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张媛媛  周永胜 《地震地质》2012,34(1):172-194
野外、实验和地震数据表明:浅部地壳的变形以脆性破裂为主,深部地壳的变形以晶体塑性流动为主.在这种认识的基础上,提出了地壳变形的2种机制模型,即发生脆性变形的上部地壳强度基于Byerlee摩擦定律以及发生塑性变形的下部地壳强度基于幂次蠕变定律.而位于其间的脆塑性转化带的深度与浅源地震深度的下限具有很好的一致性.然而,二元结构的流变模型局限性在于其力学模型过于简单,往往过高估计了脆塑性转化带的强度.问题的根源在于对脆塑性转化带的变形机制的研究已有很多,但没有定量的力学方程来描述脆塑性转化带强度;而且以往对断层脆塑性转化带的研究主要集中在温度引起的脆塑性转化方面,对因应变速率和流体对脆塑性转化的影响方面的研究也比较薄弱.对断层带内矿物变形机制研究表明,某些断层带脆塑性转化发生在相同深度(温度和压力)内,发生脆塑性转化的原因是应变速率的变化,而这种变化被认为与地震周期的同震、震后-间震期蠕变有关,这种变化得到了主震-余震深度分布变化的证实.对断层流体特征分析表明,断层带内可能存在高压流体,这种高压流体会随断裂带的破裂及愈合而周期性变化,在地震孕育及循环中起着关键性作用.高压流体的形成(裂隙愈合)有多种机理,其中,压溶是断层带裂隙愈合的主导机制之一.研究在水作用下的压溶,可以对传统的摩擦-流变二元地壳强度结构及其断层强度进行补充与修正.通过以上分析,认为有必要通过野外变形样品和高温高压实验,深入研究应变速率及流体压力对断层脆塑性转化的影响,同时,通过实验建立压溶蠕变的方程,近似地估计脆塑性转化带的强度.  相似文献   

汶川地震发震断层为高角度逆断层,这种断层滑动和发生强震需要断层深部具备特殊的力学条件。发震断层地区地表出露若干韧性剪切带,其中不同类型石英变形具有不同的变形温度。细粒糜棱岩中的石英表现为高温位错蠕变,变形温度为500~700℃;含残斑初糜棱岩中的石英表现为中温位错蠕变,其变形温度为400~500℃;早期石英脉中的石英表现为低温位错蠕变,变形温度为280~400℃;晚期石英脉以碎裂变形为主,其变形温度为150~250℃。石英的这些变形特征显示出断层带经历了多期脆-塑性转化。根据糜棱岩中的重结晶石英的粒度估计的断层塑性流动应力为15~80MPa。石英和长石内的微量水以晶体缺陷水、颗粒边界水和流体包裹体水的形式存在,水含量随岩石的应变增加而升高,变化范围为0.01~0.15wt%。断层脆-塑性转化带内石英含有大量与裂隙愈合相关的次生流体包裹体,其捕获温度为330~350℃,流体压力为70~405MPa,估计的流体压力系数为0.16~0.9,代表强震发生后,断层带内产生的大量微裂隙逐渐愈合过程中的流体特征。在考虑断层带流体压力和应变速率变化条件下,利用石英流变参数建立了从间震期到地震成核阶段断层脆-塑性转化带流变结构和震后快速蠕滑阶段断层脆-塑性转化带流变结构。结果表明,在间震期、地震成核阶段、震后快速滑动阶段,断层强度和脆-塑性转化深度随应变速率和流体压力变化而变化,且脆-塑性转化特征与石英的变形机制、断层速度弱化和强化转化深度、汶川地震震源深度等吻合,显示映秀-北川断层具备摩擦滑动速度弱化和地震成核的基础,而断层带内存在高压流体可能是触发高角度逆断层滑动和汶川地震发生的主要机制。  相似文献   

