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This is an experimental work on a local oolitic iron ore deposit. The objective was to determine the operating conditions of batch rod mill operations which yield maximum liberation of the oolites from the cementing gangue minerals. The recommended operating conditions were expressed as size of crushing rods, rods/ore mass ratio and time of operation. Also calculated is Bond's constant to be used for estimating the power requirements of large mills. Scaling up of the results could be done using Gow's formula.  相似文献   

The iron ore deposits of Cuadrilatero Ferrifero de San Isidro represent the largest iron ore reserves in Venezuela. The district is a part of the iron metallogenic province of northern Guayana, one of the richest iron-bearing regions of the world. All presently known iron ore deposits of Venezuela are situated within this province: Cerro Bolivar, Altamira, Rondon, San Isidro, María Luisa, El Pao and others. Their total ore reserves amount to 2,000 million tons (disregarding the unenriched or slightly enriched iron-formation). The Imataca belt to which the iron ore deposits are confined consists of metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks of Early Precambrian age, the oldest rocks presently known in South America. This belt extends some 450 km from the Orinoco delta southwesterly to the Cauro River. Iron ore is formed from banded iron-formation, a member of the Imataca complex, by removal of silica. The process of supergene enrichment is controlled to a certain degree by structural elements. There are five ore bodies in the San Isidro district, extremely varied in shape and size. Single bodies extend up to 3–4 km in length, approximately parallel to the regional structure pattern, and a few hundred meters in width. The morphology of the bottom of the ore bodies is rather irregular, particularly in transversal sections. Contacts between ore and the unaltered iron-formation beneath are gradational. Maximum vertical section through ore is 260 m; the average is 60 m approximately. The stratigraphic thickness of iron formation has been magnified by structural deformations. The primary stratigraphic thickness is estimated to be some 50–150 m. The iron ore is classified into two main types: a) hard, crustal ore, b) soft, friable ore. Hematite grains which remained after the leaching of silica, and goethite (as cement) are the two main constituents of crustal ore. Hematite and magnetite and a minor amount of quartz are almost the only constituents of friable ore. The crustal ore forms a 15–60 m thick mantle covering friable ore. The overall volume ratio between the friable and the crustal ore is about 2:1. However, it varies in different zones. The mean composition of iron ore on the basis of 10,800 chemical analyses is 64.41% Fe, 2.62% SiO2, 0.6% Al2O3. The ore contains a minor amount of Mn, P, Ti (no S, As, Ba). The ore reserves amount to 750 million tons; in addition, 180–300 million tons of possible ore reserves are estimated.
Zusammenfassung Die Eisenerzlagerstätten der Cuadrilatero Ferrifero de San Isidro beinhalten die größten Eisenerzreserven in Venezuela. Der Erzbezirk ist ein Teil der reichsten Eisenerzregionen der Welt. Alle bekannten Eisenerzvorkommen Venezuelas befinden sich in dieser Provinz (Cerro Bolivar, Altamira, Rondon, San Isidro, Maria Luisa, El Pao und andere). Die Gesamtvorräte werden auf etwa zwei Milliarden Tonnen geschätzt (ohne die nichtangereicherten oder nur wenig angereicherten Eisenquarzite). Die Imataca-Zone, an die die Eisenerzvorkommen angrenzen, besteht aus metamorphosierten sedimentären und magmatischen Gesteine des Archaikums, die ältesten bisher in Südamerika bekannten Gesteine. Die Imataca-Zone erstreckt sich ungefähr 450 km vom Delta des Orinoco in südwestlicher Richtung bis Rio Cauro. Die Eisenerze entstanden aus feingeschichteten (gebänderten) Eisenquarziten (Itabirite). Die Prozesse der deszendenten Anreicherung werden teilweise durch strukturelle Elemente bedingt. Fünf Erzkörper des San Isidro-Bezirks sind bekannt. Die Lagerstätten sind 3 bis 4 km lang und einige Hunderte Meter breit. Sie sind den regionalen Strukturen vorwiegend parallel gelagert. Die Morphologie der Erzkörperunterlage ist ziemlich unregelmäßig, besonders senkrecht zum Streichen. Der Kontakt zwischen dem Erz und den unterliegenden unveränderten Eisenquarziten ist stufenförmig. Das Erz ist durchschnittlich etwa 60 m mächtig, mit maximalen vertikalen Mächtigkeiten von 260 m. Die primäre stratigraphische Mächtigkeit des Eisenquarzites wurde durch strukturelle Deformationen vergrößert. Man kann die primäre Mächtigkeit auf 50–150 m schätzen. Das Eisenerz wird in zwei Typen klassifiziert: a) hartes Krustenerz, b) weiches, bröckeliges Erz. Die Hämatitkörner, die nach der Entfernung der Kieselsäure übrig blieben nebst Goethit (als Zement), sind die zwei wichtigsten Komponenten des Krustenerzes. Das weiche Erz enthält Hämatit, Magnetit und etwas Quarz. Das Krustenerz bildet eine 15–60 m mächtige Decke über dem bröckeligen, weichen Erz. Das Gesamtvolumenverhältnis zwischen dem weichen und harten Erz ist ungefähr 2:1. In anderen Zonen ist es jedoch unterschiedlich. Die durchschnittliche Zusammensetzung des Eisenerzes ist: Fe 64,41%, SiO2 2,62%, Al2O3 0,6%; das Erz enthält auch etwas Mn, P, Ti (kein S, As, Ba). Die Eisenerzvorräte wurden auf 750 Millionen Tonnen berechnet, wozu wahrscheinlich weitere 180–300 Millionen Tonnen kommen.

