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Based on the determination of composition of volcanic volatiles and petrologic estimation of the total mass of volatiles erupted, we showed important advances in the study of the impact of Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic activities on paleo-environmental changes in China. The volcanic activities include western Liaoning and Zhangjiakou Mesozoic intermediate-acidic explosive eruptions, southern Tibet and Shanwang Cenozoic volcanism, and Mt. Changbai volcanic eruption around one thousand years ago. The paper predominantly discusses the earth’s surface temperature changes, ozone depletion, acidic rain formation and mass mortalities of vertebrate induced by the Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanism in China. __________ Translated from Bulletin of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, 2007, 26(4): 319–322 [译自: 矿物岩石地球化学通报]  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(5):543-552
The accumulation chamber methodology allows one to obtain reliable values of the soil CO2 flux, ϕsoil CO2, in the range 0.2 to over 10 000 g m−2 d−1, as proven by both laboratory tests and field surveys in geothermal and volcanic areas. A strong negative correlation is observed between Δϕsoil CO2t and ΔPatmt. Maps of classes of log ϕsoil CO2 for the northern sector of Vulcano Island, Solfatara of Pozzuoli, Nea Kameni Islet and Yanbajain geothermal field evidence that active faults and fractures act as uprising channels of deep, CO2-rich geothermal or magmatic gases. The total diffuse CO2 output was evaluated for each surveyed area.  相似文献   

余明  汤庆艳  张铭杰  何佩佩  尚慧  李立武 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3635-3644
腾冲新生代火山区是青藏高原唯一幔源挥发份大量排放的火山-地热区,大规模火山作用的流体组成的系统研究具有多方面的科学意义。对腾冲马鞍山、老龟坡和打鹰山等地新生代火山岩进行流体化学组成和碳同位素分析,结果表明腾冲新生代火山岩的流体组成中H2O占有极高的比例,CO2、N2和O2的含量较高,而且不同火山区的流体组成有所差异。CO2的δ13C值为-27.1‰~-7.5‰,位于地壳和地幔范围之间;CH4、C2H6、C3H8和C4H10等甲烷同系物的碳同位素组成随碳数增高具有整体正序、C2H6与C3H8局部反序的分布特征,显示海洋环境I型有机质热裂解成因烃类气体的特征。腾冲火山作用中存在地幔来源的CO2,岩浆存在轻微的CO2去气作用。含碳流体挥发份主要表现为俯冲大洋板片脱出流体挥发份的加入,特别是俯冲洋壳沉积有机质热裂解产物,大量的H2O可能来源于岩浆上升过程中围岩流体或再循环流体的加入,不同火山区岩浆上升演化的差异造成了流体组成的不同。  相似文献   

A geochemical traverse across Honduras reveals the heterogeneity of the mantle underneath Central America. Alkali basalts from Lake Yojoa (170 km behind the front) have low 87Sr/86Sr but high La/Yb, and elevated incompatible trace element abundances, consistent with derivation from a normal mid-ocean ridge basalt source mantle via low degrees of melting. These lavas lack evidence for an enriched source thought to be intermingled with normal mid-ocean ridge basalt source mantle beneath most of Central America. The amplitude of the subducted slab signature decreases smoothly with distance from the volcanic front. Lavas from Zacate Grande, the area nearest to the volcanic front (17 km behind the arc), display large ion lithophile element enrichment and high field strength element depletion indicating the involvement of subducted material in magma genesis. Components of subducted material are not evident in lavas from Lake Yojoa, the area furthest from the arc. Basalts and basaltic andesites from Tegucigalpa, 102 km behind the volcanic front, are geochemically intermediate between those of Lake Yojoa and Zacate Grande. The lavas from Tegucigalpa show a decreased influence of the subduction component, and are affected by assimilation-fractional crystallization processes at shallow depths. The gradual decrease in the subducted component from the volcanic front to Zacate Grande, Tegucigalpa and finally Lake Yojoa contrasts with the abrupt decrease documented for southeast Guatemala, the only other area in Central America where a cross-arc transect has been studied. Received: 1 July 1995 / Accepted: 16 July 1997  相似文献   

