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随着被动大陆边缘勘探的需求日益增加,为了更好的概括全球共轭被动大陆边缘的基本特征,本文试图在广泛调研全球具有代表性的12对大陆边缘的基础上,从大地构造背景、裂解时限、空间变化3个方面,系统总结12对共轭被动大陆边缘,进而得到4种基本类型:伊比利亚—纽芬兰型、加蓬—巴西南部型、新斯科舍—摩洛哥型、几内亚湾—巴西东北部型。伊比利亚—纽芬兰型是最常见且分布最广泛的类型,具有板缘造山带型、窄边缘型、长裂谷期型特征,地壳厚度及沉积物厚度小。结构呈明显分段性特征,裂谷时间充足,地幔剥露并发生蛇纹石化。加蓬—巴西南部型以板缘造山带型为主,具有窄边缘型、中裂谷期型特征,沉积厚度大,盆地发育大型高角度正断层控制沉积,并发育丰富的盐构造,边缘与古缝合带不重合。新斯科舍—摩洛哥型以板缘造山带型为主,具有宽边缘型、中裂谷期型特征,具有不对称裂解模式和洋盆生长模式,地壳结构和沉积物在共轭边缘呈现明显不对称性;发育反转构造,生长断层,走滑断层等多种类型构造。几内亚湾—巴西东北部型以板缘非造山带型为主,具有窄边缘型、短裂谷期型特征,发育多个转换边缘盆地,受张剪性的深大断层控制,地壳厚度及沉积物厚度的变化很大,具有裂...  相似文献   

为了分析南海共轭大陆边缘的地壳结构,在收集南海地区多次海底地震仪探测、海陆地震联测以及重、磁探测等成果资料的基础上,首先构建了南海北部陆缘3条由东向西横贯海陆的深部地壳结构剖面图,并以中地壳低速层和下地壳高速体的分布特征为基础,推测滨海断裂带可能为华南正常陆壳与南海减薄陆壳的分界断裂;以地壳减薄程度和下地壳高速层的尖灭...  相似文献   

南海共轭被动大陆边缘洋陆转换带构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海被动大陆边缘洋陆转换带与典型洋陆转换带相比有其特殊性,南海共轭被动陆缘的构造运动、火山活动以及海底地形的差异表明南、北洋陆转换带具有不同的构造特征。本文利用多条多道地震反射剖面和重力异常数据,研究南海共轭被动陆缘洋陆转换带构造特征差异性,探讨南海被动陆缘的类型和伸展模式。南海北部陆缘洋陆转换带可以划分为两种类型:一类以前缘铲状断块为界与洋壳区分,发育有裂陷期断陷、火山带(埋藏海山带)和不十分发育的向海倾的掀斜断块带;另一类则以海山为界,发育裂陷期断陷、宽缓的低凸起和火山或海山。深反射地震特征显示出了下地壳高速层的存在。南部以裂陷期断陷和明显的向海倾的掀斜断块为特征,以前缘铲式断层为界与洋壳区分。自由空间重力异常由陆向海从高异常值过渡为低异常值再到高异常值,预示着地壳由陆壳→过渡壳→洋壳的变化。结果表明,南海共轭被动陆缘更可能属于非火山型被动大陆边缘,其洋陆转换带的构造差异主要受岩石圈差异伸展变形控制。  相似文献   

被动大陆边缘地质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马文璞 《地质通报》1986,(3):239-248
大陆边缘代表地壳的基本不连续,大陆壳在这里与大洋壳相邻接,是研究大洋与大陆相互作用的关键场所。这里含有大陆形成过程的线索,因为越来越多的事实已证明,大多数山系是作为大陆边缘开始自己的历史的。被动大陆边缘(Passive continental margins),亦称大西洋型大陆边缘,是三种大陆边缘基本类型之一,是在拉张应力场下地壳减簿,大幅度沉陷的产物。以生成巨厚的沉积聚集为特征,岩浆活动弱,基本上不变形,与主动大陆边缘适成对照。粗略的估算表明,全世界新于两亿年的沉积岩体积中,一半以上是联合古陆(Pangea)自早中生代破裂以来在大西洋型边缘上堆积下来的。从而这些岩石就提供了  相似文献   

