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Trace element data from 59 Pliocene lignite cores from the lignite field in the Kosovo Basin, southern Serbia, show localized enrichment of Ni and Cr (33–304 ppm and 8–176 ppm, respectively, whole-coal basis). Concentrations of both elements decrease from the western and southern boundaries of the lignite field. Low-temperature ash and polished coal pellets of selected bench and whole-coal samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. These analyses show that most of the Ni and Cr are incorporated in detrital and, to a lesser degree, in authigenic minerals. The Ni- and Cr-bearing detrital minerals include oxides, chromites, serpentine-group minerals and rare mixed-layer clays. Possible authigenic minerals include Ni---Fe sulfates and sulfides. Analyses of three lignite samples by a supercritical fluid extraction technique indicate that some (1–11%) of the Ni is organically bound. Ni- and Cr-bearing oxides, mixed-layer clays, chromites and serpentine-group minerals were also identified in weathered and fresh samples of laterite developed on serpentinized Paleozoic peridotite at the nearby Glavica and ikatovo Ni mines. These mines are located along the western and northwestern rim, respectively, of the Kosovo Basin, where Ni contents are highest. The detrital Ni- and Cr-bearing minerals identified in lignite samples from the western part of the Kosovo Basin may have been transported into the paleoswamp by rivers that drained the two Paleocene laterites. Some Ni may have been transported directly into the paleoswamp in solution or, alternatively, Ni may have been leached from detrital minerals by acidic peat water and adsorbed onto organic matter and included into authigenic mineral phases. No minable source of Ni and Cr is known in the southern part of the lignite field; however, the mineral and chemical data from the lignite and associated rocks suggest that such a source area may exist.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of high-temperature coal ashes were used to establish the distribution, association and relationship between major inorganic elements such as Si, Al, Ti, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P, S and CO2 in a number of New South Wales economic coal seams and to study the composition and character of mineral matter in these coals. The methods used for the evaluation of the data were statistical analysis (univariate and bivariate), ratios, normative mineral composition and variation diagrams.The distribution of major and minor inorganic elements in coal appears to be related to the amount of mineral matter occurring in coal (determined as ash yield) and its mineralogical composition. The quantitative variations in levels of these elements can be classified as in-seam and inter-seam variations. In-seam variations are largely ash yield dependent, i.e. the levels of an element (wt.%) in coal increase along with the increase of its ash content (wt.%). The inter-seam variations are more complex and are related to both ash yield and to the mineralogical composition of mineral matter.The principal components of New South Wales coal ashes are silicon and aluminium. Silicon may be present as silica or combined with aluminium in different proportions to form clay minerals, such as kaolinite, illite, mixed-layer clay minerals, and smectite. Thus, the concentration levels of aluminium in relation to silicon in coal may give an indication about the character of clay minerals present in coal.Ratios and correlation coefficients of element pairs such as Al and Ti, Na and K, and Na and Al were used to determine differences in the chemical composition of high-temperature coal ashes of seams from various stratigraphic positions and provinces. In some seams the nature of associations of these elements is more significant than in others. This is interpreted as being a product of specific environmental conditions controlling the deposition of these seams.The nature of clay mineral content in coal is believed to be a major reason for chemical dissimilarities found between seams of various stratigraphic levels and geographic areas. For example, in some seams kaolinite, in others expandable clay minerals are dominant. The vertical distribution of these minerals has a stratigraphic significance. Within the Upper Permian Newcastle Coal Measures a trend from kaolinite-rich through to expandable minerals-rich and to kaolinite-rich assemblages can be observed from the bottom to the top. These changes are noticeably gradual.All significant variations in the clay mineral assemblages could relate to the long-term changes in the provenance of sedimentary material, weathering conditions in the source area and the rate of subsidence in the place of deposition. These changes are associated with major tectonic events controlling the history of sedimentation within the paralic Sydney and Gunnedah Basins during the Permian.  相似文献   

