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The No. 6 Coal-bed from the Heidaigou Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia is a super-large Ga deposit. The dominant carrier of Ga is boehmite in coal. The study of coal facies may provide genetic enrichment information of Ga and its carrier (boehmite) in the Ga deposit. On the basis of study on coal petrology and mineralogy, it was found that the No. 6 Coal-bed from the Heidaigou Mine of Jungar was enriched in inertinites and the microlitho-types were dominated by clarodurite. The maceral morphological features and association indicate that the coal-bed was formed in a dry sedimentary environment or in a periodic dry sedimentary environment caused by the alternating variations of groundwater level. The optimum conditions for the enrichment of Ga and its particular carrier (boehmite) were dominated by four transitional conditions (1) the upper delta plain which was the transitional zone between alluvial and lower delta plains, (2) the transitional zone between the dry and wet forest swamps, being slightly apt to the dry one, (3) the transitional tree density between the thick and loose ones, and (4) the low moor that was the transitional zone between two high moors during peat accumulation.  相似文献   


The No. 6 Coal-bed from the Heidaigou Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia is a super-large Ga deposit. The dominant carrier of Ga is boehmite in coal. The study of coal facies may provide genetic enrichment information of Ga and its carrier (boehmite) in the Ga deposit. On the basis of study on coal petrology and mineralogy, it was found that the No. 6 Coal-bed from the Heidaigou Mine of Jungar was enriched in inertinites and the microlitho-types were dominated by clarodurite. The maceral morphological features and association indicate that the coal-bed was formed in a dry sedimentary environment or in a periodic dry sedimentary environment caused by the alternating variations of groundwater level. The optimum conditions for the enrichment of Ga and its particular carrier (boehmite) were dominated by four transitional conditions: (1) the upper delta plain which was the transitional zone between alluvial and lower delta plains, (2) the transitional zone between the dry and wet forest swamps, being slightly apt to the dry one, (3) the transitional tree density between the thick and loose ones, and (4) the low moor that was the transitional zone between two high moors during peat accumulation.


A middle Paleozoic subduction-collision orogenic belt between the Siberian and North China Plates has been recognized in Xilinhot-the south of Sonid Left Banner-Erdaojing area, northern Inner Mongolia, China. It comprises five subunits: mélange belt, foreland deformation belt, molasse and littoral basin, are diorite series and syncollision granitoid series. Evolution history of the orogenic belt can be divided into subduction stage (500-400 Ma) and collision stage (400-320 Ma). The formation of the orogenic belt caused the convergence between the Siberian and North China Plates during the late Devonian. Suture zone corresponding to the mélange belt extends from Erdaojing, Qagan Ura to Honggor. Project supported by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

甚低频测量(VLF)、连续电导率成像(EH4)和激发极化法(IP)等高精度的地球物理探测技术在寻找隐伏矿的过程中发挥了重要作用,本文介绍了这些技术方法的原理、特点等,并结合具体的地质背景,阐述了这些方法结合在赵家围子银铅锌多金属矿床勘查中的应用,实践结果表明,赵家围子矿区深部存在明显的地球物理异常,异常强大、清晰,各种方法相互映证,展示了该矿床深部具有良好的成矿前景.  相似文献   

查干凹陷是中国内蒙古银根-额济纳旗盆地中最具有勘探潜力的凹陷.为了揭示其构造-热演化历史,本文利用35个磷灰石裂变径迹和119个镜质体反射率数据,采用耦合反演的方法恢复了查干凹陷白垩纪以来的热历史.结果显示查干凹陷白垩系具有高的古地温梯度,并且查干凹陷经历了地温梯度快速增加阶段(K1b-K1s),地温梯度高峰阶段(K1y),高地温延续阶段(K2w)和热沉降阶段(Cz)四个构造-热演化阶段.此外,基于热史恢复结果,正演获得查干凹陷高的古地温梯度有利于烃源岩成熟生烃,早白垩世的高古地温梯度控制着该地区的烃源岩有机质的热演化.本文的研究成果可以为下一步油气资源评价和勘探决策提供基础依据.  相似文献   