葛智渊 《地质论评》2021,67(1):159-172
内容提要:被动大陆边缘的含盐盆地多在重力作用下发育薄皮盐构造.这些构造不但记录了盆地的演化过程,而且往往富含大量的油气资源.因此,被动陆缘盐构造是学术界与工业界共同关注的热点.在传统的被动陆缘含盐盆地模型中,盆地主要在重力作用下形成上坡的拉张区,下坡的挤压区和两者之间的转移区.近年来,国际学术界围绕重力变形在盆地中的作...  相似文献   

扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文初次提出扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的地球化学特征是:a、裂陷早期阶段,发育碱性双峰式火山岩,但在裂陷的晚期和移离的早期阶段,发育碱性而不具双峰特征的火山岩、岩脉群;b、发育具两类不同地球化学特征的砂页岩,裂陷阶段形成的砂页岩与活动大陆边缘形成的砂页岩具相似的地球化学特征,移离阶段所形成的砂页岩才真正具被动大陆边缘砂页岩的地球化学特征。  相似文献   

自21世纪以来,被动陆缘盆地已成为全球油气勘探的重点领域。在统计被动陆缘盆地勘探数据,分析被动陆缘盆地历次理论、技术进展带来的勘探领域的不断突破和油气发现规律基础上,认为有三个方面大的持续发展,在勘探理论上已突破过去围绕裂谷找油,近年发展了坳陷型、转换型陆缘盆地油气成藏理论,提出在被动陆缘半封闭—封闭的局限大型坳陷周缘、转换型被动陆缘转换坳陷带、地幔出露带洋壳上覆远洋浊积砂领域找油的观点,在南大西洋西非段、西南非段、地中海东部、中北大西洋两端、东非海上均取得重大勘探突破;在勘探领域上横向呈现由陆上—浅海—深水—超深水,纵向由斜坡水道—斜坡扇—坡底扇—盐下碳酸盐岩—深水扇发展趋势;在工程技术上随着深水钻探、盐下目标地震识别刻画等技术发展,带动了水深3000 m以上目标钻探和勘探突破。全球被动陆缘早期勘探主要在墨西哥湾周缘、南大西洋两岸中段,近年来逐步向中- 北大西洋两岸、东非沿岸、北极等领域转移,未来被动陆缘油气勘探越来越走向远洋超深水、盐下、深层、极地等领域。  相似文献   

吉中西保安期地层分布在敦密断裂以北,认为是该区古华北大陆板块北部褶皱带中最下部层位,为一套火山—沉积岩系。从建造组合及岩石化学等方面均反映该期为拉张型被动大陆边缘。该被动陆缘大致有三个连续的演化过程。推测它是在元古早期泛大陆基础上,由裂谷作用和地壳拉伸减薄作用下形成的,属拉张型过渡壳。  相似文献   

吉中西保安期地层分布在敦密断裂以北,认为是该区古华北大陆板块北部褶皱带嘬下部层位,为一套火山-沉积岩系。从建造组合及岩石化学等方面均反映该期为拉张型被动大陆边级,该被动陆缘大致有三个连续的演化过程。推测它是在元古早期泛大陆基础上,由裂谷作用和地壳拉伸减薄作用下形成的,属拉张型过渡壳。  相似文献   

The results of focal mechanisms determination for the recent seismic activity (earthquakes of 1951, 1955, 1987, 1988, and 1998) in the passive continental margin of Egypt may shed some light on the local stress field in this area. Moreover, studying the source mechanism of these events provides an opportunity to understand the structural style of the passive margin of Egypt, as well as the tectonic setting beside its variation in space and time. This study reveals that there are two types of tectonic regimes which caused these mechanisms. The first is a tensional regime, represented by NW oblique (normal-dextral) faults and the second is a compressive one represented by E–W to ENE (reverse-sinstral) faults. These fault trends probably indicate rejuvenation of inherited E–W Mesozoic and NW Oligo-Miocene faults.  相似文献   