Nickel enrichment in mantle olivine beneath a volcanic front   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
We found abnormally Ni-rich olivine (Fo = 93) with up to 5.3 wt% of NiO, ten times higher than the ordinary mantle value (0.4 wt%), in a highly metasomatized mantle peridotite xenolith from Avacha volcano, the Kamchatka arc, Russia. The Ni enrichment displays outward diffuse circular domains (<1 mm across) in fine-grained (mostly <100 μm) olivine-rich parts. Associated metasomatic orthopyroxene also shows high NiO (<1.1 wt%). Such high Ni concentrations in olivine cannot be attained in ordinary residual or cumulus peridotites, but are achievable via diffusion from Ni-rich sulfide melt. Sulfur-bearing silicic melt, the main metasomatic agent for the Avacha peridotites, separated sulfide melt, which was fractionated to be Ni-rich at relatively low temperatures. This is a new way of mobility and redistribution of Ni in the mantle, which is active in the mantle wedge, especially beneath a volcanic front.  相似文献   

Compositions of melt inclusions in olivine (Fo90-64) from 11 localities in Guatemala, Nicaragua and Cost Rica along the Central American Volcanic Arc are used to constrain combined systematics of major and trace elements and volatile components (H2O, S, Cl, F) in parental melts and to estimate volcanic fluxes of volatile elements. The melt inclusions cover the entire range of compositions reported for whole rocks from Central America. They point to large heterogeneity of magma sources on local and regional scales, related to variable contributions of diverse crustal (from the subducting and overriding plates) and mantle (from the wedge and incoming plate) components involved in magma genesis. Water in parental melts correlates inversely with Ti, Y and Na and positively with Ba/La and B/La (with the exception of Irazú Volcano), which indicates mantle melting fluxed by Ba-, B- and H2O-rich, possibly, serpentinite-derived fluid beneath most parts of the arc. Different components with melt-like characteristics (high LREE, La/Nb and probably also Cl, S and F and low Ba/La) control the geochemical peculiarities of Guatemalan and Costa Rican magmas. The composition of parental magmas together with published data on volcanic volumes and total SO2 flux from satellite measurements are used to constrain fluxes of volatile components and to estimate total magmatic flux in Central America. We found that volcanic flux accounts for only 13% of total magmatic and volatile fluxes. The remaining 87% of magmas remained in the lithosphere to form cumulates (∼39%) and intrusives (∼48%). The intrusive fraction of magmatic flux may be significantly larger beneath Nicaragua compared to Costa Rica. Interestingly, total fluxes of magmas and volatiles in Central America are quite similar to the global average estimates. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   

Geothermal water is plentiful in Changbai Mountain region, northeastern China, due to the volcanic activities and widespread faults. For the exploration of geothermal resources, this study uses quartz and cation geothermometer to estimate the temperatures of the geothermal reservoir and uses the tubular models to evaluate the thermal gradient. The hydrogeochemical characteristics of the geothermal resources were also evaluated by hydrogeochemical analysis. The results showed that the geothermal reservoir temperatures of the four major thermal springs in Changbai Mountain region range from 72 to 169 °C. The average geothermal reservoir temperatures of Jinjiang hot springs, Changbai hot springs I, Xianrenqiao hot springs, and Changbai hot springs II are 129.25, 169, 89, and 73.67 °C, respectively. The geothermal gradient values of the four major thermal springs have different characteristics. The geothermal gradient values of Jinjiang hot springs and Changbai hot springs I are 4.6 and 3.1 °C/100 m, respectively. The geothermal gradient values of Xianrenqiao thermal springs and Changbai thermal springs II are both lower than 1.5 °C/100 m, with the values of 1.1 and 1.4 °C/100 m. And the geothermal gradients are influenced by Changbai Mountain Tianchi volcano. In addition, the water chemical analyses showed that the geothermal water types are HCO3-Na with higher concentrations of Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, TDS, and HCO3 ? than the non-thermal waters, which suggested a deep and long water cycle of the thermal water, and therefore a sufficient water-rock interaction.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility and petrographic studies of drilled rock cuttings from two geothermal wells (Az-26 and Az-49) of the important electricity-generating geothermal system, Los Azufres, Mexico, were carried out to determine the relation between the magnetic susceptibility of rocks, the concentration of magnetic minerals and hydrothermal alteration. For this purpose, low-frequency magnetic susceptibility (χ lf) was measured and compared its distribution trends with those of magnetic and Fe–Mg silicate minerals, and with the extent of hydrothermal alteration in rocks of the two geothermal wells. The study indicates a decrease in χ lf values with depth in the two geothermal wells corresponding with: (1) an increase in the reservoir temperature and hydrothermal alteration; and (2) a decrease in the concentrations of Fe–Mg silicates and opaque minerals. The data suggest that ferromagnesian minerals and opaque minerals like ilmenite are the main contributors to the χ lf of rocks. The decrease in χ lf, ilmenite, and Fe–Mg mineral contents with an increase in the hydrothermal alteration degree, pyrite and haematite contents suggests the hydrothermal alteration of ilmenite and Fe–Mg minerals (characteristic of high χ lf values) to pyrite, haematite and other opaque minerals (with low χ lf values). The interaction of hydrothermal fluids with rocks results in the hydrothermal alteration of primary minerals. In a geothermal area, an anomaly of low magnetic susceptibility values of rocks in a homogenous litho unit characterized by high magnetic susceptibility may suggest hydrothermal alteration. Magnetic susceptibility can be a useful parameter, during the initial stages of geothermal exploration, in identifying hydrothermally altered rocks and zones of hydrothermal alteration both at the surface and from drilled wells in geothermal systems.  相似文献   

