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内蒙古中部太古代麻粒岩递增变质成因   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
刘喜山 《岩石学报》1996,12(2):287-298
由早元古代造山运动早期自北西向南东推覆作用引起并使之得以保存的太古代变质作用强度逆转的剖面出露在内蒙古中部的固阳-武川地区。变质镁铁质岩石中矿物组合的变化在低级区为阳起石+绿帘石+绿泥石→普通角闪石+钠长石→普通角闪石+斜长石→石榴石(或透辉石)+普通角闪石+斜长石→无色角闪岩+钠长石;在高级区为普通角闪石+斜长石→紫苏辉石+透辉石+斜长石→石榴石+透辉石(2)+石英。这些变化已被用来恢复太古代时期从低绿片岩相到麻粒岩相的递增变质序列及尔后经历的近等压冷却的退变质作用过程。高级区变质表壳岩与低级区绿岩带的岩石组合、岩石化学、岩石地球化学和变质作用演化序列的对比研究结果表明,两者属于太古代同一火山-沉积单位。其变质程度的不同起因于在经受区域性递增变质作用时,两者处在地壳的不同位置  相似文献   

Abstract The Hidaka metamorphic terrane in the Meguro-Shoya area, Hokkaido, Japan is divided into four progressive metamorphic zones: A—biotite zone; B—cordierite zone; C—cordierite–K-feldspar zone; and, D—sillimanite–K-feldspar zone of the andalusite–sillimanite facies series type of metamorphism. The metamorphic grade ranges from the higher temperature part of the greenschist facies (zone A) through the amphibolite facies (zones B and C) to the lower temperature part of the granulite facies (zone D). The zone boundaries intersect the bedding planes at high angles. P–T conditions estimated are 450–550°C and 2 kbar for zone A, 550–600°C and 2–2.5 kbar for zone B, 600–650°C and 2.5–3 kbar for zone C and 650–750°C and 3–4 kbar for zone D. The metapelites of zone D were partially melted.
At the later stage of the regional metamorphism which is early Oligocene to early Miocene in age, cordierite tonalite and biotite tonalite intrusives associated with segments of the highest grade rocks (zone D) were emplaced into the lower temperature part of the regional metamorphic rocks, giving rise to a contact metamorphic aureole. The thermally metamorphosed terrain (zone C') belongs to the amphibolite facies and its P–T conditions are estimated to have been 550–700°C and 2 kbar.
The P–T–t paths of the Hidaka metamorphism show a thickening–heating–uplifting process. The metamorphism is inferred to have taken place beneath an active island arc accompanied by partial melting of the crust.  相似文献   

Recent geological mapping and exploration drilling has identified widespread but poorly exposed komatiites in the southern part of the Sandstone greenstone belt, which represent the most significant occurrence of komatiites so far recognised in the north-central Yilgarn Craton. Despite serpentinisation and talc – carbonate alteration, relict olivine-cumulate and less common olivine-spinifex textures are preserved. Whole-rock geochemistry indicates the presence of aluminium-depleted and aluminium-undepleted komatiites, both of which are also found in the Forrestania greenstone belt of the south-central Yilgarn Craton.  相似文献   

Abstract Regional metamorphism in central Inner Mongolia has occurred during four different periods: the middle Proterozoic, the early Palaeozoic, the middle Palaeozoic and the late Palaeozoic tectonic cycles. The middle Proterozoic and late Palaeozoic metamorphic events are associated with rifting and are characterized by low-pressure facies series. The early Palaeozoic metamorphism occurred in two stages: (1) subduction zone metamorphism resulted in paired metamorphic belts in the Ondor Sum ophiolite and Bainaimiao island arc complex; and (2) orogenic metamorphism occurred during the collision of an island arc with the continent. Two types of middle Palaeozoic metamorphism are represented: (1) subduction zone metamorphism, which affected the melange; and (2) orogenic metamorphism that resulted from continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

