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IntroductionThe downfaulted system around Ordos block is a typical area in China, in which active normal dip-slip or strike-slip faults with normal dip-slip faults developed, and is also an area in which historical strong earthquakes actively occurred. According to historical records, there were ten strong earthquakes with M(7 occurred during past 1 500 years, including 4 M=8 earthquakes. Study on these historical large earthquakes in the area will be helpful to recognize segmentation charac…  相似文献   

Along the northern piedmont of Mt. Lishan, the characteristics and locations of the active normal Lishan fault in west of Huaqing Pool provide important evidences for determining the seismotectonic environment, seismic stability evaluation of engineering in the eastern Weihe Basin. After reviewing the results from high-density resistivity method, seismic profile data, geological drillhole section and trenching in west of the Huaqing Pool, it is found that the strike of western normal Lishan Fault changes from EW direction at the eastern part to the direction of N60°W, and the fault consists of two branches, dipping NE with a high dip angle of~75°. The artificial shallow seismic profile data reveals that the attitude of strata near Lishan Fault mainly dips to south, which is presumed to be related to the southward tilt movement of Mt. Lishan since the Cenozoic. The section of geological drillhole reveals that since the late middle Pleistocene, the displacement of the paleo-soil layer S2 is about 10m. And the maximum displacement of western Lishan Fault recorded in the paleo-soil layer S1 reaches 7.8m since the late Pleistocene. In addition, evidences from trench profile show that the western Lishan Fault was active at least 3 times since Malan loess deposition with 14 C dating age(32 170±530)Cal a BP. The multiple activities of the Lishan Fault result in a total displacement about 3.0m in the Malan loess layer L1. The latest activity of the western Lishan Fault produced a displacement of about 0.9m in the early Holocene loess layer L0((8 630±20)Cal a BP)and caused obvious tensile cracks in the Holocene dark leoss layer S0((4 390±20)Cal a BP). Briefly, we have obtained a vertical movement rate of about 0.11~0.19mm/a since the Holocene((8 630±20)Cal a BP)in the western extension of the Lishan Fault, the recurrence interval of earthquakes on the fault is about(10.7±0.5)ka, and the co-seismic surface rupture in a single event is inferred to be about 0.9m.  相似文献   

在近年活动断裂研究成果基础之上,分析了鄂尔多斯地块周边断陷系9次历史强震破裂的分段与活动构造之间的关系.结果表明,在个别具有较大不确定性参数不参加统计情况下,这些强震地表破裂参数与活动构造之间表现出较好的相关性,反映出强震的破裂强度及地表破裂的分段与活动构造之间的内在联系.同时,这些强震表现出特征型强震的稳定和非稳定的地表破裂边界,以及同一构造单元不同边界断裂存在的强震连续发生现象.  相似文献   

断层垂直形变对强远震的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用新型断层形变三维观测系统的垂直向观测结果, 研究了两年以来7.0级以上强远震在非发震断层上的同震响应特征. 结果表明,非发震断层体垂直向同震形变的延迟时间、 同震位移最大振幅、 振动持续时间等特征与地震震级、震中距等之间存在密切联系. 断层体垂直向同震形变延迟时间与震中距线性正相关,发生地震同震形变的响应速度约为5.5km/s,反映了在上层花岗岩地层中面波的传播速度;同震位移最大振幅和震中距的对数、 震级之间具有明显线性关系,震级越大,同震位移的最大振幅越大;地震震级是断层体垂直同震形变振动持续时间的主要影响因素,震级越大,同震形变振动持续时间越长. 根据断层仪观测数据推算得到的断层体垂直向同震形变延迟时间、同震位移最大振幅、振动持续时间的经验计算公式,对于地震同震形变研究具有一定意义.   相似文献   

