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岩体应力的现场研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
岩体力学不同于力学的其他分支的主要特点之一,是岩体具有内应力.因而,一切与岩体有关的力学问题的合理解决,脆性破裂理论的实际应用,都离不开对岩体应力状态的了解.  相似文献   

During deep rock mass excavation with the method of drill and blast, accompanying the secession of rock fragments and the formation of a new free surface, in situ stress on this boundary is suddenly released within several milliseconds, which is termed the transient release of in situ stress. In this process, enormous strain energy around the excavation face is instantly released in the form of kinetic energy and it inevitably induces microseismic events in surrounding rock masses. Thus, blasting excavation-induced microseismic vibrations in high-stress rock masses are attributed to the combined action of explosion and the transient release of in situ stress. The intensity of stress release-induced microseisms, which depends mainly on the magnitude of the in situ stress and the dimension of the excavation face, is comparable to that of explosion-induced vibrations. With the methods of time–energy density analysis, amplitude spectrum analysis, and finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter, microseismic vibrations induced by the transient release of in situ stress were identified and separated from recorded microseismic signals during a blast of deep rock masses in the Pubugou Hydropower Station. The results show that the low-frequency component in the microseismic records results mainly from the transient release of in situ stress, while the high-frequency component originates primarily from explosion. In addition, a numerical simulation was conducted to demonstrate the occurrence of microseismic events by the transient release of in situ stress, and the results seem to have confirmed fairly well the separated vibrations from microseismic records.  相似文献   

本文对现场变形流变试验的结果进行了有限元分析计算的验证。同时,根据推广的凯尔文(Kelvin)模型推导了流变方程,确定了有关流变参数。用本流变方程所模拟的曲线与试验曲线是比较吻合的。  相似文献   

Results of in situ deformation and creep testing were verified by FEM analysis in this paper. According to the extended Kelvin Body, a in situ creep equation has been derived. Some correspondent parameters were determined. This equation fits the testing rather well.  相似文献   

膨胀岩体中的湿度应力场理论   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
软岩工程中的岩体一般为膨胀岩体,受水作用后的应力应变场分析问题十分困难。本文提出了分析膨胀岩体受水作用的湿度应力场理论。重点讨论了建立湿度应力场理论的两大要素:膨胀岩石含水率变化对其力学性质的影响和岩体中湿度变化规律。并给出了湿度应力场理论的控制方程和用该理论分析了简单的平面轴对称问题。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种用于岩体爆炸测量的新型压电应力计--RS 型应力计.它利用压电晶体的压电效应直接测量应力。由于外壳采用爆炸现场测点处的岩芯材料制成,避开了应力测量中难以解决的匹配问题.实践表明:只要保证 RS 型应力计按规定工艺要求制作,并进行系统的标定和回填,对中硬和坚硬岩体中自由场和毛洞周边的爆炸应力测量是可行的。  相似文献   

A new type of stress piezometer, RS stress gage, is presented in this paper. This new type of stress gage make use of piezoelectricity of piezocrystal to measure dynamic stress and read the magnitude directly. To avoid the bad matching of the gage and rock mass in situ, the shell of the gage is made of rock core from in situ. It has been proved that the new stress gage can work well during the measuring of the stress of blast wave in rock mass as long as it was made fine, calibrated accurately, and inserted carefully.  相似文献   

