sequence boundaries in the BCB are shifted by up to one biozone compared with the global chart. Some type 1 boundaries of the standard chart are only type 2 in the BCB. Important type 1 boundaries in the BCB are: top Geslinianum Zone with a 100 m lowstand wedge at the basis of the sequence (sequence boundary 92.2) ; base Petrocoriense Zone with a 250 m shallowing-upwards lowstand wedge at the basis (sequence boundary 89.2); and within the Syrtale Zone (sequence boundary 85.0).The Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence record is strongly disturbed by local compressive tectonics. Several sequences are recognizable and can be correlated with the global cycle chart. Correlation is hampered by the low biostratigraphic resolution in the western basin part. Subsidence analysis of several sections of the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB and its interpretation in the regional tectonic context leads to a discussion of the causes of the observed cyclicity. A regional eustatic curve is presented for the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB. Stage and substage names were used according Code-Committee (1977). Correspondence to: K.-U. Gräfe  相似文献   

The lower part of the Early Cambrian Sekwi Formation in the Selwyn Basin of the Northwest Territories, Canada, is composed of two regional, unconformity‐bounded sequences, S0 and S1, which record the first widespread carbonate deposition during the initial Palaeozoic transgression onto the western margin of Laurentia. These Early Cambrian sequences are unique to the western North American Cordillera, representing the only record of primarily deep‐water deposition on a tectonically active, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic ramp during this period. More specifically, the geometry of the Sekwi ramp changed during deposition of S0 and S1, from a shallowly dipping homoclinal ramp during the S0 transgressive systems tract to a steeply dipping tectonically modified ramp during the early highstand systems tract of S0. The steeply dipping ramp profile of S0 was preserved into the early transgressive systems tract of S1. The Sekwi ramp returned to a gently sloping ramp during the late highstand systems tract of S1 and remained so throughout the remainder of Sekwi deposition. The evolving shape of the Sekwi ramp is attributed to syndepositional ‘down to the basin’ faulting during deposition of both S0 and S1 and is recorded by: (i) the westward thickening, irregular geometries of S0 and S1; (ii) geographical restriction of deep‐water facies (including sediment gravity flow deposits); (iii) the presence of large allochthonous blocks; and (iv) the clast composition of sediment gravity flow deposits. Sediment gravity flow deposits play an unusually important role in the sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the lower Sekwi Formation, as they delineate depositional packages, including the maximum flooding zone, the transitions between portions of systems tracts, and the inferred locations of syntectonic extensional faults. Syntectonic faults increased accommodation basinward of an extensive ooid‐shoal complex that developed along the Sekwi ramp crest, greatly influencing sequence geometry and initiating the downslope motion of sediment gravity flows. The syndepositional faulting probably was a continuation of extension that began during the latest Neoproterozoic rifting of western Laurentia. The composition of sediment gravity flow deposits track changing accommodation space on the lower Sekwi ramp and can be used to differentiate systems tracts that probably were related more to tectonism than eustasy.  相似文献   

In earliest Jurassic times, terrigenous, continental and marginal marine deposition occurred in a large epeiric basin along the Tornquist Line in Europe. Detailed sedimentological studies allow recognition of palaeoenvironmental fluctuations in space and time. The main earliest Jurassic transgressions occurred in the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian and formed bounding discontinuities (transgressive surfaces) of considerable correlative significance. There is a step-wise trend of increasing marine extension and influence during the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian-earliest Pliensbachian transgressions. Four sequences, four transgressive systems tracts, three highstand systems tracts and three levels regarded as equivalents of maximum flooding surfaces are distinguished. In the case of type 2 sequences, when incised valley-fill deposits are not developed and regional erosion is less common, it may be rather difficult to define the sequence boundaries, which are often concealed within the amalgamated fluvial deposits occurring in the neighbouring parts of two adjacent sequences (fluvial/deltaic sediments terminate the highstand systems tracts and in this setting the transgressive systems tracts start with continental deposits prior to the transgressive surfaces). Generally, an exact correlation can be achieved between the sequence stratigraphy of the northeast and northwest European Lower Jurassic and the eustatic curve proposed by EPR (assuming some changes proposed by A. Hallam). The establishment of this correlation hopefully will stimulate future studies of the sequence stratigraphy of poorly dated siliciclastic deposits of marginal basins. In this setting even minor changes in sea-level may cause major changes in facies development over large areas.  相似文献   

中国南方二叠纪层序地层时空格架及充填特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李祥辉  王成善 《沉积学报》1999,17(4):521-527
据华南二叠纪不同沉积盆地层序地层区域分布、纵向演化及其充填特征分析研究,初步建立了上扬子克拉通-右江盆地-钦防盆地、中扬子克拉通及全区的层序地层时空格架模型;提出层序充填可分为两个阶段:早二叠世碳酸盐缓坡-台地层序充填阶段,晚二叠世陆源碎屑为主与火山碎屑相混层序充填阶段;认为全区二叠纪四个Ⅰ型层序受控于构造隆升事件,晚二叠世层序TST普遍发育火山碎屑沉积,古陆边缘HST或少量SMT/LST大多由三角洲沉积体系进积叠加而成,上扬子克拉通及右江地区的生物礁以海侵和高位型为特色。  相似文献   