Chromium contents obtained from 20 coal and 5 associated rock samples collected from the basal part of the Eocene Chuckanut Formation, in Skagit and Whatcom counties, northwest Washington, range between 30 and 300 ppm (mean 120 ppm whole-coal basis). The lenticular coals, ranging in rank from subbituminous to anthracite, and with an ash content of 12–46%, crop out along the western flank of the Cascade Range. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis of low-temperature ash show that the mineral matter in the coal samples consists predominantly of quartz and clay (kaolinite, illite and chlorite group). However, accessory minerals, isolated from the coal samples and analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and optical methods, contain angular fragments and euhedral crystals of the spinel group (chromite, magnetite and trevorite ), kaolinite-serpentine group (antigorite and chrysotile), chlorite group, amphibole group and pyroxene group minerals (augite, diopside and enstatite), all of which are commonly enriched in chromium.Although associated primarily with the inorganic fraction of the coal, concentrations of chromium in the samples show no statistically significant correlation with ash content. Localized concentrations of chromium in the coal are the result of natural contamination from the alteration of detrital chromium-bearing mineral grains introduced into the peat-forming mires from nearby Jurassic ophiolite bodies. The coals formed in the early Eocene, in rapidly subsiding small basins that developed during the uplift and erosion of the pre-Tertiary ophiolite terrain. Scattered bodies of source rock, random distribution of chromium-bearing minerals within the coal and sample heterogeneity account for the variation in Cr contents of the samples.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing sediments and coal seams of the Karoo Basin, Southern Africa are described and discussed. The Karoo Basin is bounded on its southern margin by the Cape Fold Belt, onlaps onto the Kaapvaal Craton in the north and is classified as a foreland basin. Coal seams are present within the Early Permian Vryheid Formation and the Triassic Molteno Formation.The peats of the Vryheid Formation accumulated within swamps in a cool temperate climatic regime. Lower and upper delta plain, back-barrier and fluvial environments were associated with peat formation. Thick, laterally extensive coal seams have preferentially accumulated in fluvial environments. The coals are in general inertinite-rich and high in ash. However, increasing vitrinite and decreasing ash contents within seams occur from west to east across the coalfields. The Triassic Molteno coal seams accumulated with aerially restricted swamps in fluvial environments. These Molteno coals are thin, laterally impersistent, vitrinite-rich and shaly, and formed under a warm temperate climatic regime.Palaeoclimate, depositional systems, differential subsidence and basin tectonics influence to varying degrees, the maceral content, thickness and lateral extent of coal seams. However, the geographic position of peat-forming swamps within a foreland basin, coupled with basin tectonics and differential subsidence are envisaged as the primary controls on coal parameters. The Permian coals are situated in proximal positions on the passive margin of the foreland basin. Here, subsidence was limited which enhanced oxidation of organic matter and hence the formation of inertinitic coals. The coals in this tectonic setting are thick and laterally extensive. The Triassci coals are situated within the tectonically active foreland basin margin. Rapid subsidence and sedimentation rates occurred during peat formation which resulted in the preservation of thin, laterally impersistent, high ash, vitrinite-rich, shaly coals.  相似文献   

The clays and other minerals in a succession of Late Permian coals of high-volatile bituminous to semi-anthracite rank have been identified, using low-temperature oxygen plasma ashing and X-ray diffraction, and evaluated to identify the relative roles in mineral matter formation of detrital input, early diagenesis in the peat swamp and late diagenesis associated with rank advance. Although well-ordered kaolinite of probable early diagenetic origin is abundant throughout the succession, the uppermost and lowermost seams of the sequence, regardless of rank, contain relatively abundant illite and/or interstratified illite/smectite, along with a small but significant proportion of chlorite. These clays are thought to be essentially of detrital origin, washed or blown into the peat deposit in relative abundance during the establishment and subsequent overwhelming of an extensive and long-lived swampy environment. Quartz is also abundant in the lower seams of the sequence, especially close to the regional sediment source area. Illite is unusually abundant in the topmost seam in both high- and low-rank parts of the succession, and thus appears to represent detrital input from a particular source material. Although significant changes are reported in the clays of the associated strata due to rank advance, the principal effect of rank advance on the minerals in the coal itself appears to be the development of an ammonium illite, and possibly some additional fine-grained chlorite, in the semi-anthracite material. Isolation within the organic matter of the coal is thought to have inhibited access for ions such as K+, which might otherwise have become involved in metamorphic reactions and given rise to mineralogical changes commonly found in non-coal sedimentary successions.  相似文献   