Estimating Abrasivity of Rock by Laboratory and In Situ Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The degree to which a rock abrades another rock is called its “abrasivity”. Laboratory tests of abrasivity can be broadly divided into four kinds: drilling, rubbing, turning-operation and tumbling tests. The present study was initiated 30 years ago with the objective of investigating and developing methods for measuring rock abrasivity, and making some contribution towards understanding the relationships between the above test methods. Within the range of tests conducted, the turning-operation test turned out to be superior to the drilling test, albeit slightly, in terms of practicality. We have also conducted in situ tests using rock drills for the last 20 years. The results of those tests have been investigated and compared with the results of laboratory tests. There is a large degree of scatter in the data on gauge loss in button bits, which has obscured any correlations with laboratory data. Some correlations were found between height loss in button bits and laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Summary Regularities of memory effects in rock salt specimens under triaxial stress state were investigated. Each specimen was subjected to two loading cycles. The first cycle was axisymmetric triaxial compression (σ123). The second cycle was uniaxial compression in the direction of σ1 of the first cycle. Distinct acoustic emission (AE) and deformation memory effects were observed in the second cycle at the stress value equal to a linear combination of the first cycle principal stresses given by σ1− (k + 1) σ3, where k is about 0.5–0.6 for rock salt. Anomalies in deformation curves were found to be more reliable than the AE methods in distinguishing memory symptoms. The necessary pre-requisite for memory formation in the first cycle was that σ1 exceeded the elastic limit, corresponding to the given confining stress σ3. Inflections in uniaxial stress versus axial strain and lateral strain curves, in the second cycle, were observed at equal stress values if in the first cycle σ1 exceeded the elastic limit and memory-forming damage was induced. If there was no memory-forming damage, those inflections were seen at different stress values. This characteristic was used to distinguish between true memory effects and natural characteristic points in deformation curves derived from rock salt testing. A new memory symptom was established, namely a turn point in curve “uniaxial stress versus differential coefficient of lateral strains”. The results form a basis for application of the memory effects for stress measurement in rock salt masses.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional finite element model was created in this work to investigate the stress distribution within rock-like samples with offset open non-persistent joints under uniaxial loading. The results of this study have explained the fracture mechanisms observed in tests on rock-like material with open non-persistent offset joints (Mughieda and Alzo’ubi, Geotech Geol Eng J 22:545–562, 2004). Finite element code SAP2000 was used to study the stresses distribution within the specimens. Four-noded isoperimetric plain strain element with two degrees of freedom per node, and the three-noded constant strain triangular element with two degree of freedom per node were used in the present study. The results of the present study showed that the tensile stress in the bridge area caused coalescence for specimens with overlapped preexisting cracks (joints) while the coalescence of the secondary cracks, due to shear stress, caused the failure of specimens with non-overlapping cracks.  相似文献   

钻孔灌注桩悬臂支护结构和单层支点混合支护结构是常用的深基坑支护结构型式,钻孔灌注桩连拱式组合拱结构是一种新型的支护结构型式。通过对南京某大厦深基坑开挖过程中,桩身应力的实测研究和对比分析,获得了在相同的工程水文地质、施工和降水条件下,3种不同支护结构的受力主筋在不同深度的应力大小及其分布形态,为设计计算和钻孔灌注桩连拱式组合拱结构的推广应用积累了宝贵资料。  相似文献   

节理岩体中应力波传播规律研究的进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
讨论了位移不连续模型与特征值法结合的方法,对垂直于单一线性变形节理、多个平行线性变形节理、单一非线性变形节理,分别采用线性变形不连续模型、双曲线变形不连续模型(BB模型)进行的理论与相应的实验研究。用离散元程序UDEC,对上述问题进行数值模拟;用三维离散元程序3DEC,对节理岩体中三维波的传播进行的数值模拟。并用UDEC与有限差分程序AUTODYN-2D耦合,模拟爆炸过程及爆炸波在节理岩体中的传播。同时提出了几个有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

裂隙岩体渗流应力耦合研究综述   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
系统综述了裂隙岩体渗流应力耦合的研究情况。阐明了单裂隙面的各种经验公式、间接公式及其适用条件,分析了裂隙岩体渗流应力耦合模型优缺点及目前工程应用情况。  相似文献   

Extraction of diamond-drilled core from high stress environments can result in the core breaking into discs. Through four decades of research, a variety of computational tools and experimental approaches have been used to analyze the details of the failure processes leading to core-discing-type breakage of diamond-drilled cores. One motivation for this research is to use these calculations for stress estimation based on, for example, the disc length (i.e., thickness) measured in a particular core. This application requires that the core discs lengths do not deviate much from an average or typical value. This paper presents a stochastic approach, based on analyzis of the entire distribution of disc lengths, that provides a basis for application of existing core discing models even when it is unclear how to define a typical disc length, for example when the disc length distribution is highly non-Gaussian. The viability of the stochastic approach is demonstrated by comparison with data collected from 900 m of core extracted from a South Australian granite formation.  相似文献   