The continental margins of Atlantic Canada described in this paper show the effects of plate tectonic motions since Precambrian time and thus represent an ideal natural laboratory for geophysical studies and comparisons of ancient and modern margins. The Grenville Province shows vestiges of Helikian sedimentation on a pre-existing continental block beneath which there may have been southeastward late-Helikian subduction resulting in collision between the Grenville block and the continental block comprised of the older shield provinces to the north. The Grenville block was subsequently split in Hadrynian time along an irregular line so that the southeastern edge of the Grenville exhibited a series of promontories and re-entrants similar to those seen at the present Atlantic continental margin of North America. That margin, which had a passive margin history perhaps comparable with that of the present Atlantic margin, was separated by the lapetus ocean from the Avalon zone whose Precambrian volcanism has been attributed both to that associated with an island arc and with intra-cratonic rifting. However, the lapetus ocean appears to have been subducted in early Paleozoic time with a southeastward dip beneath the Avalon zone, leaving exposures of oceanic rocks in place as in Notre Dame Bay, or transported onto Grenville basement as at Bay of Islands.Plate motions proposed for Devonian and Carboniferous time are numerous, but resulted in the welding of the Meguma block to the Avalon zone of New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia, extensive faulting within Atlantic Canada which can be correlated with contemporaneous European faulting and extensive terrestrial sedimentation within the fault zones. Graben formation, continental sedimentation and basaltic intrusion in the Triassic represent the tensional prelude to the Jurassic opening of the present Atlantic Ocean.This Jurassic opening produced a rifted margin adjacent to Nova Scotia and a transform margin along the southern Grand Banks. The width of the ocean-continent transition across the transform margin (approx. 50 km) is narrower than for the rifted margin (approx. 100 km). The eastern part of the transform margin is associated with a complex Cretaceous (?) volcanic province of seamounts and basement ridges showing evidence of subsidence. The western portion of the transform margin is non-volcanic, adjacent to which lies the 350 km wide Quiet Magnetic Zone floored by oceanic crust.Development of the margin east of Newfoundland was more complicated with continental fragments separated from the shelf by deep water basins underlain by foundered and atypically thin continental crust. Although thin, the crust appears unmodified, the similarities between the crustal sections of the narrow Flemish Pass and the wide Orphan Basin suggesting that the thinning is not simply due to stretching. The Newfoundland Basin shows evidence for two-stage rifting between the Grand Banks and Iberia with both lateral separation and rotation of Spain, leaving a wide zone of transitional crust in the south. The overall pattern of variations in crustal section for the margin east of Newfoundland is comparable with that of the British margin against which it is located on paleogeographical reconstructions.The major sedimentary unconformities on the shelves (such as the Early Cretaceous unconformity on the Grand Banks) reflect uplift accompanying rifting. Tracing of the sedimentary horizons across the shelf edge is complicated by paleocontinental slopes, which separate miogeocline and eugeocline depositional environments. The subsidence of the rifted margins is primarily due to cooling of the lithosphere and to sediment loading. The subsidence due to cooling has been shown to vary linearly with (time) , similar to the depth—age behaviour of oceanic crust. The consequent thermal history of the sediments is favourable for hydrocarbon generation where other factors do not preclude it.  相似文献   