The distribution of trace elements in the lower Eocene coal seam mined in the Yeniceltek, Kucukkohne and Ayridam coal mines from the Sorgun Basin was investigated in relation to ash content and maceral composition. The coal seam is mainly composed of huminite. In the present study, 35 samples from five seam sections were collected on the basis of megascopic characteristics. Results were determined using an energy dispersive polarised X-ray fluorescence (EDP-XRF) spectrometer on a whole-coal dry basis. Most of the major and trace elements studied are enriched in high-ash samples, while Ba, Br, Mn and W show relative enrichments in low-ash samples. Most of elements studied, such as Ga, Ce, La, Th, Nb, Rb, Zr, V, Cu, U, Pb, Sb, Cs, Sn, Cr, Se, Y and Zn, are primarily associated with mineral matter (clay minerals). Arsenic and a part of Zn, Se and Sb are probably concentrated in pyrites in the samples. Element concentrations show statistically significant negative correlations with many macerals and positive relationships with only attrinite that is mainly mixed with mineral matter (clay minerals and small quartz grains) in the samples. Nine trace elements (As, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Th and U), considered as potentially Hazardous Air Pollutants, are present in low to moderate concentrations. The mean values of trace element concentrations display relative enrichments in Se (2.8 ppm), Th (21 ppm) and W (26 ppm) in the investigated samples in comparison with other coals in the world.  相似文献   

Geochemistry and origin of elements in some UK coals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Twenty-four UK coals ranging in rank with 4.6%–37.6% volatile matter were analysed for 46 major and trace elements. The samples were obtained from the UK Coal Bank and are representative of the major UK coal fields. The major element distributions are interpreted in terms of the mineralogical variations—quartz and kaolinite are largely responsible for the Si and Al, carbonates for Ca and Mg and pyrite for Fe. Also exerting an influence in some samples are siderite, Al-phosphate minerals and illite. Based on statistical relationships with the major elements, Rb, Cr, Th, Ce, Zr, Y, Ga, La, Ta, Nb and V are thought to be mainly present in the clay minerals, and As, Mo, Sb, Tl, Se and Bi and Pb are probably present in pyrite. Strontium and Ba are concentrated in a restricted number of samples related to the phosphate minerals. Germanium is the only element for which a major organic association can be demonstrated. Elements with an indirect association with the organic matter are Na, Cl, and Br in porefluids and possibly Te. The ash content is controlled mainly by the detrital input and the trace elements related to the ash content are therefore those elements associated with the clay minerals. Variations with rank would appear to be mainly related to the moisture content (porefluids). The trace elements associated with the quartz and clay minerals are thought to be dominantly detrital in origin. The non-detrital elements, essentially those contained in pyrite, are thought to have been incorporated in the depositional environment from waters with enhanced salinities through seawater ingress, hence there are positive relationships between S and trace element concentrations.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of the high-volatile bituminous coals and associated strata from the Greta seam, Sydney Basin, Australia, has been evaluated in this study. Although the seam is not immediately overlain by marine strata, percolation of marine water into the original peat bed is indicated by the petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which resemble those of coals with marine roof strata. The upper and lower sections of the seam have contrasting mineralogy. Pyrite typically comprises 40 to 56 wt% of the mineral assemblage in the marine-influenced upper part of the seam section. The lower part contains much less pyrite (typically <5 wt%, organic-free basis), and also relatively abundant dawsonite (up to 14 wt%, organic-free basis). The minerals within most coal plies are largely of authigenic origin. These include pyrite, siderite, clay minerals (mainly kaolinite and Na-rich mixed-layer illite/smectite), and quartz, most of which have a relatively early, syngenetic origin. Minor Ti-bearing minerals, anatase or rutile, and phosphate minerals, fluorapatite and goyazite, were probably also formed during early diagenesis. Other minerals have features that indicate late-stage precipitation. These include abundant cleat- and fracture-filling dawsonite, which may be the result of reactions between earlier-precipitated kaolinite and Na2CO3- or NaHCO3-bearing fluids. Minor albite may also be epigenetic, possibly precipitated from the same Ca–Al bearing fluids that formed the dawsonite. The most abundant detrital minerals in the Greta coals are quartz, poorly ordered kaolinite, illite and mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S). These occur mainly in the floor, roof and other epiclastic horizons of the seam, reflecting periods of greater clastic influx into those parts of the original peat-forming environment. Detrital minerals are rare in the coals away from the epiclastic horizons, probably owing to almost complete sediment bypassing in the depositional system. Alternatively, any detrital minerals that were originally present may have been leached from the peat bed by diagenetic or post-diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

