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实验研究了采用两步碱溶法从高铝粉煤灰中提取氢氧化铝的可行性。首先采用浓度为8 mol/L的NaOH溶液,在95℃的条件下溶出高铝粉煤灰中部分非晶态SiO2;所得脱硅粉煤灰再与适量CaO混合均匀,在260~280℃下以浓度18~20 mol/L的NaOH溶液溶出Al2O3,得到高苛性比的铝酸钠溶液;经降低苛性比、脱硅和碳酸化分解,制得氢氧化铝制品。化学成分分析结果表明,该氢氧化铝制品符合GB/T 4294-1997规定的一级标准。与其他从高铝粉煤灰中提取氧化铝的工艺相比,该方法避免了粉煤灰原料的高温烧结过程,生产能耗显著降低,加工过程的环境相容性良好。  相似文献   

研究高铝粉煤灰特性并加以高附加值利用,是加快固体废物资源化利用的一个重要方面.实验采用激光粒度分析、XRD、FESEM-EDX等手段,研究了准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰的物理、化学特性以及粉煤灰的矿物组成.在此基础上按照正交实验的方法,用准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰直接制备了M50莫来石,并用高铝粉煤灰与少量工业氧化铝混合合成了M60和M70莫来石,所得结论如下:  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰合成莫来石具有良好的工业发展前景,但由于普通粉煤灰中Al2O3含量较低使得合成莫来石时必须添加大量工业氧化铝,从而增加了合成成本.利用高铝粉煤灰直接制备M50莫来石以及高铝粉煤灰与少量工业氧化铝混合合成M60和M70莫来石,其物理性能可以达到我国<烧结莫来石>标准(YB/T5267-2005),这大大降低了合成成本.研究表明,用未处理过的高铝粉煤灰直接制备低牌号莫来石(M50)适宜的烧结温度为1400 ℃,用处理过的高铝粉煤灰或合成高牌号莫来石(M60、M70)适宜的烧结温度为1500 ℃;恒温时间对合成莫来石的影响远小于烧结温度,高温下缩短恒温时间比低温下延长恒温时间有利于莫来石的生成.  相似文献   

准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰直接制备M50莫来石的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用粉煤灰制备莫来石是粉煤灰高附加值资源化利用研究的一个重要方面,但由于普通粉煤灰中A12O3含量较低,使得制备过程中必须添加大量工业氧化铝,从而增加了合成成本.采用正交实验的方法,利用准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰直接制备M50莫来石,并用阿基米德法测定莫来石样品的物理性能.经过XRD和SEM对制备的莫来石样品进行物相组成和显微结构研究,结果表明:利用高铝粉煤灰直接制备M50莫来石的物理性能可以满足<烧结莫来石>标准的质量要求.烧结样品其物相组成主要是莫来石和少量的玻璃相.影响烧结合成莫来石的主要因素是烧结温度,其次是恒温时间和试样的成型压力,高温下缩短恒温时间比低温下延长恒温时间有利于莫来石的形成,利用高铝粉煤灰直接制备MS0莫来石适宜的烧结温度为1400℃~1500℃,恒温时间以2h~3h为宜.  相似文献   

改良酸碱联合法利用高铝粉煤灰制备氧化铝的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验以高铝粉煤灰为原料、Na2CO3为助剂,经中温烧结,酸溶除硅,碱溶除铁,加入铝酸钡除微量硅后,制得较纯净的铝酸钠溶液;向该溶液中加入Al(OH)3晶种,采用种分分解法制备得到Al(OH)3沉淀,于1200℃下煅烧2 h后,制得α-Al2O3。分析结果表明,制备的-αAl2O3粉体形态不规则,粒径在10μm以下,性能达到国标GB8178-87三级标准。本项技术符合国家发展循环经济的要求,是高铝粉煤灰资源化高效利用的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