Major thrust sheet in the Daqing Shan Mountains Inner Mongolia, China   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Small thrust faults in the Daqing Shan that were previously mapped as separate structures belong to a single Mesozoic thrust, herein named the Daqing Shan thrust. It extends more than 155 km along the northern margin of the Daqing Shan, obliquely cutting the Daqing Shan along the western flank of the Jinluandian peak to the southeast and taking its way to Chayouzhongqi to the east. Kinematic markers indicate tectonic transport of the thrust sheet to the NNW. Minimum displacement, based on the observable outcrops, is 22 km, and the inferred thrusting distance may be larger than 35 km. The thrust sheet covers the whole eastern area of the Daqing Shan. The thrust truncates the E-W trending, somewhat older South-directed Panyanshan thrust and, therefore, the two faults are not as a result of counter thrusting. Such major intraplate tectonic deformation that occurred in the Inner Mongolia Axis or the Yin Shan latitudinal tectonic belt during late Jurassic time calls for deep thought on its tectonic significance in dynamics. It is most likely that the Daqing Shan thrust represents major intraplate shortening during Jurassic-Cretaceous closure of the Mongolo-Okhotsk ocean about 1000 krn away to the north. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Chlna (Grant No. 49070135) and by the Natlonal Science Foundation of the Unlted States (Grant No.EAR-9627909).  相似文献   

晋冀蒙交界地区主要断裂的现今活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大地水准测量资料分析了晋冀蒙交界地区13条主要断裂的现今活动状态,结果发现,凡是活动断裂带通过的地段,在形变剖面图上一般都出现转折或突变。断裂现今活动与继承性活动是一致的,但是运动速率不均匀,有时快,有时慢,有时甚至作反向运动;同一条断裂有的地段活动强,有的地段活动弱。在1983—1992年间,该地区活动最强,平均速率超过2mm/a的断裂是怀安盆地北缘断裂和怀涿盆地北缘断裂;活动较强,平均速率为1.0—1.9mm/a的有恒山北麓断裂、怀安盆地南缘断裂、太白山山前断裂、蔚—广盆地南缘断裂西段、延矾盆地北缘断裂、张家口断裂、五台山北麓断裂。活动较弱,速率小于1mm/a的有蔚—广盆地南缘断裂东段、恒山南麓断裂、六棱山北麓断裂、阳原盆地北缘断裂。  相似文献   

The Diyanqinamu Mo deposit, a newly discovered porphyry deposit in the northern-central part of the Great Xing'an Range, Inner Mongolia, China, is characterized by widely distributed fluorite. It is important to note that almost all the fluorite that is paragenetic with molybdenite is purple. The Tb/Ca–Tb/La ratios of these purple fluorite samples show that they have a hydrothermal origin.The unidirectional solidification texture at the apex of the aplitic granite and the low F contents in the andesite suggest that most of F in fluorite was derived from granitic melts. These observations suggest that the fluorite was related to the magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. All the fluorite separates have consistent total REE contents with LREE-depleted, HREE-enriched, negative Eu anomaly,unapparent Ce anomaly and positive Y anomaly. These characteristics are significantly different than those of country granite, andesite and tuff whole-rock. The positive Y anomaly of the fluorite separates implies that the hydrothermal fluids migrated a long distance, as suggested by the fact that the fluorite-molybdenite veins were mostly hosted in andesite and tuff, far from the Mo ore-forming granites. The features of LREE-depleted and HREE-enriched fluorite are due to the REE-complex in the F-enriched fluids during migration. The stronger negative Eu anomaly of fluorite than those of country rocks suggests that the Eu anomaly of the original hydrothermal fluid was enhanced by the high temperature(generally above 200 or250 °C). The widespread magnetite in the studied deposit indicates that the magmatic-hydrothermal fluid was oxidized at early stage. On the other hand, the pyrite was also paragenetic, with the molybdenite and unapparent Ce anomaly implying that the hydrothermal fluid probably experienced oxygen fugacity decreasing during migration,which is important for Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

内蒙古锡林郭勒盟盐湖浮游生物的群落特征   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
通过2003年9月-2004年1月的渔获物调查,并结合1984-2002年的鱼类产量统计资料,分析了近二十年来太湖鱼类产量和组成的变化规律以及环境间的相互作用关系.结果表明,太湖鱼类的种类在不断减少,如本次调查和2002年3月-2003年12月的调查只采集到48种鱼类,和历史资源料比较有55种鱼类难以采到;鱼类产量组成表现为仅鲚鱼的产量和组成比例总体呈较快的上升趋势,从1984年的5153.7t、占总产量的36.2%上升到2002年的19571t、64.1%,鲤、鲫鱼基本维持不变,但近四年略有上升,其余鱼类均呈下降趋势.用Wilhm改进式计算的鱼类产量组成的均匀度指数H总体呈逐年下降趋势,近二十年来平均以每年-0.0465的速率下降;分析认为,人类活动以及由此引起的太湖生态环境变化,包括江湖阻隔、过渡捕捞、富营养化及太湖特有的鱼类生态学特点决定了鱼类组成的这一变化趋势:江湖阻隔、过度捕捞是引起太湖鱼类种类减少和鱼类组成发生巨大变化的主要原因;太湖近二十年来富营养化程度不断加重,由此使初级生产力水平持续增长,浮游生物饵料丰富,使鲚鱼等浮游生物食性鱼类产量逐年提高;舶鱼数量的减少又使鲚鱼失去抑制.随着鲚鱼等浮游动物食性鱼类产量的升高,太湖浮游动物的生物量呈下降趋势,这可能是太湖浮游植物数量倍增的生物学因素之一.目前太湖鱼类产量组成的变化正向着抑制浮游动物和有利浮游植物生长的方向发展.  相似文献   