The mineral and inorganic chemical composition of five types of samples from the Pernik subbituminous coals and their products generated from the Pernik preparation plant were studied. They include feed coal, low-grade coal, high-grade coal, coal slime, and host rock. The mineral matter of the coals contains 44 species that belong mainly to silicates, carbonates, sulphates, sulphides, and oxides/hydroxides, and to a lesser extent, chlorides, biogenic minerals, and organic minerals. The detrital minerals are quartz, kaolinite, micas, feldspars, magnetite, cristobalite, spessartine, and amphibole. The authigenic minerals include various sulphides, silicates, oxihydroxides, sulphates, and carbonates. Several stages and substages of formation were identified during the syngenetic and epigenetic mineral precipitations of these coals. The authigenic minerals show the greatest diversity of mineral species as the epigenetic mineralization (mostly sulphides, carbonates, and sulphates) dominates qualitatively and quantitatively. The epigenetic mineralization was a result of complex processes occurring mostly during the late development of the Pernik basin. These processes indicate intensive tectonic, hydrothermal and volcanic activities accompanied by a change from fresh to marine sedimentation environment. Thermally altered organic matter due to some of the above processes was also identified in the basin. Most of the trace elements in the Pernik coals (Mo, Be, S, Zr, Y, Cl, Ba, Sc, Ga, Ag, V, P, Br, Ni, Co, Pb, Ca, and Ti) show an affinity to OM and phases intimately associated with OM. Some of the trace elements (Sr, Ti, Mn, Ba, Pb, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Ni, As, Ag, Yb, Sn, Ga, Ge, etc.) are impurities in authigenic and accessory minerals, while other trace elements (La, Ba, Cu, Ce, Sb, Bi, Zn, Pb, Cd, Nd, etc.) occur as discrete phases. Elements such as Sc, Be, Y, Ba, V, Zr, S, Mo, Ti, and Ga exceed Clarke concentrations in all of the coal types studied. It was also found that a number of elements in the Pernik coals (F, V, As, Pb, Mo, Li, Sr, Ti, Ga, Ni, Ge, Cr, Mn, etc.) reveal mobility in water and could have some environmental concerns.  相似文献   