莲花山铁矿位于昌邑-安丘铁成矿带的中部,铁矿体赋存于古元古代粉子山群小宋组中。本文通过矿石地球化学特征及其与矽卡岩矿物组合和赋矿围岩结构特征的对比研究,证明了莲花山铁矿与条带状铁矿相似。莲花山铁矿矿石稀土元素含量较低,经页岩标准化的稀土元素配分模式呈现轻稀土元素亏损、重稀土元素富集的特征,具有明显的Eu、Y、La异常,为无明显Ce异常,Y/Ho比值反映了在其沉积时受到海水作用的影响,表明莲花山铁矿的稀土元素来源于火山热液和海水的混合溶液。微量元素中Ti、V、Co、Ni、Mn、Sr、Ba等含量较低,原始地幔标准化的微量元素配分曲线显示,U、La、Hf呈正异常,Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr呈负异常,SiO2/Al2O3、Ti/V、Ni/Co、和Sr/Ba的比值指示了莲花山铁矿成矿物质来源于火山物质的沉积。研究结果表明,莲花山铁矿成矿作用源于火山热液与海水的混合,成矿物质来自火山沉积物,其地质与地球化学特征与五台山铁矿一致,为火山沉积变质型铁矿床。  相似文献   

The Early Paleoproterozoic Monchegorsk Complex is exposed over an area of 550 km2 and comprises two layered mafite-ultramafite intrusions of different age: the Monchegorsk pluton of ultramafic and mafic rocks and the predominantly gabbroid Main Range Massif (also referred to as the Moncha-Chuna-Volch??i Tundras Massif), which are separated by a fault. Both massifs consists of intercalating cumulates (first of all, Ol ± Crt, Ol + Opx ± Crt, Opx, Opx + Pl ± Cpx, and Pl), they were produced by similar melts of siliceous high-Mg series but differ in the stratigraphy of their cumulates: while the Monchegorsk pluton is dominated by ultramafites, the Main Range Massif consists mostly of gabbroids, first of all, of gabbronorites. The complex is accompanied by PGE-Cu-Ni ore mineralization, low-sulfide Pt-Pd mineralization, and chromite mineralization. Judging from geological data and isotopic dates, the Monchegorsk Complex is a long-lived magmatic center, which evolved over a time span of 50 Myr at 2.50?C2.46 Ga. The Main Range Massif is younger and likely truncates the western continuation of the Monchegorsk pluton. The complex is spatially restricted to the zone of the Middle Paleoproterozoic regional Central Kola Fault and is now tectonic collage whose rocks were variably affected by overprinted metamorphism in the course of deformations. These processes most significantly affected rocks along the peripheries of the Monchegorsk pluton in the south. These rocks were completely transformed under greenschist-facies conditions but often preserved their primary textures and structures. The processes overprinted both the marginal portions of the pluton itself and the rocks of its second phase, which are accompanied by economic low-sulfide PGE deposits. The PGE-Cu-Ni ore mineralization of the Monchegorsk Complex is genetically related to two distinct evolutionary episodes with a quiescence period in between:
  1. The emplacement of large layered mafite-ultramafite intrusions at 2.5?C2.45 Ga. Economic deposits of sulfide Cu-Ni ores with subordinate PGE mineralization occur within the Monchegorsk pluton, and the moderate-grade low-sulfide PGE ores are related to its second evolutionary phase (in the foothills of Vuruchuaivench and in the Moroshkovoe Lake, and Southern Sopcha areas). The primary magmatic ore mineralization is predominantly Cu-Fe-Ni sulfide with PGE bismuthides-tellurides.
