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郯庐断裂带池河段的新活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
姚大全  刘加灿 《地震学报》2004,26(6):616-622
对郯庐断裂带池河段进行了遥感影像判读,地震地质实地调查,钻孔探测资料分析,样品采集测试,以及结合地震活动特征分析和微观构造解析. 结果表明,郯庐断裂带池河段晚第四纪期间仍具有粘蠕滑交替的变形活动,最新活动方式以蠕滑活动为主.  相似文献   

莱州湾海域郯庐断裂带活断层探测   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
利用浅地层剖面仪对郯庐断裂带莱州湾段进行了活断层探测,发现郯庐断裂带主干断裂在第四纪晚期以来具有明显的活动,继承了晚第三纪以来的主要构造活动特点,仍是这一区域的主导性构造. 西支KL3断裂由多条高角度正断裂组成,最新活动时代为晚更新世晚期至全新世早期,受到一系列错断晚更新世晚期沉积的北东或近东西向断裂的切割;东支龙口断裂由两段右阶斜列的次级断层组成,沿断裂带不但有明显的晚第四纪断错活动,而且还发育北北东向晚第四纪生长褶皱,表现出明显的晚更新世晚期至全新世活动特征. 在山东陆地区也发现了与龙口断裂相对应的安丘——莒县断裂,安丘段由一系列右阶斜列的次级断层组成. 从安丘向北至莱州湾凹陷,郯庐断裂带东支活断层构成了一条右旋单剪变形带,每一个次级活断层段相当于带内理论上次级压剪面,在第四纪晚期以来仍以右旋走滑活动为主要特征.   相似文献   

The NE-trending Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone is a tectonic belt, located in the interior of the Yunkai uplift in the west of Guangdong Province, clamping the Lianjiang synclinorium and consisting of the eastern branch and the western branch. The southwestern segment of the eastern branch of Xinyi-Lianjiang fault zone, about 34km long, extends from the north of Guanqiao, through Lianjiang, to the north of Hengshan. However, it is still unclear about whether the segment extends to Jiuzhoujiang alluvial plain or not, which is in the southwest of Hengshan. If it does, what is about its fault activity? According to ‘Catalogue of the Modern Earthquakes of China’, two moderately strong earthquakes with magnitude 6.0 and 6.5 struck the Lianjiang region in 1605 AD. So it is necessary to acquire the knowledge about the activity of the segment fault, which is probably the corresponding seismogenic structure of the two destructive earthquakes. And the study on the fault activity of the segment can boost the research on seismotectonics of moderately strong earthquakes in Southeast China. In order to obtain the understanding of the existence of the buried fault of the southwestern segment, shallow seismic exploration profiles and composite borehole sections have been conducted. The results indicate its existence. Two shallow seismic exploration profiles show that buried depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throw of the buried fault are 60m and 4~7m(L5-1 and L5-2 segment, the Hengshan section), 85m and 5~8m(L5-3 segment), 73m and 3~5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively and all of them suggest the buried fault has offset the base of the Quaternary strata. Two composite borehole sections reveal that the depth of the upper breakpoints and vertical throws of the buried segment are about 66m and 7.5m(Hengshan section) and 75m and 5m(Tiantouzai section), respectively. The drilling geological section in Hengshan reveals that the width of the fault could be up to 27m. Chronology data of Quaternary strata in the two drilling sections, obtained by means of electron spin resonance(ESR), suggest that the latest activity age of the buried fault of the southwestern segment is from late of early Pleistocene(Tiantouzai section) to early stage of middle Pleistocene(Hengshan section). Slip rates, obtained by Hengshan section and Tiantouzai section, are 0.1mm/a and 0.013mm/a, respectively. As shown by the fault profile located in a bedrock exposed region in Shajing, there are at least two stages of fault gouge and near-horizontal striation on the fault surface, indicating that the latest activity of the southwestern segment is characterized by strike-slip movement. Chronology data suggest that the age of the gouge formed in the later stage is(348±49) ka.  相似文献   