Two contrasting styles of metamorphism are preserved in the central Southern Cross Province. An early, low‐grade and low‐strain event prevailed in the central parts of the Marda greenstone belt and was broadly synchronous with the first major folding event (D1) in the region. Mineral assemblages similar to those encountered in sea‐floor alteration are indicative of mostly prehnite‐pumpellyite facies conditions, but locally actinolite‐bearing assemblages suggest conditions up to mid‐greenschist facies. Geothermobarometry indicates that peak metamorphic conditions were of the order of 250–300°C at pressures below 180 MPa in the prehnite‐pumpellyite facies, but may have been as high as 400°C at 220 MPa in the greenschist facies. A later, higher grade, high‐strain metamorphic event was largely confined to the margins of the greenstone belts. Mineral assemblages and geothermobarometry suggest conditions from upper greenschist facies at P–T conditions of about 500°C and 220 MPa to upper amphibolite facies at 670°C and 400 MPa. Critical mineral reactions in metapelitic rocks suggest clockwise P–T paths. Metamorphism was diachronous across the metamorphic domains. Peak metamorphic conditions were reached relatively early in the low‐grade terrains, but outlasted most of the deformation in the higher grade terrains. Early metamorphism is interpreted to be a low‐strain, ocean‐floor‐style alteration event in a basin with high heat flow. In contrast, differential uplift of the granitoids and greenstones, with conductive heat input from the granitoids into the greenstones, is the preferred explanation for the distribution and timing of the high‐strain metamorphism in this region.  相似文献   

刘欢  霍海东 《华东地质》2022,43(4):514-526
桐柏造山带南北两侧的殷店—马垅剪切带和鸿仪河—桐柏剪切带是分割核部杂岩和高压变质岩石单元的两条重要界限带,通过对其详细的野外观察、显微构造分析、石英C轴组构EBSD(Electron Backscattered Diffraction)分析,发现这两条剪切带有统一的几何学、运动学特征,剪切运动学特征具有对称性,反映了二者可能是同一条剪切带,拥有近EW向伸展的运动特征。一体化的剪切带是一条覆盖于桐柏杂岩之上的拆离剪切带,总体表现为上盘NWW向运动,下部发育大量枢纽近EW向的鞘褶皱和压缩型应变的L型构造岩(L tectonites),剪切带内部则以压扁型应变为主发育大量的S-L构造岩(即糜棱岩系列岩石)。现今桐柏造山带内大量近EW向的线性构造可能源自于平行造山带伸展的构造活动。这种上盘NWW方向剪切拆离的地质特征在大别造山带广泛发育,反映了中国中东部的秦岭—桐柏—大别—苏鲁造山带在早白垩世可能发生过中—下地壳近EW向伸展的构造演化。  相似文献   

The Kalahari Goldridge Mine is located within the Archaean Kraaipan Greenstone Belt, about 60 km southwest of Mafikeng in the North West Province, South Africa. The ore body thickness varies from 15 to 45 m along a strike length of about 1.5 km within approximately N–S striking banded iron formation (BIF). The stratabound ore body is hosted primarily by BIF, which consists of alternating chert and magnetite–chlorite–stilpnomelane–sulphide–carbonate bands of millimetre- to centimetre scale. A footwall of sericite–carbonate–chlorite schist underlain by mafic amphibolite occurs to the west and carbonaceous metapelites in the hanging wall to the east. Overlying the hanging wall, carbonaceous metapelites, units of coarse-grained metagreywackes fining upwards, become increasingly conglomeratic up the stratigraphy. Small-scale isoclinal folds, brecciation, extension fractures and boudinage of cherty BIF units reflect brittle-ductile deformation. Fold axial planes have foliation, with subvertical plunges parallel to prominent rodding and mineral lineation in the footwall rocks. Gold mineralisation is associated with two generations of quartz–carbonate veins, dipping approximately 20° to 40° W. The first generation consists of ladder-vein sets (group IIA) preferentially developed in centimetre-scale Fe-rich mesobands, whereas the second generation consists of large quartz–carbonate veins (group IIB), which locally crosscut the entire ore body and extend into the footwall and hanging wall. The ore body is controlled by mesoscale isoclinal folds approximately 67° E, orthogonal to the plane of mineralised, gently dipping veins, defining the principal stretching direction and development of fluid-focussing conduits. The intersections of the mineralised veins and foliation planes of the host rock plunges approximately 08° to the north. Pervasive hydrothermal alteration is characterised by chloritisation, carbonatisation, sulphidation and K-metasomatism. Gold is closely associated with sulphides, mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite, and to a lesser extent, with bismuth tellurides and carbonate minerals. Mass balance transfer calculations indicate that hydrothermal alteration of BIF involved enrichment of Au, Ag, Bi, Te, S and CO2 (LOI), MgO, Ba, K and Rb, but significant depletion of SiO2 and, to a lesser extent, Fe2O3. Extensive replacement of magnetite and chlorite in BIF and other pelitic sedimentary rocks by sulphide and carbonate minerals, both on mesoscopic and microscopic scales, is evidence of interaction of CO2- and H2S-bearing fluids with the Fe-rich host rocks. The fineness of gold grains ranges from 823 to 921, similar to that of other epigenetic Archaean BIF-hosted gold deposits, worldwide.  相似文献   