  2. The Monchegorsk Complex was involved in the zone of the Central Kola Fault at 2.0?C1.9 Ga and was broken in a collage of tectonic blocks. The rocks were sheared along the boundaries of the blocks and were affected by overprinted metamorphism, which proceeded under greenschist-facies conditions in the structures surrounding the Monchegorsk pluton in the south. Thereby the primary PGE-Cu-Ni ore mineralization underwent metamorphic processes was recrystallized with the formation of Pt-Pd arsenides, stannides, antimonides, selenides, etc. This processes was associated with the partial redistribution of PGE with their local accumulation (up to economic concentrations), and the orebodies themselves acquired diffuse outlines. In other words, the second episode was marked by the transformation of the older primary magmatic ore mineralization.

Geology of the Devonian black shales of the Appalachian Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black shales of Devonian age in the Appalachian Basin are a unique rock sequence. The high content of organic matter, which imparts the characteristic lithology, has for years attracted considerable interest in the shales as a possible source of energy. The recent energy shortage prompted the U.S. Department of Energy through the Eastern Gas Shales Project of the Morgantown Energy Technology Center to underwrite a research program to determine the geologic, geochemical, and structural characteristics of the Devonian black shales in order to enhance the recovery of gas from the shales. Geologic studies by Federal and State agencies and academic institutions produced a regional stratigraphic network that correlates the 15 ft black shale sequence in Tennessee with 3000 ft of interbedded black and gray shales in central New York. These studies correlate the classic Devonian black shale sequence in New York with the Ohio Shale of Ohio and Kentucky and the Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee and southwestern Virginia. Biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic markers in conjunction with gamma-ray logs facilitated long-range correlations within the Appalachian Basin. Basinwide correlations, including the subsurface rocks, provided a basis for determining the areal distribution and thickness of the important black shale units. The organic carbon content of the dark shales generally increases from east to west across the basin and is sufficient to qualify as a hydrocarbon source rock. Significant structural features that involve the black shale and their hydrocarbon potential are the Rome trough, Kentucky River and Irvine-Paint Creek fault zone, and regional decollements and ramp zones.  相似文献   

The Postmasburg Mn/Fe-ores occur exclusively in dolomitic Precambrian sinkhole structures with siliceous breccias and shales as hostrocks. The main manganese minerals are braunite and bixbyite, apart from secondary alteration products of the psilomelane-manganomelane family. Various generations of ore minerals could be identified. The ore mineralization is subdivided into three different genetic types. They are classified either as pure karst deposits or as combined formations of karst origin and shallow marine sedimentation due to the transgression of the Banded Iron Formation (BIF) sea. Post-sedimentary metamorphism is identified as very low grade. The development of the different ore types is illustrated schematically.  相似文献   