Anqiu-Juxian Fault(F5) is the latest active fault in the eastern graben of the middle segment of the Tanlu fault zone. In recent years, the research results of F5 in Jiangsu Province are abundant, and it is found that Holocene activity is prevalent in different segments, and the movement pattern is dominated by dextral strike-slip and squeezing thrust. The Anhui segment and the Jiangsu segment of the Tan-Lu fault zone are bounded by the Huaihe River. Previous studies have not discussed the extension and activity of F5 in the south of the Huaihe River in Anhui Province. This paper chooses the Ziyangshan segment of Tanlu fault zone in the south of the Huaihe River as the breakthrough point, which is consistent with the linear image feature of extension of F5 in Jiangsu Province. Through the remote sensing image interpretation, geological and geomorphological investigation and trench excavation, we initially get the following understanding:(1)The linear structural features of the Ziyang segment are clear, and the fault is developed on the gentle slope of the Mesozoic red sandstone uplift along the Fushan-Ziyangshan, which is the southern extension of the Anqiu-Juxian Fault(F5); (2)The excavation of the Zhuliu trench reveals that the late Pleistocene clastic layers are interrupted, and the late late Pleistocene to early Holocene black clay layers are filled along the fault to form black fault strips and black soil-filled wedges, indicating that the latest active age of the fault is early Holocene; (3)The excavation of Zhuliu trench reveals that there are at least 3 paleo-earthquake events since the Quaternary, the first paleo-seismic event is dated to the early and middle Quaternary, and the 2nd paleo-seismic event is 20.10~13.46ka BP, the age of the third paleo-seismic event is(10.15±0.05)~(8.16±0.05)ka BP. These results complement our understanding of the late Quaternary activity in the Anhui segment of the Tanlu fault zone, providing basic data for earthquake monitoring and seismic damage prevention in Anhui Province.  相似文献   

Existing achievements about Baotou Fault demonstrate it as a buried eastern boundary of the Baiyanhua Basin in Hetao active fault subsidence zone,striking NE.More data is needed to assess its activity.Located in the relay ramp between Wulashan Fault and Daqingshan Fault,Baotou Fault's activity is of great importance to discuss the linkage mode and the response to the earthquake of the adjacent fault.Also it is necessary to the knowledge of the characteristic of the seismic tectonic in local area.Recently it is prevalent to combine shallow seismic profile and composite drilling section to study the activity of the buried fault.Shallow seismic profile indicates that Baotou Fault is a normal fault,inclining to NW.The displacement of the Tg at 75m underground is 25m.Composite drilling section indicates that it is a growth fault,the up-break point of which is 45.6m underground and ends in brownish red clay strata of early Pleistocene.In comparison,the upper Late Pleistocene strata are out of the influences of the tectonic subsidence zone.Baotou Fault's activity is limited to the early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Anqiu-Juxian Fault is an important fault in the Tanlu fault zone, with the largest seismic risk, the most recent activity date and the most obvious surface traces. It is also the seismogenic fault of the Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake in 1668. There are many different views about the southern termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake and the Holocene activity in Jiangsu segment of this fault. Research on the latest activity time of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, particularly the termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake, is of great significance to the assessment of its earthquake potential and seismic risk. Based on trench excavation on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, we discuss the time and characteristics of its latest activity. Multiple geological sections from southern Maling Mountain to Chonggang Mountain indicate that there was an ancient seismic event occurring in Holocene on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault. We suggest the time of the latest seismic event is about(4.853±0.012)~(2.92±0.3)ka BP by dating results. The latest activity is characterized by thrust strike-slip faulting, with the maximum displacement of 1m. Combined with the fault rupture characteristics of each section, it is inferred that only one large-scale paleo-earthquake event occurred on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault since the Holocene. The upper parts of the fault are covered by horizontal sand layers, not only on the trench in the west of Chonggang mountain but also on the trench in Hehuan Road in Suqian city, which indicates that the main part of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault was probably not the surface rupture zone of the 1668 Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake. In short, the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has experienced many paleo-earthquake events since the late Pleistocene, with obvious activity during the Holocene. The seismic activities of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault have the characteristics of large magnitude and low frequency. The Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has the deep tectonic and seismic-geological backgrounds of big earthquakes generation and should be highly valued by scientists.  相似文献   