本文根据地震和地震构造等资料,研究华北地区公元1300年以来MS≥6.5级地震的发震断裂的基本参数.利用1966年以来隆尧、海城、渤海和唐山等有仪器记录的地震的相关参数进行回归分析得出了地震烈度Ⅷ度区长轴长度与余震区长轴长度的回归关系式及震级与震源体破裂长度的回归关系式.用余震区长轴长度代替震源体的破裂长度,从而给出各次地震的震源断层破裂长度.利用地震测深的地壳结构构造剖面、地震序列的震源分布、壳内低速层和地壳上部的构造、盆地构造与居里面分布和已知地震震源分布等资料推断了震源破裂的上下界.基于一定的合理假定推导出了断层滑动角的估计方法,并应用于本研究区,得出了各次事件的断层滑动角.  相似文献   

汶川MS 8.0地震地表破裂带   总被引:75,自引:15,他引:75  
2008年5月12日14时28分4秒,四川省汶川县发生MS8.0大地震。发震断裂为龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂。该次地震的地表破裂可分成2条,分别出现在龙门山断裂带中的映秀-北川断裂、彭县-灌县断裂上,前者破裂长度约200km,后者破裂长度约80km。本次地震的最大垂直和右旋水平同震位移出现在都江堰市虹口乡附近的映秀-北川断裂上,分别为(5±0.2)m和(4.8±0.2)m。破裂带南段出露的地表断层产状为N32°E/NW∠76°,其上的侧伏角为S75°~80°W,反映了该次地震在南段以逆冲运动为主,兼有少量的右旋走滑分量  相似文献   

基于高分辨率卫星影像解译,通过野外地质地貌填图与差分GPS测量,初步获得了帕米尔高原1895年塔什库尔干地震地表破裂带的空间展布、破裂类型、位移及分布等基本参数,据此估算了可能的地震震级,讨论了其宏观震中及发震构造模型.塔什库尔干地震使得慕士塔格正断层南段的部分和整个塔合曼正断层发生破裂,形成了长约27km的地震地表破...  相似文献   

在芦山县龙门乡发现芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震地表破裂的迹象,这些迹象点呈NE-SW向线状分布,总体走向N40°~50°E,长2~ 3km.根据水泥路面变形推断水平缩短量为8cm,垂直抬升量1 ~ 2em.地表未见走滑分量,运动学特征表现为由NW向SE的推挤作用.在地震地表破裂的力学性质方面,有斜向剪切裂缝,也有挤压对冲逆断层性质,但更多地表现为张性裂缝,这与拱曲顶部的局部张性应力场有关.虽然这些地表破裂组合特征不同,性质也有差异,但均反映了龙门乡一带受到NW-SE向挤压作用以及逆断层发震构造沿线近地表常见的拱曲作用.与大川-双石断裂(前山断裂)、大邑-名山断裂(山前断裂)相比,芦山-龙门隐伏推测断裂更有可能是此次地震的发震断裂,这一推论也与此次地震序列的精定位结果以及地震烈度分布特征相符.有关芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震发震断裂的认识,对研究此次地震的发震构造特征以及评价未来山前地带地震危险性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川发生MS8.0地震,发震断裂在地表形成以逆断为主的破裂变形带。同震地表变形带的定量分析对理解地震的构造行为具有重要意义。文中以汶川地震典型调查点为例探讨了逆断型同震地表破裂变形带测量分析中值得重视并容易误解的几个问题,分析了地貌面标志和线性标志等测量数据与构造变形参数的几何关系,给出了变形参数的求解方法和相互关系。同时,就多观测点的定量数据在区域断裂几何结构变化和运动学分析中的运用进行了讨论  相似文献   