Abstract P–T conditions, mineral isograds, the relation of the latter to foliation planes and kinematic indicators are used to elucidate the tectonic nature and evolution of a shear zone in an orogen exhumed from mid‐crustal depths in western Turkey. Furthermore, we discuss whether simple monometamorphic fabrics of rock units from different nappes result from one single orogeny or are related to different orogenies. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine and Selimiye nappes at the southern rim of the Anatolide belt of western Turkey record different metamorphic evolutions. The Eocene Selimiye shear zone separates both nappes. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine nappe underneath the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P–T conditions of about 7 kbar and >550 °C. Metasedimentary rocks from the overlying Selimiye nappe have maximum P–T conditions of 4 kbar and c. 525 °C near the base of the nappe. Kinematic indicators in both nappes are related to movement on the Selimiye shear zone and consistently show a top‐S shear sense. Metamorphic grade in the Selimiye nappe decreases structurally upwards as indicated by mineral isograds defining the garnet‐chlorite zone at the base, the chloritoid‐biotite zone and the biotite‐chlorite zone at the top of the nappe. The mineral isograds in the Selimiye nappe run parallel to the regional SR foliation, parallel the Selimiye shear zone and indicate that the Selimiye shear zone formed during this prograde greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphic event but remained active after the peak of metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar mica ages and the tectonometamorphic relationship with the Eocene Cyclades–Menderes thrust, which occurs above the Selimiye nappe in the study area, suggests an Eocene age of metamorphism in the Selimiye nappe. Metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe 20–30 km north of the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P–T conditions of 8–11 kbar and 600–650 °C. An age of about 550 Ma is indicated for amphibolite facies metamorphism and associated top‐N shear in the orthogneiss of the Çine nappe. Our study shows that simple monophase tectonometamorphic fabrics do not always indicate a simple orogenic development of a nappe stack. Preservation in some areas and complete overprinting of those fabrics in other areas apparently occur very heterogeneously.  相似文献   

山西五台山区甘泉一带呈层状夹于五台岩群中的变质砾岩,曾作为五台岩群划分为中、下亚群的重要标志.该变质砾岩层布丁状,沿着五台岩群大型复式向斜核部呈"之"字形断续出露,区域上呈一强变形带.砾岩胶结物为强烈糜棱岩化、构造片岩化的中基性火山熔岩.砾石成分为强烈塑性变形的五台岩群不同层位的滚圆度好、分选性差的复杂成分陆源物及构造、热液成因的假砾石.研究确认,在这套变质砾岩层的两侧分别存在以五台岩群不同层位为底界、以该砾岩为底砾岩的甘泉不整合和宽滩不整合,变质砾岩层分别切割所谓五台岩群下亚群和中亚群的地层.因此,甘泉变质砾岩为叠置于五台岩群之上的地层单元,不能作为五台岩群中、下亚群的界限标志,甘泉变质砾岩应从五台岩群剔除,归属于滹沱群四集庄组.  相似文献   