The fault F5 is considered as the most active fault in the Tanlu fault zone(Yi-Shu fault zone), which is located from Weifang of Shandong Province to Jiashan of Anhui Province, with a length of 360km. It has always been a focus of concern to many geoscientists because of its complexity and importance. But, for a long period of time, there exists biggish indetermination in the accurate position and active ages of the fault F5 in Suqian section of Tanlu fault zone. Seismic reflection exploration is the main technique in present urban active faults detecting. In order to investigate the spatial distribution, characteristics and activities of the fault F5 in covered terrains, we carried out a systematic survey to the fault with shallow seismic prospecting method and obtained the accurate position and development characteristics of the fault. The results show that the fault F5 continues to develop toward south rather than ending at the Huancheng South Road of Suqian City. F5 is mainly composed of two main faults, which dip in opposite directions and almost vertically. Near the Sankeshu town, F5 is composed of three faults with right-stepping, forming a small pull-apart basin with length of 6km, width of 2.5km, controlling the deposition of Neogene and Quaternary strata. By combining the results of composite drilling section and trenching, we make a conclusion that the western branch of fault F5 is a Holocene active fault, and the eastern branch is a Pleistocene active fault. Our general view is that fault F5 is a Holocene active fault.  相似文献   

The Yishu fault zone is one of the branch faults of the Tanlu fault zone in its central part. Moderate and strong earthquakes occurred in the Yishu fault zone repeatedly. Due to its complex structure, the Yishu fault zone attracts much attention from earthquake researches. The Anqiu and Juxian electromagnetic stations in Shandong Province locate near the Anqiu-Juxian Fault and Changyi-Dadian Fault, which are branches of the Yishu fault zone, respectively. Geoelectric field and geomagnetic field observation were carried out in these two stations. The Wudi electromagnetic station is in the west of Tanlu fault zone in the Jidong-Bohai block and 230km from Anqiu electromagnetic station. This paper firstly describes the crustal structure near the electromagnetic stations by using magnetotelluric(MT)method. By processing the data carefully, we obtain the MT data in good quality near the stations. The MT data of each electromagnetic station and its nearby area suggests that the electrical structure and geological structure of the station are comparable. This paper applied 1-D and 2-D inversion for MT data and obtained the crustal electrical structure model beneath the Anqiu and Juxian seismic station. The shallow electrical structure from the MT method was compared with the results of symmetrical quadrupole electrical sounding. The model suggests that the electrical structure beneath the Anqiu and Juxian electromagnetic stations is complex and shows the feature of block boundary. The Wudi electromagnetic station is located inside a basin, the crustal structure shows layered feature typical for the stable blocks. Beneath the Anqiu electromagnetic station, there is a 1km-thick relative low resistivity layer in the shallow crust and a high resistivity body beneath it with a depth of 13km. There is a high resistivity structure in the crust beneath the Juxian electromagnetic station. The crustal structures are divided into two different parts by Anqiu-Juxian Fault and Changyi-Dadian Fault, respectively. More conductive layers appear to the west of the two faults. Plenty of fluid possibly exists within the conductive body to the west of Changyi-Dadian Fault, which plays important role in the earthquake generation. There is a relative low resistivity layer in the crust within 1~2km beneath the Wudi electromagnetic station. Beneath the relatively low resistivity layer, a relatively high resistivity layer extends to a depth of around 15km, and the resistivity value decreases with the increase of depth. The electrical resistivity model suggests the seismic activity of the Yishu fault zone around the Anqiu and Juxian electromagnetic stations should be taken into account seriously, and monitoring and research on it need to be strengthened. The results of this paper provide a certain reference value for the crustal structure research to similar stations.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带莒县胡家孟晏地震破裂带的发现   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郯庐断裂带是中国东部最主要的一条活动断裂带。在该断裂带中部,沂沭断裂东地堑的潍坊—嘉山段中发育了1条长360km的全新世活动断裂带(F5),在该全新世断裂带的北段和中段分别发生了公元70年的安丘地震和公元1668年的郯城地震。2003年底我们考察沭河断裂带时,在莒县境内发现了1条长约7km的地震破裂带,作为活动断层应该归属于F5断裂带,但其是一条独立的地震破裂段还是归属于1668年郯城8.5级地震破裂带有待于进一步的研究。尽管如此,探槽揭示出的上覆未经破坏的地层的14C年代表明,该破裂带在(2140±190)aBP以来没有过活动,因此我们认为其作为1条独立破裂段的可能性较大  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中段全新世活断层的特征滑动行为与特征地震   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
晁洪太  李家灵 《内陆地震》1994,8(4):297-304
郯庐断裂带中段全新世活断层由3个独立的破裂段组成。从各破裂段的运动性质、位移分布看,断层的运动属特征地震型滑动。地震活动以强震活动为主,强震具有周期性原地重复发生的特点,且其强度基本相同;中强地震缺失或很少发生;b值在高震级范围内具低b值的非线性关系。这些特点正是特征地震的典型表现.根据郯庐断裂带中段活断层全新世以来的活动特点看,未来该区仍然以特征地震方式活动.按郯庐带的强震复发间隔和各段的最新一次活动时代推算,未来一段时期内新沂-宿迁段复发大震的可能性较大,安丘段次之,莒县-郯城段复发大震的可能性则很小。  相似文献   