The Coniacian-Santonian high-phosphorus oolitic iron ore at Aswan area is one of the major iron ore deposits in Egypt. However, there are no reports on its geochemistry, which includes trace and rare earth elements evaluation. Texture, mineralogy and origin of phosphorus that represents the main impurity in these ore deposits have not been discussed in previous studies. In this investigation, iron ores from three localities were subjected to petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The Aswan oolitic iron ores consist of uniform size ooids with snowball-like texture and tangentially arranged laminae of hematite and chamosite. The ores also possess detrital quartz, apatite and fine-grained ferruginous chamosite groundmass. In addition to Fe2O3, the studied iron ores show relatively high contents of SiO2 and Al2O3 due to the abundance of quartz and chamosite. P2O5 ranges from 0.3 to 3.4 wt.% showing strong positive correlation with CaO and suggesting the occurrence of P mainly as apatite. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the occurrence of this apatite as hydroxyapatite. Under the optical microscope and scanning electron microscope, hydroxyapatite occurred as massive and structureless grains of undefined outlines and variable size (5–150 μm) inside the ooids and/or in the ferruginous groundmass. Among trace elements, V, Ba, Sr, Co, Zr, Y, Ni, Zn, and Cu occurred in relatively high concentrations (62–240 ppm) in comparison to other trace elements. Most of these trace elements exhibit positive correlations with SiO2, Al2O3, and TiO2 suggesting their occurrence in the detrital fraction which includes the clay minerals. ΣREE ranges between 129.5 and 617 ppm with strong positive correlations with P2O5 indicating the occurrence of REE in the apatite. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns showed LREE enrichment over HREE ((La/Yb)N = 2.3–5.4) and negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.75–0.89). The oolitic texture of the studied ores forms as direct precipitation of iron-rich minerals from sea water in open space near the sediment-water interface by accretion of FeO, SiO2, and Al2O3 around suspended solid particles such as quartz and parts of broken ooliths. The fairly uniform size of the ooids reflects sorting due to the current action. The geochemistry of major and trace elements in the ores reflects their hydrogenous origin. The oolitic iron ores of the Timsha Formation represent a transgressive phase of the Tethys into southern Egypt during the Coniacian-Santonian between the non-marine Turonian Abu Agag and Santonian-Campanian Um Barmil formations. The abundance of detrital quartz, positive correlations between trace elements and TiO2 and Al2O3, and the abundance mudstone intervals within the iron ores supports the detrital source of Fe. This prediction is due to the weathering of adjacent land masses from Cambrian to late Cretaceous. The texture of the apatite and the REE patterns, which occurs entirely in the apatite, exhibits a pattern similar to those in the granite, thus suggesting a detrital origin of the hydroxyapatite that was probably derived from the Precambrian igneous rocks. Determining the mode of occurrence and grain size of hydroxyapatite assists in the maximum utilization of both physical and biological separation of apatite from the Aswan iron ores, and hence encourages the use of these ores as raw materials in the iron making industry.  相似文献   

位于法国比利牛斯山的Trimouns矿床是世界上最大的滑石-绿泥石矿床之一。对该矿床形成的条件及滑石和绿泥石矿石的含量已较清楚。它是由不同类型的岩石通过热液交代蚀变而形成的,主要包括白云岩蚀变为滑石为主的矿石和硅铝质岩石(云母片岩和伟晶岩)蚀变为绿泥石为主的矿石。滑石矿石显示片理化结构(滑石片岩)或压实块状结构(块滑石)。由伟晶岩蚀变而来的绿泥石矿石为呈绿色的球状矿体,而由云母片岩蚀变而来的绿泥石矿石呈块状或片理状、颜色为灰绿色和深灰色。本文对欧洲这个独一无二的滑石和绿泥石矿床的地质特征和成因进行了总结和讨论。流体包裹体研究表明成矿流体为高盐度(20to30%eq.wt%NaCl)、中温(320℃)、压为为2.5kbars。磷钇矿和独居石的U—Ph定年结果表明,成矿年代为112—97Ma,成矿作用可能持续了16Ma以上。  相似文献   