Sulphide and carbonate minerals from nine bituminous coal seams of a Paralic Series were investigated by means of polished-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and absorption spectral analyses. In addition to syngenetic accumulations of kaolinite, illite and quartz, diagenetic veinlets of subhedral pyrite and marcasite most often occur in vitrinite clast fissures and in post-tectonic fissures, nests and lenses with fusinite. Epigenetic anhedral and subhedral grains of ankerite, dolomite, siderite and calcite are also frequently found in post-tectonic veins. Pyrite replaced some of the marcasite grains and it dominates in older coal seams in the Flora Beds as compared with the Grodziec Beds. Occasionally there are anhedral and subhedral galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite grains among coal macerals as well as cerussite among post-tectonic carbonate veins. They all represent the only minerals that are abundant in definite chalcophile elements (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn). In addition to the minerals just mentioned, the elements occurred in pyrite and ankerite grains, which contained inclusions of fusinite and other minerals (among others, clay and carbonate minerals in pyrite, pyrite in carbonates). Although there is a low content of minerals accumulating Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, the minerals significantly influence the average concentration of elements in the coal seams. In the Grodziec Beds, mineral matter, especially carbonates and sulphides, determines (>50%) the concentration of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in coal. The basic part of Cd, Co and Ni in the coal seams of the Grodziec Beds and of Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in coal seams of the Flora Beds originates from organic matter. These regularities can be important, from an ecological perspective, in stating whether the coals investigated are useful for combustion and in chemical processing.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the result of the detailed investigations carried out on the coal characteristics, including coal petrography and its geochemistry of the Pabedana region. A total of 16 samples were collected from four coal seams d2, d4, d5, and d6 of the Pabedana underground mine which is located in the central part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent. These samples were reduced to four samples through composite sampling of each seam and were analyzed for their petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical compositions. Proximate analysis data of the Pabedana coals indicate no major variations in the moisture, ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon contents in the coals of different seams. Based on sulfur content, the Pabedana coals may be classified as low-sulfur coals. The low-sulfur contents in the Pabedana coal and relatively low proportion of pyritic sulfur suggest a possible fresh water environment during the deposition of the peat of the Pabedana coal. X-ray diffraction and petrographic analyses indicate the presence of pyrite in coal samples. The Pabedana coals have been classified as a high volatile, bituminous coal in accordance with the vitrinite reflectance values (58.75–74.32 %) and other rank parameters (carbon, calorific value, and volatile matter content). The maceral analysis and reflectance study suggest that the coals in all the four seams are of good quality with low maceral matter association. Mineralogical investigations indicate that the inorganic fraction in the Pabedana coal samples is dominated by carbonates; thus, constituting the major inorganic fraction of the coal samples. Illite, kaolinite, muscovite, quartz, feldspar, apatite, and hematite occur as minor or trace phases. The variation in major elements content is relatively narrow between different coal seams. Elements Sc,, Zr, Ga, Ge, La, As, W, Ce, Sb, Nb, Th, Pb, Se, Tl, Bi, Hg, Re, Li, Zn, Mo, and Ba show varying negative correlation with ash yield. These elements possibly have an organic affinity and may be present as primary biological concentrations either with tissues in living condition and/or through sorption and formation of organometallic compounds.  相似文献   

To study the geochemical characteristics of 11 environmentally sensitive trace elements in the coals of the Permian Period from the Huainan coalfield, Anhui province, China, borehole samples of 336 coals, two partings, and four roof and floor mudstones were collected from mineable coal seams. Major elements and selected trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HAAS). The depositional environment, abundances, distribution, and modes of occurrence of trace elements were investigated. Results show that clay and carbonate minerals are the principal inorganic constituents in the coals. A lower deltaic plain, where fluvial channel systems developed successively, was the likely depositional environment of the Permian coals in the Huainan coalfield. All major elements have wider variation ranges than those of Chinese coals except for Mg and Fe. The contents of Cr, Co, Ni, and Se are higher than their averages for Chinese coals and world coals. Vertical variations of trace elements in different formations are not significant except for B and Ba. Certain roof and partings are distinctly higher in trace elements than underlying coal bench samples. The modes of occurrence of trace elements vary in different coal seams as a result of different coal-forming environments. Vanadium, Cr, and Th are associated with aluminosilicate minerals, Ba with carbonate minerals, and Cu, Zn, As, Se, and Pb mainly with sulfide minerals.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of major and trace elements have been investigated in two coal-bearing units in the Chonqing mining district (South China): the Late Permian and Late Triassic coals.The Late Permian coals have higher S contents than the Late Triassic coals due to the fixation of pyrite in marine-influenced coal-forming environments. The occurrence of pyrite accounts for the association of a large number of elements (Fe, S, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn) with sulphides, as deduced from the analysis of the density fractions. The marine influence is probably also responsible for the organic association of B. The REEs, Zr, Nb, and Hf, are enriched by a factor of 2–3 with respect to the highest levels fixed for the usual worldwide concentration ranges in coal for these elements. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher by a factor of 5–10 with respect to the Late Triassic coal. Furthermore, other elements, such as Cu, P, Th, U, V, and Y, are relatively enriched with respect to the common range values, with maximum values higher than the usual range or close to the maximum levels in coal. The content of these elements in the Late Permian coal is higher than the Late Triassic coal. These geochemical enrichments are the consequence of the occurrence, in relatively high levels, of phosphate minerals, such as apatite, xenotime, and monazite, as deduced from the study of the density fractions obtained from the bulk coal.The Late Triassic coal has a low sulphur content with a major organic affinity. The trace element contents are low when compared with worldwide ranges for coal. In this coal, the trace element distribution is governed by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, and to a lesser extent, by organic matter and sulphide minerals.Major differences found between late Permian and Triassic coals are probably related to the source rocks, given that the main source rock of the late Permian epicontinental marine basin is the Emeishan basalt formation, characterised by a high phosphate content.  相似文献   