Analysis of 3.3 Ga tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) series granitoids and greenstone belt assemblages from the Bundelkhand craton in central India reveal that it is a typical Archaean craton. At least two greenstone complexes can be recognized in the Bundelkhand craton, namely the (i) Central Bundelkhand (Babina, Mauranipur belts) and (ii) Southern Bundelkhand (Girar, Madaura belts). The Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex contains three tectonostratigraphic assemblages: (1) metamorphosed basic or metabasic, high-Mg rocks; (2) banded iron formations (BIFs); and (3) felsic volcanics. The first two assemblages are regarded as representing an earlier sequence, which is in tectonic contact with the felsic volcanics. However, the contact between the BIFs and mafic volcanics is also evidently tectonic. Metabasic high-Mg rocks are represented by amphibolites and tremolite-actinolite schists in the Babina greenstone belt and are comparable in composition to tholeiitic basalts-basaltic andesites and komatiites. They are very similar to the metabasic high-Mg rocks of the Mauranipur greenstone belt. Felsic volcanics occur as fine-grained schists with phenocrysts of quartz, albite, and microcline. Felsic volcanics are classified as calc-alkaline dacites, less commonly rhyolites. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element distribution pattern is poorly fractionated (LaN/LuN = 11–16) with a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.68–0.85), being characteristic of volcanics formed in a subduction setting. On Rb – Y + Nb, Nb – Y, Rb – Ta + Yb and Ta – Yb discrimination diagrams, the compositions of the volcanics are also consistent with those of felsic rocks formed in subduction settings. SHRIMP-dating of zircon from the felsic volcanics of the Babina belt of the Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex, performed for the first time, has shown that they were erupted in Neoarchaean time (2542 ± 17 Ma). The early sequence of the Babina belt is correlatable with the rocks of the Mauranipur belt, whose age is tentatively estimated as Mesoarchaean. The Central Bundelkhand greenstone complex consists of two (Meso- and Neoarchaean) sequences, which were formed in subduction settings.  相似文献   

恒山绿岩带的构造特征—晚太古代大陆裂谷作用证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
恒山太古宙绿岩带呈断片或复式向形穿插于片麻岩基底内,绿岩带地层连续性较好,可以恢复出完整的沉积-火山地层序列。主要经历二期变形,早期逆冲褶皱变形和晚期右旋走滑变形。为绿帘角闪岩相-角闪岩相变质。构造恢复表明,绿岩带的形成明显晚于基底,并整合其上,且在其演化过程中对基底产生叠加影响,最合适的构造环境为大陆裂谷,在大陆裂谷闭合过程中。绿岩带及克拉通基底曾发生双向的逆冲作用,基底发生重新活动,并且受到开裂时形成的正断层的控制。当裂谷闭合到一定程度,由于受北部刚性基底的制约,横向挤压不再能调节压应力时,发生了右旋走滑变形,并使早先构造线向NEE-EW向偏转。恒山绿岩带对应于五台山区、太行山北段、灵丘南山等地的五台群,有力地证明绿岩带形成于太古代末期-早元古代陆内裂谷环境,代表华北克技通演化过程中的重要事件,标志着晚太古代华北克拉通已达到相当大的规模,并发生NE向的刚性破裂。  相似文献   

晚太古代Sanukite(赞岐岩)与地球早期演化   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9  
Shirey and Hanson(1984)将某些太古代的高镁闪长岩套称为sanukite(赞岐岩),类似于日本中新世(11~15Ma)Setouchi火山岩带的高镁安山岩。Sanukitoids由闪长岩-二长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩组成,不同于TTC岩套(奥长花岗岩-英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩)。Sanukitoids具有下列地球化学特征:富Mg,Mg~#>0.60,Ni和Cr>100μg/g,Sr和Ba>500μg/g,LREE富集(大于球粒陨石100倍),无Eu异常。高镁安山岩在太古代很少见,而其相应的侵入岩高镁闪长岩或sanukitoids,虽然数量也很少,但却是各地晚太古代地体中随处可见的。Sanukitoids的原始岩浆是交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的,随后可能经历了广泛的分离结晶作用。TTC和sanukitoids岩套可以相伴产出,二者均与板片熔融有关,TTG与其直接有关,sanukitoids可能与其间接有关。全球Sanukitoids主要集中在晚太古代时期,可能暗示板块的消减作用在~3.0Ga以后才起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract Mineral equilibria in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O provide a basis for mapping of four reaction isograds and one bathograd in the low-pressure transition from subgreenschist to greenschist facies. Most of the Matachewan area of the Abitibi greenstone belt is in the lower-pressure bathozone, as indicated by the widespread occurrences of the subassemblage Prh–Chl. The higher-pressure bathozone is indicated by two occurrences of Pmp–Act–Ep–Qtz, but in these samples the bathograd is displaced to anomalously low pressure by the high Fe content of the coexisting minerals. This illustrates the need to analyse coexisting minerals, calculate activities of end-member species, and compute P–T curves for individual samples before interpreting the isograd/bathograd pattern. Petrographic and microprobe analysis indicates that great care must be taken in the selection of ‘equilibrium’ assemblages. Pyroxene phenocrysts in one sample are replaced by the assemblage Pmp–Act–Ep–Chl–Qtz, whereas Prh–Act–Ep–Chl–Qtz occurs in the groundmass. Compositional variation may be more cryptic, as in a sample of metabasaltic hyaloclastite that contains two spatially distinct ‘univariant’ assemblages, Prh–Pmp–Ep–Chl–Qtz and Prh–Act–Ep–Chl–Qtz, within the devitrified matrix. Whereas chlorite compositions are similar in both assemblages, prehnite and epidote in the latter assemblage are significantly richer in Fe and poorer in Al. Accordingly, the rock is interpreted to contain two distinct ‘univariant’ assemblages, rather than one ‘invariant’ assemblage (Prh–Pmp–Act–Ep–Chl–Qtz). The displaced ‘univariant’ curves for this sample intersect at 2.2 kbar and 250°C. Taking account of all thermobarometric implications, the low-grade limit of the greenschist facies is at 250–270°C and 2–2.5 kbar, corresponding to depths of 7–8 km. Comparison of apparent P–T conditions on both sides of the Larder Lake – Cadillac break, a regional CO2-metasomatized fault zone that is spatially associated with many Archaean gold deposits, provides an upper limit of not more than c. 1 km for post-metamorphic south-side-up, dip-slip displacement.  相似文献   