野外地质调查发现金沙江断裂带北段麦宿断裂附近发育长约50 km的地震地表破裂带,其最大垂直位移为2 m。基于该地震地表破裂带周围架设的密集地震台阵于2020 年 12 月至 2022 年 7 月期间记录到的连续波形数据,采用双差定位方法对(31.55°N—31.85°N,98.31°E—98.98°E) 区域内的578个地震事件进行定位,并利用基于P波初动的HASH方法对定位得到的地震事件进行震源机制解反演,获得了37组震源机制解,最后使用基于震源机制解的阻尼区域应力场反演方法对研究区域的应力环境进行了分析。精定位结果显示:研究区内沿地震地表破裂带分布着一条长约40 km的WNW−ESE向地震密集条带,震源密集分布在3—10 km深度范围内,深度剖面向北陡倾;同时还存在一条长约30 km的NNW−SSE向地震密集条带,震源密集分布在3—11 km深度范围内,深度剖面向西陡倾。震源机制解结果显示,研究区内地震的震源机制解以走滑型为主,占所获震源机制解的51.4%,同时也存在少量逆断型和正断型。震源机制解P轴的优势方位为近 NW−SE 向,与最大主压应力 σ1 方向 323°相近。P 轴、T 轴、最大主压应力σ1 以及最小主压应力σ3 的倾角总体上较小,表明研究区内应力处于近 NW−SE 向的水平挤压状态;应力结构为走滑型,与地震定位和震源机制解结果相同;应力形因子R=0.57,表明最大主压应力σ1、中间主压应力 σ2和最小主压应力σ3的本征值基本呈等差数列排列,其中σ1σ3均为确定值。WNW−ESE向的地震密集条带具右旋走滑兼有正断和逆断分量,NNW−SSE向的地震密集条带具左旋走滑特征,表现为共轭断层特征。综合认为研究区曾发生过一次M>7.0 地震,近NW−SE向水平挤压的应力状态与北部NW−SE向甘孜—玉树—鲜水河断裂带强烈左旋走滑有关。


2008年5月12日在四川西部发生的汶川地震是一次以逆冲运动为主,兼有右旋走滑运动的斜滑型地震,形成了有史以来最长、最复杂的地表破裂之一.其中,很多复杂现象到目前为止还没有得到很好的解释或一致的认识,如小鱼洞地区出现的NW走向的小鱼洞断裂,在小鱼洞以北出现的2条相距llkm的平行断裂同时破裂的现象等.通过在小鱼洞地区的详细野外调查,获得了详细的地表破裂分布及同震位移分布,在此基础上对小鱼洞地区地表破裂的机制进行了分析.结果表明,造成上述复杂地表破裂的根本原因是汶川地震的主断层北川-映秀断裂的产状变化,即北川-映秀断裂在小鱼洞以北向NW偏移约3.5km.其破裂机制是:1)北川-映秀断裂的右旋走滑运动在小鱼洞西侧的左阶挤压阶区引起的挤压隆升形成前冲断层,即小鱼洞断裂;2)由于北川-映秀断裂在小鱼洞以北向NW偏移3.5km,导致其断层面倾角变大,逆冲运动引起的断层上盘对下盘的挤压方向变化,结合右旋走滑引起的上盘对下盘的侧向推挤,两者共同作用突破了彭灌断裂,从而形成了2条相距llkm的平行断裂同时错动的现象.另外,文中建议应该重视北川-映秀断裂右旋走滑运动分量、断层产状变化以及断层上、下盘的岩性差异对汶川地震地表破裂过程及地表破裂分布的影响.  相似文献   

Introduction In AD 1303, the great Hongtong, Shanxi, earthquake of magnitude 8 caused a very serious disaster, which killed over one hundred thousands people at least (Department of Earthquake Dis- *aster Prevention, State Seismological Bureau, 1995). On the occasion of commemorating this ca-tastrophe having occurred for 700 years, we have important problems that need to be answered: How long the average recurrence interval of the grea…  相似文献   