The Radiore Cu-Zn massive sulfide deposit occurs in Archean metavolcanic rocks of the Abitibi greenstone belt in northwestern Quebec. The ore forms a stratiform lens between a massive rhyolite flow and a unit of mixed basaltic and intermediate flows. Intrusions of thick dykes of gabbro-diorite, quartz-diorite and granodiorite, and of the Bell River igneous complex, closely surround the ore lens. All the volcanic rocks, the quartz-diorite, grandiorite and the igneous complex are tholeiitic, whereas the gabbro-diorite is of calc-alkaline affinity. Sedimentary structures are prevalent in the ore, and heavily chloritized and biotitized rocks form a stratiform alteration zone mainly below the ore, indicating a distal-type deposit.Ore enrichment factors (wt % metal in ore/wt % metal in source rock) are calculated from analyses of ore and source rocks, assuming that seawater-derived brines leached ore materials from underlying rocks and precipitated them at the point of brine discharge onto the seafloor. Cd, Zn, Cu, Au and Ag are most highly enriched, followed by Bi, Pb, Sn, As and Co. Mo, W, V, Cr, Mn and Ni are not enriched at Radiore.  相似文献   

In Ordovician and Silurian sedimentary formations of the Murzuq basin (Saharan platform, Algeria), different remagnetization processes have been highlighted. These magnetic overprints totally replaced the primary magnetization. They are mainly due to chemical phenomena. Even in a site affected by contact metamorphism during Devonian, chemical changes, associated to the acquisition of the thermo-remanent overprint, were important, affecting the characteristics of the magnetite grains. In the remaining sites, remagnetizations of Cenozoic age have also a chemical origin and are carried by magnetite as well as by hematite. Contrary to what is generally deemed, these remagnetizations processes appeared limited to very short duration of acquisition, and to very local geographical extension.  相似文献   

Depositional sequences and paleogeographic evolution of the Miocene deposits have been studied in the Zibane zone (Saharan Atlas, Algeria) located at the north of the African platform. During the Miocene, this region corresponded to a fault-bounded collapse area and filled by diversified deposits, showing important lateral facies and thicknesses variations. The studied deposits are divided into five depositional sequences separated by major unconformities. These depositional sequences are well developed in the whole basin and testify a paleogeographic differentiation from E–W, induced by a set of NW-SE-trending old faults inherited from the Atlasic orogeny. The organization and the development of those sequences make it possible to correlate them better to the basin scale, which is integrated in a model of restricted platform intersected by NW-SE faults where the tectonic-sedimentation duality is predominant. These new data point to a paleogeographic evolution different from the one usually admitted environment for this region during Miocene time and plead in favour of a reconsideration of the depositional environments of the post-Burdigalian formations in the Zibane zone of the Algerian Atlasic domain.  相似文献   

The Bled el Mass, Azzel Matti, Ahnet and Mouydir areas are located in the northwest of the Touareg Shield (Central Sahara, Algeria). Within the Devonian sedimentary formations, nine oolitic ironstone occurrences of EXID type (Extensive Ironstone Deposition) are interbedded.Their mineralogical composition is characterized by four different paragenetic associations: P1 (Chamosite — magnetite — maghemite — goethite); P2 (chamosite — hematite — goethite — calcite); P3 (chamosite — hematitegoethite — quartz); and P4 (chamosite — hematite — goethite). Using textural analysis, four main ironstone facies are distinguished: FOD (ooliths scattered in a detrital groundmass); FOND (ooliths scattered in a non detrital groundmass); FOC (cemented ooliths) and FMC (microconglomeratic facies).Primarily developed in calm conditions by intrasedimentary processes within an iron-rich silicated mud, in lagoons or embayments, ooliths subsequently acquired a detrital character.The ironstone deposition seems to be induced by several pulses of sedimentation through the Devonian and is considered as indicator of sedimentary subcycles. Therefore, the oolitic ferriferous sediments indicate a cratonic sedimentation on the borders of a large epicontinental sea. The source of the iron could be a remote southern continent, probably the Pan-African mobile belt of Nigeria and the Congo Shield.The ironstones of the Central Sahara can be considered as an important branch of the North-African Oolitic Ironstone Belt, extending from Rio de Oro to Libya.
Zusammenfassung Die Gebiete des Bled el Mass, des Azzel Matti, des Ahnet und des Mouydir, liegen im Nordwesten des Touaregschildes (Zentral Sahara, Algerian). Neun eisenoolithische Horizonte sind hier in die devonischen Sedimente eingeschaltet. Ihr Mineralinhalt kann durch vier verschiedene Paragenesen charakterisiert werden:P1=Chamosit + Magnetit + Maghemit + Goethit; P2= Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit + Kalzit; P3=Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit + Quartz; P4=Chamosit + Hämatit + Goethit.Vier vererzte Fazies Typen treten auf: FOD: (die Ooide sind in einer detritischen Marix eingelagert); FOND: (die Ooide sind in einer nichtdetritischen Matrix eingelagert); FOC: (die Ooide sind verfestigt); FMC: microkonglomeratische Fazies.Die Ooide entwickeln sich in ruhigen Bedingungen, in Lagunen oder Meerbusen, durch die Bildung von Konkretionen im Sediment aus einem silikatischen und eisenreichen Schlamm; sie werden dann wie detritische Komponenten aufgenommen und transportiert.Die eisenoolitischen Ablagerungen scheinen durch mehrere Sedimentationsphasen während des Devons entstanden zu sein; so können sie als Zeichen von Sedimentmikrozyklen betrachtet werden. Diese oolitischen Sedimente sind charakteristisch für eine Kratonsedimentation am Rand eines breiten, epikontinentalen Meeres.Der Usprung des Eisens ist in einem südlichen Kontinent zu suchen, wahrscheinlich in dem mobilen panafrikanischen Gebirge von Nigeria, oder auf dem kongolesischen Schild.Diese Erze der Zentralsahara können als ein wichtiger Zweig des Eisengürtels betrachtet werden, der sich in Nordafrika von Rio de Oro bis Libyen erstreckt.