中国铝资源与高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国铝土矿资源不足的状况,利用高铝粉煤灰生产氧化铝不仅有望缓解铝资源的不足,而且可减少粉煤灰对大气、水体的污染和大量土地资源的占用。高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝技术主要包括酸法、碱法和酸碱联合法。采用碱法提取氧化铝技术,具有对设备腐蚀性小,与现有氧化铝生产设备相容性好,对水体和空气不产生二次污染等优势。与石灰石烧结法和预脱硅碱石灰烧结法等代表性碱法技术相比,采用预脱硅低钙烧结法制备氧化铝技术,处理物料总量、一次性资源消耗量和CO2排放量,分别减少22.1%~52.4%、24.6%~52.0%、20.0%~66.2%;综合耗能降低16.4%~36.3%;剩余硅钙固体排放量减少27.5%~71.5%。因此,预脱硅低钙烧结法技术在物耗、能耗、环境相容性和产品方案等方面均有明显优势,符合高效节能和清洁生产的要求,有望实现高铝粉煤灰生产氧化铝的完全资源化利用。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰制备高纯氧化铝纳米粉体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季惠明  吴萍  张周  徐明霞 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):220-224
地球资源的充分利用已成为当今人们普遍关注的问题之一。采用苏打(Na2CO3)焙烧沥滤工艺从粉煤灰烧结料浸出液中制取了高纯超细氢氧化铝,进而通过控制煅烧制得氧化铝纳米粉体。对制备氧化铝的活化过程、浸出过程和煅烧过程的化学原理与工艺控制进行了研究与分析,确定了制备高纯氧化铝纳米粉体的较佳实验条件和工艺参数。应用XRD、TEM、BET和ICP等微观分析手段对所得Al2O3 的形态、结构和纯度进行了表征。结果表明:焙烧、水煮粉煤灰和Na2CO3,并精确调节溶出液的pH值,可使超细的氢氧化铝沉淀析出。在85 ℃充分干燥后,分别于800 ℃、1 100 ℃煅烧2 h,得到晶型结构分别为γAl2O3 和αAl2O3 的氧化铝纳米粉体,其形态为纤维状和球状,比表面积分别为238.9 m2/g和16.82 m2/g,平均粒径为20~40 nm,纯度大于99.9%。  相似文献   

为解决水泥固化淤泥质黏土早期强度不足及制备水泥时高污染、高能耗及高成本等问题,采用"一步法"制备矿渣-粉煤灰基地质聚合物用以固化淤泥质黏土,研究硅铝原材料之比、固体激发剂与原材料比及水灰比对固化黏土抗压强度的影响规律,并采用电镜扫描和X射线能谱分析等试验方法进行微观分析,揭示其固化机制。试验结果表明:当硅铝原材料为90%矿渣和10%粉煤灰,碱性激发剂占硅铝原材料质量比为0.15,水灰比为0.7时,其14 d的无侧限抗压强度达到1.5 MPa。矿渣-粉煤灰基地质聚合物主要产物有无定型的水化硅酸钙、水化铝酸钙凝胶,是固化黏土抗压强度提升的主要原因。研究结果为地质聚合物在淤泥质黏土加固中应用奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

随着中国原铝需求量不断增加,氧化铝工业的快速发展,导致国内铝土矿资源日益减少.因此,从上世纪中期起,研究者便把高铝粉煤灰作为一种新的铝资源,开始探索利用它来制备铝产品[1].  相似文献   

粉煤灰是电厂煤粉高温燃烧后的固体废弃物,也是用于提取氧化铝和制备陶瓷、微晶玻璃、耐火材料等高附加值产品的潜在资源。粉煤灰中的杂质铁对制备上述制品的工艺选择和制品质量、性能均有重大影响。本文对内蒙古准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰(CFB灰)进行了脱碳除铁的实验研究。实验表明,粉煤灰经900℃煅烧2 h,基本上可除去碳;除铁的优化工艺条件为:盐酸浓度20%,液固比5∶1,温度为80℃,搅拌时间为60 min,除铁率达80%以上。  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰制备多孔氧化硅的实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用相分离原理,以粉煤灰经硅铝分离后所得的硅酸凝胶为原料,选用聚乙烯醇为造孔剂,硝酸为催化剂,成功地制备了多孔氧化硅。实验结果表明:制备的多孔氧化硅的孔道发育良好,含有三级孔道。扫描电镜分析显示:大孔孔径为1~2 μm,比表面积为12.03 m2/g,这与实际应用的硅藻土助滤剂制品大致相当。对实验制品在啤酒液中的稳定性实验结果显示:多孔氧化硅制品在浸泡于啤酒过程中几乎没有Ca2+、Fe3+离子溶出,浸泡后的啤酒液的pH值基本不变。上述结果表明:实验制备的多孔氧化硅制品作为硅藻土助滤剂的替代品具有良好的实际应用前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, an experimental study was conducted in order to test the feasibility of sintering mullite directly from the high-alumina fly ash, without adding any extra material. The results show that the mullite contents in most sintered samples are over 70%. The samples sintered from the beneficiated fly ash have a higher content of mullite than those from the as-received fly ash under the same synthetic conditions. To obtain an equal amount of mullite, a higher sintering temperature is needed for the beneficiated fly ash than for the as-received fly ash. Considering the physical properties of sintered mullite, the favorable sintering temperature is 1400℃ for the as-received fly ash and 1500℃ for the beneficiated fly ash. A higher sintering temperature and a shorter holding time are profitable to sintering mullite. The orthogonal test confirmed that the dominant factor affecting mullite synthesis is sintering temperature, and that the most profitable matching conditions are 200 MPa-1500℃-3 h for the as-received fly ash and 200 MPa-1500 ℃-4 h for the beneficiated fly ash.  相似文献   