通过广元地区龙门山前缘的遥感地质解译,野外地质考查以及结合前人地热水勘查成果,对其地热水的热源、水源、构造特征等综合分析认为,该区无附加热源,热源为深循环加热,水源以大气降水为主,具有深部循环的有利地质构造条件,为在正常的区域地温场背景条件下。出现在裂隙介质发育的深部碳酸盐岩地层之中的地下热水环流系统——中低温对流型地热系统,具有很好的勘探开发前景。  相似文献   

Results of paleoclimatic analysis of geothermal data in the Middle and Southern Urals for different time intervals are presented. Climate reconstruction for the past millennium was made using data from 44 boreholes, and the magnitude of the Wurm–Holocene warming event was estimated based on data from two deep boreholes. The method of functional space inversion was used. The resolution of the method for reconstruction of various climatic events in the past was investigated. Parameters specified a priori and the required duration of the period to be reconstructed were chosen from the results of numerical modeling. According to the inversion results, the ground surface temperature at the maximum of the Medieval Warm Period in 1100–1200 was approximately the same as the present temperature, and at the minimum of the Little Ice Age around 1720, it was 1.2–3 °C lower than at present. The subsequent temperature rise was more pronounced in the past century. The magnitude of the Wurm–Holocene warming event, reconstructed using data from two deep boreholes is 10–11 °C.  相似文献   

地热资源按地质构造及成因的不同可划分为火山型及沉积盆地型两种类型。国内外许多学者对沉积型地热系统的同位素水文地球化学研究较多,而火山型地热系统研究不足,且沉积型和火山型地热流体的同位素水文地球化学对比研究还有待进一步深入。文章以关中盆地腹部沉积型地热系统及腾冲火山地热系统为代表,应用同位素水文地球化学方法对不同类型地热流体的地质构造、地热流体起源及成因、热储开放程度等进行系统对比研究,进而揭示其异同之处,为我国不同类型地热资源的可持续开发利用提供科学依据。关中盆地与腾冲热海地热系统在热储空间、构造条件、热源方面均存在较大差异,前者热储更为封闭,热储层更厚,后者热储通道更为畅通,热源更为丰富;腾冲热海地热系统热储温度高,埋藏更浅,热水循环更快,更易于开发利用。关中盆地与腾冲热海地热系统均存在比较明显的δ18O富集现象,关中盆地地热流体滞留时间更长是δ18O富集的主控因素,腾冲较高的热储温度是δ18O富集的主控因素;关中盆地腹部为沉积-半封闭型、封闭型,腾冲热海地热系统为火山-半封闭型;在漫长的地质历史时期,水岩反应的程度是决定热储流体水化学类型的主控因素。  相似文献   