Résumé Les régions du Bled el Mass, de l'Azzel Matti, de l'Ahnet et du Mouydir sont situées au Nord-Ouest du Bouclier Touareg (Sahara Central, Algérie). Neuf niveaux de minerai de fer oolithique sont interstratifiés dans les formations sédimentaires du Dévonien.Quatre différentes paragenèses caractérisent la composition minéralogique de ces minerais. P1 (chamosite — magnétite — maghémite — goethite); P2 (chamosite — hématite — goethite — calcite); P3 (chamosite — hématite — goethite — quartz) et P4 (chamosite — hématite — goethite). Quatre facies minéralisés ont été en évidence: FOD (oolithes dispersées dans une matrice détrìtique); FOND (oolithes dispersées dans une matrice non détritique); FOC (oolithes cimentées) et FMC (faciès microconglomératique).Développées dans des conditions calmes par concrétionnement intrasédimentaire dans une boue silicatée riche en fer, dans des lagons ou des baies, les oolithes vont acquérir par la suite un comportement détritique.Les dépôts de minerai oolithique semblent avoir été induits par plusieurs pulsations sédimentaires durant le Dévonien et peuvent être ainsi considérés comme des marqueurs de microcycles sédimentaires.Ces sédiments oolithiques sont caractéristiques d'une sédimentation cratonique, sur les bords d'une mer épicontinentale étendue. La source du fer est à rechercher dans un continent situé au Sud, probablement dans la chaîne mobile Pan-Africaine du Nigeria et le Bouclier du Congo.Ces minerais de fer oolithiques du Sahara Central peuvent être considérés comme une branche importante de la ceinture ferrifère Nord africaine, qui s'étend du Rio de Oro à la Libye.

- ( , ) Bled el Mass, Azzel Mati, Ahnet Mouydir. 9 , . :1= — — — ë; 2 = — — ë — ; 3= — ë — ; 4= — — ë. 4 : DFOD — ; FOND — , ; FOC — ; FMC — . , , , ; . , . , . ., , , , , — , Rio de Oro .