杨建业 《地球学报》2007,28(3):277-282
运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和逐级化学提取技术(SCET)对贵州西部普安矿区晚二叠世煤中贵金属元素的含量、赋存状态和成因机理进行了研究.结果表明,贵州普安矿区2号主采煤层的矿物组成主要为低温热液流体成因的黄铁矿和陆源碎屑成因的粘土矿物;与中国煤煤相比,该煤中Rh(38 ng/g)、Pb(640 ng/g)、Ir(9 ng/g)、Pt(98 ng/g)、Au(16 ng/g)和Ag(1620 ng/g)明显富集,其中Pb、Ir、Au的含量分别是中国煤的4.3倍、9倍和5.3倍.逐级化学提取结果表  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMany environmental problems may arise during coal min-ing and utilization. Among these prob1ems, much attention hasbeen paid to S(), and NO. emission during coal combustion.But the environmental effects produced by hazardous elementsduring coal mining and utilization are also important and de-serve to be studied (Goodazi, 1995; Finkelman, 1993; Valk-ovic, l983). For example, when coal wastes are used for landreclamation, the harmful elements in them may pollute water,soil an…  相似文献   

淮北煤田二叠纪煤中稀土元素地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从淮北煤田二叠系10,7,5,4和3煤层中采集34个样品,采用等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)、中子活化(INNA)、等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)等方法对样品中主量元素和稀土元素进行了测试,利用X射线衍射等方法对煤中矿物质及其煤质参数进行了测定。在各种测试的基础上,全面分析了稀土元素含量特征、空间分布规律、地球化学参数和分布模式,探讨了淮北煤田二叠纪煤中稀土元素的主要来源及其在煤中的主要赋存方式。研究表明:与华北和国内外其他地区相比,本区煤层中稀土元素相对富集;产于石盒子组煤中的稀土元素含量高于山两组的,在同一煤层中自下而下稀土元素含量有增高趋势,在顶底板中可能出现富集。Ce呈正异常,Eu明显负异常,不同煤层稀土元素的分布模式相似,稀土元素和灰分具有较好的正相关,∑REE与灰分、灰分中的主要元素以及典型陆源灰分中的微量元素正相关,与反映海相的低灰组分相关性较差。结合煤中矿物质的X射线衍射结果,分析获知,淮北煤田二叠纪成煤环境基本不受海水影响,稀土元素主要由陆源供给,而且主要赋存在以高岭石、伊利石为主的粘土矿物中。  相似文献   