The Yeoval porphyry copper prospect lies in a complex of dioritic rocks which form part of the eastern margin of the Yeoval Batholith in central‐western New South Wales. Rocks of the batholith are mainly granite and adamellite whose age is about 370 m.y. The diorite complex, (411 m.y.) is composed of rocks ranging from granodiorite to gabbro and pyroxenite.

Hydrothermal alteration of granodiorite in the Yeoval Mine area, 3.5 km north of Yeoval, is associated with disseminated and stockwork‐veinlet copper‐sulphide‐bearing zones. Alteration assemblages are similar to those described from some disseminated or porphyry copper/molybdenum deposits of southwestern USA.

The ubiquity of potassic zones in veinlet alteration envelopes and the poor development of sericitic and argillic zones suggest that the Yeoval prospect formed at or below the level of the Ajo deposit, Arizona, and the Los Loros deposit, Chile, which formed some 5 km below surface near the base of the ‘porphyry system’.

High Rb and Ba contents in the Yeoval diorites and their associated andesitic volcanics, and the presence of garnet‐bearing rhyodacite of similar age, imply that the Yeoval area was part of an Andean type of continental margin in the middle Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

新疆西南天山超高压变质带的形成与演化   总被引:34,自引:30,他引:34  
本文系统地总结了近年来有关新疆西南天山超高压变质带在野外地质产状、岩石学、矿物学、地球化学和年代学等方面研究取得的进展。根据野外地质产状特征,西南天山出露的榴辉岩可以分为三类:即在蓝片岩中呈透镜体的块状榴辉岩、保存有玄武岩岩枕的枕状榴辉岩和夹杂在大理岩中的条带状榴辉岩。详细的岩石学研究表明它们都经历过超高压变质作用,其变质作用演化经历了3个阶段:峰期榴辉岩阶段(560~600℃,4.95~5.07GPa)、主期榴辉岩阶段(598~496℃,25.72~26.66±1kbar)和退变绿帘石蓝片岩相阶段。地球化学研究显示其原岩相当于源于富集地幔的(ε_(Nd)-1.4~-0.4)具有 OIB 特点的变碱性玄武岩、源于亏损地幔的(ε_(Nd)= 6.7~ 7.4)具有 NMORB 特点的洋中脊玄武岩和源于较富集地幔的(ε_(Nd)=-2.5~ 3.2)具有 EMORB 特点的洋中脊玄武岩,它们形成于海山环境下的洋壳。榴辉岩中锆石 SHRIMP定年结果表明榴辉岩的原岩形成于石炭纪(>310Ma)之前,洋壳开始俯冲发生在二叠纪末(280~290Ma),高压一超高压变质发生在三叠纪(220~230Ma)。结合在其北侧低压麻粒岩带的发现,提出了新疆西南天山超高压变质带双变质带构造演化模式。  相似文献   

Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks including clinopyroxenite, wehrlite and websterite locally crop out in the Higashi‐akaishi peridotite of the Besshi region in the Cretaceous Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. These rock types occur within dunite as lenses, boudins or layers with a thickness ranging from a few centimetres to 1 metre. The wide and systematic variation of bulk‐rock composition and the overall layered structure imply that the ultramafic complex originated as a cumulate sequence. Garnet and other major silicates contain rare inclusions of edenitic amphibole, chlorite and magnetite, implying equilibrium at relatively low P–T conditions during prograde metamorphism. Orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet shows bell‐shaped Al zoning with a continuous decrease of Al from the core towards the rim, consistent with rims recording peak metamorphic conditions. Estimated P–T conditions using core and rim compositions of orthopyroxene are 1.5–2.4 GPa/700–800 °C and 2.9–3.8 GPa/700–810 °C, respectively, implying a high P/T gradient (> 3.1 GPa/100 °C) during prograde metamorphism. The presence of relatively low P–T conditions at an early stage of metamorphism and the steep P/T gradient together trace a concave upwards P–T path that shows increasing P/T with higher T, similar to P–T paths reported from other UHP metamorphic terranes. These results suggest either (1) down dragging of hydrated mantle cumulate parallel to the slab–wedge interface in the subduction zone by mechanical coupling with the subducting slab or (2) ocean floor metamorphism and/or serpentinization at early stage of subduction of oceanic lithosphere and ensuing HP–UHP prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

Pb isotope abundances are reported for six late-kinematic granitoid intrusives from the Quebec sector of the Abitibi greenstone belt. Leaching experiments on K-feldspar separates reveal the presence of radiogenic Pb, attributed to in situ decay of U and Th. Pb-Pb mineral isochrons were constructed with the K-feldspar data plus results obtained on the total-rock, sphene, apatite and other mineral phases; five localities show no evidence of post-emplacement disturbance and yield ages ranging from 2616 ± 19 to 2718 ± 12 Ma. These ages, which are corroborated by U-Pb dating of small populations of sphene, imply that the orogenic events in the Abitibi belt were terminated 2700–2710 Ma ago, and followed by a period of granitization which lasted for 80 to 100 Ma.The initial Pb isotope composition of the magmas shows that their source regions were isotopically heterogeneous; the time integrated 238U204Pb values for the source regions vary from 7.62 to 7.92 and the K-feldspar data indicate that similar heterogeneities were present at the scale of a single intrusion. The range of isotopic composition spans the compositional domain of the mantle, defined by sulfides associated with komatiites and some galenas, and that of the continental crust, defined by sulfides associated with Abitibi iron-formations. Consequently, the granitoid magmas are interpreted as partial melts of a continental crust comprising juvenile, mantle-derived rocks and non-negligible amounts of earlier formed sialic material. The Pb isotope data for the latter are consistent with the presence in the area of 3.0 to 3.4 Ga old sialic crust. The episode of crustal anatexis occurred as a consequence to the orogenic events which resulted in burial of altered supracrustal rocks rich in water and heat-producing elements.  相似文献   

坦桑尼亚克拉通西北部的苏库马绿岩带是坦桑尼亚环维多利亚湖绿岩带重要的金矿聚集区。区内金矿化类型以含金石英脉为主,矿体的产出主要受剪切构造带控制。通过研究区域构造特征和岩石地球化学特征,认为苏库马绿岩带中玄武岩为弧后环境形成,流纹岩和花岗岩形成于陆弧环境,N--S向挤压作用和E--W向伸展作用是区域内主要的构造展布特征。建立了含金石英脉的成矿模式,表明具有金矿化作用的石英脉集中分布在EW、SEE、NE向剪切构造破碎带中,含金石英脉富矿体的形成经历了多期构造变形和成矿流体的叠加、富集作用。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地北缘的东天山-北山造山带中发育多条近E-W走向的大型韧性剪切带,它们构成了造山带中不同地体单元的主要边界,是碰撞造山及造山后的产物。本文在野外调查基础上,通过微观/宏观构造、几何学/运动学/动力学/年代学相结合的研究、厘定了东天山北山造山带中的7条大型韧性剪切带,阐述了剪切带的延伸、规模、剪切变形特征、变形条件以及形成与演化时限。并讨论了这7条不同类型韧性剪切带的形成过程以及东天山和北山古生代造山过程中所起的重要作用。  相似文献   

The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.  相似文献   

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