The transition from microscopic brittle deformation to microscopic plastic deformation is called brittle-plastic transition, which is considered as a key layer for determining the limit of lower continental crust seismicity. The depth and deformation mechanism of the brittle-plastic transition zone is controlled mainly by temperature. Besides, the strain rate and fluid pore pressure also affect the transition during the different deformation stages at the seismic cycle. In this paper, microstructure observation of catalcastic samples collected from the Red River Fault was carried out using optical polarized microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The morphology, microstructures of deformation characteristics, mineral composition, water-rock reaction, pressure solution, exsolution, crack healing in the samples were systematically observed. The mineral components quantitative analyses were examined using the EDS. Water-rock reaction and pressure solution were systematically observed under SEM. The fabric of the main minerals in the samples was measured using electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD). Based on these analyses, the deformation mode was setup for the brittle-plastic transition zone of the fault during the post-seismic relaxation period. Both brittle deformation and plastic deformation were developed in the cataclastic samples. EBSD data shows that the c axial fabrics of quartz present low-temperature plastic deformation characteristics. The feldspar deformed as cataclastic rock, and the micro-fracture in feldspar was healed by static recrystallized quartz and calcite veins. The calcite vein underwent plastic deformation, which represents the post-seismic relaxation deformation. Based on the analysis of deformation mechanism of cataclastic samples in brittle-plastic transition zone of the Red River Fault, and combined with previous studies, we concluded that the brittle fracture and fracture healing is the main deformation mode at brittle-plastic transition zone in the post-seismic relaxation. High stress and high strain rate at post-seismic relaxation lead to brittle fracture of high-strength minerals such as feldspar in rocks. Plastic deformation occurs in low-strength minerals such as quartz and mica. Under the fluid condition, micro-fractures were healed by quartz and calcite. The minerals such as quartz and calcite in the fracture transformed from static recrystallization to dynamic recrystallization with stress gradually accumulating. With fracture healing and stress accumulation, the fault strength gradually increases which could accumulate energy for the next earthquake.  相似文献   

周永胜  何昌荣  杨恒 《地震地质》2004,26(3):472-483
研究表明 ,干的基性下地壳处于半脆性摩擦与半脆性流变的过渡状态 ,因此 ,文中采用多种基性岩样品进行了干的和含水基性岩的脆塑性转化实验 ,以深入理解大陆下地壳的力学性质。实验围压 4 5 0~ 5 0 0MPa ,应变速率 1× 1 0 - 4s- 1。实验结果表明 ,济南辉长岩 (样品C)、延庆辉绿岩 (样品D)和含水辉绿岩从 30 0℃到 90 0℃经历了脆性破裂、碎裂流动、半脆性流动和塑性流动几个变形域 ,而细粒攀枝花辉长岩 (样品A)和中细粒攀枝花辉长岩 (样品B)从 70 0℃到 90 0℃经历了半脆性流动和塑性流动 2个变形域。干的辉长岩样品比干的辉绿岩样品发生脆延性转化的温度高 1 0 0℃ ;所有干的基性岩样品的脆塑性转化都发生在 70 0℃ ,但半脆性流动域变形微观结构有差别 ,辉绿岩中斜长石和辉石发生了细粒化 ,并存在强烈的定向 ,形成初糜棱岩结构 ,辉长岩样品的细粒化和定向特征不明显。干的基性岩在以位错滑移为主的高温塑性流变域的强度和微观结构基本相同。水对基性岩脆塑性转化的影响体现在岩石的强度和脆延性与脆塑性的转化温度两方面。在实验温度范围内 ,含水辉绿岩样品的强度远小于干的辉绿岩和辉长  相似文献   

在高温高压条件下开展了天然角闪岩样品的变形实验研究,并且利用偏光显微镜和扫描电镜对实验样品进行微观结构观察,研究了在不同的温压和应变速率条件下角闪石的变形机制。实验结果表明,随着温度升高,样品的应力-应变曲线由强化逐渐转化为屈服,并且出现弱化,样品强度显著降低,随着围压增加,样品强度增大,随着应变速率降低,样品强度降低,压缩方向与样品面理斜交的实验样品强度显著降低。实验变形样品在500℃时,角闪石表现为晶内破裂和碎裂变形,其变形以脆性为主导;在600℃时,样品中发育由角闪石残斑和碎裂基质构成的碎裂组构,部分角闪石晶体出现了波状消光,角闪石以碎裂变形为主,局部具有塑性变形的特征;在700℃时,样品以晶体扭折变形为主,局部出现脱水和细粒微晶,并且含有微破裂,显示了样品以晶体扭折变形为主,含有微破裂,样品变形处于脆-塑性转换域;在800℃时,样品中基本没有发现明显的脆性变形,样品以动态重结晶作用为主,角闪石出现脱水。因此,在实验温压范围内,在500℃→600℃→700℃→800℃条件下,角闪石变形机制表现为脆性破裂→碎裂流动→晶体扭折→动态重结晶和脱水作用,显示了角闪石经历了脆性—脆-塑转化—塑性变形的变形机制。  相似文献   