On January 21 2016, an earthquake of MS6.4 hit the Lenglongling fault zone(LLLFZ)in the NE Tibetan plateau, which has a contrary focal mechanism solution to the Ms 6.4 earthquake occurring in 1986. Fault behaviors of both earthquakes in 1986 and 2016 are also quite different from the left-lateral strike-slip pattern of the Lenglongling fault zone. In order to find out the seismogenic structure of both earthquakes and figure out relationships among the two earthquakes and the LLLFZ, InSAR co-seismic deformation map is constructed by Sentinel -1A data. Moreover, the geological map, remote sensing images, relocation of aftershocks and GPS data are also combined in the research. The InSAR results indicate that the co-seismic deformation fields are distributed on both sides of the branch fault(F2)on the northwest of the Lenglongling main fault(F1), where the Earth's surface uplifts like a tent during the 2016 earthquake. The 2016 and 1986 earthquakes occurred on the eastern and western bending segments of the F2 respectively, where the two parts of the F2 bend gradually and finally join with the F1. The intersections between the F1 and F2 compose the right-order and left-order alignments in the planar geometry, which lead to the restraining bend and releasing bend because of the left-lateral strike-slip movement, respectively. Therefore, the thrust and normal faults are formed in the two bending positions. In consequence, the focal mechanism solutions of the 2016 and 1986 earthquakes mainly present the compression and tensional behaviors, respectively, both of which also behave as slight strike-slip motion. All results indicate that seismic activity and tectonic deformation of the LLLFZ play important parts in the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone, as well as in the NE Tibetan plateau. The complicated tectonic deformation of NE Tibetan plateau results from the collisions from three different directions between the north Eurasian plate, the east Pacific plate and the southwest Indian plate. The intensive tectonic movement leads to a series of left-lateral strike-slip faults in this region and the tectonic deformation direction rotates clockwise gradually to the east along the Qilian-Haiyuan tectonic zone. The Menyuan earthquake makes it very important to reevaluate the earthquake risk of this region.  相似文献   

在近些年的野外调查中,我们在安宁河、则木河2断裂带的过渡段(礼州至西昌之间)及其附近的3个场地发现了未知年代的地表破裂。通过分析这些地表破裂的特征以及在本区历史地震重破坏区中的位置,我们认为位于杨福山村以北与大坪子村以西2个场地的破裂应是1536年大地震地表破裂带的遗迹。这不仅反映了1536年大地震破裂带的南段沿安宁河与则木河断裂带的过渡段产生,而且反映了该破裂带的南端很可能到达了或者很接近于西昌。位于西昌略北李金堡村以东的破裂应属于1850年大地震地表破裂带的遗迹,它进一步证明了1850年大地震地表破裂带的西北端可能到达西昌以北至少数千米处。因而,由文中的证据可推断西昌附近的主干活动断裂在1536年和1850年大地震时均发生了破裂  相似文献   