Pozzolanic-based stabilization/solidification (S/S) is an effective, yet economic remediation technology to immobilize heavy metals in contaminated soils and sludges. In the present study, fly ash waste materials were used along with quicklime (CaO) to immobilize lead, trivalent and hexavalent chromium present in artificially contaminated clayey sand soils. The degree of heavy metal immobilization was evaluated using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) as well as controlled extraction experiments. These leaching test results along with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDX) analyses were also implemented to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for immobilization of the heavy metals under study. Finally, the reusability of the stabilized waste forms in construction applications was also investigated by performing unconfined compressive strength and swell tests. The experimental results suggest that the controlling mechanism for both lead and hexavalent chromium immobilization is surface adsorption, whereas for trivalent chromium it is hydroxide precipitation. Addition of quicklime and fly ash to the contaminated soils effectively reduced heavy metal leachability well below the nonhazardous regulatory limits. Overall, fly ash addition increases the immobilization pH region for all heavy metals tested, and significantly improves the stress-strain properties of the treated solids, thus allowing their reuse as readily available construction materials. The only potential problem associated with this quicklime–fly ash treatment is the excessive formation of the pozzolanic product ettringite in the presence of sulfates. Ettringite, when brought in contact with water, may cause significant swelling and subsequent deterioration of the stabilized matrix. Addition of minimum amounts of barium hydroxide was shown to effectively eliminate ettringite formation. Overall, due to the presence of very high levels of heavy metal contamination along with sulfates in the solid matrices under study, the results presented herein can be applied to the management of incinerator and coal fly ash, boiler slag and flue gas desulfurization wastes.  相似文献   

董宏  张文广 《世界地质》2014,33(3):723-729
采用高压水热活化法对预先烧制的粉煤灰进行碱溶实验,探讨钙硅摩尔比、碱液浓度、液固比、苛性比、反应温度、反应时间等影响因素对于氧化铝溶出率的影响。考虑到氧化铝溶出率及反应成本等各方面因素,得出氧化铝溶出的适宜条件。结果表明:碱溶条件下,钙硅摩尔比为1.0,溶液碱浓度为350 g/L,液固比为10∶1,苛性比为14,反应温度280℃,活化时间为2 h。通过氧化铝溶出工艺条件的优化,可使氧化铝提取率达到95%以上。  相似文献   

为了研究煤炭固体废弃物中铝的含量及赋存状态,探讨其中氧化铝提取的可能性,在处理煤炭固体废弃物的同时扩大我国自然铝资源,分别采用化学分析、XRD、SEM及粒度分布等方法对鄂尔多斯北缘准格尔等煤田煤矸石及粉煤灰进行了化学成分、物相组成及结构测定。结果表明:该地区的煤矸石和粉煤灰中氧化铝的质量分数均接近或大于40%, 达到了铝矿床的工业品位;煤矸石中铝主要赋存在高岭石和勃姆石中,OF灰中铝主要赋存在莫来石中,而CFB灰中铝则赋存在非晶态物质中;同时CFB灰与OF灰相比具颗粒细小且粒度分布均匀、颗粒形态呈絮状、结构活性高等特点;CFB灰中的铝活性高易提取,煤矸石中的铝只需要热活化即可提取,而OF灰中的铝则需要化学活化才可以提取。高铝煤炭固体废弃物中铝的有效提取可以补充铝资源的不足。  相似文献   