将地壳介质视为麦克斯威尔体 ,运用差分法和三维有限元方法 ,探讨了邢台分层地壳结构模型 (含高速体和低速体及深大断裂 )中深部断裂加速蠕滑时 ,平均应力、水平最大剪应力和地表面垂直位移随时间演化的特征 ,计算结果表明 :(1 )在地壳中上部 1 1km处 ,深部断裂的加速蠕滑急剧加速了水平最大剪应力的增加速率 ,可达数百倍 ,深部断裂的加速蠕滑是邢台强地震成核过程的开始 ,可实现地壳下部的能量向地壳中上部快速转移 ;(2 )深部断裂的加速蠕滑引起的地面垂直位移变化与邢台地震震前的地表面垂直位移变化非常一致 .说明邢台地震震前地壳表面垂直方向的位移不仅与岩石的膨胀有关 ,而且可能与地壳内深部断裂的加速蠕滑密切相关 .  相似文献   

邢台地震前地壳形变异常的可能性物理机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将地壳介质视为麦克斯威尔体 ,运用差分法和三维有限元方法 ,探讨了邢台分层地壳结构模型 (含高速体和低速体及深大断裂 )中深部断裂加速蠕滑时 ,平均应力、水平最大剪应力和地表面垂直位移随时间演化的特征 ,计算结果表明 :(1 )在地壳中上部 1 1km处 ,深部断裂的加速蠕滑急剧加速了水平最大剪应力的增加速率 ,可达数百倍 ,深部断裂的加速蠕滑是邢台强地震成核过程的开始 ,可实现地壳下部的能量向地壳中上部快速转移 ;(2 )深部断裂的加速蠕滑引起的地面垂直位移变化与邢台地震震前的地表面垂直位移变化非常一致 .说明邢台地震震前地壳表面垂直方向的位移不仅与岩石的膨胀有关 ,而且可能与地壳内深部断裂的加速蠕滑密切相关 .  相似文献   

岩石的脆性-延性转变及塑性流动网络   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
实验变形研究表明.随着矿物组成.粒度、温度、围压、应变率、液体介质等因素的变化岩石由脆性,半脆性,向半延性.延性转变,其中包括力学行为.微观机制和宏观结构的变化,而决定岩石脆性-延性转变的基本因素在于所含的粘塑性成分及其粘滞性.半延性流动具有共轭网络状的结构特征;延性流动则包括网络状流动和均匀流动两种宏观结构;半延性-延性流动网络以其近似正交性和非牛顿流动特性分别与半脆性破裂网络和均匀延性流动相区别.基于上述研究,可将地壳、上地幔划分为脆性-半脆性的中上地壳,半延性-延性网络状流动的岩石圈下层(含下地壳和岩石圈地幔)和均匀延性流动的软流圈.地壳多震层内的大型地震带及网络是岩石圈下层塑性流动网络的一种响应.  相似文献   

岩石的流变性质与断层模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以断层带的为形机制为主题,简要总结了与此相关的岩石流变性质的研究结果,讨论了已有的几个断层带模型,并就进一步应开展的研究课题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

地壳岩石变形行为的转变及其温压条件   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
周永胜  何昌荣 《地震地质》2000,22(2):167-178
岩石脆延性转化 (brittle ductiletransition)和脆塑性转化 (brittle plastictransition)是不同的概念。脆延性转化指从岩石的局部变形破坏到宏观均匀流动变形的转化 ,它与宏观结构和力学行为的变化相关。脆塑性转化指脆性向晶体塑性变形的转化 ,它与力学行为和微观机制的变化相关。通过地壳中最主要的石英、长石的实验室和野外变形温压条件对比发现 ,达到相同的变形特征 ,在实验室和野外所需温压条件不同。建立变形机制图使解决这一矛盾成为可能。但受实验资料的限制 ,目前几种主要岩石的变形机制图还无法建立。因此 ,通过对实验与自然环境下变形特征及微观机制对比 ,找出两者温压条件的差别 ,就成为将实验研究结果外推解决实际地质问题的有效途径  相似文献   