The Caiziyan Middle and Upper Devonian boundary section is located approximately 30 km northeast of Guilin.It hosts relatively abundant benthic and common-rare pelagic fossils,including brachiopods,corals,tentaculites,and conodonts,which may serve as a better suitable section for pelagic and neritic stratigraphic correlation.In this section,10"standard"conodont zones are recognized across the Givetian-Frasnian boundary,including,in descending order,the Lower hassi Zone,punctata Zone,transitans Zone,the U...  相似文献   

正1研究目的(Objective)位于青海东昆仑东段的希望沟镁铁质—超镁铁质杂岩体是笔者项目团队近年来在都兰县察汗乌苏河地区进行矿产地质调查时发现的。岩性主要为辉长岩、橄榄辉长岩、辉石橄榄岩、橄榄二辉岩、辉石岩等,岩浆分异较好(图1a),镍铜矿化主要  相似文献   

Banded iron formations of the Iron Ore Group (Archean greenstone belts) of Jharkhand-Orissa region, India host a good number of large iron ore deposits (Fe wt %> 62). Iron ore mineralization of Gandhamardan hill is one of them where iron ores occur in two stratigraphic horizons. One is strictly confined within banded iron formation (stratabound mineralization) with irregular geometry, and show fracture filling and replacement vein-type mineralization along the fringes of hard massive ores of the core. This type of mineralization is exposed along the western slope of the hill. Hard massive and laminated ores dominate this mineralization. The other type occurs as low dipping sheet like body above banded iron formation and covered by laterites forming the top of the hill. Flaky ores dominate this mineralization with formation of hard goethitic crust near the top. Both the mineralizations contain mineralized banded iron formation corestones surrounded by hard massive or flaky iron ores. Hard massive ores are entirely represented by martite-microplaty hematite mineralogy. Hard laminated ores contain microplaty hematite and few martite grains representing early magnetites of the banded iron formation. Flaky ores are high porosity ores produced by leaching of silica, martite and microplaty hematite. Hard goethitic ores are developed due to replacement of martite and microplaty hematite or precipitation of goethite in the pore spaces.  相似文献   

<正> 云南曲靖早泥盆世翠峰山组自下而上依次被分为四段:西山村段、西屯段、桂家屯段和徐家冲段,各段连续沉积。西山村段和西屯段的脊椎动物化石最丰富,不仅种类多,数量大,而且保存也相当好,与翠峰山组另外两段相比,研究程度较高;两段被认为相当于欧  相似文献   

紫金山矿集区地质特征、矿床模型与勘查实践   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
张锦章 《矿床地质》2013,32(4):757-766
紫金山矿集区位于福建省上杭县城北约15 km处,是一个典型的与陆相火山活动有关的斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜钼金矿床成矿系统,分布于长14 km、宽4km范围中,已探明高硫化浅成中低温热液型特大型金、铜矿床各1处,低硫化热液型大型银多金属矿床2处,斑岩型铜钼矿床1处,中小型铜、金矿床3处.文章结合近年来在该矿集区找矿取得的重大进展,介绍了创新性地质找矿的实践经验:一是开展三维地质建模;二是开展蚀变矿物短波红外光谱测试和解译,建立蚀变找矿模型;三是注重物化探资料的应用和二次开发,建立物化探找矿模型;四是以大量真实的生产技术经济指标为基础,以资源利用最大化为原则,开展矿床动态评价,指导成矿预测,提高找矿效率.  相似文献   

The composition of ophiolites widespread in the southern Urals shows that they were formed in a suprasubduction setting. Low-Ti and high-Mg sheeted dikes and volcanic rocks vary from basalt to andesite, and many varieties belong to boninite series. The rocks of this type extend as a 600-km tract. The volcanic rocks contain chert interbeds with Emsian conodonts. Plagiogranites localized at the level of the sheeted dike complex and related to this complex genetically are dated at 400 Ma. The ophiolites make up a base of thick islandarc volcanic sequence. The composition of the igneous rocks and the parameters of their metamorphism indicate that subduction and ascent of a mantle plume participated in their formation. The nonstationary subduction at the intraoceanic convergent plate boundary developed, at least, from the Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

This paper reports first isotope–geochemical data on the Early Devonian magmatic rocks of the Chanchar potassic mafic volcanoplutonic complex of the Sakmara zone of the South Urals. The incompatible element distribution and ratios indicate that the rocks of the volcanic, subvolcanic, and intrusive facies are comagmatic and were derived from a common source. The low HFSE concentrations relative to MORB and relatively low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios suggest that primary melts were generated from a moderately depleted mantle. The LILE enrichment of the rocks indicates a flux of mantle fluid in the primary magma during its evolution.  相似文献   

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