地温测量是研究地温场分布最直接的方法。地热热源的强度与分布,直接影响地壳表层土壤温度场的分布,特别是存在热储层、热运移通道等都会使地温场的分布产生异常。在研究区16个民井和32个钻孔中进行地温测量,分析地温场分布状况以及地下热水活动规律,效果明显。结果表明研究区浅孔与深孔地温场平面特征一致,越接近东北角地温越有增加的趋势,而且地温异常区呈NNE向条带状分布,宽度约700 m,与NNE向断裂展布方向一致,地温最高点位于NW向断裂与NNE向断裂交汇处。研究区在纵向上地温分布特征差异性明显,地下热水分布范围较小,具有一定局限性,主要受构造断裂、岩溶发育程度等控制,温度低的地下水大量涌入导致地下水温降低,地温梯度出现异常;这种地温梯度异常现象也说明了研究区地下热水主要储存于灰质白云岩或角砾岩的裂隙溶洞中,裂隙、岩溶成为地下热水良好的运移通道。地温测量方法圈定了研究区地热异常区范围,为进一步勘查地热提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

钟振楠  康凤新  宋明忠  郎旭娟  柳禄湧  傅朋远  李志杰 《地质论评》2021,67(2):67030007-67030007
鲁东地热区在地质构造单元上位于沂沭断裂带昌邑—大店断裂以东,地热资源丰富。本文采集了鲁东地热区招远地热田内一眼2000m深地热井(DRZK01)中的40块岩芯样品进行岩石热导率、岩石生热率测试及分析,结合测温资料及收集资料对该区地热通量构成及分层热流进行了分析研究;采集区内典型地热流体样品进行水化学分析并采用合适的地热温标估算了该区热储温度;综合研究成果建立了该区地热成因概念模型。研究结果显示,该区岩石热导率数值较高,测量值在2.8~5.7W/(m·K)之间,普遍高于上地壳平均热导率,地温梯度较高,为31.8℃/km;利用热导率和地温梯度计算的地热通量102mW/m2中热传导分量为(73.2±6.18)mW/m2,对流分量为(28.76±6.18)mW/m2,其中热传导分量中地壳热流为22.5mW/m2,地幔热流为(50.74±6.18)mW/m2,二者比值为1:1.98~1:2.52,为“热幔冷壳”型热结构。石英温标计算热储平均温度为128.6℃,热循环深度约3634m。研究结果丰富了该区地热系统理论并为该区地热资源开发利用提供一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

鲁东地热区在地质构造单元上位于沂沭断裂带昌邑—大店断裂以东,地热资源丰富.本文采集了鲁东地热区招远地热田内一眼2000 m深地热井(DRZK01)中的40块岩芯样品进行岩石热导率、岩石生热率测试及分析,结合测温资料及收集资料对该区地热通量构成及分层热流进行了分析研究;采集区内典型地热流体样品进行水化学分析并采用合适的地...  相似文献   

Multiply-twinned clinoenstatite has been found in andesitic rocks from Chichi-jima and Mukojima in the Bonin Islands.The clinoenstatite occurs as (1) reaction rims around olivine, (2) composite crystals with bronzite, and (3) anhedral phenocrysts rimmed or included by bronzite.The clinoenstatite is chemically characterized by low contents of Ca (less than 0.5 wt.% oxide), Fs (9.2–11.5) and Al (less than 0.6 wt.% oxide) relative to the coexisting bronzite. The partition coefficient, K D op cp =(Mg/Fe2+)cp/(Mg/Fe2+)op between coexisting clinoenstatite and bronzite, ranges from 1.02 to 1.32 (average 1.17). The Fe2+/Mg+Fe2+ ratios of coexisting clinoenstatite and bronzite are different in different rock types, which suggests variable inversion temperatures of protoenstatite to orthopyroxene in boninite.Bronzite phenocrysts in a specimen, ranging from Fs15 to Fs30, coexist with augite phenocrysts, whereas those in the other specimens, ranging from Fs12 to Fs18, do not coexist with augite phenocrysts. These differences in petrographical nature and mineral chemistry among the specimens examined may be due to variations in their quenching stages.The boninite clinoenstatite and bronzite are relatively rich in Ca and Mg, compared with the Papuan and Mariana pyroxenes, which seems to depend upon the rock chemistry.  相似文献   