趋势转折是地壳形变变化的一个重要信息,为定量、精确地提取地壳形变观测资料的趋势转折点,基于改进的有序聚类分析法,采用时窗滑动的方法,提取时间序列的趋势转折点,并编制了相应的程序.以新源地震台地倾斜南北向1992~2006年的观测数据为例,以4年窗长、2年步长滑动计算其趋势转折点.研究结果表明:(1)采用改进的有序聚类分析法提取时间序列的趋势转折点具有明确的统计意义,可减少人为判断的主观和任意性.(2)该方法算法简单,易于实现,可用于日常的地壳形变观测资料的分析预报工作.(3)新源地震台地倾斜南北向观测数据计算结果表明,在2001年之前,趋势转折比较频繁,变化也比较明显,而在2001年之后,趋势转折较少,变化更接近线性.  相似文献   

In order to analyze 3-dimensional movement and deformation characteristics and seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone, we inverted for dynamic fault locking and slip deficit rate of the fault using the GPS horizontal velocity field of 1999-2007 and 2013-2017 in Sichuan-Yunnan region, and calculated annual vertical change rate to analyze the vertical deformation characteristics of the fault using the cross-fault leveling data during 1980-2017 locating on the Xianshuihe fault. The GPS inversion results indicate that in 1999-2007, the southeastern segment of the fault is tightly locked, the middle segment is less locked, and the northwestern segment is basically in creeping state. In 2013-2017, the southeastern segment of the fault is obviously weekly locked, in which only a patch between Daofu-Bamei is locked, and the northwestern segment is still mostly in creeping state, in which only a patch at southeastern Luhuo is slightly locked from surface to 10km depth. The cross-fault leveling data show that annual vertical change rate of the Zhuwo, Gelou, Xuxu and Goupu sites on the northwestern segment is larger, which means vertical movement is relatively active, and annual vertical change rate of the Longdengba, Laoqianning, and Zheduotang sites on the southeastern segment is small, which means the fault is locked, and the vertical movement changes little before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. Combining with the 3-dimensional movement and deformation, seismic activity and Coulomb stress on the Xianshuihe Fault, we consider the seismic risk of the southeastern segment is larger, and the Wenchuan earthquake reduced the far-field sinistral movement and the fault slip deficit rate, which may reduce the stress and strain accumulation rate and relieve the seismic risk of the southeastern segment.  相似文献   

龙陵 -澜沧断裂带是一条新生的断裂带 ,由多条斜列式或丛集式次级断层组成 ,以活断层、地震断层、地震成带分布为特征。运动性质为右旋 -拉张。形成时代为早、中更新世 ,晚期继续活动。未来破裂趋势首先将断开那些构造闭锁段、破裂不连续段 ,然后使断裂带完全贯通。新生断裂带的产生与第四纪青藏高原加速隆起有关 ,由北而南滑移的物质流和阿萨姆楔体向东北方向挤入的共同作用 ,使滇缅块体产生反时针旋转 ,并在块体中间地带形成北北西向的新生断裂带  相似文献   

临潼-长安断裂带构造变形及分段特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对临潼-长安断裂带1970~1996年跨断裂水准资料、1983-2004年跨断层场地水准资料和1992~2004年重力段差资料进行了定量计算与分析。分析结果表明:①临潼-长安断裂是近期非常活跃的断裂,断裂带中主次断裂具有对称活动特点,江伊-鲍坡断裂在该断裂带整体活动中居主动地位;②跨临潼-长安断裂带的麻街和沣峪口两场地在地震前,垂直形变均不同程度地出现准同步快速下降的异常变化,但震后区域应力场的调整过程中两场地的影响存在差异;③临潼-长安断裂带的活动具有明显的分段性特点,形变测量资料分析表明,其南段活动比较稳定,而北段的活动则很活跃;④场地水准与跨断裂水准资料有较好的一致性,重力段差变化与场地垂直形变有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

D-InSAR技术可以测得地壳垂直形变精度达到mm级,但由于其受空间、时间失相干和大气延迟的限制,导致其在监测地壳长期缓慢形变中的应用受到限制。而PS-InSAR作为D-InSAR技术的创新,在克服时间失相干的同时还可以计算并消除大气影响,使得干涉处理得到的结果更加精确。文中以西秦岭北缘断裂带甘谷地区为实验区,利用从2008年5月至2010年9月共14景ENVISAT ASAR数据,采用PS-InSAR技术对该实验区地壳微小形变进行探测。研究结果得到西秦岭北缘断裂带甘谷地区断裂带南北两盘的相对滑动速率约为5mm/a,点目标的形变速率和形变方向均与西秦岭北缘断裂的左旋运动特征相符,并与其他学者的研究结果有较好的一致性,表明PS-InSAR技术在监测地壳微小形变中具有广阔的应用前景和巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