The latest Campanian-Middle Palæocene Dakhla Formation has been the subject of few sedimentological studies, despite its great areal distribution. This shale/mudstone unit exhibits marked facies variations in a northwest-southeast direction. The facies distribution patterns, stratal geometries and type, as well as frequency of the associated microfauna, allow a possible subdivision of the Dakhla Formation into ten depositional cycles. These cycles are delineated from each other by a bounding surface, which is defined by an abrupt facies change and/or intensively bioturbated hardground. The sediments of these cycles have been accumulated in a shallow subtidal-upper intertidal-flat environment during Late Cretaceous and in a middle/outer shelf-lower intertidal suite during Palæocene times. Deposition took place in a topographically irregular basin under a constantly high clastic input derived largely from the south and southwest. The cyclic pattern of deposition that characterises the Dakhla Formation, points to repeated relative sea level fluctuations. The submarine palæorelief also plays a significant role on the facies pattern. It is found that the succession was deposited along the marginal part of a palæostructural low. Its deeper area is located around present-day Edmonstone. The study of sedimentary facies characteristics and cyclicity of the Dakhla Formation leads to the recognition of four depositional sequences bounded by five type 2 sequence boundaries. The first and second type 2 depositional sequences correspond to the Late Maastrichtian Mawhoob Shale and lower-middle part of the Beris Mudstone Members, respectively. The third sequence comprises the Beris Mudstone Member ‘upper part’ and the Latest Maastrichtian partition of the Kharga Shale Member. The well-documented Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary marks the type 2 sequence boundary at the top of this sequence. The last depositional sequence coincides with the late Early-Middle Palæocene subdivision of the Kharga Shale Member. These sequences comprise nine systems tracts, mainly of transgressive and highstand systems tract deposits.  相似文献   

Well-preserved tufa deposits exhibit a diversity of field fabrics along the major structural feature in Gafsa area and extent between Jebel El Mida in the southeast and Sidi Ahmed Zarrouk and Jebel Ben Younes in northwest. The deposition history of the tufa is defined by three major stages; the first occurred in a perched springline or slope system with dominance of the autochthonous facies (stromatolitic tufa facies, i.e. boundstone sheets of micrite and peloids, and phytoherm framestone facies) in the proximal zone and microdetrital tufa in distal sites. The second stage occurred in a mixture of perched springline and poorly drained paludal environments that characterized by the abundance of allochems and chalk and marl. The third deposition stage occurred in a mixture of paludal and braided fluviatile environments with allochthonous tufa facies (oncoidal cyanolith tufa facies, phytoclast tufa facies and lithoclast and intraclast tufa facies). Tufas are of particular interest since their occurrences are linked to tectonic activity and extensional fault systems. Gafsa strike-slip fault, in addition to its tectonic role in creating fluid paths to the surface through flowing springs, it acts as a major regional sill that controlled paleoflow directions, discharge locations, volume, rate and fluctuations of the water supply. Tufa cessation could be explained by increasing aridity during late Holocene and subsequent reduced rainfall, increased evaporation and water table falling, which reduce the amount of recharge and its subsequent dissolution in the recharge area.  相似文献   