利用提钾废渣和粉煤灰制备矿物聚合材料的实验研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
利用富钾岩石提钾后的废渣代替硅酸钠 (钾 )、大部分高岭石和氢氧化钠 (钾 ) ,以粉煤灰为主要原料 ,制备出矿物聚合材料 ,并采用正交实验确定其优化工艺条件为 :煅烧高岭石用量为 10 %~ 15 % ,废渣用量约 35 % ,氢氧化钠用量为 5 %~ 6 %。代表性样品的 7d抗压强度可达到 4 0~ 5 0MPa ,耐酸性、耐碱性分别为 99.99%和 10 0 % ,密度1.77~ 1.88g/cm3 ,收缩率 0 .13%~ 0 .2 8% ,导热系数 0 .4 8~ 0 .5 1W/m·K ,平均硬度 3.4 3。X射线粉末衍射分析表明 ,由铝硅酸盐聚合反应形成的基体相呈非晶态。扫描电镜分析絮凝状的基体相与粉煤灰玻璃体结合紧密 ,从而为制品具备良好的力学性能提供了结构基础。该矿物聚合材料成本低廉 ,同时又能利用粉煤灰等工业固体废物而达到改善环境的目的  相似文献   

Hydro-mechanical evaluation of stabilized mine tailings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. In this study, mine tailings waste was stabilized using a combination of lime, fly ash type "C", and aluminum. Treated samples were subjected to mineral identification for evaluating the formation of ettringite and gypsum. Also, unconfined compression, hydraulic conductivity, and cyclic freeze and thaw tests were performed to evaluate the hydro-mechanical properties of the stabilized samples. Experimental results have shown that the application of lime and fly ash type "C" to high sulfate content tailings has improved its plasticity, workability, and volume stability. Moreover, upon addition of aluminum to lime and fly ash in a sulfate-rich environment, ettringite and calcium sulfo-aluminate hydrate are formed in these samples. Application of 5% lime, 10% fly ash type "C", in combination with 110 ppm aluminum, resulted in the formation of a solid monolith capable of producing more than 1,000 kPa of unconfined compressive strength, and reduced tailings permeability to 1.96᎒–6 cm s–1, which is less than the recommended permeability of 10–5 cm s–1 by most environmental protection agencies for reusability of solidified/stabilized samples. The permeability of the treated tailings samples remained below the recommended permeability, even after exposing the treated samples to 12 freeze and thaw cycles. Therefore, based on the experimental results, it is concluded that treatment of high sulfate-content tailings with lime and fly ash, combined with the availability of aluminum for reactions, is a successful method of solidifying highly reactive mine tailings.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(2):93-103
Mimicking geochemical processes to solve environmental problems was implemented in dealing with waste acidic jarosite and alkaline coal fly ash. By placing these two chemically different materials adjacent to one another, a self-sealing layer was formed at the interface between both wastes, isolating and immobilizing chemical constituents in the process. A series of leaching experiments were performed on each material separately to study the release behavior of the principal constituents. Radiotracer experiments were conducted to explore diffusion and reaction of constituents such as Fe3+ in a combined jarosite/fly ash system. A model has been developed to simulate the coupled processes of diffusion and precipitation taking into account porosity change due to pore filling by precipitates. The formation of a self-sealing isolation layer in a hypothetical jarosite/fly ash disposal site was modelled. Leaching results indicate that the release of elements from jarosite is much larger than that from fly ash, and that the highly pH dependent release of Fe, Al, and Zn was controlled by the solubility of their hydroxides. Leaching results also suggest that precipitation reactions can be expected to occur at the interface between jarosite and alkaline coal fly ash where a large pH gradient exists. Radiotracer experiments showed that accumulation of constituents occurred at the interface. Modeled Fe3+ profiles in layered jarosite/fly ash were well validated by experiments. Modeling results also showed that with the accumulation of constituents at the interface, a new layer with low porosity was formed. Application of this model suggests that there is a potential use to form a self-sealing layer in jarosite/fly ash co-disposal sites.  相似文献   

Fly ash is a product arising from coal combustion in thermal power plants. It represents a major source of environmental pollution. It is well known by its chemical composition rich of SiO2 and Al2O3. With the aim of preserving the environment against this contamination, fly ash was used along with the starting materials for producing glass cordierite (2MgO, 2Al2O3, 5SiO2). Four formulations were developed by mixing the silica gel, magnesium chloride (MgCl2.6H2O) and fly ash in the percentages enclosing the stoichiometry of cordierite (2MgO, 2Al2O3, 5SiO2). Different experimental techniques (DTA/TGA, X-ray diffraction, FTIR and SEM) were used to characterise the prepared formulations. The results shown that for all formulations, a cordierite phase was obtained at 1200 °C along with several secondary phases such as mullite, cristobalite, silicon oxide, enstatite and spinel. At 1300 °C, pure indialite (α-cordierite) was obtained along with a small amount of spinel. The four formulations sintered at 1200 °C exhibit a homogenous morphology and high porosity. The acicular-shaped indialite grains were observed in both formulations with excess of alumina and excess of magnesia.  相似文献   

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