本文利用架设在内蒙古阿巴嘎地区38个宽频带地震台站记录到的远震数据,通过拟合P波接收函数径向Pms转换波到时和叠加不同方位切向分量,确定了地壳各向异性参数.结果表明,大部分台站Pms延迟时间在0.35 s左右;而少数台站时差较大,推测可能受到索伦缝合带附近地壳残留倾斜界面影响.各向异性快波方向变化范围在N95°E到N180°E之间,平均为N130.6°E±19.1°,推测中下地壳矿物在ENE-WSW向区域主压应力作用下发生晶格定向排列可能是导致地壳各向异性的主要成因.研究区壳幔变形特征和机制不同,属于解耦变形.


We present new Thellier-Thellier palaeointensity results from three cooling units (32 samples) of Inner Mongolia lava flows (91.7 Ma) emplaced during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS). Based on rock-magnetic and microscopy observations the magneto-mineralogy of all samples is determined to be primary and unaltered high-Ti titanomagnetite. Accepted palaeointensity determinations, obtained in the 80-200 °C temperature interval, are of good technical quality with positive standard partial thermoremanent magnetisation (pTRM) checks and pTRM-tail checks. Obtained palaeointensity estimates range from 14.7 to 28.0 μT, with virtual axial dipole moments (VADM) of 2.4 to 4.6 (× 1022 Am2). The data agree well with recently published results from the same region and, combining the two datasets, we obtain independent estimates from six different cooling units yielding a time-averaged VADM of 3.2 ± 1.6 (× 1022 Am2). These data suggest a relatively low dipole moment towards the end of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron.  相似文献   

2003年8月16日内蒙古巴林左旗MS5.9地震在大兴安岭地区显得较为突出,为该区有记载以来的最高震级地震,突破了以往我们对这一地区地震构造背景的认识.地震发生后,相关考察报告与研究文献对于其发震构造的认识存在分歧.本项研究基于对该地震相关的地震学资料的收集,结合震区及邻区的航卫片判读,通过野外地质地貌调查,发现了NW向水泉子沟-天山口断裂的存在.初步认定该断裂长度为60km,其中,该断裂西北段即水泉子沟-西山湾段的活动时代相对较薪,断错地层年代为距今498±49ka,断层泥ESR样品的测试年龄为距今325±32ka.综合此次地震的震源机制解、震害分布特征以及余震序列等研究结果,推断水泉子沟-西山湾段为该地震的发震断裂.  相似文献   

1.1 史料及烈度评定 有关内蒙古宁城西公元1290年地震的史料见于《元史·世祖记》: "[至元二十七年]八月癸巳, 地大震, 武平尤甚, 压死按察司官及总管府官王连等及民七千二百二十人, 坏仓库局四百八十间, 民居不可胜计".  相似文献   