The existence of asperity has been confirmed by heterogeneously distributed seismic activities along the slipping surface associated with recent huge earthquakes, such as the M8.0 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and M9.0 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. The location of asperity embedded in the seismogenic depth always corresponds to the area of high value of the co-seismic displacement and stress drop where the elastic energy is accumulated during the inter-seismic periods. Fault segmentation is an essential step for seismic hazard assessment. So far, the fault trace is dominantly segmented by considering its geometric features, such as bends and steps. But the connection between the asperity and geometric feature of the slipping surface is under dispute. Research on correlation between geometric feature of surface rupture and co-seismic displacement is of great significance to understand the relationship of seismicity distribution to geometric morphology of sliding surface. To scrutinize the correlation between the geometric feature and co-seismic displacement, we compiled 28 earthquake cases among which there are 19 strike-slip events and 9 dip-slip events. These cases are mainly collected from the published investigation reports and research papers after the earthquake occurred. All the earthquakes' magnitude is between MW5.4~8.1 except for the MW5.4 Ernablla earthquake. The range of the rupture length lies between 4.5~426km. Each case contains surface rupture trace mapped in detail with corresponding distribution of co-seismic displacement, but the rupture maps vary in projected coordinate system. So, in order to obtain uniform vector graphics for the following data processing, firstly, vectorization of the surface rupture traces associated with each case should be conducted, and secondly, the vector graphics are transformed into identical geographic coordinate system, i.e. WGS1984-UTM projected coordinate system, and detrended to adjust its fitted trend line into horizontal orientation. The geometric features of surface rupture trace are characterized from three aspects, i.e. strike change, step and roughness. Previous studies about the rupture geometry always describe the characteristics from the whole trace length, consequently, the interior change of the geometric characteristics of the rupture is overlooked. In order to solve this problem, a technique of moving window with a specified window size and moving step is performed to quantify the change of feature values along the fault strike. The selected window size would directly affect the quantified result of the geometric feature. There are two contrary effects, large window size would neglect the detail characteristics of the trace, and small window size would split the continuity of the target object and increase the noise component. So we tested a set of sizes on the Gobi-Altay case to select a proper value and choose 1/25 of the whole rupture length as a proper scaling. Here, we utilize the included angle value of the fitted line in the adjoining windows, Coefficient of variation and the intercept value of the PSD(Power Spectra Density)for characterizing the change of strike, step size and roughness. The rupture trace is extracted within every moving window to calculate the aforementioned feature values. Then we can obtain three sets of data from every rupture trace. The co-seismic displacement is averaged in piecewise with uniform interval and moving step along the fault strike. Then, the correlations between three kinds of feature value and the co-seismic displacement are calculated respectively, as well as the P-value of correlation coefficient significant test.We divided cases into two groups according to the slip mode, i.e. strike-slip group and dip-slip group, and contrast their results. In the correlation result list, there is an apparent discrepancy in correlation values between the two groups. The values of the strike-slip group mostly show negative, which indicates that geometric feature of the rupture trace is in inverse proportion to the displacement. In dip-slip group, the values distribute around zero, which suggests the geometric features is irrelevant to the displacement. Through the analysis of the correlation between the surface rupture and co-seismic displacement, the following conclusions can be reached:1)In comparison with the dip-slip earthquake type, the characteristics of surface rupture of strike-slip earthquakes have a higher-level of correlation with the distribution of the co-seismic displacement, which suggests that the geometric features of strike-slip active faults may have a higher reference value in the fault-segmentation research than the dip-slip type; 2)In most strike-slip events, there is a negative correlation between the geometric features and the co-seismic displacement, which implicates that the higher the feature values of the steps, strike change and roughness, the lower the corresponding co-seismic displacement is; 3)Among the three quantified features of the surface rupture trace, the ranking of relevancy between them and the co-seismic displacement is:step size > strike change > roughness.  相似文献   

1850年西昌地震地表破裂带的考察研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据实地考察研究结果,1850年西昌地震地表形变带全长约90km。现存的地表破裂形迹有地震断层、地震裂缝、地震沟槽、地堑、地震陷坑、冲沟及山脊位错、崩塌滑坡等。最大左旋水平位错5.7m,垂直位错3.8m,形变带严格沿则木河断裂展布。该次地震的发震构造应为则木河断裂,震级M≥7.5级。  相似文献   

On April 1, 1936, an M6¾ earthquake occurred on the Fangcheng-lingshan Fault. So far, the Lingshan M6¾ earthquake is the biggest one in South China. There are some reports about the Lingshan earthquake fissures, but its surface rupture hasn't been systemically studied. Based on the geological mapping and measurement of the right-lateral displacement and vertical offset, the surface rupture zone caused by the Lingshan M6¾ earthquake was found, which contains two secondary surface rupture zones in the east and west respectively, its strike varies from N55°E to N60°E with en echelon-like distribution along the north section of Lingshan Fault, and its total length is about 12.5km. The western surface rupture zone locates intermittently along Gaotang-Xiatang-Liumeng, about 9.4km in length, with a right-lateral displacement of 0.54~2.9m and a vertical offset of 0.23~1.02m; the other one appears between Jiaogenping and Hekou, about 3.1km in length, with a right-lateral displacement of 0.36~1.3m and a vertical offset of 0.15~0.57m. The maximum right-lateral displacement and vertical offset are 2.9m and 1.02m, appearing at the east of Xiatang reservoir. The types of surface rupture mainly contain earthquake fault, earthquake scarp, earthquake fissure, earthquake colluvial wedge, earthquake caused landslide and liquefaction of sand and so on. The earthquake fault develops at the east of Xiatang and Jiaogenping, earthquake scarp appears at Xiaoyilu and Xiatang, earthquake fissure locates at Xiatang, there are multiple earthquake landslides along the surface rupture zone, and the trench LSTC03 exposes the earthquake colluvial wedge. In order to further investigate the Lingshan earthquake surface rupture zones, the author compares the parameters of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake with the similar typical earthquakes in western China, the results show that the parameters of Lingshan earthquake are similar to the typical earthquakes in western China. The length of Lingshan earthquake surface rupture is shorter, but the dislocation is bigger. The author considers that this is mainly related with the parameters of Lingshan earthquake, site condition and structural environment of surface rupture zone, the symbols of dislocation measuring, human activity and weather condition and so on. The research of surface rupture zone features and analysis of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake provides important and basic data for exploring the seismogenic structure of Lingshan M6¾ earthquake, and it has important scientific significance.  相似文献   