The Xiangshan-Tianjingshan fault zone is an important part of the arc tectonic zone in northeastern Tibet, whose eastern segment is characterized by primarily left-lateral slip along with thrust component. In contrast, the fault movement property on the western segment of the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan fault zone is more complicated. According to the offset geomorphic features and cross sections revealed by the trenches and outcrops, the western segment is mainly a left-lateral strike-slip fault with normal component, and only accompanied with reverse component at specific positions. To determine the genetic mechanism of fault movement property on the western segment, we obtained three main factors based on the integrated analysis of fault geometry:(1)Step-overs:the left-stepping parallel faults in a sinistral shear zone create extensional step-overs and control the nearby and internal fault movement property; (2)terminal structures:they are conductive to stop rupture propagation and produce compressive deformation at the end of the fault trace; and(3)double bends:strike-slip faults have trace that bends such that slip between two adjacent blocks creates a compressive stress and thrust fault. Additionally, the Tianjingshan sub-block moves to SEE and creates an extensional stress at the end of the sub-block associated with normal faults. It shows that the Xiangshan-Tianjingshan fault zone has a complex evolution history, which is divided into two distinctive periods and characterized by laterally westward propagating.  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带的现今水平形变及构造动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
据鲜水河断裂带水平测距的新成果,讨论该带现今构造运动的动态特征。在分析水平形变的基础上,联系表层构造形变和区域背景,探讨地块沿断裂带运动的模式。认为该带的现今运动主要表现为断裂带两侧地块往东南的同向不等速滑动,其地表形变效应则与左旋走滑相一  相似文献   

口镇-关山断层的活动特征及其与地震关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛娟  邢西淳 《高原地震》2006,18(1):21-27
对口镇—关山断裂带各跨断层测段高差变化、站差分析、速率变化及其合成作了分析探讨,同时还进行了小波变换分析,并对三原井水位和跨断层垂直形变作相关分析,研究探讨了该断层异常活动特征及其映震关系。  相似文献   

对采自西藏金沙江缝合带的花岗岩样品进行了岩石学、岩石化学、稀土和微量元素分析以及年龄测定等。研究结果表明 ,这些花岗岩样品属于前人所划分的念青唐古拉岩带中的安多和班戈岩体 ,为花岗二长岩 ,属于钙系 -钙碱性系列。其中属于安多岩体的样品与前人在该地区所描述的稍有不同 ,主要表现在更为酸性和富钠 ;其稀土配分的右倾斜率较小 ,所测得的K -Ar年龄 (15 7Ma)也较前人的结果年轻。属于班戈岩体的其他样品均与前人的研究结果基本一致 ,所获K -Ar年龄数据(12 1Ma)也在前人测定的结果范围内。此外 ,对其中 1件样品的黑云母和钾长石的4 0 Ar/ 39Ar分段加热测定 ,获得了 (12 9± 1 9)Ma和 (131± 1 9)Ma的坪年龄 ,并揭示出岩体冷却速度较快、侵位较浅的特征  相似文献   

In this paper, we report friction experiments performed on natural fault gouge samples embedded in granitic rock from drilled core by a project entitled "the Longmenshan Fault Shallow Drilling(LMFD)". Compared with other natural fault gouge, this yellow-greenish gouge(YGG)is dominantly chlorite-rich. The maximum content of chlorite reaches 47%in the YGG. To understand the frictional properties of the YGG sample, experiments were performed at constant confining pressure of 130MPa, with constant pore pressure of 50MPa and at different temperatures from 25℃ to 150℃. The experiments aim to address the frictional behavior of the YGG under shallow, upper crustal pressure, and temperature conditions. Compared with previous studies of natural gouge, our results show that the YGG is stronger and shows a steady state friction coefficient of 0.47~0.51. Comparison with previous studies of natural gouge with similar content of clay minerals indicates a sequence of strengths of different clay minerals:chlorite > illite > smectite. At temperatures up to 150℃ hence depths up to~8km in the Longmenshan region, the YGG shows stable velocity-strengthening behavior at shallow crustal conditions. Combined with the fact of strong direct velocity effect, i.e., (a-b)/a>0.5, faults cutting the present clastic lithology up to~8km depth in the Longmenshan fault zone(LFZ)are likely to offer stable sliding resistance, damping co-seismic rupture propagating from below at not-too-high slip rates. However, as the fault gouge generally has low permeability, co-seismic weakening through thermal pressurization may occur at high slip rates(>0.05m/s), leading to additional hazards.  相似文献   

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