This study focuses on the late Quaternary landscape evolution in the Chifeng region of Inner Mongolia, China, its relations to the history of the Pleistocene‐Holocene loess accumulation, erosion and redeposition, and their impact on human occupation. Based on 57 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of loess sediments, fluvial sand and floodplain deposits accumulated on the hill slopes and floodplains, we conclude that during most of the Pleistocene period the region was blanketed by a thick layer of aeolian loess, as well as by alluvial and fluvial deposits. The loess section is divided into two main units that are separated by unconformity. The OSL ages at the top of the lower reddish loess unit yielded an approximate age of 193 ka, roughly corresponding to the transition from MIS 7 to 6, though they could be older. The upper gray loess unit accumulated during the upper Pleistocene glacial phase (MIS 4–3) at a mean accumulation rate of 0·22 m/ka. Parallel to the loess accumulation on top of the hilly topography, active fans were operating during MIS 4–2 at the outlet of large gullies surrounding the major valley at a mean accumulation rate of 0·24 m/ka. This co‐accumulation indicates that gullies have been a long‐term geomorphic feature at the margins of the Gobi Desert since at least the middle Pleistocene. During the Holocene, the erosion of the Pleistocene loess on the hills led to the burial of the valley floors by the redeposited sediments at a rate that decreases from 3·2 m/ka near the hills to 1–0·4 m/ka1 in the central part of the Chifeng Valley. This rapid accumulation and the frequent shifts of the courses of the river prevented the construction of permanent settlements in the valley floors, a situation which changed only with improved man‐made control of the local rivers from the tenth century AD. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Louzidian ductile shear zone at the south of Chifeng strikes NE-SW and dips SE at low-medium- angles. This ductile shear zone is mainly composed of granitic mylonite, which grades structurally upward into a chloritized zone, a microbreccia zone, a brittle fault and a gouge zone. All these zones share similar planar attitudes, but contain different linear attitudes and kinematic indicators. Finite strain measurements were performed on feldspar porphyroclasts using the Fry method. These meas- urements yield Fulin indexes of 1.25―3.30, Lode's parameters of -0.535―-0.112 and strain parameters of 0.41―0.75 for the protomylonite, respectively. These data are plotted within the apparent constric- tional field in Fulin and Hossack diagrams. In contrast, for the mylonite, corresponding parameters are 0.99―1.43, -0.176―-0.004 and 0.63―0.82, respectively, and located in the apparent constrictional field close to the plane strain. The mean kinematic vorticity numbers of the protomylonite and mylonite by using three methods of polar Mohr circle, porphyroclast hyperbolic and oblique foliation, are in the range of 0.67―0.95, suggesting that the ductile shearing is accommodated by general shearing that is dominated by simple shear. Combination of the finite strain and kinematic vorticity indicates that shear type was lengthening shear and resulted in L-tectonite at the initial stage of deformation and the shear type gradually changed into lengthening-thinning shear and produced L-S-tectonite with the uplifting of the shear zone and accumulating of strain. These kinds of shear types only produce a/ab strain facies, so the lineation in the ductile shear zone could not deflect 90° in the progressively deformation.  相似文献   

查干凹陷大地热流   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
查干凹陷是银根—额济纳旗盆地最具勘探潜力的凹陷, 但是查干凹陷及整个银根—额济纳旗盆地的大地热流研究仍为空白, 严重制约该盆地的油气资源的评价. 本文通过测试19口井107块岩芯的岩石热导率和岩石热导率原位校正, 利用协和平均公式计算得到查干凹陷各地层的岩石热导率大小; 并利用9口井的温度数据, 结合岩石热导率数据对查干凹陷的地温梯度和大地热流进行了计算. 研究结果表明查干凹陷具有构造稳定区和构造活动区之间的中温型地温场特征, 其平均地温梯度和大地热流分别为33.6℃/km, 74.5 mW/m2. 本文的研究成果为查干凹陷及银根—额济纳旗盆地油气资源评价提供地热参数.  相似文献   

Changxing Shi 《水文研究》2016,30(2):232-244
Using hydrological and sediment data, this study investigated decadal trends in sediment erosion/deposition in the Inner Mongolia reach of the upper Yellow River. The calculated yearly sediment erosion/deposition show that the reach was dominated by aggradation, degradation, and aggradation successively in three periods with the years around 1961 and 1987 as break‐points. By constructing relations between water discharge and sediment load, the contributions of key factors to the changes in sediment erosion/deposition in the reach were quantified. Results show that the sediment retention behind the main stem dams, the increase of natural runoff, and the decrease of sediment inputs from tributaries and upstream watershed were the main factors causing the transition from aggradation during 1955–1961 to degradation during 1962–1987. The reduction of natural runoff, the decrease of sediment retention behind dams, and the rise of sediment supply from tributaries were the key causes of the reversal from degradation in 1962–1987 to aggradation in 1988–2003. Water diversion has played an important role in the long‐term aggradation of the Inner Mongolia reach. The main stem dams had functioned to alleviate siltation after 1961, but their effects on siltation reduction had been gradually diminishing since the 1990s. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

内蒙大青山山前活动断裂带西端左旋走滑现象   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
位于大青山山前断裂西端约10km的地段,18条冲沟不同程度地发生了左旋扭曲,扭曲量20~300m不等。冲工度与左旋扭曲量显示了较好的正比关系。从山前台地与冲沟的切割关系可以看到,这些上游长度1~5km及小于1km的冲沟形成在晚更新世末期及全新世以后,同时冲沟沟口河流冲洪积相砂砾石层直接与山边黄色亚砂土断层接触,断层下降盘地层年龄早于断层上升盘的地层年龄,显示了断层的走滑活动,由断错的地层年代估算,大青山山前活动断裂西端全新世左旋走滑速率达到5mm/a。此外,本文还讨论了了大青山山前活动断裂的演化机制。  相似文献   

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