重复地震是指不同时期发生在断层同一位置的一组地震,表现为波形和震源机制上的高度相似.重复地震可用来探测断层深部形变、刻画断层行为、评估地震灾害.然而,重复地震的识别条件阈值设置尚没有统一的标准,常用的识别参数存在较大的主观性,会导致识别重复地震存在误差.为解决上述问题,本研究利用基于机器学习中的层次聚类算法构建了一个自动高效的重复地震识别方法.首先采用波形并行互相关技术计算地震波形之间的互相关系数,结合S-P到时差方法估算地震震源之间的距离,再利用层次聚类方法将地震聚类,获得重复地震.本文将该方法应用至甘孜—玉树断裂带和东昆仑断裂带地区的地震活动,识别重复地震并估算断层滑动速率.在甘孜—玉树断裂带附近共识别出 6组重复地震组,它们均沿甘孜—玉树断裂带走向布展,平均断层滑动速率为 7.4 mm/a.东昆仑断裂带附近共识别出 3组重复地震组,平均断层滑动速率为 6.9 mm/a.沿东昆仑断裂东段,断层滑动速率呈现出速率向东逐渐降低的趋势,显示该区域复杂的动力作用过程.这些结果与野外地质观测和GPS大地测量结果较为一致.基于实际数据测试和验证,结果表明本文发展的基于聚类的识别重复地震方法具有自动、高效、便捷的特性,为准确识别重复地震提供了重要的基础资料,为分析断层活动性提供了重要约束.  相似文献   

1303年山西洪洞M8大地震距今已700年. 为了分析长期地震危险性,本文将山西断陷带太原——临汾部分划分为5个震源段,根据历史地震和GPS观测资料,估算出各段的平均地震矩率与强地震平均复发间隔,进而根据最近30多年的台网地震资料计算获得的b值图象,分析不同段落现今应力积累的相对水平. 主要结果表明:临汾盆地段的平均地震矩率为2.211016~3.031016Nm/a, M7.5地震的平均复发间隔估值为1 560~2 140 a. 灵石——洪洞段M8地震的平均复发间隔估值在4300~5100 a之间, 相当于平均矩率为2.581016~3.101016Nm/a. b值图象显示灵石——洪洞段与临汾盆地段现今处于低或较低的应力水平,可能反映自1303年M8和1695年M7.5大地震破裂后,这两段的断面强度至今仍未恢复. 候马段和介休——汾阳段具有相对较高的应力水平,并结合平均复发间隔估值,判定这两个段落可能是未来强震的潜在危险段.   相似文献   

有关1976年唐山地震发震断层的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
江娃利 《地震地质》2006,28(2):312-318
对《地震地质》刊登的两篇文章中有关唐山断裂是高角度西倾的逆冲走滑断裂及唐山市东侧付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震的发震断裂的观点进行讨论。笔者认为,如果唐山地震断层是西倾的逆冲走滑活动,需要考虑唐山逆冲断裂的活动方式与唐山市西侧第四纪凹陷之间的关系;如果付庄-西河断裂是唐山地震震源构造的地表破裂,需要解释该西倾的倾滑断裂带与唐山市内走滑地裂缝带的成因联系。此外,还需要更有说服力的证据排除该地表破裂带是次生构造破裂的可能。建议对控制草泊第四纪凹陷的活动断裂开展调查  相似文献   

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