利用辽东湾西北部A区6口井的录井、测井、岩心资料,通过细致的层序地层学及沉积学分析,将研究层段自下而上划分为SQs2和SQs1两个三级层序,每个层序均可划分出湖扩体系域(TST)和高位体系域(HST),并识别出三个层序边界和两个最大湖泛面,自下而上分别为SQs2底界面SBs2、最大湖泛面mfss2、SQs1底界面SBs1、最大湖泛面mfss1、SQs1顶界面SBd3。钻井揭示沙二段主要为砂岩、含砾砂岩,以粗碎屑岩发育为特征;沙一段主要为泥岩和白云岩,以泥岩发育为主要特征。研究区沉积相为湖泊相,滨浅湖亚相,微相发育泥滩、混合滩、砂质滩坝和钙质浅滩。低突起及其斜坡地区,在SQs2以混合滩沉积为主,在SQs1以泥滩沉积为主;陡坡地区,在SQs2发育砂质滩坝,在SQs1发育钙质浅滩。SQs2砂岩发育层段和SQs1的生物白云岩发育层段为良好的储层。  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2002,146(1-2):155-189
Cenomanian through Coniacian strata near the town of Sopeira in the south-central Pyrenees (northern Spain) are composed of a variety of autochthonous and allochthonous carbonate slope lithologies that are divided into six depositional sequences based on facies distribution patterns and stratal relationships. The sequences record three major phases of platform margin evolution: rifting, burial, and exhumation. During the first phase (sequences UK-1, UK-2, UK-3, UK-4, and lower UK-5), deposition occurred on the edge of a wrench basin, and a normal fault located beneath the platform margin strongly influenced slope evolution. Background hemipelagic sediments on the slope were commonly redeposited by submarine slumps and slides. More intense reworking resulted in matrix-supported, slope-derived megaconglomerates (debrites).During the Cenomanian and Turonian, seismically triggered debris flows originated at the platform margin, bypassed the upper slope, and were deposited on the lower slope as polymictic, clast-supported, matrix-rich megabreccias. The megabreccias form channelized and sheet-like bodies with erosional basal surfaces. Shallow carbonate environments backstepped during the Late Turonian and Coniacian, but displacement along the fault at this time resulted in the development of a steep submarine scarp and the exposure of Cenomanian and Lower Turonian strata to submarine erosion. Matrix-poor, margin-derived megabreccias form a thick talus pile at the base of the scarp. Some of the breccias were transported into the basin as debris falls, forming sheet-like beds.Marl eventually buried the Coniacian scarp in sequence UK-5, resulting in the second major phase of platform slope evolution. The slope profile at this time was relatively gentle, and redeposited material is less common. In the third phase (sequence UK-6), tectonically induced bankward erosion during the Santonian resulted in a high (greater than 800 m) erosional scarp with a regional east–west trend that was subsequently onlapped by siliciclastic turbidites. Rejuvenation of erosion in the same vicinity suggests that long-term tectonism controlled the position of the slope, rates of erosion, and sediment type on the slope.Sediment gravity flow processes are laterally and temporally related. Submarine slide and slump deposits commonly grade laterally downslope into slope-derived megaconglomerates. Debris flows that originated at the platform margin appear to have initiated slumps, slides, and other debris flows on the slope. Debris fall deposits are commonly capped by coarse, graded, lithoclastic packstones that may represent turbidites generated by the debris falls.Sediment fabric exerted a profound impact on depositional processes, distribution of facies, and morphology of the slope. Fine-grained, mud-rich, lower slope deposits were unstable at even moderate slope angles, and have been extensively redeposited. Redeposition of grain-rich, upper slope facies was triggered by syndepositional seismic activity and upslope migration of instability and erosion. In the presence of mud, the transport mechanisms are typically cohesive debris flows, which were able to carry material onto the lower slope and into the basin. When no mud was available, rock falls and debris falls were the dominant sediment gravity flows, and their deposits are restricted to a position on the hanging wall proximal to the fault.  相似文献   

The Lower Cenomanian Bahariya Formation corresponds to a second-order depositional sequence that formed within a continental shelf setting under relatively low-rate conditions of positive accommodation (< 200 m during 3–6 My). This overall trend of base-level rise was interrupted by three episodes of base-level fall that resulted in the formation of third-order sequence boundaries. These boundaries are represented by subaerial unconformities (replaced or not by younger transgressive wave ravinement surfaces), and subdivide the Bahariya Formation into four third-order depositional sequences.

The construction of the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Bahariya Formation is based on the lateral and vertical changes between shelf, subtidal, coastal and fluvial facies, as well as on the nature of contacts that separate them. The internal (third-order) sequence boundaries are associated with incised valleys, which explain (1) significant lateral changes in the thickness of incised valley fill deposits, (2) the absence of third-order highstand and even transgressive systems tracts in particular areas, and (3) the abrupt facies shifts that may occur laterally over relatively short distances. Within each sequence, the concepts of lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts are used to explain the observed lateral and vertical facies variability.

This case study demonstrates the usefulness of sequence stratigraphic analysis in understanding the architecture and stacking patterns of the preserved rock record, and helps to identify 13 stages in the history of base-level changes that marked the evolution of the Bahariya Oasis region during the Early Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Itararé Group is a thick glacial unit of the Paraná Basin. Five unconformity-bounded sequences have been defined in the eastern outcrop belt and recognized in well logs along 400 km across the central portion of the basin. Deglaciation sequences are present in the whole succession and represent the bulk of the stratigraphic record. The fining-upward vertical facies succession is characteristic of a retrogradational stacking pattern and corresponds to the stratigraphic record of major ice-retreat phases. Laterally discontinuous subglacial tillites and boulder beds occur at the base of the sequences. When these subglacial facies are absent, deglaciation sequences lie directly on the basal disconformities. Commonly present in the lowermost portions of the deglaciation sequences, polymictic conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones are generated in subaqueous proximal outwash fans in front of retreating glaciers. The overlying assemblage of diamictites, parallel-bedded and rippled sandstones, and Bouma-like facies sequences are interpreted as deposits of distal outwash fan lobes. The tops of the deglaciation sequences are positioned in clay-rich marine horizons that show little (fine-laminated facies with dropstones) or no evidence of glacial influence on the deposition and likely represent periods of maximum ice retreat.  相似文献   

西昌盆地新基姑地区奥陶系大箐组发育典型的风暴岩.风暴沉积构造主要有底冲刷构造、砾屑层理、粒序层理和丘状交错层理等.通过剖面实测,识别出3种风暴沉积序列:序列Ⅰ主要为薄层泥晶白云岩夹黄灰色极薄层状泥岩,为风暴浪基面以下的远源风暴浊流沉积,为风暴岩序列的E1段沉积,主要发育于外缓坡下部;序列Ⅱ发育底冲刷面(A)、平行层理段...  相似文献   

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