北美东部被动大陆边缘是世界上最古老的完整被动大陆边缘之一,是研究被动大陆边缘发育演化的天然实验室。本文在大量国外研究成果的基础上,应用盆地构造解析方法,深入研究了北美东部被动大陆边缘盆地群的地质结构和构造演化特征,并揭示了盆地群的油气地质规律。研究认为,北美东部盆地群沉积充填和不整合面发育具有明显的分段性和差异性。以区域不整合面为界,不同段盆地可划分为不同的构造层:南段盆地可划分为两套构造层;中段南部盆地可划分为3套构造层;中段北部盆地可划分为4套构造层;而北段盆地可划分为5套构造层。盆地群整体经历了陆内裂谷—陆间裂谷—被动大陆边缘的演化过程,但不同段盆地的构造演化具有明显的分段性和迁移性:晚三叠世沉降中心位于南段盆地;早侏罗世初期迁移至中段盆地,南段大陆开始裂解;中侏罗世逐渐迁移至北段盆地,中段大陆开始裂解;早白垩世晚期,北段大陆开始裂解。受持续的抬升剥蚀及大西洋岩浆活动省的联合作用,南段盆地和中段大多数盆地缺乏油气保存条件;斯科舍盆地和大浅滩盆地是主要的含油气盆地,以上侏罗统烃源岩为主,主要发育断层—背斜圈闭和盐体刺穿圈闭,整体表现为“自生自储”和“下生上储”的特征。  相似文献   

Multi-channel seismic reflection profiles across the southwest continental margin of India (SWCMI) show presence of westerly dipping seismic reflectors beneath sedimentary strata along the western flank of the Laccadive Ridge — northernmost part of the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge system. Velocity structure, seismic character, 2D gravity model and geographic locations of the dipping reflectors suggest that these reflectors are volcanic in origin, which are interpreted as Seaward Dipping Reflectors (SDRs).  相似文献   

王宏语  张峰  杨雄兵 《地学前缘》2021,28(2):362-375
被动大陆边缘深海扇是当今海洋深水油气勘探的热点.识别深海扇,明确其时空演变特征,总结关键地质因素对其发育的控制作用,对于建立深海扇成因与预测地质模型具有重要意义.本文通过地震与钻井资料综合解释,分析塞内加尔盆地北部次盆白垩纪被动大陆边缘时期的构造-沉积演化特征,识别深海扇体,并分析其岩性、形态与规模的演变特征;然后分析...  相似文献   

In this study, we used data recorded by two consecutive passive broadband deployments on the Gulf of Aden northern margin, Dhofar region, Sultanate of Oman. The objective of these deployments is to map the young eastern Gulf of Aden passive continental margin crust and upper mantle structure and rheology. In this study, we use shear-wave splitting analysis to map lateral variations of upper mantle anisotropy beneath the study area. In this study, we found splitting magnitudes to vary between 0.33 and 1.0 s delay times, averaging about 0.6 s for a total of 17 stations from both deployment periods. Results show distinct abrupt lateral anisotropy variation along the study area. Three anisotropy zones are identified: a western zone dominated by NW–SE anisotropy orientations, an eastern zone dominated with NE–SW anisotropy orientations, and central zone with mixed anisotropy orientations similar to the east and west zones. We interpret these shorter wavelength anisotropy zones to possibly represent fossil lithospheric mantle anisotropy. We postulate that the central anisotropy zone may be representing a Proterozoic suture zone that separates two terranes to the east and west of it. The anisotropy zones west and east were being used indicative of different terranes with different upper mantle anisotropy signatures.  相似文献   