节理岩体损伤变量确定的分形方法   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
针对节理岩体损伤张量采用统计概率模型确定存在问题,首先建立了岩体结构分维与波速的关系方程,验证了采用分维数进行岩体质量评价的可行性,然后提出了采用室内岩块波速值与岩体结构分维确定节理岩体损伤变量的分形方法。  相似文献   

This paper provides a synopsis of the state of stress in the upper parts of the earth's crust based uponin situ rock stress determinations. Despite the large scatter of the data, two dominant trends can be detected in the variations of average horizontal stress with depth in various geological environments. Basement rocks in ancient shields and deformed rocks in fold belts usually show horizontal stresses larger than the theoretical overburden pressure. Sedimentary cover rocks and fissured massive rocks show horizontal stresses smaller than the overburden pressure. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum horizontal stress exhibits a clear stress anisotropy in most cases. Directions of maximum horizontal compression are fairly consistent in areas where sufficient measurements are available (North America and Fennoscandia), although in many instances they do not conform to any simple predicted stress pattern. Many factors complicate the interpretation ofin situ stress determinations. There is no simple relationship between the stress trajectories and the free surface. Topographic features and erosional processes may cause horizontal stress concentrations. Remanent stresses of great age can be superimposed on current tectonic stresses, while sometimes current stresses no longer coincide with the stress systems that caused observable faulting and folding. Observation of remanent stresses in ancient rocks shows that rocks in the upper crust have finite strength even under geological time intervals. From the viewpoint of global tectonics,in situ stress determinations ought to be used with great caution, and in conjunction with focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes. Although the state of stress is everywhere compressive, the fact that undeformed sedimentary cover rocks often show no excess horizontal stress would seem to indicate that no active global horizontal compression is required. Horizontal stresses larger than the overburden pressure in regions of intense palaeodeformation may be due to remanent stress effects and to the influence of the local structure. It is premature to advance any general statement on tectogenesis on the basis ofin situ stress determinations. More measurements, and a quantitative evaluation of the factors affecting them, are required before further progress can be made.  相似文献   

Tectonic activities are frequent in the Lhasa terrane because of the ongoing collision between the India and Eurasia plates. Knowledge of the stress state is critical to evaluate the crustal stability and the design of underground excavations. Because of the limitations imposed by natural conditions,little research has been performed on the present crustal in situ stress in the Tibetan Plateau,and further study is imperative. In this study,hydraulic fracturing measurements were conducted in Nyching County(LZX) and Lang County(LX),Lhasa terrane to characterize the shallow crustal stress state. The results indicate that the stress state in the LZX borehole is markedly different from that in the LX borehole,in both magnitude and orientation. At the same measurement depths,the magnitudes of horizontal principal stresses in the LX borehole are 1.5–3.0 times larger than those in the LZX borehole. The stress regime in the LX borehole favors reverse faulting characterized by SHShSv,where SH,Sh,and Sv are maximum horizontal,minimum horizontal,and vertical principal stresses,respectively. The SH and Sh values are approximately three and two times greater than Sv. Fracture impression results reveal that SH in the LX borehole are predominantly N–S,while in the LZX borehole the maximum horizontal principal stress is mainly in the NNE-direction. The heterogeneity of the regional stress state might be a result of the population and distribution of local structures and seismic activities. The stress state in the LX borehole has exceeded the critical state of failure equilibrium,and there is an optimally orientated pre-existing fault near the borehole. It can be concluded that the optimally orientated fault is likely to be active when the stress has built up sufficiently to destroy the frictional equilibrium; it is suggested that research focus should be placed on this in future. The stress states in boreholes LZX and LX indicate uniformity of the regional stress field and diversity of the local stress fields resulting from the interactions among regional dynamic forces,tectonic stress field,and geological structures.  相似文献   

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