在城市活断层调查中,利用电阻率二维层析成像测量方法,对郯庐断裂带山东潍坊段的地震活断层进行了探测试验,取得了较理想的勘探效果。沂水-汤头断裂、刘家庄断裂的二维电阻率反演结果表明,断裂带两侧的电性结构呈现出整体性的差异,正断层的上盘为低阻区和局部高、低阻扰动区;而断层下盘多为均匀的高阻区;断层为高角度断层。试验探测表明:在城市活断层调查中,选用合适的电极装置类型,电阻率层析成像是一种有效的勘探方法  相似文献   

The relationship between the latest activity of active fault and seismic events is of the utmost importance. The Tan-lu fault zone in eastern China is a major fault zone, of which the active characteristics of the segments in Jiangsu, Shandong and Anhui has been the focus of research. This study takes the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault in Sihong County as the main research area. We carried out a detailed geological survey and excavated two trenches across the steep slope on the southwest side of the Dahongshan. Each trench shows fault clearly. Combining the comparative analysis of previous work, we identified and cataloged the late Quaternary deformation events and prehistoric earthquake relics, and analyzed the activity stages and behavior of this segment. Fault gonge observed in the trench profiles shows that multiple earthquake events occurred in the fault. The faulting dislocated the Neogene sandstone, black gravel layer and gray clay layer. Brown clay layer is not broken. According to the relations of dislocated stratums, corresponding 14C and OSL samples were collected and dated. The result indicates that the Dahongshan segment of the Tanlu Fault has experienced strong earthquakes since the late Quaternary. Thrust fault, normal fault and strike-slip fault are found in the trenches. The microscopic analysis of slices from fault shows that there are many stick-creep events taking place in the area during the late Quaternary. Comprehensive analysis shows that there have been many paleoearthquakes in this region since the late Quaternary, the recent active time is the late Pleistocene, and the most recent earthquake event occurred in(12~2.5ka BP). The neotectonic activity is relatively weak in the Anhui segment(south of the Huaihe River)of Tanlu fault zone. There are difficulties in the study of late Quaternary activity. For example, uneven distribution of the Quaternary, complex geological structure, larger man-made transformation of surface and so on. The progressive research may be able to promote the study on the activity of the Anhui segment of Tanlu fault zone.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of research on the activity of Xinyi-Sihong segment of the Tanlu Fault zone, this paper focuses on the Zhangshan segment where there are quite evident geomorphic features to complement the shortage of the research on the northern part of Xinyi-Sihong segment. This study enriches evidences for the late Quaternary activity and paleoseismological events on the Xinyi-Sihong segment. The Zhangshan segment is located at Xiaodian Town to Jintou Village of Suqian City, stretching towards NE for 7 kilometers with a dip angle of 60~80. Research of tectonic geomorphology shows that gullies in northern part of Zhangshan segment were evidently displaced, while in the southern, two NE-trending right-stepped fault scarps are developed, with an average height of 3 meters, which generally suggests that the fault was dominated by thrust and dextral motion. Two trenches were excavated in the southern part of Zhangshan segment, numbered Mayao trench 1 and Mayao trench 2. Both trenches reveal that:(1)within this segment, Tanlu Fault shows periodic fault activity, that is, normal faulting during Pliocene epoch while thrust faulting in Quaternary period; (2)an event occurred between 15.12ka BP to 11.82 BP; (3)the latest event possibly took place around 3 500 a BP. Based on integrated results of previous studies, we identify the dates of paleoseismic events on the Xinyi-Sihong segment as follows:more than 960 thousands years ago, early to middle period of late Pleistocene, (15.12~11.82)ka BP, (11.76±0.05)ka~(10.53±0.05)ka BP, (10.15±0.05)ka~(8.16±0.05)ka BP and 4 960~3 510a BP.  相似文献   