系统采集淮北卧龙湖煤矿岩浆蚀变煤层中岩浆岩、煤及顶底板岩石样品,测试分析了样品中汞、灰分、挥发分、水 分以及各形态硫的含量,探讨了岩浆蚀变煤层中汞的分布与赋存特征。结果表明:(1) 岩浆侵入导致煤中灰分升高,挥发 分降低,煤中硫主要以黄铁矿硫和有机硫存在;(2) 岩浆侵入导致煤中汞的富集,卧龙湖煤矿岩浆蚀变煤层中汞的平均含 量高达0.23×10-6,是华北石炭-二叠纪煤、中国煤以及美国煤中汞的平均含量的1.4 倍,1.2 倍和1.3 倍;(3) 煤中汞的含量 随离岩浆侵入体距离增大有逐渐降低的趋势,但在煤岩接触带附近,汞在岩浆侵入体上方和下方的煤中呈现不同的分布特 征;(4) 煤中的汞主要以无机结合态的形式存在,且大部分赋存在煤中的黄铁矿中,同时亦存在与有机硫结合的汞。岩浆 热液对煤层的侵入,导致煤质以及煤中汞的含量和赋存方式发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

The concentration, distribution and modes of occurrence of trace elements in thirty coals, four floors and two roofs from Northern China were studied. The samples were collected from the major coalfields of Shanxi Province, Shaanxi Province, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The concentrations of seventeen potential hazardous trace elements, including Hg, As, Se, Pb, Cd, Br, Ni, Cr, Co, Mo, Mn, Be, Sb, Th, V, U, Zn, and five major elements P, Na, Fe, Al, and Ca in coals were determined.Compared with average concentration of trace elements in Chinese coal, the coals from Northern China contain a higher concentration of Hg, Se, Cd, Mn, and Zn. They may be harmful to the environment in the process of combustion and utilization. Vertical variations of trace elements in three coal seams indicated the distributions of most elements in coal seam are heterogeneous. Based on statistical analyses, trace elements including Mo, Cr, Se, Th, Pb, Sb, V, Be and major elements including Al, P shows an affinity to ash content. In contrast, Br is generally associated with organic matter. Elements As, Ni, Be, Mo, and Fe appear to be associated with pyrite. The concentrations of trace elements weakly correlate either to coal rank or to maceral compositions.  相似文献   

Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite–smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C, which is consistent with (1) previous estimates based on fluid-inclusion homogenisation temperature analysis, (2) the burial depth of the sedimentary series deduced from the post-Palaeozoic geological history of the Sichuan Basin and (3) the new data (Tmax) obtained on organic matter indicating the transition between oil and gas windows. The Wangpo Bed, located close to the Guadalupian–Lopingian Boundary, is interpreted either as a volcanic acidic tuff or as a clastic horizon. This controversial origin probably results from mixed volcanogenic and detrital influences. The Wangpo Bed is therefore interpreted as a reworked bentonite as revealed by the occurrence of I/S similar to those found in tuff layers, together with preserved detrital kaolinite.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of the individual macerals in a suite of Australian coals has been determined in polished sections using light-element electron microprobe techniques. The analyses of the individual macerals in each coal were combined with data on maceral abundance to produce an inferred chemical composition for the organic matter of the respective whole-coal samples, and this was compared, for each sample, to the respective whole-coal ultimate analysis data, corrected to a dry, ash-free (daf) basis. Except for slightly lower values in some lower-rank coals, the inferred percentages of whole-coal C estimated from the microprobe data were found to be very close to the respective whole-coal C percentages as determined by conventional ultimate analysis. The proportion of O in the coals indicated by the microprobe study, however, appears to be as much as 2% higher than that derived from the ultimate analysis data, especially in the lower-rank coal samples. The difference it may represent errors in calculating the O percentages in ultimate analysis, errors in the microprobe analysis due to difficulties in calibration or measurement, or increased proportions of O in the coals due to factors such as take-up with storage of the polished sections. The percentages of whole-coal N calculated from the microprobe data are up to 0.5% (absolute) below the proportion of N determined directly by whole-coal ultimate analysis. This may reflect the inherent difficulty of dealing with a light element at low concentrations by the microprobe technique, or it may indicate that some of the N occurs in the coals in mineral form. The percentages of whole-coal (organic) S calculated from the microprobe study are close to the percentages of organic S determined for each sample by more conventional techniques. With the exception of (organic) O, which may be affected by other factors, and also possibly of N, the electron microprobe technique appears from the study to provide results that are consistent with ultimate analysis over a wide rank range.  相似文献   

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