西藏羊八井热田地热流体成因及演化的惰性气体制约栽   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
地热流体中惰性气体的相对丰度和同位素组成,不仅可以揭露热田的热源性质,而且还能够揭示深、浅层地热流体的内在联系和演化过程等.在西藏羊八井热田的地热气体中,已检测出大量的4He组分,3He/4He值是大气的0.087~0.259倍,表明深部地壳物质的局部熔融为热田提供能量.浅层地热流体的3He/4He值自西北向东南呈降低趋势,与热储温度的变化相一致,反映出侧向运移时补充了更多的壳源氦.热田北区深层地热流体具有稍高的3He/4He值,是浅层地热流体的母源.气体中氪和氙的相对丰度具有大气降水成因的特征.结合现有的实际资料,建立了热田地热流体的概念模型.  相似文献   

A.K. Ferguson 《Lithos》1978,11(3):189-194
Data are presented on the Ca-content of olivines in a range of volcanic rocks from a variety of suites. These include olivine basalts through to trachytes from Gough, St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha Islands; trachytes from central Victoria, Australia, and a leucitite and phonclitic-tephrite series from Bufumbira, Uganda. In olivine crystals from basaltic lavas the Ca- and Mn-contents are low and Fe shows the most significant zoning from core to rim. In Fe-rich olivines from trachytic differentiates Ca and Mn frequently show more significant variation than Fe. While the Mn-content is proportional to the Fe-content of these olivines, Ca-zoning, in many cases, is unrelated to Fe-content. The marked Ca-enrichment in olivines occurs with the absence of plagioclase in the host lavas. The Ca(Al  Na  K) ratio is shown to be related not only to the Ca-content of the olivines in the lava, but may be used to predict olivine stability in evolved compositions.  相似文献   

天津是我国较早大规模开发深层地热的地区之一,经过30多年的持续开采回灌,对深部热储特征有无影响,是否引起了资源枯竭、水质恶化以及热储温度下降等环境问题,一直是社会关注的焦点。本文系统收集了1992年以来天津市地热开发过程中的不同热储层热水开发利用量、回灌量、水位、水质、水温等近30年的时间序列监测资料,通过垂向及横向对比,对地热持续开发30年来天津市不同地区不同热储层的热水动态特征进行了分析。结果表明,天津市各热储层地热流体的主要化学组分基本稳定,多年来无明显变化,地热采灌系统尾水回灌不会从根本上改变地热流体的原始化学特征,但深大断裂作为热流通道引起的顶托补给,会对上层热储水质造成一定的影响;随着近年来天津市回灌工作力度不断加大,大部分热储水位下降幅度减缓或出现回升,热储的温度没有明显的升高或降低的趋势,但回灌井热储段经过非供暖期的恢复无法达到最初的温度,呈逐年下降趋势。未来持续采灌条件下,回灌井筒的“冷堆积”及采灌井的优化调配应是重点关注的问题。  相似文献   

Volatiles from primary fluid inclusions in hydrothermal fluorite were studied. The gases released were analysed with a mass spectrometer using an internal standard; water-vapour pressure was measured manometrically.To extract the volatiles, both heating and grinding in vacuum were used. In the thermal treatment, volatiles from other sources besides the inclusions were also found: H2 and hydrocarbons, as well as additional amounts of H2O and CO2. The vacuum grinding, on the other hand, leads to volatile deficiency, especially with respect to H2O and CO2, due to retention of these components on the ground material.The study of the dependence of amount of volatiles released upon heating, on the grain size of the mineral fractions, was used as additional information for evaluating the amounts of volatiles coming from a source other than inclusions.The thermal studies were supplemented by decrepitophonic measurements.It is concluded that the volatiles from inclusions are represented practically only by CO2 and H2O in a 1:100 molar ratio. Conclusions about the conditions of mineral formation are drawn.  相似文献   

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