中卫—同心断裂带西段位于宁夏中卫县甘塘附近,在近期的某重大工程场地的区域地震地质野外调查中,经过断层陡坎和断错冲沟等微地貌测量、槽探揭露、年代样品的采集和测定,获得了断层最新活动时代、活动方式、垂直和水平位移量等资料,表明了它在晚第四纪以来的活动特征。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带地壳活动新特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在多期大面积水准复测资料分析结果的基础上,结合最新复测资料,并首次结合苏鲁皖三省的跨断层流动水量资料和郯庐带地震台的形变监测资料进行了全时空地、系统地分析、给出了全部有异常活动并去掉长趋势线性项的观测值曲线。  相似文献   

张月辉  郭斌  王斌  沈笑 《高原地震》2013,25(1):22-26
通过对郯庐断裂带构造进行分段分析,着重研究了1668年7月25日郯城大地震的背景、发震成因和震前异常,并对郯庐断裂带地震活动进行回顾,对比分析近年该带中南段地震活动图像、应力场特征,对郯庐断裂带南段地震活动特点进行探讨。  相似文献   

讨论了阿尔金断裂带1900年以来的5级以上地震活动,结果显示空间上地震活动具有分段性,其中在青海段出现5级地震填空性空段,并形成5级地震的平静区,时间上具有平静和活跃交替的特征。进一步分析阿尔金断裂带青海段(茫崖北—肃北)现代小震活动,结果显示:茫崖以西震源深度约40 km以内,青海段(茫崖北—肃北)震源深度约10 km范围内,超过10 km较少,肃北—黑崖子以东约100 km处震源深度由浅逐渐变深,从10 km左右逐渐变化到40 km左右。与此同时,依据上述资料探讨了阿尔金断裂带青海段的强震危险性。  相似文献   

The Zhuyangguan-Xiaguan fault is a major fault in the Nanyang Basin. Together with the the Shangxian-Danfeng fault in the south and the Tieluzi fault in the north, it serves as the north boundary of the East Qingling Mountains, as well as the dividing line between North China and South China blocks. This work studied the spatial extension, activity and shallow structure of Zhuyangguan-Xiaguan Fault by combination of shallow seismic exploration of three profiles across the fault and a composite drilling cross-section data. The anti-interference and high resolution shallow seismic reflection exploration method based on Vibseis techniques was used in the seismic survey. The results show the existence of the main fault and its southern branch. It can be determined that the the Zhuyangguan-Xiaguan fault is a NWW-trending normal fracture. The composite drilling cross-section reveals that the buried depth of the fault's up-breakpoint is about 17.6 to 20.5 meters and the latest active time is the late Middle Pleistocene. As one of the major buried faults in the Nanyang Basin, the Zhuyangguan-Xiaguan fault has restricted the development of Nanyang City for a long time due to its unclear location and activity characteristics. The results of this study can provide geological and geophysical evidence for seismic risk assessment and site selection for the major lifeline projects in Nanyang City.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂带西端地震近纬向迁移特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1988年11月6日云南澜沧—耿马发生7.6级地震以来,我国大陆地区已有3年半未发生Ms≥7.0级地震。另外,自1991年2月25日新疆柯坪发生6.5地震以来,上述地区已有15个月未发生Ms≥6.0级地震。多数学者认为,6级地震长时间的缺失,意味着我国大陆地区7级地震的迫近。在这一活跃期内。下一个7级强震究竟发生在何处?  相似文献   

北祁连山东段活动断裂带的分段性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
根据北祁连山东段活动断裂带1:5万地质填图资料,系统分析了断裂带的几何学特征,位移分布,滑动速率,古地震及历史地震活动在时空上的非均匀性特征,研究了断裂带的破裂分段性。  相似文献   

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