以被动陆缘油气富集理论为指导,通过研究南大西洋和印度洋被动陆缘盆地油气地质条件,分析油气差异富集因素。研究结果表明:被动陆缘盆地主要发育3套含油气系统,其中印度洋地区主要发育克拉通陆内裂谷期含油气系统,裂陷期含油气系统,漂移期含油气系统。南大西洋地区主要发育裂陷期含油气系统,漂移早期含油气系统和漂移晚期含油气系统。根据不同油气成藏特征,总结为10类成藏模式,不同成藏模式发育背景和成藏主控因素各异。为被动陆缘盆地不同构造沉积演化阶段油气勘探方向提供研究基础,对相关或类似盆地勘探研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The SE-Brazil passive continental margin is characterized by tholeiitic magmatism that is particularly widespread in the marginal Campos basin, facing the inland flood basalts of the adjacent Paranà basin. Campos magmatism is represented by Early Cretaceous (EC; 134–122 Ma) flood basalts and minor Upper Cretaceous-Early Tertiary basalt flows and intrusives, which were emplaced in a basin with attenuated crustal thickness (20 km). Petrography, mineral chemistry, wholerock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotope composition emphasize that the EC-Campos basalts have suffered extensive seawater interaction which caused enrichment in MgO, FeO total, K2O, Rb and Ba, and depletion in SiO2 and CaO, while Zr, Nb, Y and REE remained virtually constant in samples with loss-on-ignition values less than 4 wt%. In general, Campos basalts have bulkrock chemistry similar to those of the inland Parana tholeiites (140–130 Ma) with relatively low concentrations of incompatible elements and TiO2 (<2 wt%). Batch-melting calculations suggest that Campos basalt genesis requires a garnet-peridotite source and variable degree of melting (9–25%) in order to explain the rare-earth-element (REE) patterns with chondrite normalised La/Yb(N) ratio ranging from 0.9–1.0 to 4.4–7.1. The Sr–Nd isotopic data for the slightly altered Campos basalts, of both Early Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous-Early Tertiary age, plot close to bulk earth, or in the enriched quadrant of the mantle array. Inter-element (La, Zr, Nb, Ba) ratios preclude for the Campos (and Paranà) basalt genesis any significant participation of N-type (Zr/Nb>16) MORB (mid-ocean-ridge basalt) mantle in simple binary mixing models. On the whole, the Early Cretaceous Campos basalts appear as an easterly, younger extension of the northern Paranà volcanism and probably erupted during early stages of the major riftingprocesses which caused continental thinning. It is notable that in the Campos marginal basin both the basalt magmatism contemporaneous with the continental break-up, as well as that which occurred after the S. America-Africa separation, appears substantially related to subcontinental lithosphere and a Dupal-like OIB (ocean-island basalt) (e.g. Tristan da Cunha) source components.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure in the Pindos mountain chain (Greece) and the detailed stratigraphic measurements in the area enable us to construct eight balanced cross sections across the Pindos Fold-and-thrust belt (PFTB) and to approach quantitatively some parameters which controlled foreland evolution. The 160-km-wide passive continental margin of the Apulian continent in Greece was progressively shortened from east to west at rates of 6 mm/year between the Early Oligocene and Late Eocene. From the rear to the frontal part of the wedge, fault-bend folds, duplexes and imbricates were formed, while strain was partitioned into faulting (~34%), layer parallel shortening (~23%) and buckling (~9%). Foreland subsidence and internal deformation of the orogenic wedge are strongly affected by two parameters of equal importance: the thrust load of the overthrusted microcontinents and the rigidity of the underthrusted Apulian passive margin. Changes in the thickness of the pre-orogenic sediments and reactivated transform faults induced salients. During the Lower Miocene, the orogenic wedge in the Peloponnese suffered additional uplift and westward gravitational gliding induced by the intracontinental subduction of the Palaeozoic rift zone of the Phyllite-Quartzite Series, which was reactivated and returned to the earths surface during the Hellenic orogeny.  相似文献   

王迎  李江海  章雨  杨梦莲  柳晨  徐海轩 《地质学报》2022,96(4):1182-1196
随着巴西和西非海上巨型油气田的不断发现,盐相关勘探技术进步和数据资料快速积累,深入开展南大西洋被动陆缘盆地下白垩统盐岩成因环境及盐构造变形机理的研究,对于基础地质理论发展及海洋油气勘探开发具有重要的现实意义.南大西洋两岸被动陆缘盆地下白垩统阿普特阶盐岩构造具有明显的分带性特征,显示了从伸展构造到挤压构造连续过渡特点.巴...  相似文献   

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